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Act as a debater. Please provide 500 words essay supporting the legalisation of marijuana.


The legalization of marijuana is a topic that has been widely debated in recent years.
There are several arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana.
One argument is that legalization can generate significant revenue for governments
through taxation. In states where marijuana has been legalized, tax revenue from
legal recreational marijuana has surpassed expectations. For example, Colorado
usually collects more than $20 million a month and collected a total of $387 million
in 20201.
Another argument is that legalization can create jobs. A new report by Leafly and
Whitney Economics finds the marijuana industry is booming. In 2020 alone, they
calculate, it created 77,000 jobs. Across the country, there are about 321,000 jobs in
the legal marijuana industry1.

Legalization can also reduce crime rates by eliminating the black market for
marijuana. Proponents argue that this can free up law enforcement resources to
focus on more serious crimes.

In conclusion, there are several arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana, including

the potential for increased revenue for governments, job creation, and reduced crime

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