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Our research topic is really important and must raise awareness because as we
look through the news we really saw what happened when you're starting to get
addicted to a game. And the ones who started get addicted they're starting to
have a bad sleeping schedule, eyebags and very sleepy during the day, this could
happen both teenagers and adults. We chose to make this research because also
us experienced getting addicted to a game and spending a lot of money and time,
it's not bad to play games but too much playing can really ruin your health. Also,
this generation many teens doesn't eat on time anymore and only play, this really
destry their future, playing can really help prevent depression and enjoy life but
there's a limits on playing games, we would like to inform all of the students not
only in LNNCHS but to all kids and even adults to raise the awareness about online
games addiction because this is not to be ignore matter, many kids died because
of lack sleep and eat, staring at a monitor for many hours destroys our mind
because of the radiation. And to all parents who has kids that doesn't stop playing
scold them and their playing time it's okay to let them play but don't let them play
overnight, if you don't scold them you might regret what eill happrn to your
childrens. There some other findings in our research that may cause why they
play too much, it might be they have a toxic household, anxiety to go outside or
depression, there's a huge possibility why they play too much is maybe that's
they're way to escape from mental breakdown.

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