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Sample Exam 2

Student Name:


Section Minutes Marks

Grammar 1 4 /10
Grammar 2 8 /20
Grammar 3 4 /10
Vocabulary 1 3 /10
Vocabulary 2 8 /20
Vocabulary 3 3 /10
Reading 1 15 /9
Reading 2 15 /8
Reading 3 15 /8
Cloze 1 8 /8
Cloze 2 8 /10
Writing 30 /16
TOTAL 2 hrs /140

• This exam should be completed while timed for each section. Once time runs
out, the student MUST move on to the next section.
• It is preferable that the students type the writing component of the exam
Section: Grammar 1 (10 Questions / 4 minutes)
1. The translation of these books _____ not accurate.
A are
B is
C will be
D being

2. This is the house _____ I was born.

A that
B where
C which
D when

3. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

her station met night at the



4. Some students are really bad _____ computers.

A on
B at
C with
D to

5. The Minister, together with his advisors, _____ visiting our school.
A is
B are
C have
D has
6. She has worked for this company _____ twenty years
A for
B since
C during
D ago

7. _____ he send you a message yesterday?

A Is
B Has
C Did
D Does

8. How _____ do you go to the movies?

A long
B much
C many
D often

9. He passed the exam _____ being sick.

A although
B but
C in spite of
D however

10. He neither came to the event _____ did he call me.

A or
B and
C nor
D but
Section: Grammar 2 (20 Questions / 8 minutes)
11. I discussed some _____ issues with my father in private.
A personality
B personal
C personally
D person

12. Some people are honest but _____ tell lies.

A the others
B others
C the other
D another

13. He is strong _____ to lift that heavy box.

A enough
B much
C very
D quite

14. She _____ typing letters since this morning.

A been
B is
C has been
D will be

15. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

was gift a free by the shop


My father
16. The earthquake _____ much destruction.
A brought about
B brought in
C brought up
D brought for

17. All teachers should ensure _____ participation of their students in class.
A actively
B activity
C action
D active

18. I wanted to _____ reading the story but the lights went off.
A carry out
B carry on
C carry with
D carry in

19. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

parts many popular in very the

world of

Coffee is

20. _____ you study hard, you will never get the full mark.
A If
B Because
C When
D Unless
21. _____ it had not been rainy, we would have played football.
A If
B Unless
C Has
D Had

22. His work usually _____ at 7am and ends at 2pm.

A starting
B start
C starts
D started

23. If she _____ earlier, she would have arrived on time.

A leaves
B left
C has left
D had left

24. I need a _____ more sugar, please.

A little
B few
C several
D many

25. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

impressed speech quite his by was

26. I brought my heavy coat _____ it gets cold.
A for
B because of
C despite
D in case

27. I met the man _____ son won the prize

A who
B whom
C whose
D that

28. By the time that we arrived _____ the station, the train had already left.
A on top of
B at
C towards
D from

29. Due to the extreme heat, some cars _____ in the UAE summer.
A break up
B break down
C break out
D break away

30. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

blew placed out took broke off

The boy a part of his chocolate bar and it

on top of the table for his sister to eat.
Section: Grammar 3 (10 Questions / 4 minutes)
31. Losing is not the end. If you lose, you should _____.
A beat around the bush
B cry over spilt milk
C feel a bit under the weather
D go back to the drawing board

32. Ali is very smart and understands the main point. When asked a question, he always
A makes a long story short.
B lets the cat out of the bag
C lets the sleeping dogs lie
D hits the nail on the head

33. I must have my house _____ by the end of this month.

A to paint
B painted
C painting
D will paint

34. Your role is to _____ the stock market to find investing opportunities.
A observable
B observation
C observatory
D observe

35. Ahmed is a very busy with work recently and doesn’t have much time. I only see
him _____ for dinner.
A once in a blue moon
B in the heat of the moment
C feeling under the weather
D hitting the nail on the head
36. There were a lot of things mentioned at the meeting but _____ it was a
productive meeting. .
A missing the boat
B making a long story short
C barking up the wrong tree
D hitting the nail on the head

37. _____ a great deal of money does not necessarily lead to happiness
A Possession
B Possess
C Possessive
D Possessing

38. Which question is correct?

A Where did you spend your vacation last summer?
B Where your vacation spend did last summer you?
C Where did you last summer your vacation spend?
D Did your vacation you where spend last summer?

39. Which sentence is correct?

A Ahmed wrote to an email last week Ali
B Last week, an email Ahmed Ali wrote to
C Wrote to Ahmed an email Ali last week
D Ahmed wrote an email to Ali last week

40. The car _____ in the crash.

A destroyed
B is destroying
C has destroyed
D was destroyed
Section: Vocabulary 1 (10 Questions / 3 minutes)
41. Abdulrahman _____ football on TV every Saturday.
A goes
B wears
C plays
D watches

42. It was the longest film I’ve ever seen; it _____ for hours.
A stayed
B finished
C lasted
D ended

43. Dentists recommend that people should _____ their teeth twice a day.
A brush
B fix
C pick
D wash

44. My brother is ill, so he is going to the hospital for _____.

A hospital
B treatment
C doctor
D well

45. They let the game _____ despite the rain.

A carry on
B call off
C catch up
D come over
46. The _____ of people living in the UAE are from other countries.
A growth
B majority
C mass
D movement

47. In multi-cultural societies, we have to be _____ to other people’s backgrounds.

A sensitive
B innocent
C unfair
D apparent

48. Exercising well, eating healthy and getting enough sleep allow us to maintain our
A area
B space
C health
D weather

49. Our football _____ is very tough – we train 5 times a week!

A company
B field
C coach
D teenage

50. The new café is popular. In the morning they have many _____ so it’s hard to get
a coffee!
A cities
B customers
C dreams
D goals
Section: Vocabulary 2 (20 Questions / 8 minutes)
51. Do not touch these paintings, as they are very _____.
A valuable
B attractive
C numerous
D available

52. Employers usually get their salaries on a monthly _____.

A basis
B base
C bases
D basic

53. He talked _____ on the phone. “Good news!” he shouted.

A warmly
B truly
C excitedly
D officially

54. All students should keep their desks _____.

A fortunate
B neat
C dull
D angry

55. The mother cut the cake into six _____ slices.
A sudden
B moral
C private
D equal
56. Nasser works very hard to _____ all his goals.
A abstract
B attain
C assist
D assume

57. It is difficult to _____ the outcome of a football match, especially if both teams are
similar in skill.
A tell
B survive
C confirm
D predict

58. I am new to this city, so I don’t know which _____ is the best to live in.
A area
B income
C approach
D environment

59. The school offers a wide _____ of subjects to the students

A credit
B range
C journal
D culture

60. Some violent TV programs have a negative _____ on children.

A impact
B delight
C risk
D method
61. It will be very _____ for us to meet in the evening.
A patient
B precious
C available
D convenient

62. My friend lost all that he _____ in the house fire but the community donated
A affected
B owned
C elevated
D solved

63. His _____to study abroad came very late.

A production
B affection
C confusion
D decision

64. I had no choice but to _____ the offer and go to the event.
A accuse
B access
C accept
D acquire

65. He is very _____ waiting for the exam results.

A ambitious
B adequate
C anxious
D accurate
66. The _____ that came with the e-mail had a virus.
A assessment
B attachment
C astonishment
D employment

67. The police _____ the thief and arrested him.

A identified
B clarified
C simplified
D classified

68. Mohammed was late for school this morning, so he _____ the morning assembly.
A attended
B missed
C went to
D came from

69. When the sports store, don’t forget the _____ because you might have to change
your shoe size if it’s too big.
A ticket
B receipt
C bill
D invoice

70. I hope you have finished _____ your suitcase – the taxi has just arrived.
A wrapping
B packing
C making
D doing
Section: Vocabulary 3 (10 Questions / 3 minutes)
71. The official _____ show that ten percent of students are unhealthy.
A phases
B parameters
C stresses
D statistics

72. It is not possible to reach _____, but we can always improve.

A affection
B infection
C perfection
D reflection

73. That company _____ the most offices in this building.

A communicates
B occupies
C resolves
D transfers

74. Reem’s high marks in the final exam _____ that she is an excellent student.
A indicate
B infer
C integrate
D interpret

75. Never _____ all your money in one project.

A invest
B estimate
C credit
D terminate
76. He has two jobs in order to help increase his overall _____.
A welfare
B income
C revenue
D license

77. Prices have risen _____ in the last two years.

A traditionally
B dramatically
C locally
D emotionally

78. The student showed a great amount of _____ when he volunteered for a charity
to build up his resume.
A initiative
B entrance
C confidence
D appearance

79. It is very hard to _____ between these two twins. They look very much alike.
A distinguish
B disappear
C exchange
D choose

80. The main road was blocked so we had to take _____ roads to get home.
A exclusive
B qualitative
C comprehensive
D alternative
Extended Reading 1 (9 Questions / 15 Minutes)
Sheikh Mohammed receives Emirati astronauts Sultan Al Neyadi,
Hazza Al Mansouri

By Wam
Published Wednesday, March 06, 2019

The Vice President, Prime Minister and

Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, on
Tuesday received, in his palace in
Zabeel during his weekly majlis, with
the attendance of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan
bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, and
H.H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler
of Dubai, the Emirati astronauts, Dr.
Sultan Al Neyadi and Hazza Al
Mansouri, from the Mohammed bin
Rashid Space Centre, MBRSC.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid spoke to Al Neyadi and Al Mansouri about their
future trip to the International Space Station, ISS, in September, as well as their
psychological and physical training for their week-long mission inside the station, which
spins above the Earth at an altitude of nearly 450 kilometres, to conduct scientific
experiments related to space, planets and gravity.
The astronauts briefed His Highness Sheikh Mohammed about their scientific and practical
training and the studies they completed that qualified them to become astronauts, on an
equal footing with their international counterparts.
H.H. Sheikh Mohammed blessed their journey and wished them success in achieving their
personal and national goals, to raise their country’s stature by achieving scientific
accomplishments that will serve the nation and humanity.
"Our country has invested in science, education and training the youth. We rely on them to
establish a solid and sustainable foundation for all forms of scientific, knowledge and social
advancement," he said.
"The nation’s youth, who are armed with science, knowledge and resolve, are the
cornerstones of construction, the knights of the horses, and the models of excellence, who
are walking with Allah’s blessing. May Allah Almighty bless your journey," he added.

The weekly majlis was attended by H.H.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum,
Chairman of the Dubai Civil Aviation
Authority and Chairman and Chief
Executive of Emirates Airline and Group,
H.H. Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and several
Sheikhs, ministers and economic and
cultural dignitaries, as well as other
senior officials.

Adapted from:
81. Where did Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the astronauts meet?
A In a Majlis
B His palace
C The Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre
D International Space Station

82. The duration of the astronauts’ mission is _____.

A A week
B A month
C A year
D Not mentioned

83. The astronauts main mission is _____.

A To spin 450km above the earth
B To conduct scientific experiments
C To train physical and psychological limits
D To model excellence for excellence for students

84. The main reason for Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum meeting the
astronauts was _____.
A to test their physical and psychological ability
B to ensure that the astronaut training programs are at an international level
C to understand the training process for the UAE astronauts
D to support them and give his blessings

85. Who does Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum say he relies on to
“…establish a solid and sustainable foundation for all forms of scientific,
knowledge and social advancement…"?
A The youth
B The astronauts
C The ministers
D The cultural dignitaries
86. What is another way to say “psychological” in the sentence “…Space Station,
ISS, in September, as well as their psychological and physical training for
A Medical
B Analytical
C Mental
D Scientific

87. What does “stature” mean in the sentence “…national goals, to raise their
country’s stature by achieving scientific accomplishments…”?
A Height
B Depth
C Dimension
D Reputation

88. What does “knights of the horses” mean in the sentence “are the cornerstones of
construction, the knights of the horses, and the models of excellence”?
A Soldiers
B Astronauts
C Sportsmen/women
D Leaders and representatives

89. What is the main objective of this article?

A To encourage readers to become astronauts
B To introduce the astronauts and their experiences
C To tell readers about the space mission and its details
D To demonstrate UAE’s vision to be a leader in science and technology
Extended Reading 2 (8 Questions / 15 Minutes)
1. Coffee was first discovered in Northern Africa in an area we know today as
Ethiopia. A goat herder by the name of Kaldi observed his goats were unusually
active after eating berries from a bush. Curious about this, Kaldi tried eating the
berries himself. He found that these berries gave him a lot of energy. The news of
this special fruit that gave people energy quickly spread throughout the region.
2. Coffee berries were transported from Ethiopia to the Arabian Peninsula and were
first grown in what today is the country of Yemen. From there, coffee traveled to
Turkey where coffee beans were roasted for the first time over open fires. The
roasted beans were crushed and then boiled in water, creating an early version of
the drink we enjoy today.
3. Coffee was brought to Europe by Italian traders. Once in Europe, this new drink
was criticized by some people. They felt that coffee should be illegal. However, local
leaders declared that coffee was an acceptable drink.
4. In the 1700’s coffee found its way to America. It was taken there by a French
military captain who only took one small plant on the long journey across the
Atlantic. This one plant, transplanted to the Caribbean Island of Martinique, became
the first of over 19 million trees on the island within 50 years. It was from this small
beginning that the coffee plant found its way to the rest of the tropical regions of
South and Central America.
5. In 1822 the French invented a way of preparing coffee called espresso. The
Italians perfected a machine that makes espresso and were the first to manufacture
it. Espresso has become such an integral part of Italian life and culture that there
are presently over 200,000 espresso bars in Italy
6. Today, coffee is a huge industry employing more than 20 million people all over
the world. This product ranks second only to petroleum in terms of dollars traded
worldwide. With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is the world’s
most popular drink. In Brazil alone, over 5 million people are employed in the coffee
90. This text is mostly about the _____.
A preparation of coffee
B history of coffee
C coffee industry
D different types of coffee

91. Coffee berries were first discovered by _____.

A Italian traders
B an Ethiopian goat herder
C the French military
D people in Turkey

92. The Turkish people _____.

A brought coffee to the Arabian Peninsula
B believed that coffee should be illegal
C were the first to make hot coffee
D discovered the espresso machine

93. Coffee was first brought to Europe by _____ traders.

A Italian
B French
C Turkish
D Ethiopian

94. Local leaders in Europe _____.

A criticized coffee
B approved of coffee
C invented espresso
D made coffee illegal
95. In the 1700s, a French soldier took _____ to America.
A 19 million trees
B 50 coffee plants
C a small coffee plant
D the espresso machine

96. Espresso is a _____.

A machine for making special coffee
B kind of coffee roasted over an open fire
C special coffee plant
D way of coffee preparation

97. Paragraph 6 is mostly about _____.

A the coffee industry in Brazil
B the importance of the petroleum industry
C the global coffee industry
D the popularity of coffee
Extended Reading 3 (8 Questions / 15 Minutes)

98. What type of company is “Helsinki Expert”?
A Shopping mall
B Bus company
C Government organization
D Tourism company

99. If you had one day to see Helsinki and you wanted to take it slow, which tour
would you book?
A Helsinki Panorama Sightseeing Tour
B Hop On- Hop Off Tours
C Beautiful Canal Route
D Walking Tour

100. On which tour can you learn about the history of the capital?
A Helsinki Panorama Sightseeing Tour
B Hop On- Hop Off Tours
C Beautiful Canal Route
D Walking Tour

101. On which tour can you listen to a guide in many languages while sitting in a
closed bus?
A Helsinki Panorama Sightseeing Tour
B Hop On- Hop Off Tours
C Beautiful Canal Route
D Walking Tour

102. How often do Hop On- Hop Off Buses depart?

A Every 24 hours
B Anytime
C From May to September
D Every 30 minutes
103. On which tour can you see the Maritime Fortress?
A Helsinki Panorama Sightseeing Tour
B Hop On- Hop Off Tours
C Beautiful Canal Route
D Walking Tour

104. Which of the following can you NOT do with the “Helsinki Card”?
A Pay for dinner
B Take the train
C Take the bus
D Go on a sightseeing tour

105. How would you find the opening hours for “Helsinki Expert Shops”?
A Email
B Phone
C Website
D Hotels
Cloze Passage 1 (8 Questions / 8 Minutes)
106. Complete the following text using the words in boxes. There are two extra
tone down join in wash out fall out wore off

pull out lay down cut out checked out came back

Fatima hated going to see the dentist. It wasn’t that her dentist was bad; it was
that Fatima loves eating sweets. Her dentist had warned her that her teeth
would a)_____ if she continued to eat sweets. Time and time again, the dentist
had told her to b)_____ sweet food or at least reduce the amount she ate.
As she c)_____ on the dentist’s chair, all the horrible memories from her last
visit d)_____ to her. On that occasion, the dentist had to e)_____ one of her
teeth! The pain was terrible – even with the anaesthetic*. When the
anaesthetic* f)_____, it was difficult for her to eat or chew anything at all.
This time the visit was much better. Her dentist g)_____ her teeth, made her
h)_____ her mouth with pink liquid. That was it. No problems and no pain!
Fatima was happy and so was her dentist. Fatima had finally learned her lesson
and was taking better care of her teeth.

*anesthetic: ‫ﻣﺧدر‬
Cloze Passage 2 (10 Questions / 8 Minutes)
107. Complete the following text using the words in boxes. There are two extra

options picky currently require location easy

nearly better levels quick difficult perfect

It's a)_____ spring and it's time to grow plants. Of course, not all plants are
b)_____ in season. This makes it very c)_____ to pick the best plants to grow.
The good news is that there are tons of d)_____. Do you know that plants can
grow in nearly every climate? It's true that some plants are e)_____, but most
are super flexible and only f)_____ water, dirt and of course sun. This spring is
the g)_____ time to start your own garden. There are three amazing plants that
work in every single climate. The first is spinach. Spinach is very easy to grow
because it removes water well and can stand different h)_____ of heat. The
second is carrots. There are many types of carrots you can grow. Most carrots
are very i)_____ to grow and also handle all types of climates as well. The third
is tomatoes. There are tons of different types of tomatoes. It's easy to find the
perfect tomato for any j)_____. Go plant some plants!
Writing Section (30 Minutes)
Some schools teach science and maths in English. Write an essay of about 200
words on the advantages and disadvantages of teaching those subjects in English.

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