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Version 1.

Passport Services API 
Transaction Journal

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


Table of Contents 
Passport Services 2 
API Methods 2 
Overview 2 
WebOffice Access 2 
Set Employee API Key 2 
Example URL for GET Request 2 
Transaction Journal 3 
GET or POST Method 3 
Sample Return Value: 3 
Field Descriptions 5 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


Passport Services 
ECRS Passport Services allows businesses to use their own third-party sources to input Customer, Store 
Coupon, and Membership information into CATAPULT. Passport Services provides endpoints for: 
● Exporting transaction data via Transaction Journal 
● Creating new Customer records  
● Managing and applying Store Coupons 
● Creating and maintaining Membership Profiles 
This API guide provides standard parameters for data being imported into and exported from CATAPULT. 
API Methods 
This manual covers the use of the Transaction Journal endpoint of ECRS Passport Services as well as 
notes on accessing and controlling Employee access to Passport Services using WebOffice. 
WebOffice Access 
Reference the following notes on accessing API using WebOffice and providing API access to Employees: 
● API access is only available at HQ 
● API keys are used to authenticate access (set to individual Employees in WebOffice) 
● API access will not be permitted from the internet; only requests from non-routable RFC1918 
Set Employee API Key 
CATAPULT 5.5 and Higher 
In order to make any adjustments to data in CATAPULT, an API Key needs to be assigned to an Employee 
through WebOffice. API Keys provide access to CATAPULT API programs, and allow employees to move 
data in and out of CATAPULT. Select ​+Create New​ and WebOffice will automatically create a new API 
Key for this Employee Record. 
Any API Keys that were created in previous versions of CATAPULT using Advanced Settings will be 
preserved and automatically applied to Employee Records.  
Warning: API Keys DO NOT replicate between stores. If an employee has several API Keys assigned at 
the HQ WebOffice, separate API Keys will need to be created at the Remote Stores in order to access 
API programs. 
CATAPULT 5.4 and Older 
In order to make any adjustments to data in CATAPULT, an API Key needs to be assigned to an Employee 
through an Advanced Setting. Once an API Key has been assigned to an Employee in CATAPULT, the 
specified key may be used by multiple personnel to access Passport Services.  
To provide an Employee with an API Key for authentication, create an Advanced Setting at the 
Headquarters store with the following parameters: 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


Key: “Employee nn API KEY” (with no quotations and ensure to replace nn with the desired Employee ID 
Value: (Desired API KEY) 
Whatever you’ve entered in the “Value” field is now set as the specified employee’s API Key, and will be 
used in all Passport Services.  
 Example URL for GET Request 
Ensure that m
​ ethod-name ​is replaced with the desired API Method (Customer, TransactionJournal, etc): 
​ apikey=​api-key​&​parameter1​=​value1
The ​Customer​ Method is not available in CATAPULT 5.4 or 5.4.1 by default. 
Passport Services are incompatible with cloud systems, and should only be used with systems inside the 
Cardholder Environment due to security concerns. 
Transaction Journal 
The Transaction Journal endpoint enables you to obtain all available T-Log detail reporting data for a 
range of transaction upload times by using the GET or POST method. 
The field trn_uploadtime is used for both start and end time.This is useful if a site has a terminal that was 
offline today, when the TLOG API is run tonight transactions at this terminal will not be pulled. If the API 
used start/end time offline transactions would be missed. (We use this same functionality in GL as well to 
prevent lost data). 
 GET or POST Method 
Parameters (required parameters in bold) 

string​ ​apikey This field contains a valid API key for an Employee who is not marked inactive 
or terminated. 

datetime​ ​startTime  This field contains the start time. Only transactions which were inserted into 
the HQ T-Log database after this will be included in the output. This time should 
be in the following format: 2015-03-25T12:00:00 (ISO 8601). 

datetime​ ​endTime  This field contains the end time. Only transactions which were inserted into the 
HQ T-Log database before this will be included in the output. This time should 
be in the following format: 2015-03-25T12:00:00 (ISO 8601). 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


 Sample Return Value: 

Sample request:
The return value will be presented as an XML Document displaying the transactions(s) for the time period 
requested. The elements in this document are derived directly from the structure of the TJ_Trans view in 
the T-Log database. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?> 
<row TRN_PK="18048" TRN_CPK="1002" TRN_STO_FK="3" 
TRN_STO_CFK="1000" TRN_StartTime="2016-01-06 10:37:20.870" 
TRN_EndTime="2016-01-06 10:37:43.603" 
TRN_ReceiptNumber="16029" TRN_Type="0" 
TRN_EMP_FK="4" TRN_EMP_CFK="1000" TRN_SequenceNumber="16029" 
TRN_TCF_FK="2" TRN_TCF_CFK="1002" TRN_AllVoid="0" 
TRN_UploadTime="2016-01-06 10:37:43.754" 
TRN_Status="0" TCF_Description="Flex" 
TCF_Number="2" TCF_TerminalID="07325795" 
EMP_Number="99" EMP_FirstName="Self " 
EMP_LastName="Checkout " TLI_PK="4" TLI_LIT_FK="1" 
TLI_StartTime="2016-01-06 10:37:27.540" 
TLI_EndTime="2016-01-06 10:37:27.540" 
TLI_Amount="1.1900" TLI_ReceiptAlias="Eternal Artesian Water" 
TLI_Quantity="1.0000" TLI_ScanCode="608883000027" 
TLI_TaxDifference=".0800" ExtendedPrice="1.1900" 
ExtendedBasePrice="1.1900" CPT_Void="0" 
DLI_Void="0" DLI_INV_FK="23" DLI_INV_CFK="1000" 
ITI_AverageCost=".7600" ITI_EntryMethod="2" 
ITI_Return="0" ITI_INV_FK="23" ITI_Void="0" 
ITI_INV_CFK="1000" ITI_SellingPrice="1.1900" 
ITI_BasePrice="1.1900" ITI_PriceLevel="1" 
ITI_DiscountPriceOverride="1" DPT_Name="Beverage " 
DPT_Number="5" DPT_OmitFromSales="0" 
NTI_Void="0" CTI_Void="0" GCT_Void="0" 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


<row TRN_PK="18049" TRN_CPK="1002" TRN_STO_FK="3" 
TRN_STO_CFK="1000" TRN_StartTime="2016-01-06 10:44:05.990" 
TRN_EndTime="2016-01-06 10:44:14.212" 
TRN_ReceiptNumber="16030" TRN_Type="0" 
TRN_EMP_FK="4" TRN_EMP_CFK="1000" TRN_SequenceNumber="16030" 
TRN_TCF_FK="2" TRN_TCF_CFK="1002" TRN_AllVoid="0" 
TRN_UploadTime="2016-01-06 10:44:14.317" 
TRN_Status="0" TCF_Description="Flex" 
TCF_Number="2" TCF_TerminalID="07325795" 
EMP_Number="99" EMP_FirstName="Self " 
EMP_LastName="Checkout " TLI_PK="1" TLI_LIT_FK="1" 
TLI_StartTime="2016-01-06 10:44:05.981" 
TLI_EndTime="2016-01-06 10:44:05.981" 
TLI_Amount="1.1900" TLI_ReceiptAlias="Eternal Artesian Water" 
TLI_Quantity="1.0000" TLI_ScanCode="608883000027" 
TLI_TaxDifference=".0800" ExtendedPrice="1.1900" 
ExtendedBasePrice="1.1900" CPT_Void="0" 
DLI_Void="0" DLI_INV_FK="23" DLI_INV_CFK="1000" 
ITI_AverageCost=".7600" ITI_EntryMethod="2" 
ITI_Return="0" ITI_INV_FK="23" ITI_Void="0" 
ITI_INV_CFK="1000" ITI_SellingPrice="1.1900" 
ITI_BasePrice="1.1900" ITI_PriceLevel="1" 
ITI_DiscountPriceOverride="1" DPT_Name="Beverage " 
DPT_Number="5" DPT_OmitFromSales="0" 
NTI_Void="0" CTI_Void="0" GCT_Void="0" 
 Field Descriptions 
Field Name  Data Type  Description 

TRN_CPK  Integer  This is the unique identifier for all Transactions 

TRN_STO_FK,  This field points to the record for the Store in which the Transaction 
TRN_STO_CFK  Integer  was completed. 

This field contains the Date/Time the Transaction was started. 

Note: U​ se TRN_EndTime instead of this field when a Transaction 
TRN_StartTime  Timestamp  Time is needed. 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This field contains the Date/Time the Transaction was finalized. This 
field is used as the Transaction Time for all reporting purposes for the 
TRN_EndTime  Timestamp  current Transaction 

This field contains the Numeric value for Receipt Number from the 
Terminal.This number is unique only to the specific Terminal where 
TRN_ReceiptNu the Transaction was completed. This value rolls over to 1 when it 
mber  Integer  reaches 999,999. 

TRN_Type  Tiny Integer  This field is not used 

TRN_EMP_FK,  This field points to the record for the Employee who finalized the 
TRN_EMP_CFK  Integer  Transaction. 

Number  Integer  This field contains the numeric value for the Sequence Number 

TRN_TCF_FK,  This field points to the record for the Terminal where the Transaction 
TRN_TCF_CFK  Integer  was completed. 

This field is only valid if a Customer was associated with the current 
TRN_CUS_FK,  Transaction.This field points to the record for the Customer that was 
TRN_CUS_CFK  Integer  associated with this Transaction. 

0 or 1 value Transaction All Void flag 

This field indicates if the entire Transaction has been voided by an All 
Void action 
0 = Normal Transaction 
TRN_AllVoid  Tiny Integer  1 = Voided Transaction 

TRN_UploadTim This field contains the Date and Time that the current record is sent 
e  Timestamp  from the POS Terminal into the store database, based on Server time. 

This field Indicates the type of completed Transactions: 

0 = Normal Sales Transaction 
1= Training Mode Transaction 
Pending Transactions: 
2 = Checkpoint 
3 = Suspended Sale 
4 = Parked 
5 = Resumed 
6 = Web Order Paid 
7 = Web Order 
8 = Recalled 
9 = Delete 
10 = Order Pick Picking 
TRN_Status  Integer  11 = Order Pick Ready 

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12 = Picking in Progress 

TCF_Descriptio This field contains the name of the Terminal that the Transaction was 
n  Char(30)  completed on 

This field contains the number of the Terminal that the Transaction 
TCF_Number  Integer  was completed on 

This field contains the Unique identifier for the Terminal that the 
TCF_TerminalID  Char(8)  Transaction was completed on 

This field contains the Employee ID of the Cashier that was logged in 
EMP_Number  Integer  when the Transaction was completed. 

This field contains the First Name of the Cashier that was logged in 
EMP_FirstName  Char(30)  when the Transaction was completed. 

This field contains the Last Name of the Cashier that was logged in 
EMP_LastName  Char(30)  when the Transaction was completed. 

This field is only valid if a Customer is associated with the 

CUS_AccountN Transaction. This field contains the associated Customer’s Customer 
um  Char(16)  ID. 

This field is only valid if a Customer is associated with the 

Transaction. This field contains the associated Customer’s First 
CUS_FirstName  Char(25)  Name. 

This field is only valid if a Customer is associated with the 

Transaction. This field contains the associated Customer’s Last 
CUS_LastName  Char(25)  Name. 

This field is only valid if a Customer is associated with the 

CUS_Company  Char(50)  Transaction. This field contains the associated Customer’s Company. 

TLI_PK  Integer  This field contains the order of the Transaction items. 

TLI_LIT_FK  Integer  This field contains the Line Item Type 

This field contains the Line Item start time 

Note: U​ se the field TRN_EndTime instead of this field as an indicator 
TLI_StartTime  Timestamp  of the Transaction Time. 

This field contains the Line Item end time  

Note:​ Use the field TRN_EndTime instead of this field as an indicator 
TLI_EndTime  Timestamp  of the Transaction Time. 

TLI_Amount  Numeric(16,4)  This field contains the dollar amount of the Transaction Line Item 

s  varchar(50)  This field contains the Receipt Alias for the Transaction Line Item 

TLI_Quantity  Numeric(12,3)  This field contains the Quantity of each Line Item in the Transaction. 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This field is only valid for Line Item types that refer to Inventory Items, 
TLI_ScanCode  varchar(50)  using either the Item ID or Alternate ID. 

ce  Numeric (16,4)  Field is currently not reliable data. 

This field contains the Extended Price of Base Item that is sold.  
ExtendedPrice  Numeric (16,4)  Note: U
​ se ExtendedBasePrice instead. 

This field contains the Extended Base Price of the Base Item that is 
Field Formula: 
rice  Numeric (16,4)  Base Price × Alternate ID Item Count in Pkg × Unit Quantity Sold. 

CTI_LIT_FK  Integer  This field is the link between Combo and Line Item 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 16.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Charge Payment is good 
CPT_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Charge Payment is Voided 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Discount is not a Dollar Discount 
DLI_TypeDollar  Tiny Integer  1 = Discount is a Dollar Discount 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Discount is not a Percent Discount 
t  Tiny Integer  1 = Discount is a Percent Discount 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Discount is applied to the Transaction Subtotal 
DLI_LineItem  Tiny Integer  1 = Discount is applied to the Line Item 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

DLI_DIS_FK,  This field points to the Discount Profile record that holds the detail for 
DLI_DIS_CFK  Integer  the Discount which has been applied to the item or sale. 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item. 

0 or 1 value 
This is set to indicate if the current Discount has been voided. 
0 = Discount Line is Good 
DLI_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Discount Line is voided 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value for the Apply After Tax(es) checkbox. 
0 = Apply Before Tax 
eTax  Tiny Integer  1 = Apply After Tax 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Discount is applied to a normal sale 
DLI_Return  Tiny Integer  1 = Discount is applied to a return 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

DLI_INV_FK,DLI This field points to the Inventory Base Item that the Discount was 
_INV_CFK  Integer  applied to. 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Manual Discount 
DLI_Automatic  Tiny Integer  1 = Automatic Discount 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item. 

If the Discount is applied to a Line Item that is an Alternate ID item, 
then this field will point to the record in the table AdditionalScanCodes 
DLI_ASC_FK,DLI for the Alternate Item. If the Discount is applied to a Line Item that is a 
_ASC_CFK  Integer  Base Item, then this field is NULL. 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 Discount Line Item 

DLI_InventoryLi This field points to the Transaction Item record the Discount applies 
neItem  Integer  to. 

This field is only valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 4 for Discount Line Item. 
0 or 1 value 
0 = Don’t Consolidate 
olidated  Tiny Integer  1 = Consolidate 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

ITI_AverageCos This field contains the Average Cost of Base Item at the time of the 
t  Numeric (16,4)  Transaction. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

This field is set to indicate the entry method of the Item ID. 
1 = Manual 
ITI_EntryMethod  Integer  2 = Scan 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

ITI_Return  Tiny Integer  0 or 1 value 

ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


0 = Not a Return, Normal Sale 

1 = Returned Item 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 :  

This field points to the record for the Base Item that was 
sold/returned, and determines whether the item sold was a Base Item 
ITI_INV_FK  Integer  or an Alternate ID item. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item. 

0 or 1 value 
0 = Not Voided 
ITI_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Voided Line Item 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 :  

This field points to the record for the Base Item that was 
sold/returned, and determines whether the item sold was a Base Item 
ITI_INV_CFK  Integer  or an Alternate ID item. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

This field contains the actual selling price of an Inventory Item after 
applying Automatic Discounts. 
ITI_SellingPrice  Numeric (16,4)  Note: T
​ his field does not include Manual Discounts. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

This field contains the Base Price of a single Base Item at the time of 
ITI_BasePrice  Numeric (16,4)  the Transaction. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item. 

ITI_ASC_FK,ITI_ If the item sold was an Alternate ID item then this field will point to the 
ASC_CFK  Integer  record in the table AdditionalScanCodes for the Alternate Item. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item. 

If the item sold was an Alternate ID item then this field contains the 
ITI_ASCQuantity  Numeric(12,4)  Item Count in Package for the Alternate Item. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item. 

This field contains a numeric value for the Price Level of the Item sold 
ITI_PriceLevel  Tiny Integer  at the time of the Transaction. 

eOverride  Tiny Integer  This field always contains a value of 1. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 1 or 15 : Inventory Item.  

This field contains the Department Name for the current Inventory 
Item. This will be the Department Name that was defined at the time 
DPT_Name  Char(30)  the Item was sold. 


ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This field contains the Department ID for the current Inventory Item. 
This will be the Department ID that was defined at the time the Item 
DPT_Number  Integer  was sold. 

0 or 1 value  
0 = Sales Department 
Sales  Tiny Integer  1 = Omit From Sales Department 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 3. 

TTI_TAX_CFK  Integer  This field points to the record for the Tax that was applied. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 3.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Tax applies to normal sale item 
TTI_ReturnTax  Numeric(14,4)  1 = Tax applies to a return item 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 3.  

TTI_TaxableAm This field contains the taxable dollar amount of the Transaction 
ount  Numeric(16,4)  subtotal. 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2 : Tender record.  

NTI_TEN_CFK  Integer  This field points to the Tender record of the Tender received. 

onCode  varchar(20)  If applicable this field contains the authorization code for the Tender. 

ntName  Char(40)  This field contains the Cardholder Name. 

ntNumber  Char(4)  This field contains the last 4 digits of the card number. 

ype  Char(5)  This field contains the Card Type. 

rAmount  Numeric(14,4)  This field contains the amount Tendered to the Card. 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2 : Tender record. 

e  Integer  This field contains the numeric value for the type of Tender received. 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2 : Tender record. 

NTI_Amount  Numeric (16,4)  This field contains the Tender amount. 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2 : Tender record. 

0 or 1 value 
0 = Not Voided 
NTI_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Voided 


ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This is a valid field for Line Item Type 23 : Safe Drop. 

0 or 1 value 
0 = No 
1 = Yes 
If TLI_LIT_FK = 23, this field is always set to 1. For all other line types, 
NTI_SafeDrop  Tiny Integer  this field is set to either 0 or NULL. 

This is a valid field for Line Item Type 22 : Drawer Loan. 

0 or 1 value 
0 = No 
1 = Yes 
If TLI_LIT_FK = 22, this field is always set to 1. For all other line types, 
NTI_Loan  Tiny Integer  this field is set to either 0 or NULL. 

NTI_FCExchang This field contains the Foreign Currency Exchange Rate at the time of 
eRate  Numeric(14,4)  sale. 

mount  Numeric (16,4)  This field contains the Foreign Currency Amount tendered. 

0 or 1 value  
0 = Not Foreign Currency  
ency  Tiny Integer  1 = Foreign Currency 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2: 

TEN_CPK  Integer  This field is contains a link to the Tenders table. 

This is a valid field for TLI_LIT_FK = 2:  

TEN_Descriptio This field contains a description of the Tender received for the 
n  char(30)  Transaction. 

unt  Numeric (16,4)  This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon. 

This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon. 

1 = Vendor Coupon POS Function 
d  Integer  2 = Scan 

This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon.  

0 or 1 value 
0 = Good Record 
CTI_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Voided Record 

This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon.  

erCode  varchar(8)  This field contains the Coupon Manufacturer Code. 


ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon.  

CTI_FamilyCode  varchar(8)  This field contains the Coupon Family Code. 

This field is valid when TLI_LIT_FK = 31 Vendor Coupon. 

de  varchar(8)  This field contains the Coupon Code. 

This is a field for TLI_LIT_FK = 1, 4 or 15. 

This field is only valid if a Salesperson was associated with the sale or 
return of an Item. This field then points to the Employee that is 
designated as the Salesperson for the Item. 
SalespersonCF This field is valid on a normal sale, a return, and on the Discount lines 
K  Integer  that are associated with the sale or return of an item. 

0 or 1 value  
0 = Gift Card Line is Good 
GCT_Void  Tiny Integer  1 = Gift Card Line is Voided 

LTN_Start1  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 1. 

LTN_End1  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 1. 

LTN_Start2  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 2. 

LTN_End2  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 2. 

LTN_Start3  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 3. 

LTN_End3  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 3. 

LTN_Start4  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 4. 

LTN_End4  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 4. 

LTN_Start5  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 5. 

LTN_End5  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 5. 

LTN_Start6  varchar(32)  This field contains the starting value for Lot Number range 6. 

LTN_End6  varchar(32)  This field contains the ending value for Lot Number range 6. 

es  long varchar  This field contains values for any additional Lot Number ranges. 



ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 



Version  Change(s)  Made By  Date 

1.0  Document compiled  Hayden Souza and  August 29, 2018 

from internal resources.  Jesse Dyer 


ECRS | | 800.211.1172 | 277 Howard Street, Boone, NC 28607 


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