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A remedy prescription when based on an analysis of the state of mind (central feeling, core

delusion, etc), it is only wise to check whether the chief complaint (CC) with its characteristic
concomitants and modalities are covered by that remedy. It is also important that the remedy
covers the pathology (miasmatic application) of the CC. Then one can be fairly certain the
patient will move towards cure, without superficial palliation or suppression in the long term.

There are many remedies in the Materia Medica that are not completely proved or else the
expressions of their mental state hA remedy prescription when based on an analysis of the
state of mind (central feeling, core delusion, etc), it is only wise to check whether the chief
complaint (CC) with its characteristic concomitants and modalities are covered by that
remedy. It is also important that the remedy covers the pathology (miasmatic application) of
the CC. Then one can be fairly certain the patient will move towards cure, without superficial
palliation or suppression in the long term.

There are many remedies in the Materia Medica that are not completely proved or else the
expressions of their mental state have been reduced to rubrics in the repertory. The rubrics
give us an idea of a symptom, but if we do not understand the feeling behind that expression
we tend to pigeon hole our understanding of these rubrics and their meanings and hence make
inaccurate prescriptions. This can be partially overcome by matching strong physical
modalities, concomitant or PQRS symptoms. Ultimately, it helps to understand these
remedies more deeply so that one can recognize them more easily the next time around.

The Palladium Mind:

After a few successful Palladium prescriptions, here is an insight into the remedy to help
consider Palladium when the expression of the mind symptoms are too subtle too recognize
easily. Lets us first discuss this of Palladium and differentiate with a few close remedies.

Here are the most central Rubrics:

o Longing for good opinion of others.

o Delusion, she is not appreciated.
o Delusion, forsaken.
o Weeping from humiliation.
o Delusion, insulted, he is.
o Delusion, neglected, he is.
o Obstinate, amiable, tries to appear.
o Offended, easily

Each individual has grown up in a different set of circumstances and hence experienced or
acquired insecurities peculiar to those situations. The deep core of a remedy state is clearly
evident in most insecure area of their life. Identifying the insecurity and correctly
understanding the feeling behind it helps one to decide the appropriate remedy. The insecurity
in Palladium shows itself in areas that they wish to hide (sycotic miasm), or in the areas
where they lack confidence, as basically they are confident people. Hence these are the areas
where one can perceive the feelings to confirm the mental state expressed in the rubrics
As I was going through Reference Works – Morrison had a detailed description of some
aspects of Palladium. Sankaran too has highlighted a few important aspects. But I found that
Ernest Roberts was the one who gave a very balanced and complete picture of the Palladium
A person in a Palladium state seeks to reach the best their capacity in whatever field they are
in. Scholten’s description highlights this expression. They seek perfection and work very hard
at trying to be perfect. For this reason they try to control circumstances around them, so that
there will be less margin for error. They appear controlling but it is because they are
concerned about details and pay great attention to them. After all this effort, it is not
surprising to see these two rubrics:

o Longing for the good opinion of others.

o Delusion she is not appreciated.

These feelings often arise as a consequence of hard work and aiming for perfection. In fact
often someone in a Palladium state can appear quite humble and hardworking, sincerely
wanting to do their best. Often they look for appreciation of this hard work – and may expect
it from specific people. Otherwise they may look for it from everyone in general. The
appreciation and approval gives them a sense of confidence in themselves which in turn
expresses positively in feeling capable in the work they do and a furthur impetus to do better.
In Calc Sulph, there is a feeling of not being appreciated as well, but this is in a situation of
comparison directly with a sibling or someone who takes away the attention from them and is
fuelled by a feeling of jealousy of the other person. Whereas in Palladium, the appreciation
relates to how perfect or good they can be.
Needing to feel appreciated is what can cause tremendous anticipatory anxiety in Palladium
related to their performance in exams or public speaking as they create high expectations of
themselves. This can appear very much like Silica, Argentum Nitricum, in partially taken
They are often guided by what they believe is the right thing to do in life. And they can get
rigid about avoiding doing wrong, or doing things in a particular way. They sincerely believe
that they have learnt the best way to achieve the best results. Complementary to this, is a fear
of failing to do things the right way, as they have a fear of being rejected or unloved. So they
can appear flexible (Pulsatilla) till they find something that works best. Hence the rubric:

o Stubborn, but tries to appear amiable.

Some of the central rubrics in Palladium are more clearly expressed in areas whey they lack
confidence or feel insecure.

o Delusion, forsaken
o Delusion that he is neglected

To understand the feeling behind this, we can differentiate with remedies that have this
feeling as well: Argentum Nitricum, Hyos, Puls

Argentum Nitricum: The feeling here is of being despised for not being able to handle crisis
situations well. They feel at fault within (errors of perception, hidden irrational motives for
actions) which they try to hide. They always feel they have to find a way out of a crisis. IF
they do not, they feel trapped, hence the fear of closed spaces. In this struggle, they can often
feel neglected by their close family when they do not get their approval.
Palladium does not feel despised, but rather needs to work hard to be good enough or the best
so that they won’t be neglected or unloved. The need for approval is in order to keep feeling

Hyoscyamus: A person needing Hyos seeks to attract attention at any cost to avoid feeling
forsaken. And this would include even shameless or provocative behavior. They clown at a
party just for the attention they get.
In the Palladium state a person would never appear shameless to the objective eye – they
would appear like very ‘nice’ confident people who seem to have it all together, and so may
seem unreachable (Haughty), or otherwise they would be completely and pitifully vulnerable
to/with the person/people from whom they seek this attention and approval.

Pulsatilla: A person needing Puls would be very clingy, seek attention to be comforted and
protected. They can be manipulative to get attention if necessary and can try to please in any
way possible for this. They feel dependant on others for survival and hence seek this
Palladium is not dependant on someone else for survival, unless there is a Spiritual bonding –
as in a marriage or in a coach/athlete relationship. Instead the forsaken feeling reflects a fear
of not being good enough for the other person and so, constantly seeks to hold attention with
attempts to do their best to please. Both are > consolation. Palladium is not in the rubric
Jealousy so it is not an obvious expression.
Once the person reaches this point of feeling forsaken, then the other aspects of the pathology
in remedy are expressed:

o Weeping from humiliation.

o Delusion, insulted, he is.
o Delusion, neglected, he is
o Offended, easily

Here some aspects of Pulsatilla and Platina can be seen. Palladiums feel easily offended and
insulted from lack of appreciation. Their response is to weep easily (like Puls). They feel
immensely sad and weep for almost everything, but the exciting factor is some situation of
humiliation. Platina can be openly offensive in return, due to a deep feeling of inferiority or
being scorned (syphilitic miasm) and a compensatory feeling of superiority. Palladium does
not feel basically inferior, but has specific areas where they lack confidence and so they feel
that they are not good enough (sycotic miasm). Hence the scorned feeling in Platina is
completely different from the humiliation that Palladium feels.

Phosphorous is a remedy that can resemble Palladium in many aspects, and often may be
complementary in a person. Phos is predominantly Tubercular miasm while Palladium is
Sycotic miasm. Both need attention and love, and seek to please others for this love – the flip
side is that they may be exhausting in ther demands. The major difference is that Phos may be
more self sacrificing in giving love, while Pall creates expectations to succeed and be the
best, as they fear being rejected and unloved if they were not.
They are both vivacious and friendly and eager to help in inter-relationships. Phos is less
grounded and relationship boundaries are unclear. Palladium can be more grounded and
relationship boundaires are role based except in situations where there are deep spiritual
connections. Both are better from rubbing and ‘magnetism’.
Scholton’s description: As we can see, this is a one-sided picture of Palladium, an aspect
that could be part of the Palladium pathology in certain situations, but often one may miss a
Palladium prescription if one is looking only for this.

-Successfully showing your works of art:

They feel that they will finally succeed in showing what they can do. They know what they
are worth and are fully confident in putting it across to the public. They are sure that they
have enough inspiration to create something that will be a success.

– Performance is easy, it comes naturally:

Their performance speaks for itself, they were made to perform. Even in childhood they loved
to act and they love being the centre of attention. They sparkle at parties, only to arrive home
completely exhausted and alone.
– Their honest conviction that they are brilliant and talented can easily turn into pride. They
start to speak with the air of someone who has made it.

– The sportsman who has reached the top:

This is the stage in which the sportsman has really made it. He is standing on the highest
platform, receiving the first prize. It can also be the sportsman who stays at the top year after
year. He exudes an air of being invincible and all his opponents are too impressed to break
through and win. These are people like Eddy Mercks, Bjorn Borg and Carl Lewis, to name
but a few.”
Some insightful input from Ernest Roberts (SOH: Vol 12.2 1994):
The essential nature of Palladium is a strong need for approval and praise. In Kent’s
Repertory on page 63: ‘Longing a good opinion of others for’, only one remedy, and on page
48: ‘Flattery desires’ – one remedy. Also ‘Delusions, appreciated that she is not’, Palladium
italics and the only other remedy in low type is Platina. On page 30: ‘Delusions neglected
that he is’, Palladium is the only black type remedy. ‘Delusions insulted that he is’ – italics
and ‘Mortifications – ailments from’, black type.

The basis of this need for praise is insecurity. The basic insecurity may come from an
insecure childhood but the response to the insecurity is always the need to somehow make
things right. In Transactional Analysis there are several ‘drivers’ which are seen to motivate
people. One of these ‘drivers’ is a ‘Must Please’ driver which is suited to the Palladium

The ‘Palladium‘ is the music hall where the artiste performs to the applause of the delighted
audience and then collapses exhausted in her dressing room. In a group therapy session one
patient expressed herself so forcefully that she dominated the session, some people left the
group and she was accused of ‘performing’. After ‘shining’ in company the Palladium person
collapses and this can be so deep as to be a psychic collapse, not just a physical collapse.
They also avoid company because they know that because of their illness they will not be able
to ‘shine’ and win the praise and approval they need.

Palladiums are eccentric, their dress, hair styles and general activity is designed to attract
notice, admiration and praise. Of course Palladium is very much worse for criticism and
admonition and will withdraw from people and situations which present any hint of criticism.
They have a fear of losing control because they then do not have the security they need to
obtain approval. They have a need for special treatment. Disraeli said “women love praise but
when it comes to royalty you have to lay it on with a trowel”.

The Palladium is vivacious and idealistic, they tend to have clear views and are reluctant to
compromise but they are capable of strong emotions including jealousy and malice against
those who do not support their need for approval; they have strong and early sexuality. This is
a powerful, vivacious and demanding person. There is a strong intuition with a keen
sensitiveness to atmosphere.

One patient said that she believed there was a ‘right’ way of doing things and she had a strong
fear of failing to do it the right way and therefore had a fear of rejection. As a child she
always had to please her parents.
In a bad family situation she was the peacemaker. From an early age she had to make things
right. If the situation went beyond repair she left home and stayed with a school friend. Often
anger is suppressed because she needs to be seen in a good light, to please and be approved of
and to be thought highly of. Children strive to be the best at school and adults to be the best in
their job, they do this for recognition and praise. They are self-critical and adapt to the wishes
of others. They find it hard to take sides between differing views for fear of upsetting one side
and attracting disapproval.

Another patient said of herself she was confident (3) and for the last three months very
aggressive. She had been promoted at work. She has a short temper (2) is intolerant (2) very
tidy and likes to insist on things being done correctly (2). She has fears in anticipation (1) and
needs reassurance (2). She is intolerant of criticism (3) and seeks praise (3). She wants to
please people and tends to see other people as inferior. She actually manipulates situations so
as to elicit praise (2). She loves company and likes to shine but collapses afterwards (1). She
is suspicious (1) and jealous (1). She has no energy in the mornings and sometimes even
stumbles. Her worst time is in the mornings; best at 3pm. The sun she likes but also needs air
to avoid being too hot. She welcomes consolation and feels better for it (2).

Physical Indications:

Along with the information of physical symptoms that are easily available in most Materia
Medicas, I’d like to highlight the following symptoms.

Red line symptoms from Lippe that have been clinically seen:

Headache: pain extending across vertex, from ear to ear; this is sometimes associated with a
sensation, as if the head is swinging from behind forward, and the brain were shaken (vertigo)



Neuralgia of right ovary, drawing downwards during and after menses [Btt.]
Bearing – down, > by rubbing [B.]
Leucorrhoea: glairy [Btt.]; jelly – like [F.]; before and after menses [B.]
Leaden heaviness in pelvis [B.]
Constant tired feeling in small of the back [F.]
Feels sore and bruised all over [F.]

AGGRAVATION: From exertion; from social functions; and from standing.

AMELIORATION: From touch; from pressure; from rubbing; from diversion; and from lying
on the left side.

Clarke’s Characteristic Keynotes details the following symptoms:

The symptoms are: better By touch (Headache).

better By pressure (pains in kidney and ovary).
better By rubbing (pain in ovary, burning spot on right cheek bone).
Warmth better sciatica, colic (hot cloths).
Undressing causes itching all over body.
Sciatica worse cold

Stitches in chest, lameness in arm better for cold.

Better for rest
Worse for motion.
Abdominal symptoms better for lying on left side.

Stitches in chest better for walking.

Every step causes pain in groin.
Pain in groin better for keeping thigh flexed
Worse after exertion. Worse After social excitement, concerts, etc.
Better after sleep. Expiration causes pushing forward of weight in head.
Cutting pains in uterus are better after stool.
Pain in abdomen worse for coughing and sneezing Menses come on at full moon (two weeks
late, being due at new moon).

Fernando Aguilar, M.D., Albany, N.Y. (The Homoeopathic Recorder, vol. 36, 1921, page
no. 193)

(1) Palladium pre-eminently an ovarian remedy, exclusively right – sided.

(2) Its pathogenesis is a classical reproduction of the symptom – complex of Chronic
Oophoritis, as given in modern text books on Gynaocology, even as to the modalities.
(3) It is curative in those conditions where the parenchyma of the gland is not totally
destroyed especially in malignant conditions.
(4) It does not overcome such mechanical obstacles as adhesions, or transmute degenerated
tissue into normal glandular tissue.
(5) Further observation and experimentation will enhance its usefulness.
(6) It is indicated in that gynaecological condition where the disease had its inception in the
right ovary, the uterine prolapse and retroversion, the sub – acute pelvic peritonitis and
concomitant symptoms being secondary.

If Palladium is indicated in the mental state, it is imperative to find physical indications for it
as well, to confirm that it is indeed the Similimum. Most of the pathology presented is of the
sycotic miasm – as in ovarian cysts. It is hence a good remedy for PCOS and any reason for
hypo-ovulation where the mental state and physical modalities match. Those who needed
Palladium also required remedies like Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Puls, Nux Vomica and Ars
Alb, which were complementary to it in acute situations or acute exacerbation of chronic

ave been reduced to rubrics in the repertory. The rubrics give us an idea of a symptom, but if
we do not understand the feeling behind that expression we tend to pigeon hole our
understanding of these rubrics and their meanings and hence make inaccurate prescriptions.
This can be partially overcome by matching strong physical modalities, concomitant or PQRS
symptoms. Ultimately, it helps to understand these remedies more deeply so that one can
recognize them more easily the next time around.
The Palladium Mind:

After a few successful Palladium prescriptions, here is an insight into the remedy to help
consider Palladium when the expression of the mind symptoms are too subtle too recognize
easily. Lets us first discuss this of Palladium and differentiate with a few close remedies.

Here are the most central Rubrics:

o Longing for good opinion of others.
o Delusion, she is not appreciated.
o Delusion, forsaken.
o Weeping from humiliation.
o Delusion, insulted, he is.
o Delusion, neglected, he is.
o Obstinate, amiable, tries to appear.
o Offended, easily
Each individual has grown up in a different set of circumstances and hence experienced or
acquired insecurities peculiar to those situations. The deep core of a remedy state is clearly
evident in most insecure area of their life. Identifying the insecurity and correctly
understanding the feeling behind it helps one to decide the appropriate remedy. The insecurity
in Palladium shows itself in areas that they wish to hide (sycotic miasm), or in the areas
where they lack confidence, as basically they are confident people. Hence these are the areas
where one can perceive the feelings to confirm the mental state expressed in the rubrics

As I was going through Reference Works – Morrison had a detailed description of some
aspects of Palladium. Sankaran too has highlighted a few important aspects. But I found that
Ernest Roberts was the one who gave a very balanced and complete picture of the Palladium

A person in a Palladium state seeks to reach the best their capacity in whatever field they are
in. Scholten’s description highlights this expression. They seek perfection and work very hard
at trying to be perfect. For this reason they try to control circumstances around them, so that
there will be less margin for error. They appear controlling but it is because they are
concerned about details and pay great attention to them. After all this effort, it is not
surprising to see these two rubrics:
o Longing for the good opinion of others.
o Delusion she is not appreciated.

These feelings often arise as a consequence of hard work and aiming for perfection. In fact
often someone in a Palladium state can appear quite humble and hardworking, sincerely
wanting to do their best. Often they look for appreciation of this hard work – and may expect
it from specific people. Otherwise they may look for it from everyone in general. The
appreciation and approval gives them a sense of confidence in themselves which in turn
expresses positively in feeling capable in the work they do and a furthur impetus to do better.
In Calc Sulph, there is a feeling of not being appreciated as well, but this is in a situation of
comparison directly with a sibling or someone who takes away the attention from them and is
fuelled by a feeling of jealousy of the other person. Whereas in Palladium, the appreciation
relates to how perfect or good they can be.

Needing to feel appreciated is what can cause tremendous anticipatory anxiety in Palladium
related to their performance in exams or public speaking as they create high expectations of
themselves. This can appear very much like Silica, Argentum Nitricum, in partially taken

They are often guided by what they believe is the right thing to do in life. And they can get
rigid about avoiding doing wrong, or doing things in a particular way. They sincerely believe
that they have learnt the best way to achieve the best results. Complementary to this, is a fear
of failing to do things the right way, as they have a fear of being rejected or unloved. So they
can appear flexible (Pulsatilla) till they find something that works best. Hence the rubric:
o Stubborn, but tries to appear amiable.

Some of the central rubrics in Palladium are more clearly expressed in areas whey they lack
confidence or feel insecure.
o Delusion, forsaken
o Delusion that he is neglected
To understand the feeling behind this, we can differentiate with remedies that have this
feeling as well: Argentum Nitricum, Hyos, Puls

Argentum Nitricum: The feeling here is of being despised for not being able to handle crisis
situations well. They feel at fault within (errors of perception, hidden irrational motives for
actions) which they try to hide. They always feel they have to find a way out of a crisis. IF
they do not, they feel trapped, hence the fear of closed spaces. In this struggle, they can often
feel neglected by their close family when they do not get their approval.
Palladium does not feel despised, but rather needs to work hard to be good enough or the best
so that they won’t be neglected or unloved. The need for approval is in order to keep feeling

Hyoscyamus: A person needing Hyos seeks to attract attention at any cost to avoid feeling
forsaken. And this would include even shameless or provocative behavior. They clown at a
party just for the attention they get.
In the Palladium state a person would never appear shameless to the objective eye – they
would appear like very ‘nice’ confident people who seem to have it all together, and so may
seem unreachable (Haughty), or otherwise they would be completely and pitifully vulnerable
to/with the person/people from whom they seek this attention and approval.

Pulsatilla: A person needing Puls would be very clingy, seek attention to be comforted and
protected. They can be manipulative to get attention if necessary and can try to please in any
way possible for this. They feel dependant on others for survival and hence seek this
Palladium is not dependant on someone else for survival, unless there is a Spiritual bonding –
as in a marriage or in a coach/athlete relationship. Instead the forsaken feeling reflects a fear
of not being good enough for the other person and so, constantly seeks to hold attention with
attempts to do their best to please. Both are > consolation. Palladium is not in the rubric
Jealousy so it is not an obvious expression.

Once the person reaches this point of feeling forsaken, then the other aspects of the pathology
in remedy are expressed:

o Weeping from humiliation.

o Delusion, insulted, he is.
o Delusion, neglected, he is
o Offended, easily

Here some aspects of Pulsatilla and Platina can be seen. Palladiums feel easily offended and
insulted from lack of appreciation. Their response is to weep easily (like Puls). They feel
immensely sad and weep for almost everything, but the exciting factor is some situation of
humiliation. Platina can be openly offensive in return, due to a deep feeling of inferiority or
being scorned (syphilitic miasm) and a compensatory feeling of superiority. Palladium does
not feel basically inferior, but has specific areas where they lack confidence and so they feel
that they are not good enough (sycotic miasm). Hence the scorned feeling in Platina is
completely different from the humiliation that Palladium feels.

Phosphorous is a remedy that can resemble Palladium in many aspects, and often may be
complementary in a person. Phos is predominantly Tubercular miasm while Palladium is
Sycotic miasm. Both need attention and love, and seek to please others for this love – the flip
side is that they may be exhausting in ther demands. The major difference is that Phos may be
more self sacrificing in giving love, while Pall creates expectations to succeed and be the
best, as they fear being rejected and unloved if they were not.
They are both vivacious and friendly and eager to help in inter-relationships. Phos is less
grounded and relationship boundaries are unclear. Palladium can be more grounded and
relationship boundaires are role based except in situations where there are deep spiritual
connections. Both are better from rubbing and ‘magnetism’.

Scholton’s description: As we can see, this is a one-sided picture of Palladium, an aspect

that could be part of the Palladium pathology in certain situations, but often one may miss a
Palladium prescription if one is looking only for this.

-Successfully showing your works of art:

They feel that they will finally succeed in showing what they can do. They know what they
are worth and are fully confident in putting it across to the public. They are sure that they
have enough inspiration to create something that will be a success.

– Performance is easy, it comes naturally:

Their performance speaks for itself, they were made to perform. Even in childhood they loved
to act and they love being the centre of attention. They sparkle at parties, only to arrive home
completely exhausted and alone.

– Their honest conviction that they are brilliant and talented can easily turn into pride. They
start to speak with the air of someone who has made it.

– The sportsman who has reached the top:

This is the stage in which the sportsman has really made it. He is standing on the highest
platform, receiving the first prize. It can also be the sportsman who stays at the top year after
year. He exudes an air of being invincible and all his opponents are too impressed to break
through and win. These are people like Eddy Mercks, Bjorn Borg and Carl Lewis, to name
but a few.”

Some insightful input from Ernest Roberts (SOH: Vol 12.2 1994):
The essential nature of Palladium is a strong need for approval and praise. In Kent’s
Repertory on page 63: ‘Longing a good opinion of others for’, only one remedy, and on page
48: ‘Flattery desires’ – one remedy. Also ‘Delusions, appreciated that she is not’, Palladium
italics and the only other remedy in low type is Platina. On page 30: ‘Delusions neglected
that he is’, Palladium is the only black type remedy. ‘Delusions insulted that he is’ – italics
and ‘Mortifications – ailments from’, black type.

The basis of this need for praise is insecurity. The basic insecurity may come from an
insecure childhood but the response to the insecurity is always the need to somehow make
things right. In Transactional Analysis there are several ‘drivers’ which are seen to motivate
people. One of these ‘drivers’ is a ‘Must Please’ driver which is suited to the Palladium

The ‘Palladium‘ is the music hall where the artiste performs to the applause of the delighted
audience and then collapses exhausted in her dressing room. In a group therapy session one
patient expressed herself so forcefully that she dominated the session, some people left the
group and she was accused of ‘performing’. After ‘shining’ in company the Palladium person
collapses and this can be so deep as to be a psychic collapse, not just a physical collapse.
They also avoid company because they know that because of their illness they will not be able
to ‘shine’ and win the praise and approval they need.

Palladiums are eccentric, their dress, hair styles and general activity is designed to attract
notice, admiration and praise. Of course Palladium is very much worse for criticism and
admonition and will withdraw from people and situations which present any hint of criticism.
They have a fear of losing control because they then do not have the security they need to
obtain approval. They have a need for special treatment. Disraeli said “women love praise but
when it comes to royalty you have to lay it on with a trowel”.

The Palladium is vivacious and idealistic, they tend to have clear views and are reluctant to
compromise but they are capable of strong emotions including jealousy and malice against
those who do not support their need for approval; they have strong and early sexuality. This is
a powerful, vivacious and demanding person. There is a strong intuition with a keen
sensitiveness to atmosphere.

One patient said that she believed there was a ‘right’ way of doing things and she had a strong
fear of failing to do it the right way and therefore had a fear of rejection. As a child she
always had to please her parents.

In a bad family situation she was the peacemaker. From an early age she had to make things
right. If the situation went beyond repair she left home and stayed with a school friend. Often
anger is suppressed because she needs to be seen in a good light, to please and be approved of
and to be thought highly of. Children strive to be the best at school and adults to be the best in
their job, they do this for recognition and praise. They are self-critical and adapt to the wishes
of others. They find it hard to take sides between differing views for fear of upsetting one side
and attracting disapproval.

Another patient said of herself she was confident (3) and for the last three months very
aggressive. She had been promoted at work. She has a short temper (2) is intolerant (2) very
tidy and likes to insist on things being done correctly (2). She has fears in anticipation (1) and
needs reassurance (2). She is intolerant of criticism (3) and seeks praise (3). She wants to
please people and tends to see other people as inferior. She actually manipulates situations so
as to elicit praise (2). She loves company and likes to shine but collapses afterwards (1). She
is suspicious (1) and jealous (1). She has no energy in the mornings and sometimes even
stumbles. Her worst time is in the mornings; best at 3pm. The sun she likes but also needs air
to avoid being too hot. She welcomes consolation and feels better for it (2).

Physical Indications:

Along with the information of physical symptoms that are easily available in most Materia
Medicas, I’d like to highlight the following symptoms.

Red line symptoms from Lippe that have been clinically seen:

Headache: pain extending across vertex, from ear to ear; this is sometimes associated with a
sensation, as if the head is swinging from behind forward, and the brain were shaken (vertigo)



Neuralgia of right ovary, drawing downwards during and after menses [Btt.]
Bearing – down, > by rubbing [B.]
Leucorrhoea: glairy [Btt.]; jelly – like [F.]; before and after menses [B.]
Leaden heaviness in pelvis [B.]
Constant tired feeling in small of the back [F.]
Feels sore and bruised all over [F.]

AGGRAVATION: From exertion; from social functions; and from standing.

AMELIORATION: From touch; from pressure; from rubbing; from diversion; and from lying
on the left side.

Clarke’s Characteristic Keynotes details the following symptoms:

The symptoms are: better by touch (Headache).

better by pressure (pains in kidney and ovary).
better by rubbing (pain in ovary, burning spot on right cheek bone).
Warmth better sciatica, colic (hot cloths).
Undressing causes itching all over body.
Sciatica worse cold

Stitches in chest, lameness in arm better for cold.

Better for rest
Worse for motion.
Abdominal symptoms better for lying on left side.

Stitches in chest better for walking.

Every step causes pain in groin.
Pain in groin better for keeping thigh flexed
Worse after exertion. Worse after social excitement, concerts, etc.
Better after sleep. Expiration causes pushing forward of weight in head.
Cutting pains in uterus are better after stool.
Pain in abdomen worse for coughing and sneezing menses come on at full moon (two weeks
late, being due at new moon).

Fernando Aguilar, M.D., Albany, N.Y. (The Homoeopathic Recorder, vol. 36, 1921, page
no. 193)

(1) Palladium pre-eminently an ovarian remedy, exclusively right – sided.

(2) Its pathogenesis is a classical reproduction of the symptom – complex of Chronic
Oophoritis, as given in modern text books on Gynaocology, even as to the modalities.
(3) It is curative in those conditions where the parenchyma of the gland is not totally
destroyed especially in malignant conditions.
(4) It does not overcome such mechanical obstacles as adhesions, or transmute degenerated
tissue into normal glandular tissue.
(5) Further observation and experimentation will enhance its usefulness.
(6) It is indicated in that gynaecological condition where the disease had its inception in the
right ovary, the uterine prolapse and retroversion, the sub – acute pelvic peritonitis and
concomitant symptoms being secondary.

If Palladium is indicated in the mental state, it is imperative to find physical indications for it
as well, to confirm that it is indeed the Similimum. Most of the pathology presented is of the
sycotic miasm – as in ovarian cysts. It is hence a good remedy for PCOS and any reason for
hypo-ovulation where the mental state and physical modalities match. Those who needed
Palladium also required remedies like Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Puls, Nux Vomica and Ars
Alb, which were complementary to it in acute situations or acute exacerbation of chronic

 Materia Medica- Palladium Prof. George Vithoulkas presents the essential features of
 Palladium. An extract from Materia Medica VIVA A useful article about Palladium.
An extract from Materia Medica VIVA.Full details about Palladium. An extract from Materia
Medica VIVA...
 A Case of Palladium A 'modern expression' of Palladium. A little known keynote leads to
this remedy in Scholten's Silver series....
 Spotlight on Hyoscyamus Information about Hyoscyamus homeopathy remedy. Find
about Hyoscyamus symptoms, understand the Hyoscyamus personality as a homeopathic

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Leela D'Souza

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