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HORTSCIENCE 51(5):472–480. 2016.

which has a significant role in vision, in

maintaining a healthy immune system, and
Carotenoid Concentration and in regulation of gene expression during growth
and development (Britton, 2009). Two xan-
thophylls, lutein and zeaxanthin, are present in
Composition in Winter Squash: the retina of humans and subhuman primates,
and necessary for visual acuity and as a filter
Variability Associated with Different for short wave light (Schalch et al., 2009).
They are also two of the six most prominent
Cultigens, Harvest Maturities, and carotenoids in human blood plasma and tis-
sues (Canene-Adams and Erdman, 2009).
Storage Times Other carotenoids found in plants, such as
violaxanthin and neoxanthin, have an impor-
tant function in photosynthesis and plant
Jennifer Bonina-Noseworthy1 and J. Brent Loy2 hormone physiology, but are largely absent
Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, in human plasma and organs, and have yet to
NH 03824 be linked to a role in human health (Barua and
Olson, 2001; Canene-Adams and Erdman,
Joanne Curran-Celentano 2009; Khachik, 2009; Milborrow, 2001).
Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences, University of Mesocarp tissue of immature winter squash
New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 fruit is low in carotenoids, but carotenoid
concentrations begin to progressively increase
Rebecca Sideman beginning 15 to 20 d after fruit set (Boiteux
Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, et al., 2007; Kon and Shimba, 1988). Variation
NH 03824 in total carotenoid concentrations in mature
squash among cultivars in the three major
Dean A. Kopsell species of winter squash, Cucurbita pepo, C.
Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 maxima, and C. moschata, have been reported
(Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya,
Additional index words. Cucurbita species, human health, a-carotene, b-carotene, lutein, 2007; Boiteux et al., 2007; Jacobo-Valenzuela
zeaxanthin et al., 2011; Schaffer et al., 1986), as well as
variation associated with harvest and storage
Abstract. In the present study, carotenoid concentrations and profiles of carotenoids times (Arima and Rodriguez-Amaya, 1988;
were determined at harvest and during storage in fruit of several cultigens of winter Arvayo-Ortiz et al., 1994; Bycroft et al.,
squash, including several New Hampshire (NH) breeding lines, the cultivars Waltham 1999; Hopp et al., 1960). However, the di-
Butternut and Puritan Butternut in Cucurbita moschata (Duch.), and the hybrid versity of germplasm analyzed is low, and in
cultivars Sunshine, Eclipse, Space Station, and Thunder in Cucurbita maxima (Duch.). most reports, not representative of cultivars
Cultigens were grown at research farms in either Madbury or Durham, NH, in 2007, currently used in North America.
2008, and 2009, and fruit were harvested at either 40 or 60 days after pollination Since the late 1980s, with the advance-
(DAP), and stored for 0, 30, or 60 days at 14 8C before sampling. Total carotenoid ment of HPLC, the major carotenoids in the
concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically and carotenoid profiles were three major species of winter squash have
determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Carotenoid been identified (Azevedo-Meleiro and
concentrations in fruit samples of C. maxima cultigens harvested at 60 DAP ranged Rodriguez-Amaya, 2007; Gonzalez et al.,
from 146 to 320 mg·gL1 fresh weight (FW), compared with concentrations of 274 to 2001; Jacobo-Valenzuela et al., 2011;
623 mg·gL1 FW after storage for 60 days. Carotenoid concentrations were lower among Khachik and Beecher, 1988), including
C. moschata cultigens, ranging from 42 to 145 mg·gL1 FW at 60 DAP, and from 84 to nutritionally important carotenes, a-carotene
239 mg·gL1 FW after 60-day storage. The nutritionally important carotenoids, lutein, and b-carotene, and the xanthophyll lutein.
zeaxanthin, and b-carotene, comprised 41% to 63% of the total carotenoid profile in In two of the most recent studies involving
the C. maxima kabocha hybrids; whereas, the carotenoids neoxanthin and flavoxanthin North American cultivars, the complete
comprised 37% to 59%. b-Carotene and lutein were the major nutritionally beneficial carotenoid profiles were not analyzed (Itle
carotenoids identified in ‘Waltham Butternut’ and three inbred lines of C. moschata, and Kabelka, 2009; Murkovic et al., 2002),
along with much smaller concentrations of a-carotene. Neoxanthin and violaxanthin and in the latter study, samples were not
comprised between 14% and 29% of the total carotenoid profiles among the four saponified. In squash, saponification is
cultigens analyzed. In the popular cultivar Waltham Butternut, the b-carotene considered an important analytical proce-
concentration was 17.3 mg·gL1 FW at 60 DAP, but increased to a maximum of dure for HPLC analysis to allow for sepa-
57.8 mg·gL1 FW after storage for 30 days; whereas, lutein concentrations increased ration and quantification of xanthophylls,
from 27.3 mg·gL1 FW at 60 DAP to 44.6 mg·gL1 FW after 60-day storage. In Sunshine, which are often esterified with fatty
a popular kabocha cultivar, b-carotene increased from 26.0 mg·gL1 FW at 60 DAP to acids (Khachik, 2009; Khachik and
104 mg·gL1 FW after 60-day storage. Lutein + zeaxanthin concentrations in ‘Sunshine’ Beecher, 1988; Rodriguez-Amaya, 2001).
were 58.8 mg·gL1 FW at 60 DAP, but increased only to 71.8 mg·gL1 FW after 60-day Carotenoids such as neoxanthin and viola-
storage. Total carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid profiles in ‘Sunshine’ over xanthin may be abundant in winter squash
three growing seasons, and in ‘Waltham Butternut’, ‘NH.Mo421’, and ‘NH.Mo851’ (Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya,
over two growing seasons, were similar. 2007), and for squash improvement
through breeding, data on the proportion
of these in the total carotenoid profile are
Carotenoids are ubiquitous fat-soluble, groups, hydrocarbons (carotenes) and the more important. There have been few studies on
yellow-, orange-, and red-pigmented com- polar xanthophylls or hydroxy-containing postharvest changes in carotenoid compo-
pounds found in leaves as part of the chloro- carotenoids, the latter often esterified to sition (Kon and Shimba, 1988; Zhang et al.,
plast structure and in the chromoplasts of many fatty acids. Carotenes, chiefly a-carotene 2014), but such changes could be important
root and fruit crops (Britton and Khachik, and b-carotene, and the xanthophyll, for assessing the nutritional status of win-
2009). They are typically subdivided into two b-cryptoxanthin, are precursors to vitamin A, ter squash.

472 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016

The objectives of this study were to de- cultivar, but with small blossom scars and more Samples of C. maxima kabocha and C.
termine the effects of year, differences in rounded shoulders. The parents of ‘Eclipse’ are moschata with round to oblate fruits were taken
maturity at harvest, and storage time on total a bush inbred line, NH.Max6331, with a com- from the shoulder of the squash, about midway
carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid pro- plex pedigree, and NH.Max5273, a vining in- between the peduncle and equatorial region of
files in fruit mesocarp tissue of several culti- bred line derived from the F1 hybrid Kurijiman the fruit opposite to the ground spot. The
gens of C. maxima and C. moschata winter (Kyowa Seed Company, Japan). The parents fibrous inner tissue was removed from the
squash. In the present work, we included both of ‘Thunder’ are NH.Max5273 and a bush interior of the cross section. Two 10 g sections
a few popular commercial cultivars and also line, NH.Max2-12-11, developed before 1995. of squash were cut transversely into 20 rectan-
some NH breeding lines with diverse genetic NH.Max6331 is one of the parents of ‘Space gular cuboidal sections (lengthwise from outer
parentage, most of which had been selected Station’, the other being a semibush line, to inner) and stored in poly bags and frozen
visually for intense orange pigmentation in NH.81110-2, developed from a complex pedi- immediately (–80 C). Preliminary analyses
fruit. gree. Three of the cultigens, NH.Max33-12 determined that samples prepared in this man-
(F7), NH.Max264 (F5), and ‘Sunshine’, have ner were uniform and representative of the
Materials and Methods orange rinds and carry the Bmax gene (Paris and carotenoid concentration in fruit mesocarp
Brown, 2005) for precocious orange pigmen- tissue (Bonina-Noseworthy, 2012).
Plant material. In C. moschata, fruits tation of the fruit. Quantitative determination of total
from four F5 (2007) and F6 (2008 and 2009) Plant culture. Plots were established at carotenoids. Because light can degrade ca-
breeding lines and three related, open- the Woodman Research Farm in Durham, rotenoids, ultraviolet-blocking film (Gila
pollinated cultivars of butternut squash were NH (lat. 43N), or at the nearby Kingman Film Products, Martinsville, VA) was used
used in this study. The open-pollinated cul- Research Farm in Madbury, NH, in 2007, to cover laboratory windows and ultraviolet-
tivars were Waltham Butternut (WBN), Pu- 2008, and 2009, using randomized complete blocking, clear plastic tubes were used to
ritan Butternut (PBN), and New Hampshire block designs with three (2007 and 2009) or cover the fluorescent lights. Either amber
Baby Butternut (NHBBN). Seed of these four (2008) replications and eight plants per glassware or glassware covered in aluminum
cultivars were obtained from two generations plot. In 2008, the C. moschata cultigens and foil was used during analyses to block light.
of self-pollinations to improve uniformity. C. maxima breeding lines were grown in Carotenoids were extracted from frozen
NHBBN was derived from the original But- adjacent plots, and the C. maxima hybrids (–80 C) squash, using 1.0 g samples homog-
ternut cultivar crossed to Tsurukubi, a Korean were grown in a separate field, and included enized with 40 mL of HPLC grade acetone
cultivar, to eliminate the problem of crook- additional hybrids not used in the present (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) for 4 min
necking in butternut squash (Mutschler and study. Plants were started from seed in in an Omni-mixer (Sorvall Inc., Newtown,
Pearson, 1987; Yeager and Meader, 1957). 50-plug trays with Promix media (Premier CT). The extracts were recovered by filtering
Waltham Butternut, a widely grown cultivar, Tech Horticulture, Quakertown, PA) and through 0.5-mm Whatman No. 1 filters
was derived from a cross between NHBBN transplanted at the two true-leaf stage during (Fisher Scientific) using a Buchner funnel
and an African C. moschata accession, and the first week in June. Plants were grown on under vacuum. Carotenoids were extracted
PBN was a selection out of WBN, but with raised beds (15 cm high · 60 cm wide) two more times (40 mL fresh acetone per
slightly smaller fruit (Mutschler and Pearson, covered with 31.8 mm black polyethylene extraction) from the same tissue sample
1987). Four University of New Hamp- mulch, and with drip tape (203.2 mm T-tape (110 mL final volume) until the tissue was
shire (UNH) breeding lines, NH.Mo421, with 30 cm emitter spacing; T-Systems In- colorless, resulting in 96% to 98% recovery
NH.Mo851, NH.Mo910, and NH.Mo2521, ternational, San Diego, CA) laid at a depth of carotenoid pigments. The extracts were
were derived from a cross of ‘Bugle’, a butter- of 3 cm slightly off the bed center. Bed combined and absorbance at 450 nm deter-
nut release from Cornell University with in- centers were 2.1 m apart. Before bed forma- mined in a Genesys 6, double-beam spectro-
termediate powdery mildew resistance, to tion, fertilizer was applied broadcast at the photometer (ThermoScientific, Pittsburgh,
a breeding line [NH.(PxB)-118-24-21] with rate of 56 kg·ha–1 of N (calcium ammonium PA). For determining carotenoid concentra-
oblate fruit shape. The breeding line was nitrate) and K (potassium chloride). Begin- tions, we used the following equations
derived from an heirloom strain from Maine ning 10 d before flowering, 5.6 kg·ha–1 of N (Rodriguez-Amaya, 2001):
with oblate fruit, crossed to a breeding line and 4.7 kg·ha–1 of K were applied weekly .
derived from an open-pollinated Peruvian through the drip tape for four or five consec- xðmgÞ = absorbance·ð yÞ106 A1% 1 cm ·100;
accession with high carotenoid concentration. utive weeks. Insect and disease control fol-
In C. maxima, four kabocha UNH breed- lowed the recommendations given in the xðmg=gÞ = xðmgÞ=samples weight
ing lines bred for intense flesh color, 2006–07 New England Vegetable Manage-
NH.Max33-12, NH.Max6331, NH264, and ment Guide (Howell et al., 2007). where x is the weight or concentration of
NH.Max5273, were evaluated for total carot- Harvesting and storage. Fruits were carotenoid, y is the volume of solution that
enoid concentrations. Carotenoid profiles were tagged at anthesis (opening of the flower) gives an absorbance value at the specified
examined in four commercial kabocha hybrids, and harvested at either 40 or 60 DAP. Squash wavelength, and A1%1 cm is the absorption
‘Eclipse’, ‘Thunder’, ‘Space Station’ (Rupp is considered mature when seed development coefficient of the carotenoid(s) in the solvent
Seeds, Waseon, OH), and ‘Sunshine’ (Johnny’s is complete in terms of seed fill (Loy, 2004), solution. An absorption coefficient (A1%1 cm)
Selected Seeds, Albion, ME). Fruit of the NH typically 55 DAP in temperate climates of 2500 was used for the mixed carotenoid
kabocha hybrids are dark green at maturity and (Vining and Loy, 1998). One tagged fruit solutions (Britton, 1985).
similar in appearance to the original Buttercup was harvested from each of four replications High-performance liquid chromatography.
at 40 DAP for sampling, and 12 tagged fruits Methodology similar to that described by
were harvested at 60 DAP for sampling at 0, Rodriguez-Amaya (2001) was used to prepare
30, and 60 d of storage at 14 C. Extra tagged samples for HPLC analysis. Thirty mL ali-
Received for publication 30 Nov. 2015. Accepted fruit were harvested at 60 DAP to account for quots were taken from the 110 mL caroten-
for publication 16 Mar. 2016. possible fruit loss during storage. Fruits were oid extracts used for the spectrophotometric
Partial funding was provided by the New Hamp- weighed at harvest and after removal from total carotenoid determination. An internal
shire Agricultural Experiment Station. This is storage to determine weight loss. standard, 50 mL transb-apo-8-carotenoate
Scientific Contribution Number 2610. This work Sampling methods. Samples of C. moschata (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), was added
was supported by the USDA National Institute of
Food and Agriculture (Hatch Project NH00548).
butternut squash were taken from the solid flesh to the 30 mL aliquots to estimate carotenoid
Current address: Ken Olson Science Center, Gor- in the neck region 2 cm proximal to the seed losses during extraction and saponification.
don College, Wenham, MA 01924. cavity. A 2 cm thick · 10 cm wide cross section The 30-mL samples were partitioned into
Corresponding author. E-mail: james.loy@unh. of flesh was prepared by removing skin and 10 mL of petroleum ether in a separatory funnel
edu. cutting into eight smaller triangular samples. and water was added slowly until the two

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016 473

phases separated. The lower aqueous/acetone pure carotenoid standards (Carotenature, fruit appeared mature at 40 DAP in terms of
layer was discarded and the upper layer was Lupsingen, Switzerland). skin color; however, the carotenoid concen-
reserved. Water (15 mL aliquots) was added Mass spectrometry analysis. Saponified tration of intact fruit increased by 81% in the
to the separatory funnel four to five times samples of ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Waltham Butter- C. maxima inbred line NH.Max6331 be-
until the petroleum ether layer was bright nut’ were sent to the Carotenoids and tween 40 and 60 DAP (Table 1). The range
yellow and the lower layer was colorless. To Health Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA of carotenoid concentrations in four inbred
ensure all of the carotenoids were trans- Human Nutrition Research Center on Ag- lines of C. maxima squash was 177 to 214
ferred to the petroleum ether layer, absor- ing at Tufts University (Boston, MA) for mg·g–1 FW at 40 DAP, and increased to 222
bance of the aqueous layer at 450 nm was analysis to identify major unknown peaks to 320 mg·g–1 FW by 60 DAP (Table 1).
measured spectrophotometrically. The sam- in the HPLC chromatograms using liquid Differences in mean carotenoid concentra-
ples were transferred to screw cap, 25-mL chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry tion among the four inbred lines at the two
glass tubes (Fisher Scientific). Samples were (LC-MS). LC-atmospheric pressure chemical harvest dates were not statistically signifi-
evaporated to dryness under a stream of ionization-MS analysis was performed with cant. In a New Zealand study, the carotenoid
nitrogen using a nitrogen evaporator (Orga- an Agilent LC-MS (Agilent Technologies) concentrations in three kabocha hybrids
nomation Inc, Berlin, MA) in a water bath at equipped with an Agilent HPLC autosam- sampled at 49 d after fruit set ranged from
35 C, as described by Toomey and McGraw pler, ultraviolet detector, HP1100, MSD with 91 to 152 mg·g–1 FW, with a value of 115
(2007). APCI interface, and a C30 column [3 mm, mg·g–1 FW for the widely grown kabocha
Both saponified and unsaponified sam- 150 mm · 4.6 mm (Bischoff Chromatogra- hybrid ‘Delica’ (Hurst et al., 1995).
ples were analyzed by HPLC to obtain phy, Leonberg, Germany)]. The HPLC mobile ‘Sunshine’ and the inbred lines NH.Max33-
information on degree of esterification of phase A contained methanol, MTBE, and 12 and NH.Max264 are homozygous for the
xanthophylls. Samples were saponified by 1.5% ammonium acetate in water (83:15:2, ‘‘Bmax’’ gene for precocious orange rind color.
adding 10 mL of 5.6% methanolic KOH to v/v/v); and phase B contained methanol, In C. pepo, the ‘‘B’’ gene elevates carotenoid
glass tubes containing the dried carotenoids, MTBE, and 1.0% ammonium acetate in concentrations of fruit in some genetic back-
capped, and allowed to stand overnight (16 h) water (8:90:2, v/v/v). Gradient procedures grounds by as much as 6-fold (Schaffer et al.,
at room temperature in darkness (Toomey (flow rate 1 mL/min) were changed as fol- 1986; Tadmoor et al., 2005). In our study,
and McGraw, 2007). A saturated sodium lows: 0% B isocratic (0–2 min), 0% B–5% the C. maxima cultigens with the ‘‘Bmax’’ gene
chloride solution was added to samples, B linear gradient (2–10 min), 5% B–55% B did not display higher carotenoid concentra-
followed by vigorous agitation by hand linear gradient (10–18 min), 55% B–95% tions than the other inbred lines and hybrids
for 30 s. Samples were then transferred to B linear gradient (18–20 min), 95% B–0% (Tables 1 and 2).
a separatory funnel containing 10 mL petro- B linear gradient (20–21 min), and 0% B In C. moschata, mean carotenoid con-
leum ether. Water was added slowly until isocratic (21–40 min). The injection volume centrations in fruit of all cultigens harvested
the two phases separated. The upper organic was 20 mL and the total run time was 40 min. at 60 DAP were 30% to 100% higher than in
layer was bright yellow and contained con- The ultraviolet–visible spectra of peaks were fruit harvested at 40 DAP (Table 1). It was
centrated carotenoids. The lower aqueous recorded in the range of 250–600 nm and the difficult to discern differences in fruit maturity
layer also contained carotenoids but was mass spectra were recorded using the fol- in the tan butternuts harvested at 40 and 60
faint yellow. The lower layer was collected lowing parameters: polarity, positive; mass DAP based on fruit color. However, in a study
and washed with water and 5 mL aliquots of range, m/z 530–630; fragmentor, 90; gain, by Zaccari and Galietta (2015), three maturity
petroleum ether until colorless (three to four 20.00; threshold, 150; and stepsize, 0.1. dates in the butternut F1 hybrid ‘Cosmo’ could
times). All of the aliquots of carotenoids in Data acquisition and processing were per- be discerned, based on changes in green pig-
petroleum ether were combined and evapo- formed using ChemStations software (Agilent mentation of peduncles and peeled skin color,
rated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen. Technologies). and they reported progressive increases in
Samples were reconstituted in 3 mL ace- Saponified samples of ‘Sunshine’ and a-carotene and b-carotene at the three maturity
tone, to provide enough sample volume for ‘Waltham Butternut’ were also sent to the periods from immature to very mature.
both spectrophotometric determinations and carotenoid laboratory of Dr. Dean Kopsell, There were significant differences in carot-
HPLC analyses. To help solubilize caroten- University of Tennessee, for separation on enoid concentration among the C. moschata
oids into acetone, samples were placed in a C30 column that employed different mobile cultigens, and the differences were more ac-
vortex mixer (VWR Scientific Industry Inc., phase solvents and gradients for separating centuated in fruit harvested at 60 DAP than in
Bohemia, NY) for 30 s and then sonicated in carotenoid pigments than used at UNH fruit harvested at 40 DAP. Concentrations
an ultrasonic cleaner (Smith Kline Co., (Kopsell et al., 2007). This permitted analysis varied from a low value of 42 mg·g–1 FW in
Shelton, CT) for 30 s. One mL samples were of peak carotenoid retention times (RT) of NHBBN to 145 mg·g–1 FW in NH.Mo851,
transferred to 1.5 mL-amber glass vials for samples and known carotenoids under different a small, round-fruited, breeding line with green
storage before injection of a 20 mL sample conditions of separation. Separations in Kop- skin (Table 1).
onto the HPLC column. sell’s laboratory were achieved isocratically Carotenoids and storage. Total caroten-
Carotenoid samples were analyzed using using a binary mobile phase of 11%MTBE, oids increased linearly between 0 and 60 d of
a Hewlett Packard/Agilent Technologies 88.9 MeOH, and 0.1% triethylamine (v/v). The storage in two (NH.Max6331 and NH.Max33-
1100 series HPLC system with a photodiode flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, with a run time of 12) of the four C. maxima inbreds, but the
array detector (Agilent Technologies, Palo 53 min, followed by a 10 min equilibration magnitude of change was different between
Alto, CA). A 5-mm, 200 Å polymeric C30 before the next injection (Kopsell et al., 2007). the two cultigens (Table 2). In NH.Max6331,
reverse-phase column (Pronto-SIL; MAC- Statistical analysis. Analysis of variance carotenoid concentration doubled from
MOD Analytical Inc, Chadds Ford, PA) was and Tukey’s honestly significant difference 320 mg·g–1 FW at 0 d to 639 mg·g–1 FW after
used to separate the analytes. The HPLC mo- multiple means test were used to compare 60 d of storage; whereas, in NH.Max33-12
bile phase solvent A consisted of methanol/ main effects of cultigen, storage length, and the carotenoid concentration increased by
methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)/water (83:15:2, year on carotenoid concentrations, using 50%. NH.Max5273 did not show a statisti-
v/v/v, with 1.5% ammonium acetate in the either JMP, Version 9 (SAS Institute Inc., cally significant increase. Although there was
water); solvent B was methanol/MTBE/ Cary, NC) or Microsoft Excel statistical tools an apparent reduction in total carotenoids in
water (8:90:2, v/v/v, with 1% ammonium (Microsoft Corporation, Redman, WA). NH.Max264 between 30 and 60 d of storage,
acetate in the water). The samples were there was considerable variability among rep-
processed by Agilent Chemstation soft- Results and Discussion lications and the differences were not statisti-
ware (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, cally significant.
CA). Concentrations were determined by Carotenoids and squash maturity at harvest. Among the C. moschata cultigens, either
comparison with a standard curve using In the present study, kabocha (C. maxima) most increases in carotenoid concentration

474 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016

Table 1. Comparison of total carotenoid concentrations determined spectrophotometrically in fruit samples of Cucurbita maxima inbred lines and Cucurbita
moschata cultivars and inbred lines, harvested either at 40 or 60 DAP in 2008.
Total carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW) Total carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)
C. maxima 40 DAP 60 DAP ANOVA C. moschata 40 DAP 60 DAP ANOVAz
NH.Max6331 177 ay 320 ay 0.007 NHBBNx 37 ay 42 ay NS
NH.Max5273 192 a 250 a NS PBNx 47 ab 61 ab 0.023
NH.33-12 194 a 222 a NS WBNx 48 ab 74 ab 0.016
NH264 214 a 256 a NS NH.Mo2521 59 abc 82 b NS
NH.Mo910 73 bc 121 c NS
NH.Mo421 88 c 133 c 0.0001
NH.Mo851 87 c 145 c 0.038
NS = nonsignificant differences in carotenoid content by harvest date according to ANOVA.
Mean values in columns denoted by the same letter are not significantly different, Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at P # 0.05.
NHBBN = ‘New Hampshire Baby Butternut’; PBN = ‘Puritan Butternut’; and WBN = ‘Waltham Butternut’.
DAP = days after pollination; ANOVA = analysis of variance.

Table 2. Comparison of total carotenoid concentrations determined spectrophotometrically in fruit samples of Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata
cultigens harvested 60 d after pollination in 2008 and stored for either 0, 30 or 60 d at 14 C.
Total carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW) Total carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)
C. maxima 0 30 60 ANOVAz C. moschata 0 30 60 ANOVAz
NH.Max264 256 ayx 287 ayx 195 ayx NS NHBBN 42 ay 60 ay 84 ay 0.001
Max5273 250 a 308 a 259 ab NS PBN 61 ab 101 b 123 b 0.001
NH.33-12 222 a 241 a 318 b 0.033 WBN 74 b 98 b 132 b 0.0001
NH.Max6331 320 a 518 b 639 c 0.001 NH.Mo2521 82 b 102 b 107 ab NS
NH.Mo910 121 c 156 c 187 c 0.001
NH.Mo851 145 c 187 cd 186 c 0.041
NH.Mo421 133 c 211 d 227 c 0.028
NS = nonsignificant differences in carotenoid content by harvest date according to ANOVA.
Mean values in columns denoted by the same letter are not significantly different by Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at P # 0.05.
Mean values of NH.Max264 and NH.Max6331 at 30 and 60 d were adjusted for missing data.
NHBBN = ‘New Hampshire Baby Butternut’; PBN = ‘Puritan Butternut’; and WBN = ‘Waltham Butternut’.
ANOVA = analysis of variance.

occurred during storage of fruit for the expressed on a DW basis (Bonina-Noseworthy, Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human
first 30 d or carotenoid concentration in- 2012). For nutritional comparisons, caroten- Nutrition).
creased more or less linearly to a maximum at oids are generally compared on a FW basis Nonesterified carotenoids exhibited RT
60 DAP (Table 2). The three C. moschata because such values can be related directly to between 5 and 21 min (Figs. 1A and 2B),
cultigens with the highest carotenoid concen- food consumption (Britton and Khachik, 2009; but in unsaponified samples (Figs. 1B and 2B),
trations at harvest also had the highest con- Khachik, 2009). Storage of squash results in an there were numerous minor peaks mostly with
centrations after 60 d of storage. The largest appreciable reduction in FW, both because of RT greater than 21 min, representing esterified
increase occurred in NH.Mo421, from water loss and conversion of sugars to CO2 carotenoids. In saponified samples of C. max-
133 mg ·g –1 FW at 0 d storage to 239 mg ·g –1 during respiration (Bonina-Noseworthy, 2012; ima, there were five major carotenoid peaks
FW after 60-d storage. Our results are con- Corrigan et al., 2001; Irving et al., 1997). The tentatively identified, listed according to their
sistent with those of previous investigators average FW loss in the four C. maxima inbred order with HPLC (Fig. 1A): 1) neoxanthin,
showing that carotenoid concentration in- lines and the hybrid ‘Sunshine’ during 60-d 2) flavoxanthin, 4) lutein, 5) zeaxanthin, and
creases during storage in most squash and storage was 8.6%; the average FW loss in the 8) b-carotene. Peak 6 was the internal standard,
pumpkin cultigens, but that the magnitude of seven C. moschata cultigens was appreciably b-apo-8-carotenoate. Peaks 4, 5, and 8 were
change differs among cultigens, as does the higher (15.1%). We did not determine the coincident, respectively, with peaks for the
length of storage time required for maxi- degree to which weight loss was accompa- known standards, lutein, zeaxanthin, and
mizing carotenoid concentration (Arvayo- nied by a reduction in fruit volume. Carot- b-carotene. Peak 1 was suspected to be neo-
Ortiz et al., 1994; Harvey et al., 1997; Hopp enoid concentrations in several cultigens did xanthin, based on its short RT and previous
et al., 1960). From a nutritional viewpoint, it not change significantly between 30 and 60 d identification in both C. maxima and C.
would be important in plant improvement of storage, suggesting that changes in fruit moschata (Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-
to search for genotypes which exhibit sub- weight had minimal impact on carotenoid Amaya, 2007). In a carotenoid extract of
stantial postharvest increases in carotenoid concentrations. ‘Sunshine’ analyzed at University of Tennessee,
concentration. Characterization of carotenoid profiles. the putative neoxanthin peak had the same
We compared carotenoid concentrations Along with knowledge of carotenoids pre- RT (5.4) as a known neoxanthin sample. Mass
in our study on a FW basis, but the relative viously identified in squash and pumpkin spectrometry also showed a peak molecular
differences in carotenoid contents among (Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya, mass ion of 601/602 for peak 1, corresponding
cultigens and the changes with storage time 2007; Khachik et al., 1988; Khachik and to that expected for neoxanthin (Moss and
within species were similar whether based on Beecher, 1988), the major peaks in the HPLC Weedon, 1976; de Rosso and Mercandante,
dry weight (DW) or FW (data not shown; see chromatograms were identified by comparing 2007). The molecular ion peak (M+) of 585/586
Bonina-Noseworthy, 2012). However, be- peak RT with RT of known standards, com- for peak 2 corresponded to the molecular ion
cause the average DW of mesocarp tissue paring RT with HPLC obtained on a C30 peak (M + H)+ of 585 for flavoxanthin (lutein
for kabocha cultivars was 29% as compared column at the UNH with those obtained on 5,8-epoxide), previously identified in a process-
with 19% for the seven C. moschata cultigens a C30 column at the University of Tennessee, ing cultigen of C. maxima by Khachik and
in fruit harvested at 60 DAP, carotenoid and obtaining the molecular ion mass (M+) for Beecher (1988). The designation of flavoxan-
concentrations of C. moschata cultigens were unknown major peaks by HPLC coupled with thin is tentative because lutein 5,6-epoxide has
elevated relative to those of C. maxima when mass spectrometry (Carotenoids and Health the same mass as flavoxanthin (de Rosso and

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016 475

acids (Khachik et al., 1988; Khachik and
Beecher, 1988).
Carotenoid esters are largely absent in
human plasma and organs (Canene-Adams
and Erdman, 2009; Khachik, 2009). Because
esterified carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin
must be hydrolyzed to the free form before
absorption, the degree of esterification in
carotenoid sources could impact their nutri-
tional status. Studies to date, however, in-
dicate that esterified forms of lutein and
zeaxanthin are as bioavailable as the free
form (Bowen et al., 2002; Breithaupt et al.,
Variability in a-carotene and b-carotene
among cultigens. b-Carotene concentra-
tions were moderately high in C. maxima
(Table 4), and although mean concentrations
varied from 26.0 to 44.1 mg·g–1 FW among
the hybrids, the differences were not statisti-
cally significant. Comparatively low concen-
trations of b-carotene (3.0 to 8.7 mg·g–1 FW)
were reported in two baby food cultivars of
C maxima (Khachik and Beecher, 1988);
whereas, a considerably broader range of
concentrations, from 14 to 74 mg·g–1 FW,
were reported for 12 cultivars of C. maxima
(Murkovic et al., 2002). a-Carotene was de-
tected in only trace amounts in C. maxima
hybrids (Fig. 1B), but has been found in
moderate amounts in some cultivars (Murkovic
et al., 2002).
a-Carotene was detected in some C.
moschata cultigens, but in low amounts,
Fig. 1. Typical high-performance liquid chromatography carotenoid chromatograms in Cucurbita maxima 6.1 mg·g–1 FW or lower (Table 4). Although
from (A) unsaponified and (B) saponified squash extracts. Example is for kabocha cultivar Space a-carotene concentrations are generally low
Station. Neo, peak #1, is abbreviation for neoxanthin. in C. moschata cultigens, in a Brazilian
cultivar, Brasileirinha, selected for high
carotenoid content, a-carotene concentra-
Mercandante, 2007; Moss and Weedon, 1976), extent of carotenoid loss resulting from sapon- tions averaged 82 mg·g–1 FW in mature
but is most often associated with leafy tis- ification. There was considerable variability in squash (Boiteux et al., 2007), and 73 mg·g–1
sue (Kopsell and Kopsell, 2006). Peak 5 was the degree of esterification between species FW was reported in a Brazilian landrace (de
tentatively labeled as zeaxanthin based on RT and among cultigens (Table 3). In general, the Carvalho et al., 2012). In our study, there was
correspondence with a known zeaxanthin sam- degree of esterification was higher in cultigens wide variability in b-carotene concentrations
ple. Likewise, a carotenoid extract of ‘Sun- of C. moschata than those of C. maxima, and in in C. moschata, ranging from 17.6 mg·g–1 FW
shine’ analyzed by HPLC at University of three of the four C. moschata cultigens, the in ‘Waltham Butternut’ to 114.2 mg·g–1 FW in
Tennessee exhibited the same RT (10.9) as proportion of esterified carotenoids among the the inbred line NH.Mo421 at 60 DAP. Ex-
a known sample of zeaxanthin. three xanthophylls was usually greater than ceedingly high concentrations of b-carotene
In saponified samples of C. moschata, five 0.9. However, in NH.Mo851 only a relatively concentrations have been reported in Brazilian
major carotenoid peaks were typically pres- small proportion (0.22) of lutein was esterified. pumpkin cultigens with values of 244 mg·g–1
ent in all cultigens (Fig. 2A): 1) neoxanthin, High proportions of free, nonesterified, lutein FW reported in a landrace (de Carvalho et al.,
3) violaxanthin, 4) lutein, 7) a-carotene, and have not been previously reported in C. 2012) and 161 mg·g–1 FW in the cultivar
8) b-carotene. Peak 1 was tentatively identi- moschata, and cultigens with this trait may Brasileirinha mentioned above (Boiteux et al.,
fied as neoxanthin as discussed above. Peak 3 be a promising source for pharmaceutical firms 2007). Among three North American butter-
(RT 7.4) is likely violaxanthin, based on a M+ producing supplements as an alternative to the nut cultivars grown in Florida, Itle and
peak of 600/601 corresponding to values main source of lutein is currently obtained Kabelka (2009) reported low concentrations
obtained by Khachik et al. (1988) and de from saponified extracts of marigold flowers of b-carotene, ranging from 2.1 mg·g–1 FW in
Rosso and Mercandante (2007). In addition, (Amala-Sujith et al., 2010). ‘Ponca’ to 15.3 mg·g–1 FW for ‘Butterbush’.
the RT (4.9) for the putative violaxanthin In C. maxima, variability in proportion of However, our value of 17.3 mg·g–1 FW for
peak in a sample of ‘Waltham Butternut’ esterification among the four xanthophylls ‘Waltham Butternut’ at DAP was considerably
analyzed on a C30 column at the University of ranged from low values of 0.05 for zeaxan- higher than that reported in Florida (3.8 mg·g–1
Tennessee corresponded to the RT for thin and 0.21 for flavoxanthin in ‘Sunshine’ FW). NH.Mo421 not only had a high concen-
a known sample of violaxanthin. The RT to a high value of 0.69 for flavoxanthin in tration of b-carotene (114 mg·g–1 FW), but also
for peaks 7 (RT 19.0) and 8 (RT 20.7) in ‘Space Station’ (Table 3). The proportion of the proportion of b-carotene to total carotenoids
Fig. 2A corresponded, respectively, with esterified lutein in C. maxima varied from (67%) was higher than in the other cultigens
those of known samples of a-carotene and a low of 0.12 in ‘Sunshine’ to a high of evaluated, and the proportion of nutritionally
b-carotene. 0.42 in ‘Space Station’. Esterification of important to total carotenoids was also high
HPLC was performed on both unsaponified hydroxyl carotenoids in the different species (83%; Table 4).
and saponified samples to allow for compari- of squash have been previously well docu- Lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations
son of the degree of esterification of hydroxyl mented, and xanthophylls shown to be es- among cultigens. Although the C. maxima
carotenoids as well as for determining the terified to lauric, myristic, and palmitic fatty squash evaluated for carotenoid profiles in

476 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016

intermediate in NH.Mo910 (37 mg·g–1 FW),
and lowest in ‘Waltham Butternut’ (27.3
mg·g–1 FW) and NH.Mo 421 (22.3 mg·g–1
FW). In the three butternut cultivars analyzed
by Itle and Kabelka (2009), lutein concentra-
tions ranged from a low of 8.7 mg·g–1 FW in
‘Ponca’ butternut to 17.3 mg·g–1 FW in WBN.
In the study by Murkovic et al. (2002),
concentrations of lutein + zeaxanthin were
only 0.8 mg·g–1 FW for ‘Butterbush’ and
1.4 mg·g–1 FW for Long Island Cheese, the
low values probably reflecting a high degree
of esterification in the unsaponified samples.
Neither of the preceding cultivars is widely
grown in North America.
The carotenoid identified as zeaxanthin
(peak 5; Fig. 1A) was detected in all C.
maxima hybrids, with substantial amounts,
22 mg·g–1 FW and 25.2 mg·g–1 FW, respec-
tively, in ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Thunder’ (Table 4).
Only minor amounts of zeaxanthin have been
reported previously in C. maxima (Arima and
Rodriguez-Amaya, 1988; Provesi, et al.,
2011). Although we did not detect zeaxanthin
in the C. moschata cultigens we analyzed,
Humphries and Khachik (2003) reported the
detection of appreciable amounts of zeaxan-
thin in an unknown butternut cultivar.
Concentrations of carotenoids not known
to have nutritional benefits. Neoxanthin and
flavoxanthin comprised between 38% and
59% of the total carotenoid profile in the C.
maxima hybrids at 60 DAP (Table 4). Neo-
xanthin concentrations varied from a low of
16.8 mg·g–1 FW in ‘Sunshine’ to as high as
57.6 mg·g–1 FW in ‘Space Station’. The range
of flavoxanthin was even greater, varying
from 50 mg·g–1 FW in ‘Sunshine’ to 102
Fig. 2. Typical high-performance liquid chromatography carotenoid chromatograms in Cucurbita mg·g–1 FW in ‘Space Station’. Neither of the
moschata of (A) unsaponified and (B) saponified squash extracts. Example is for ‘Waltham Butternut’. above carotenoids are found in blood plasma
Neo, peak #1, is abbreviation for neoxanthin; viola, peak #3, is abbreviation for violaxanthin.
(Khachik, 2009) or other organs (Canene-
Adams and Erdman, 2009), and are currently
not known to play a role in human nutrition.
Table 3. Proportion of esterified xanthophyll carotenoids in cultigens of Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita
moschata winter squash harvested at 60 d after pollination in 2008, based on comparison of Neoxanthin was previously shown to com-
carotenoid concentrations of saponified and unsaponified samples separated by high-performance prise 20% of the total carotenoid concentra-
liquid chromatography. tion in a Brazilian C. maxima squash cultivar
Cultigens Proportion of esterified carotenoidsz
(Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya,
C. maxima Neoxanthin Flavoxanthin Lutein Zeaxanthin
2007). The abundance of flavoxanthin in C.
‘Sunshine’ 0.06 0.21 0.12 0.05 maxima kabocha hybrids appreciably low-
‘Space station’ 0.59 0.69 0.42 0.50 ered the ratio of nutritionally important ca-
‘Thunder’ 0.23 0.14 0.25 0.60 rotenoids (b-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin)
‘Eclipse’ 0.52 0.67 0.33 0.17 to total carotenoids (Table 4).
C. moschata Neoxanthin Violaxanthin Lutein In the C. moschata cultigens, neoxanthin
WBN 0.91 1.00 0.96 comprised between 6% and 21% of total
NH.Mo851 0.29 0.50 0.22 carotenoid profiles; whereas, violaxanthin
NH.Mo910 0.53 0.99 0.89 was low (9 to 11 mg·g–1 FW) among all four
NH.Mo421 0.87 0.98 0.99
cultigens (Table 4). Neoxanthin was signifi-
Proportions based on four replications of saponified and unsaponified extracts. Values were adjusted for cantly higher in NH.Mo851 (27.5 mg·g–1 FW)
loss during extraction using an internal standard b-apo-8-carotenoate.
WBN = ‘Waltham Butternut’. and NH.Mo421 (21.7 mg·g–1 FW) than in
NH.Mo910 (5.9 mg·g–1 FW) and ‘Waltham
Butternut’ (7.4 mg·g–1 FW). Neoxanthin and
violaxanthin were previously identified in
this study were F1 hybrids that had geneti- in the study by Murkovic et al. (2002), and as C. moschata squash (Azevedo-Meleiro and
cally diverse parentage, lutein concentra- such, the high value for lutein in ‘Hyvita’ Rodriguez-Amaya, 2007; Gonzalez et al.,
tions among hybrids were fairly uniform suggests that the proportion of esterified 2001). Even though the contribution of neo-
and averaged 46.1 mg·g–1 FW (Table 4). In lutein may have been low in that cultivar. xanthin and violaxanthin to human nutrition
contrast, Murkovic et al. (2002) reported In C. moschata, there was a relatively remains unknown, these two carotenoids
a wide range of lutein concentrations in 12 broad range of lutein concentrations among have an important connection to plant hor-
C. maxima cultivars, from as low as 8 mg·g–1 the four cultigens analyzed (Table 4). Con- mone physiology. Neoxanthin and violoxan-
FW to as high as 170 mg·g–1 FW in the centrations at 60 DAP were highest in the thin are cleaved to form abscisic acid (ABA),
cultivar Hyvita. Extracts were not saponified breeding line NH.Mo 851 (59.9 mg·g–1 FW), which plays roles in fruit ripening and seed

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016 477

Table 4. Carotenoid profiles of saponified extracts of Cucurbita maxima F1 hybrids and Cucurbita moschata inbred lines and the cultivar Waltham Butternut
(WBN) harvested at 60 d after pollination in 2008, with separation and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis.
Other major carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)z Nutritionally important carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)z
Cultigens Neoxanthin Flavoxanthin Violaxanthin Total Lutein Zeaxanthin a-Carotene b-Carotene Total BLZ/totaly
C. maxima
‘Sunshine’ 16.8 ax 33.2 a 0 50.0 a 36.8 ax 22.0 a 0 26.0 a 84.8 a 0.63
‘Eclipse’ 22.8 a 81.7 bc 0 104.5 b 49.9 a 9.9 a 0 37.1 a 96.9 a 0.48
‘Thunder’ 23.1 a 52.9 a 0 76.0 ab 38.5 a 25.2 a 0 44.1 a 107.8 a 0.59
‘Space Station’ 57.6 b 102.1 c 0 159.7 c 59.5 a 15.9 a 0 32.7 a 108.1 a 0.41
C. moschata
‘Waltham BN’ 13.4 ax 0 11.0 a 24.4 a 27.3 abx 0 0.8 a 17.6 a 45.7 a 0.65
NH.Mo910 5.9 a 0 8.6 a 14.5 a 37.0 b 0 6.1 a 43.5 a 86.6 ab 0.86
NH.Mo851 27.5 b 0 9.2 a 36.7 b 59.9 b 0 0 33.2 a 93.1 b 0.71
NH.Mo421 21.7 b 0 9.3 a 31.0 b 22.3 a 0 4.5 a 114.2 a 141.0 c 0.83
Values were adjusted for loss during saponification and extraction using an internal standard b-apo-8-carotenoate.
BLZ/total equals ratio of nutritionally important carotenoids, b-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin (BLZ), to total carotenoids in profile.
Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different by Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at P # 0.05.

Table 5. Yearly comparison of carotenoid profiles of saponified extracts of ‘Sunshine’ (Cucurbita maxima) and three Cucurbita moschata cultigens, breeding lines
NH.Mo851 and NH.Mo421, and the cultivar Waltham Butternut (WBN) harvested at 60 d after pollination. Separation and quantification by high-
performance liquid chromatography on a C30 column.
Other major carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)z Nutritionally beneficial carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)z
Cultigens Neoxanthin Flavoxanthin Violaxanthin Lutein Zeaxanthin a-Carotene b-Carotene Total
2007 33.8 15.9 0 47.5 16.5 0 46.4 160.1
2008 16.8 33.2 0 36.8 22.0 0 26.0 134.8
2009 24.6 25.8 0 45.9 6.8 0 43.1 146.2
ANOVA 0.033 NS NS 0.001 NS NS
2008 13.4 0 11.0 27.3 0 0.8 17.6 70.1
2009 7.1 0 6.1 26.4 0 0.8 23.9 64.3
ANOVA 0.047 NS NS 0.0003 NS
2007 27.5 0 11.7 60.0 0 0 55.4 154.6
2008 27.5 0 9.2 59.9 0 0 33.2 129.8
2007 16.8 0 10.0 22.7 0 2.3 91.2 143.0
2008 21.6 0 9.4 22.3 0 4.5 114.2 172.0
Values were adjusted for loss during saponification and extraction using an internal standard b-apo-8-carotenoate.
ANOVA = analysis of variance.

development (Milborrow, 2001). A recent profiles (Arima and Rodriguez-Amaya, 1988; the three cultigens analyzed (Table 5). In
study showed that expression of a 9-cis- Gonzalez et al., 2001; Itle and Kabelka, 2009; ‘Waltham Butternut’, there were significant
epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase gene (responsi- Murkovic et al., 2002). However, in a breed- differences among the carotenoids in 2008 as
ble for cleavage of neoxanthin and violaxan- ing program initially relying only on visual compared with 2009, but the differences were
thin) is key to ABA biosynthesis, and regulation selection for carotenoid content, knowledge small. In NH.Mo851, b-carotene was 67%
of this gene influences ripening and fruit col- of the concentrations of other carotenoids higher in 2007 than in 2008. Carotenoid pro-
oring in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) (Jia such as neoxanthin, violaxanthin, and flavox- files for the inbred line NH.Mo421 were
et al., 2011). Thus, knowledge of neoxanthin anthin in the carotenoid profile is important. similar for fruit harvested in 2007 and 2008,
and violaxanthin biosynthesis and accumula- Furthermore, for breeding processing squash, and lutein and b-carotene comprised a high
tion could be important for squash plant breed- a higher proportion of carotenes vs. hydroxy proportion (0.81–0.82) of the total carotenoid
ing programs. carotenoids is desirable because carotenes profiles during both years (Table 5). In the
In comparing concentrations of the nu- are more stable to high temperatures during inbred line NH.Mo851, the proportion of
tritionally important carotenoids to total steam cooking (Provesi et al., 2011). lutein was higher and b-carotene lower in
carotenoid concentrations, a higher propor- Yearly changes in carotenoid profiles. 2008 as compared with 2007. We are not
tion were found in C. moschata, ranging Carotenoid profiles for the C. maxima hybrid, aware of other studies that have compared
from 65% to 86%, compared with 41% to ‘Sunshine’ were obtained over three growing yearly differences in carotenoid profiles, but
63% in C. maxima kabocha squash at seasons, 2007, 2008, and 2009 (Table 5). our limited results suggest that overall,
60 DAP (Table 4). Therefore, even though Total carotenoid concentrations across years carotenoid profiles are fairly consistent from
C. maxima hybrids had significantly higher total were not statistically significant, and the one season to the next, at least in the same
carotenoid concentrations than C. moschata higher total concentration in 2007 could be locality with similar cultural conditions.
cultigens, the average concentration of caroten- attributed to a later average harvest period Changes in carotenoid profiles during
oids with known health benefits in the four (70 DAP) than in 2008 and 2009 (60 DAP). storage at 14 C were compared among two
cultigens of C. moschata was only slightly The major beneficial carotenoids, b-carotene cultivars, Sunshine in C. maxima and Wal-
lower (91.6 mg·g–1 FW) than in the four hybrid and lutein, did not differ significantly across tham Butternut in C. moschata (Table 6). In
cultigens of C. maxima (99.9 mg·g–1 FW). years, but neoxanthin and zeaxanthin exhibited ‘Sunshine’, the total carotenoid concentration
In many studies employing HPLC analy- significant year to year variability. more than doubled between 0- and 60-d stor-
sis, carotenoid profiles include only lutein In C. moschata, total carotenoid and lutein age, but the degree of change varied among
and carotenes, rather than total carotenoid concentrations were similar across years for the different carotenoids. b-carotene increased

478 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016

Table 6. Changes in carotenoid profiles of ‘Sunshine’ (Cucurbita maxima) and ‘Waltham Butternut’ (WBN) (Cucurbita moschata) winter squash harvested at 60 d
after pollination in 2008 and stored for 0, 30, or 60 d at 14 C.
Hybrids Carotenoids (mg·g–1 FW)z
C. maxima Days Neoxanthin Flavoxanthin Lutein Zeaxanthin b-Carotene Total
‘Sunshine’ 0 16.8 ay 33.2 a 36.8 a 22.0 a 26.0 a 134.8 a
30 32.7 b 29.5 a 57.5 b 23.2 a 86.0 b 228.9 b
60 33.0 b 94.0 b 48.5 b 23.4 a 104.8 b 303.7 c
C. moschata Neoxanthin Violaxanthin Lutein a-Carotene b-Carotene Total
WBN 0 13.4 ay 11.0 b 27.3 b 0.8 a 17.6 a 70.1 a
30 19.0 b 10.6 b 31.0 b 1.5 a 57.8 b 119.9 b
60 26.9 c 19.0 c 44.6 c 1.5 a 49.2 b 141.2 c
Values adjusted for loss during extraction and saponification with internal standard, b-apo-8-carotenoate.
Mean values in columns followed by same letter are not significantly different, Tukey’s honestly significant difference test, P # 0.05.

4-fold, lutein increased by only 32%, and carotenoids decreased from 0.36 to 0.21, and the Furthermore, in ‘Sunshine’ (C. maxima) and
zeaxanthin did not increase. Neoxanthin dou- proportion of violaxanthin increased from 0.13 ‘Waltham Butternut’ (C. moschata), the pro-
bled during 60-d storage and flavoxanthin to 0.21 during the same storage period. portion of b-carotene to total carotenoids in-
exhibited nearly a 3-fold increase. The pro- The large increases in b-carotene during creased and the proportion of lutein to total
portion of b-carotene to total carotenoids was storage has important nutritional implications. carotenoids decreased during storage.
0.19, 0.38, and 0.58, respectively, at 0 d, 30 d, For example, storage of butternut squash for 1 The predominant nutritionally beneficial
and 60-d storage. In contrast, the proportion of to 2 months is generally recommended to carotenoids in C. moschata and C. maxima
lutein to total carotenoids decreased from 27.3 attain sufficient soluble solids for acceptable cultigens were lutein and b-carotene; how-
at 0 d to 15.9 at 60-d storage. The proportion eating quality (Noseworthy and Loy, 2008). In ever, C. maxima hybrids also had appreciable
of neoxanthin + flavoxanthin to total caroten- ‘Waltham Butternut’, b-carotene concentra- concentrations of zeaxanthin. Lutein is a con-
oids decreased from 0.37 at 0-d storage to 0.27 tions averaged only 17 mg·g–1 FW at harvest stituent in leafy greens (Kopsell and Kopsell,
at 30 d, but increased to 0.42 at 60-d storage (60 DAP), but increased to 58 mg·g–1 FW after 2006), but among starchy vegetables, winter
because of the increased accumulation of 30-d storage (Table 6), equal to 5800 mg in squash is one of the most prominent sources
flavoxanthin. a 100 g serving of squash. Using the current of this carotenoid.
In ‘Waltham Butternut’, the total caroten- value for conversion of b-carotene to retinoic A notable result in C. maxima was the
oid concentration doubled between 0 and 60 d acid of 12 mg of b-carotene equaling 1 mg of observation that in the four commercial
of storage, however, b-carotene increased retinoic acid (Britton, 2009; Tang and Russell, kabocha/buttercup hybrids examined, be-
3-fold, whereas, lutein increased by only 2009), a 100 g serving would represent 483 mg tween 42% and 59% of total carotenoid
63%. The neoxanthin concentration doubled of retinoic acid, or 54% of the recommended concentrations were represented by neoxan-
between 0 and 60-d storage and violaxanthin daily allowance (RDA) for adult males (900 mg) thin and flavoxanthin, carotenoids not yet
increased by 73%. As a result, the proportion and 69% of the RDA for adult females (700 mg) found to be important in human nutrition.
of b-carotene to total carotenoids increased as reported by the Institute for Medicine, Thus, the nutritional status could be substan-
from 0.25 at 0 d to 0.48 at 30 d and then Food and Nutrition Board (National Acad- tially improved in kabocha cultigens by iden-
decreased to 0.35 at 60-d storage. The pro- emy of Sciences, 2001). Furthermore, the tifying germplasm with a high proportion of
portion of lutein, on the other hand, decreased more intense orange flesh color associated lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenes in the total
from 0.39 at 0 d to 0.32 at 60-d storage. with higher b-carotene concentrations after carotenoid profile, and introgressing these
Previous studies of changes in carotenoid storage of fruit is an important aspect of characteristics into improved breeding lines.
profiles during storage are limited; however, consumer appeal for the expanding retail
our results indicate that carotenoid profiles marketing of peeled and halved butternut Literature Cited
can change appreciably during storage, squash.
and suggest that b-carotene may increase Amala-Sujith, A., T. Hymavathi, and P. Yasoda
more during storage than the xanthophylls. Devi. 2010. Supercritical fluid extraction of
Conclusions lutein esters from marigold flowers and their
In a kabocha variety of C. maxima, Kon
hydrolysis by improved saponification and
and Shimba (1988) reported that total car- In a long-term breeding program at the enzyme biocatalysis. Intl. J. Biol. Life Sci. 6(2):
otenids doubled after 2 months of storage. UNH, we have been able to increase the 67–76.
Lutein comprised 0.64 of the total carotenoid carotenoid concentration in inbred lines of Arima, H.K. and D.B. Rodriguez-Amaya. 1988.
profile before storage and the proportion C. moschata and C. maxima (Table 1) and Carotenoid composition and vitamin A value of
changed only slightly after 60-d storage at in hybrids of C. maxima (Table 4) through commercial Brazilian squashes and pumpkins.
10 (0.65) and 25 C (0.71). In contrast, the visual selection; however, the shortfall of this J. Micronutr. Anal. 4:177–191.
percentage of a-carotene changed from 0.11 at system has been the inability to identify Arvayo-Ortiz, R.M., S. Garza-Ortega, and E.M.
harvest to nondetectible after storage, and the which carotenoids were being increased and Yahia. 1994. Postharvest response of winter
squash to hot-water treatment, temperature and
proportion of b-carotene increased from 0.08 in determining the proportions of carotenoids
length of storage. HortTechnology 4:253–255.
of total carotenoids at harvest to 0.13 at 10 C known to be nutritionally important in com- Azevedo-Meleiro, C.H. and D.B. Rodriguez-Amaya.
and 0.22 at 25 C after storage. Although the parison with total carotenoid concentration, 2007. Qualitative and quantitative differences
proportional changes in b-carotene were greater as illustrated in Table 4. Because stage of in carotenoid composition among Cucurbita
than lutein in the above study, incremental fruit maturity in squash is difficult to assess moschata, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita
increases in lutein at 25 C (88 mg·g–1 FW) visually and carotenoid contents increase pepo. J. Agr. Food Chem. 55:4027–4033.
were greater than that for b-carotene (22 mg·g–1 substantially in latter stages of maturity Barua, A.B. and J.A. Olson. 2001. Xanthophyll
FW). In the butternut cultivar Bugle, Zhang et al. (Table 1), our results underscore the impor- epoxides, unlike b-carotene monoepoxides, are
(2014) found a 3-fold increase in total carotenoid tance of determining the time period from not detectibly absorbed by humans. J. Nutr.
concentration in squash stored for 2 months at fruit set to fruit harvest to accurately evaluate 131:3212–3215.
Boiteux, L.S., W.M. Nascimento, M.E.N. Fonseca,
room temperature; however, there was greater and compare carotenoid contents among M.M. Lana, A. Reis, and J.L. Mendonc xa. 2007.
accumulation of b-carotene than lutein. The cultigens. ‘Brasileirinha’: Cultigen de abobora (Cucur-
proportion of b-carotene to total carotenoids Carotenoids usually increased significantly bita moschata) de frutos bicolores com valor
increased from 0.51 to 0.58 during 2 months of during storage, but in our study, the magnitude ornamental e aptid~ao para consumo verde.
storage; whereas, the proportion of lutein to total of increase was highly cultigen dependent. Hort. Bras. 25:103–106.

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