MYRON TIMTIM-Introduction and Objectives of My Research

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As stated in DepEd Order Number, s 2009, Mother Tongue Based Multi-Lingual

Education herein referred to as MTB-MLE is the effective use of more than two

languages for literacy and instruction. Henceforth it is institutionalized as fundamental

education policy and program of this Department in the whole stretch of formal

education including pre-school and Alternative Learning System. Relatedly, the study

of the Department of Education Region VI-B (MIMAROPA) entitled “Double Exposure

in Mathematics: a glimpse of Mother Tongue First” has provided the local validation of

the fundamental observation that top performing countries in the Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) are those that teach and test students in

science and math in their own languages. As emphasized in DepEd Order number 21,

series 2019 policy statement, The curriculum should be learner centered, inclusive,

developmentally relevant, and appropriate. Lerner-centered is an approach to

education that pus the needs and interest of the students at the center of the teaching

learning process.

Based on the actual teaching of the teachers, pupils prefer to identify the

number name, topic name in English language because it is easy to familiarize and to

sound it out. All the learners have difficulty naming the numbers especially in numbers

1 to 100. It is more burden to the teachers to translate the topic in local dialect since no

exact translation from English to local dialect. The teachers exerted much time and

effort to emphasize the basic names and concept of mathematics topics. Hence, there
is a need to identify the ways on which the learners learn easily through the innovation

that the researcher prepared. Teachers also spend time more on preparing

instructional materials for the translation of basic number and topic concept in


The researcher crafted an idea for making a worksheet which has a translation

of number word in mathematics which early grades need to determine. The researcher

crafted based on the three languages preferred by the learner meets as they go

forward in learning from grade one to grade three. This worksheet covers number word

translation from Mother Tongue to English.


This research determines the Teaching Strategic Design for teachers in Addressing

the Non-readers.

Specifically, this sought to answers the following sub-problems:

1. Demographic Profile of Teachers

1.1 no. of years in teaching;

1.2 student’s profile

2. What are the language preferred by the learners?

3. What are based on the problem; what materials can be used in dynamic


4. How do these materials be utilized in instruction?

5. What are the resources needed in the production of the materials?

6. Based on the dynamic teaching, what is the performance of the learner in Early

Grade Mathematics?



This study used the descriptive and experimental method of research using different
groups as a tool for gathering data. Statistical measures are used to interpret gathered data,
tabulated, and interpreted to come up findings, conclusion and recommendation.

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