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Friday, June 23, 2023

I. IELTS Task 1 Practice

Practice 1

Figures of students majoring in Accounting at HCMC University of Economics


1700 1700
1500 1500 1500
male students
Series 3
1000 1000 1000
900 880


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The chart illustrates the figures of scholars specializing in Accounting at HCMC University of Economics.
Overall, the male scholars have a downward trend while the female students have an upward trend. In late 2014
when female students overtook male scholars. The male student figure remained unchanged from 2014 to 2015.
It then plunged from 1500 down to 1000 scholars in 2016. It again remained stable before slightly decreased to
880 students in 2019. In conclusion, the female scholar figure rose gradually until hit 1700 in early 2016 where
it stay stable until 2017. The figure then suddenly rose and hit a peak before lowered back to 1800 scholars in

Friday, June 23, 2023

II. IELTS Task 2 Practice

Practice 2

In recent years, the issue of learning and teaching methods has brought about an array of
controversy. Some are of the opinion that independent learning is beneficial to students in several
ways, whereas others take issue with that point. Which point of view do you prefer?

Write an academic essay to discuss your opinion. Support it with examples and evidence.

Advantages Disadvantages
- find essential silence to get high - Be short of ideas to deal with a big assignment.
- prevent students from being distracted by - Find it a bit hard to master presentation skills
other activities like gossiping. without group support.
- determine reference materials or arrange - Be more likely to give up when facing a hard
their own timetable at their discretion. task (no competition, no motivation)
- the development of hi-tech allows them to - Hard to improve certain communication skills,
achieve certain profound knowledge by particular language skills due to the lack of
themselves via the Internet frequent group communication
- Though self-study is not encouraged in - Learning independently is more common
modern education, many students prefer among advanced students than beginners. To
to choose it as an essential key to their put it another way, it seems to be beneficial to
success at school. certain groups of students, not to all.
- achieve certain knowledge by themselves
before discussing any topics in class

Friday, June 23, 2023

While some believe that the modernisation has made us more reliant on each other, others, however, think
that we are more self-reliant and free from dependency on others as the time has progressed. I believe that
we have become more independent than any time in the history.

People who advocate that we have become more dependent on each other in this modern era often present
the idea that our necessity has increased and we need to interact with far more people due to this. This in a
way requires us to rely on others for our need. For instance, office executives mostly rely on laundry services,
restaurants, house maids, cleaning services and so on to have their necessary works done. In the past, people
used to do most of these tasks on their own. Moreover, the prices of education, house, daily commodities etc.
is skyrocketing day by day and we need to rely on our parents to have those needs fulfilled until we get a job.
When we will become earning members, our parents and children will rely on us. Due to people’s busy
schedule and high ambition, they need to socialise and get to know people from different walks of life and this
creates a wider circle in which people’s interaction and reliance on each other increase.

However, I would agree with the people who opine that modernization has made us free and less reliant on
others. In most countries, young children are trying to support their education and living cost. After a certain
age, they prefer to stay own his own house. The number of nuclear and single parent family proves that
people are less reliant on others. We are free to pick the school, travel to other countries and make our
choices for most of the major events in our life including picking our life partners. The progress of the
technology has made us more self-reliant and we love to take advantages of the modern tools and devices to
make things of our own. For instance, many people these days pick an online lesson than getting admitted to
a training institute. Many of us even have the freedom to work from home and this is a paradigm shift in the
way we earn our living. Finally, the gender equality and women empowerment movements have greatly made
the women free from others reliance and self-dependent and this has all been possible only recently.

In conclusion, though some people think that modern era is the time when we are more reliant on each other,
I personally believe that we are more free and self-reliant instead.

Practice 3: Essay writing

Friday, June 23, 2023
It is a plain truth that overseas students often suffer significantly from stress. What are the causes
of their stress and feasible solution to/ for it? Write an academic essay of at least 250 words to your

 Fail to complete academic assignments

 Expectation from acquaintances, especially parents
 Lack of immediate support from family as well as close friends
 Pressure from different studying styles and lifestyles in a new environment, namely deadlines,
independent study, presentations, interactions with schoolmates/ classmates from various
cultures and customs, …
 Discruptions in certain relationship
 Inefficient allowance/ be in tight budget/ bear a harsh burden of finance/ be financially self-
 Be confronted with language barriers/ culture shocks

 Be well-prepared for overseas study, particularly in terms of foreign languages and finance
 Be open-minded and sociable to adapt well to changes in ralation to new friendships, education
systems, lifestyles
 Thoroughly investigate/ research details of customs, culture differences, college expectation along
with principles/ rules well ahead of time/ prior to studying abroad
 Keep in close contact with acquaintances and get involved in social club activities in college to get
 Be willing to alter studying style/ way of thinking to integrate into a new environment

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