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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9 - Second Quarter

The Sum and Product of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. describe the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a
quadratic equation
b. determine the sum and the product of the roots of a quadratic
equation; and
c. appreciate the sum and product of the roots of a quadratic equation


a. Topic : The Sum and Product of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
b. Reference: MATHEMATICS Learner’s Material 9 pp. 77-89; M9AL-Ic -2
c. Materials: Worksheets, manila paper and PowerPoint
d. Values Integration: Unity and teamwork

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

I. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Millares!
2. Prayer
Let’s all stand up for the prayer. (The students stand up and pray.)
3. Checking of Attendance
(The teacher checks the attendance.) Everybody is present today.
4. Review
Let’s do Addition and Multiplication!
Direction: Perform the indicated operation. (The students answer the activity.)
1. 7 + 15 = ? 1. 7 + 15 = 22
2. -9 + 14 = ? 2. -9 + 14 = 5
3. (-6) + (-17) = ? 3. (-6) + (-17) = -23
4. (-6) (-12) = ? 4. (-6) (-12) = 72
5. (-4) (7) = ? 5. (-4) (7) = -28

Good job!

How did you get the results? What methods (The students answer the question.)
and mathematical principles did you apply? - by applying the rules in adding and multiplying

II. Lesson Proper

A. Activity (Group)
Let’s divide the class into three groups.
Please count off 1 -3. Group yourselves
according to your number and each group
will be given a
Select a representative from your
respective group to come in front and get
your worksheets.
(The students follow the teacher’s instructions.)
You have 10 minutes to finish your task. You
may start now.

Group 1:
(The students start doing their task.)
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? x 2+ 7 x +12=0
a = ____ b = ____ c = ____
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic
equation using any method.
x 1 = ____ x 2 = ____
3. What is the sum of the roots?
4. What is the product of the roots?

Group 2:
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? 2 x 2−3 x−20=0
a = ____ b = ____ c = ____
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic
equation using any method.
x 1 = ____ x 2 = ____
3. What is the sum of the roots?
4. What is the product of the roots?

Group 3:
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? x 2+ 7 x +6=0
a = ____ b = ____ c = ____
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic
equation using any method.
x 1 = ____ x 2 = ____
3. What is the sum of the roots?
4. What is the product of the roots?
B. Analysis
The teacher gathers the work of the
students and checks if each group got the
correct answer.
(Group 1 representative presents their work.)
Let’s begin with group 1.
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? x 2+ 7 x +12=0?
a = 1 b = 7 c = 12
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic
equation using any method.
x 1 = -4 x 2 = -3
3. What is the sum of the roots?
x 1 + x 2 = (-4) + (-3) = -7
4. What is the product of the roots?
( x1 ) ( x2 ) = ( -4 ) ( -3 ) = 12

(Students clap their hands.)

Job well done Group 1. You got all
the correct answers.
Clap your hands for them.
(Group 2 representative presents their work.)
Group 2, you are next.
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? 2 x 2−3 x−20=0?
a = 2 b = -3 c = -20
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic equation
using any method.
x1 = - x2 = 4
3. What is the sum of the roots?
5 3
x1 + x2 = - + 4=
2 2
4. What is the product of the roots?
5 20
( x1 ) ( x2 ) = (- 2 ) ( 4 ) =- 2 =-10

(Students clap their hands.)

Job well done Group 2. You also got
all the answers right.
(Group 3 representative presents their work.)
Let’s proceed to the last group.
1. What are the values of a, b and c in this
equation? x 2−5 x+ 6=0?
a = 1 b = -5 c = 6
2. Determine the roots of the quadratic
equation using any method.
x1 = 2 x2 = 3

3. What is the sum of the roots?

x1 + x2 = 3 + 2 = 5

4. What is the product of the roots?

( x1 ) ( x2 ) = ( 3 ) (2) = 6

(Students clap their hands.)

Job well done Group 3. You’ve also got
all the correct answers.

Good work, class!

(Students clap their hands.)
I am so glad that each group got the
correct answers. It seems that you really
understood the lesson.
You all deserve a big round of applause!

C. Abstraction
(One student answers..)
From the activity you had a while ago,
what do you think is our topic for today? Our topic for today is about the sum and
product of the roots of a quadratic equation.
That is correct!

Let’s now discuss the sum and product

of the roots of a quadratic equation.

If a quadratic equation is given in

standard form, we can find the sum and
product of the roots using coefficient of x 2, x
and constant term.
(One student answers…)
What is the standard form of a
ax2 + bx + c  =  0
quadratic equation?

Very good!

Let us consider the standard form of a

quadratic equation,

ax2 + bx + c  =  0
(Here a, b and c are real and rational

Let x1 and x2 be the two zeros of the

above quadratic equation. Sum of roots ( x 1 + x 2)  = -b/a

Then, what do you think is the formula

to get the sum of the roots of a quadratic

You got it right! Product of roots ( x1 ) ( x2 )  = c/a

How about the formula in finding the

product of the roots of a quadratic

Very good job!

(The teacher gives some examples.)

D. Application
Use the values of a, b and c of each of
the following quadratic equations in
determining the sum and the product of its
roots. Verify your answers by obtaining the
(Two students come in front and solve the
roots of the equation.
problems on the board.)
1. x 2+ 4 x +3=0
Roots: _____ Sum: _____ Product: _____
2. 3 x 2−15 x+18=0
Roots: _____ Sum: _____ Product: _____
Yes, Ma’am!

(Students clap their hands.)

Are their answers correct?

Good work!
Complete the following table.
Quadratic Equation Sum of Roots Product of Roots
3 x −10 x−8=0
4 x2 +8 x +3=0

Direction: Find the sum and the product of the roots of a quadratic equation.
A rectangular lot in Balicaocao is to be used as a quarantine facility for
Patients Under Investigation (PUIs). It has an area of 450 m2 and a perimeter of
90 m. Find its dimensions. (Relate the measures to the sum and product of the
quadratic equation.)

Prepared by:
BSEd Mathematics

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