AK Digital WB Level 2

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Digital Workbook Answer Key

8 something that penguins need to survive

Unit 1
Listening 3 1 Cape Crozier 2 silverfish 3 carbon dioxide
4 whales 5 Gentoo 6 migration 7 February 8 light
1 1 A She is in charge of new staff.
4 1 Adélie penguins are thriving 2 eat 3 rising levels
2 C the friendliness of the other staff of 4 diminishing 5 diverse 6 geolocation sensors
7 slow march north 8 need
3 B recommending places to visit.

4 C You have to be a good listener. Speaking

5 A Andrew Brown. 1 what your home looks like: It looks… modern /
traditional / simple
2 1 main responsibility 2 what I like most 3 show
4 the main one 5 responsible for making sure you where your home is located: It’s somewhere…
get paid central / residential / on the waterfront

3 1 answer email / answer emails 2 January 3 Taveuni what your home contains: It has a/an… private
4 a passport / passport 5 Ofelya drive / large terrace / open-plan lounge

and explain if your real home is similar to this: It’s…

4 1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 False
much the same / identical / dissimilar

Reading 2 What it looks like: 1 situated 2 wake up

1 1 volcanoes / large volcanoes / four volcanoes / 4 Where it is located: 1 one
What it contains: 1 part 2 dog 3 guard
2 2100
and explain if your real home is similar to this:
3 rocks / the rocks / on rocks 1 town 2 family 3 difference 4 only 5 missing

4 iceberg / an iceberg / large iceberg 3 What it looks like

5 75 kilometres / 75 km / seventy-five kilometres / what style it is: traditional
seventy-five km
how many storeys it has: one
2 1 a specific location on Ross Island
size: small
2 something eaten by Adélie penguins and the
exterior features: large windows
Chilean sea bass
materials it is made from: wood
3 something that has been increasing
Where it is located
4 another animal living in Antarctica
general details: 1 in a town 2 in the countryside
5 a type of penguin
specific details: suburbs
6 something that penguins do
location in relation to other places: on the
7 a month or season

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location in relation to other buildings: in an Complete a summary of what you hear.
apartment block
2 1 something on which goods can be transported
benefits of location: lots of things to do
2 a type of product
What it contains
3 something that people build
number of rooms: four rooms
4 something that is more expensive
number of each room: two bedrooms
5 somewhere people visit
what rooms it has: lounge
3 1 river 2 meat 3 towns 4 petrol 5 museum
what other features it has: a cellar

benefits of home: room for a large family

4 1D 2C 3A 4B 5F

4 what it looks like: 1 large 2 colourful 3 wood 5 1 One of the first 2 another project 3 also wanted
4 spacious 4 Probably the most 5 Another difficult

where it is located: 1 seaside 2 views 3 sunbathe Reading

what it contains: 1 seating
1 anyone would spend so much on ice cream.
and explain if your real home is similar to this:
1 like 2 centre 3 luxurious
2 Ice cream became a popular product when the cost
of making it became cheaper.
5 1 building 2 location 3 garden 4 area 5 pool
6 home 7 drive 8 lounge
3 1 Researchers have failed to agree about the
6 1 ideal 2 appearance 3 is situated 4 it has 5 actual
2 anyone had the idea that they could be eaten.
6 the same as
3 The local conditions were unsuitable for growing
Writing the cacao tree.

1 1A 2C 3A 4B 5A 4 Cacao beans had a value which went beyond how

much they were worth.
2 1 highs, lows and equal points
5 the Spanish misunderstood why Aztecs drank
2 highs, lows and equal points chocolate.

3 something which doesn’t follow a trend 6 Outlining the steps that led to the kind of
chocolate we have today.
4 the main trend
7 The recipe was altered to reflect what consumers
5 highs, lows and equal points wanted.

3 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No 7 Yes 4 1 a naturally existing chemical

4 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 False 2 actions performed regularly, often as part of a
7 False 8 True ceremony

3 reproduction between plants

4 a chemical added to food to improve it in some

Unit 2 way
Listening 5 with a sharp, unpleasant taste
1 1 One person talking for a long time, without
A lecturer talking about a specific subject. 1 1 No 2 Yes 3 No 4 Yes 5 4−5 minutes
2 Listen carefully for specific information.

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2 6 No, this is incorrect data; it was women working
full time.
Do you think that That’s a good question,
playing sports is less because I think today 7 Yes, this is the highest percentage increase shown.
important now than in people play less sport
the past? and the main reason, I 8 Yes, the smallest and largest numbers are often
think, is because of important.
9 Yes, this is a highest number shown in the data.
How can people be Well, I think the main
2 11 26 32 43 55 64
encouraged to take way to encourage
part in more sport? them take sports like
3 1 similar 2 All 3 contrast 4 slight 5 identical 6 Both
to teach them from
early age…
Do you think top Well I think once you
sportspeople will learn, you should keep
continue to get learning, then you Unit 3
stronger and fitter in can’t stop learning… Listening
the future?
Do you think that the I think it has changed
1 1 False 2 True 3 False
way people watch dramatically,
sport has changed because…
2 1 kitchen 2 playground 3 towel 4 100 5 garden
much over the years?
6 noise
What are the I mean nobody is
advantages and watching going to the
disadvantages of matches…
3 1 B early on Saturday morning.
watching sports live
2 C to bring snacks to eat during the trip to the
rather than on the
holiday park
Do people who watch Well, maybe they do, 3 A the weather.
a lot of sport also play maybe they will not,
a lot of sport? but it will depend if 4 A should learn a new skill.
some people may
watch sport because Reading
they want to get better
at it…
1 1A 2A 3B 4C

2 1 F 2 C 3 G 4 A 5 C 6 E 7 B 8 F 9 A 10 D
3 1 1 think 2 dependent
2 1 advantages 2 say Speaking
3 1 depends on 2 might 1 1 celebrities 2 report 3 public 4 side 5 private
4 1 Nowadays 2 whereas 6 right 7 invite 8 obvious 9 minds 10 need
11 popularity 12 will 13 promote
5 don’t
2 1 not sure 2 positive 3 not sure 4 positive
Writing 5 negative 6 positive 7 negative 8 positive

1 1 Yes, this is a major trend. Writing

2 Yes, this is the largest numerical increase in the 1 The diagram shows the seven most important stages
data. in the making of honey by bees. The process begins
with the honey bees building a hive, and then
3 No, whilst it is a significant change, the data is not
finishes when the honey is ready to be collected and
4 Yes, it’s important as this is true for both pie
charts. 2 1 leave 2 find 3 collect 4 is used 5 taken 6 is put /
‘s put 7 cooled 8 fan 9 loses 10 is produced / ‘s
5 No, small changes are not significant. produced

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3 introduce the process: Firstly / To begin with Conversation fillers: Let me think … / Right, OK … /
Well …
link the middle stages: Next / Then / Following this

describe the end of the process: Finally / Lastly

1 1 increased 2 built 3 removed 4 extended
5 removed
Unit 4 2 1 platforms 2 restaurant 3 shops 4 ticket office
Listening 5 café 6 toilets 7 platforms

1 1 However 2 You mean 3 Exactly 4 So 5 actually

6 you know
Unit 5
2 1 I doubt if 2 The thing is 3 should 4 I don’t think / I
do not think 5 will / ‘ll 6 especially
3 1C 2A 3B 4D 5F 1 1 True 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 True

2 1 equipment 2 signs 3 tent 4 water 5 injury

3 1 1 straight 2 Carry
1 Paragraph A: iii
2 1 off 2 Aim
Paragraph B: ii
3 1 keep 2 cut 3 around
Paragraph C: i
4 1E 2G 3A 4B 5F
2 Paragraph A: iv
Paragraph B: viii Reading
Paragraph C: ii 1 a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 4 e) 1
Paragraph D : x 2 1B 2C 3A 4A 5C
Paragraph E: v
3 1A 2C 3D
Paragraph F: i
4 1B 2H 3E 4G 5F
Paragraph G: vii
3 1 making traditional kites 2 disappear and brought
back 3 myth and origins 4 spotting 5 sailors 6 unite 1 1 rephrasing the question
7 crops, plant and harvest
2 responding to the question
3 fillers
1 1 mostly 2 relatively 3 wouldn’t 4 relatively 4 giving examples
5 why 6 whereas
5 signposting
2 Ordering your ideas: Firstly, … / To begin with, … /
To sum up, … 2 1 I certainly think that 2 basically 3 what’s more
4 I’m trying to say is 5 Well, 6 First of all 7 you
Generalising: It’s usual / usually … / People know 8 I mean 9 My point is 10 All in all
might/may … / It has been predicted that …
3 1 interesting question 2 before 3 like 4 it means
Explaining your ideas: For instance … / I’d like to
that 5 first of all 6 because 7 For example 8 It
add that … / So, as a result of this/that …
depends 9 whereas 10 the first problem
Comparing and contrasting ideas: … not only … but
also … / In spite of this/that, … / However, …

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Writing 4 This statement agrees with the writer.

5 It is impossible to say what the writer thinks about

1 1 positive / negative 2 positive / negative this.
3 disagree 4 reasons 5 help 6 benefit 7 problems /
issues 8 unsatisfactory 9 problems / issues 5 1 NO 2 YES 3 YES 4 NOT GIVEN 5 NO
10 concern 11 arguments 12 value
2 Introducing ideas / arguments: First of all / On the
one hand / It is certain that 1 1 helps avoid repetition.
Adding supporting ideas / arguments: In addition 2 helps avoid hesitation.
(to) / Also / Furthermore
3 shows you can speak at length.
Presenting contrasting ideas / arguments: On the
other hand / Although / While / However 4 gives what you say structure and cohesion.

5 shows that you can self-correct.

6 gives what you say coherence.

Unit 6
Listening 2 1 using synonyms to avoid repetition
2 speaking at length
1 1 B the topic is something everyone has an opinion
on. 3 using linking words to be coherent
2 A the lack of transport options. 4 self-correcting
3 C The questions weren’t useful for getting detailed 5 using linking words to be coherent
6 using phrases to avoid hesitation
4 C they no longer want to buy unnecessary things.

5 B they no longer satisfy their older customers.

2 1 1 subject 2 relate 1 Agree: TV is boring and has too many ads / Too
many people play computer games
2 1 not easy 2 get
Disagree: Newspapers have lots of gossip / Radio
3 1 answer 2 specific and TV can stop loneliness

4 1 acquiring stuff 2 need 2 1 Yes 2 No 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes 6 No 7 No 8 No

5 1 either 2 clearly 3 or 4 only
3 1 there are several key reasons why
3 1C 2F 3I 4D 5H 2 the first reason is

Reading 3 I believe this

4 the second main problem

1 1 How 2 Why 3 When 4 What 5 Where
5 in my opinion
2 1 a negative adjective 2 a noun/noun phrase 3 a
noun/noun phrase 4 a positive adjective 5 a 6 it is my belief, however
noun/noun phrase

3 1G 2C 3F 4B 5E
Unit 7
4 1 This statement agrees with the writer.
2 This statement contradicts the writer.
1 1 1 right 2 Take 3 follow 4 through
3 It is impossible to say what the writer thinks about
this. 2 1 from 2 reach 3 Head 4 come

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3 1 use 2 west 3 avoid 4 find yourself 5 north 3 1 competitors 2 social media 3 quality 4 local farms
5 time
1 1 but 2 also 3 such as 4 In addition 5 like 6 As a
result 7 Despite 8 For instance 9 Because of 1 1 What we have found out is that one sibling may
10 even though 11 Consequently 12 Moreover share a great deal more, in terms of personality,
13 Therefore 14 For example with another child from outside that family, who
they never grew up with.
2 1 made from olive oil 2 a place where olives are
carried 3 cannot be used 2 NOT GIVEN
3 1 cosmetic 2 mountainous terrain 3 poisonous 3 1 TRUE 2 FALSE
chemicals / chemicals
4 1 collected 2 production 3 transported 4 over 5 FALSE 6 NOT GIVEN 7 FALSE 8 TRUE 9 TRUE
5 donkeys 6 banned

5 1 benefits 2 farm 3 disease 4 experience

5 supermarkets 6 cosmetics 7 machinery 8 website
1 1 movie 2 popular 3 Easter 4 products 5 traditional
6 language
6 1 these 2 this 3 What’s more 4 such 5 As a result
6 For instance 7 who 8 This 9 it
2 1 1 consider 2 related
Speaking 2 rest

1 1 like 2 fascinates 3 interest 4 fascination 3 1 remind 2 celebrate

5 interesting 6 keen 7 fascinated 8 passionate 4 fought
2 1 very important 2 physical education 3 they 5 1 refers 2 survived
4 education 5 no subject like this 6 subjects
6 1 fund 2 remember
1 For Social Media: meet people from around the
world / easier to express yourself / build confidence 1 1 Question 2 2 Question 1 3 Question 1 4 Question
/ meet people with similar interests 2 5 Question 2 6 Question 1

Against Social Media: only online / not real 2 1 No 2 No 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 No 6 Yes
communication / can be dangerous / waste of time
3 1 in danger of disappearing 2 homes 3 cities
2 1 throughout 2 harmful 3 improves 4 impact 4 cutting down trees / cut down forests 5 help
5 traditional 6 therefore 7 communication 6 find an answer
8 nevertheless 9 bullied 10 careful
4 1 should 2 should 3 shouldn’t 4 should
3 1 belief 2 argue 3 of 4 personally 5 say 6 contrary 5 shouldn’t

4 1 feel 2 personally 3 start 4 Some 5 However / 5 1 conclusion 2 up 3 To 4 end 5 conclude

Nevertheless 6 While 7 Nowadays 8 Therefore 6 in 7 as
9 however
6 1 To conclude, it is clear that animals cannot protect
themselves in the modern world.

Unit 8 2 In summary, the evidence shows that animals

need our help.
3 To sum up, it is the responsibility of the general
1 1 Friday 2 fruit 3 recipe 4 192.75 5 spicy public to help with this.

2 1 research 2 advertise 3 food 4 products 5 meals

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4 As we have seen, we need to understand the
importance of looking after the natural world.

5 In the end, it is up to us to do something about this


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