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Barangay Budget Preparation Form No.4 [National Tax Alotment (NaTA) (Other Taxes - Cornmunity Tax ‘Subsidy from Other Local Government Units -City/Muniipaliy ‘Subsidy from Other Local Government Units -Other Funds. Clearance and Certification Fees Other Service Revenue ~ Registration Plates, Tags and Stickers Fees = Supervision and Regulaon Enforcement Fees = Processing Fees = Others Income inthe fulfilment of Csigation = Reversion of Account Payable and Due to Officers and Employees = Miscelaneous income (Regular) = Miscelaneous Income (Non Regular) ther Business income ~ Rent Income = IntorestIncorne - Fines and Penates-Business Income = Others TOTAL INCOME NET AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION. BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING, FY 2022 BARANGAY BEL-AIR City of Makati GENERAL FUND. 1205,417,19,.3 19,171,535.00 "261,422.60 4,000.00 284,700.00 43,130,173.00 2,278,090.00 36,500.00 10,400.00 19,720,682.25 6,492,957.86 '321/683.80 430,691.00 489,212.90 2,009,850.2 22372 95 640.00, 171,964,225.58 '10,288,032.00 23 ATA 11,311,600.90 1,399,200.00 6,700.00 5,400.00 REVIEWED BUDGET DEPARTMENT. AILEBA MrSORIANO _p- City Budget Officer Review Letter Dated:_sll. 15 1072 23,131,731.15 +0,288,032.00 50 583.22 000.00, 3,480,988.30 399,200.00 4,900.00, 18,177 490.4 1,789,785.75 10,500.90 203,860.55 600,281.53 1,206,168.78 12641231 REVIEWED BUDGET DEPARTMENT Barangay Budget Preparation Form No.1 BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING, FY 2022 BARANGAY BEL-AIR City of Makati AILEE] RIANO pr City Budget Officer GENERAL FUND Review Letter Dated: JUL 15 2022 2. Salaries and Wages Regular 5.01-01-010 2,775,804,00 2,914,168.00| _3,050,652.00, '. Salaries and Wages-Casual/Contractual 5-01-01-020 31,499,12893| 15,997,97558| — 28.677,95242| 44,615,92800| —_44,702,016.00, ©. Personal Economic Relief Alowance (PERA) 5-01-02-010 3.170,762.27 1,558,923.08 241,076.92 '4,200,000.00 | 4,128,000.00, 4. Clthing/Uniorm Allowance 5-01-02-020 106,000.00 - 1,050,000.00 1,050,000.00 1,032,000.00 €@. Productivity Incentive Allowance 5-01-02.040 683,500.00 . ‘980,000.00 ‘980,000.00 ‘960,000.00 1. Year End Bows 5-01-02-060 2,813,173.00 : 3,960,783.00 13,960,79300| 3,978,389.00, 9.Gash ont 711,778.70 - 980,000.00 ‘980,000.00 ‘960,000.00 hh. Other Bonuses end Allowances 10,492,069.15 6,110.69654 ezecsteo: | —12,380,61455| 13.568,937.84 |, PAG-IBIG Contribution +¥20,900.00 161,800.00, ‘384,600.00 “446,400.00 460,800.00 4. Phlheath Contribution 971,243.78 443,114.80 939,448.28 1,982,563.08 41,910,108.72 Terminal Leave Benefits 2,738,042.69 3,442,427 86 45,881.01 9,488,90887| 9.549,916.02 | Other Pereornel Benefits 5,209,649.00 ~ 5,967, 604.00 5,987604.00 5,902.115.00 ‘SUB - TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,902,444.53 | 28,943,790.08 | 62,822,050.68 | 61,765,799.50 | 04,203,992.68, ‘Barangay Budget Preparation Form No.1 BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING, FY 2022 GENERAL FUND BARANGAY BEL-AIR 16,323,745.00 1,025,033.24 7,427, 321.51 443,087 25 ‘8,800.00, siz02t 5 783,107.94 200,764.90 2,087,980 81 REVIEWED BUDGET DEPARTMENT ILE! RLANO _o» City Budget Officery Review Letter Dated:_JUL15 2022 9,050.00 16,000.00 90,000.00 1.124,750.00 41,424,750.00 385,000.00 1.245,92.99 1,988,419.64 2.923,108.68 '201°20000 "210,000.00 '174/000.00, 1.5701198,70 41,570,158.70 1.891.187 57 1e2g7a34 1000 00:00 2.400)000.00 14e1828240| — 15402,30034| 18.509,695.03 498,235.70 41,900,000.00 1,300,000.00 '5,402,649.49 7/500,000.00 | 14(000,000.00 50205010 52000 69.00 40400 5000.00 500000 5020500 290249057 943,098.40 esceoos'| 1,g00,00000) 800,000.00 50205000, ‘2689.04 441 55690 65,948.10 ‘907 500.00, ‘510,000.00, 5020500 1847076 “ 0,000.00, 40,000.00, 40,000.00 50207-2900 seovsiacs| — 1.459.00565| aez0.er45| 1007801000] 10711,250.00 50208010 120087020| 44070200} eas7ecz00| 1279500000 1220000000 5.0208-800 - Strecees| 2o«zra32| ‘ze6000000| "s.96000000 50200000 T9720 - 600,000.00 0090000] 60000000 3.020000 138,40205, 5275000 94725000 1,000000.00, ‘50000000, Sozooo 1 peeasa20 ziteoe| —eise0000| —teram0.00| — .sroe0000 50202050 "e.205.86, 654240 ‘4576.00 So000000| 60000000, 5.02.00060 398000 . 40000000 400,000.00 “e0.00000, 8 Repors and Maitanane - Otter Property, Pant and Eauipment 3.02.00860 49154000 : 480,000.00 480,000.00 100,000.00, lraxes, insurance Premiums and Other Fees **Fcety Sond Prema s0211-010 97,650.00 - 420,000.00 +120,00000 200.0000 2 insurance Expenecs 50211020 15400870 7743660 22,088.40 500,000.00 50000000, lother Maintenance and Operating Expenses * Tranaportaton ané Detwery Exenees 50299020 - 19200 290200 3.00000 3.00000 2 Renllease Bxoerses 50299000 ressoies| — soa941800| 1.7388140| 276880000 2.208 78000 4 Stosorion Expones 50298000 6.68200 432000 40.680 00 1500000 800009 4 Danstone 50298070 10.950.000 00 . zesooo.0| 268000000) —_.880.00000 5 OinerMaitenance and Operating Expenses 30290000 00208 95 zerso200) Sea0.14800| 52725000] 78880000 13 ANANGIAL EXPENSES - 5 Bank Cha 50901-000 10.00 sg0.00 -40.000.00 4000000 [ESS SUB-TOTAL WOOE AND FINANCIAL EXPENSES. G,7as, 463.48 | TASH 7B. | —— aoe. b4s.10 | ——7a732.220.66 | 004,420.28 | Ta TOTAL CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES (1.4 1.2 +1.) 31,648,907:90 23.aa | —19,012,002.74 25.10 | 174245,301.86 REVIEWED BUDGET DEPARTMENT ‘Barangay Budget Preparation Form No.1 BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND SOURCES OF FINANCING, FY 2022 BARANGAY BEL-AIR, City of Makati ity Budget ‘Officer Review Letter Dated JUL 15 1002 (GENERAL FUND 1-07-02-960 ‘2000,0000| 3,000,000.00] 91400,000.00, 2 Road Networks, $-07-05-010 : : . s 4 Other nrastucture Assets *07-03990 : : : 250,000.00 4 Other Structures 107-04-990 : : : 19600000 6 Machinery 4-07-05-010 : : 2 $500,000 00 55 Offen Ea 4-07-08-020 : 4,460.90000/ _+,4¢0.000.00 5324000 00, 6 leformaton and Communication Technelesy Equipment *07-05.090 : 400250000 4002.800.00 00,000.00 + Commaniaton Eauipment ‘07-08-040 : "220,000.00, "280,000.00 400,000.00 BC Heavy Eaioment $0708.09 : 5 {8 Mitary, Pole and Security Equipment 0708070 : 250,000.00 250,000.00 275,000.00 10 Technical and Scenic Eausment 407-08:000 : i : 90,000.00 1M Other Machinery ane Eauemert +-07-08-800 : 320,000.00, 390,000.00, 157/000 00, 12 Motor Vehicles 0706-010 : $300,000.00, 300,000.00, 364000 00, 13 Future ana Fores Voraraio : s S 00,000 00, 14 Other Property. Plant and Equipment 1-07-99-990 185,500.00. a 190,000.00 | 190,000.00 200,000.00 | ‘SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 76,187,984.00 = se 73:900,000.00 TOTAL CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES (1.4 + 2.0) | __148.836.891.98 43,486,023.44_ 422,894,502.74 | _ 166,380,526.18 | _188,205.961.86 | 3.0 SPECIAL PURPOSE APPROPRIATION (SPA) ‘2, Diseretonary Fund 50212010 aarogase0| — 1760,17578) _1.ge9s0071| —gosreas47] —_4,105348.88 3.5% Gender and Develooment (GAD) Fund zissiso950| — dgezsar50| —rezaz16250| 242450000 17,615,000 2.20% NaTA for Development Fund ‘3,776,008 29 - 21150320| 411550320 | 71888290 40 410% Sangguniang Kabatean Fund : zaige1.657.00| 2aa6i,65700| a5¢71 S207 ©. 5% Local isstor Risk Reduction Management Fund 2gs720319| soses7o00] — jo.st425850| — t1ea0isans0 | —12.806,905.33 £ Pereon wih Disabites (PWD) and Senior Ciizens Fund '386'580.00 : - - 9. 196 NATA for BCPC Fund 546,903.00 2 205,779.66, 20577966 sonaiase TOTAL SPECIAL PURPOSE APPROPRIATIONS (SPAs) 37,777, 908.69 (083.26 | ——55,418,360.57 | 67, 236,043.83 | 68,513,944.80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES i 7 BALANCE / DEFICIT ‘We hereby certty thatthe information presented above are true and correct. We further certiy thatthe foregoing estimated receipts are reasonably projected as colectible for the Budget Year Propared by: Approved by: Shekel "eal ey wean Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay

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