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Mechanica Guild

The Mechanica Guild is based in "The Halls" district of Thresham, along the bends of the
Totford river and the great arches covering them. Here, the many halls have been repurposed
throughout the centuries, but one bunch known as the "Sky Docks" are carved inside the top
of the western cliffs of the Shaëlian mountain range, where floating are plateaus filled with
the many Skyships used for commuting. From halls filled with the latest inventions and huge
warehouses filled with salvaged goods, to the small labs and offices of the Grey robed; the
Mechanica Complex is grande and filled with opportunity, and the guild counts nearing 600
official members.
As a member of the Mechanica Guild you could fulfil many roles beneficial to the guild. Here
are some to list from:
- Engineer (-assistant): engineers are key to the maintenance and expansion of the great works
in Thresham. From the Skyships to the complex palace, the engineers (or assistants) are
intelligent, patient and in for the details.
- Automatica (assistant): Those on the automatica section of business are busy with easing
processes in place, as well as figuring out and improving the "warforged" or automatons of
- Magitech (- assistant): Magitechs are busy with combing the fine arcane with the more
mechanical working of the rest of the guild. (They work together quite well with other guilds
and other sections). These are also more experimental
- Basics: Mechanica as a guild also needs treasurers, cargo workers, Skyship handlers and
what else you could think of in a basic guild.
Hierarchy / Management:
The Mechanica guild is organized based on experience and achievements, despite the
background or occupation you have. Ranking from bot to top:
 Intern: Mostly assistants, people new to the guild with ambitions. They are assigned to
a Novice, Senior or higher to help them with their tasks. (0-2 years of experience)
 Junior: Could also still be an assistant of a higher up member of the guild, but most of
these however work in groups and projects (non-experimental) assigned to by Seniors
or higher (2-4 years of experience)
 Novice: These are the bulk of the Guild and most often work in a field or project, yet
when they propose a project or study they often are allowed to conduct the research
together with an intern and overseen by a Mechanicast (4+ years of experience, or
earlier due to skills and achievements).
 Senior: These are the higher-ups and are granted their own personal office to work out
projects, research and have limited access to the resources of the Mechanica Guild
without going through a whole application process. (Once novice, yet shown their
achievements to the Mechanicasts. Also 10+ years of experience could land you here).
 Mechanicasts: The very top of the Guild, they plan the projects, assign members to
their tasks and distribute resources evenly. They are some of most respected of upper
society in Thresham due to their contribution to the city with their ingenious
achievements. Only around a dozen and a half current Mechanicasts. They discuss
with each other the path to direct the guild towards.
Contribution and benefits:
A regular member pays 5 gold pieces on a monthly basis to the guild as contribution. This
will grant you access to the Mechanica Complex, a badge to wear as member and access to
the archives on reservation (Junior+).
You also have the "contributor" member, which is another 15GP (20 total that way) per
month, which grants you access to the archives without reservation, a say in who to work with
and what projects, as well as preferential treatment when it comes to who gets what project.
As a novice+ you get to partake in projects and conduct your own projects. To get access to
the resources of the guild, you need to get permission from the Mechanicasts by signature, as
well as if the resources are funded by the guild or are to be paid for yourself.

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