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Courtyard Brand voice

graphic identity standards

1.0 Brand Voice & Strategy 3.0 Verbal Identity
1.0 Brand Positioning 3.1 Verbal Style
3.2 Short Form
2.0 Visual Identity
3.3 Long Form
2.1 Logo
3.4 The Tangibles
2.2 Color Palette
2.3 Typography Print Standards
2.4 Visual System 4.0 Stationery
2.5 Photography 5.0 On–property Materials
6.0 Print Collateral
7.0 Advertising
8.0 Direct Mail
9.0 Out of Home Advertising

Brand Voice Strategy 1.0 Brand Voice Strategy
The Courtyard by Marriott® brand identity standards are the source for 1.1 What Is Brand Voice?
all information required to support the strategy and positioning of the 1.2 Business Travel Redefined
brand in both its visual and verbal presentation. 1.3 The Target Guest: The Optimistic Achiever
1.4 Brand Principles
Every touch point is a chance to create an impression in the guest’s
1.5 The Tangibles
mind about what Courtyard represents. The standards are a tool
to support the brand strategy. They help ensure that every guest
experiences Courtyard as a distinctive brand.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Brand Voice Strategy | What Is Brand Voice? 1.1

What Is Brand Voice?

Brand Voice is more than just the company logo or And it’s in the intangibles as well. How Courtyard does
tagline. It’s the Courtyard personality. The soul of the what it does. How it humanizes itself. It’s a distinctive
brand. The message communicated to guests. What personality, giving the consumer an experience that
Courtyard promises to deliver and how it is delivered. communicates something larger about the brand and its
And it’s in everything Courtyard does — the visual values. It’s the attitude. The vibe. It’s the way Courtyard
and verbal expression of the brand’s unique position. operates, creating a deeper bond with the consumer and
What Courtyard stands for, what it strives to do for earning a little extra credit in the marketplace.
every customer.
To build a successful Brand Voice, each property must
It’s in the tangibles, the products and services. The excel at both the tangible and the intangible. Courtyard
physical evidence that the brand fulfills its promise to must speak and behave in the same style and manner at
guests. Proof that Courtyard offers the amenities that each point of contact. The more consistently the voice
help guests make the most of their time on the road. is communicated, the more consumers will be able to
identify what makes the Courtyard brand different and
better. And the stronger the Brand Voice will become.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Brand Voice Strategy | Business Travel Redefined 1.2

Business Travel Redefined

It’s a category Courtyard knows well. After all, Courtyard to business and a hotel that will help foster such an
invented the hotel for business travelers, designed and experience. Mobile, plugged in, multi-tasking. Less the
conceived by business travelers. With all the amenities nose-to-the-grindstone business person of the past,
and services to help guests make the most of their time more the fast-moving, individualistic business person of
on the road. the future. The person who wants to push away from the
desk, to work in other ways, in other places.
But over the years, business practices have changed
— and along with it, the business traveler. Different needs, Places with widespread wireless access. Open, inviting
different priorities, different desires. They no longer lobbies. And unexpected space, with ways to maximize
practice business as usual. productivity and keep ideas fresh. Guests must be
encouraged to explore the many new possibilities for
The rapid shifts in the way business is conducted — and
fulfilling work and leisure needs. Not by extending
the expectations of the people who conduct it — have put
the business tools they’re expecting, but by taking a
Courtyard in a place where it must realign with the very
fresh approach to business travel and inviting them to
position it created.
experience Business Unusual at Courtyard.
Courtyard is rebuilding itself around the new business
traveler, the guest who seeks a refreshing approach
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Brand Voice Strategy | The Target Guest: The Optimistic Achiever 1.3

the Target Guest:

The Optimistic Achiever
When guests are on the road, they have things to do. The Courtyard guest isn’t just a business person,
Meetings to attend, presentations to give, calls to make. they’re people on business. They want the freedom
But instead of viewing their travel obligation as daunting, to move around. To find a comfortable groove. To work
they feel excited and enthusiastic about the chance to the way they want to. They’re Optimistic Achievers
take a break from the normal day-to-day routine. looking to make the most of themselves and of their
lives on the road.
They see the opportunity in business travel. They take
the glass-half-full view. They see business travel as a way And Courtyard understands that because Courtyard
to break up the monotony of days in the office and at is an Optimistic Achiever, too. Courtyard wants to
home. To work outside. It’s a chance for them to have a answer and energize guests with a hotel experience that
little more space, literally and figuratively. extends beyond the room, allowing them to interact with
all aspects of the property. An experience that allows
They want to get their work done; they have things they
them to work in a different way, to be inspired and to
want to achieve. But that doesn’t mean they have to sit
take advantage of refreshing approaches to business.
behind desks in their rooms dutifully plowing away all
Courtyard brings Business Unusual to life by providing
day long. They have breaks in their day, downtime they
the means for thinking, working and living in a way that
want to make use of, one way or another.
is unique to Courtyard and to each guest’s needs.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Brand Voice Strategy | Brand Principles 1.4

Brand Principles
When talking about the Brand Voice, Courtyard is Target: Optimistic Achiever
talking about the brand’s personality, its reputation. Brand Voice Lens: Business Unusual
The Courtyard Brand principles are the strategic
Brand Positioning Statement
foundation of the brand and the Brand Voice.
Courtyard is designed for the frequent business
traveler who is driven by success, but enjoys the break
from routine that travel offers. Courtyard is the smart,
dynamic hotel that helps guests make the most of their
time on the road, so they can make the most
of themselves.

Brand Personality Traits

Smart: Showing an understanding of the
guest’s mindset.

Multidimensional: Acknowledging that the guest is a

person first, a business person second.

In-tune/In-touch: Exhibiting a clear understanding of

guest’s needs and goals while on business.

Grounded: Never promising what it can’t deliver.

Magnetic: Presenting a smile. Guests look forward to

discovering what’s new and different.

Open: Never pushing. The decision to act is the

guest’s. Courtyard merely makes suggestions.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Brand Voice Strategy | The Tangibles 1.5

The Tangibles
The tangibles are the products and services Courtyard Traditional Business Hotel
provides. The proof that the promises made to guests Video games for purchase in-room
are fulfilled. Through unique offerings, guests are Mini-bar snacks
invited, informed and engaged. They are better able to Plug-in Internet access in guest rooms
maximize productivity and make the most of their time
Business Unusual Hotel
on the road. Here are some of the tangible examples of
Books and games available in lobby
how Courtyard is transforming a business stay.
The Bistro restaurant meal offerings
Wireless connectivity in the public spaces
Visual identity 2.0 2.1 Logos 2.5 Photography Overview
The visual identity is critical to communicating the brand identity. 2.1.1 Logo Specifications 2.5.1 Business Unusual
The elements include logos, geometric shapes, organic shapes, color, 2.1.2 Logo Tag Line Lockup 2.5.2 Leisure Travel
typography and photography. These elements define the Courtyard 2.1.3 Logo Use 2.5.3 Interior
Brand Voice from a visual perspective. 2.1.4 Incorrect Logo Use 2.5.4 Exterior
2.5.5 Amenities
This section introduces the core visual identity elements and is a guide 2.2 Color Palette
2.5.6 Service
for using these elements to achieve a consistent look and feel across
2.3 Typography 2.5.7 Using Stock
customer touch points.
2.5.8 Shooting New
2.3.1 Typography Use
2.5.9 Incorrect Use
2.3.2 Headline & Logo Placement
2.5.10 Image Rights
2.4 Visual System
2.4.1 Geometric Shape Use
2.4.2 Organic Shape Use
2.4.3 Organic Shape Grid
2.4.4 Organic Shape Use: Overlay
2.4.5 Organic Shape Use: Photography
2.4.6 Organic Ribbon
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Logos 2.1

The out-of-cartouche logo is the standard brand logo
for all marketing applications. Trees

• Online Registration symbol

• Print & Broadcast Advertising Courtyard word mark

• Stationery
Marriott word mark
• On-Property
• Sales Collateral
• Property and Regional Direct Mail
• Premium & Promotional Items
• Out of Home Advertising

• The Courtyard brand elements are always used in

their entirety.
• The relationship between the word marks and trees
should never be altered.

Note: Always use approved artwork when reproducing

the Courtyard logo.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Logo Specifications 2.1.1

Logo Specifications 2x 2x

A specific area of non-interference, or clear space,

and minimum size requirements have been established
to protect the Courtyard identity. Adhering to these 0.375"/9.525mm/27 pixels at 72 dpi
clear space, height and minimum size requirements will
ensure the Courtyard identity is always used
consistently and correctly. Minimum size
For high visibility and an uncluttered presentation, a
specific area of non-interference must be maintained
around the Courtyard logo. Determine the minimum 2x

amount of clear space for the Courtyard logo by

measuring the height of the C in the Courtyard word
mark (x). An area equal to two times this height
(2x in the diagram) should be kept clear on all sides
of the logo.

It is important that all parts of the logo can be easily

read in every application. For this reason, the logo
is not reproduced where the Marriott logo measures
smaller than 0.375". There are no maximum size
restrictions as long as the clear space requirements
are met.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Logo Tagline Lockup 2.1.2

Logo Tag line Lockup 2x 2x

A specific relationship between the logo and brand tag

line has been created when the two elements are used
together. Adhering to these clear space, height and 0.375"/9.525mm/27 pixels at 72 dpi

minimum size requirements will ensure the Courtyard 2x

identity is always used consistently and correctly.

When using the two elements together, determine the
minimum amount of clear space for the Courtyard logo Minimum size

and tag line by measuring the height of the C in the

Courtyard word mark (x). An area equal to two times
this height (2x in the diagram) should be kept clear on IT’S A NEW STAY.®
all sides of the logo. The tagline is set to a distance of 2x
1.25x away from the logo.

It is important that all parts of the logo can be easily

read in every application. For this reason, the logo
is not reproduced where the Marriott logo measures
smaller than 0.375". There are no maximum size
restrictions as long as the clear space requirements
are met.

Note: When creating marketing materials use the logo/

tag line lockup.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Logo Use 2.1.3

Logo use
Approved uses of the Courtyard logo.

• Recommended use for the logo is

3-color (PMS 8640, 342 and 7427).
• Logo can be used in black.
4-color Black
• Logo can be reversed to white on a black or dark
color field.

Reversed out of a color Reversed out of black

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Incorrect Logo Use 2.1.4

Incorrect logo use

• Always use approved artwork. Whenever possible,
use the EPS file format for best results.
• Never alter the logo by changing its proportions,
lockup positioning or typeface. Do not change the Never change logo arrangement Never change colors Never remove logo elements
color specifications.
• JPEG and GIF format images are designed for screen
applications and should not be printed.

Never reset any text in logo Never distort the logo Never display the icon in place
of the logo

Never tilt the logo Never change size of elements Never use logo on a color
that inhibits its visibility

Never use logo on a photograph Never enclose the logo inside

that inhibits its visibility a non-approved shape
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Color Palette 2.2

The Courtyard color palette includes a range of colors Primary Colors

and is an integral part of the identity system. Corporate

colors, carefully applied, will impart a consistent look
and feel to all Courtyard communications. The use of
green grounds the palette in a color that’s identified
with the Courtyard brand and with the broader context
of business.
PMS 576 PMS 376 PMS 376 50% PMS 366
The use of accent colors helps make the brand more CMYK RGB CMYK RGB CMYK RGB CMYK RGB
52 104 53 133 26 192 29 185
approachable by giving it a touch of humanity — little,
6 149 0 196 0 222 0 220
unexpected touches that delight Courtyard guests. 79 80 96 70 48 158 45 164
25 0 0 0

Note: CMYK and RGB callouts listed are a customized Accent Colors
conversion established specifically for Courtyard.

PMS 144 PMS 228 PMS 667 PMS 2708

0 248 15 138 59 108 28 179
48 152 100 0 58 103 9 209
100 29 11 84 4 157 0 238
0 41 12 0

Version 2 Logo Color Palette

These colors are used for cartouche logo
only. Do not use as part of marketing
communications palette.

PMS 342 PMS 7427 Marriott Gold

100 0 7 1641 0 201
9 106 100 12 25 154
41 31 24 PMS are Pantone, Inc.’s check-standard trademarks.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Typography 2.3

Gotham Rounded Book
Gotham Rounded is the approved typeface for
Courtyard. Do not substitute another typeface for any ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
reason. Consistent use of this typeface will contribute
to a unified Brand Voice. This typeface is available for
purchase at
Gotham Rounded Medium

Gotham Rounded Bold

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Typography Use 2.3.1

Typography USe
Headlines are in Gotham Rounded Book, all caps. Headlines are in Gotham Rounded Book, all caps.

Leading should equal the typeface’s point size. There

are no specific rules for the size of the headline, as that

Headline here.
The minimum distance between
should be dictated by the size of the application and its
the headline and supporting
specific communications needs.
copy is equal to the cap height

Additional copy, such as subheads and body copy, is Additional copy goes here. of the headline.

Gotham Rounded Book, sentence case. Leading should

equal the typeface’s point size. Such supporting copy
should be at least 25 percent smaller than the headline. Subheads and body copy are Gotham Rounded Book,
sentence case. They are at least 25 percent smaller than
the headline.

Subheads for at-a-glance and bulleted information should

be set in Gotham Rounded Bold, in the same point size as
the body copy and in an accent color.

Facilities & Services

Outdoor pool and whirlpool • Indoor pool and whirlpool •

Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail •
Nearby breakfast buffet served daily • Courtyard Café
serving breakfast daily • Restaurant serving breakfast
and dinner • Dinner delivery service available • Room
service • Free parking • The Market, a 24-hour self-serve pantry
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Headline & Logo Placement 2.3.2

Headline On White Headline On Green
& Logo Placement 3x 3x 3x
Headlines should be left or right aligned and placed x
at an equal distance of 3x the cap height of the logo.
RefResH yOuR x
When no logo is used, text should be aligned an equal Business ROutine.
distance of 3x the cap height of the headline. The logo RefResH yOuR
Business ROutine.
itself should also be aligned at an equal distance of 3x 3x
the logo’s cap height.

When a headline is used on white, the color is set to
PMS 576 or PMS 376, never PMS 366 or 50% of PMS
376. An accent color can be used to highlight a key
word or phrase. The accent color must always match
the color used for the organic shape.

When a headline is used on green, the color is always

set to white.

Shape Covers Less Than 40% Shape Covers More Than 40%
When the organic shape covers less than 40% of the
3x 3x
canvas area, place headline outside the shape. If the
organic shape covers 40% or more of the canvas area, RefResH yOuR
Business ROutine.
place headline inside the shape.

Body copy should always be on one of the two stripes

with the darker shades of green. Type should never
rest over the intersection between two shades of
green or between one of the greens and an accent
RefResH yOuR
color. For longer copy, it is allowable to continue into Business ROutine.
x 3x
the next shade of green, as long as a distance of .5x is
maintained from the line of intersection between the
two greens.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Visual System 2.4

Visual System
Geometric Shapes Organic Shapes
Geometric and organic shapes are the key visual elements
that are essential to the visual identity of the Courtyard
Brand Voice.

The Courtyard visual identity is structured upon a

juxtaposition of both organic and functional designs that
respects practicality but has personality. Design that’s
both imperfect by nature, yet naturally even. The system
employs the convergence of hard and soft lines: “organic
geometry.” It is a device that communicates the ideas
of functionality and individuality. Together they work to
communicate the core idea: Business Unusual.

Geometric Shapes
• Order and consistency, the hallmarks of business.
• A visual manifestation of functionality and performance
Geometric & Organic Shapes
coupled with a sense of modernity.

Organic Shapes
• Natural and imperfect, providing a sense of uniqueness
and individuality.
• Contours and curves suggesting humanity.

Geometric & Shapes

• The Courtyard visual system is a fusion of
two forms: geometric shapes and organic shapes.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Geometric Shape Use 2.4.1

Geometric Shape USE

Stripe Ratio Stripe Variations
The geometric shape is an integral part of the Courtyard
Brand Voice. It represents order and consistency, the
hallmarks of business. It is a visual manifestation of
functionality and performance.

Stripe Ratio
• Stripes are based on a 1:2:4 stripe ratio
• Use in any order as long as they adhere to the ratio
• Always use in a horizontal orientation
• Should always be used with an organic shape,
as shown in section 2.4.2

Stripe Variations
• The geometric shapes are always made from 4x
PMS 576, PMS 376 and PMS 366 or 50% of PMS 376
• Colors should always follow a progression of dark
to light or light to dark

Accent Color in Geometric Stripes

• Stripes are based on a 1:2:4:8 stripe ratio
• An approved accent color stripe can be added as
long as it adheres to the stripe ratio Accent Color Incorrect Stripe Variations

• Accent color stripe must always be next to the darkest

green (PMS 576) stripe.
• Should never be the largest stripe in the ratio system
• When adding an accent color, always house the stripes x
within an organic shape. See section 2.4.2.


Always follow a color Always follow Always use a

progression of dark to a 1:2:4 ratio horizontal orientation
2x light or light to dark
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Organic Shape Use 2.4.2

Organic Shape use

Organic Shape Library
The organic shape is a vital part of the Courtyard Brand
Voice. It should be used as a defining visual element for
the brand. Natural and imperfect, it provides a sense of
uniqueness and individuality. The contours and curves
suggest humanity and help reinforce the core idea of
Business Unusual.

There are three approved shapes in the organic shape

Iibrary. They can be used as an accent element, as an
overlay or to house the stripes. They can also be used to
house the logo, copy or photography. The organic shapes
are never used in their entirety. They always bleed off two
sides of the page.

Accent Element
As an accent element, the organic shape is always set in an
accent color. Accent Element Overlay On Stripes House The Stripes

Overlay on Stripes
As an overlay, the organic shape is transparent over
the green stripes. To achieve this effect, set the organic
shape to “multiply” in InDesign.

House the Stripes

As a housing device for the stripes, the organic shape is
always cropped and not shown in its entirety. A fourth
stripe is added and set in an accent color. This accent
stripe must be at least twice the width of the narrowest
green stripe. Both logos and copy can be housed within
the element. Refer to section 2.4.3 for more information
on how to crop the organic shapes.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Organic Shape Grid 2.4.3

organic shape grid 1 2 3 4 5

The size and placement of the organic shape within a
1 2 3 4 5
layout is determined by using a 5x5 grid system. The
2 1
grid system is set up as follows: 2
3 3
1. Divide the layout into columns and rows of five, 5
regardless of the dimensions.
1. 5
2. Place the organic shape in any of the four corners.
The organic shape can be rotated, flipped and
cropped as it long as it adheres to the grid system.
This allows for multiple variations and flexibility
in design.

3. One side of the organic shape must always be one cell

longer than the other. There is no set size for the
organic shape. For example, if the height is two cells
down, then the width must be three cells across or W
vice versa.

4. The organic shape can only bleed off two sides of the
layout. Never use two organic shapes in one layout.

5. In the case of extreme horizontal or extreme

vertical layouts, position the organic shape so that
the side with more cells runs along the shorter side of
the layout.

1 2 3 4 5

4. 5.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Organic Shape Use: Overlay 2.4.4

Organic shape use: 1. 2.

To use the organic shape as an overlay, combine two of the
same shape to create a new shape. When combined, this
new organic shape should always adhere to the 5x5 grid 3. 4.
system. The process is as follows:

1. Select an approved shape from the organic

shape library.

2. Duplicate the shape and overlay both shapes on top of

each other. Set the bottom shape to white and the top
shape to an approved accent color.

3. Place the organic shape in any of the four corners of New shape created should
never be more than 10% More than 10%
the layout. Both shapes must bleed off two sides of
the layout.
4. Rotate, flip, scale or crop the organic shape in any way
as long as it adheres to the 5x5 grid system.

5. The new shape created should never exceed 10% of

the overall organic shape.

6. Avoid undesirable tangents and small shapes that may

occur when the Organic Shape is overlayed using one
of these two methods: Overlaid and white areas Stripe ratio changed—
Undesirable small tangent. reversed—small tangent small tangent
• Re-arrange the organic shapes so the overlaying
successfully avoided. successfully avoided.
effect occurs on the widest stripe (figure 6a).
• Change the stripe ratio so the white area covers the 6. 6a. 6b.
smaller stripes (figure 6b).
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Organic Shape Use: Photography 2.4.5

organic shape use:

There are two approved ways to house photography Option 1, Example One Option 1, Example Two

within the organic shape. The organic shape can house

photography when used as an overlay on geometric
stripes. It can also house photography when used over
white. The organic shape can house only one photo
when used as a front cover application. Refer to section
2.4.3 for more information on how to size and place the
organic shape.

Option 1, example one

• Two organic shapes are used to create the
overylay effect.
• Set one side of the organic shape to an approved
accent color. The other side is set to white.
• The negative space created by combining both shapes
is used to house the photo.

Option 1, example two Option 2

• Three organic shapes are used to create the

layered effect.
• Set one side of the organic shape to an approved
accent color. The other side is set to white.
• The accent color is transparent over the green stripes.
To achieve this effect, set the organic shape to
“mulitply” in InDesign.
• A third organic shape is added to house the photo. It
can rotate, flip, scale or crop in any way as long as it
adheres to the 5x5 grid system.

Option 2
• The organic shape is used over white.
• Set one side of the organic shape to an approved
accent color. Set the other side to PMS 376 or PMS 576.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Organic Ribbon 2.4.6

Organic Ribbon
Vertical organic ribbon Horizontal organic ribbon
The organic ribbon is an integral part of the Courtyard
Brand Voice. The organic ribbon will be used in different
ways across applications, but in all cases it should be
used as a defining visual element for the brand.

The organic ribbon is derived from two overlaid organic

shapes. It is an element used to separate the primary
visual and copy within a layout.

The organic ribbon is available for download from


Organic Ribbon
• The ribbon is a unique shape derived from two
overlaid organic shapes used to separate
photography and copy within a layout.
• The green part of the ribbon is PMS 376 or PMS 576.
The orange part of the ribbon is PMS 144.

The organic ribbon is scaled proportionately to fit
the document size. Depending on the layout, use the
horizontal or vertical organic ribbon. Vertical organic ribbon Horizontal organic ribbon Horizontal organic ribbon
advertising use advertising use brochure use
• There is no maximum size restriction.

• The organic ribbon cannot be smaller than 3” wide.

Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci

Please refer to section 7.1.2 of the advertising standards

tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat aliquip et acilla
corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat.
Ut num inisi blam, conse dolesen digniam dolobore
dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe
rcilit ipitLit, sit eugiat. Duisism olendre del ea feugiam
etuercillute magnit alis euisl in heniamet lutpat.

and 6.4 of the print Collateral standards for more partner

Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim
velisit la aut nismodip vent aliquis
Here Andip eu feu feu facilisci en inim exer
ad exeroTe facincilit eu faccu

information on how to use the organic ribbon. From $199/night

For more information or to make

Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat A FRESH TAKE ON
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit
aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna
Find your balance On-site amenities
autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin
Step out of the same old business travel routine when Courtyard offers everything you need to ensure • Wi-Fi access in the lobby space
Package Offer Goes Here you step inside Courtyard by Marriott®. Here, we offer a successful and enjoyable trip. Here you’ll discover the • Breakfast served daily, including
Ure commolo borper a fresh approach to helping you stay productive while ideal combination of comfort and convenience: eggs cooked to order
sectet wissim velisit la aut
you’re on the road. Courtyard is designed to work • The Market, with 24-hour access to food,
nismodipsum vent aliquis In-room amenities
the way you do — no matter how often you choose to snacks and refreshments
• Free high-speed Internet access
From $ 199/night switch gears. From maximizing productivity anywhere
• King-size beds with cotton-rich linens, thicker
• Fax, copy and print in the business center
on property, to taking full advantage of downtime • Meeting rooms with audiovisual service available
mattresses and fluffier pillows
For more information or to make when it arises, we provide the space and flexibility to • Swimming pool, exercise room and whirlpool
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX • Large work desk with no-glare lighting and an
help you stay energized and make the most of every • Guest laundry
or visit ergonomic chair
travel experience. • Cozy lounge with big-screen TV
Courtyard by Marriott® • Two telephones with data ports and voice mail
Goshen • This property supports a smoke-free policy
Courtyard by Marriott® • Complimentary coffee, tea and newspaper
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004 • Iron and ironing board IT’S
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
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Placed Graphics Mode Eff. Res. User Name

Job No C0871 Ad Code —
CYHallway-054_crop.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 750 ppi, -750 ppi
CYPool-072.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 967 ppi Tim Koebbe
Client Courtyard CYLobby-061.jpg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 600 ppi, -600 ppi Last Saved
Pub — 10/31/08 2:11 PM
1st Insertion — Inks
Ad Caption Rack Brochure Magenta
Live None Ad Size — Black

Trim 3.66 in x 8.5 in Printed At None

Bleed 3.91 in x 8.75 in Built At 1 in = 1 in (100%)
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview 2.5

photography overview
Photography is a key element of marketing.
To communicate the Courtyard Brand Voice,
photography should reinforce the brand strategy
of Business Unusual.

To further communicate the idea of Business Unusual,

the photographic style must break out of the traditional
business hotel category. The Courtyard photographic
style and content should epitomize the Optimistic
Achievers’ need to make the most of themselves and
of their time on the road.

Courtyard photos are on-strategy if they use one

or more of these techniques:
• Dynamic camera angles. Interior Exterior
• Interesting composition.
• Unique and unexpected settings.
• Showcase touches of green and orange.
• Show little bits of the guest’s personality
and individuality.
• Guest using and experiencing the hotel space.

Service Business Amenities

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Business Unusual 2.5.1

Business unusual
When guests are on the road, they have things to do,
meetings to make, presentations to give and calls to
be on. But instead of viewing their travel obligation
as daunting, they are excited and enthusiastic about
the chance to take a break from their normal day-to-
day routine. Their need to fulfill work and leisure is the
epitome of Business Unusual.

To showcase the guests’ unique and refreshing

approach to business, the photographic style must
break out of the traditional idea of business travel by:

• Depicting the business traveler as optimistic,

excited and actively engaged in a mix of work and
leisure activities.
• Showcasing lobbies, outside courtyards, bistro areas,
media booths as viable places to work.
• Showing the unexpected tools and amenities
Courtyard extends that allow guests to make the
most of their time on the road: free Wi-Fi, 24/7
market, GoBoard, open meeting space in lobby areas.
• Show guests’ desire to accomplish business tasks in
an alternative way when on the road.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Leisure Travel 2.5.2

Leisure Travel
Leisure guests, most often weekend travelers, want
more than just a roof over their heads. They want to
be recharged, renewed and refreshed. They come to
the area for sporting events, entertainment, social
gatherings, or important family events like weddings or
family reunions. In search of fun, they have a positive
energy, expect to be given choices and appreciate
personalized service.

Shots should convey Courtyard’s refreshing approach to

hosting leisure travelers by:

• Depicting guests utilizing the different options

and amenities Courtyard offers, for example:
guests checking email in the lounge or eating
in the courtyard.
• Depicting guests in attire or situations that suggest
leisure travel, for example: guests wearing casual
clothing or evening wear.
• Showcasing kids and families engaged in activities
outside the room.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Interior 2.5.3

Interior photography should convey the idea that this is
not the usual business hotel for the usual business hotel
guest. Instead, it should highlight the unusual elements
that allow Courtyard guests to make the most of their
time on the road. Images should show how Courtyard
mixes work and life into a refreshing way of doing
business. The shots should convey the brand’s refreshing
approach to hosting a traveler on business by:

• Using dynamic camera angles.

• Depicting guests engaged in activities
outside the room.
• Showcasing lobbies, bistro areas, media booths
and exercise facilities to show guests making the
most of the hotel.
• Highlighting the options and variety of work areas
Courtyard provides to meet the work needs of the
Optimistic Achiever, including sitting areas, personal
tables, media booths and couch areas.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Exterior 2.5.4

The exterior of the property should be shot with a
wide-angle lens in order to communicate a sense of
openness and freedom. Shots should incorporate
objects into the foreground that create a dynamic
visual impact, helping to further the idea of Business
Unusual. It is always ideal to showcase lush landscape,
therefore strengthening the association between the
brand and its identifying icon.

Exterior photography should invite the Optimistic

Achievers to interact with something other than just
the four walls of their room.

Exterior photography should reinforce the idea of

Business Unusual by:

• Using dynamic camera angles and a wide lens to give

the idea of open space.
• Depicting guests as optimistic, excited and actively
engaged in a mix of work and leisure activities.
• Showcasing outdoor spaces like the courtyard and
pool as viable Wi-Fi places to work.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Amenities 2.5.5

Optimistic Achievers want to get their work done, but
that doesn’t mean they want to sit behind a desk in their
room dutifully plowing away all day long. They have
breaks in their day and downtime that they want to make
use of. The Courtyard guest isn’t just a business person.
They’re a person on business. They want the freedom to
move around.

It is important to make the amenities that Courtyard

offers relevant and practical to the needs of the
Optimistic Achiever. For example, it is not about
photographing an empty pool area or fitness facility;
it’s about showing the guest utilizing everything the
property has to offer.

Amenities photography should reinforce the idea of

Business Unusual by:

• Using dynamic camera angles.

• Depicting business travelers engaged in activities
outside the room.
• Showcasing outdoor spaces like the courtyard and
pool as viable Wi-Fi places to work.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Service 2.5.6

Service photography should communicate the idea of
Business Unusual by focusing on items that are unique
or presented in an unexpected way.

• Use differentiated and unexpected composition.

• Convey the thoughtful human touch Courtyard brings
to service.
• Emphasize unique hotel architecture like the
check-in pod.
• Look for images that feel refreshing.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Using Stock 2.5.7

Using stock
When selecting stock photography, follow
these guidelines:

1. Choose shots from a high or low perspective.

Avoid eye-level camera angles.
2. Choose dynamic camera angles.
3. Convey the brand’s unique and refreshing style in both
clothing and composition.
4. Show unusual approaches combining work and life
for a refreshing way of doing business.
5. People should be real in appearance and activity — not
over-the-top, high-fashion models with posed expressions.
6. Clothing should be professional, but relaxed.
Add the accent of a brightly colored tie, purse or
wristband on a watch — something that conveys the
personality of the guest. 2
1 3
7. Shots should use facial expressions and body language to
portray guests benefiting from the environment.

4 5 7
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Shooting New 2.5.8

shooting new
When shooting new property photography, follow
these guidelines:

1. Shoot from a high or low perspective, avoiding straight-

ahead camera angles that are between chest and eye level.
2. Use dynamic camera angles and compositions to
capture the property’s unique and refreshing style.
3. Capture the guest’s unique and alternative approach
to getting business tasks done in a productive and
efficient space.
4. When shooting service, focus on the thoughtful and
human touch.
5. Shoot property exteriors with a wide-angle lens and long
depth of field. Incorporate unique and unusual objects in
the foreground to create a dynamic visual impact.

Additional aspects to consider when shooting:

Subject matter: For exteriors, shoot with a wide-angle
1 3
lens and long depth of field to capture the unique details
surrounding the model and property. For all photos,
use a wide depth-of-field to keep both foreground and
background in focus.

Models: Use models who look “real” and are performing

real tasks; do not use high-fashion, overly posed models.

Wardrobe: Business casual with an unusual touch. Add

the accent of a brightly colored tie, purse or wristband on
a watch; occasionally add subtle hints of color from the
Courtyard color palette.

4 5
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Incorrect Use 2.5.9

The following are examples of incorrect
uses of photography:

1. Photos shot at straight-ahead or

eye-level position.
2. Photos with talent looking directly into
the camera.
3. Overly saturated and/or intense color
in photography.
4. Photos with blown-out areas
lacking detail, highlights, and depth in 1 2 3

skin tones and interiors.

5. Photos with little focus and detail on
unique amenities.
6. Photos that crop guests’ heads or
facial expressions.

4 5 6
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | Photography Overview | Image Rights 2.5.10

image rights
Marriott® International requires written photo usage
rights for all images. When purchasing stock images the
contract should clearly state:

• Length of usage rights.

• Usage in various media.

When working with a photographer, request a letter

or contract with the following information:

• Usage expiration date (if any).

• Usage in particular types of media (or all).
• Photographer contact information.
• Cost to repurchase or extend rights.
Verbal identity 3.0 Verbal Identity
Verbal identity is used to bring the brand to life in written and verbal 3.1 Verbal Style
communications. The more consistently Brand Voice is used in 3.2 Short Form
communication and execution, the more quickly consumers will identify 3.3 Long Form
with the brand and what makes it different and better.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Verbal Identity | Verbal Style 3.1

Verbal style
When communicating with the Optimistic Achievers, Talking the Talk
it is important to talk in the language they speak. The Business Unusual verbal style invites, informs
Courtyard needs to talk to them in a way that shows and engages guests on a human level. It extends
the brand understands who they are. Think of the friendliness, creates optimism, adds joy and levity to
Courtyard verbal style as that of a likeable colleague work life, diffuses stress, and relates to guests in a
— the kind of person who is enjoyable to be with on a conversational manner.
business trip. The first to suggest working outside on a
nice day, this person strikes the right balance between
The verbal style never pressures, but instead makes
work and play, putting business first but approaching
friendly suggestions that feel unexpected, compelling
it in a more human, refreshing way. Someone who
and lighthearted.
conducts “business unusual.”
The Courtyard brand should speak to the Business
It’s uncomplicated. It lets guests know their options,
Unusual guest in a professional but human voice,
cluing them in on different ways to work, to relax, to
providing a reminder that business travel doesn’t mean
use their time.
doing business 24/7. Even while working, it’s okay to
enjoy oneself a little. Engage
The verbal style is inclusive and seeks to create a
dialogue with guests by speaking in human terms,
with a bit of a wink and a smile.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Verbal Identity | Short Form 3.2

short Form
Short statements sum up the brand in ways that are General
quickly understood. Part of building a strong brand Break away from business as usual.
is making sure that all messages support the brand A fresh take on business travel.
positioning. Key messaging helps highlight important Refresh your business routine.
brand offerings. These examples can be used as a Choose a change of pace.
foundation to develop messaging that is distinctive to A hotel that works the way you do.
the hotel and its unique business positioning. For a change of pace, change the scenery.
You have room to roam here.
We encourage outside-the-room thinking.
Let your productivity roam free.
Wide open work spaces.
Tap into the quiet energy.

Meeting Planner
Let productivity lead the way.
A refreshing place to meet.
Open up your meeting possibilities.
Expand the boundaries of convention.
Give them plenty of room to roam.
Plenty of unconventional meeting space.
Open all doors to productivity.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Verbal Identity | Long Form 3.3

Long Form
Long messaging is used to bring the brand to life Example 1
in written and verbal communications. Use long Whether you’re tending to business or penciling in
messaging to reinforce the benefits of the Courtyard some personal time, no hotel makes it easier to get
experience. Emphasize how Courtyard appeals to things accomplished on your terms. With open lobby
guests’ needs to make the most of themselves and of space and free Wi-Fi in the lobby and courtyard,
their time on the road. For business travelers, highlight you can switch seamlessly from work to relaxation
business travel as a way to break up the monotony of and back. For a change of pace, simply change the
their days in the office and at home. For all travelers, scenery. We boast the largest number of stand-alone
emphasize Courtyard’s ability to deliver distinctive outdoor courtyards in the industry, as well as the most
experiences and to enhance guests’ enjoyment and connection-friendly outdoor space.
relaxation while traveling.
Example 2
Step out of the same old business travel routine when
you step inside Courtyard by Marriott®. Here, we offer
a fresh approach to helping you stay productive while
you’re on the road. Courtyard is designed to work
the way you do — no matter how often you choose to
switch gears. From maximizing productivity anywhere
on-property, to taking full advantage of downtime
when it arises, we provide the space and flexibility to
help you make the most of every travel experience.
Stationery 4.0 Stationery
Stationery standards are designed to communicate a consistent 4.1 Business Card
Brand Voice at all customer touch points. The business card, envelope 4.2 Letterhead
and letterhead are just a few of the communications that make up 4.3 Business Envelope
stationery. This section covers detailed specifications for stationery 4.4 Business Envelope with Window
items for Courtyard hotels. 4.5 In-Room Note Pad
4.6 In-Room Pen
Be sure to read the standards to understand how to use the logos,
4.7 Note Card & Envelope
typefaces and color palettes properly. For specifics on these elements,
4.8 Mailing Label
see Visual Identity (section 2.0). Order stationery items from normal
vendors. Nothing has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files
are located on BrandWorks in the Download section.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Business Card 4.1

business card
Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are Marian Weerasinghe
located on BrandWorks in the Download section. Operations Manager
Courtyard by Marriott
Production Specifications San Francisco Airport/
Oyster Point Waterfront
• Printing: 3 PMS colors plus black (PMS 144, PMS 576, 1300 Veterans Blvd.
PMS 376), bleed. Optional upgrade: Back flood PMS 144 South San Francisco, CA 94080

• Trim: 3.5” x 2” T 650.871.4100

M 650.589.4251
• Paper: Utopia 120# Dull Cover or comparable paper with F 650.871.4700
10% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
Operated under a license agreement from Marriott International, Inc.
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).
Business Card Front

• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.

Business Card Optional Back

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Letterhead 4.2

Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are Courtyard by Marriott®
San Francisco Airport/
Oyster Point Waterfront
located on BrandWorks in the Download section.
1300 Veterans Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
T 650.871.4100 F 650.871.4700
Production Specifications

• Printing: 3 PMS colors plus black (PMS 144, PMS 576,

PMS 376), bleed
• Trim: 8.5” x 11”
• Paper: Finch Casablanca 60# text or comparable paper
with 30% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design.
• If one line of contact information is too long, break into
two lines and justify right.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.

Operated under a license agreement from Marriott International, Inc. Contains 30% post consumer fibers
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Business Envelope 4.3

Business Envelope
Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 3 PMS colors plus black (PMS 144, PMS 576,
PMS 376). Corner bleed requires converted envelope
• Trim: #10 envelope, square flap
• Paper: Finch Casablanca 60# text or comparable paper
with 30% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).
Business Envelope Front
• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
• It is recommended that the hotel name and address be
broken into two lines. Courtyard by Marriott® Minneapolis Maple Grove/Arbor Lakes
11871 Fountains Way | Maple Grove, MN 55369

Business Envelope Back

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Business Envelope with Window 4.4

Business Envelope
with window
Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 3 PMS colors plus black (PMS 144, PMS 576,
PMS 376). Corner bleed requires converted envelope
• Trim: #10 window envelope, square flap
• Paper: Finch Casablanca 60# text or comparable paper
with 30% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Business Envelope Front
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
• It is recommended that the hotel name and address be Courtyard by Marriott® Minneapolis Maple Grove/Arbor Lakes
11871 Fountains Way | Maple Grove, MN 55369

broken into two lines.

Business Envelope Back

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | In-Room Note Pad 4.5


Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section. ACCOMPLISHED LIST.
Much more gratifying than a to-do list, don’t you think?
Production Specifications
• Printing: 1 color (PMS 144)
• Trim: 4” x 5.5” 15, sheets with chipboard back
• Paper: 50# uncoated commodity or comparable sheet
with 30% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
30% post consumer fibers
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | In-Room Pen 4.6

Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section.
Pen Front – Upgraded
Both color pens will come in the order.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 2 colors (PMS 144, PMS 576)
Pen Back – Standard
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).
• Marriott requires that pens be made from
recycled materials and carry the recycle logo.

• Choose from the standard pen style or the
upgraded version. Pen Front – Upgraded
• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.

Pen Back – Standard

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Note Card & Envelope 4.7

Note Card & Envelope

Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 3 colors plus black (PMS 144, PMS 576, PMS
376), bleed
• Note card size: 6.25” x 8.75” flat, 6.25” x 4.375” folded
Envelope size: A6 – 6.5” x 4.75”, corner bleed
requires converted envelope
• Paper: Note card: Utopia 100# Dull Coated Cover or 1300 Veterans Blvd. | South San Francisco, CA 94080 Contains 30% post consumer fibers

comparable paper with 10% PCW, required for Green

Courtyard by Marriott® San Francisco Airport/Oyster Point Waterfront

Note Card Front Note Card Back

Seal Certification
Envelope: Finch Casablanca 60# text or
comparable paper with 30% PCW, required for Green
Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0)

Courtyard by Marriott® San Francisco Airport/Oyster Point Waterfront
1300 Veterans Blvd. | South San Francisco, CA 94080
• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
• It is recommended that hotel name and address be
broken into two lines on envelope.

Note Card Envelope Front Note Card Envelope Back

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Standards | Stationery | Mailing Label 4.8

MailING Label
Order stationery items from normal vendors. Nothing
has changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are
located on BrandWorks in the Download section. Courtyard by Marriott®
San Francisco Airport/
Production Specifications Oyster Point Waterfront

• Printing: 1 color (PMS 376), bleed 1300 Veterans Blvd.

South San Francisco, CA 94080
• Trim: 5.125” x 4”
• Paper: Crack ’n Peel label
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
On-Property materials 5.0 On-Property Materials
On-property materials are designed to communicate a consistent 5.1 Key Card
Brand Voice at all customer touch points. Key cards, laundry bags 5.2 Key Packet
and door hangers are just a few of the communications that make up 5.3 Door Hanger
on-property materials. This section covers detailed specifications for 5.4 High-Speed Internet Access Card
on-property materials for Courtyard hotels. 5.5 Laundry Bag
5.6 Comment Card
Be sure to read the guidelines to understand how to use the logos,
5.7 Room Attendant Card
typefaces and color palettes properly. For specifics on these elements,
see Visual Identity (section 2.0).

Order on-property materials from normal vendors. Nothing has

changed in this process. If needed, artwork files are located on
BrandWorks in the Download section.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Key Card 5.1

Key card
There are four different versions for standard key cards. Key Card Front

They should be used at the same time and rotated

among guests. TAkE AdvAnTAgE OF
OuR OuTdOOR pOLicy.
Order on-property materials from normal vendors.
Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,
artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the
Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: Front: 1 color (PMS 144, PMS 667, PMS 2708
or PMS 228), Back: black
• Trim: 3.375” x 2.125”
WAndERing is WAndERing is
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see EncOuRAgEd. EncOuRAgEd.
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
• No sponsorship, advertising, non-Courtyard logos
or messaging is permitted on key cards.

Key Card Back

• Lock all windows and doors.

• Employees are required
FOR yOuR sEcuRiTy

• keep key card with you

• use safe-deposit box

to wear name tags.

• use viewport to id
for valuables.

at all times.
all visitors.

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Key Packet 5.2

Key Packet
Order on-property materials from normal vendors.
Key Packet Outside
Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,
artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the
Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 2/2 colors (PMS 576, PMS 376), bleed
• Trim: 4.25” x 5.5” with die cut
• Paper: 100# coated cover plus gloss aqueous. Use
10% PCW paper, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

Notes Key Packet Inside

• Do not alter the design.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
• No sponsorship, advertising, non-Courtyard logos The lock on your room
or messaging is permitted on key packets. is not meant to
keep you in there. Rate

Room number

We are committed to a smoke-free policy.

A $250 room recovery fee will be charged for smoking in your room.

Folded With Card Inside

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Door Hanger 5.3

Door hanger
There are three versions of the door hanger. Version 1 Version 2 Version 3
They should be used at the same time and rotated
among guests. Order on-property materials from
normal vendors. Nothing has changed in this process.
If needed, artwork files are located on BrandWorks
in the Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 3/3 (PMS 576, PMS 376 and accent color
varies as PMS 228, PMS 144 or PMS 2708), bleed
• Alternate printing: 4-color process
• Trim: 4” x 8”, die cut
• Same design/copy prints on front and back
• Paper: Styrene
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | HSIA Card 5.4

High-Speed Internet
Access Card
Order on-property materials from normal vendors.
Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,
artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the
Download section.
Production Specifications AVAILABLE IN YOUR ROOM.
• Printing: 3 colors (PMS 576, PMS 376, and
And in the lobby. And in the business library.
PMS 144), bleed
Just consider your options.
• Trim: : 6” x 4” flat
Please contact the front desk for assistance.
• Paper: 12pt., coated, 2 sides or comparable paper
with 10% PCW, required for Green Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0). Wired Access Wireless Access
1. Plug Ethernet cable into laptop. 1. Ensure you have a Wi-Fi compliant laptop.
Notes 2. Turn on laptop. 2. Open wireless network connection.
• Do not alter the design or copy. 3. Launch Internet browser. 3. Select hotel’s wireless network.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color. 4. Launch Internet browser.


And in the lobby. And in the business library. And in the lobby. And in the business library.
Just consider your options. Just consider your options.
Please contact the front desk for assistance. Please contact the front desk for assistance.

Wired Access Wireless Access

1. Ensure you have a Wi-Fi compliant laptop.
1. Plug Ethernet cable into laptop.
2. Open wireless network connection.
2. Turn on laptop. 3. Select hotel’s wireless network.
3. Launch Internet browser. 4. Launch Internet browser.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Laundry Bag 5.5

Laundry Bag
Order on-property materials from normal vendors. Laundry Bag Front Laundry Bag Back

Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,

artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the
Download section.

Production Specifications
• Printing: 1 color (PMS 144). Gutter added to avoid bleed
• Trim: 16” x 18” x 3”
• Gusset bottom
• Drawstring closure
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).

• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.

go ahead.
wear your lucky shirt twice.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Comment Card 5.6

Order on-property materials from normal vendors. Comment Card Front Comment Card Inside

Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,

A comfortable stay is always a more productive one.
artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the So if there’s anything we can do to make your
Download section. next business trip more pleasurable, feel free to tell us
about it. To share your feedback, dial 0 to reach
the front desk or fill out the comment card below.

Production Specifications
How would you rate the following?
• Printing: Outside: 1 color (PMS 376), bleed Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

Your overall experience

Inside: black Our accommodations

Friendliness of front desk staff
• Trim: 5.5” x 5” folded; 5.5” x 10” flat The check-in process

The check-out process

• Paper: 65# Index with 30% PCW, required for Green Room cleanliness

Seal Certification Restaurant

Food quality

• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see Service


Visual Identity (section 2.0). Food delivery

Name of outside restaurant

Delivery speed
Notes Food quality

• Do not alter the design or copy.


• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.

Feel free to share your ideas.

Comment Card Back

Was anyone on our team especially helpful?

Would you visit us again next time you’re in town?

When were you here? Room number

Your name (optional)



State Zip

Province Country


Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Visual Identity | On-Property Materials | Room Attendant Card 5.7

Room Attendant card

Order on-property materials from normal vendors. Room Attendant Card Front

Nothing has changed in this process. If needed,

artwork files are located on BrandWorks in the
Download section.

Production Specifications
Guest room attendant
• Printing: Outside: 3 colors (PMS 576, PMS 376, and
PMS 2708), bleed. Inside: blank Guest room attendant
• Trim: 3.375” x 5.5” flat; 3.375” x 2.75” folded
• Paper: 80# cover with 30% PCW, required for Green COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT.
Seal Certification
• For specifics on logos, typefaces and color, see
Visual Identity (section 2.0).
Guest room attendant

• Do not alter the design or copy.
• Do not alter the font, font size or font color.
Room Attendant Card Back
Print collateral 6.0 Print Collateral
Print collateral materials are designed to communicate a consistent 6.1 Rack Cards: Front
Brand Voice at all guest touch points. To learn about Brand Voice, visit 6.2 Rack Cards: Back
section 1.0. Rack Cards, Rack Brochures and Meeting Planner Guides 6.3 Rack Brochure: Front
are just a few of the integral communications that make up collateral 6.4 Rack Brochure: Interior Spread
materials. This section covers detailed specifications for all print 6.5 Rack Brochure: Back
collateral materials for Courtyard by Marriott. 6.6 Meeting Planner Guide: Front
6.7 Meeting Planner Guide: Back
Be sure to read the guidelines to understand how to use the logos,
6.8 Brand Folder
typefaces and color palettes properly. For specifics on these elements,
see Visual Identity (section 2.0) The print collateral templates have
been created in Adobe InDesign CS2 and are available for use in
creating materials. The templates are not available in Quark XPress.

At any time, refer to the main Contents for help with navigating
the standards.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Rack Cards: Front 6.1

RACK cards: FRONT Rack Card Front Option A Rack Card Front Option B

Rack cards are a convenient summary Typography

Courtyard by Marriott® Brand logo
of features, services and contact • Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
Goshen Courtyard by Marriott®
Goshen, IN
Courtyard by Marriott®
1930 Lincolnway East
Hotel-specific Goshen, IN

information targeted to the individual plus the sameT 574.534.3133

accent color used on the
Goshen, IN 46526
F 574.534.6929

leisure and business traveler. The design organic shape.

Reservations 800.123.4567 Organic shape
and copy support the brand positioning • The accent color is used to emphasize
Guest Room Amenities
of Business Unusual. a key word inXXX
the headline.
spacious guest rooms and X suites • Large well-lit, White background
flexible work desk, ergonomic chair • Comfortable sitting

• Headline sizearea
and placement are fixed.
• Individual climate control • AM/FM alarm clock
Layout radio • Remote-controlled cable TV • HBO • Telephone with
message light and data port • Pute feu feugait iuscilit • Wis eu BuSINESS ROuTINE. Headline yOuR TIME.
• Headline is maximum
facilla facin ver iure •of three
Et vullamet • Osto lines.
core volobore minissi

• One layout option is provided. Facilities & Services

• Hotel locatorOutdoor
is placed in the
pool and whirlpool • Indoor upper
pool and whirlpool • Geometric stripes
• The organic shape and geometric Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail

left corner. nearby • Breakfast served daily • Restaurant serving breakfast,

lunch & dinner • Dinner delivery service available • Room
stripes are fixed. service • Free parking • The Market, a 24/7 self-serve pantry

Primary photo
• Photography is full color. Resources Met wis dignim dolese eugiam • Dolessectem illa corem
zzriust ionsed • Euis augue tin eraesequip eugait • Nummolore

• Photography should focus on the To learn more, visit:

delent luptatu eraessequat • Agna con henim at nisl ilisi • Bla
amet inisi blam • Quat wis ametum duis nonum

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel Brand Voice: section 1.0

Local Companies
Lockheed Martin (8M) • Kaiser Permanente (1/4M) • Defense
Logistics Agency (4M) • Progressive Nursing (3M) • Mobil
and the hotel amenities. Visual Identity:Oilsection 2.0
(6M) • Washington Gas (3M) • Amtrak Autotrain (7M)


Geometric stripes
• The organic shape color is Color Palette: section 2.2
recommended in orange for the Photo Selection: section 2.5
primary hotel rack card. Choose Verbal Identity: section 3.0

from other accent colors for additional Otet consed esequisit

ut ipit vero od magna
© 2008 Marriott International, Inc. Secondary photo
feugiam, vel ut velit
nostie dolobor periure

segment rack cards. Is endre min eugaites

veraessit iurem zerillan ent
nostrud es tet, con exeril
ut adionsed tet bam vero

• The geometric stripe colors are conse te dolorer ostrud

magnisis alit augiamet velis
eugait wisim.

PMS 576 and PMS 376.

• Do not alter the design.
Placed Graphics Mode Eff. Res. User Name
Job No C0871 Ad Code —
map PP example_B&W.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gray 863 ppi, 863 ppi
CYBusinessOutdoor-194.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 1071 ppi, 1071 ppi Tim Koebbe
Client Courtyard CYLobby-328.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 1304 ppi Last Saved
Pub — 10/31/08 2:15 PM

• Use brand logo. 1st Insertion — Inks

Ad Caption Rack Card Magenta

• Logo is reversed out of the

Live None
Trim 4 in x 9 in
Ad Size —
Printed At None

organic shape.
Bleed 4.25 in x 9.25 in Built At 1 in = 1 in (100%)
Requirements for Design
Folded None Page 1-2 of 4
and Production

Info —

• Refer to template for instructions File Name MARR_C0871_CY_RackCard_Mech.indd Graphic professionals should refer to templates • Preferred Stock: 100# cover,
on size and placement of logo.
Writer Art Director Traffic Acct Mgmt Proofreader Creative Dir Production Client
for exact placement, color palette and
silk or dull coated, with minimum 10% PCW
1 additional specifics of layout. (required for Green Seal Certification).
• Do not alter the logo in any way. Printing Specifications • Varnish: Dull flood or gloss spot on
• Preferred Printing: 4cp images only.

• Trim: 4” x 9 ”, 2-sided • Do not use UV coating.

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Rack Cards: Back 6.2

RACK cards: back Rack Card Back Option A Rack Card Back Option B

Rack card backs contain information Resources Organic shape

Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott®
Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by
about facilities available at or near To learn more, visit:
Goshen Goshen
1930 Lincolnway East Goshen, IN 1930 Lincolnway East Goshen, IN
Goshen, IN 46526
Hotel name, address Goshen, IN 46526

the hotel. Specific amenities and hotel Brand Voice: section 1.0 T 574.534.3133 T 574.534.3133
F 574.534.6929
Reservations 800.123.4567
& contact information F 574.534.6929
Reservations 800.123.4567
information are listed. Visual Identity: section 2.0

White background
Color Palette: section 2.2
Guest Room Amenities
At-a-glance subhead Guest Room Amenities
XXX spacious guest rooms and X suites • Large well-lit, XXX spacious guest rooms and X suites • Large well-lit,
Verbal Identity: section 3.0 flexible work desk, ergonomic chair • Comfortable sitting flexible work desk, ergonomic chair • Comfortable sitting

• Two layout options are provided. area • Individual climate control • AM/FM alarm clock
radio • Remote-controlled cable TV • HBO • Telephone with
REFRESH YOuR area • Individual climate control • AM/FM alarm clock
radio • Remote-controlled cable TV • HBO • Telephone with
message light and data port • Pute feu feugait iuscilit • Wis eu BuSINESS ROuTINE.
At-a-glance copy message light and data port • Pute feu feugait iuscilit • Wis eu BuSINE
• The organic shape area is fixed. facilla facin ver iure • Et vullamet • Osto core volobore minissi facilla facin ver iure • Et vullamet • Osto core volobore minissi

Facilities & Services Facilities & Services

• The organic shape color should always Outdoor pool and whirlpool • Indoor pool and whirlpool •
Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail
Outdoor pool and whirlpool • Indoor pool and whirlpool
• Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail
nearby • Breakfast served daily • Restaurant serving breakfast, nearby • Breakfast served daily • Restaurant serving breakfast,
match the color used on the front. lunch & dinner • Dinner delivery service available • Room
service • Free parking • The Market, a 24/7 self-serve pantry
lunch & dinner • Dinner delivery service available • Room service
• Free parking • The Market, a 24/7 self-serve pantry

• Do not alter the design. Attractions

Met wis dignim dolese eugiam • Dolessectem illa corem
Met wis dignim dolese eugiam • Dolessectem illa corem zzriust
zzriust ionsed • Euis augue tin eraesequip eugait • Nummolore ionsed • Euis augue tin eraesequip eugait • Nummolore delent
• At-a-glance copy on back should be in delent luptatu eraessequat • Agna con henim at nisl ilisi • Bla
amet inisi blam • Quat wis ametum duis nonum
luptatu eraessequat • Agna con henim at nisl ilisi • Bla amet
inisi blam • Quat wis ametum duis nonum

the following order: Local Companies

Lockheed Martin (8M) • Kaiser Permanente (1/4M) • Defense
Local Companies
Lockheed Martin (8M) • Kaiser Permanente (1/4M) • Defense
Logistics Agency (4M) • Progressive Nursing (3M) • Mobil Logistics Agency (4M) • Progressive Nursing (3M) • Mobil
1. Guest Room Amenities Oil (6M) • Washington Gas (3M) • Amtrak Autotrain (7M) Oil (6M) • Washington Gas (3M) • Amtrak Autotrain (7M)


Tag line Directions

2. Facilities & Services Otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero od magna feugiam, vel ut
velit nostie dolobor periure Is endre min eugaites veraessit

3. Attractions
iurem zerillan ent nostrud es tet, con exeril ut adionsed tet bam
vero conse te dolorer ostrud magnisis alit augiamet velis eugait

Map wisim. con exeril ut adionsed

4. Local Companies Directions IT’S A NEW STAY.℠

Otet consed esequisit

5. Directions
ut ipit vero od magna

© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

feugiam, vel ut velit

© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

nostie dolobor periure
Is endre min eugaites
veraessit iurem zerillan ent
nostrud es tet, con exeril
ut adionsed tet bam vero
conse te dolorer ostrud
magnisis alit augiamet velis
eugait wisim.
Copyright information
• Hotel name, locator and address
are black.
• Subhead color should always Job No C0871 Ad Code — Placed Graphics Mode Eff. Res.
map PP example_B&W.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gray 863 ppi, 863 ppi
CYBusinessOutdoor-194.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 1071 ppi, 1071 ppi
User Name
Tim Koebbe
Job No C0871 Ad Code — Placed Graphics
CYLobby-328.tif . . . . . . . . .
Client Courtyard CYLobby-328.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 1304 ppi Client Courtyard cy_oc_rev.eps
Last Saved

match the accent color used on Pub —

1st Insertion —
10/31/08 2:15 PM
Pub —
1st Insertion —
Ad Caption Rack Card Magenta
Ad Caption Rack Card
the organic shape.
Live None Ad Size — Black Live None Ad Size —
Trim 4 in x 9 in Printed At None Trim 4 in x 9 in Printed At None

• At-a-glance copy is black.

Bleed 4.25 in x 9.25 in
Folded None
Built At 1 in = 1 in (100%)
Page 1-2 of 4

Bleed 4.25 in x 9.25 in
Folded None
Built At 1 in = 1 in (100%)
Page 3-4 of 4
Info — Info —
• Courtyard tag line, “It’S A NEW File Name MARR_C0871_CY_RackCard_Mech.indd File Name MARR_C0871_CY_RackCard_Mech.indd
Writer Art Director Traffic Acct Mgmt Proofreader Creative Dir Production Client Reader
STAY. SM ” appears in the accent color.
Writer Art Director Traffic Acct Mgmt Proofreader Creative Dir Production Client Reader
1 1
See template for placement on
each version.
• Courtyard tag line appears in all caps.
• Do not alter the font size.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Rack Brochure: Front 6.3

RACK brochure: front Rack Brochure Front

Rack brochures are used to showcase Typography

Courtyard by Marriott®
Courtyard by Marriott® Brand logo
the hotel’s amenities and offerings. • Headline colors
are PMS 576 or PMS Goshen, IN
1930 Lincolnway East
Hotel-specific information
Goshen, IN 46526
The photos and copy target the leisure 376 plus the same accent color used
T 574.534.3133
F 574.534.6929
and business traveler. The entire piece on the organic shape.
Reservations 800.123.4567
Organic shape
supports the brand positioning of • The accent color is used to emphasize
Business Unusual. a key wordGuest
in the headline.
Room Amenities White background
XXX spacious guest rooms and X suites • Large well-lit,
• Headline size and
flexible placement
work desk, ergonomic chair are fixed.
• Comfortable sitting
Layout area • Individual climate control • AM/FM alarm clock
• Headline isradio
maximum of cable
• Remote-controlled three lines.
TV • HBO • Telephone
• One layout option is provided. with message light and data port • Pute feu feugait REFRESH YOuR
• Hotel locator is placed in the upper
iuscilit • Wis eu facilla facin ver iure • Et vullamet • Osto
• The organic shape and geometric core volobore minissi

left corner.Facilities & Services Geometric stripes

stripes are fixed. Outdoor pool and whirlpool • Indoor pool and whirlpool
• Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail
• Photography is full color. Resources nearby • Breakfast served daily • Restaurant serving
breakfast, lunch & dinner • Dinner delivery service
• Photography should focus on the To learn more, visit:
available • Room service • Free parking • The Market, a Primary photo
24/7 self-serve pantry
Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel Brand Voice: section 1.0

and the hotel amenities.

Work the way you want Visual Identity: section 2.0
Met wis dignim dolese eugiam • Dolessectem illa corem
zzriust ionsed • Euis augue tin eraesequip eugait •
Whether you’re tending to business or penciling in
• The organic shape color is PMS 144. Color Palette:
some personal time, no hotel makes it easier to get
section 2.2
Nummolore delent luptatu eraessequat • Agna con
henim at nisl ilisi • Bla amet inisi blam • Quametum

• The geometric stripe colors are PMS Photo Selection:

things accomplished on your terms. With open lobby
section 2.5
Local Companies Geometric stripes
space, featuring free Wi-Fi, you can switch seamlessly
Lockheed Martin (8M) • Kaiser Permanente (1/4M) •
576 and PMS 376. from work to downtime and back. For a change Verbal Identity:
Defensesection 3.0
Logistics Agency (4M) • Progressive Nursing
of pace, simply change the scenery. We boast the (3M) • Mobil Oil (6M) • Washington Gas (3M) • Amtrak
• Do not alter the design.
largest number of stand-alone outdoor courtyards in Autotrain (7M)
the industry, as well as the most relaxation-friendly
outdoor space.
Logo Otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero od magna feugiam,
Refuel at The Market anytime of the day. It’s a 24/7 vel ut velit nostie dolobor periure Is endre min eugaites

• Use brand logo. haven for travelers who arrive late, work overtime or veraessit iurem zerillan ent nostrud es tet, con exeril ut Secondary photo
© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

adionsed tet bam vero conse te dolorer ostrud magnisis

just need a quick pick-me-up.
• Logo is reversed out of the alit augiamet velis eugait wisim. con exeril ut adionsed


organic shape.
• Refer to template for instructions
on size and placement of logo.
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
Requirements for Design
and Production
Graphic professionals should refer to templates • Preferred Stock: 100# text, silk or dull
for exact placement, color palette and coated, with minimum 10% PCW (required
additional specifics of layout. for Green Seal Certification).
Printing Specifications • Varnish: Dull flood or gloss spot on
• Preferred Printing: 4cp images only.

• Trim: 11” x 8.5”, 2-sided — folds to 3.66” x 8.5” • Do not use UV coating.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Rack Brochure: Interior Spread 6.4

RACK brochure: interior spread Rack Brochure Interior Spread Option A: Three Images

Rack brochures are used to showcase Typography

Full color photos
the hotel’s amenities and offerings. • Headline colors are PMS 576 or PMS
Organic Ribbon
The photos and copy target the leisure 376 plus the same accent color used
and business traveler. The entire piece on the ribbon.
supports the brand positioning of • The accent color is used to emphasize
Business Unusual. a key word in the headline.
• Headline size and placement are fixed. Subheads
• Headline is maximum of three lines. Body copy
• Three layout options are provided.
• Subhead color should always match
• Photography is full color. A FRESH TAKE ON
the accent color used on the ribbon. Headline
• Photography should focus on the Find your balance On-site amenities

• Body copy color is black. Step out of the same old business travel routine when Courtyard offers everything you need to ensure • Wi-Fi access in the lobby space

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel

you step inside Courtyard by Marriott®. Here, we offer a successful and enjoyable trip. Here you’ll discover the • Breakfast served daily, including
a fresh approach to helping you stay productive while ideal combination of comfort and convenience: eggs cooked to order
you’re on the road. Courtyard is designed to work • The Market, with 24-hour access to food,
In-room amenities
and the hotel amenities. Resources the way you do — no matter how often you choose to
switch gears. From maximizing productivity anywhere
• Free high-speed Internet access
snacks and refreshments
• Fax, copy and print in the business center
• King-size beds with cotton-rich linens, thicker
on property, to taking full advantage of downtime • Meeting rooms with audiovisual service available

• Do not alter the design. To learn more, visit: when it arises, we provide the space and flexibility to
mattresses and fluffier pillows
• Large work desk with no-glare lighting and an
• Swimming pool, exercise room and whirlpool
help you stay energized and make the most of every • Guest laundry
ergonomic chair

Brand Voice: section 1.0

travel experience. • Cozy lounge with big-screen TV
• Two telephones with data ports and voice mail
• This property supports a smoke-free policy
Organic Ribbon • Complimentary coffee, tea and newspaper

Visual Identity: section 2.0

• Iron and ironing board

White background
• The ribbon has been created from two
Color Palette: section 2.2
organic shapes overlayed. It is used to
Photo Selection: section 2.5
separate photography and copy within
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
a layout.
Placed Graphics Mode Eff. Res. User Name
Job No C0871 Ad Code —
CYHallway-054_crop.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 750 ppi, -750 ppi
CYPool-072.tif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 967 ppi Tim Koebbe
Client Courtyard CYLobby-061.jpg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CMYK 600 ppi, -600 ppi Last Saved
Pub — 10/31/08 2:11 PM

• The ribbon colors are PMS 376 or PMS 1st Insertion —

Ad Caption Rack Brochure

576 and PMS 144. Rack Brochure Interior Spread

3.66 in x 8.5 in

Live None
Ad Size —
Printed At None
Rack Brochure Interior Spread Black

Option B: Two Images

3.91 in x 8.75 in Bleed Built At 1 in = 1 in (100%) Option C: One Image
• It is a fixed element and can not be

Folded None
Info —
Page 4-6 of 6

altered in any way.

File Name MARR_C0871_Rack Brochure_Mech.indd
Writer Art Director Traffic Acct Mgmt Proofreader Creative Dir Production Client Reader


Find your balance On-site amenities Find your balance On-site amenities
Step out of the same old business travel routine when Courtyard offers everything you need to ensure • Wi-Fi access in the lobby space Step out of the same old business travel routine when Courtyard offers everything you need to ensure • Wi-Fi access in the lobby space
you step inside Courtyard by Marriott®. Here, we offer a successful and enjoyable trip. Here you’ll discover the • Breakfast served daily, including you step inside Courtyard by Marriott®. Here, we offer a successful and enjoyable trip. Here you’ll discover the • Breakfast served daily, including
a fresh approach to helping you stay productive while ideal combination of comfort and convenience: eggs cooked to order a fresh approach to helping you stay productive while ideal combination of comfort and convenience: eggs cooked to order
you’re on the road. Courtyard is designed to work • The Market, with 24-hour access to food, you’re on the road. Courtyard is designed to work • The Market, with 24-hour access to food,
In-room amenities In-room amenities
the way you do — no matter how often you choose to snacks and refreshments the way you do — no matter how often you choose to snacks and refreshments
• Free high-speed Internet access • Free high-speed Internet access
switch gears. From maximizing productivity anywhere • Fax, copy and print in the business center switch gears. From maximizing productivity anywhere • Fax, copy and print in the business center
• King-size beds with cotton-rich linens, thicker • King-size beds with cotton-rich linens, thicker
on property, to taking full advantage of downtime • Meeting rooms with audiovisual service available on property, to taking full advantage of downtime • Meeting rooms with audiovisual service available
mattresses and fluffier pillows mattresses and fluffier pillows
when it arises, we provide the space and flexibility to • Swimming pool, exercise room and whirlpool when it arises, we provide the space and flexibility to • Swimming pool, exercise room and whirlpool
• Large work desk with no-glare lighting and an • Large work desk with no-glare lighting and an
help you stay energized and make the most of every • Guest laundry help you stay energized and make the most of every • Guest laundry
ergonomic chair ergonomic chair
travel experience. • Cozy lounge with big-screen TV travel experience. • Cozy lounge with big-screen TV
• Two telephones with data ports and voice mail • Two telephones with data ports and voice mail
• This property supports a smoke-free policy • This property supports a smoke-free policy
• Complimentary coffee, tea and newspaper • Complimentary coffee, tea and newspaper
• Iron and ironing board • Iron and ironing board
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Rack Brochure: Back 6.5

RACK brochure: back Rack Brochure Back

Rack brochure backs contain Resources

Courtyard by Marriott® Organic shape
information about facilities at or near To learn more, visit: Goshen
Courtyard by Marriott®
Goshen, IN
the hotel. Specific amenities and hotel Brand Voice: section 1.0 1930 Lincolnway East
Goshen, IN 46526 Hotel name, address
information are listed. Visual Identity: section 2.0 T 574.534.3133 & contact information
F 574.534.6929
Color Palette: section 2.2
Layout Reservations 800.123.4567
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• One layout option is provided.
• The organic shape area is fixed.
Guest Room Amenities At-a-glance subhead
• The organic shape color should always XXX spacious guest rooms and X suites • Large well-lit,
flexible work desk, ergonomic chair • Comfortable sitting
match the color used on the front. area • Individual climate control • AM/FM alarm clock
• Do not alter the design. radio • Remote-controlled cable TV • HBO • Telephone
with message light and data port • Pute feu feugait REFRESH YOuR
• At-a-glance copy on back should be in iuscilit • Wis eu facilla facin ver iure • Et vullamet • Osto
core volobore minissi
the following order:
1. Guest Room Amenities Facilities & Services
Outdoor pool and whirlpool • Indoor pool and whirlpool
2. Facilities & Services • Exercise room • Golf and tennis nearby • Jogging trail
nearby • Breakfast served daily • Restaurant serving
3. Attractions
breakfast, lunch & dinner • Dinner delivery service
4. Local Companies available • Room service • Free parking • The Market, a
24/7 self-serve pantry
5. Directions White background

Typography Met wis dignim dolese eugiam • Dolessectem illa corem

Work the way you want zzriust ionsed • Euis augue tin eraesequip eugait •
• Hotel name, locator and address Whether you’re tending to business or penciling in Nummolore delent luptatu eraessequat • Agna con
some personal time, no hotel makes it easier to get henim at nisl ilisi • Bla amet inisi blam • Quametum
are black.
things accomplished on your terms. With open lobby
• Subhead color should always Local Companies
space, featuring free Wi-Fi, you can switch seamlessly
Lockheed Martin (8M) • Kaiser Permanente (1/4M) •
match the accent color used on from work to downtime and back. For a change
Defense Logistics Agency (4M) • Progressive Nursing At-a-glance body copy
of pace, simply change the scenery. We boast the (3M) • Mobil Oil (6M) • Washington Gas (3M) • Amtrak
the organic shape.
largest number of stand-alone outdoor courtyards in Autotrain (7M)
• At-a-glance copy is black. the industry, as well as the most relaxation-friendly
outdoor space.
• Courtyard tag line, “It’S A NEW Otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero od magna feugiam,

STAY. SM ” appears after last At-a-glance Refuel at The Market anytime of the day. It’s a 24/7 vel ut velit nostie dolobor periure Is endre min eugaites
haven for travelers who arrive late, work overtime or veraessit iurem zerillan ent nostrud es tet, con exeril ut

© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

copy section. adionsed tet bam vero conse te dolorer ostrud magnisis
just need a quick pick-me-up.
alit augiamet velis eugait wisim. con exeril ut adionsed Copyright information
• Courtyard tag line appears in all caps.
• Do not alter the font size. IT’S A NEW STAY.℠ Tag line
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Meeting Planner Guide: Front 6.6

meeting planner guide: front Meeting Planner Guide Front

Meeting Planner Guides are custom pieces Typography Organic shape

Brand logo
Courtyard by Marriott®
designed to present straightforward • Headline colors are PMS 576 or PMS Goshen, in

information for the meeting planner. 376 plus the same accent color used
They feature floorplans, capacity charts on the organic shape.
White background
and information about the facilities. • The accent color is used to emphasize
a key word in the headline. RefResh YouR Headline
Layout Business Routine.
• Headline size and placement are fixed.
• One layout option is provided. Geometric stripe
• Headline is maximum of three lines.
• The organic shape and geometric
• Hotel locator is placed in the upper
stripes are fixed.
left corner. Primary photo
• Photography is full color.
• Photography should focus on the Resources
Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel To learn more, visit:
and the hotel amenities. Brand Voice: section 1.0
• The organic shape color is PMS 144. Visual Identity: section 2.0
• The geometric stripe colors are PMS Color Palette: section 2.2
576 and PMS 376. Photo Selection: section 2.5 Geometric stripes

• Do not alter the design. Verbal Identity: section 3.0

• Use brand logo. Secondary photo
• Logo is reversed out of the
organic shape.
• Refer to template for instructions
on size and placement of logo.
• Do not alter the logo in any way.

Requirements for Design

and Production
Graphic professionals should refer to templates • Preferred Stock: 100# cover,
for exact placement, color palette and silk or dull coated, with minimum 10% PCW
additional specifics of layout. (required for Green Seal Certification).
Printing Specifications • Varnish: dull flood or gloss spot on
• Preferred Printing: 4cp images only.

• Trim: 8.5”x11”, 2-sided. • Do not use UV coating.

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Meeting Planner Guide: Back 6.7

meeting planner guide: back Meeting Planner Guide Back Option A: Two Images

Meeting Planner Guides are custom pieces Typography

Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown
Organic Ribbon
designed to present straightforward • Hotel name, locator and address 333 East Jefferson
Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Telephone: (313) 222-7700
Facsimile: (313) 222-6509
333 East Jefferson Reservations:
Telephone: 1-800-321-2211
(313) 222-7700

information for the meeting planner. are black.

Courtyard by Marriott®
Goshen Michigan 48226
Facsimile: (313) 222-6509
Reservations: 1-800-321-2211
Full color photo
Full color photo
1930 Lincolnway east, Goshen, in 46526
t 574.534.3133 f 574.534.6929

They feature floorplans, capacity charts • Subhead color should always Reservations 800.123.4567

Hotel name, address Location Restaurants & Lounges
TO� 94 In the heart of the downtown business Sweet Lorraine's, open daily for breakfast,
R� 75

and information about the facilities. match the accent color used on
Location district; connected by skywalk to the Restaurants
GM lunch and dinner • Sweet Lorraine's Café
& Lounges
& contact information
Location TO� 94 Guest Room
In the Renaissance
heartAmenities Centerbusiness
of the downtown and adjacent toAttractions
Sweet and Bar
the Lorraine's, openfordaily
light for
snacks, lunch and dinner
75 utpat.

Magna alissit FISHER
lum nulluptatum
PARK 255district;
spacious Detroit
connected rooms Mover
by skywalk toTransit
with king the 2 SystemGM
orGM • 30
lunch • Sweetconnected
and dinner Center
Renaissance Lorraine's Café
by skywalk •
unt prat, susto commod erostrud magna IOT
� Renaissanceminutes
queen beds and 5 suites • All rooms with
to the Airport
and Bar for light
Cobo hall Convention
snacks, lunch and dinner
Center (1/2M) • Joe


Detroit People Mover Transit System • 30
the organic shape.
Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown
core coreet, veliquat
MIC dolore delessed magna large, well‑lit
minutes work
from desk,
Detroit ergonomicAirport
Metropolitan chair, Louis ArenaGM Renaissance
(1/2M) • Comerica Center (connected
Park (6BLKs) • by
10 IOT� Directions Nearby Attractions
skywalk) • Cobo Hall Convention Center

core min ea feum dolorANsed te
GR min
E. henim 375 individual climate control, AM/fM alarm ford field (7BLKs) • Greek town entertainment
Telephone: M(313) 222-7700AVE. AV
333 East Jefferson EAST� From Detroit Metropolitan Airport: Take GM Renaissance
I-94 (1/2M)Center
• Joe(connected
Louis Arena by (1/2M) •
quis duisit,
10 core
ICHI diametuer augait, sequip
375JEFFERSON� clock radio • two dual‑line telephones
Directions District
• Cobo • the
Hall henry
Convention (nearby) •
ford Center
Detroit, Michigan 48226 GA
Facsimile: (313) 222-6509 East, exit Lodge Freeway/US 10 South. Comerica Park (6BLKS) • Ford Field

E. with voice
From mail
Detroit • Remote‑controlled
Metropolitan Airport: Take Avenue theater
I-94 (1/2M) • District (2M)
Louis ••Greektown
Arena Casinos
(1/2M) (2BLKs)
• Entertainment District
• At-a-glance copy is black.
G EAST� Freeway becomes Jefferson East.

▲ E
Reservations:N1-800-321-2211 WY JEFFERSON�★ F
Meeting Facilities .
with exit Lodge
in‑room Freeway/US
Courtyard movies, 10on
is 1/2 mile South.
left. Comerica Park (6BLKS)
(1/2M) • The • Ford
Henry Field
Ford (nearby) • Theater

Freeway becomes Jefferson Avenue East. (7BLKS) • Greektown Entertainment District

• Two layout options are provided.
At-a-glance subhead
6,948 N squareWYfeet of CENTER
total�meeting space • sony Playstation® • Complimentary Wi‑fi Local district (2M) • Casinos (2BLKS)
CENTER Courtyard is 1/2 mile on the left. (1/2M)Companies
• The Henry Ford (nearby) • Theater
3,200 square‑foot
ARENA �ballroom,
CIVIC dividing into
CENTER RENAISSANCE� high‑speed internet access • in‑room coffee General Motors
district (2M) (2BLKS) by skywalk) •
hQ (connected
• Casinos

• Courtyard tag line, “It’S A NEW

four sections • 1,008‑square‑foot
DETROIT RIVER skyline maker, hair dryer, iron and ironing board eDs (connected Localby Companies
skywalk) • Compuware
Room provides additional meeting space • (1/4M)
General Motors HQ (connected by
• Comerica (1/4M) • Accenture (1/4M) •
Local Companies

• Photography is full color.

Location Meeting Facilities Restaurants & LoungesFloor Plans & Capacity Chart skywalk)(connected
• EDS (connected by skywalk) •
foyer and Atrium for gatherings • in‑house Facilities & open
Services General Motors
Blue HQ
shield (2BLKs)by
94 In theMeeting
heart 6,948
of the square
downtown feet of total
business meeting space
Sweet •
Lorraine's, daily for breakfast, Blue Cross
Compuware (1/4M) •• Detroit
Comerica (1/4M) •
At-a-glance copy

75 Facilities Floor Plans & Capacity Chart skywalk) • EDS (connected by skywalk) •
district; connected
audiovisual support by •skywalk to ballroom,
the GM lunchindoor
and dinner • Sweet Lorraine's Caféroom and
feet Wi‑fi high‑speed
STAY. SM ” appears after last At-a-glance
3,200-square-foot dividing
• into pool, whirlpool,COURTYARD exercise edison, Ameritech • henry
(1M)(1/4M) ford healthBlue Shield
HWY. 6,948 square of total meeting space CompuwareAccenture • Blue
Renaissance Center and adjacent to the and Bar for light snacks, lunch and dinner
BALLROOM (1/4M) • Comerica •
internet four
access sections • 1,008-square-foot into Skyline • Guest BALLROOM
tennis courtsCOURTYARD laundry and same‑day system (4M) • Detroit
(2BLKS) Medical
• Detroit Center (2 1/2M) (1M) •
75 COMERICA� 3,200-square-foot ballroom, dividing Accenture (1/4M) • Blue CrossEdison,
Blue Ameritech

PARK Detroit People Mover
Room provides Transit System • 30
additional Skyline
meeting space •
• Photography should focus on the
minutes sections
Detroit• Metropolitan
1,008-square-footAirport valet service • sundry shop and AtM • safe‑ HenryEdison,
(2BLKS) • Detroit Ford Health System
Ameritech (1M)(4M)
• • Detroit
IOT� Nearby Attractions
Foyer and Atrium available for gatherings •

Tag line
AT Room provides additional meeting space • deposit boxes • Business center • seven Henry Ford Medical
Health Center (2 1/2M)
GM IT’S A NEW STAY.SMSystem (4M) • Detroit
available forsupport • Renaissance Center (connected by
• High-
copy section.
MIC Foyer and gatherings Medical Center (2 1/2M)
10 HIGA 375 Directions
speed access• High- skywalk)
Internetsupport function
• Coborooms Afor up to B
Hall Convention 350 attendees
N AV In-house audiovisual C D
E. EAST� From Detroit Metropolitan Airport: Take I-94 (1/2M) • JoeA Louis Arena (1/2M)C•
speed Internet access

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel

East, exit Lodge Freeway/US 10 South. Comerica Park (6BLKS) • Ford Field

Freeway becomes Services & Amenities
Jefferson Avenue East. (7BLKS) • Greektown Entertainment District

▲ E
FW ★ For complete information, call
• Courtyard tag line color is PMS 144.
Courtyard 1/2&mile
is Indoor Amenities
on thewhirlpool,
pool, left. exercise (1/2M)
room and• The Henry Ford (nearby) • Theater
Indoor tennis
pool, whirlpool, For complete us information, call222-7700 or toll-free
direct at (313)
CENTER courts • exercise room and
Guest laundry district
and same-(2M) • Casinos (2BLKS)
tennis day
courts • Guest laundry and same- us direct at in the 222-7700
(313) or toll-free
United States and Canada:
and the hotel amenities.
valet service • Sundry shop and ATM
day valet service • Sundry
• Safe-deposit boxesshop and ATM
• Business Local Companies
center • FOYER in the United States and Canada:
• Safe-deposit boxes •rooms
for center •
General FOYER
Motors HQ (connected by 1-800-353-8365.

• Courtyard tag line appears in all caps.

Meeting Facilities
Seven function up to 350
FloorSeven function
Plans attendeesrooms
& Capacity for up to 350
Chart skywalk) • EDS (connected by skywalk) •
6,948 square feet of total meeting space • attendees Compuware (1/4M) • Comerica (1/4M) •

• Do not alter the design.

3,200-square-foot ballroom, dividing into COURTYARD BALLROOM Accenture (1/4M) • Blue Cross Blue Shield SKYLINE ROOM
four sections • 1,008-square-foot Skyline (2BLKS) • Detroit Edison, Ameritech (1M) • SKYLINE ROOM

• Do not alter the font size.

Room provides additional meeting space • Accommodations Henry Ford
Foyer and Atrium available for gatherings • 255 spacious guest rooms with king or
255 spacious guest rooms with king or 2Medical 2 Health System (4M) • Detroit

Floorplan renderings
Center (2 1/2M)
In-house audiovisual support • High- queen queen
beds and beds and 5•suites
5 suites • Allwith
All rooms rooms with
speed Internet access A large,
large, well-lit well-lit
work C workergonomic
desk, D desk, ergonomic chair,
individual climateclimate
alarm alarm ATRIUM ATRIUM

Organic Ribbon
Services & Amenities clock• radio
clock radio • Two dual-line
Two dual-line telephones

Indoor pool, whirlpool, exercise room and withmail

with voice voiceand mail and
data data
ports ports •For
• Remote- complete information, call

Resources tennis courts • Guest laundry and same- controlled

controlled cable TV cable
withTV pay uspay
with in-room
in-room direct at (313) 222-7700 or toll-free
® in the United
day valet service • Sundry shop and ATM movies,movies,
and Sony
and Sony PlayStation
PlayStation • ®
• States and Canada:

• The ribbon has been created from two

• Safe-deposit boxes • Business center • Complimentary
Complimentary high-speed
high-speed 1-800-353-8365.
Internet Internet
Seven function rooms for up to 350 accessaccess
• In-room coffee maker,
• In-room coffee hair dryer,
maker, hair dryer,

To learn more, visit:

attendees iron and ironing board board
iron and ironing

organic shapes overlayed. It is used to

Accommodations Capacity Capacity
255 spacious guest rooms with king or 2 Dimensions Square

Capacity chart
Square Square School- Confer-
School- Confer-

Brand Voice: section 1.0

queen beds and 5 suites • All rooms with Meeting Room (W x L x H) Footage Theater
Meeting Schoolroom
Room (W x LConference U-Shape
x H) Footage Theater Reception
room enceBanquet
U-Shape Reception
large, well-lit work desk, ergonomic chair, Meeting Room (W x L x H) Footage Theater room ence U-ShapeBanquet
Reception Banquet
individual climate control, AM/FM alarm Courtyard

separate photography and copy within

Ballroom 80x40B 3,200 A Courtyard Ballroom
80x40 3,200 300 150 60 50 350 250
clock radio • Two dual-line telephones 150 Courtyard Ballroom60 80x40 50 3,200 350 300 150250 60 50 350 250
with voice mail and data ports • Remote- A 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
Ballroom A 40x20 800 80 40
A 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60

Visual Identity: section 2.0

©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

controlled cable TV with in-room pay

©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

B 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
movies, WebTV ® and Sony PlayStation® • Ballroom B 40x20 800 80 B
40 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60
C 40x20 800 70 30 25 15 60 50

© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

a layout.
Complimentary high-speed Internet Ballroom C 40x20 800 70 30C 25 40x20 15 800 6070 30 50 25 15 60 50
access • In-room coffee maker, hair dryer, D 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
Ballroom D 40x20 800 80 D
40 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60

Color Palette: section 2.2

iron and ironing board Foyer 59x25 1,475 – – – – – –
Foyer 59x25 1,475 ‑
Skyline Room A

‑ 59x25
‑ 1,475
80 52
‑ –
– ‑


– –
Copyright information
• The ribbon colors are PMS 376 or PMS

Skyline Room A 37x32 1,184 80 Capacity
Skyline Room A 37x32 30 –1,184 80 52 60 – 36 30 100 60
Skyline Room B52 21x39 36 819 100
– 10 20 30

Dimensions Square School- Confer-
Skyline Room B Skyline
‑ Room B 10 21x39 80819 – – – – 30 – 10 150 – 120 20 30
Room (W x L x H) 21x39 Theater819 room ‑
Atrium 55x23 1,265 ‑ 20

Photo Selection: section 2.5

Meeting Footage ence U-Shape Reception Banquet
Atrium 55x23 1,265 80 Atrium
‑ ‑ 55x23 ‑ 1,265 15080 – 120 – – 150 120
Courtyard Ballroom 80x40 3,200 300 150 60 50 350 250

576 and PMS 144.

A 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60

©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

B 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 C 40x20 800 70 30 25 15 60 50

• It is a fixed element and cannot be

D 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
Foyer 59x25 1,475 – – – – – –
Skyline Room A 37x32 1,184 80 52 36 30 100 60

Meeting Planner Guide Back Option B: One Image

Skyline Room B 21x39 819 – – 10 – 20 30

altered in any way.

Atrium 55x23 1,265 80 – – – 150 120

Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown

333 East Jefferson Telephone: (313) 222-7700

Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown
Detroit, Michigan 48226 Facsimile: (313) 222-6509
333 East
Courtyard Jefferson
by Marriott® Reservations:
Telephone: 1-800-321-2211
(313) 222-7700
Goshen Michigan 48226
Facsimile: (313) 222-6509

• Use brand logo.

1930 Lincolnway east, Goshen, in 46526 Reservations: 1-800-321-2211
t 574.534.3133 f 574.534.6929
Reservations 800.123.4567 Location Restaurants & Lounges
TO� 94 In the heart of the downtown business Sweet Lorraine's, open daily for breakfast,
METRO� R� 75
HWY. Location district; connected by skywalk to the Restaurants GM lunch and dinner • Sweet Lorraine's Café
& Lounges
Location TO� 94 Guest Room
In the Renaissance
of the downtownCenterbusiness
and adjacent toAttractions
Sweet and Bar
the Lorraine's, openfordaily
light for
snacks, lunch and dinner

• Logo color is black.

75 utpat.

Magna alissitMETRO�
AIRPORTlum nulluptatum FISHE
HWY. nullan
PARK 255district;
spacious Detroit
connected rooms Mover
by skywalk toTransit
with king the 2 SystemGM
orGM • 30
lunch and dinner Center
Renaissance • Sweetconnected
Lorraine's Café
by skywalk •
unt prat, susto commod erostrud magna
� Renaissanceminutes
queen beds and 5 suites • All rooms with
to the Airport
and Bar for light
Nearby snacks, lunch and dinner
Center (1/2M) • Joe

IOT Cobo hall Convention

PARK GRAVE. Detroit People Mover Transit System • 30

Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown core coreet, veliquat MIC dolore delessed � magna large, well‑lit
minutes work
from desk,
Detroit ergonomicAirport
Metropolitan chair, Louis ArenaGM Renaissance
(1/2M) • Comerica Center (connected
Park (6BLKs) • by
10 dolor Directions Nearby Attractions
skywalk)••Greek Cobotown Hall Convention Center

core min ea feum sed
AVE teGR min
E. henim 375 individual climate control, AM/fM alarm ford field (7BLKs) entertainment
333 East Jefferson Telephone: MIC (313) 222-7700 . AV EAST� From Detroit Metropolitan Airport: Take I-94 GM Renaissance
• Joe(connected
Louis Arena by (1/2M) •
quis duisit, coreHIG diametuer augait,375 sequip radio • two dual‑line telephones • the
Detroit, Michigan 48226 Facsimile:10 (313) 222-6509
JEFFERSON� clock Directions East, exit Lodge Freeway/US 10 South. District
• Cobo
ComericaHall henry
Park (6BLKS) • Ford•Field
ford Center
Convention (nearby)


▲ GE F . EAST� with voice
From mail
Detroit • Remote‑controlled
Freeway becomes Airport: cable
Jefferson I-94
Avenue theater
(1/2M) • District
East. (2M)
Louis •Greektown
• Casinos
(1/2M) (2BLKs)
• Entertainment District

Reservations:N1-800-321-2211 WY JEFFERSON� ★
Meeting Facilities .
with exit Lodge
pay movies, 10on
is 1/2 mile South.
left. Comerica Park (6BLKS)
(1/2M) • The • Ford
Henry Field
Ford (nearby) • Theater

• Refer to template for instructions


Freeway becomes Jefferson Avenue East. (7BLKS) • Greektown Entertainment District

6,948 N squareWYfeet . ARENA of

total�meeting space
CENTER • sony Playstation® • Complimentary Wi‑fi
Courtyard is 1/2 mile on the left. Local district (2M)
• Casinos (2BLKS)
• The Henry Ford (nearby) • Theater
3,200 square‑foot
ARENA �ballroom,
CIVIC dividing into
CENTER RENAISSANCE� high‑speed internet access • in‑room coffee General Motors
district (2M) (2BLKS) by skywalk) •
hQ (connected
• Casinos
four sections • 1,008‑square‑foot
DETROIT RIVER skyline maker, hair dryer, iron and ironing board eDs (connected Localby Companies
skywalk) • Compuware
Room provides additional meeting space • (1/4M)
General Motors HQ (connected by
• Comerica (1/4M) • Accenture (1/4M) •
Local Companies
Location Meeting Facilities Restaurants & LoungesFloor Plans & Capacity Chart skywalk) • EDS (connected by skywalk) •
foyer and Atrium for gatherings • in‑house Facilities & open
Services General Motors HQ (connected by
TO� 94
R� 75
In theMeeting
heart 6,948
of the square
Facilities feet of total
business meeting space
Sweet •
Floor Plans
daily for breakfast,
& Capacity Chart
Blue Cross
skywalk) • EDS
Blue shield
Compuware (2BLKs)
(connected (1/4M) •• Detroit
by skywalk) • (1/4M) •
district; connected
audiovisual support by •skywalk to ballroom,
the GM lunchindoor
and dinner • Sweet Lorraine's Caféroom and
feet Wi‑fi high‑speed • henry
3,200-square-foot dividing
• into pool, whirlpool,COURTYARD exercise edison, Ameritech (1M)(1/4M) ford healthBlue Shield
6,948 square of total meeting space CompuwareAccenture • Blue
AIRPORT HWY. BALLROOM (1/4M) • Comerica •

on size and placement of logo.

Renaissance Center
four and adjacent
sections to the
• 1,008-square-foot and Bar for light snacks, lunch and dinner
75 COMERICA� internet access
3,200-square-foot ballroom, dividing into Skyline • Guest BALLROOM
tennis courtsCOURTYARD laundry and same‑day system
Accenture (4M) • Detroit
(1/4M) Medical
• Detroit
• Blue Center
Blue (2 1/2M) (1M) •

PARK Detroit People RoomMover Transit

provides System
additional • 30 meeting space •
� fourfrom
minutes sections
Detroit• Metropolitan
1,008-square-foot Airport Skyline valet service • sundry shop and AtM • safe‑ HenryEdison,
(2BLKS) • Detroit Ford Health System
Ameritech (1M)(4M)
• • Detroit
Room Foyer and Atrium available Nearby
for gatherings Attractions


ATI provides additional meeting space • deposit Henry Ford Medical

Health Center (2 1/2M)
GM boxes • Business center • seven it’S A new StAySMSystem (4M) • Detroit
MIC Foyer and In-house
available forsupport gatherings • Renaissance Center (connected by
• High- Medical Center (2 1/2M)
10 HIG
AN 375 Directions
speed Internet access function
skywalk) • Cobo rooms Afor up to B
Hall Convention 350 attendees
AVE In-house audiovisual support • High- C D
. EAST� From Detroit Metropolitan Airport: Take I-94 (1/2M) • JoeA Louis Arena (1/2M)C•
JEFFERSON� speed Internet access
East, exit Lodge Freeway/US 10 South.
Comerica Park (6BLKS) • Ford Field


▲ GE F Freeway Services
becomes &
Avenue East. (7BLKS) • Greektown Entertainment District

★ Services
Courtyard 1/2&mile
is Indoor Amenities
on thewhirlpool,
left. For complete information, call
pool, exercise (1/2M)
room and• The Henry Ford (nearby) • Theater

• Do not alter the logo in any way.

Indoor tennis
pool, whirlpool, For complete us information,
direct at (313) call222-7700 or toll-free
CENTER courts • exercise
Guest laundry room and district
and same-(2M) • Casinos (2BLKS)
DETROIT RIVER tennis daycourts • Guest laundry and same- us direct at in the 222-7700
(313) United Statesor toll-free
and Canada:
valet service • Sundry shop and ATM
day valet service • Sundry
• Safe-deposit boxes shop and ATM
• Business Local Companies
center • FOYER in the United States and Canada:
• Safe-deposit
Seven function boxes •rooms Business for center
up to 350 •
General Motors HQ (connectedFOYER
by 1-800-353-8365.
Meeting Facilities FloorSeven function
Plans attendees
& Capacity rooms
Chart for up to 350 skywalk) • EDS (connected by skywalk) •
6,948 square feet of total meeting space • attendees Compuware (1/4M) • Comerica (1/4M) •
3,200-square-foot ballroom, dividing into COURTYARD BALLROOM Accenture (1/4M) • Blue Cross Blue Shield SKYLINE ROOM
four sections • 1,008-square-foot Skyline (2BLKS) • Detroit Edison, Ameritech (1M) • SKYLINE ROOM
Room provides additional meeting space •
255 spacious guestwith
rooms Henry Ford
2 Health System (4M) • Detroit
Foyer and Atrium available for gatherings • 255 spacious guest rooms kingwith king or
or 2Medical Center (2 1/2M)
In-house audiovisual support • High- queen queen
beds and beds and 5•suites
5 suites • Allwith
All rooms rooms with
speed Internet access A large,
large, well-lit well-lit
work C workergonomic
desk, D desk, ergonomic chair,
individual climateclimate
alarm alarm ATRIUM ATRIUM
Services & Amenities clock• radio
clock radio • Two dual-line
Two dual-line telephonestelephones B A

Indoor pool, whirlpool, exercise room and withmail

with voice voiceand mail and
data data
ports ports •For
• Remote- complete information, call
tennis courts • Guest laundry and same- controlled
controlled cable TV cable
withTV pay uspay
with in-room
in-room direct at (313) 222-7700 or toll-free
® in the United
day valet service • Sundry shop and ATM movies,movies,
and Sony
and Sony PlayStation
PlayStation • ®
• States and Canada:
• Safe-deposit boxes • Business center • Complimentary
Complimentary high-speed
high-speed 1-800-353-8365.
Internet Internet
Seven function rooms for up to 350 accessaccess
• In-room coffee maker,
• In-room coffee hair dryer,
maker, hair dryer,
attendees iron and ironing board board
iron and ironing
Accommodations Capacity Capacity
255 spacious guest rooms with king or 2 Dimensions Square DimensionsDimensions
Square Square School- Confer-
School- Confer-
queen beds and 5 suites • All rooms with Meeting Room (W x L x H) Footage Theater
Meeting Schoolroom
Room (W x LConference U-Shape
x H) Footage Theater Reception
room enceBanquet
U-Shape Reception
large, well-lit work desk, ergonomic chair, Meeting Room (W x L x H) Footage Theater room ence U-ShapeBanquet
Reception Banquet
individual climate control, AM/FM alarm Courtyard
Ballroom 80x40B 3,200 A Courtyard Ballroom
80x40 3,200 300 150 60 50 350 250
clock radio • Two dual-line telephones 150 Courtyard Ballroom60 80x40 50 3,200 350 300 150250 60 50 350 250
with voice mail and data ports • Remote- A 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
Ballroom A 40x20 800 80 40
A 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60
©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

controlled cable TV with in-room pay

©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

B 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
movies, WebTV ® and Sony PlayStation® • Ballroom B 40x20 800 80 B
40 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60
C 40x20 800 70 30 25 15 60 50
© 2008 Marriott International, Inc.

Complimentary high-speed Internet Ballroom C 40x20 800 70 30C 25 40x20 15 800 6070 30 50 25 15 60 50
access • In-room coffee maker, hair dryer, D 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
iron and ironing board Ballroom D 40x20 800 80 D
40 30 40x20 24 800 7080 40 60 30 24 70 60
Foyer 59x25 1,475 – – – – – –
Foyer 59x25 1,475 ‑ Foyer
‑ ‑ 59x25 ‑ 1,475 ‑ – – ‑ – – – –
Skyline Room A 37x32 1,184 80 52 36 30 100 60

Skyline Room A 37x32 1,184 80 Capacity

52 Room A 37x32 30 –1,184 80 52 36 30 100 60
Skyline Room B 21x39 36 819 100
– 10 60 – 20 30

Dimensions Square School- Confer-

Skyline Room B Skyline
‑ Room B 10 21x39 80819 – – – – 30 – 10 150 – 120 20 30
Meeting Room (W x L x H) 21x39
Footage Theater819 room ‑
ence U-Shape 55x23
Reception 1,265
Banquet ‑ 20

Atrium 55x23 1,265 80 Atrium

‑ ‑ 55x23 ‑ 1,265 15080 – 120 – – 150 120
Courtyard Ballroom 80x40 3,200 300 150 60 50 350 250
A 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
©2004 Marriott International, Inc.

B 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
C 40x20 800 70 30 25 15 60 50
D 40x20 800 80 40 30 24 70 60
Foyer 59x25 1,475 – – – – – –
Skyline Room A 37x32 1,184 80 52 36 30 100 60

Skyline Room B 21x39 819 – – 10 – 20 30

Atrium 55x23 1,265 80 – – – 150 120
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Print Collateral | Brand Folder 6.8

brand folder Brand Folder Front Brand Folder Back

The Brand Presentation Folder • Do not alter the logo in

Brand logo
is used for Courtyard hotels any way.
only. The folder can be ordered Organic shape
from AS Hospitality at 877-511-
• Headline color is PMS 376.
• Headline size and placement
Layout are fixed. White background
• One layout option is provided. • URL is reversed out on
• The organic shapes and back side.
geometric stripes are fixed. • Courtyard tag line, “It’S A It’s a new stay.
Tag line

• The organic shape color NEW STAY. SM ” is PMS 376.

is orange. Geometric stripes
• The geometric stripe colors are
To learn more, visit:
PMS 576 and PMS 376.
Brand Voice: section 1.0
• Inside pocket color is PMS 144.
Visual Identity: section 2.0
• Do not alter the design.
Color Palette: section 2.2 URL

Logo Verbal Identity: section 3.0

• Use brand logo.
• Logo is reversed out of the Brand Folder Inside

organic shape.
• Refer to template for
instructions on size and
placement of logo.

Requirements for Design

and Production
Graphic professionals should refer • Preferred Stock: 12pt. c2s with
to templates for exact placement, 10% PCW (required for Green
color palette and additional Seal Certification).
specifics of layout.
• Varnish: overall satin aqueous
Printing Specifications Accent color pockets
or varnish
• Preferred Printing: 3 PMS colors • Do not use UV coating.
(PMS 576, 376, 144)
• Trim: 9”x12”. Business card slits
ADVERTISING 7.0 7.1 Advertising Elements
The advertising standards help create communications that address 7.1.1 Advertising Copy
the vast range of field needs while fully leveraging the Courtyard 7.1.2 Organic Ribbon
Brand Voice. 7.1.3 Organic Ribbon: Size & Placement
7.1.4 Inset Images

7.2 Advertising Formats

7.2.1 Full Page Ad: Vertical Image
7.2.2 Full Page Ad: Horizontal Image
7.2.3 Two-Page Spread
7.2.4 Half Page Horizontal Ad
7.2.5 Quarter Page Vertical Ad
7.2.6 Quarter Page Horizontal Ad
7.2.7 Extreme Vertical Ad
7.2.8 Small Space Ad

7.3 Advertising Options

7.3.1 Cluster Ad Options
7.3.2 Partnership Ad Options
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Advertising Elelments 7.1

Advertising elements
Photography White Space
Photography is a key element of The print ads intentionally incorporate a
marketing. To communicate the large amount of white space. The white
Courtyard Brand Voice, photography space contributes to simplicity and
Full color photo
should reinforce the brand strategy legibility while making it more inviting to
Organic ribbon
of Business Unusual. the reader.

To further communicate the idea of White Space Elements WHERE CONVENIENCE AND Headline
Business Unusual, the photographic The following elements are contained Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan
hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh
Body copy
style must break out of the traditional within the white space: ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore
venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat

business hotel category. The Courtyard • Headline at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl
ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit

photographic style and content should • Body copy

nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

Package Offer Goes Here

epitomize the Optimistic Achievers’ need • Offer Ure commolo borper Offer
sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis
to make the most of themselves and of • Rate
From $ 199/night Rate
their time on the road. • Call to action For more information or to make

• Logo with tag line

reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit Call to action
• Photography can be in full color
• Property information
or black and white depending on
• Terms & Conditions (if offer is
publication requirements.
Courtyard photos are on-strategy if they
use one or more of these techniques: Property information
To learn more, visit:
Courtyard by Marriott®

• Dynamic camera angles. Brand Voice: section 1.0 Logo with tag line
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

• Interesting composition. Visual Identity: section 2.0 IT’S


Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit

• Unique and unexpected settings. Color Palette: section 2.2

nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,

Terms & Conditions

quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

• Showcase touches of green Photography Overview: section 2.5

and orange. Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Capture the guest’s personality
and individuality.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Advertising Copy 7.1.1

Advertising Copy
Refer to the templates for information on • Font is Gotham Rounded Book and
positioning of copy block contents. Gotham Rounded Bold.
Headlines are meant to be compelling
• Font size is 9pt.
and draw the reader’s attention. In Headlines
• Leading is 14pt.
addition, the headlines should: • Font is Gotham Rounded Book.
• Copy is sentence case.
• Partner with the photography to tell a • Font size is 10 - 16pt. Refer to
• First line of offer is PMS 144.
complete story. appropriate ad size guidelines for
• All other lines of offer are PMS 576. WHERE CONVENIENCE AND

• Add depth and context to specific sizes. COMFORT COME TOGETHER

• Alignment is flush left, rag right.

Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan
hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh
ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore

the photography. • Leading is 21pt. Refer to appropriate ad

venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat
at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl
ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit
nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

Package Offer Goes Here

• Communicate the product or service size guidelines for specific sizes. Resources
Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $ 199/night

benefit in terms of how it helps guests • Headlines are all upper case. To learn more, visit:
For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

make the most of their time on • Color is PMS 576. Brand Voice: section 1.0
the road. • One word is called out in PMS 144. Visual Identity: section 2.0
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

• Use fresh, inviting language • Alignment is flush left, rag right. Color Palette: section 2.2
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam

that conveys the core idea of • Maximum length is two lines. (When Photography Overview: section 2.5
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


Business Unusual. more than one line, the copy should Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Be clever and concise. break where a pause might occur when
The copy sells unique features of Copy
the brand or property. With each ad, • Font is Gotham Rounded Book. Headline
provide concrete facts that reinforce the • Font size is 8 - 9pt. Refer to appropriate Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan
hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh
outstanding service Courtyard provides. ad size guidelines for specific sizes. ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore

These facts should tie directly into the • Leading is 11 - 15pt. Refer to appropriate Body copy venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat
at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl

bigger story that Courtyard is the hotel ad size guidelines for specific sizes. ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit
nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

that takes a refreshing approach to • Copy is sentence case. Package Offer Goes Here

business travel. • Avoid hyphenation. Offer

Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut

• Color is black. nismodipsum vent aliquis

• Alignment is flush left, rag right. Rate From $ 199/night
Visually separate from the copy, the offer
For more information or to make

is a concise summary of a time-sensitive Call to action reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX

or visit
promotion. The explanation should briefly
outline the details of the offer.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Organic Ribbon 7.1.2

Organic Ribbon
60% 40%

Horizontal Organic Ribbon Minimum Sizing

The organic ribbon appears in every
Courtyard advertisement. It is derived
from two overlaid organic shapes. It is
an element used to separate the primary
visual and copy within a layout.

Vertical Organic Ribbon

The organic ribbon may be be scaled
proportionately with the ad size.
Depending on the layout, use the
horizontal or vertical organic ribbon.
• There is no maximum size restriction.
PMS 144
• The organic ribbon cannot be smaller YOU WORK
Uptatue ea consecte
than 3” wide. modoles tionulput praesse
quatin ullaore magna To
odit ut nim quam, veliqui
• If an ad is smaller than 3”, scale the smolobore vero deliqui
ero exeratum vendip ea
organic ribbon to 3” then follow the facidunt praessim in utem
in ulla conse eumsand
rerilisim irilit amet la aut
60/40 rule for placement. alisisc illandrem num ilit,
Digna faciduipit venisl

For more information or

to make reservations,
The organic ribbon is composed of two call XXX.XXX.XXXX or
colors: PMS 144 and PMS 576. The green
portion is always placed on the shorter
side closest to the logo.

Resources Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way
To learn more, visit: Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555
Brand Voice: section 1.0 Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim
autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam

Visual Identity: section 2.0 veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod.

Color Palette: section 2.2

Photography Overview: section 2.5
PMS 576 Ad Width 2”
Verbal Identity: section 3.0

Organic ribbon width 3”

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Organic Ribbon: Size & Placement 7.1.3

Organic Ribbon: Size & Placement

The organic ribbon is used to separate
the primary visual and copy within a
layout. For placement, use the following 60/40 Rule


Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan

• Based on the organic ribbon center

hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh

60% ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore

venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat
at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl

point, divide the page so that 40% is ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit

nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

allocated to photography and 60% is Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut

allocated to white space.

nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $ 199/night
• When scaled to the page width or For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

height, the orange section will account Organic Ribbon Center Point

for 60% and the green section will

account for 40%.
Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat
aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna

Exception autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin 40%
Package Offer Goes Here Courtyard by Marriott®

For two-page spreads, divide the page

Ure commolo borper Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

sectet wissim velisit la aut 400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
nismodipsum vent aliquis T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S A

as follows: 60% for photography, 40% for From $ 199/night Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
For more information or to make zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin

white space.
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit


Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

Resources 400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004

T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

To learn more, visit: Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit
en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.
40% 60%
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Visual Identity: section 2.0
Color Palette: section 2.2 60% 40%
Photography Overview: section 2.5
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Inset Images 7.1.4

Inset Images
The inset image is an option for
properties to highlight specific features
and amenities.
• Inset images may only appear in full
page or larger ads.
• Each ad may contain a maximum of
one inset photo.

Choosing an Inset Image

The inset image should complement the
main photo. Photos should:
• Highlight a specific feature, amenity or
Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat

location in a dynamic way. aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna

• Feel as if it’s part of the overall story or

autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin

Package Offer Goes Here

tone of the ad. Ure commolo borper

sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis
• Use high-resolution images and
From $ 199/night
modern/current subject matter.
For more information or to make reservations,
call XXX.XXX.XXXX or visit

Courtyard by Marriott®

• Image is placed flush left, aligning with Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

the margin in the main content area. IT’S A


• Image is positioned below call to

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit
en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

Example of full-page ad with inset image Examples of inset images
• Refer to templates for more specifics
on placement.

To learn more, visit:
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Visual Identity: section 2.0
Color Palette: section 2.2
Photography Overview: section 2.5
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Full Page Ad: Vertical Image 7.2.1

Margin = .375”

full page ad: vertical image

Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = 2”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are 2” from top, .25” from COMFORT COME TOGETHER

the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make bottom and .375” from right. No bleed Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan
hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh
ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore
the most of themselves and their time version has .375” margin on the left side. venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat
at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl

on the road. • Follow sample templates for exact ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit
nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

• Photo occupies approximately 40% of placement of headline, body copy, Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper

ad width. offer, rate and call to action. sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis

• Photo is positioned on the left of From $ 199/night

the ad. For more information or to make

• Use logo with tag line lock-up. reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX

• Photo bleeds on top, bottom and left

or visit

• Do not alter logo in any way.

side of ad.
To learn more, visit:
• Main copy elements are flush left,
Brand Voice: section 1.0
rag right.
Visual Identity: section 2.0
• Headline color is PMS 576 with one Courtyard by Marriott®

Color Palette: section 2.2 Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
word called out in PMS 144. T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

Photography Overview: section 2.5 IT’SAANEW


• Body copy is black. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum

Verbal Identity: section 3.0

alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,

• Offer font size and placement are fixed.

quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin

Margin = .25”
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

• Rate and offer are optional. FULL PAGE: VERTICAL IMAGE

• First line of offer is PMS 144. All other


• Rate is PMS 144.

Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan Iquamcor sumsan velesse volor inis nis numsan
hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh hendrero con henit ipis exer si tet lor in ut praessenibh
ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore ex er sum zzril el ut vel dolore venismodit lobore
venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat venibh esto do od magnim veriusc ipsustis eros autpat
at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl at. Lummy nummy nulput dolent ad magnim dipis adEl
ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit ent nostrud ea accum volent ing ero do commodit
nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe nulla alit lobor alisciduisim iuscin hendit volorpe

• Address and contact information Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis
Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $ 199/night From $ 199/night

are black. For more information or to make For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit or visit

• Property information is flush right,

rag left. Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

• Terms & Conditions are black.

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

Full page ad: vertical image Full page ad: vertical image

• Terms & Conditions are justified right

with inset image with no bleed
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Full Page Ad: Horizontal Image 7.2.2

Margin = .375” Margin = .375”

full page ad: horizontal image

Photography Placement Margins/Spacing
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width and height.
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are .25” from bottom and
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make .375” from left and right. No bleed
the most of themselves and their time version has .25” margin on the top.
on the road. • Follow sample templates for exact
• Photo occupies approximately 40% of placement of headline, body copy,
ad height. offer, rate and call to action.
• Photo is positioned on the top of
the ad.
• Use logo with tag line lock-up.
Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat
aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
• Photo bleeds on top, left and right sides dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna
• Do not alter logo in any way. autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin

of ad. Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper
Resources sectet wissim velisit la aut

Copy nismodipsum vent aliquis

To learn more, visit:

• Main copy elements are flush left, From $ 199/night
Brand Voice: section 1.0 For more information or to make
rag right. reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX

Visual Identity: section 2.0 or visit

• Headline color is PMS 576 with one

Color Palette: section 2.2 Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
word called out in PMS 144. 400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004

Photography Overview: section 2.5 T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

• Body copy is black. IT’S

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit

• Offer font size and placement are fixed.

en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol

Margin = .25”
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

• Rate and offer are optional.

• First line of offer is PMS 144. All other
lines of offer are PMS 576.
• Rate is PMS 144.
Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat

are black.
aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitIgna
autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin autet nim dolore dolobortio dolor irit la feugiam, quat. Ut luptat autem quam, quatin

Package Offer Goes Here Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut sectet wissim velisit la aut

• Property information is flush right,

nismodipsum vent aliquis nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $ 199/night From $ 199/night

For more information or to make reservations, For more information or to make
call XXX.XXX.XXXX or visit reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

rag left. Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S A NEW STAY.�®
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

• Terms & Conditions are black.

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit
en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

• Terms & Conditions are justified right Full page ad: horizontal image Full page ad: horizontal image
with inset image with no bleed
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Two-Page Spread 7.2.3

two-page spread
Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = 2” Margin = .375”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 40% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are 2” from top, .25” from
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make bottom and .375” from right. No bleed
the most of themselves and their time version has .375” margin on the left side A REFRESHING BREAK
on the road. of the left page. Uptat. Putpatem incil exerit velessit, sed tat wisit atin
ulla at vel et nos nis nibh eugue modo cor adionsectet
ad magnit, commy nullaore con eum quat, ver aliquam

• Photo occupies approximately 60% of • Follow sample templates for exact zzrit vullaore faccum eugueros elisl dolortie vel
ero consequam ing et, secte con vendre dunt lam
aliquatuero dolorpe rciduip euisi et prat, conumsandre

ad width. placement of headline, body copy, faci bla feugait aliquat, sum dolobore facilis alit nit
lortie vulputat vendrem autpati ncidunt wis nos nim
at. Ut wisit dolortie dion ulput wis nulput volor iurem

• Photo is positioned on the left of offer, rate and call to action.

digniat nulputpat. Incipsu msandigna facing ex et am
nos elent acil do eraessim zzriure te dit in enit atieHent
lutpat. Iqui tet, core tis bla consecte doloreet ip exero
coreet nulla con ullaore min utatuer sum dolore

the ad.
Logo Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper

• Photo bleeds on top, bottom and left sectet wissim velisit la aut

• Use logo with tag line lock-up.

nismodipsum vent aliquis

side of ad. From $ 199/night

• Do not alter logo in any way. For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

• Main copy elements are flush left,
To learn more, visit:
rag right. Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

Brand Voice: section 1.0 400 Gulf Stream Way

Dania Beach, FL 33004

• Headline color is PMS 576 with one T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

Visual Identity: section 2.0

word called out in PMS 144.
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to

Color Palette: section 2.2

upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


Photography Overview: section 2.5 Margin = .25”
• Offer font size and placement are fixed.
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Rate and offer are optional. A REFRESHING BREAK
Adio consequat verit lor summoloreet am nosto et

• First line of offer is PMS 144. All other

laorpercin enit dolortin essectem veniametuer ad
delessectet, susciduis nullamc onsequi euis et ea
augiamc onsequiscil irit endiatem acinci bla facillan
ea facilisis alisseq uatumsa ndreetum aciliquating
eriuremIgna facidui te voloreet nostrud min vel ulla
feu faccum ipsustrud tisi blan ulla faccumsan volorper

Package Offer Goes Here

lines of offer are PMS 576.

Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $ 199/night
For more information or to make

• Rate is PMS 144.

reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

• Address and contact information

are black. Courtyard by Marriott®

1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929


• Property information is flush right,

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to
upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


rag left. Two-page spread with no bleed

• Terms & Conditions are black.

• Terms & Conditions are justified right
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Half Page Horizontal Ad 7.2.4

half page horizontal ad

Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = .1875”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Margin = .75”
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are .75” from top, .25” from
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make bottom and .1875” from right. No A REFRESHING BREAK FROM
the most of themselves and their time bleed version has .1875” margin on the Alisi er adiam quat autpatio eugue magnis nos dolummo dolobore.
Heniam ver at. Ut accummy nim exeriure veliquat. Riliquismod tatio
on the road. left side. conse verilla feuip et, si. Igna ad mod erat ipisi tem vendionsecte
consequi etum quat utatue dolortio consequamet ipit lutem irit

• Photo occupies approximately 40% of • Follow sample templates for exact luptatisl dolor sum nibh eu facilit essi. Na aut autat lutat ulla feum zzrilit

ad width. placement of headline, body copy,

Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim
velisit la aut nismodipsum vent aliquis
• Photo is positioned on the left of offer, rate and call to action.
the ad.
Logo For more information or to make

• Photo bleeds on top, bottom and left

reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit
• Use logo with tag line lock-up.
side of ad. Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
• Do not alter logo in any way. 400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

Resources Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver
Margin = .125”
• Main copy elements are flush left,
sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliqua.

To learn more, visit:

Brand Voice: section 1.0
• Headline color is PMS 576 with one
Visual Identity: section 2.0
word called out in PMS 144. Alisi er adiam quat autpatio eugue magnis nos dolummo dolobore.

Color Palette: section 2.2 Heniam ver at. Ut accummy nim exeriure veliquat. Riliquismod tatio
conse verilla feuip et, si. Igna ad mod erat ipisi tem vendionsecte

• Body copy is black. consequi etum quat utatue dolortio consequamet ipit lutem irit
luptatisl dolor sum nibh eu facilit essi. Na aut autat lutat ulla feum zzrilit

Photography Overview: section 2.5 Package Offer Goes Here

• Offer font size and placement are fixed. Ure commolo borper sectet wissim
velisit la aut nismodipsum vent aliquis

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 From

• Rate and offer are optional. For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

• First line of offer is PMS 144. All other Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

lines of offer are PMS 576. IT’S

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver
sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliqua.


Half page horizontal with no bleed
• Address and contact information
are black.
• Property information is flush right,
rag left.
• Terms & Conditions are black.
• Terms & Conditions are justified right
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Quarter Page Vertical Ad 7.2.5

quarter page vertical ad

Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = .1875” Margin = .1875”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are .125” from bottom and
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make .1875” from left and right. No bleed
the most of themselves and their time version has .1875” margin on the top.
on the road. • Follow sample templates for exact
• Photo occupies approximately 40% of placement of headline, body copy,
ad height. offer, rate and call to action.
• Photo is positioned on the top of
• Use logo with tag line lock-up.
• Photo bleeds on top, left and right sides Etuer senim doloboreet prat. Duisit wisl ea ad
tat, volesto ea facipi. An volobore dionsendip ex et nos
• Do not alter logo in any way. accum iure feugait nosto Per sum iure corperostru
of ad.
To learn more, visit:
Courtyard by Marriott®
• Main copy elements are flush left, 1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

Brand Voice: section 1.0 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

rag right. IT’S A NEW STAY.


Visual Identity: section 2.0 Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
• Headline color is PMS 576 with one frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat.
Margin = .125”
Color Palette: section 2.2
word called out in PMS 144.
Photography Overview: section 2.5 QUARTER PAGE VERTICAL AD
• Body copy is black.
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Rate and offer are optional.
• Rate is PMS 144.
• Address and contact information A REFRESHING BREAK FROM

are black. Etuer senim doloboreet prat. Duisit wisl ea ad

tat, volesto ea facipi. An volobore dionsendip ex et nos
accum iure feugait nosto Per sum iure corperostru

• Property information is flush right, From

Courtyard by Marriott®

rag left.
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin

• Terms & Conditions are black.

frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat.


WITHpage vertical with no bleed
• Terms & Conditions are justified right
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Quarter Page Horizontal Ad 7.2.6

quarter page Horizontal ad

Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = .1875”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Margin = .5”
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are .5” from top, .125” from
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make bottom and .1875” from left and right. TRAVEL MONOTONY
the most of themselves and their time No bleed version has .1875” margin on Igniscidunt nos nisl ute erat augue te eumsan
venim ing enit ipit, commolore Guercil
on the road. the left side. doloboreet, quismodolore magnismod do.

• Photo occupies approximately 40% of • Follow sample templates for exact From
ad width. placement of headline, body copy,
Courtyard by Marriott®

• Photo is positioned on the left of offer, rate and call to action. Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way
Dania Beach, FL 33004

the ad. T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

Logo IT’S A


• Photo bleeds on top, bottom and left

• Use logo with tag line lock-up. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore
erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am
side of ad. niam veliquam zzriliquat.
Margin = .125”
• Do not alter logo in any way.
• Main copy elements are flush left, BREAK THE BUSINESS

To learn more, visit: TRAVEL MONOTONY

rag right.
Igniscidunt nos nisl ute erat augue te eumsan
venim ing enit ipit, commolore Guercil
doloboreet, quismodolore magnismod do.

Brand Voice: section 1.0 $

• Headline color is PMS 576 with one

Visual Identity: section 2.0 Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

word called out in PMS 144.

400 Gulf Stream Way
Dania Beach, FL 33004

Color Palette: section 2.2

T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555 IT’S

• Body copy is black. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore
erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am

Photography Overview: section 2.5

niam veliquam zzriliquat.

• Rate and offer are optional. QUARTER PAGE HORIZONTAL AD

Quarter page horizontal
WITH NO BLEED with no bleed
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Rate is PMS 144.
• Address and contact information
are black.
• Property information is flush right,
rag left.
• Terms & Conditions are black.
• Terms & Conditions are justified right
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Extreme Vertical Ad 7.2.7

Margin = .1875” Margin = .1875”

extreme vertical ad
Photography Placement Margins/Spacing
• Photography should focus on the
• White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities.
ad height.
Include experiential photos that depict
• Margins are .125” from bottom and
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make
.1875” from left and right. No bleed
the most of themselves and their time
version has .1875” margin on the top.
on the road.
• Follow sample templates for exact
• Photo occupies approximately 40% of
placement of headline, body copy,
offer, rate and call to action. YOU WORK
• Photo is positioned on the top of Uptatue ea consecte
modoles tionulput praesse

the ad. Logo quatin ullaore magna To

odit ut nim quam, veliqui
smolobore vero deliqui

• Photo bleeds on top, left and right sides • Use logo with tag line lock-up.
ero exeratum vendip ea
facidunt praessim in utem
in ulla conse eumsand

of ad. • Do not alter logo in any way.

rerilisim irilit amet la aut
RECHARGE WHILE alisisc illandrem num ilit,
Digna faciduipit venisl
199 night /

Copy Resources Uptatue ea consecte

modoles tionulput praesse
For more information or
to make reservations,
call XXX.XXX.XXXX or
quatin ullaore magna To
• Main copy elements are flush left, To learn more, visit: odit ut nim quam, veliqui

smolobore vero deliqui

rag right. Brand Voice: section 1.0 ero exeratum vendip ea
facidunt praessim in utem
• Headline color is PMS 576 with one Visual Identity: section 2.0 in ulla conse eumsand
rerilisim irilit amet la aut
word called out in PMS 144. Color Palette: section 2.2
alisisc illandrem num ilit,
Courtyard by Marriott®
Digna faciduipit venisl Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

• Body copy is black. Photography Overview: section 2.5

400 Gulf Stream Way

199 night /
Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

• Rate and offer are optional. Verbal Identity: section 3.0 For more information or Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim
autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
to make reservations, illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod.

• Rate is PMS 144. call XXX.XXX.XXXX or

Extreme vertical
• Address and contact information
with no bleed
are black.
• Property information is flush right,
rag left. IT’S A NEW

• Terms & Conditions are black. Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
400 Gulf Stream Way
• Terms & Conditions are justified right Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555
and left. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim
autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod.
Margin = .125”
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Small Space Ad 7.2.8

Small space ad
Photography Placement Margins/Spacing Margin = .1875”
• Photography should focus on the • White space is approximately 60% of
hotel’s accommodations and amenities. ad width.
Margin = .425”
Include experiential photos that depict • Margins are .425” from top, .125” from RECHARGE WHILE YOU WORK
the Optimistic Achiever’s need to make bottom and .1875” from right. No Ulpute dolorpe raesto del ut wisi
bla facinisl inibh er alit, sisse vero
the most of themselves and their time bleed version has .1875” margin on Luptatem diamcommodoAlit la
feugait ut ut nulpute velit lobore
Ostrud eugiamet aut alit.
on the road. the left side.
199 night /
• Photo occupies approximately 40% of • Follow sample templates for exact
ad width. placement of headline, body copy,
• Photo is positioned on the left of offer, rate and call to action.

Courtyard by Marriott®
the ad. 1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

Logo T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

• Photo bleeds on top, bottom and left

• Use logo with tag line lock-up. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat.
Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui

side of ad. blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

Margin = .125”
• Do not alter logo in any way.
• Main copy elements are flush left, RECHARGE WHILE YOU WORK

To learn more, visit:

Ulpute dolorpe raesto del ut wisi
bla facinisl inibh er alit, sisse vero
Luptatem diamcommodoAlit la

rag right. feugait ut ut nulpute velit lobore

Ostrud eugiamet aut alit.

Brand Voice: section 1.0 From

• Headline color is PMS 576 with one
Visual Identity: section 2.0 IT’S

word called out in PMS 144. Courtyard by Marriott®

Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port

Color Palette: section 2.2

400 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
T 954.342.8333 F 954.342.8555

• Body copy is black. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat.
Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui

Photography Overview: section 2.5

blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.

• Rate and offer are optional. Small space ad with no bleed


Verbal Identity: section 3.0

• Rate is PMS 144.
• Address and contact information
are black.
• Property information is flush right,
rag left.
• Terms & Conditions are black.
• Terms & Conditions are justified right
and left.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Cluster Ad Options 7.3.1

Margin = .375” Margin = .375”

cluster ad options
Any ad format can be used to create a
cluster ad. Guidelines for standard ad
content and construction also apply to
cluster ads. Follow ad guidelines COMFORT COME TOGETHER
for specific size ad. See pages 7.2.1 Lorper summodit, vel ex ea feu feugait acidui blaoreet
loreetue endio con ulputpat. Gait prat wisim iliquate ex

through 7.2.8. eros digna adipit incing ea faccum ad elestrud eliquat.

Exerci ting eraesequat. Ut wisisi bla core dolore ent
veliquam, secte eum ad erilisi tatolortioPero exero ex
eum nonsectet num dunt enim venim numsan ullut

• Address and contact information vero del eugait elesse miniatue velisim quam,

Package Offer Goes Here

is black. Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut

• Property information is flush left, nismodipsum vent aliquis

For more information or to make reservations,

rag right. call XXX.XXX.XXXX or visit

Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

To learn more, visit:

$ 199/night
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

Visual Identity: section 2.0

$ 199/night
Color Palette: section 2.2
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

Photography Overview: section 2.5

Verbal Identity: section 3.0
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin

Margin = .25”
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.



Lorper summodit, vel ex ea feu feugait acidui blaoreet Adio consequat verit lor summoloreet am nosto et
loreetue endio con ulputpat. Gait prat wisim iliquate ex laorpercin enit dolortin essectem veniametuer ad
eros digna adipit incing ea faccum ad elestrud eliquat. delessectet, susciduis nullamc onsequi euis et ea
Exerci ting eraesequat. Ut wisisi bla core dolore ent augiamc onsequiscil irit endiatem acinci bla facillan
veliquam, secte eum ad erilisi tatolortioPero exero ex ea facilisis alisseq uatumsa ndreetum aciliquating
eum nonsectet num dunt enim venim numsan ullut eriuremIgna facidui te voloreet nostrud min vel ulla
vero del eugait elesse miniatue velisim quam, feu faccum ipsustrud tisi blan ulla faccumsan volorper

Package Offer Goes Here Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper Ure commolo borper
sectet wissim velisit la aut sectet wissim velisit la aut
nismodipsum vent aliquis nismodipsum vent aliquis

For more information or to make reservations, For more information or to make reservations,
call XXX.XXX.XXXX or visit call XXX.XXX.XXXX or visit

199/night From
$ 199/night From
$ 199/night
Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott®
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port Goshen Goshen
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

$ 199/night From
$ 199/night From
$ 199/night
Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port Goshen Goshen
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

199/night From
$ 199/night From
$ 199/night
Courtyard by Marriott®
Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port
Goshen Goshen
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929

199/night From
199/night From
Courtyard by Marriott®
Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port Courtyard by Marriott® Courtyard by Marriott®

T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 Goshen Goshen IT’S
NEW STAY. T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


Full page ad: vertical image Two-page spread with cluster option
with cluster option
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Advertising | Partnership Ad Options 7.3.2

Margin = .375” Margin = .375”

Partnership Ad options
Any ad format can be used to create a
partnership ad. Guidelines for standard
ad content and construction also apply to
partnership ads. Follow ad guidelines
for specific ad size. See pages 7.2.1
through 7.2.8.

• Partner offer font size and placement

is fixed.
• First line of partner offer is PMS 144.
All other lines of offer are PMS 576.
• Place partner logo in area noted to the Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat
aliquip et acilla corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat. Ut num inisi blam, conse
left of the offer information. dolesen digniam dolobore dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe rcilit ipitLit,
sit eugiat. Duisism olendre del ea feugiam etuercillute magnit alis euisl in heniamet lutpat.

Package Offer Goes Here

Resources partner
lOGO Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut
GOeS nismodipsum vent aliquis Andip eu feu feu facilisci
To learn more, visit: enit inim exer ad exeroTe facincilit eu faccumm

From $ 199/night
Brand Voice: section 1.0
For more information or to make

Visual Identity: section 2.0 reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX

or visit

Color Palette: section 2.2 Courtyard by Marriott®

1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

Photography Overview: section 2.5 T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A NEW STAY.�®

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet
ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit
en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol

Margin = .25”
bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


Tum alis delessi blaore modiamet lorem aut dolorerci
tet acipsusto odipit wisi ea conulputat aliquip et acilla
corer sequat adit, consecte ex ent doluptat prat.
Ut num inisi blam, conse dolesen digniam dolobore
dolum dio eugue tet, venim venibh el erate dolorpe
rcilit ipitLit, sit eugiat. Duisism olendre del ea feugiam
etuercillute magnit alis euisl in heniamet lutpat.

Package Offer Goes Here

partner Ure commolo borper sectet wissim
velisit la aut nismodip vent aliquis
Here Andip eu feu feu facilisci en inim exer
ad exeroTe facincilit eu faccu

From $ 199/night
For more information or to make
reservations, call XXX.XXX.XXXX
or visit

Courtyard by Marriott®
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A NEW

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet,
quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing.


Full page ad: vertical image

with partner option
direct mail 8.0 8.0 Overview
These direct mail standards have been created to ensure that each
8.1 Direct Marketing 101
execution created is on strategy with the Courtyard positioning
of Business Unusual. Direct mail works cohesively with all other
8.2 Design Elements
communications throughout the marketplace.
8.2.1 Copy

8.3 Postcards
8.3.1 Front
8.3.2 Back

8.4 Bifold
8.4.1 Front
8.4.2 Interior spread
8.4.3 Back
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Direct Marketing 101 8.1

Direct marketing 101

Going through the mail is one of the best appreciate, a reasonable amount of ongoing 4. Know The Audience. • Keep offers simple. The offer should
ways to start thinking about direct mail. communication. (Because of this, it may be The most sophisticated and effective direct be clear and straightforward. Complex
While separating bills from catalogs, possible to use simpler, less expensive direct marketing programs are driven by customer offers (with lots of legal disclaimers) are
magazines and direct marketing of every mail pieces and offers to address them.) databases. The more that is known about turnoffs. Dates and other restrictions
shape and size, think about what captures a the guests and prospects, and applied in the should be clearly spelled out.
Prospects need more attention—in the form
reader’s attention. creative execution, the more likely the direct • Make offers pop. People are likely to scan
of larger direct mail pieces, more enticing
• What gets kept? marketing campaign will appeal to the target copy the first time through, so the offer
offers and greater frequency.
• What gets read? and address their needs. should stand out. Some direct mail pieces
• What goes straight to the trash? 3. Make An Impact. may use the offer as part of the concept
A guest database is a gold mine. Leveraging
• More importantly, why? Here are some ideas on getting attention and headline. Others may include it as part
guest information into creative execution
the right way: of the body copy.
There’s a very good chance that the provides greater opportunity to send offers
• Be colorful. Four-color printing makes a • Make it easy to take the next step. Call-to-
Courtyard guest being targeted goes that will encourage them to stay more
piece stand out. It looks more important. It action areas should be prominent, with
through the same process. frequently, stay a few days longer, extend a
shows that more attention is being paid to easy to find toll-free numbers and URLs.
business trip to a weekend getaway or take
A starting point to increase the likelihood of the reader. It captures the eye, so people If there is a system to track direct mail
advantage of additional services during their
a direct mail piece being noticed is to think will look at the piece a little more closely. response, make sure that promotion codes
stay. To appeal to new prospects, a number
like the target audience. • Think in pictures. A photo of a sun- or other identification tools are easy for
of local and national sources are available
drenched destination speaks volumes to the customer to locate.
1. Make The Cut. that supply mailing lists for purchase. These
a Midwesterner in the dead of winter. An
People are in a hurry. Unless it’s a bill, a lists can be highly segmented—enabling 6. Work With The U.S. Postal Service.
image of a couple enjoying a romantic
birthday card, a favorite catalog or a paid targeting to business travelers or residents The local post office is a great resource for
dinner is a great cue for guests to start
subscription, people spend precious few of a certain area (down to the zip code). questions regarding direct mail formats,
thinking about their next vacation. Along
seconds with every piece of direct mail. requirements and rates. It is best to have a
with getting attention, great photography The Direct Marketing Association website
Their first step is often to trash everything postal service representative review the piece
can get people thinking, which gets them offers additional information at
that’s irrelevant (frequently unopened). The before it is printed and delivered for mail.
another step closer to opening
first goal is to make the cut. How?
and reading the piece. Direct mail printers or fulfillment mail houses
5. Make An Enticing Offer.
2. Establish A Dialog. • Think big. (And different.) Direct mail can also help coordinate efforts with the
Consumers see direct marketing as a retail
Consumers get a lot of direct mail from comes in different, yet predictable, post office to assure your piece reaches its
or transactional medium. This means that
companies they’ve never done business with sizes. Bills and letters arrive in business destination successfully.
they expect news, a limited-time offer or
or even heard of before. (Consumers call it envelopes. Catalogs and magazines
other promotional elements as part of the For comprehensive resource materials on
junk mail for a reason.) come in roughly 8.5” x 11” dimensions.
piece. This provides an incentive for them to direct mail and postage rates, visit
The remaining mail ranges from small to
Guests who already have a relationship take action in a shorter time frame. Offers
oversized. According to the post office,
with Courtyard hotels and resorts will can range from special rates to value-adds,
the #10 envelope (4.125” x 9.5”) is the
be easier to reach. They expect, and partner promotions and other incentives.
most frequently used direct mail format.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Design Elements 8.2


design elements Logo with

Courtyard by Marriott®

A rEFrESHING tag line

1930 Lincolnway East
Goshen, IN 46526 IT’S A NEW STAY.�
The direct mail pieces contain a Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin
Organic shape
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
variety of elements that, when used veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
Headline TIME oN THE roAD.
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud

together, support the brand’s

tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
Geometric stripes
positioning of Business Unusual. te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod
Design Elements ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, Last Name
erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das 1234 Anywhere Street

• Courtyard logo with tag line.

City Name, ST 34562
From $199/night

• Organic shape. To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

• Headline. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
Full color photo
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla

• Geometric stripes.
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

• Full color photography. 9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

• Organic ribbon. Interior Spread

• Subhead. Organic ribbon
• Body copy. Headline BUSINESS

Subhead Ut
frnulla The

• Offer.
upin Ver
niam illum

Body copy veliquam


• Rate.
niam illum
feuissit zzriliquat.
quat. tet
dui. erit

• Call-to-action.
feuissit veliquis.

Offer Package
Here Package

• Terms & Conditions (T&Cs required if Ure


From 199
night From$$
From 139

offer is mentioned).
• Copyright. Full color photo

• Return address.
Resources Return address Courtyard by Marriott®

To learn more, visit: Headline A rEFrESHING 1930 Lincolnway East

Goshen, IN 46526 IT’S A NEW STAY.�
Visual Identity: section 2.0 Body copy Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam

Color Palette: section 2.2 veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud
tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip

Organic Ribbon: section 2.4.6 illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.
Photography Overview: section 2.5
Offer Package Offer Goes Here

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod
ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, Last Name
erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das 1234 Anywhere Street
City Name, ST 34562
Rate From $199/night

Call-to-action To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

Organic ribbon
Terms & conditions
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore

commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Design Elements | Copy 8.2.1

Headlines Resources
Headlines are meant to be compelling and To learn more, visit: IT’S A NEW STAY.�

intriguing to encourage the reader to learn Brand Voice: section 1.0

Choose Widely.
more. In addition, the headlines should: Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Partner with the photography to tell IT’S A NEW STAY.�

a complete story.
• Add depth and context to
the photography.
• Communicate the product or service
Choose Widely.
benefit in terms of how it helps fuel
9 x 6 Postcard

the guests’ performance.

• Use active language (puns and wordplay
are to be avoided; strive for wit).
• Be as sharp and concise as possible.
• An accent color is used to emphasize a
key word in the headline.
Courtyard by Marriott®
Body Copy More PlACes, 1930 lincolnway east
Goshen, iN 46526
The body copy sells unique features of the Subhead More PossibiliTes.
property or unique destination. People Body copy Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
spend a precious few seconds with a direct Back
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. lore commod te feuissit

mail piece, so it needs to be easy for the nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud Courtyard by Marriott®

tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip More PlACes, 1930 lincolnway east
Goshen, iN 46526

reader to find the information that would illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
More PossibiliTes.
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin

zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing lore commod

frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam

interest them. When writing body copy: veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam. tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip

• Keep sentences short. illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing lore commod
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

Package Offer Goes Here

• Use paragraphs and white space to Package Offer Goes Here

Ure commolo borper sectet 9 x 6 Postcard

wissim velisit la aut nismod Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod

organize your copy and call attention

ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, last Name
ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das Frist Name, last Name
1234 Anywhere street
City Name, sT 34562

erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das From $199/night 1234 Anywhere street
to key information (such as offers). City Name, sT 34562
To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

• Make offers/promotions simple and From $

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore

easy to understand.
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

• Make call-to-action sections easy 9 x 6 Postcard

to locate.
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Postcards: Front 8.3.1

postcards: Front
Postcard Front Option A
Postcards are an efficient way to reach Typography
Logo with
prospective guests through direct mail. • Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376 tag line IT’S A NEW STAY.�

Postcards are best for simple offers and plus PMS 144 in Option A or reversed
Organic shape
reminders. They are not ideal for property out to white in Option B. Headline Choose Widely.

listings or multiple offers. • The accent color is used to emphasize

Geometric stripes
a key word in the headline.
• Headline size and placement are fixed.
The front of the postcard reflects the Full color photo
• Headline is maximum of two lines.
Business Unusual positioning. It contains
a large photo(s) and ample space for the Resources
headline, logo and organic shape. To learn more, visit:
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Visual Identity: section 2.0
9 x 6 Postcard

• Two layout options are provided. Postcard Front Option B

Color Palette: section 2.2
• The organic shape and geometric
Photo Selection: section 2.5
stripes are fixed.

Verbal Identity: section 3.0 RefResh YouR

• Photography is full color. TRaVel RouTine.

• Photography should focus on the

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel
or the hotel amenities.
• The organic shape is PMS 144.
• The geometric stripe colors are
PMS 576 and PMS 376.
• Do not alter the design.

• Use Courtyard logo with tag line. 6 x 9 Vertical Postcard

• Logo is reversed out of the

Requirements for Design
organic shape. and Production
Graphic professionals should refer to templates • Preferred Stock: 100# cover,
• Refer to template for instructions
for exact placement, color palette and silk or dull coated, with minimum 10% PCW
on size and placement of logo. additional specifics of layout. (required for Green Seal Certification).
Printing Specifications • Varnish: Dull flood or gloss spot on
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
• Preferred Printing: 4cp images only.

• Trim: 6” x 9 ”, 2-sided • Do not use UV coating.

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Postcards: Back 8.3.2

postcards: back
Postcard Back
The back panel provides an area for
copy, rate, offer, call-to-action and Terms Return address Courtyard by Marriott®

& Conditions. The right side of the card A rEFrESHING 1930 Lincolnway East
Goshen, IN 46526 IT’S A NEW
Headline CHANGE oF PACE.
is reserved for mailing address and
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin

postal information. Body copy frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud

Layout tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam

• One layout option is provided. zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

• The organic ribbon area is fixed.

Offer Package Offer Goes Here
• Do not alter the design. Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod
ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, Last Name
erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das 1234 Anywhere Street
Typography City Name, ST 34562
Rate From $ 199/night
• Return address is black.
Call-to-action To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
Organic ribbon
plus PMS 144.
Terms & Conditions Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore

• The accent color is used to emphasize commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
Copyright © 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

a key word in the headline.

• Offer copy is PMS 144. 9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

• Rate color is PMS 576.

• Body copy is black.
• Call-to-action color is PMS 144.
• T&Cs and copyright are black.
• Do not alter the font size.

To learn more, visit:
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Visual Identity: section 2.0
Color Palette: section 2.2
Organic Ribbon: section 2.4.6
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Bifold: Front 8.4.1

Bifold Front Option A

bifold: Front Logo with

Courtyard by Marriott®

A rEFrESHING tag line

1930 Lincolnway East
Goshen, IN 46526 IT’S A NEW STAY.�
Bi-fold mailers offer a great deal of • Refer to template for instructions
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin
Organic shape
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
flexibility and tell more of a story through on size and placement of logo.
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
Headline TIME oN THE roAD.
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud

pictures and words. These mailers • Do not alter the logo in any way.
tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
Geometric stripes
are ideal when more space is needed te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

for messaging; when offers are more
Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, Last Name

elaborate; or when more properties erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das 1234 Anywhere Street

plus PMS 144 in Option A or reversed

City Name, ST 34562
From $199/night
need to be listed. This format can
out to white in Option B.
To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

accommodate several property listings

• The accent color is used to emphasize
Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
Full color photo
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla

Front a key word in the headline.

facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

The front of the bifold reflects the • Headline size and placement are fixed.
9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

Business Unusual positioning. It contains • Headline is maximum of two lines.

a large photo and ample space for the
Resources Bifold Front Option B
headline, logo and organic shape.
To learn more, visit:
Layout Brand Voice: section 1.0


• Two layout options are provided. Visual Identity: section 2.0 rELAX AND rE-ENErGIZE.

• The organic shape and geometric Color Palette: section 2.2

Frist Name, Last Name

1234 Anywhere Street
City Name, ST 34562
Courtyard by Marriott®

1930 Lincolnway East

stripes are fixed. Photo Selection: section 2.5

Goshen, IN 46526
• Photography is full color. Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Photography should focus on the
Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel

Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud
tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip

ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore

To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX

frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam

Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod

veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit

illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam

Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin

erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das

or the hotel amenities.
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

• The organic shape color is PMS 144.


Package Offer Goes Here

© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

• The geometric stripe colors are
PMS 576 and PMS 376. From $

6 x 9 Vertical BiFold Postcard

• Do not alter the design.

Requirements for Design • Option B Trim: 12” x 9 ”, 2-sided
Logo and Production
• Preferred Stock: 100# cover,
Graphic professionals should refer to templates silk or dull coated, with minimum 10% PCW
• Use Courtyard logo with tag line.
for exact placement, color palette and (required for Green Seal Certification).
• Logo is reversed out of the additional specifics of layout.
• Varnish: Dull flood or gloss spot on
Printing Specifications images only.
organic shape.
• Preferred Printing: 4cp • Do not use UV coating.
• Option A Trim: 18” x 6 ”, 2-sided
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Bifold: Interior Spread 8.4.2

bifold: interior spread

Layout Resources Interior Spread Option A

• Two layout options are provided. To learn more, visit:

• The organic ribbon is fixed. Brand Voice: section 1.0 BUSINESS TrAVEL oN YoUr TErMS.
Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla The feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim.

• Photography is full color. Visual Identity: section 2.0 Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
Ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
veliquam zriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit zriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet

Color Palette: section 2.2

nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip

• Photography should focus on the frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod the feuissit
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam
zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod. The feuissit nostrud
nostrud tet ver sissim. Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. tet ver sissim. Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel Organic Ribbon: section 2.4.6

Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui. erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam
Buscing lomos. Lore commod the feuissit veliquis. Lore commod. The feuissit nostrud.

and the hotel amenities. Photo Selection: section 2.5 Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismo
Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismo
dipsum vent aliquis. Lore commod the feuissit as quat. dipsum vent aliquis. Lore commod the feuissit as quat.

• Choose a variety of tightly cropped and Verbal Identity: section 3.0 From $ 199/night From $ 139/night

panoramic images to show both

detailed and wider property shots. 9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

• Maximum of three photos per spread.

• Do not alter the design. Interior Spread Option B

• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
plus PMS 144.
• The accent color is used to emphasize a SETTLE INTo YoUr SUrroUNDINGS.
Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facipi

key word in the headline. This is optional. Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
• Headline size and placement are fixed. frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat.
Ut iuscing. Lore commod the feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim. Wostrud tet ver

• Headline is maximum of two lines. sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio duis.
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum
alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam vel.

• Subhead color is PMS 144. The feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum

• Offer color is PMS 144. alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore
commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin
frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat.

• Rate color is PMS 576. Ut iuscing. Lore commod the feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim. Wostrud tet ver
sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip illum alismol bortio.

• Body copy is black.

Package Offer Goes Here Package Offer Goes Here
Ure commolo borper sectet wissim Ure commolo borper sectet wissim
velisit la aut nismodipsum vent aliquis velisit la aut nismodipsum vent aliquis

From $199/night From $ 139/night

Headline Offer Organic ribbon

6 x 9 Vertical BiFold Postcard
Full color photography

Subhead Rate

Body copy
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Direct Mail | Bifold: Back 8.4.3

bifold: back
Bifold Back
The back panel provides an area for
copy, rate, offer, call-to-action and Terms Return address Courtyard by Marriott®

& Conditions. The right side of the card A rEFrESHING 1930 Lincolnway East
Goshen, IN 46526 IT’S A NEW S
Headline CHANGE oF PACE.
is reserved for mailing address and
Wostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore erit en to upin

postal information. Body copy frnulla facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam
veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore commod te feuissit
nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to Wostrud

Layout tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam

• One layout option is provided. zzriliquat. Ut to Wostrud tet ver sissim iuscing Lore commod
te feuissit nostrud tet blam veliquis am niam.

• The organic ribbon area is fixed.

Offer Package Offer Goes Here
• Do not alter the design. Ure commolo borper sectet wissim velisit la aut nismod
ipsum vent aliquis ostrud tet ver sissim autet. Quatut lore Frist Name, Last Name
erit en to upin frnulla dromolus oprem suporta das 1234 Anywhere Street
Typography City Name, ST 34562
Rate From $ 199/night
• Return address is black.
Call-to-action To learn more about the possibilities, call 800.XXX.XXXX
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
Organic ribbon
plus PMS 144.
Terms & Conditions Lore commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore

• The accent color is used to emphasize commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla
facip illum alismol bortio dui blam veliquis am niam veliquam zzriliquat. Ut iuscing. Lore

commod te feuissit nostrud tet ver sissim autet, quat. Ut lore erit en to upin frnulla facip
© 2009 Marriott International, Inc.

a key word in the headline.

• Body copy is black. 9 x 6 Horizontal BiFold Postcard

• Offer copy is PMS 144.

• Rate color is PMS 576.
• Call-to-action color is PMS 144.
• T&Cs and copyright are black.
• Do not alter the font size.

To learn more, visit:
Brand Voice: section 1.0
Visual Identity: section 2.0
Color Palette: section 2.2
Organic Ribbon: section 2.4.6
Verbal Identity: section 3.0
out of home ADVERTISING 9.0 9.0 Overview
Good signage used in conjunction with a strong Brand Voice can:
9.1 Billboard
• Be instrumental in driving sales by targeting main driving routes
9.1.1 Budgeting
to the hotel.
9.1.2 Terms & Conditions
• Increase awareness with 24-hour-a-day exposure.
9.1.3 Graphics
• Provide directional information.
• Effectively penetrate the market.
9.2 Airport Advertising
• Help customers easily locate a property.
9.2.1 General Information
• Increase walk-in traffic.
9.2.2 Dioramas & Spectaculars

Speaking with one voice is powerful. It helps the consumer focus, 9.2.3 Courtesy Phone Signage

identify and embrace the Courtyard Brand Voice.

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Billboard: Budgeting 9.1.1

billboard: budgeting
Evaluation Tools Visibility – The traveler should have
Billboards can represent a substantial an unobstructed view of the board. If
investment. It is important that a decision planning in the winter, be sure to take into
to take on a new board or renew an account the effect of foliage that may
existing board is based on a solid appear in spring. “Read time” measures
marketing strategy. how long the typical traveler will see the
board. Read times of 10 seconds or more
are generally desirable. The right side of
Costs for producing and placing outdoor
the road is usually preferable to the left
advertising depend on the size and
location of the board, the size of the
market, and the length of the contract.

Selection Criteria
In selecting outdoor advertising, the two
most important criteria are:

Location – The most vital aspect in board

selection is to secure a location on the
artery that supplies the greatest volume
of traffic to the hotel. In addition, the
location should be close enough to the
hotel to influence the traveler’s decision,
generally no more than 10 – 15 minutes
from the hotel.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Terms & Conditions 9.1.2

billboard: terms & conditions

Cancellation Lighting
There is generally a fee to cancel “Dusk to dawn” lighting is the preferred
the contract early. At renewal time, standard; be sure to check for this.
cancellation clauses should be specified,
including how much notice is required
The number of repaints will be specified
on cancellation.
in the contract. By default one painting
Cost Per Month should be requested at the start of the
Costs will generally be quoted on a per- contract. However, if featured rates are
month basis, and then totaled to show liable to change during the course of
what the commitment will be for the the year, it is often possible to negotiate
length of the contract. repaints at little extra charge. The
contract should specify the cost per
Traffic Counts
square foot of additional repaints, and
The number of vehicles/people passing
minimum charges usually apply.
a billboard on a daily basis is the traffic
count. When comparing two billboards Apron
with similar rates and locations, select the The apron is the bottom part of the
billboard with the higher traffic count. billboard. Letters placed on the apron are
easily removed, and include information
Daily Effective Circulation (DEC)
such as “Pool,” which can be removed
DEC is the number of exposures per day
off-season. The cost for these types
for a billboard. DEC is used with traffic
of changes should be specified in the
counts to determine the percentage of
contract. Overall, Field Marketing does
the population the billboard is reaching.
not recommend using an apron.
Length of Term
Contracts should generally be for
no longer than one year, and shorter
contracts may be negotiated.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Billboard: Graphics 9.1.3

billboard: graphics
The design shown should be used Logo Headline Logo with tag line

exclusively for Courtyard billboards. • Use Courtyard logo with tag line.
It should not be used for other Marriott • Use the Courtyard tagline on signage.
brands or partner companies. • Refer to template for instructions

on size and placement of logo. RefResh youR
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
tRavel Routine.
plus PMS 144. Resources i-94 north exit 44 | Downtown IT’S A NEW STAY.®
• Use the accent color to highlight To learn more, visit:
the word in the headline that brings Brand Voice: section 1.0
Directional copy Geometric stripes
Courtyard’s Business Unusual brand Visual Identity: section 2.0
strategy to life. Logo Use: section 2.1.3
• Directional copy is PMS 576 plus the Verbal Identity: section 3.0
PMS 144.
• Copy is centered vertically between the
geometric stripes and the bottom of
the board.
• Copy is flush left, rag right.
• Headline and directional copy size
varies. Refer to templates for specifics
on sizing.
• Do not alter the Courtyard font, font
size or font color.
• Headline is all caps.
• Directional copy is sentence case.

• The geometric stripes are fixed.
• The geometric stripe colors are
PMS 576 and PMS 376.
• Do not alter the design.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Airport Advertising: General Information 9.2.1

airport advertising: general information

Photography Lighting Production
Airport advertising can be an effective Dioramas, spectaculars and exterior Vendors should provide specific
medium to complement other hotel displays are typically lit or backlit, while production details, as they may vary by
marketing efforts. The primary uses of wraps and posters generally are not. Lit seller or market. Small quantities are
airport advertising include attracting displays are preferred, but not required. generally produced photographically.
attention, strengthening brand identity Vendors should verify how advertising Larger quantities may be produced by
and recognition, and encouraging action space will be lit as it may affect the screen-printing, Duratrans, Ciba-chrome
with messages targeted to the business production materials. transparency or offset lithography.
and leisure traveler audience. A variety
of advertising options are generally
Sizing can vary greatly depending on
available throughout the interior of the
the advertising format, market and
airport, in addition to several exterior
vendor. Examples provided within these
display opportunities.
guidelines are based upon standard
Availability sizing, and therefore may not match
Airport advertising is offered at nearly specifications provided by the vendor.
every airport, both domestically Use these templates as a guide and adjust
and internationally. However, space the sizing as necessary.
availability may be limited in high-impact
Purchase Terms
airports and heavy traffic areas.
Airport advertising is packaged in multi-
Formats market campaigns, with the contracted
Freestanding interior displays may be number of locations determining
available in the form of kiosks, showcases, coverage and cost. Space can be
plasma screens/TV monitors, baggage purchased on a long-term or short-term
cart sponsorships and courtesy phone basis, typically in four-week cycles.
centers. Dioramas (standard and king-
size), spectaculars, wraps, posters and
baggage carousel units are examples of
displays that may be affixed to terminal
surfaces. Exterior display options may
include airport bus shelters, overhead
signs and spectaculars.
Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Airport Advertising: Dioramas & Spectaculars 9.2.2

airport advertising: dioramas & spectaculars

When creating airport advertising Logo
Airport Diorama, Horizontal Version
or spectaculars, select from the • Use Courtyard logo with tag line. Organic
layouts shown. • Use the Courtyard tagline on signage. element
• Refer to template for instructions stripes
on size and placement of logo.
• Two layout options are provided.
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
• The organic shape and geometric
stripes are fixed. Standard Sizes
Full color
• Use PMS 144 for the organic shape. • Dioramas and Spectaculars may vary
• The geometric stripe colors are by airport.
PMS 576 and PMS 376. • Use these templates as a guide and
adjust the sizing as needed. Headline Your TravEL. Your TImE.
Photography • otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero
Copy • uit des velit nostie dolbor perure Is endre
• Photography is full color. • iurem zerillan es ent nosrudi testter este
Resources Logo • adionsed tets bam verog conse tes doloreri
• Photography should focus on the • bla alit auamet velis eugait estwisim adipit
To learn more, visit: Courtyard by Marriott® | Goshen
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel Property-

T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S

Brand Voice: section 1.0

and the hotel amenities. specific info
Visual Identity: section 2.0
Airport Diorama, Vertical Version Tagline
Copy Logo Use: section 2.1.3
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376 Photo Selection: section 2.5
plus PMS 144. Verbal Identity: section 3.0
• Use the accent color to highlight
the word in the headline that brings
Courtyard’s Business Unusual brand
strategy to life.
• Headline is all caps.
• Copy should focus on amenities and
location of hotel.
• Copy is sentence case. ENJOY THE WIDE OPEN WORKSPACE.
• Otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero
• uit des velit nostie dolbor perure Is endre

• Copy is black. •

iurem zerillan es ent nosrudi testter este
adionsed tets bam verog conse tes doloreri
• bla alit auamet velis eugait estwisim adipit

• Property-specific info is black.

• Do not alter the Courtyard font, font
size or font color.
Courtyard by Marriott® | Goshen
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S

Courtyard Brand Identity Standards Contents | Out of Home Advertising | Airport Advertising: Courtesy Phone Signage 9.2.3

airport advertising: courtesy phone SIGNAGE

When creating airport courtesy Logo
Courtesy Phone Center Signage, Horizontal Version
phone advertising, select from the • Use Courtyard logo with tag line. Organic
layouts shown. • Use the Courtyard tagline on signage. element
• Refer to template for instructions stripes
on size and placement of logo.
• Three layout options are provided.
• Do not alter the logo in any way.
• The organic shape and geometric
stripes are fixed. Standard Sizes
• Use PMS 144 for the organic shape. • Use these templates as a guide and
Full color
• The geometric stripe colors are adjust the sizing as needed. photography

PMS 576 and PMS 376.

Photography To learn more, visit: Headline EvEN BusINEss NEEds a
BrEaTh oF FrEsh aIr.
• Photography is full color. Brand Voice: section 1.0
Copy • otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero
• Photography should focus on the Visual Identity: section 2.0 • uit des velit nostie dolbor perure Is endre
Number • iurem zerillan es ent nosrudi testter este
Optimistic Achiever guest, the hotel Logo Use: section 2.1.3 to dial • adionsed tets bam verog conse tes doloreri
• bla alit auamet velis eugait estwisim adipit
and the hotel amenities. Photo Selection: section 2.5 Logo Dial #118 Courtyard by Marriott® | Goshen

Verbal Identity: section 3.0

1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A

Copy Property-
specific info
• Headline color is PMS 576 or PMS 376
plus PMS 144 or reversed to white.
• Use the accent color to highlight
the word in the headline that brings Courtesy Phone Signage, Vertical Version Courtesy Phone Signage, 3” x 3” Version

Courtyard’s Business Unusual brand

strategy to life.
• Headline is all caps. REFRESH YOUR
• Copy should focus on amenities and • Otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero
• uit des velit nostie dolbor perure Is endre
location of hotel. • iurem zerillan es ent nosrudi testter este
• adionsed tets bam verog conse tes doloreri
• Copy is sentence case. • bla alit auamet velis eugait estwisim adipit

• Copy is black.
RefResh youR
tRavel Routine. Dial #118
• otet consed esequisit ut ipit vero

• Property-specific info is black.

• uit des velit nostie dolbor perure is endre
• iurem zerillan es ent nosrudi testter este
• adionsed tets bam verog conse tes doloreri
• bla alit auamet velis eugait estwisim adipit

• Do not alter the Courtyard font, font Dial #118

Courtyard by Marriott® | Goshen
1930 Lincolnway East, Goshen, IN 46526

size or font color. Courtyard by Marriott® | Goshen

1930 lincolnway east, Goshen, in 46526
t 574.534.3133 f 574.534.6929 IT’S A NEW STAY.�®
T 574.534.3133 F 574.534.6929 IT’S A NEW STAY.®

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