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World Refugee Day Speech 2023



I greet you all and thank you on behalf of the refugee

community in Botswana for coming to commemorate with us
this very important day.

Today, the 20th of June is a day set aside by United Nations

globally, in order to give us a chance to commemorate the
plight of refugees and asylum seekers who fled and continue to
flee from the comfort of their homes and country of origin on
account of war, insecurity and persecution to seek asylum in
different countries.

Directors of ceremony, ladies and gentlemen, this day

offers us an opportunity to reflect on the challenges
experienced by refugees and asylum seekers in the whole
world who sometimes travel under harsh and difficult
circumstances to reach the safety zones. As this year’s theme
extend our heartly gratitude to the government of Botswana
for hosting us in this peaceful country. By doing so our lost and
shattered hopes are revived. After losing everything and our
loved ones we became hopeless. There are conflicts in different
countries in the world and it is a clear sign that the problems of
refugees still exist. The International community should take
note that the movements of refugees from one country to
another is far from over.
Directors of ceremony, distinguished guests and fellow
refugees- To this end as a refugee community we would like
to appreciate the government of Botswana for providing
essential social services such as security, health, basic
education and shelter. We would like to thank the UNHCR for
its tireless efforts to feed and clothe the refugees. We also
appreciate various organizations such as churches, individuals
that compliments the efforts of the government and UNHCR in
supporting the refugee community. May the Lord continue to
bless the hand that giveth.
Honorable Minister, during last year’s refugee day
commemorations and on the 21st of September we requested a
number of interventions from your government, we are still
waiting for a favorable response.

Directors of ceremony, ladies and gentlemen- We note

with appreciation the great strides the government of
Botswana is taking towards considering the local intergration of
refugees. The other area of priority Honorable Minister, is
about the longevity of the detention of asylum seekers in FCII.
There are children in there who would be very happy to
continue with their studies if permitted to come out of the
center. We also request your government to consider reviewing
the refugee act. We feel that the relaxation of the law on
refugee restrictions of movement and employment will give us
a chance to operate to our full capacities without any
hinderances. We need to be self-reliant and ease our provider’s
burden and responsibility of taking care of our families. We also
kindly ask the government of Botswana to review the
timeframe from the time one applies for asylum to the time of
Refugee Advisory Committee (RAC) interviews and the time of
waiting for the results after the interviews. The delays are
causing a lot of problems to asylum seekers for they do not fit
anywhere in refugee programs as they wouldn’t be having
proper documentation.

Director of ceremony,distinguished guests,ladies and

gentlemen-Honorable Minister, last year on this same date, at
this same place we raised the issue of students who are doing
exceptionally well academically and wish to go outside the
country on scholarships to further their studies but their
environment does not allow them to go any further. Their
dreams can only come true if your honorable office considers
giving them the permission and provide them with proper
travel documents. We also request that those who do not
score the points that enables them to be enrolled in
universities, be enrolled in government brigades such as
Mosetse etc. We would be highly grateful if this matter is given
an urgent solution which will come as a rescue to our children
who are literally idling in the camp, as it is said an idle mind is
the devil’s workshop.

Directors of ceremony, ladies and gentlemen- Honorable

Minister and UNHCR representative, the majority of refugees
are from the countries which they can’t return to. We wish
there could be an increase of the quota in both resettlement
and intergration. We understand that it’s a process not an
event, but we kindly plead with you to find ways of shortening
the process and have us find closure. To my fellow refugees, as
your leaders we urge you to respect and abide by the laws of
our host country for as long as we reside within the borders of
this democratic country. Most of us are parents and we have
responsibilities to fulfill. We must take good care of our children
and instill good values in them as they are our future leaders.
We must always clean our camp so that we live in a clean and
healthy environment. As a community Let us refrain from
gender-based violence.

Directors of ceremony, distinguished guests, ladies and

gentlemen - In conclusion we would like to thank the
government of Botswana as a signatory to the UN agreement
for protecting and promoting the rights of refugees and asylum
seekers. For giving us peaceful homes away from our homes,
families away from our blood relations, we will forever be
grateful to Batswana and this peace-loving nation. Muntu ngu
muntu nga bantu. We wish you all a safe journey back to your
respective homes.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Refugee Welfare Chairperson: Patience Takaona signed

Refugee Welfare Secretary : Kabongo Bongwa signed

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