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Is your strict parenting style

affecting your child's social skills?

1. My Buddy
2. My Observations
3. Studies
I chose this inquiry questions because I
found it really interesting to
understand them huge impacts of
parenting styles on children. I wanted
to see if there were any differences in
characteristics and development of
children with stricter or more
protective parents.
My Buddy
Over this semester during our many visits with our baker drive
buddies we did a variety of crafts. We made kindness donuts,
mother's day bouquets, caterpillars, butterflies, Father's day wood
crafts and many more. Leana loved all of these crafts and rarely
struggles with the tasks. At the end of this year she told me in her
card that her favorite activity was the string jellyfish activity. She
even made me a rainbow loom jellyfish as a gift.

My buddy Leana wants to very involved in the process of making crafts and tends be a perfectionist
when it comes to cutting, gluing and color schemes. I’ve observed Leana to be much more independent
and competent that many of the other kids in the class, she is confident in her skills and choices and
can understand instructions very well and execute them correctly and how she had imagined them. I
find that Leana’s drive to execute things in an organized manner and as quickly as possible gives me
an intel on what kind of parenting style her parents use with her at home.

3 Observations
For one of our first activities we went outside and created our nature patterns, she seemed
to really enjoy the craft and loved collection the nature pieces. She made some comments
after saying that she really appreciates the outdoors and how her parents make her go on
a walk every day that the sun is out. Another activity was our Mother's Day flower bouquet
gift. Leana enjoys cutting the paper pieces and really enjoyed placing the flowers in good
spots so that we could see her writing. She is great at spelling and didn't need much help to
decide what to write for the statements on the flowers. She also love the jellyfish activity
as it included some tying and colouring, She incorporated her favorite colours into that
project and decided to braid the strings at the end.

She is very good at following instructions and prefers when the project turn out like the
reference photo or how she had planned or imagined it. She is eager to help and enjoys
doing most of the work, one thing she doesn’t enjoy doing or isn’t super comfortable with
would be reading out loud. So with this, children with shy or inhibited temperaments were
particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of authoritarian parenting, showing higher
levels of internalizing problems such as shyness and anxiety.
Parental Control and the Development of
Shyness from Preschool to Early School Age
This study examined the role of parental control in the
development of shyness in children. It found that children with
highly controlling parents were more likely to exhibit higher
levels of shyness. The study also highlighted that the use of
strict and controlling parenting practices may contribute to
the development and maintenance of shyness in children.

Authoritarian Parenting and Youth Depression:

Results from a National Study
A study done by the Journal of Youth and Adolescence in
2010, this study examined the relationship between
authoritarian parenting and youth depression. The results
showed that adolescents raised by authoritarian parents
were more likely to experience symptoms of depression
compared to those raised by authoritative parents.

Parenting Styles and Internalizing and Externalizing

Problems in Adolescents

This study investigated the relationship between parenting styles and

internalizing (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalizing (e.g., aggression,
delinquency) problems in adolescents. The findings indicated that
authoritarian parenting was positively associated with internalizing and
externalizing problems in adolescents.

What is Authoritarian parenting

This study explained that a number of child outcomes, including social
skills and academic achievement, have been linked to parenting
approaches. Children with authoritarian parents might: Display excessive
shyness or dread in front of others. Love is the foundation of success and
Correlation with my Buddy
Over this semester I’ve observed Leana to be much more independent and
competent that many of the other kids in the class, she is confident in her
skills and choices and can understand instructions very well and execute them
correctly and how she had imagined them.

Leana's need to complete tasks swiftly and orderly provides me with perspective
on the parenting approach her parents use with her at home, in my opinion.
After researching some studies, it was discovered that protective or
authoritarian parenting techniques frequently produce children that are
particularly self-disciplined, responsible, and independent—or children who
would exhibit these traits in their early infancy.

Leana typically gets sidetracked from her activity and wants to complete
things in a very precise scheduled order. Although this is a positive thing, she
appears to be the only child her age who successfully completes her assignment
in a calm, orderly manner. This is a good thing but at this age, after observing
her classmates she seems to be the only one who completes her task efficiently,
quietly and correct. This can be a huge sign for strict or overly protective
parents. According to MSU Education children who have authoritarian parents
can show major signs of low self-esteem, can be very shy, and socially inept. All
of which i can observe in Leana.

After observing Leana for some time, and researching parenting styles and the
effects they can have on a child, I can make some assumptions. I believe that
Leana has strict and protective parents because strict parents may
unintentionally create an environment where their love and approval are
depending upon the child's achievements and loyalty to rules. The child learns
that they are valued and loved when they perform flawlessly, which can fuel
their perfectionist tendencies as they seek constant validation and fear
disappointing their parents.

Beeson, L. (2020, October 1). Strict parenting may cause adolescents to act out. UGA
Today. (n.d.). What Is Authoritarian Parenting?

Verywell Mind. Retrieved June 20, 2023, from

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Zeltser, F. (2021). A psychologist shares the 4 styles of parenting—and the type that
researchers say is the most successful. CNBC.

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