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I/A Series® System

Extended Frame Services 2.5

Release Notes

*B0400EH* *H*


Rev H
July 15, 2014
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Copyright 2003–2014 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Invensys is now part of Schneider Electric.


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
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laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Preface..................................................................................................................................... v

1. Introduction to Extended Frame Services 2.5 .................................................................... 1

1.1 About This Release .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Supported Platforms ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Software Requirements ........................................................................................................ 2
1.4 New Features ...................................................................................................................... 2

2. Installation Notes .............................................................................................................. 3

2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Files to Back Up Before Installation .................................................................................... 3
2.3 Installing the Software ......................................................................................................... 3
2.3.1 Required Disk Space ................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, and
Windows Server 2003 Platforms with I/A Series Software .................................................... 4
2.3.3 Installation Directory .................................................................................................. 5
2.3.4 Non I/A Series Windows Platforms ............................................................................. 6
2.3.5 Uninstalling EFS 2.5 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Platforms .............. 7
2.3.6 Uninstall EFS 2.5 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 Platforms ...................... 7

3. Operational Recommendations ......................................................................................... 9

4. User Notes....................................................................................................................... 11

5. Problems Resolved .......................................................................................................... 13

5.1 Problems Resolved in EFS 2.5 ........................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 CAR 1128321 Scans Configured in EFS Not Updated in EFS Database .................. 13
5.1.2 CAR 1191588 CWLicenseServer Does Not Exit ....................................................... 13

Appendix A. 3rd Party HART DTM Guidelines................................................................. 15

B0400EH – Rev H Contents

This document provides user notes and appropriate procedures required for successful use of
Extended Frame Services (EFS) with an I/A Series® system. Read all sections before using EFS.
Information contained in this document supersedes information in earlier documents.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is intended for the use of process control engineers and operators, instrument and
maintenance engineers, and other qualified and authorized personnel involved in setting up, con-
figuring, and maintaining I/A Series equipment to provide an interface to intelligent field devices
using the HART® or FoxCom™ communication protocols.

What You Should Know

Prior to using this book, you should be generally familiar with the I/A Series system. Detailed
information relating to the various I/A Series software and hardware elements is found in the ref-
erence documents listed below. You should also be familiar with the field device’s protocol that
you intend to interface to an I/A Series system.

Revision Information
For Revision H of this document, the following changes were made:
♦ Updated all references from EFS 2.4 to EFS 2.5.
Chapter 1 “Introduction to Extended Frame Services 2.5”
♦ Updated “New Features” on page 2.
Chapter 5 “Problems Resolved”
♦ Added “Problems Resolved in EFS 2.5” on page 13.

Reference Documents
In addition to the information presented herein, you should be familiar with the following
For Extended Frame Services information:
♦ I/A Series System Extended Frame Services 2.5 and I/A Series Communication DTMs
♦ I/A Series System Extended Frame Services 2.X Application Programming Interface
For DTM information:
♦ PC50 Intelligent Field Device Tool Installation and Parts List (MI 020-501)

B0400EH – Rev H Preface

♦ PC50 Intelligent Field Device Tool Operation Using FoxCom Communication Protocol
(MI 020-504)
♦ PC50 Intelligent Field Device Tool Operation Using HART Communication Protocol
(MI 020-505)
♦ PC50 Intelligent Field Device Tool with Advanced DTM Library Operations Using
HART Communications Protocol (MI 020-520).
For information on integrating FBMs and intelligent field devices into an I/A Series system, see:
♦ DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA)
♦ Measurement Integration (B0193RA)
♦ HART Communication Interface Module User’s Guide (B0400FF).
For information about defining blocks and compounds, refer to:
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
♦ Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW)
♦ Control Processor 270 (CP270) Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0700AG).
For information about configuring your system, refer to:
♦ System Definition: A Step-by-Step Procedure (B0193WQ)
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV).
Most documents are available on the I/A Series Electronic Documentation DVD. The latest revi-
sion of each document is also available through the Global Customer Support Center at

1. Introduction to Extended Frame
Services 2.5
This chapter describes the characteristics of this release and the supported platforms.

1.1 About This Release

The EFS 2.5 operates on the Windows 7®, Windows Server® 2008, Windows XP® platform and
the Windows Server® 2003 platforms. All the software delivered in this release works with PACT-
ware 4.0 on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003
The CD-ROMs are listed in the table below:
Part No. Revision Description
K0201AV C PACTware 4.0
K0201AW F CodeWrights 3rd Party Device DTM Library
K0201AX F FDT Manager (EFS 2.5 and FBM Communi-
cation DTMs)

1.2 Supported Platforms

Extended Frames Services 2.5 software is supported on:
♦ I/A Series Workstation running the Windows 7 operating system
♦ I/A Series Workstation running the Windows Server 2008 operating system
♦ I/A Series Workstation running the Windows XP operating system
♦ I/A Series Workstation Server running the Windows Server 2003 operating system
♦ A standalone system (non I/A Series station) running the Windows 7 operating
♦ A standalone system (non I/A Series station) running the Windows Server 2008 oper-
ating system.
♦ A standalone system (non I/A Series station) running the Windows XP operating
♦ A standalone system (non I/A Series station) running the Windows Server 2003 oper-
ating system.

B0400EH – Rev H 1. Introduction to Extended Frame Services 2.5

1.3 Software Requirements

The various software requirements implemented with EFS 2.5 per your configuration are:
♦ HART and FoxCom FDT Components 2.5 Installation media
♦ PACTware FDT Frame Application V4.0
♦ CodeWrights HART Communication DTM V1.0.39
♦ Device Type Managers for Invensys Instruments V2.5
♦ CodeWrights Non Invensys 3rd party package V1.4.175.184
♦ Pepperl+Fuchs DTM: V1.5.9_(2008-06-22)
♦ Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0 or later required for PACTware 4.0
♦ Microsoft .NET Framework V4.0 required for EFS 2.5
♦ Fisher DVC 6000 DTM (Refer to item 7 under “Operational Recommendations” on
page 9).

Do not install EFS and I/A Series Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC)
software on the same workstation.

1.4 New Features

The following is the new feature provided with the Extended Frame Services 2.5 release:
♦ Feature to ensure that EFS aborts the scan if DTM does not respond to upload
parameters and EFS proceeds to the next scan.

2. Installation Notes
This chapter provides information for file backup and software installation required to install
EFS 2.5.

2.1 Overview
The Extended Frame Services 2.5 is installed on a Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows
XP or Windows Server 2003 station. While installing, you can install any combination of the
Communication DTMs, Extended Frame Services, and documentation.
You can also select Microsoft Access® software or Microsoft SQL Server® 2008 software for the
database during the installation. For additional information, refer to Extended Frame Services 2.5
and I/A Series Communication DTMs (B0400EF).
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is the recommended database application for EFS. You can also use
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition that is distributed along with the V2.5 CD-ROM.

2.2 Files to Back Up Before Installation

If you are installing EFS 2.5 on a workstation with a previous version of the EFS software, it is
required that you perform a backup of the database before proceeding with the installation.

Ensure that the previous version of EFS is uninstalled and reboot the workstation
before proceeding with the installation of the latest version as two versions of EFS
cannot co-exist on the same workstation.

Follow the standard backup and recovery procedures for the Microsoft SQL databases included
with your Microsoft SQL Server software. This procedure is also available online:

2.3 Installing the Software

Extended Frame Services 2.5 and I/A Series Communication DTMs (B0400EF) contains complete
instructions for installing EFS and Communications DTMs from the FDT Device Manager
Components V2.5 CD-ROM.

Contact Invensys Global Customer Support (GCS) at 1-508-549-2424 (worldwide)
or at 1-866-746-6477 (US, Canada toll-free) or visit the GCS web site at:

B0400EH – Rev H 2. Installation Notes

2.3.1 Required Disk Space

EFS 2.5 requires 35 MB disk space. During the installation of EFS, SQL Server software is
required for creating the EFS database. If the target system does not have SQL Server software, an
additional 2 GB is required in the system drive.

2.3.2 Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, and

Windows Server 2003 Platforms with I/A Series Software
To install the Windows 7/Windows Server 2008/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 version of
the EFS 2.5 software, proceed as follows:

EFS 2.5 is installed only after PACTware V4 software installation.

If a previous version of EFS software (EFS 1.1 or later) is installed, restore the data-
base at an accessible location and uninstall it using the procedures described in
“Uninstalling EFS 2.5 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Platforms” on
page 7.

1. Insert the FDT Device Manager Components V2.5 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM
2. The Installation program starts automatically. If it does not start automatically,
double-click on setup.exe in the CD-ROM from Windows Explorer.
3. When the EFS 2.5 Setup dialog appears, select the check box beside the component(s)
to be installed as follows:
♦ If you bought the license for HART/FoxCom Device Manager, only select Pass
Thru DTMs for the installation.
♦ If you bought the license for Extended Frame Services, select both Pass Thru
DTMs and Extended Frame Services.
Click Next to continue installation.
4. If you want to use Microsoft Access as the database, leave the default selection as
Microsoft Access Database. Click OK to proceed with the installation and click
Finish to complete the installation.
5. If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the database, select the radio button
Microsoft SQL Server Database and browse for the required SQL server from
the pull down menu.
6. Provide the sa login, password. Click OK and Finish to complete installation. Refer
to the user documentation for additional information.

2. Installation Notes B0400EH – Rev H

When EFS 2.5 is installed on a station with I/A Series software, ensure that
I/A Series system is turned ON (Start > Settings > control Panel > Fox-
boro I/A). This step is necessary to install Pass Thru DTMs.

During installation, only the System DSN is set to either Microsoft Access or
Microsoft SQL Server software. If Microsoft SQL Server is chosen as the database,
the EFS database is created on the target station (if it does not exist) but existing
data is not migrated.

2.3.3 Installation Directory

The default installation directory for EFS 2.5 and the communication DTMs on an I/A Series
workstation is D: \Invensys\FDM_EFS (Figure 2-1). The default drive for installation of
PACTware and device DTMs is the C: drive.

Figure 2-1. Changing the Installation Directory in a Secured Environment

B0400EH – Rev H 2. Installation Notes

Figure 2-2. Choosing a New Folder

Follow the step-by-step instructions for installation of the FDT software in Chapter 2 of I/A Series
System Extended Frame Services 2.5 and I/A Series Communication DTMs (B0400EF, Rev. H or
later) to install the software in the correct location.
The installation wizard for EFS 2.5 and the communication DTMs ensures that the path ends
with the folder \FDM_EFS, even if you did not include the folder name when specifying the loca-
tion in the Choose Destination Location page (Figure 2-1) in the installation wizard.

2.3.4 Non I/A Series Windows Platforms

EFS 2.5 can be installed on a non I/A Series station with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008,
Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
To install the Windows version from the CD-ROM:
1. If a previous version of EFS software has been installed, restore the database at an
accessible location and use the Add or Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel to
uninstall that EFS software.
2. Insert FDT Device Manager Components V2.5 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3. From Explorer double-click \setup.exe.
4. When the EFS 2.5 Setup Dialog pops up, select the check box beside the component
to be installed and click Next to continue installation.
5. If you want to use Microsoft Access database software, leave the default selection as
Microsoft Access Database, click OK to proceed further with the installation and
click Finish to complete the installation.

2. Installation Notes B0400EH – Rev H

6. If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the database, select the radio button
Microsoft SQL Server Database and browse for the required SQL server from
the pull down menu.
7. Provide the sa login password, click OK and click Finish to complete the installation.
Set the DSN to SQL Server.

Refer to I/A Series System Extended Frame Services 2.5 and I/A Series Communication
DTMs (B0400EF) for additional information.

2.3.5 Uninstalling EFS 2.5 on Windows XP and Windows Server

2003 Platforms
EFS 2.5 software can be uninstalled through the Control Panel.
To uninstall the software:
1. From the Control Panel, select the Add or Remove Programs icon.
2. Select Extended Frame Services 2.5, click Change/Remove and click Yes to
remove the application and all of its components.

2.3.6 Uninstall EFS 2.5 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008

EFS 2.5 software can be uninstalled through the Control Panel.
To uninstall the software:
1. From the Control Panel, select the Programs and Features icon.
2. Select Extended Frame Services 2.5, right-click and select Uninstall.

B0400EH – Rev H 2. Installation Notes

3. Operational Recommendations
This chapter is an overview of the known issues that affect the EFS 2.5 software.
1. While performing modifications or maintenance on any field device, take the device
off-scan to avoid any possible process upsets.
2. EFS 2.5 and the operating system only support the English language.
3. Do not install EFS and I/A Series Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC) soft-
ware on the same workstation.
4. Only four active device connections are made in PACTware at any given point of
5. The tree structure for the multiplexer in the Network Object Selection Window is not
displayed according to the hierarchy. But this does not affect the device scans.
6. All the latest vendor DTMs, that is, the MTL Multiplexer DTM, P&F Multiplexer
DTM and the Router DTM for the DVC6000 must be obtained by the user from the
respective vendors.
7. The Network Object Selection Window does not display all the non I/A devices pres-
ent in the entire network but displays only those devices which are connected to the
serial port of that AW.
8. In manual entry, if any changes are applied to parent/child ECB in offline configura-
tion, the PACTware file configuration is saved accordingly.
9. An intermittent failure message may be displayed by the Pass Thru Helper Applica-
tion stating Pass Thru Helper Application has encountered a problem
and needs to close, we are sorry for the inconvenience. To continue
running further EFS scans, acknowledge this message.
10. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is the recommended database for use with large HART or
FoxCom networks and for integrating EFS 2.5 and the Invensys Condition Monitor-
ing application.
11. Microsoft Access software is the recommended database for small HART or FoxCom
networks that need PACTware, the comDTM, and the vendor device DTM only. For
these networks, EFS and the Invensys Condition Monitoring application are not pres-
12. SQL Server 2008 is the recommended database for applications using EFS device
13. The recommended approach for FBM connected HART instrumentation is to not
use EFS, but rather to use the status bits polled by the Control Processor, and alarm
on abnormal status either by creating block alarms that are sent to the FoxView™
Current Alarm Display, or by passing the bits to the InFusion® Condition Manager
through the AIM*Historian. Passing through the AIM*Historian may use either the
Historian interface or an OPCUA interface into the InFusion Condition Manager.

B0400EH – Rev H 3. Operational Recommendations

14. The ROUTER DTM from Emerson is still supported, but it is recommended that
you upgrade to the FieldVue DTM in its place as the FieldVue DTM behaves like a
normal DTM and does not require a separate project.
A PACTware project needs to be created under the following conditions:
a. Create a PACTware project using the Router DTM if you plan to perform main-
tenance of the DVC6000 device using Emerson’s AMS and Valve Link. This
PACTware project must not be exported to the EFS database.

Exporting a PACTware project with a Router DTM to an EFS database is not rec-

b. Create a second PACTware project, this time without the Router DTM, if this
same DVC6000 device is also to be used for EFS scanning. Export this project to
15. When a device is scheduled for scanning in the EFS Scanner Configurator, you must
NOT connect to the same device from PACTware; otherwise, device communication
errors will occur when trying to connect and upload the parameters. Scanning of a
device using EFS and accessing the device through PACTware must not be attempted
at the same time.
16. With EFS 2.5 software, you can use multiple PACTware project files. The offline con-
figuration is provided for I/A Series mode only; therefore, you must use separate
PACTware project files for I/A Series and non I/A Series configurations.

4. User Notes
This chapter provides an overview, considerations and recommendations for the successful use of
EFS 2.5.
The following are additional recommendations, notes and considerations for successful use of
EFS 2.5.
♦ Do not install EFS and I/A Series Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC) soft-
ware on the same workstation.
♦ The Device Scanner is a Microsoft Windows Service that executes in the background
and does not display a message box when errors are encountered. The Device Scanner
sends all error information to the standard event file maintained by the Windows sys-
tem. Microsoft provides an Event Viewer, usually found under Administrative Tools
in the Start menu, for viewing the messages. Select Application Events from the
Event Viewer to show all error messages generated by the Device Scanner service.
♦ A failure occurs the first time that the EFS Device Scanner or a configurator attempts
to connect to a device via a Pass Thru DTM.
♦ If you are using a configurator such as PACTware, disconnect both the Device
DTM and the FBM Communication DTM and then reconnect both.
♦ If the Device Scanner is attempting to connect to the device, you do not need
to take any action; the first scan fails and the device is re-scanned successfully.
This problem occurs only the first time that a connection to a field device is
♦ EFS 2.5 requires the PACTware V4.0 to operate.
♦ A time-out occurs if Extended Frame Services 2.5 attempts to scan devices which are
not present. If the devices will not be present long term, take the devices off the scan
list to avoid the time-out performance penalty.
♦ Invensys Pass Thru FBM Communication DTMs require a database. Therefore, a
Database Selection dialog appears whenever the Pass Thru DTMs component is
selected in the Select Features dialog box.

B0400EH – Rev H 4. User Notes

5. Problems Resolved
This chapter describes the problems resolved in EFS 2.5.

5.1 Problems Resolved in EFS 2.5

5.1.1 CAR 1128321 Scans Configured in EFS Not Updated in EFS

Problem With certain HART devices, DeviceAccess does not complete the scan and
results in runtime errors.
Resolution Updated the DeviceAccess to handle runtime errors.

5.1.2 CAR 1191588 CWLicenseServer Does Not Exit

Problem In certain cases, even after the DeviceAccess.exe completes the scan and
exits, the associated CWLicenseServer does not exit.
Resolution DevScan confirms the exit of CWLicenseServer after DeviceAccess com-
pletes the scan and exits.

B0400EH – Rev H 5. Problems Resolved

Appendix A. 3rd Party HART DTM
This appendix describes vendor DTMs and CodeWrights non-Invensys 3rd Party DTMs.

A.1 Vendor DTMs

FDT technology enables device vendors to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) specific to their
own HART field device products. The GUIs, which are plug-ins to a device management system,
are called Device Type Managers (DTMs). The DTM can be used on any host device or asset
management system that has an FDT compliant frame.
The value of the vendor DTM to the customer is that the device vendor is the supplier best able
to make the user interface for sophisticated device maintenance to analyze a device's performance,
perform in-depth diagnostics tests, calibrate the device, or run automated startup routines. DTMs
are user-friendly, and have the full power of Windows GUIs. The device vendor typically provides
the most robust, fully functional HART DTMs available for its own devices. Therefore, Invensys
recommends that you acquire HART DTMs from the device vendors for purposes of configuring
and providing a user interface to the device via PACTware.

A.2 CodeWrights Non-Invensys 3rd Party DTMs

In cases where the device vendor does not supply a DTM for its device, contact Invensys for a list
of available HART DTMs. In most cases, Invensys can supply a DTM which was converted from
a HART DD file. These converted HART DTMs are referred to as non-Invensys 3rd party
There are situations where the vendor supplied DTM supports device configuration and mainte-
nance activities, but does not support device health status monitoring. Therefore, Invensys
strongly recommends that the customer utilize the non Invensys 3rd Party DTMs from Code-
Wrights whenever utilizing EFS. The CodeWrights non Invensys 3rd party DTMs package sup-
ports device status monitoring. Alternatively, the customer should petition the device vendor to
incorporate device health status monitoring into the vendor supplied DTM.
Invensys has contracted with CodeWrights to develop 3rd party HART DTMs from HART DD
files supplied by the device vendor to the HART Foundation. Since the DD language is primitive,
and not powerful enough to use as the technology behind really advanced user interfaces, such as
those for valve diagnostics, these CodeWrights 3rd party HART DTMs are not as robust or fully
functional as the vendor supplied DTMs.
These non Invensys 3rd party DTMs go through a testing process at CodeWrights in which cer-
tain FDT interfaces are verified. However, these non Invensys 3rd party DTMs are not explicitly
tested with actual devices to verify their performance with EFS. Therefore, the ability to collect all
parameters or to execute all methods is not verified by Invensys. In other words, some of the
parameters found in the PACTware environment are greyed out or some of the methods do not
function properly.

B0400EH – Rev H Appendix A. 3rd Party HART DTM Guidelines

The non Invensys 3rd party DTMs CD-ROM contains over 600 DTMs which have been con-
verted from HART DD files supplied to Invensys by the HART Foundation.
Invensys is not warranting or guaranteeing the performance of the non Invensys 3rd party DTMs,
but Invensys will report any deficiencies of the non Invensys 3rd party DTMs first to Code-
Wrights for repair. Invensys will then report any deficiencies resulting from the HART Founda-
tion DD files to the device vendor and the HART Foundation. When the device vendor has fixed
the problem and the HART Foundation has released repairs for these DD files, Invensys will con-
vert these DD files for revised non Invensys 3rd party DTMs. These enhanced or repaired DTMs
will be posted on the Invensys Product Support Center web site for downloading to Invensys cus-
tomers and to project teams.
These enhanced or repaired DTMs will be included in the next release of the non Invensys 3rd
party DTMs CD-ROM.

Appendix A. 3rd Party HART DTM Guidelines B0400EH – Rev H

Invensys Systems, Inc.
10900 Equity Drive
Houston, TX 77041
United States of America

Global Customer Support

Inside U.S.: 1-866-746-6477
Outside U.S.: 1-508-549-2424

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