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Wednesday 6th November

A Christmas Carol descriptive writing

Fire crackled in the back as the grumpy man strode back and forth across the dimly lit room, the flame
tongues flickered in the ominous darkness rising and falling like a heavy breath. the dark room was like a
place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. The darkness was a sanctuary, a place to forget the
things the world said had to be done. There was something in the darkness that was like a promise, like
the world before dawn. The frowns on the man’s face intensified as he heard the merry jingle of bells and
sounds of children playing from outside. He shut the curtains in a flurry as his expression darkened.
Candles glimmered as their faint star like fires lit the dusty cabinets and books. Wallpaper peeled away to
reveal the grim walls of the miserable apartment. He looked at the rising sparks from the sizzling flame.
His eyes were like oceans, yet they lacked the color and the beauty that one would expect from an ocean.
His gaze slowly drifted to his murky window through which families could be seen skating on the frozen
over Thames or choirs singing jolly carols and lifting the spirits for all. Everyone was outside, after all it
was Christmas eve, except for this one lonely man. He sat and began to read in the leaden light. Hours
passed and yet he still sat there, isolated from the rest of the world. His introverted personally drove
others away and when he walked through the busy streets the crowds parted and the birds became
reticent. Even the smallest details about him such as his impeccable silver whiskers or his flawless top
hat. Rats could be heard scuttling above, the only sound to relieve the tense silence of the stale air. As the
crowds parted and the streets grew empty. Crisp snowflakes began to come down. These were in fact the
most hated things by the old man. The way they stung you in the face in the bitter cold was what he
despised. The sun finally began to sink down into the horizon as the crotchety man climbed into bed.
Candles were blown out and the city fell asleep.

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