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Your father has gone out to call his beerhall buddies and make them witness the usual
Monday night kickboxing arena as he disciplines me. He has ordered me to find his
whip before the audience arrives and l hope l will manage to pen this letter full of
wisdom. It might be my last. Let this be your Bible and a manual to life daughter.
Keep this close to your heart.

As you read this, do know I have finally made it into a peaceful place. I cannot wait
for you to join me. I cannot wait for the day you will be united with me. Do the world
a favor, strangle your husband in his sleep so that you eliminate his kind. It is because
of men like your husband and father that men are called dogs. They are dogs l guess,
they will never change. You are going to birth his demons and change his diapers.
Brace yourself for torture from the devil.

“These are just the aftermath of teen menace”, This is going to be your excuse always
when people ask the reason behind your missing front two canines and fragmented
molars. His fists will rain like cats and dogs on your body. Do not worry it is just basic
kickboxing and he will be quick with it. Trust me daughter, the gaps in your mouth
will never hide the nightingale smile you dorn. The only part that worries me is that
the neighbors will enjoy seeing a free Wrestling show as the devil as he suplexes you.
Word of advice, bite your lips, and keep those moans to yourself. „Maita basa Mhofu.‟
these words should be your appreciation message after the soft rough personal growth
session. Find comfort in the beating, after all, it is what's best for you. They are men,
they know what is best for us.

Good news! The face mask will be ever present to refugee the goalposts in your
mouth. Your teeth are surely going to rattle from his blows and punches. The golden
rule is „No questions , no blows‟. Remember thou shalt train your mouth to know one
phrase „Yes Mhofu‟. If you do not, the rod will not be spared on you. Keep him happy
and your happiness does not matter. Your tears will surely scourge the pretty black
skin. Your make-up the following day must be intensive just to hide from the world a
shame of a man you care for. There is no choice, your other siblings are in school
because of the devil‟s money. If you do not please the master, we will all go hungry.

Is there another hell for you daughter in the afterlife since you already are in one?
Like father, like son-in-law! You and l share the same fate. We were born to be human
punching bags. Swear to yourself that you will receive those blows as a form of
learning and a courtesy from the devil. At the end of the day, he wants what is best for
you. What is best for us is to be submissive women and satisfy their needs.
Your father showed me your recent pictures. We are happy that the broken nose and
stuffy face show son in-law‟s dedication to molding your discipline. Welcome to the
life daughter as a sixteen-year-old babysitting a devilish fifty-year-old teenager. My
Son-in-law has been happy that he paid lobola handsomely for a baby-making
machine. You really did not disappoint us, my daughter you are a good investment. I
hear the great news that your skeletal figure is bulldozing a swollen belly probably
carrying a triplet pregnancy. Brace yourself for three little demons running into the
house soon.

This is my deep hashkafa. Akuruma nzeve ndewako.By the way, I am happy that your
father has changed. These days I now only learn through a whip. He abandoned the
use of martial arts. Isn't that great news? I have been escaping the jaws of death after
every head injury operation but my days seem to be numbered. Are you wrong for
congratulating me for finally making it toward death? The world does not deserve me
and heaven is my only chill spot. Please bear with me, as an old woman, l could not
man up to the six feet old goliath who sold you into demonic matrimony. The only
choice was to cower in the corner and sober mercilessly. Is there another hell for you,
my daughter, since you are already dining with the devil?

I have to end here. Your father is back and his friends are already taking seats in the
dining to enjoy the show. Do not worry l have swallowed some painkillers and my
face is now used to kissing the floor. One thing l like about your father is that the
beating is quick. Isn‟t that great? I hope your devil is the same. Find solace in my

Your perished mom


The following picture was obtained with consent from Selumeli Thulo and is a work of art to raise awareness on
Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwe.
The following picture was obtained with consent from Selumeli Thulo and is a work of art to raise awareness on
Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwe.
Sunday 24 March 2019

The following picture was obtained with consent from Selumeli Thulo and is a work of art to raise awareness on
Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwe.
The following picture was obtained with consent from Selumeli Thulo and is a work of art to raise awareness on
Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwe.

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