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Public Services Task 2a- The Muscular System Aims and Objectives You must understand and be able

e to name the major muscles used in a public service activity of your choice You must be able to describe the types of movement occurring at each joint You must be able to name the type of muscular contraction occurring You must understand how muscles work in antagonistic pairs You must have some knowledge of the three different types of muscle fibre (Slow oxidative, Fast oxidative glycolytic, fast glycolytic) and explain situations when they would be used in a the public services Pupils must show or use a demonstration of the movement How will the assessment take place? You will be asked to think of a movement regularly used in the public services, for example this could be jumping, a press up or walking up stairs You must be able to explain a situation when this type of movement would be used Each of you will be asked to demonstrate the movement and explain the factors described above You will then be asked any additional questions to test your knowledge or fill gaps from your demonstration Oh yeah, and youre being videoed for evidence to go in your folders!!!

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