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AE9 – Q3eLS4 – Review for End-term 2 test Date: PAGE \*


You will hear an interview with a singing teacher called Rosie Carnes, who is talking about her work. For
questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

1. What difficulty for singers does Rosie mention?

A. not hearing how they sound to others
B. not fulfilling childhood expectations
C. not knowing how to breathe properly

2. According to Rosie, which part of the body should singers warm up first?
A. the spine
B. the mouth
C. the throat

3. Rosie says that a singer’s knees should

A. remain tense.
B. be bent slightly.
C. be kept close together.

4. To maintain a good voice, Rosie mostly recommends that singers

A. drink water.
B. suck sweets.
C. breathe in steam.

5. When learning the words of songs, Rosie often

A. imagines they have different meanings.
B. gets a friend to help her practise them.
C. repeats them while doing other things.

6. Rosie advises people hoping to become singers to

A. consider how strong their ambition is.
B. be careful not to damage their voice.
C. take advantage of opportunities to perform.

Wishing you all the best for your exams!

AE9 – Q3eLS4 – Review for End-term 2 test Date: PAGE \*
7. Rosie tells us about a friend who
A. avoids singing on recordings.
B. prepares in her car before performing.
C. suffers very badly from nerves on stage.

Listen to the presentation about a new product design. Decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. They have redesigned an old product. ________
2. The product is aimed at men and women aged 18–40. ________
3. The new design means you don’t need two hands to use it. ________
4. There’s only one size now. Another one will follow in a few months. ________
5. They will make a Gantt chart for the project next month. ________
6. He finished the presentation with enough time to take some questions. ________

You will hear an interview with a woman called Sally Gartree, who works as an organiser of the three-day
Oxford Music Festival. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1. Sally says that her involvement with the festival began
A) before her parents were asked to help run it.
B) when it was first held over twenty years ago.
C) after she had started attending the event regularly.
2. Sally feels that the biggest change in the festival has been in
A) the scale of the event.
B) the atmosphere at night.
C) the facilities for performers.
3. Sally regrets that some people attending the festival now seem most interested in
A) how well known the bands are.
B) trying out different types of food.
C) the retail outlets selling souvenirs.
4. What does Sally enjoy most about the festival?
A) the non-stop entertainment
B) the relaxed attitude of the people

Wishing you all the best for your exams!

AE9 – Q3eLS4 – Review for End-term 2 test Date: PAGE \*
C) the range of musical styles on offer

5. What would Sally like to change about the festival?

A) so many people arriving by car
B) the reliance on good weather
C) how poorly advertised it is
6. Sally tells the story about the famous rock star to show
A) how well respected the festival is.
B) how unreasonable such people can be.
C) how important the festival was to his career.
7. Sally hopes that in the future the festival will
A) go on for longer.
B) be shown on TV.
C) stay the same size.

You will hear a college lecturer being interviewed about the subject of her new book. Look at the questions
and decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Pat thinks girls do not benefit in mixed-sex schools. ________

2. According to Pat's book, boy always keep quiet when a girl is speaking in the classroom. ________
3. Pat thinks boys not only dominate the classroom verbally, but physically as well. ________
4. The so-called "normal" behavior is men dominate women. ________
5. Margaret Thatcher went to a co-educational school when she was a kid. ________

Wishing you all the best for your exams!

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