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OI2..Q:O,n S'dSTCl'V\

he ce1~is the basic morphological and material and/or cell-to-cell junctions to form

T functional unit of all living things. It is

the smallest entity that has the capacity
to perform all oflife's functions and is, therefore,
tissues. Tissues, in turn, bond together in
varying proportions to form more complex '
functional structures called o:rgan~ and organs
capable, under favorable environmental that have interrelated functions group together
conditions, of independent existence. Indeed, to form organ s-y-stems.
numerous species of unicellular organisms exist.
The cells of the body vary in size, shape and
In fact, some, like the disease-causing bacteria
form not only among the different cell types
(germs) and parasites such as Entamoeba,
but also among cells of the same type. These
hisiolytica; which causes amebiasisj are of great
variations are largely dictated by the functions
concern to medical science. However, as a rule,
of the cells and/or their state of activity. Despite
macroscopic organisms including humans are
their wide morphological variations however,
human cells-like all eukaTxotic cells-share
A human being actually starts as a single a common basic structure. They consist of
cell, the fe-rtiliz~eil ovum (zrgote~, which a mass of cytnplasm that is encased by a ce I
results from the union of the male gamete membrane, and a nucleus, a structure that is
(sp--:-ermcellj spe-rm_atozoon~ and the female encased by-a rnrclear ~n:£elopeand embedded
gamete (oY'um). Multiplication t~itosis~ of in the cytoplasm.
the fertilized ovum and differentiation of its
progenies eventually give rise to an extremely CELL ME(~BRANI:
complex organism that consists of a staggering
number of cells (estimated at about 1014 or 100
trillion, in adults) which can be classified into The cell membrane does not merely serve
more than 250 cell types based on morphology as an envelope that delimits the cell from its
and function. surroundings. It has many other functions. It
To erisure the human being's survival, the protects the cell. It determines which substances
cells that comprise the human body form a can move in and out of the cell and regulates
tightly knit and highly organized society. Thus, the movement of these substances to and from
cells that perform the same general functions are the cell. It provides attachment for the skeleton:
linked together by some amount of intercellular of the cell (cy:toskeletonY. It receives and-
Fig. 1-1.Cell. The composite illustration showsthe Fig. 1-2. Variations in Morphology of Cells.
different components of a cell including the cell Photomicrographic collage illustrates the
membrane (em),mitochondria (mi), microvilli (mv), differences in shape, and the location and
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), ribosomes morphology of nucleus among cells. A = neuron;
(ri), rough endoplasmic reticulu'm (rER), nucleus B = neutrophil; C = hepatocytes; D = oocyte; E
(ne), nucleolus (nu), chromatin (ch), peroxisome = skeletal muscle cells. Note: The cells are not
(pe), Golgi complex (Gel, Iysosomes (Iy), and scaled to size.
centrosome (ee) which cont~ins two centrioles.

Phospholipid Molecules in the

Cell Membrane
sends out stimuli. It provides binding sites and
receptors for enzymes and other substances. It .. Each of the phospholipid molecules in the
allowsfor cell-to-cellrecognition. And, in many cell membrane has three parts: a head and two
. cell types, it forms specialized junctions with ,tails (Fig. 1-3).The head is globular, polar and
the cell membrane of adjacent cells or with the hydrophilic while the two tails are slender,non-
extracellular matrix. polar and hydrophobic. The head consists of
that is conjugated to a nitrogenous
The cellmembrane is merely 8-10 nm thic
compound by a phosphate bridge. One of the
and is thus too thin to be distinguished-under
two tails consists of a straight-chain saturated
the light mi~osco~e tJ:::M)whose resolving
fa ¥ acHl while the other consists of an
power is onlyO.2llm (i.e.,2 millionth ofa meter)
unsaturatea fatty acid-it has a slight kink,
at best. However, in electron micrographs
but is otherwise also straight. The fatty acids-
taken with the use of the transmission (electron
of the tails are linked by covalent bonds to the
mKLus..cope('EM), the cell membrane appears glycerolof the head.
as a trilaminar structure consisting of two
electron-dense sheets that sandwich a thin In the cell membrane, the phospholipid
molecules are organized to form two closely
electron-lucent layer. Incidentally, the EM
apposed layers. In each layer, the phospholipid
can resolve objects that are 0.2 nm (i.e., two
molecules are so arranged such that the tails
billionth of a meter) apart.
occupy the inner region while the heads occupy
The cell membrane is made up mainly of the outer region (Fig. 1-3). Thus, the electron,.
~hospholip'id and R olein molecules, but it lucent iddle zone of the cell membrane as
also contains sholestero and polysacdrarides seen in the EM corresponds to the tails of the
mostly in the form of gl:y:colipias and phospholipid molecules that are bound together
by very weak intermolecular forces while the


two electron-dense layers that sandwich the
electron-lucent zone correspond to the heads.
The lipid bilayer formed by the phospholipid
molecules is a highly impermeable structure
that does not allow molecules aside from
water, gases, and a few non-polar molecules
to pass freely through it. Consequently, it acts
as a barrier that regulates the entry and exit of
substances to and from the cell.

Protein Molecules
in the Cell Membrane
Protein molecules account for about Fig. 1-3.Cell Membrane. The drawing shows the
half of the mass of the cell membrane. Some, components of the cell membrane: phospholipid
molecules (pi) with their heads and tails,
the integra_ proteins (integral membrane
transmembrane proteins (tmp), peripheral proteins
proteins, transmembrane proteins), span the (pp), cholesterol molecules (ch), and glycolipids
whole thickness and project out ofboth surfaces and glycoproteins (gg).
of the cell membrane while others, called the
peri~heral roteins (peripheral membrane It is involved in cell-to-cell recognition, cell-to-
proteins), are simply inserted into, or are cell adhesion, and immunological response.
loosely bound to, the outer or inner surface of
the membrane. Unit Membrane
Membrane proteins perform various
functions, including the transport of certain Within the cell, there are many structures
substances across the cell membrane. that are made up of-or are enveloped by-
membranes that are morphologically identical
to the cell membrane. For this reason, the
Cholesterol Molecules
trilaminar entity (as seen in the EM) that
in the Cell Membrane
comprises the cell membrane and makes up or
Cholesterol molecules, which in the envelops all the other membrane-containing
cell membrane vary in number from a few to structures in the ceiIis generically referred to as
almost as many as the phospholipid molecules, the untt membrane" The unit membrane varies
are found in the irregular spaces between the in thickness from structure to structure and
phospholipid molecules. They serve to stiffen' even in the same structure, depending largely
and strengthen the cell membrane. They also on the amount of protein molecules it contains.
make the cell membrane less permeable to.
water-soluble substances. Specialized Junctions Formed,by
the Cell Membrane
(junctional complexes; intercellular
In most cells, glycolipid and glycoprotein junctions; cell-to-cell attachments;
molecules project from the outer surface of the cell-to-cell junctions)
cell membrane to form a coating for the cell
called glycocalyx (eel coat) The glycocalyxis Many cells form specialized junctional
seen in electron micrographs as a thin layer (2- structures in localized regions of their cell
20 nm) of amorphous, electron-dense material. membrane that are in contact with other cells

p.v~e~l~e -lIf,VlCi-1Dv1

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• '~eWlI ~re~wrosQ~~, '

Fig. 1-4. Electron Micrograph (EM) of a Cell. The image shows rough ER (rER), cell membrane or
plasmalemma (p), mitochondria- (m), centrioles (c), Golgi complex (Gc), nucleus (n), and chromatin
material (ch). x11,600 .

or the extracellular matrix. These specialized chemical synapses are taken up in the chapter
junctions enable the cells to adhere to one' on nervous tissue.
another or with the extracellular matrix, or
communicate with each other. C~TOPL SM
Junctions that tightly bind cells t9. each
Cytoplasm refers to the homogenous
other or to extracellular matrix are classified into
substance ~c:}':toFlasmicmatrix) that fills
occluding and adhesive. There is only one form
the space that is bounded externally by the
of occluding junction, the zonula occluilens
cell membrane, and internally by the nuclear
(tight junction; dosing belt), but there are
envelope and the various formed elements
several types of adhesive junctions: zonula
that are embedded in the cytoplasmic matrix.
adherens (adherens junction; adhering belt;
belt desmosome; band desmosome), fascia The formed elements in the cytoplasm
adhe-rens, desmosome (macula adherens; consist of three groups: organelles, inclusions
spot desmosome), and hemidesmosome. and fibrillar elements. Organelles are more
or less permanent structures that perform
Junctions that enable the cells to
specific functions within the cell. Inclusions,
communicate with each other (communicating
on the other hand, are generally temporary
junctions) are exemplified by gap junctirrns
fixtures and are often mere accumulations of
(nexus; communicating junctions) and
pigment, lipid, or other substances. The fibrillar
chemical synapses. elements, meanwhile, form the cytoskeleton or
The structure of the zonula occludens, supporting framework that maintains the shape
zonula adherens, desmosome, hemidesmosome, and internal organization of the cell. In general,
and gap junction are discussed in the chapter an increase in the viscosity of the cytoplasmic
on epithelial tissue. The fascia adherens is matrix means an increase in the number of
described in the chapter on muscle tissue while fibrillar elements.


,- Fig. 1-5. Mi~ochondrion. The diagram shows the parts of a mitochondrion.

Cytoplasmic Matrix (Cytosol) not possess a nucleus. The type and number of
cytoplasmic organelles in a cell are dictated by
The C}~toBlasmh: atri:xi is viscid, the cell's function and state of activity.
translucent, and colloidal in nature. It is
mainly made up of water (70% or more by Mitochondria
volume) where a host of inorganic ions
and organic molecules (proteins, lipids, Mito'chond-ria (singular form:
carbohydrates, nucleic acids, enzymes, mitochondrion) are organellesthat are present,
products of enzymatic activity, etc.) in all cell except of course in the RBCs and
are dissolved. Although amorphous, the lens fibers. They are often hotdog-shaped, but
cytoplasmic matrix is an important, complex, they can alter their shape and become rod-lik ,
and dynamic constituent of the cell.Itis the site filamentous, spherical etc. They are O.Sto 1.0
of many essential biochemical processes and it ~m in diameter and up to 10 ~m long.
provides a suitable milieu for the organelles in Under the LM, mitochondria are not visible
performing their functions. in H&E preparations but special staining (e.g.,
supravital staining using Janus green) and
Organelles phase contrast microscopy demonstrate their
The cytoplasmic organelles include the presence. They can be distinguished and their
mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic morphology appreciated through electron
reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, microscopy.
peroxisomes, and centrosome. Except for the Under the EM, a mitochondrion is seen
ribosomes and centrosome, all the cytoplasmic to consist of a wall that encloses a space or
organelles are delimited by unit membranes: cavity (intercristal sp-ace) that is filled with
Practically all cells have organelles. The amorphous substance ~mitochondrial matrix).
only notable exceptions are the mature red The mitochondrial wall is made up oftwo layers
blood cells (RBCs) and the lens fibers that of unit membrane. The outer membrane Oli
comprise the lens of the eye, which have none. leaflet delimits the mitochondrion from the
In fact, the mature RBCs and the lens fibers are cytoplasmic matrix while the inner leaflet is
not simply devoid of organelles, they also do infolded to form shelf-like tubular structures

requirement is high. In the sperm cell, for
example, they are concentrated in the middle
piece of the tail where they form a sheath.
Mitochondria have limited life span but
they can replicate in a manner akin to the binary
fission of bacteria.
Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" 0
Interestingly, mitochondria can only
the ceH-they generate most of the energy that
be produced-or sourced from existing ones.
is needed by the cell to perform its metabolic
Hence, the mitochondria in all cells of the body
processes. They are able to produce energy
have been derived from the mitochondria of
because the mitochondrial matrix contains
the female gamete .(ovum) because the male
most of the enzymes involved in the Krebs
gamete '(sperm cell) does not contribute any
,tricarboxy:lic acia cycle. These enzymes
cytoplasmic component to the formation of the
complete the degradation of the products of
zygote (see fertilization, Chapter XVII).
fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism into
carbon dioxide and water. This degradation
process, which starts in the cytoplasmic matrix
but completed in the mitochondrial matrix, 1 Ribosomes (Singular:ribosome) are minute
yields a lot of alk_-nosinetrtpbosp ate (ltTP) organelles (about 15 to 30 nm in size) that can
molecules that are released.into the cytoplasmic only be distinguished via high-magnification
matrix. ATP is the principal source of energy electron microscopy. They are seen under the
for the various metabolic processes of the EM as small electron-dense granules that occur
cell. Incidentally, cells that do not possess singlyor in small clusters calledeolxribosume-s
mitochondria such as RBes, or those with only o~ polysomes. Polyribosomes are composed
a few such as'muscte cells, rely on glycolysis of ribosomes that are connected to each other
(i.e.,enzymaticbreakdown ofglucoseto pyruvic by a fine thread of messerrge-rRNi\ {mRNlt,l,
acid which also releases ATP molecules) for which they are actively translating (see protein
their energy needs. synthesis, page 17).
The matrix of the mitochondrion also 4 Ribosomes and polyribosomes either
lie free in the cytoplasm (free dtiosomes1
or are attached (attaelied ribosomes) to the
su'rfacesof the membranes of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER).

to synthesize proteins and enzymes that it' 3 A ribosome is made up of two subunits
(small and large); the large subunit is about
needs in performing its function. By the way,
twice the size ofthe small subunit: A ribosomal
.Q1ifocnonar.ialDNJ\)is the onlyDNA in the cell
subunit, which is otherwise referred to as
that is outside the nucleus.
db-onucleoprotein, is in the form of a dense, . ,-
The number of mitochondria in a cell globularstructure that is composed ofa strand or
depends on the cell's energy requirement. dboso a R ( A) and some associated ,,---.
For example, the dteJlatocxt , a cell that is a p.roteins of which 80 types have already been
"workhorse,"has more than 2,000 mitochondria identified. The ribosomal subunits are produced
while the small I-ymghocxte, which is an in the nucleu -specifically, the nucleolust=
inactive cell, has only a few. and then exported to the cytoplasm where the
Mitochondria are motile) They tend to small and large subunits come together to form
aggregate in areas within the cell where energy ribosomes.



2 Ribosomes and polyribosomes are present The endoplasmic reticulum serves as
in all cells but their number and distribution a supporting structure for the cytoplasm,
vary depending on the cell type. Cells with but more importantly, it is involved in the'
numerous ribosomes have intensely basophilic production of numerous substances that are to'
cytoplasm. The basophilia is due to the be used within, or exported by, the cell.!

numerous phosphate groups in the RNA of the ..

The rER receives the proteins that are
synthesized by attached ribosomes. It then
5 Ribosomes are sites for protein synthesis, processes these proteins .before passing them
and are thus abundant in cellsthat produce a lot over in the form of membrane-enclosed
of proteins. It is in the ribosomes where amino structures called transfer vesicles to the Golgi
acids are assembled into polypeptide chains. complex.
6 Proteins that are produced in free The sER, on the other hand, is the site of
ribosomes are used exclusivelywithin the cell the synthesis of phospholipids, cholesterol and
(e.g., proteins of the cytoplasmic matrix as other steroids-its membranes have numerous
well as the protein subunits of structures that attached enzymes which are thus accessible to
require constant renewal such as microtubules substrates that exist within the cytoplasm. The
and microfilaments).Proteins that areproduced sER is also involved in the transport of fatty
in attached ribosomes, on the other hand, are acids and lipids.
further processedin the ER and Goigicomplex.
When these proteins 'are finally released by the In most cell types, the rERis more extensive
Golgi complex, some of them are used within than the sER. It comprisesmuch ofthe ER while
the cell while some are exported by the cell. the sER is merely made up of a small number of
tubules with hardly any cisternae and vesicles.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) However, in a few cell types such as the liver
" cell (hepatocyte), the sER is better developed
The endoptasmrc reticulum is than the rER. In hepatocytes, the sER servesas
the most extensive membranous structure the site of the detoxification of various noxious
in the cytoplasm. It consists of system of substances. In striated muscles, the sER is
interconnecting tubules, vesicles,and flattened modified to form the sarcoplasmic reticulum
sacs (cisternae'. The tubules, vesicles, and which stores and releases the calcium ions that
sacs are fluid-filled cavities or spaces that are are needed to initiate muscle contraction.
enclosed by unit membranes which are much
thinner than the cell membrane. The ER is a dynamic organelle. It is capable
of remodeling, disassembly,and assembly,and
An ER is present in practically all cells. It
it interacts with other organelles.
is not visible in routine histologic preparations
but it can be appreciated with the use of special
Goigi complex (Goigi apparatus; Goigi
histologic techniques (e.g., with the use of
bodW .
fluorescent dyes) and distinguished under the
electron microscope. The ~olgi complexconsists ofseverallayers
of membrane-bound, smooth-surfaced, and
flattened tubes (cisternae) that are stacked on
top of each other in a semicircular manner. The
cisternae exhibit rounded dilatations (vesicles)
on their lateral ends and their cavities are filled
with fluid.
contrast, the sER is "smooth" because it has no The Golgi complex is present-albeit in
attached ribosomes. varying degrees of development-in practically

membrane is continually being added by the
transfer vesicles that it receives from the rER.
On its maturing surface, on the other hand,
membrane is continually being removed as
the secretory vesicles get pinched off from the

Lxsosomes (Singular: lysosome) are
chemical-containing pouches that move about
Fig. 1-6. Negative Golgi Image. The location
of the Golgi complex in cells with intensely in the cytoplasmic matrix. The pouches are
basic cytoplasm-such as the monocyte in the made up of unit membranes and the chemicals
photomicrograph-is often noticeable as a pale they contain are' h-ydrolr-tic enz:)1:mesJ
region referred to as a negative Golgi image (at (liyal"olases)-of which more than 40 have
arrow), Blood smear xl/000.
already been identified, including a variety of
all cells. Some cells even have more than one proteases, lipases, carbohydrases, esterases,
of this organelle. Under the LM, the presence and nucleases. The lysosomal enzymes, as
of the Golgi complex can be appreciated as mentioned in the preceding section, come from
a network of solid strands in cells that have the Golgi complex.
been impregnated with si'lver salts or osmium. Lysosomes vary in size and shape. In
It is, however, not distinguishable in H&E general, they are spherical or ovoid bodies whose
preparations, although in cells with intensely diameter ranges from 0.05 to 0.8 ltm. Lysosomes
basophilic cytoplasm, its location is often are present in all cells but their numbers vary
marked by a pale region (negative Golgi image) from a few hundred to thousands from cell type
adjacent to the nucleus. The Golgi complex can to cell type and from cell to cell within the same
be distinguished with electron microsc~py. cell type.
The Golgi complex has a concave surface Under the LM, lysosomes cannot be
(maturing face; trans face) and a convex distinguished in H&E preparations. The best
surface (forming face; cis face). The maturing way to make them distinguishable is by utilizing
face is the surface of the organelle that is related histochemical methods that identify their
to the nucleus. hydrolytic enzymes.
The Golgi complex processes, concentrates, Lysosomes constitute an intracellular
sorts, and packages the proteins that it receive digestive system that can degrade nearly all
from the rER. Then, it releases the proteins organic substances found in cells.Tn fact, the
into the cytoplasmic matrix in the form of only thing that prevents them from digesting
membrane-wrapped structures called secretor:y> the cytoplasmic components of their own cell is
iVeside-s. their delimiting membrane.
Some of the proteins in the secretory . Lysosomes are the prancipal organelles
vesicles are utilized within the cell (e.g., involved in the cellular processes called
incorporated into developing lysosomes or heterophagy and autophagy.
utilized as integral membrane proteins)
while some are exported by the cell (see protein Heterophagy, autophagy, and
synthesis and exocytosis). phagocytosis
The Golgi complex, like the ER, is a very Metemphag~ refers to lysosomal digestion
dynamic organelle. On its forming surface, within the cell of a particulate material (e.g.,

--- ------------------------
Fig. 1-7. Phagocytosis. The schematic
diagram illustrates the series of
events that constitutes phagocytosis.
Pseudopodia (ps) are formed by the
cell when a particulate material or
phagocytic material (pm) binds with
the cell's receptors. The phagocytic
material is then brought into the cell
as a membrane-bound structure called
phagocytic vacoule (pv). Subsequently,
the phagocytic vacuole is attacked
by a lysosome (Iy) which fuses its
membrane with that of the vacoule
to form a phagolysosome (pl). In the
phagolysosome, the phagocytic material
is digested and the nutrients it contains
diffuse out of the phagolysosome for
recycling. Undigested material is kept
within the phagolysosomal membrane
to form a residual body.

bacteria, and dead and senescent cells) that particulate material the phagosome contains.
has been brought from the extracellular The resulting memhrarre=btnmd structure
environment into the cell by phagocytosis. thatconsists of the primary lysosome and its
Phagocytosis is not common to all cells. digested material is referred to as secondary
Cells that are capable of phagocytosis such as, I¥sosome or lIhagolxsosome.
neutrophils and macrophages are referred to The nutrients derived from the lysosomal
as p'hagocy;tes. Phagocytes possess numerous digestion of bacteria and other particulate
lysosomes. materials diffuse out of the phagolysosomal
At the start ofphagocytosis,receptors on the membrane and are recycled (i.e., used within
cell surface·of the phagocyte bind the material or outside the cell); meanwhile, undigested
to be ingested (Fig. 1-7).This binding serves as materials are kept enclosed within the
I trigger forthe cellmembrane ofthe phagocyte to phagolysosomal membrane and are called
form cellprotrusions (p.seudopodia) at the area resitluaillotlies.
of binding. These pseudopodia slowlyelongate Residual bodies are sometimes released by
until their ends meet at the distal pole of the the cell to the extracellular area by e~ocy-tosis
material Gpbagoq"fic material) being engulfed. (see page 20), but often, they are kept within
The membranes ofthe pseudopodia then fuse to the cytoplasm. In short-lived cells, the residual
completely envelope the phagocytic material. bodies disperse into the extracellular area
The resulting membrane-bound structure, when the cell dies. In long-lived cells, however,
called phagosome or phagocytic vacuole, is they often coalesce to form inclusions called
then pinched off from the cell membrane and lipocimmtepigments (lipoluschin pigments2
drawn into the cytoplasm...
-: (see page 12).
Inside the cell,the phagosomeisapproached :A:uLoplTIIgy,
on the other hand, refers
by a p'rimarxlxsosome (i.e., a lysosome that to digestion of unneeded or senescent cell
has not digested anything yet), which fuses its organelles. Accordingly, lysosomes are also
membrane with that of the phagosome, and numerousin cellswith highturnover oforganelles
then, with its hydrolytic enzymes, digests the such as exocrine gland cells and neurons.

There are various autophagic processes but The oxidases in peroxisomes are important
very often, autophagy involves wrapping the in the process of oxidation that results in the'
target cell structure with a unit membrane. The detoxification and catabolism of various-
resulting vesicle is then attacked by a primary substances taken into or produced in the cell .
lysosome which fuses its membrane with the including phospholipids, fatty acids, ethanol
vesicle. As in heterophagy, the digested material and formaldehyde. .
that results from autophagy diffuses out of the Oxidation of certain substances such as
lysosomal membrane and is recycled. long-chain fatty acids generates hydrogen
Through autophagy, lysosomes play an peroxide as a by-product. Hydrogen peroxide
important role in the structural renewal of the has some beneficial uses within the cell. It is
cell, which is a continuous process. involved in some metabolic reactions and is
utilized by phagocytes in destroying invading
As a rule, cells utilize lysosomes for
microorganisms. However, it is also a potentially
intracellular digestion only. There are, however,
cytotoxic substance. To prevent hydrogen
some cell types that release the hydrolytic
peroxide from reaching cytotoxic levels, cells
enzymes in their lysosomes extracellularly ..
use the catalase in their peroxisomes to catalyze
Most noteworthy is the osteoclast, the cell
the conversion of hydrogen peroxide (thus, the
responsible for bone resorption.
term peroxisome) into oxygen and water.

Peroxisomes (Microbo.dies)
Centrosome (Microtubule Organizing
, PeToxisomes (singular: peroxisome), like Center [MTOC])
lysosomes, are membrane-bound spherical
The centro-some) which is otherwise called
bodies that contain chemical . The chemicals
the Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC),
they contain are also enzymes, but unlike
is' a dense, spherical area in the cytoplasm-
lysosomes, peroxisomes do not have hydrolases, usually located near the nucleus and many
instead, they contain oxidase~ and catalase. times surrounded by the Golgi complex-that
The enzymes of peroxisomes, unlike lysosomal is present in all cells. Typically, the centrosome
enzymes, do not come from the Golgi complex, .consists of a pair of minute, short, cylindrical
but from the cytoplasmic matrix. Hence, they bodies termed centrioles that.are surrounded by
are probably synthesized in the free ribosomes. granular structures called \~entriolarsatellites.
Peroxisomes vary in diameter from O.S to 1.2
~m, resemble lysosomes morphologically, and
are difficult to differentiate from the latter even
under the electron microscope. But they can be
distinguished from lysosomes by employing the
appropriate histochemical techniques.
Peroxisomes are present in all cells but
they are particularly numerous in cells that are
metabolically active such as hepatocytes (liver

Fig. 1-8. Centrioles. The centrosome typically

contains two centrioles-cylindrical structures that
lie perpendicular to each other. The wall of the
centriole isformed by nine groups of microtubules,
each group (called a triplet) consisting of three


The two centrioles, which are collectively associated proteins, then grow out from the
referred to as dipioso-me, lie perpendicular to two sets of centrioles in both centrosomes. The
each other. Each centriole is 0.2 ~m in diameter mitotic spindlespull the sister chromatids apart
and O.Sto 0.7 ~m in length. during mitosis. The mitotic spindlesbreak apart
. The centrosome is the site where and disappear during telophase (i.e.,last stage
microtubule are assembled or formed: of mitosis).
Microtubules are fibrillar structures that form At completion ofmitosis, each daughter cell
part of the c-}':tos e eton (see page 12). They receives one centrosome.
also comprise the wall of the centrioles" the core
Aside from forming the mitotic spindles,
(~o-ne-me) of the structures that are derived
the centrioles are also the sources of the cilia
from centrioles (i.e., cihum and flagellum) as
of ciliated cells and the flagellum (tail) of the
well as mit::o:ticspindles, which likewise arise
sperm cell or spermatozoon. Every cilium
from the centrioles.
and flagellum is formed by growing out of a
A centriole is seen as a tubular structure centriole. Even when already fully formed, a
that is made up of an electron-dense wall that cilium or flagellum remains attached to its
surrounds an electron-lucent (hollow) space parent centriole which is often referred to as
in EM. The centriolar wall is formed by nine basal body.
groups of microtubules (Fig. 1-8). Each group
(called a triplet) consists ofthree microtubules. Inclusions
When seen in eros's section, the innermost
Inclusions are generally temporary and
microtubule in each triplet is circular while
inert structures in the cell that mayor may not
the outer two microtubules are C-shaped. The
be membrane-bound. They vary in size, shape,
triplets are obliquelyset,but within each triplet,
and content. Some are useful while others
the microtubules are arranged parallel to each
are harmful to the body. Not all cells contain
other. The innermost microtubule ofeachtriplet
inclusions and no cell contains all the known
is connected to the outermost microtubule of
inclusions. The kind and number of inclusions
the triplet adjacent to it by a fine filament.
a cell contains depend on its function and state
The centrioles are the sources of the of activity.
m-itotic spindles that 'appear during mitosis.
Inclusions include fat droplets (lipid
Prior to mitosis, the two centrioles replicate.
droplets), glycogen (glycogen granules),
Centrioles do not replicate by dividing; instead,
a bud (procentriole) grows out of the lateral zymogen granules, pigment granules,
crystals, and dust particles.
surface of each centriole. The procentrioles
subsequently elongate to form daughter Eat or liRid droI'lets, are present in many
centrioles that are set perpendicular to their cell types, but one cell type in particular,
corresponding mother centrioles. When fully the adipose cell tadipoq:t1!j fat celly, is
formed, the daughter centrioles separate from specialized to store lipid. In this cell, the lipid
their mother centrioles and thenceforth, each droplets coalesce to form a Single huge blob
mother-and-daughter centriole makes up a that can occupy more than 90% of the cell. In
diplosome that soon acquires its own centriolar the cytoplasm, fat droplets are not enclosed by
satellites to form a centrosome. membranes-they are in direct contact with the
At the start of mitosis (i.e., prophase cytoplasmic matrix.
stage), one centrosome migrates to one pole of In routine histologic preparations, lipid is
the cell while the other centrosome moves to extracted by the reagents used and the areas
the opposite pole of the cell. Mitotic spindles, previously occupied by lipid droplets are seen
which are made up of microtubules and some as mere round, clear areas. However, in tissues

fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmic acid, lipid responsible for the color of red blood cells
droplets are preserved and appear as gray- or (RBCs). It is seen in the form of granules in cells
black-staining globules. such as those in the spleen that phagocytose
61y:c_ogen,the storage form of carbohydrates,
dying RBCs. Hemosiderin granules are
membrane-bound because they are formed
is an inclusion that is present in many cells, but
inside the lysosomes. They can easily be
it is particularly abundant in liye~ ana muscle
distinguished from other pigments by using
cells. Glycogen is not distinguishable in routine
stains that selectively stain iron such as Prussian
histologic preparations but it can be appreciated
in special preparations such as those utilizing
the Periodic-Acid Schiff method in which bi£ochrome Figments (lipochrome
the glycogen granules are colored purple or granules; lipofuschin pigments, Iipofuschin
magenta. In electron micrographs, glycogen granules), as mentioned in the section on
inclusions manifest as electron-dense granules lysosomes, are membrane-bound structures that
that are not enveloped by membranes. They consist of coalesced residual bodies, which are
occur in two sizes, large calphaj partjcles and undigested residues oflysosomal activity. They
small fbetahladicles that are about 90 nm and • are yellowish-brown bodies that are common in
20 to 30 nm in diameter, respectively. long-lived cells such as the muscle cells in the
myocardium and Sertoli cells in the testes.
Crystals are inclusions that are present
in only a few cell types in the body, notably
the interstitial cells (of Leydig) and Sertoli
cells of the testes. Their exact chemical
composition has not been established yet. They
are not membrane-bound, and occur free in
the cytoplasm. They are often rod-shaped but
Many kinds o£:r-igment"Sare present in cells they can occur in various other shapes. They
-as inclusions. They are in the form of granules have no known functions. They are probably
(pigment granules). The more commonly degenerative products because they are more
occurring ones are melanin, hemosiderin, and common in cells of older individuals.
Dust particles are numerous, in the
clanin is the pigment that accounts for cytoplasm of phagocytes fpulmonaryalveolar
the brown to black coloration of the skin where macrophages; du-stcells) of the lungs. They are
it is synthesized by cells called mela_nocytes. particularly common among smokers and city
Melanin granules are also present in' the dwellers. They are brown to black membrane-
nerve cells of the substantia igra and locus bound structures that contain exogenous
coeruleus in the brain and the cells of pigment materials such as dust and particulate carbon.
epithelium of the retin~ (l.e., innermost
histologic layer of the eye). The mechanism of Cytoskeleton
melanin formation in the substantia nigra and
In addition to organelles and inclusions,
locus coeruleus is not well understood yet, but
the cell's cytoplasm contains a complex
in the pigment epithelium of the retina, melanin
network of fibrillar elements that forms the
is evidently produced in the sER of the epithelial structural framework' or skeleton of the cell
cells. ~c·y:tos}{eleton).These fibrillar elements,
Hemosiderin is a brown pigment that which incidentally, serve other functions aside
is the product of the lysosomal digestion of from comprising the cytoskeleton, can only be
hemoglobin, the iron-containing pigment demonstrated with the aid of special histologic


techniques and by electron microscopy. microfilaments, intermediate filaments are
They include microfilaments, intermediate solidin crosssection, but unlike microfilaments,
filaments, and microtubules. intermediate filaments do not undergo frequent
assembly and disassembly;
Microfilaments There are many types of intermediate
M-rcrofilaments, which are present in all filaments, but the five major types that are
cells, are solid in cross section. They vary in morphologically similar but different 'in their
length but they average5 to 7 nm in diameter. protein contents are: 1) keratin, 2) desmin,
3) vim entin, 4) neurofilament, and 5) glial
A microfilament is made up o£F-adi::n,the
frlamenrous form of adin. Actin comprises
10% to 15% of the total protein in cells but Keratin fila--.mentsare present only in
only half exists as F-actin; the rest exists as epithelial cells. They are particularly numerous
C-ac_ttn fglobula .. aetin~ the soluble form of in keratinocytes, the main cell type present in
the protein. F-actin is formed when two strands the epidermis- (i.e., outer histologic layer) of
ofglobular actin subunits (G.-actin)coil around the skin. Their biochemical composition varies
each other,much like thefibers of a rope, to formdepending on the cell type. This variability can
a filament. Microfilaments can be assembled be explained by the fact that there are several
and disassembled very fast, and, in fact, they types of keratin subunits and the biochemical
composition of a keratin filament depends upon
undergo frequent assembly and disassembly to
which, and how much ofthese, subunits combine
accommodate the changes in cell shape and cell
to form the filament. The primary function of
keratin filaments is to protect epithelial cells
Microfilaments are abundant in the from mechanical and non-mechanical stresses.
peripheral areas of most cells just beneath the Those that are attached to the inner surface of
cellmembrane. Here, they are organized to form' the cell membrane are also involved in cell-to-
an interconnecting network and are involved cell attach~ent.
in activities that occur in the cell membrane
such as exocytosis and endocytosis (see
characteristic of muscle cells. They are more
page 20). In the central area of the cell, where
numerous in smooth than in striated (i.e.,
they probably function simply as supportive
skeletal and cardiac) muscle cells. In smooth
elements, microfilaments are less numerous and muscle cells, they form bundles while in
are scattered in haphazard fashion. striated muscle cells, they are seen around the
Microfilaments are also associated with- myofibrtls, especially in the Z-lines (discs).
and are probably involved in moving' about- Desmin filaments help maintain muscle cell
cell organelles.They are also mainly or partially architecture and structure since they connect
responsible for the contraction of such cells or anchor many cytoplasmic components.
as em De ithelial eells and musde---cells that Vimentin filaments are present in cells
exhibit contractility to a marked degree. They that differentiate from me:s-eIlchy..mesuch as
are likewise involved in the locomotion of fihroblasts and muscle cells. They are scattered
certain cells. all over the cytoplasm of these cells. Vimentin
filaments are responsible for maintaining cell
Intermediate Filaments shape and the integrity of the cytoplasm, and
stabilizing cytoskeletal interactions. They also
support and anchor the cytoplasmic organelles.
Neurofilaments are characteristic of nerve
cells Cneurons? They are present in the cell

Microtubules that are attached to the
organelles playa role in the movement of these
organelles within the cytoplasm while those
that are simply scattered in the cytoplasm lend
internal support to the cell. Microtubules also
comprise the wall of centrioles} the mitotic
spindles that appear during mitosis and meiosis}
the core (axoneme) of the cilia of ciliated cells}
and the flagellum (tail) of the sperm cell

Fig. 1-9. Microtubule. In cross section, a microtubule

is seen to consist of 13 tubulin molecules that
Like rnicrofilaments, microtubules can be
surround a lumen.
assembled or disassembled rapidly}as needed.
body and all the processes of neurons. In the
processes} neurofilaments run parallel to the NUCLEUS
long axis of the processes. N eurofilaments
provide internal support for the nerve cells. The nucleus} which often occupies the
central region of the cell}is the largest structure
Glial filaments (glial fibrillary acidic
(3 to 10 llm in diameter) inside the cell. It' is
protein, GFA) are present in supportive cells
commonly round or spherical} but it occurs in
called glial cells ~neuroglial celis),.of the
various other shapes and sometimes even forms
nervous system. Their main function is to
lobes as in some white blood cells (WBCs). It
provide internal support for the cells.
is present in all cells} except in the RBCs and
the lens fibers} of course. In nucleated cells}
Microtubules the nucleus is a vital structure-its removal
Microtubules are much thicker than invariably leads to death of the eel],
microfilaments or intermediate filaments.
The nucleus} which is delimited from the
They are hollow pipes that are about 2S nrn in
The wall of the microtubule is formed
by 1 tubulin molecules that are arranged
around a lumen. Tubulin refers to a small family
of small globular proteins. The tubulins that
comprise the wall of microtubules are formed Nuclear Envelope (Nuclear
by polymerization of al~ha-tubulin and beta- membrane)
tu ulin}the two most common members of the
tubulin family. Microtubules, as discussed in Pe} Ii k e the cell
the section on the centrosome} are assembled membrane} is too thin to be appreciated under
in the centrosome (Microtubule Organizing the optical microscope} but it is visible in EM.
Center or MTOC). It consists of two unit membranes Eoutercan.


of the nuclear envelope in routine histologic
The nuclear envelope is perforated by
circular openings ~ uclearpores) that are 70
to 7Snm in diameter. In the pores, the inner and
outer nuclear membranes are continuous with
each other. The nuclear pores vary in number
from a few hundred to' thousands depending
on cell type. They are stabilized by the fibrous
Each nuclear pore is ringed by a nude ..r
pore cmnplex that is made up of electron-dense
protein molecules, Some of the proteins in the
nuclear pore complex form a thin film, called
nore diap'hragm,which coversthe nuclear pore.
The nuclear pores provide a channel for the
Fig. 1-10. Nucleus. The illustration shows the
components of the nucleus and its nucleolus exchange of substances between the cytoplasm
including heterochromatin (he), euchromatin (ee), and the nucleus.
nucleolar organizing region (no), pars fibrosa
(pf), pars granulosa (pg), nuclear pore (np), inner
nuclear membrane (inm), outer nuclear membrane
Chromatin (Chromatin material;
(onm), ribosomes (ri), and rough endoplasmic chromatin threads)
reticulum (rER).
Chromatin refers to the 'chromosomes at
The nucleus of all nucleated human cells

The nuclear envelope can be regarded as a

specialized portion of the rough endoplasmic
reticulum (rER) because the perinuclear space
is continuous with the cavity of the rER while
the outer nuclear membrane is continuous with
the membranes ofthe rER, and, like much ofthe
latter, is studded with ribosomes.
Closely associated with the inner surface
of the inner nuclear membrane is a fibrillar
protein layer called fibrous l..mina (nuclear
lamina). The fibrous lamina varies in thickness,
from 30 to 100 nm, depending on cell type. It At interphase, the chromosomes are
consists offine protein filaments that are bound stretched out into fine entangling threads that
to integral membrane proteins. Attached to the are collectively called chromatin. Chromatin
fibrous lamina are clumps of cliromatin. These forms two distinct dispersal patterns: extended
chromatin clumps are visible as basophilic areas and condensed areas (Fig. 1-10). The
areas and serve to outline the inner surface extended areas are referred to as uchromatin.

They are composed of portions of chromosomes nitrogen-containing bases consist of only four
that are in the process of producing ribonucleic kinds: adenine (~~, thymine (1]), cytosine
acids (RNAs), specifically me-ssenger RN:A:s tC) and guanine (G). In forming a rung of the
EmRN:A:s) and transfer RNlts (fRN:A:s). DNA ladder, adenine pairs with thymine while
They do not take up stains. The condensed cytosine pairs with guanine.
areas, on the other hand, are referred to as
In the DNA molecules that comprise the
lieterocnromafin. They are made up of parts
human chromosomal genom~, there are three
of chromosomes that are not actively producing
(3) billion nitrogen-containing bases that are
ribonucleic acid (RNA). In routine histologic
arranged in a specific order in the chromosomes.
preparations, they take up stains and form
clumps or granules (chromatin granules). The segment of the DNA molecule within
a chromosome that contains the unique
At the start of cell division or mitosis, the
sequence of base pairs (DNA sequence) for
chromosomes condense heavily and are seen
the production of a particular protein is called a
under the LM as basophilic, rod-like structures
. ene. It is estimated that humans have between
that are 0.5-0.8 ~m in diameter and 3-6 ~m
30,000-40,000 genes. In as much as there are
in length. The chromosomes remain visible
only 23 pairs of chromosomes, it follows that
as distinct entities while th~ cell is actively
each chromosome contains numerous genes.
dividing. At the end of mitosis, the chromosomes
stretch out again into fine entangling threads The chromosomes, however, are not simply
(chromatin). made up of genes that are placed end to end.
In fact, only about 5% of the DNA molecules
Human Genome in the chromosomes encode for genes. Some of
the DNA sequences in the chromosomes exist
Kuman genome refers to the total for structural purposes; some are involved in
amount of DNA that is present in a human regulating the use of the genetic information
cell. Strictly speaking, it consists of a large contained in the chromosomes; and some exist
diromosom_al geno-me, which the for no apparent purpose.
DNA in the chromosomes and a much smaller
mitocliondrial genome) which refers to the
Nuclear Matrix (Nuclear sap;
DNA in the mitochondria (the. only cellular
structures aside from the nucleus that contain
DNA). However, very often, people refer only to Nuclear matri is composed of water,
chromosomal genome when they use the term proteins, metabolites, and ions. The proteins
human genome. that are present in the nuclear matrix are mostly
The human genome is a huge database that associated with DNA molecules.
contains all the necessary instructions for the
synthesis of all the proteins and nucleic acids
needed by the body. The instructions are in
coded form within the DNA molecules. that is anchored on the fibrous lamina. The
DNA is a very long molecule whose nuclear scaffold, whose protein composition is
structure resembles a twisted ladder. Two not known yet, has attachments for DNA loops
strands that are made up of deox ribose (a during DNA replication. It also has links to
sugar) and phospllale molecules form the the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton.
sides of the ladder. At intervals, the sides of the The nuclear scaffold is believed to be involved
in the transcription and regulation of gene


Nucleolus which are transcribed in the euchromatin areas
of the nucleus.
The rrucleotus is a spherical, highly
The rRNA molecules that are produced in
basophilic structure that is usually eccentrically
the nucleolar organizing region form the pars
located in the nucleus. It is ot enveloped by
uriitmembrane and is present only in cells that
are at interphase. It disappears during prophase A newly-formed rRNA molecule
and reappears only during late telophase in both subsequently gets linked to proteins that have
been imported from the cytoplasm to produce
mitosis and meiosis. Incidentally, the nuclear
a ribonucleoprotein or ribosomal subunit.
membrane also disappears and reappears at
Ribosomal subunits form the p-arsgranules-a,
about the same time as the nucleolus during
which is a grainy area in the nucleolus.
mitosis and meiosis.
As discussed in the section on ribosomes
Tdlere .s usually one nucleolus per nucleu
(see page 6), there are two kinds of ribosomal
but in cells that are actively synthesizing
subunits: large and small, Both find their way,
proteins, there can be more than one. In cells
albeit separately, into the cytoplasm via the
such as muscle cells that"do not synthesize- nuclear pores. In the cytoplasm, at the start of
or synthesize very littlc-s-protcins, it is absent. protein synthesis, a large subunit and a small
Likewise, it is larger (up to 1.0 urn) in cells that subunit unite to form a ribosome.
are actively producing proteins than in those
that are not. The function of the nucleolus is to
In electron micrographs, the nucleolus
is seen to consist of three areas: nucleolar One of the mostimportant activities of a
organizing region, pars fibrosa, and par's' cell is the production or synthesis of proteins.
granulosa. Proteins comprise many essential parts of
cells and tissues. They likewise make up the
enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions,
and hormones and hormone-like substances
that regulate the activity of cells. Proteins are
also important in the immune response and vital
be several nucleolar organizing regions per in cell multiplication.
nucleolus. The nucleolar organizing region
A protein is a polypeptide chain, which
is the place where chromosomes which have
simply means it is a molecule that is composed
nucleolar organizers gather together. The
of smaller m~lecules called amino acids linked
term nucleolar organizer refers to a segment
together by peptide bonds to form a chain-like
of a DNA molecule that contains the sequence structure. Proteins range in sizefrom 50 to more
of bases that code for a ribosomal RNA: than 5,000 amino acid molecules. Each protein
(tRNA~. \}n. humans, fivepairs of chromosomes
has its own particular sequence of amino acids
with nucleolar organizers have already been that differs from the sequence in the other
identified. In the nucleolar organizing region,
the nucleolar organizers are transcribed and
l proteins.
There are 20 kinds of amino acids (i.e.,
rRNAs are produced.
alanine, histidine, glutamine, methionine,
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is one of three- etc.) that are incorporated in various
ribonucleic acids (RNAs) that are needed in combinations in the numerous proteins that
proteins synthesis. The others ar~ messengerl) are in the body. Some of these amino acids, the
RNA (mRNA) and tranyfer RNA (tR~A), non-essential amino acids, can be synthesized

by the cells of the body but some, the essential In the m.RNA, the code for an amino acid
amino acids, cannot. The essential amino acids, consists of a sequence of three adjacent bases
and actually also most of the non-essential ones, called a codon. For example, the codon for
are obtained from proteins that are in the food methionine in the mRNA is AUG. Each codon
that th: individual ingests. codes for one and only one amino acid, but most
Proteins from ingested food are too big to amino acids have more than one codon.
be absorbed in the digestive tract. Hence, the Aside from rRNA and mRNA, a third
digestive system first breaks down the proteins type of RNA, called transf~r RNA (tRNA),
in ingested food into amino acid molecules. is involved in protein synthesis. Transfer
These are then absorbed into the bloodstream RNA is transcribed (in a manner akin to
and transported to the individual body cells, the transcription of mRNA) from the DNA
which re-assemble the amino acids into new molecules in the nucleus, and brought to the
polypeptide chains (i.e., new proteins)-a cytoplasm.
process called protein synthesis.
One end of a tRNA molecule has a special
In the cell, protein synthesis occurs in the site to which a specific amino acid gets attached
cytoplasm but the code (i.e., DNA sequence; before the tRNA leaves the nucleus. The other
gene) for the production of a specific protein end has three bases, which are complementary
is in a chromosome in the nucleus. Hence, in to the codon of its attached
. amino acid.
, These
producing a specific protein, the DNA sequence three bases are collectively called anticoaon.
for the protein is first transcribed (copied) from For example, if the amino acid that is attached
the DNA in the nucleus to a messenger RNA to one end of a tRNA is alanine, whose codon is
(mRNA). To do this, the double-stranded DNA GCU, then the anticodon that is in the other end
molecule unwinds and unzips a little at the point of the tRNA is CGA.
where the DNA sequence for the specific protein
" In the cytoplasm, the mRNA attracts
is located. While unzipped, this short segment
ribosomes. It is the ribosomes that translate the
of the DNA molecule acts as a template for an
mRNA code and assembles the amino acids into
polypeptide chains (i.e., proteins). A ribosome
The basic components of RNA are the same does this by binding to an mRNA and then
as those of DNA with two major differences. In scanning the mRNA for a codon (usually the
RNA, the sugar is ribo-seinstead 0 deoxy-rillose codon for methionine, which is often AUG)
and the base thy-mine is replaced by uracik at which it should initiate protein synthesis.
Thus, in transcribing a gene, each adenine (A) When the ribosome finds the codon, it allows
. :~ - . .~
in the unzipped DNA molecule attracts a uracil a tRNA that possesses the correct anticodon
(U) while the other DNA bases attract the same (UAC, for methionine) to enter the ribosome
partners as they do in a DNA molecule, which and pair up with the codon that is in the mRNA.
means guanine (G) attracts cytosine (C), C In so doing, it is able to position the first amino
attracts G, and T attracts A. acid (i.e., methionine) that will comprise the
When the unzipped segment of the protein. The ribosome then slides along the
DNA molecule has been fully transcribed mRNA to the next codon (e.g., GCU, a codon
or copied, the single-chained RNA molecule for alanine) and then again allows a tRNA that
that has been formed, called- pre-messenger has the correct anticodon (CGA, in the case of
RNA (pre-mRNA), detaches from the DNA. alanine) to enter and pair up with the codon in
Within the nucleus, the pre-mRNA undergoes the mRNA. The amino acids (in this example,
f~rther processing (post-transcriptional methionine and alanine) that are attached to the
modification) and becomes an mRNA, which other end of the two adjoining tRNAs are then
then goes to the cytoplasm. joined by peptide bonds after which the first


Fig. 1-11. Role of Organelles in the
Production and Transport of Secretory
Materials (Le., proteins) in the Cell.
Proteins for exports are synthesized in the
attached ribosomes (r). They then migrate
to the lumen of the rough endoplasmic
reticulum (rER)where they are processed.
Afterwards, the proteins are brought in
the form of transfer vesicles (tv) to the
Golgi complex (Gc) where they are further
processed. The ready-to-export proteins
leavethe Golgi complex inside membrane-
bound sacs called secretory vesicles (sv).
Later, the protein content of the secretory
vesicles are released to the interstitial
space through the cell membrane (cm) by

tRNAmolecule is released by the mRNA. Then, added. Upon reaching the vicinity of the Golgi
the ribosome again slides along the mRNA complex, the proteins are released by the rER
molecule to the next codon and in no time, a in the form of small membrane-bound vesicles
third amino acid is added to the polypeptide {tra_Dsfe:t:\'"esicles~that pinch off from the rER.
chain. As the process goes on, the polypeptide The transfer vesicles then travel to the
grows longer and continues to do so until the forming face of the Golgi complex where
ribosome reaches a codon (stop codon) that their enveloping membrane coalesces with
tells it to end the process and release the protein: . the membrane of the Golgi complex. Soon
More than one ribosome can translate thereafter, the proteins in the transfer vesicles
an mRNA at the same time, -maki ng it are released into the lumen of the cisternae of
possible to produce many polypeptide chains the Golgi complex. The proteins then move
simultaneously from a single mRNA. As towards the maturing face of the organelle,
mentioned in the section on ribosomes, an but while in transit within the Golgi complex,
mRNA molecule, together with the ribosomes they are further processed (i.e., sulfated,
that are simultaneously translating it, comprises phosphorylated, glycosylated, etc.) and then
a polr-so-me or~olyribosome. condensed. They are also sorted out, packaged,
and labeled so they can easily reach their
The proteins that are produced in free intended destinations. At the maturing face of
ribosomes are released to the cytoplasm for use the Golgi complex, the proteins are released
within the cell-some become part of the cell into the cytoplasmic matrix in the form of
membrane or other unit membranes within the membrane-bound pouches known as secretoryj
cell as integral or peripheral proteins, some are vesicles that bud off from the surface of the
utilized by other cell organelles, etc. organelle.
In contrast, the proteins that are produced in Some of the proteins in the secretory vesicles
attached ribosomes traverse the rERmembrane are utilized within the cell (e.g., incorporated
and migrate to the lumen of the organelle. From into the developing lysosomes or utilized as
there, they travel to the area of the rER that integral membrane proteins) while some are
is closely associated with the Golgi complex. exported by the cell. The process by which the
While in transit within the rER, the proteins contents of secretory vesicles are released (i.e.,
are processed and specific chemical groups are exported) by the cell is called exocrtosis.

MOVEMENT OF MATERIALS formation of pseudopodia'. It simply involves
invagination of the cell membrane to enclose the
fluid that needs to be ingested and then pinching
The cell membrane is a semi-permeable off of the membrane-bound pinocItic vesicle
barrier, which means that it allows certain from the inner surface of the cell membrane.
materials to enter and leave the cell while it Pinocytosis that involves intake of large
constrains others. " amounts of liquid is called macro inocr.tosis
while pinocytic intake of minute amounts of
Simple molecules cross the cell membrane
liquid is referred to as microBinoc}:tosis.
by a variety of ~eans: diffustonrpassage
through ion channels, carrier transpor t: In general, pinocytic vesicles are attacked
and, active transport with the aid of pumps. by lysosoines. Lysosomes destroy the membrane
These methods of transport are described in that envelops the pinocytic vesicle and its
physiology textbooks. Bigger substances such content is released inside the cell. In some cases
as bacteria and secretory products, on the other however, the pinocytic vesicle is not destroyed
hand, are carried across the cell membrane via by lysosomes, but is transported across the cell
two mechanisms: endocytosis and exocytosis. and then its content released at the opposite cell
surface. This bulk transfer of material across the
Endocytosis cell is called transcy:tosis.

Endocytosis refers to transport of Exocytosis

substances from the extracellular space into
the cell. If the substance being transported is Exocytosis refers to the process of
solid such as a bacterium or dust particle, the transporting substances that are inside the cell,
process is called phagoeytosis, which has been mostly secretor:),:products Esecretirrns)which
discussed in connection with lysosomes (see are in the form of se.creto_ry: ves' cles from the
page 9), but if it is liquid, the process is called Golgi complex, across the cell membrane and
pinocy;tosis). out of the cell. It involves fusion of the vesicular
membrane with the cell membrane followed by
Pinocytosis, unlike phagocytosis, is
the release of vesicular contents to the exterior
common to all cells. This process does not
of the cell.
require the presence of receptors and the
Exocytosis generates extra cell membrane
because after the secretory product is released,
the membrane of the secretory vesicle becomes
part of the cell membrane, but this excess cell
membrane is cast off later by invagination of
the cell membrane to form a small vesicle that is
pinched off and brought to the Golgi complex.
Exocytotic release of secretory products by
cells occurs in either one of two ways: regulated
secretion or constitutive secretion.

Fig. 1-12. Pinocytosis. Pinocytosis simply involves

the invagination of the cell membrane to enclose
the fluid that needs to be ingested to form a
pinocytic vesicle (pv). As a rule, within the cell, the
pinocytic vesicle is attacked by a lysosome (Iy) and
its content released in the cytoplasm.


In re-gulateosecretion,which occurs in such usually in the form of a neural or hormonal
cells as pancreatic acinar cells and cells of the stimulus-to do so.
major salivary glands, the secretoryvesiclesare In contrast, in constitutive secretion,
first stored in the apicalportion ofthe cellwhere which occurs in such cells as fibroblasts
they accumulate and get dehydrated. In the and chondroblasts, the secretory products
EM, the dehydrated secretory vesicles appear are released from the cells as. soon as they
as granules (secretory granules; zymogen are formed. Consequently, cells that secrete
granules). The content of the granules are constitutively do not have visible secretory
released only when there is a specific signal- granules in their cytoplasm. ..




. ,CELL"
Epithelial Tissue

n the body, cells that have ;imilar or closely

organ where the tissue is located and on its
related functions are bound together by assigned function within the organ. Thus, basic
interceHubr subsranoe- (intercellular tissues are best regarded as broad categories that
m a t er i a I: extracellular sub s t a n ce , contain many subcategories.
extracellular matrix) and/or ceU-to-
cell junctiuns to form larger structural OF
and functional units called tissues. The
extracellular matrix that exists between cells
consists of an assortment of macromolecules
that are manufactured by the cells and exported
into the intercellular space. The kind, amount
and arrangement of macromolecules in the
extracellular matrix vary from type to type and
from subtype to subtype of tissues. are present between its cells. Furthermore, the

A cursory examination of the microscopic cells that comprise epithelial tissue exhibit
anatomy of the various parts of the body will polarity, The basal, lateral, and superficial
make one rightfully conclude that there .are (apical) surfaces of an epithelial cell can be
numerous types of tissues. However, a more determined by the location of its cytoplasmic
thorough study of the structure and behavior organelles and surface modifications.
of the various tissues will show that they can
actually be grouped into a handful of categories. Embryonic Origin of Epithelial
In fact, histologists generally agree that there are
only four basic tissues in the body: 1) epithelial
tissue, 2) connective tissue, 3) muscle tissue, Of the basic tissues, only epithelial tissue'S
and 4) nervous tissue. are derived from all three embryonic germ
Each of the basic tissues has a set of layer. Epithelia that cover the external surfaces
morphological and functional characteristics of the body (i.e., skin and its appendages, and
that distinguishes it from the others. At the same cornea of the eye) are derived from ectoder .
time, each exhibits numerous morphological Those that form part of the digestive tract
variations that depend on the function of the (except for those in the mouth and anus, which

are derived from ectoderm), liver, gallbladder,
pancreas, respiratory tract, urinary bladder
and urethra arise from endoderm. The
epithelia that are present in the heart, blood
and lymphatic vessels, and the serous cavities
together with those in the urinary system
(except for the urinary bladder and urethra),
and in the male and female reproductive
systems come from mesoderm.

Basal lamina Fig. 11-1.Basement Membrane (at tip of arrows).

Trachea, H&Ex400.
The cells that comprise an epithelium are
arranged in one to several layers,but regardless and limits the contact between epithelial cells
ofthe number of celllayers,the basal surfaces of and the other cell types in the tissue.
the cells in the deepest layer of any epithelium
Although it characterizes the epithelial
rest on a thin sheet of amorphous extracellular
material called basal lamina. It is a mixture tissue, basal lamina is not exclusively seen or-
of more than SO kinds of gl~proteins, produced in this tissue. Basal lamina also
several types of collagen and a variety of completely envelops individual muscle cells,
IT. oteoglIcans. fat cells, Schwan cells (supporting cellsin the
peripheral nervous tissue), cells of the adrenal
The basal lamina is usually about 20-100
meaulla and a few other special cell types.
nm thick, although in some places, such as the
glomerulus of the kidney, it is much thicker .. The basal lamina in the epithelial tissue
It GEYm:0' ~listt-nguish_ed
under the LM but is the product of the epithelial cells. It is not
in EM, it is typically seen to consists of three pierced by blood vessels and since there are no
layers-two electron-lucentlayersthat sandwich blood vessels in epithelium either, epithelial
an electron-dense one. The electron-lucent cells rely on the diffusion of gases and nutrient'S
layer where the basal surfaces of the epithelial across the basal lamina for their sustenance.
cells rest is the {amina rar externa (lamiM
lucida). It is largely made up of glycoproteins Basement Membrane
including laminin and proteoglycans. The
electron-dense layer is called the lamina
d~nsa. It consists mainly of a network of fine
filaments consisting of cullagen t:y.:peV and
proteoglycans. The other electron-lucent layer,
which is not always present, is called lamina
nra irrterna. It is morphologically similar to underlying tissue. The lamina fibroreticularis
the lamina.rara externa but thinner and often is 200 to sao nm thick and is thus much thicker
indistinct. Its main constituents are collagen than the basal lamina. It is absent in some
ty-p :v I, fib-ro~nectin,tliro_1l1_}jospo~ndin
and epithelial tissues, notably in the glomeruli of
p~oteoglJ::cans. the kidneys and the capsule of the lens of the
The basal lamina provides structural
support to the overlyingepithelium. In addition, The lamina fibroreticularis is a product of
it serves as an impermeable barrier that allows onnective tissue cells s ecificall fib~rublasts,
only water and small molecules to pass through, and not of the epithelial cells.

The basal lamina and the lamina
fibroreticularis are collectively referred to
as basement membrane a structure thick
enough to be appreciated under the LM as a
homogenous layer of extracellular material.

The epithelial tissues in the body can
be categorized into two groups: 1) surface
epithelium; and, 2) glandular epithelium. Fig. 11-2.Types of Simple Epithelial Tissue. A)
Squamous; B) Cuboidal; C) Columnar; and D)
SIITfaceepithelium refers to epithelial tissue Pseudostratified.
that covers the external surfaces (covering
epitlielium) such as the skin, and lines the Classification of Surface Epithelial
internal surfaces (lining epitlielium) such as Tissues
the luminal surfaces ofvisceral organs and ducts Surface epithelia are classified into simple
of glands of the body. and stratified on the basis of the number of
layers that the cells form. An epithelium that
on the other
consists of a single layer of cells is referred to
hand, refers to epithelial tissue whose cells
.as simpl while an epithelium that consists
are specialized to elaborate (synthesize;
of more than one layer of cells is referred to as
produce) and release (secrete) macromolecules
stratified. Simple and stratified epithelia are
(secretions), further classified according to the shape of
There is an overlap between the two the cells that comprise the epithelium and the
categories of epithelial tissues because some surface modifications that the epithelial cells
surface epithelia are also secretory. exhibit (e.g., if most of the cells forming the
epithelium are provided with cilia, then the
epithelium is called a ciliated epithelium.)
Surface Epithelium
The function of a surface epithelial tissu Simple Epithelial Tissues
depends on its location. For example, in the If the cells that comprise a simple
skin, it serves a protective function; in the epithelium are flattened, the epithelium is
gastrointestinal tract, it serves as an absorptive termed s uamous; if they are equally tall as
surface. Furthermore, some surface epithelial wide, the epithelium is labeled cuboidal; and, if
cells have special functions. For instance, the they are taller than they are wide, the epithelium
neuroepithelial cells of the taste bud in the is called columnar.
tongue and the olfactory cells of the olfactory
epithelium in the nose are sensory cells; the Simple Squamous Epithelium
epithelial cells in the kidney are responsible for Simple squamous epithelium consists of
excreting waste products and maintaining fluid a single layer of flattened cells whose nucleus
and electrolyte balance; and, the epithelial cells occupies the thickest part of the cells. In
in the testes are the sources of germ cells. some cells, the nucleus bulges prominently on


Fig. 11-3. Simple Squamous Epithelium. Arrows Fig. 11-4. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium. Arrows
point to the squamous epithelial cells. Kidney, point to the cuboidal epithelial cells that form the
H&E x400. lining of a duct. Parotid Gland, H&E x400.

the surface while in others, it is more or less surface of the heart, blood and lymphatic
flattened along the long axis of the cell and does vessels is called ~ndotlieltum. Incidentally,
not bulge on the surface. epithelium that 'lines the under surface of
When seen from the surface, squamous the cornea of the eye is also referred to as
.epithelial cells exhibit irregular polygonal endothelium, but the corneal endothelium
outlines that fit into each other like pieces is.a simple cuboidal, not simple squamous,
of a jigsaw puzzle. The cell outlines are best epithelium.
appreciated in specimens stained with sil:v:e~
d es because these dyes get deposited into the Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
intercellular substance between adjacent cells.
Simple cuboidal epithelium consists -of a
Simple squamous epithe'iium lines single layer of cells whose height approximates
the lung alveoli, the parietal layer of the their width. Side view of this epithelium reveals
Bowman's capsule in the kidneys, and many cells that are squarish in outline and whose
other structures. By the way, the shape of some nuclei are round and centrally situated while the
epithelial cells depends on their functional top view shows cells with polyhedral outlines
state. For example, in inactive thyroid follicles, that fit each other quite snugly.
the epithelial cells form a simple squ~mous or
cuboidal epithelium while in active follicles,they Simple cuboidal epithelium is present in
form a tall cuboidal or columnar epithelium. certain segments of the ducts of the major
Likewise, the granulosa cells of ovarian salivary glands and the pancreas, collecting
follicles form a simple squamous epithelium tubules of the kidney, some follicles of the
in primordial follicles but the cells become thyroid gland, and the surface of the ovary.
cuboidal and later the epithelium stratifies-when
the follicle transforms into a primary follicle. Simple Columnar Epithelium
Some .:simple squamous epithelia have Simple columnar epithelium consists
traditionally been assigned special names: the of a single layer of tall cells. The nuclei of the
simple squamous epithelium that lines the cells form, more or less, a single row. They
serous cavities of the body (e.g., pericardium, are generally oval, more basal than apical in
peritoneum, and pleura) is referred to a'S location, and their long axes lie parallel to those
mesothelium· and that which lines the luminal of the cells.

Stratified Epithelial Tissues
The various stratified epithelia in the body
are classified on the basis of the shape of the
cells in their most superficial layer. Thus, if the
cells in the most superficial layer are flattened,
the epithelium is called stratified squamous;
if their height approximates their width, the
epithelium is referred to as stratified cub-oidal;
and, if they are taller than they are wide, the
epithelium is labeled stratified coltfiifiiir.
Fig. 11-5.Simple Colprnnar Epithelium (Ciliated).
Arrows point to the cilia on the surfaces of the
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
epithelial cells. Gallbladder, H&E x400. In this type of epithelium, the cells in the
most superficial layer are flat or plaque-like,
while those in the deeper layers are tall cuboidal
or even columnar. In this epithelium, as one
examines (under the LM) the cell layers from
the deepest to the most superficial, one notes a
progressive diminution in the height of the cells.
In stratified squamous epithelium, new
cells are formed only in the deep layers. The
oviducts. superficial cells are "old" cells that have been
p~~hed to the surface by the newly-formed ones,
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium can
withstand rubbing more than any other type of
is a variant of simple columnar epithelium epithelium. .
that exists in certain parts of the body. When stratified squamous epithelium is
Pseudo stratified epithelium literally means "dry,' the cells of the most superficial layer are
"false stratified epithelium." It consists only dead cells that have no nucleus and organelles.
of a single layer of tall or columnar cells, but on This type of epithelium is termed keratini-zed.
hurried examination under the LM, one may Keratinized stratified sguamous epithelium
be misled to think that this is a stratified type is impervious to water. It forms the outer
of epithelium since the cells vary somewhat in
shape, and their nuclei are disposed in various
levels. A closer look, however, will show that the
cells constitute only one layer because they all'
rest on the basal lamina.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
lines the membranous and spongy parts of the
male urethra. A subtype of this epithelium (a
subtype because the cells are ciliated), referred
to as -iliat_edps_euilostra ifie columna-r:

epithelium or simply resptra ory:epithelium,

lines the larger passageways of the respiratory Fig. 11-6.Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous
system like the trachea and the main bronchi. Epithelium. Lip, H&E x400.


--- ------------------------------------------------------~----------~-
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Stratified cuboidal epithelium usually
consists of two or three layers of cuboidal cells.
It is the epithelium that often Iines the larger
ducts of some glands such as the major salivary
glands. .

Stratified Columnar Epithelium.

Stratified colu~nar epithelium consists of
at least two layers of columnar cells although
sometimes the cells of the deeper layer/s are
Fig. 11-7. Keratinized Stratified Squamous cuboidal. It lines the large ducts of some glands.
Epithelium. Skin, H&E x400.
Transitional Epithelium
histologic layer of the skin, where it is referred
to as e_piderm-=is There is a e of stratified epithelium,
unique to mammals, called transitional
In contrast, when the stratified squamous
~-ithellum that manifests features that are
epithelium is "wet," (i.e., kept moist by glandular
in between stratified squamous and stratified
secretions), the cells in the most superficial layer
cuboidal epithelia.
are flattened but still nucleated. This type of
epithelium is called emkeratinized, a misnomer Transitional epithelium lines the urinary
because the cells of the epithelium, like those in passages (i.e., renal calyces, renal pelvis, and
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, also ureter) and the urinary bladder. This type of
contain keratin. Nonkeratinized stratified epithelium is designed to withstand stretching.
~guamous ep'ithelium lines the oral cavity, It is essentially a stratified epithelium that is
esophagus, vagina, part of the urethra, and the intermediate between stratified cuboidal and
... n:ost superficial layer of the cornea of the eye. stratified squamous epithelia .

Fig. 11-8. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium.

The photomfcrograph shows the two layers
of cuboidal cells that line an interlobular
duct. Parotid Gland. H&E x400.

Fig. 11-9. Stratified Columnar Epithelium.

In this epithelium-which consists of two
layers of cells-the cells in the superficial
layer are columnar but the cells inthe deep
layer are cuboidal. Parotid gland, x400.

Fig. 11-10.Transitional Epithelium. The
umbrella cells that characterize this
type of epithelium are indicated by the
arrow. Urinary bladder, H&E x400.

In the contracted state of the urinary in cells where they are particularly numerous
bladder and urinary passages, the basal cells of, such as those that line the small intestine, they
the epithelium are cuboidal while the superficial form a fuzzy, fine vertical line on the surface of
cells (referred to as "umb~e-lla cells"-~ bulge the epithelium called triated or(ier or brush
out into the lumen giving the cells a dome- border. IT'ypically,microvilli are coated on their
shaped profile. In the distended bladder and outer surface by glycocalyx.
the urinary passages, however, the superficial
cells get stretched and flatten out, effectively
transforming the epithelium into a thin
stratified squamous epithelium.
- --
Surface Modifications
of Epithelial Cells
Most epithelial cells exhibit modifications
on their apical (superficial), lateral and/or basal
surface/s that are necessary for the discharge of
their specific functions. Fig. 11-11.Microvilli. Arrows point to the microvilli
on the surface of epithelial cells. Jejunum, H&E
Modifications on the Apical Surfaces
of Epithelial Cells The core of a microvillus is formed by a
network of actin fHamen .s, that is attached to
The specialized structures on the apical
the inner surface of the plasma membrane.
surface of epithelial cells include the microvilli,
cilia, flagella, and stereocilia. Microvilli number from a few to several
thousands per cell depending on the cell type.
Microvilli Their function is to increase the surface area
of the epithelium-by as much as thirtyfold, in
Many epithelial cells have short (about
some organs.
1.0 ~m long) and fine (about 0.08 ~m in
diameter) finger-like extensions or processes
Cilia (Kinocilia)
of the plasma membrane called microvilli
(singular: microvillus) that protrude from or: kino cilia (Singular: cilium;
the apical surface of the cells. Microvilli are not kinocilium) are present in the apical surfaces
individually distinguishable under the LM, but of cells that are specialized for transport of fluid


"0°000 Stereocilia (Singular: stereociliuml are
.., 0
met') simply microvilli that are as long as cilia. Like
microvilli, they are non-motile and their core
00 em
consists of actin filaments.
Stereocilia are characteristic ofthe epithelial
cells that line the ductus (vas) epididymis and
ductus deferens, long tubes that help convey
sperm cells from the testes to the external'
Fig. 11-12.Cilium. Cross section of a cilium showing environment. They are also present on the hair
the microtubules (me)that comprise the axoneme. cells of the inner ear where they playa role in
Externally, the axoneme is enveloped by cell auditory and vestibular perception.
membrane (em).

or mucus over the surface of the epithelium.

- They are finger-like extensions of the plasma
membrane that, unlike microvilli, .can be
distinguished under the LM, because at 7 to 10
~tmin length and 0.2 ~m in thickness, they are
much longer and thicker than microvilli.
As seen in the EM, the core Gaxoneme)
of a cilium consists of microtubules that run
parallel to its long axis, The axoneme (called
a 2:+=2 aro-neme) consists of a pair of centrally'
located microtubules that is surrounded by nine
pairs (doublets) of microtubules. '"
Cilia are motile. They beat sequentially OF Fig. 11-13. Stereocilia. Arrows indicate the
synchronously in one direction and are thus stereocilia on the surfaces of the epithelial cells.
helpful in propelling substances over the surface Ductus Epididymis, H&E x400.
of the epithelium.'
Modifications on the Lateral
Flagella Surfaces of Epithelial Cells
(intercellular junctions; cell-to-cell
agella (Singular: ftagellum) are simply
long cilia. In humans, ~ one cell tYEe attachments; junctional complexes)
possesses a flagellum, the s ermatozoon. The Epithelial cells form continuous sheets
sR r atozoon has only one flagellum, which is and are able to communicate with each other
otherwise called tail. because adjoining cells are attached to each
The tail of a spermatozoon is more than SO other on their lateral surfaces by membrane
~m long and its main function is to propel the and cytoskeletal specializations. The simplest
cell along the female genital tract. As likewise of these cell-to-cell attachments, which some
mentioned in connection with the centriole, a epithelial cells exhibit, consists of finger-like
flagellum, like a cilium, grows out of a centriole cytoplasmic processes that interdigitate with
(also called basal body) to which it likewise "similarprocesses of adjacent cells.
remains attached even when it is already fully In addition to interdigitation, epithelial
developed. cells form four other types of specialized

complexes.It is located on the lateral surface of
each epithelial cell immediately below the free
surface of the cell. It forms a band, 0.1 to 0.3
llm thick, which completely surrounds the cell.
At the zonula occludens, the cell membranes
of adjacent cells stick to each other (without
any intervening intercellular substance), and
in severalplaces, the adjoining cell membranes
actually fuse together. At the points of fusion,
the adjoining cells share a common cell
membrane, which is seen as a single trilaminar
structure in the EM.

Zonula Adherens (Adherens junction;

Adhering belt; Belt desmosome; Band
Fig. 11-14.Illustration of Intercellular Junctions desmosome)
of Eplthelial Cells
The zonula adherens is typically located
intercellular junctions that are distinguishable just below the zonula occludens. Like the latter,
under the electron microscope: 1) zonula it forms a band that completely encircles each
occludens, 2) zonula adherens, 3) epithelial cell. At the zonula adherens, the cell
.desmosome, and 4) gap junction. The first membranes of adjoining cells are very close
three are designed to keep adjacent cells in a to each other, but they neither adhere nor
surface epithelium glued together thus ensuring fuse. Instead, they are separated by a narrow
that substances can enter or leavethe underlying intercellular space that is merely IS to 20 nm
tissue only by passing through, rather than wide. This intercellular space is filled with
between, the surfaceepithelialcells.Meanwhile, extracellular material that binds the apposed
gap junctions are designed to enable adjacent cell membranes to each other.
'cells to communicate with each other. By the The cytoplasmic surfaces of the apposed
way,the zonula occludens and zonula adherens membranes that form the zonula adherens
are collectively referred to as juxtaluminal contain a bundle of fine filaments. In cells
junctional complex or terminal bar. that possess a terminal web-a layer of
The four special types of junctional microfilaments (actin filaments) and
complexes are all present and are well- intermediate (keratin) filaments that form
developed in simple cuboidal and simple a network across the cell just below its apical
columnar epithelia such as those that line the surface-these fine filaments serve as anchor
gastrointestinal tract. In many other epithelia, for the terminal web. A terminal web is present
however, not all the junctional complexes are in some epithelial cells, notably those with
seen. For example, in the epidermis (i.e., microvilli, where it serves a supportive or
the epithelial covering of the skin), the only cytoskeletal function .
.junctional comple_xthat existsbetween the cells
is the desmosome. Desmosome (Macula adherens; Spot
Zonula Occludens (Tight Junction; Desmosomes are usually situated just
Closing Belt) below the zonula adherens, but they may be in
When present, the zonula occludens is other areas on the lateral surface of epithelial
the most apically situated of the junctional cells. Unlike the zonula occludens and zonula


adherens, they do not form a band around the One form ofbasal surfacemodificationisthe
epithelial cell. Instead, they form button-like or emidesmoso e that exists in some epithelial
rivet-like adhesions that are arranged in a line cells such as those in the stratum bas ale of
around the cell. Under the LM, they sometimes the epidermis of the skin. A hemidesmosome
aJ?pear as a thickening of the cell membrane. is structurally identical to half a desmosome,
A desmosome consists of an ovoid protein thus, the name.
disc or plaque that is split into halves. Half of Hem ide smo some s help anchor the
the disc is firmly attached to the cytoplasmic epithelial cells to the underlying basal lamina.
surface of the cell membrane of an epithelial cell Another type of basal surface modification
while the other half is similarly attached to the comes in the form of basal infoldings of the
cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane of the plasmalemma such as those that are present in
adjoining cell. Within each of the apposed cells, cells Iiningsome segments of the renal tubule .
.numerous intermediate (keratin) filaments
Basal infoldings of the plasmalemma are seen
converge and insert into each half-disc. as basal striations under the LM.
At the desmosome, the cells are separated Basal infoldings increase the absorbing
by a relatively wide (about 30 nm) intercellular capacity of a cell.
space, which contains numerous transverse
filaments and adhesion proteins that bind the
apposed cell membranes to each other.
Glandular Epithelium
Desmosomes are particularly numerous in The glandular epithelium in the body is
the epidermis of the skin where, as previously organized to form the functional component/s
mentioned, they are the only type of junctional or secretory unit/s of structures called glands
complex present. that produce substances (sec:retions~that are
needed by the body.
Gap Junction (Nexus; Communicating On the basis of where they release their
junction) secretions, glands are categorized into two
Gap junctions referto broad areaswhere the groups: exocrine and endocrine. iExocrin_--e
plasma membranes of adjoining epithelial cells ~la ds deliver their secretions into the surface
are closelyapposed but not fused to each other. epithelium while endocrine glands deliver
At the gap junctions, the cells are separated their secretions into the blood or lymph.
by an intercellular space that is only about 3 Exocrine glands whose secretory units
nm wide and the apposed plasma membranes are located some distance from the epithelial
are perforated by numerous tiny tubes called surface transport their secretions to the
connexons. Gap junctions enable adjacent cells epithelial surface by wayoftubular passageways
to exchangeions and small moleculesbecause at called ducts. Endocrine glands, on the other
the gap junctions, the connexons of adjoining hand, are ductless.
epithelial cells are aligned and continuous with
each other. Endocrine Glands,
Mos( of (h,e endoic~ne glands arise in
Modifications on the Basal Surfaces the embryo as invagination or evagination
of Epithelial Cells of thecovering .epithelium of body .cavities.
The basal surfaces of some epithelial The invaginated or evaginated epithelium
cells contain specializations that serve for subsequently acquires supporting structures-
better attachment or for more efficient connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves-
functioning. and develops into a gland.

In most instances) a developing endocrine
gland remains initially connected to its site of
origin by a duct) but later this connection is
severed and the gland becomes ductless. Some
endocrine glands) however) arise by migration
of epithelial cells without ever forming a duct.
The secretions that endocrine glands
elaborate are called hormones. A hormone is a
chemical substance (steroid) peptide) or amine)
that is carried by blood to organs or tissues
that have cells (target cells) which contain Fig. 11-16.Goblet Cells. Arrows point to goblet _-
appropriate receptors for it. It acts as a chemical cells that form part of the surface epithelium of an
messenger that enables an endocrine gland to intestinal villus. Jejunum, H&E x400.
exert its influence on its target cells) tissues) and
organs. The goblet cell is one of the cell types
Endocrine glands exist as distinct organs that constitute the surface and glandular
such as the adrenals and thyroid gland) or epithelium of many segments of the digestive
as components of organs such as the islets and respiratory tracts: It is a columnar cell
of Langerhans in the pancreas. They are that is cup-shaped ~hen seen in routine
discussed in the chapter on the endocrine histologic preparations. Its tapered base rests
system. on the basal lamina while its apical portion)
called theca) is expanded to accommodate
Exocrine Glands numerous membrane-bound secretory vesicles
.. that contain mucin) a glycoprotein which when
Exocrine gla.nds are classified according
mixed with water forms mucus: The secretory
to the number of cells that comprise them into
vesicles push the nucleus and most of the
unicellular or multicellular glands.
cytoplasmic organellesofthe goblet celltowards
the basal surface of the cell. They do not take up
Unicellular Glands the dye well and they coalesce during routine
histologicpreparation)thus the area they occupy
is simply seen as a pale-staining region in these

Multicellular Glands
There are three categories of multicellular
glands (i.e., glands that consist of more than
one cell): 1) secretory epithelial sheet) 2)
intraepithelial gland) and 3) glands with

Secretory Epithelial Sheet

ecretor¥ epifhelial sheet refers to any
surface epithelium) where most) if not all)of the
cells are secretory. An example of a secretory
Fig. 11-15. Goblet Cell. The goblet cell in the epithelial sheet is the ependyma) the simple
diagram is indicated by the arrow.
cuboidal epithelium that lines the choroid


Fig. 11-17 (above). Secretory Epithelial
Sheet. This type of multicellular gland is
made up of a single layer of epithelial cells
where all the cells are secretory.

Fig. 11-18(right). Secretory Epithelial Sheet.

The single layer of cuboidal cells indicated
by the arrows comprise a secretory epithelial
sheet. Choroid Plexus, H&Ex400.

plexuses in the brain, and which produces Classification of Exocrine Glands with
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Ducts According to Morphology
Exocrine glands with ducts are classified
Intraepithelial Gland
and sub-classified according to: a) complexity
Irrtrae£ithelial gland. refers to a group of of their duct/s; and b) morphology of their
secretory cells in a surface epithelium that gather secretory units (l.e., the cluster of cells that
together around a small orifice-that serves produce secretion or secretory material).
as a duct-and form shallow invaginations If a gland has a single unbranched duct,
~ithin the epithelial surface. Examples of it is called a simp-Iegland, but if the duct has
intraepithelial glands exist in the epithelium branches, it is referred to as a comBound gland.
that lines the penile urethra. The duct system of large compound exocrine
glands, such as the major salivary glands, is
Exocrine Glands with Ducts discussed in the chapter on the accessory
Exocrine glands with ducts consist of glands organs of the digestive system.
that possess "true" ducts. They are the most The secretory units of exocrine glands
complex of the exocrine glands. Their secretory are in the form of either blind-ending tubes
units, which lie underneath the epithelium, are
connected to the epithelial surface to which they
deliver their secretions by a duct or a system of
Exocrine glands with ducts arise as
invaginations of surface epithelia. Unlike
endocrine glands that arise similarly but which
invariably lose their ducts, exocrine glands
retain their tubular connections (ducts) with
the surface epithelium even when they are
already fully formed. Fig: 11-19.Types of Simple Exocrine Glands with
Ducts. A) Simple tubular; B) Simple coiled tubular;
Exocrine glands with ducts range in size C) Simple branched tubular; D) Simple alveolar
from microscopic structures to large distinct (acinar); E) Simple branched alveolar (acinar). The
organs such as the major salivary glands, secretory cells are red while the ductal cells are
pancreas, and liver. green.

Fig. 11-20.Types of Compound Exocrine
Glands. A} Compound tubular; B}
Compound alveolar (acinar);C) Compound
tubuloalveolar (tubuloacinar). The
secretory cells are red while the ductal
cells are green.

(secretory tubules), or globular or basket-like nature of their secretion: 1) mucous (mucus-

structures (acini; alveoli). If all its secretory secreting); and, 2) serous (serous-secreting).
units are in the form of secretory tubules, the MuclJUScells produce a viscous secretion
gland is a tubular glana; if all its secretory that contains mucin, a substance rich in
units are in the form of acini (singular: acinus1 glycoproteins that when hydrated, forms
or alveoli'(singular: alveoluSi),the gland is an mucus that protects and lubricates covering
lveo ~ or acimnrs gland; and, if some of epithelia.Their nucleus is highly condensed and
the secretory portions are tubular and some flattened, and is pushed towards the basal area
are globular, the gland is a tubuloalveolar by secretory granules that occupy most of the
gland ftubuloacinous glana). Tubular and cell. Their secretory granules, however, do not
acinous glands are further classifiedinto either take up the dyes well and, in routine histologic
branched or coiled when their secretory units preparations, are poorly preserved. Hence, in
are branched or coiled!respectively. routine histologic preparations, mucous cells
Examples of simple tubular glands are the have pale-staining cytoplasm.
crypts of Lieberkuhn (intestinal glands) in the
Serous cells, on the other hand, produce
intestines. The cardiac glands in the stomach, a thin, watery secretion that often contains
on the other hand, exemplifysimple branched enzymes. They are columnar cells with
tubular glands while the sweat glands and spherical and basally located nucleus. Their
sebaceous glands in the skin illustrate simple cytoplasm is basophilic especially around the
coiled tubular and simple branched alveolar
nucleus. Their secretory granules, which take ..
glands.fespectively, The Brunner's glands in
up the dyes rather well,are mostly located in the
the duodenum (i.e., first segment of the small
apicalregion of the cell.
intestine) typify compound coiled tubular
glands while the major salivary glands (i.e., Secretory units of exocrine glands that
parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) are consist entirely of mucous cells are called
examplesofcompound tubuloalveolar glands. mucous alveoli tacini})while those that consist
exclusively of serous cells are called serous
Classification of Secreto-ry Cells, Acini and a eoli (acini). Those that contain both mucous,
Exocrine Glands According to Nature of and serouscellsare calledmixed lveoli ~_cjnJJ.
Secretion In some mixed alveoli where most of the
The cells that comprise the secretory secretory cells are mucous cells, such as those
units (tubules or alveoli) of exocrine glands found in the submandibular gland, the few
are classified into two types according to the serous cells that are present sometimes form


Fig. 11-21(left). Simple Tubular Glands. The arrow
points to the orifice of one of the several simple
tubular glands in the section. Large Intestine,
H&E x100.
Fig. 11-22 (below). Simple Branched Alveolar
Gland. Note the branched alveolus or acinus (a)
and the unbranched duct (d). Sebaceous Gland,
H&E x100.

structures called demihmes (of Giannuzzi) the exocrine glands are classified into three
that resemble crescentic caps at the periphery groups: a) merocrtne, 2) holocrine, and, 3)
of the alveoli. The cells in the serous demilunes apocrine.
empty their secretion. into tiny canaliculi that In me-rncrtne glamls, the secretory cells
are located between the mucous cells. The tiny release their secretion by exocytosis. Hence,
canaliculi, in turn, drain into the lumen of the the discharge of the secretion does not result
acinus. in the loss of any part of the cell. Examples of
" merocrine glands are the major salivary glands
and the exocrine portion of the pancreas.
In liolocrine glands, release of secretion
entails destruction of the secretory cells whose
remnants are then discharged by the gland
together with the secretions. The sebaceous'
glands in the skin fall under this category.

Fig. 11-23. Mixed Alveolus (Acinus). Note the

serous demilune that the serous cells form.

Exocrine glands whose secretory units

consist exclusively of serous alveoli are called
serous glands. Those whose secretory units
consist exclusivelyof mucous alveoli are called
mucous glands. Meanwhile, those that contain
serous and mucous, and/or mixed alveoli are
called mixed glands.

Classification of Exocrine Glands According

Fig. 11-24. Mixed Alveolus in a Mixed Gland.
to the Mode of Secretion The serous cells (sc) form serous demilunes at the
According to the mode by which their periphery of alveoli that consist mostly of mucous
secretion is discharged from the secretory cells, cells (mc). Submaxillary Gland, H&E x400.

In apocrine glands, the apical part of the dark-staining, fusiform nucleus and scanty
secretory cells is released together with the eosinophilic cytoplasm. They possess long
secretory product. The ceruminous glands cytoplasmic processes that wrap around a
in the skin that lines the external auditory secretory unit or segment of a duct.
meatus are examples of this type of gland. Myoepithelial cells contain actin that is
similar to that found in smooth muscles. These
Myoepithelial Cells (Basket Cells) cells are also contractile. Their contractions
In the secretory units and small ducts of eject the secretions of the acini into the ducts
many exocrine glands, there are flattened, and propel the secretions towards the main
stellate cells that are present between the ducts. --
epithelial cells and the basal lamina. These Myoepithelial cells are present in the sweat
cells are called yoepithelial cells. Under glands, mamm~ry glands, lacrimal glands,
the LM, myoepithelial cells have a flattened, and the major sa~ry glands.


--- ----" ---------------------------------------------


ounecti;v<e{iss-ue, unlike the other

addition, it envelops muscles; forms the stroma
basic tissues (i.e., epithelial, muscle and or supporting framework of various organs; acts
nervous) which -are highly cellular, is as an avenue for the passage of blood vessels and
characterized by an abundance of extracellular nerves into and from-the interior of organs and
material and a relative paucity of cells. other parts of the bodyj.serves as a venue for
the exchange of gases and substances between
All the connective tissues in the body are
blood and the other basic tissues; and, provides
derived from mesoderm, except for some in the
the arena and as well as the cells that are needed
head that are derived from ectoderm.
to defend the body against invading organisms
The various connective tissues are and other harmful substances.
classified into two major groups: 'connective
tissue proper and special types of connective Composition of Connective
tissue. The latter include cartilage, bone,
Tissue Proper
blood, and hemopoietic tissue (i.e., myeloid
and lymphoid tissue).
The special types of connective tissue are
discussed in subsequent chapters. The rest
connective tissue, unlike in epithelium, the
of this chapter, therefore, is devoted to the
cells are not bound to each other. Instead, they
discussion of connective tissue proper. Unless
are scattered individually in the extracellular
otherwise specified, the term connective tissue
substance. Furthermore, in connective tissue,
refers only to connective tissue proper.
blood vessels and nerve fibers abound in the
extracellular substance.
Connective tissue (proper) is found all over
Extracellular Substance of
the body and it can be regarded, as its name Connective Tissue (connective tissue
suggests, as primarily the "glue" that binds matrix)
body parts together while allowing for some Connective tissue matrix consists of
degree of movement of these parts in relation ground substance and a variety of fibers that
to their immediate anatomical neighbors. In are embedded therein.
Ground Substance getting attached to hyaluronic acid by "link-
The ground sUDstanceof connective tissue proteins." Hyaluronic acid is a GAGin itself.In
is an amorphous, homogenous, transparent, and fact, it is the most abundant GAGin the ground
hydrated gel. It consists mainly of water that substance of connective tissue. However,
is stabilized by proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid unlike the other GAGs, hyaluronic acid does
(hyaluronan), mineral salts, and glycoproteins. not possess a sulfate side-group. Neither does it
covalently attach to a "core-protein." Rather, as
The abundant water in ground substance
already mentioned, it serves as the backbone to
makes it easy for oxygen, nutrients and other
which proteoglycan molecules are attached by
needed materials to diffuse from blood to the
"link-proteins"to form proteoglycan complexes.
connective tissue cells, and for waste products
ofmetabolism to diffuse from the cellsto blood. Of the glycoproteins that are present in
ground substance, at least two are fibrillar (i.e.,
they are in the form of microfibrils). However,
they are rather fine such that they are not visible
under the light microscope and are thus, not
classified as connective tissue fibers. The larger
of these two fibrillar glycoproteins is fihrHlin, a
non-sulfated molecule that has a diameter of 10
to 12nm. In electron micrographs,it is seento be
made up of an electron-lucent core surrounded
by an electron-dense area. Fibrillin forms an
integral part of elastic fibers (see page 40). The
smaller of the two fibrillar glycoproteins is
Fig. 111-1. Proteoglycan Aggregate. The merely 3 to 5 nm in diameter and not much is
illustration shows the organization and known about its structure and function.
compositionof a proteoglycanaggregate.
The other noteworthy glycoproteins in
the ground substance of connective tissue,
which are probably involved in cell adhesion
and migration, are fibronectin, laminin, and

Extrac:ellbJlar Fib rs
The fibers in their extracellular substance
are primarily responsible for the supportive
function of connective tissues. The fibers are
of three types: collagen, elastic, and reticular.
These three types of fibers occur in varying
combinations in the connective tissues that are
the ground substance of connective tissue ~ present in the different parts of the body.
because of the presence of sulfate and carboxyl
groups in their sugar components. Collagen Fibers (Collagenous Fibers)


Fig. 111-2.Collagen Fibers and Fibroblasts (left).
Photomicrograph shows bundles of collagen fibers
(cf) of various thickness. Scattered among the
collagen fiber bundles are fibroblasts (f).
Fig. 111-3.
Collagen Fiber (below). Electronmicrograph
shows the banding pattern of the fiber: x100,OOO.

occurring type of connective tissue in the body, practically all the collagen in connective tissue.
they are the main extracellular fibers. Collagen fibers, in particular, are made up of
Individual collagen fibers are colorless in c_ollagentype I.
vivo but when present in abundant amounts, as Collagen fibers have a tensile strength that
in tendons, they impart a white color to fresh is greater than steel'. They are slightly flexible
tissue. but inelastic.
Collagen fibers are distinguishable in.
Formation of Collagen Fibers
routine histologic preparations because they
The molecular precursor of a collagen fiber
are 2 to 10 lAmin diameter. They usually
collect into bundles that appear pink in H&E is procQl1age_n. It consists of a polypeptide
preparations because they are acidophilic. To chain that is longer than those in mature
better demonstrate collagen fibers under the collagen. In connective tissue, it is synthesized
light microscope, special stains such as Masson's by fiBroblasts and mesenchymal cells,
trichrome that color collagen fibers blue are which then secrete the said precursor into
sometimes used. the extracellular matrix. (Note: Fibroblasts
and mesenchymal are often said to synthesize
Collagen fibers are made up of collag::en,
collagen; actually, they are the precursors of
.> the most abundant protein in the body and
collagen that they synthesize.) Incidentally,
which accounts for about 25% of the body's dry
collagen fibers are not exclusively seen in
weight. The term collagen does not refer to a
connective tissue proper. The matrix of
single protein; rather, it is the collective term for
.cartilage and bone also contains collagen fibers.
a family of structural proteins that have some
In these tissues, pro collagen is synthesized by
commonalities in their molecular organization.
cells called chondroblasts and osteoblasts,
There are currently 28 known distinct types
of collagen, numbered I to XXVIII, that differ
from each other in their amino acid composition In the extracellular matrix, the pro collagen
and sequence of polypeptide chains (a-chains). molecules are right-sized by enzymatic removal
Not all the types of collagen are fibrillar in form of the extra amino acids while at the same time,
I~ and not all are present in connective tissue. In three pro collagen molecules (each of which
fact, only collagen types I, II, and III make up is called an a-chain) assemble spontaneously.

They form trop'ocollage molecules by twisting Unlike collagen, which has many genetic
around each other, much like the fibers of a types, elastin has only one. However, elastin in
rope, and getting bound together by hydrogen the body occurs in either of two ways: in the
bonds. Once formed, tropocollagen molecules form of fibers called elastic fibers or in the form
aggregate to form tnkrofibrHs. of elastic sheets or lamellae such as those seen
Microfibrils are fibrillar elements that in the walls oflarge and medium-sized arteries.
are about 45 to 100 nm in diameter each. Elastic fibers are not as widely distributed
Following their formation, they group together as collagen fibers. In mo-st connective tissues,
to form bigger fibrillar structures called fibrils they are also not as numerous as collagen fibers,
~mac 0 ibdlsY. but they ~re particularly abundant in structures
Collagen fibrils (macrofibrils) range in that are subjected to frequent stretching such as
diameter from 0.3 to 0.5 ~m and, as such, are the ligamenta flava between vertebrae. They
distinguishable with the use of high quality are also plentiful in the extracellular spaces of
light microscope. However, they are better the elastic cartilages that form the framework
appreciated in electron micrographs where of the auricle and external acoustic meatus of
they are noted to possess dense transverse the ear, external nose, auditory tube, epiglottis,
bands that are set at 64 nm intervals along their and some parts of the larynx.
length:. Subsequent to their formation, collagen Elastic fibers have lesser tensile strength
fibrils group together in p~rallel fashion to form' than collagen fibers, but in contrast to the latter,
collagen fibers: they are very supple. Even when stretched up to
twice their original length, they recoil back to
Elastic Fibers their original length when the stretching force
[Elastic io us are fine fibers that average 1.0 is released.
~m in diameter. Unlike collagen fibers, which
usually do not ramify, elastic fibers branch and Formation of Elastic Fibers
anastomose. In connective tissue, the cells that have
the capacity to secrete the substances that are
When abundant, elastic fibers impart
needed in the formation of elastic fibers are the
a yellow color to fresh tissue. In H&E
ibroblast- and esenchxmal cells. These
preparations, they remain unstained and usually
appear as refractile, pinkish-yellow lines that
are difficult to distinguish with certainty from
collagen fibers. When stained with orc in,
however, elastic fibers appear blue to black;
They are also selectively stained by resorcin-
fucnsin and aldeh-x:-de-fuchsindy-e_s..
In electron micrographs, an elastic fiber is
seen as consisting of a homogenous, amorphous
core made up of elastin that is surrounded by
longitudinal bundles of miCrofibril'S) that
consist mostly of ib-rillin
Elastin is a highly insoluble protein that is
responsible for the elasticity of elastic fibers'. Fig. 111-4.Internal Elastic Lamella. The scalloped
It is resistant to boiling and hydrolysis by black line indicated by the arrow is the internal
acids, alkali and most enzymes, but it can be elastic lamella, made up of the nonfibrillar form
hydrolyzed by the pancreatic enzyme elastase. of elastin. Muscular Artery, Verhoef{ stain x400.


cells, at the start of elastogenesis (i.e., elastic
fiber formation), secrete microfibrils (mostly
fibrillin) into the extracellular space, which,
shortly thereafter, aggregate to form bundles.
Meanwhile, troRoe astin-the precursor
protein of elastin-is likewise secreted by the
same cells into the extracellular space where it
polymerizes to elastin and then incorporated
into the outer aspect of the microfibril bundles.
Subsequently, more and more elastin gets
incorporated into the developing elastic
fiber. When the fiber has enough elastin,
additional microfibril bundles are added on Fig. 111-5.Reticular Fibers (black streaks) and
its external surface. Subsequently, the elastin Reticular Cells (at tip of white arrows) in Reticular
Tissue. Liver, Silver x400.
and microfibrils are re-arranged such that in a
mature elastic fiber, elastin gets to occupy the
core of the fiber while the microfibrils fill the membrane of epithelial and other tissues.
Incidentally, elastin that forms the elastic
Formation of Reticular Fibers
lamellae in arteries is synthesized by ooth Reticular fibers are formed in a similar
muscle cells that lay down elastin in fenestrated manner as collagen fibers. However, the
sheets or lamellae arranged in concentric layers precursors of reticular fibers are synthesized
between layers of smooth muscle. and excreted into the intercellular matrix, not
by ordinary but by specialized fibroblasts called
Reticular Fibers (Reticulin Fibers) reticular cells.
<;Reficular fioeliis are also made up of
collagen. Nonetheless, most authors of histology
Cells in Connective Tissue
and pathology textbooks consider them distinct
from ordinary collagen fibers because their
collagen content is' txpe II while ordinary
collagen fibers, as previously mentioned,
contain collagen type 1.
Reticular fibers are very fine (0.5-:-2.0 ~m
in diameter) fibers that, in contrast to ordinary
collagen fibers, tend to branch and anastomose.
In fact, in some <_?rgans,they form extensive.
networks. They are not distinguishable from
ordinary collagen fibers in H&E preparations,
but they stain black when impregnated with
silver salts. Because of this, they are referred Mesenchymal Cell
to aSIargy:rop'hilic fibers. They also react Mesencnr-ma ce Is are multipotential stem
positively to PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) reagent. cells that have differentiated from pluripotential
Reticular fibers are relatively sparse in cells (see also the chapter on hemopoieis). Like
most connective tissues, but they are the main all multipotential stem cells, mesenchymal cells
extracellular fibers oftrettcular tissue (see page are capable of differentiating into several types
48). They also comprise the fibrillar component of cells. Mesenchymal cells are the stem cells of


most connective tissue cells (i.e., fibroblasts accounts for the basophilia of their cytoplasm.
and fibrocytes, reticular cells and adipose They also have irregular cytoplasmic processes.
cells) as well as bone, cartilage and muscle Fibrocytes, on the other hand, are smaller
cells. and have fewer processes than fibroblasts/Their
Mesenchymal cells abound in the embryo cytoplasm is acidophilic and their nucleus is
and in the umbilical cord. They are, however, compact and dark:
rare in adults, but some exist, especially in the There is some amount of functional
bone marrow and in connective tissues near specialization among fibroblasts. Thus,
capillaries. fibroblasts, called reticular cells, that synthesize
There is no general agreement among reticular fibers do not synthesize collagen
experts on how mesenchymal fells lo.o,~like. or elastic fibers. Likewise, fibroblasts that
Most describe them as stellate cells that have synthesize large amounts of glycosaminoglycans
delicate cytoplasmic processes and an oval synthesize little tropocollagen, and vice-versa.
nucleus that contains fine chromatin and a Fibroblasts are capable of mitosis. However,
distinct nucleolus. Under the light microscope, being sturdy and long-lived, they divide
they cannot be distinguished from fibroblasts. infrequently ..
In electron micrographs, they are noted to have
coarser chromatin but fewer and less developed Reticular Cells
cytoplasmic organelles than fibroblasts.
Reticular: cells, as previously mentioned, are
fibroblasts that are specialized to synthesize the
Fibroblasts and Fibrocytes
precursors of type III collagen that make up the
reticular fibers.
in most connective tissues. They synthesize
Reticular cells are slightly larger than
the organic components (i.e., proteins, typical fibroblasts. In H&E preparations, they
glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans) of the are noted to have a large and lightly-staining
ground substance of connective tissue matrix nucleus and long cytoplasmic processes that
as well as the precursors of collagen and elastic embrace reticular fibers. They are rather few
fibers. in most connective tissues, but they are the
predominant extracellular fibers in a type of
connective tissue called eticular t' ssue ~see
actively synthesizing connective tissue page 48).
elements). A fibrocyte, under proper conditions
such as in wound-healing, can assume its Adipose Cells (Fat Cells; Adipocytes)
active fibroblast form. In as much as fibrocytes The adiJ20secell is a cell that is specialized
are merely fibroblasts that are in a different to store lipids or fats, mainly triglycerides, in its
functional state, many authors use the terms cytoplasm. It is present in variable numbers in
fibroblast and fibrocyte synonymously. practically all connective tissues. In one type
In routine histologic preparations, of connective tissue called adipuTe tissUE(see
fibroblasts are often seen lying close to or page 47), it is the predominant cellular element.
adhering to collagen fibers. Their ovoid, pale The fat in adipose cells is synthesized by
nucleus contains fine chromatin and a nucleolus. the cells from glucose that is brought to the
Like other active secretory cells, fibroblasts cells from the liver or obtained by the cell from
possess the machinery for the synthesis Of ingested food, via the bloodstream, in the form
proteins including a well-developed rER that ot cnylomicron.


Pt, \A ,R\ v.ot~,~,n:at;srf'Yrt .' --------, Mature fat cells do not divide. If new or
- CEV\;.S.~'~',
additional ones are needed, they are sourced
• OR.~G.\~ '¢f (X~~!:::.~~~~n -,_ from mesenchymal cells or from Bye-fat cells
_. ruxcU: '" 6:~'l$;_r= ,:.. ,:~
..:. ' .. p_'« .." •
(greadi_RocIteS). Pre-fat cells are cells that are
, .r' - :'. ..~.;:~ in an intermediate step between stem cells and
t",. ~ Q".rCH~Mti'~-:: -:- • ,:$ -', .
~, ,.,' c.. .~'~_~.
\:.~ \off ,~OP6\ ~~-: : ", ._"
~~:'~~I fat cells. They reside in adipose tissu~ but their
lineage is uncertain-it is unclear whether they
. ,
differentiate from fibroblasts or directly from
\..~, ,'" e'Q R ()ri'~ \; -
mesenchymal cells. They divide twice before
1.7QTl:4:eCi 'St~m ,..~~~ becoming full-fledged fat cells.

Mast Cells (Mastocytes; Histaminocytes)

._- . 'rse Tissue. In
.,~;ue, note the , ast cells are large, ovoid cells (IS to 20
.' t arrows) and urn) with 'centrally located spherical nuclei
.. " ". ,''f' , - ...-;~ fat droplets
and numerous cytoplasmic granules. They
are practically indistinguishable from other
connective tissue cells in H&E preparations,
Fat cells look like fibroblasts before they but when stained with nluidine blue, their
accumulate fat or when their fat content has cytoplasmic granules turn dark purple and
been depleted. Whe~ a fat cell is only starting the cells become identifiable under the light
to accumulate fat, at which point it is sometimes microscope. In electron micrographs, mast cells
referred to as a lipoblast only a few small fat are seen to possess microvilli.
droplets in its cytoplasm can be seen. As the
cell accumulates more lipids, the fat droplets The cytoplasmic granules of mast cells
increase in size and number. Subsequently, the' vary in shape and are between 0.3 to 0.8 lAm
droplets coalesce to form larger fat droplets, in diameter. They are membrane-bound
which further coalesce, until ultimately, a single, pouches that contain a variety of chemical
large, fat droplet is formed. The fully-formed mediators of inflammation notably heparin
fat droplet in adipose cells pushes and flattens (an anticoagulant) and histamine which dilates
the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles to one and makes blood capillaries more permeable
side of the cell. Fat droplets are not membrane- and which stimulates the smooth muscle cells
bound; their edges abut on cytoplasm. especially of the bronchioles in the respiratory
tract and some proteases. '
Fat cells average SOlAmin diameter. When
they occur singly, they are oval or spherical but Mast cells are involved in inflammation
when they occur in clusters, they get compressed and immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction
and become polygonal. (allergic reaction) whose extreme form is
anaphylactic shock. When activated, they
In routine LM preparations, the fat droplet
degranulate (i.e., they release the content
in adipose cells is dissolved and washed away
of their granules). They likewise synthesize
by solvents (e.g., yJoll during processing.
and release some other substances that also
Consequently, adipose cells in H&E and other
mediate the inflammatory response but which
routine preparations simply consist of a large
are not in their granules such as leukotrienes,
empty space and a flattened nucleus that is
prostaglandins, and certain cytokines.
located on one side of the cell-the reason why
adipose cells are called signet ring cells. Fat is Aside from their role in allergy and
fixed and stained black by osmium tetroxide and anaphylaxis, mast cells also playa role in wound
colored by certain dyes such as SUQanIII. healing and defense against pathogens.

Mast cells are derived from cells in the bone
marrow called QJllonr-liorming Unit-Mast
Gell (CEll-. astjJAfter differentiating from its
progenitor cell, a mast cell migrates via blood to
connective tissue where it settles permanently.
In blood, a mast cell probably looks like and
is misidentified as a liasophit, a type of white
blood cell that shares certain similarities with
it In the connective tissues, mast cells live for
weeks to months while retaining their capacity
to divide.'
Mast cells are sparse in most connective
tissues, but they are abundant in the lamina
propria of the gastrointestinal and respiratory
tracts, underneath the skin, and along the course
of small blood vessels. Fig. 111-7.Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophages.
Macrophages have various names depending on
their location in the body. In the lungs, they are
Macrophages called pulmonary alveolar macrophages (at tip of
arrows). Lung, H&E x400.

"frothy." Their nucleus is usually indented and

densely staining and possesses a prominent
nucleolus. In connective tissues, macrophages
are morphologically very similar to fibroblasts.
Under the LM, they are easy to recognize only
when they have phagocytosed material in
their cytoplasm. In EM, they are noted to have
numerous lysosomes.
Macrophages ingest and destroy not only
bacteria and exogenous particulate materials,
Macrophages are widely distributed all but also dead or dying cells and senescent tissue
over the body. They are present not only in elements. They also playa major role in the
connective tissues but in practically all tissues. body's non-immune or inflammatory response
Macrophages that are in connective tissue (non-immune defense system) by engulfing
are otherwise known as lUsliocy:tes. Those and digesting invading microorganisms and
in other parts of the body are also referred to exogenous particulate material. They also help
by other names. For examples, those in the the body's immune response (immune defense
alveoli of lungs are called pulmnnar:y: alveolai system) by serving as antigen-presenting cells
I acropha.ges while those in the sinusoids of the (APes) that process and introduce antigens
liver are referred to as Kupffer cells. to lymphocytes (see chapter on the lymphoid
system for further discussion on APCs).
Macrophages vary morphologically
depending on their location in the body and Macrophages, on the basis of their mobility,
state of activity. Most macrophages are relatively are classified as either fixed or free. In connective
large cells (usually 25-50 ~m in diameter). tissues, fixe mac.r_ophag~ are attached to
In routine LM preparations, their cytoplasm collagen fibers while free macrophages wander
is slightly basophilic and typically, appears about in the extracellular matrix. A fixed


macrophage is capable of detaching itself and
becoming a free macrophage; conversely, a
wandering macrophage can become a fixed
macrophage. Hence, categorizing macrophages
into fixed or wandering is simply an academic
Macrophages are also classified into
either resident or inflammatory. R-esident
macropnage-s are those that inhabit a given site
while Inflammafo ¥ macropnages are thos-e
which, in response to a stimulus, differentiate
from monocytes and migrate to a site.
Resident macrophages are not as
immunologically active as inflammatory
macrophages. They maintain their numbers
in a particular tissue by differentiating from
monocytes or, in as much as they still have
mitotic capability-albeit limited-by local
proliferation. In contrast, inflammatory Fig. 111·9.Plasma Cell (EM). Electron micrograph
macrophages do not proliferate locally; they shows the IIclock-face IIappearance of the
chromatin material (ch) and the highly developed
increase their number by differentiating from
rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). x5,OOO.
Macrophages can become activated
Most histologists say macrophages have a
and increase their functional activity (i.e.).
life span of about 2 months to 70 days,but more
phagocytic and antigen-processing activity) by
recent evidence indicates that their life span is
certain stimuli. In turn, activated macrophages
much shorter than that, probably 6 to 16 days.
can be deactivated by cert ai n chemical
substances that are produced by the body.
Plasma Cells (Plasmocytes)
A typical plasma cell is slightly bigger than
a red blood cell (RBC), which is about 7.S ~m
in diameter. In routine histologic preparations,
it has a strongly basophilic cytoplasm and an
eccentric nucleus. Its chromatin is present
in clumps that are located near the nuclear
membrane, giving the nucleus a "clock-face"
or "cartwheel" appearance. Its cytoplasm
often exhibits a negative Golgi image. Electron
micrographs of plasma cells often show the
presence of a well-developed and dilated rER,
which attests to the secretory nature of the cell.
PlasmacellsdifferentiatefromWBCs called
Fig. 111-8.Plasma Cell. Note the copious and B Iympliocy:tes (B celis;).They playa major role
highly basophilic cytoplasm, eccentric location of in the body's immune response because they
the nucleus and clumped chromatin in the plasma
produce im-lfiunoglobulins ~antibodiesJ. An
cell (at tip of arrow). Bone Marrow Smear, Giemsa
x1,OOO. antibody: is a substance that is elaborated by


Fig. 111-10.Dense Irregular Connective

Tissue (region spanned by double arrow).
Note the haphazard arrangement of the
collagen fiber bundles. 'Skin, H&E x100.

plasma cells in response to the presence of an from the blood capillaries by amoeboid
antigen (i.e., material that is foreign to the body movement.
like a bacterium, virus, etc.). An antibody binds Although present in blood, leukocytes
to the antigen that triggers its production and perform their function in connective tissues.
by so doing, it is able to mark the antigen for They are present in variable numbers in
destruction by effector cells and/or substances. practically all connective tissues. They typically
A plasma cell is a terminally differentiated gather in inflamed areas of the body.
cell that is incapable of cell division or of The leukocytes are discussed in detail in the
reverting back to a B lymphocyte. It has a chapter on blood and hemopoiesis.
lifespan of 10 to 20 days.
Plasma cells are present in limited numbers Types of Connective Tissue
in all connective tissues, but they are numerous
The connective tissues in the body are
.in the connective tissues that are readily
categorized on the basis of their cellular and
accessible to foreign proteins and bacteria such extracellular composition into numerous
as the lamina propria of the digestive tract. types such as collagenous, aaipose, r,eticula-l",
They are discussed further in the chapter on elastic, and mucous.
the lymphoid system.
Collagenous Connective Tissue
Leukocytes (White blood cells [WBCs])
(Ordinary Connective Tissue)
teukoc-y:tes or wh-iteb:lood cells refer to the
.Collagenou connective tissue is the most
cells in blood that are not red blood cells. There
abundant type of connective tissue in the body .
.' are several types ofleukocytes: neutro~hilsl Itis connective tissue in which the predominant
basopnils, eosinopliils, monoc-y.tes and extracellular fiber is collagen fiber (mllagen
lym hoeytes. In post-natal life, all leukocytes type I) and the predominant cell type is the
are exclusively produced in the bone marrow, fibroblast. Collagenous connective tissue is so
except for the lymphocytes, which are generated common that it is often referred to as ordinary:
not only in the bone marrow but also in the
various lymphoid tissues and organs.
Mature leukocytes enter the blood Types of Collagenous Connective.
capillaries of the bone marrow and join Tissue
circulating blood.' They invariably leave blood 'On the basis of the amount of ground
and settle in the connective tissues by escaping' substance and number and arrangement of the


are, however, innumerable gradations from one
category to the other and within each category.
In many areas in the body, it is sometimes
difficult to classify the collagenous connective __/
tissue that ispresent as either loose or dense. It is,
therefore, not uncommon to encounter phrases
like "relativelyloose" or "relativelydense-when
authors describe collagenousconnective tissues.

Dense Collagenous Connective Tissue Fig. 111-12.Loose Connective Tissue. The pinkish
(Dense Connective Tissue) streaks are collagen fibers while the cells indicated
by the arrows are fibroblasts. Lamina Propria of
Jejunum, H&E x400.

, Dense regular connective tissue, on the

other hand, makes up tendons, ligaments, and
fibrous membranes.

Loose Collagenous Connective Tissue

(Areolar Connective Tissue; Areolar Tissue;
Loose Connective Tissue)

tissue or simply loose connective issue,

is characterized by high vascularity and an
abundance of extracellular substance where the
relatively few collagenous fibers are arranged
haphazardly. It is also more cellular than dense
connective tissue.
Fig. 111-11.Dense Regular Connective Tissue.
Note the regular arrangement of the collagen fiber
bundles and the numerous fibroblasts (at arrows).
Tendon, H&E x 100.

If the collagen fibers in a dense connective

tissue run in various directions, the connective
tissue is called de_n_seirregular, and if the fibers
are arranged ina definite pattern, the connective
tissue is referred to as dense regular. Adipose Tissue
2\:oipose fissue is a connective tissue in
which the predominant cellular element is the
fat or aaipose cell. Adipose tissue represents
the largest energy storage site of the body. In
normal, well-developedmales, it comprises 12%

to 14% while in females it comprises 20% to 25%
S;?fbodyweight. The fat that is stored in adipose
tissue represents excess dietary calorie intake,
hence, in overnourished individuals, adipose
tissue c~n comprise more than 25% of body
weight. During periods of inadequate caloric
intake, the stored energy in adipose cells is
released in the form ~f fatty acids:
Aside from serving as energy storage,
adipose tissue, particularly that which is stored
in the subcutaneous area; also functions as
thermal insulator. In certain parts of the body,
e.g., soles of the feet and around the kidneys, it
serves as a shock absorber. Fig. 111-13.Mucous Tissue. The tissue is made up
of ajelly-like ground substance where cells, mostly
mesenchymal cells (at arrows), are embedded.

Elastic Tissue
Elastic tissue is a connective tissue in
which the predominant fibrillar component
The fat cells of yellow adipose tissue store is the elastic fiber. In this type of tissue, the
lipid in the form of a single fat vacuole while the .elastic fibers often form bundles that are
fat cells of brown adipose tissue store lipid in the arranged parallel to each other. In between the
form of numerous droplets. el~~tic fibers are a few collagenous fibers and
fibroblasts-the predominant cells,
In the newborn, brown adipose tissue is
present in the neck and back and accounts for Elastic tissue is typified by the ligamenta
about 2% to 5% of body weight. As one grows flava of the vertebral .column and the
older, however, brown adipose tissue diminishes suspensory ligament of the penis.
in amount such that in adults, it is practically
absent. Mucous Tissue
Mucous tis_s,ue is characterized by an
Reticular Tissue abundance of amorphous and jelly-like ground
Reticular: tissue is a connective tissue in substance in which a scarce number of collagen,
which the predominant cell and extracellular elastic, and reticular fibers are embedded. The
fiber are the reticular cell and reticular fiber, ground substance of mucous tissue is mainly
respectively. In reticular tissue, the reticular composed of hyaluronic acid. Cellular elements
cells are usually seen to be attached typically are few and they consist chiefly of mesenchymal
to the reticular fibers, which form complicated cells and fibroblasts, although an occasional
.networks. macrophage may be present .
Reticular tissue is abundant and forms the Mucous tissue is common in the embryo
stroma or supporting framework of the liver, but rare in adults. It is exemplified by Wharton's
myeloid tissue, and lymphoid tissues and Jelly, the connective tissue present in the
organs such as lymph nodes and the spleen. umbilical cord.


Chapter IV

Muscle Tissue

ontractilitr; the ability to shorten, is an reticulum, sareop-Iasmie rethmlum; and their

C inherent property of all cells. However,

it is exhibited to_ahigh degree by only a
few cells, notablYl~ericytes which are associated
mitochondria, sarcosomes,
There are three types of muscle cells
(fibers): skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
with very small blood vessels; myoe-pitbelia
Skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers are referred to
cells which embrace the acini and small ducts
as stria ea because, in routine LM preparations,
of some exocrine glands; and usde cells
they exhibit prominent alternating light and
(m:y-oc~tes; m:y.:oidcells) which exhibit t~~ dark cross striations. In contrast, smooth muscle
greatest degree of contractility among all cells cells are nonst .ated because they do not exhibit
in the body and comprise the cellular elements
cross striations.
of muscle tissue.
M'uscle cells are widespread in the body.
M-u-sdetiss-ue,like epithelium and nervous
They occasionally occur Singly or in small
tissue, is a highly cellular tissue. It is composed
disorganized clusters, but in general, the muscle
of muscle cells that are supported and bound
cells in a given area of the body form highly-
together by intercellular material that consists
organized groups that are bound together by
of connective tissue. Muscle tissue is the
connective tissue elements to form muscle
basic tissue responsible for locomotion of the
tissue. There are three types of muscle tissue:
Individual and movement of the various parts
skeletal, smooth, and cardiac, which are made
of the body because muscle cells are highly
up of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle fibers,
contractile. Contraction of muscle cells moves
respectively. These types of muscle tissue differ
or restrains the movement of a body part.
morphologically and functionally.

except for a few organs, notably those in the iri-sl SKELETAL MUSCLE
of the eye that arise from ectoderm. They are
elongated cells-the reason why they are often N early all the skeletal muscle tissue in
referred to as mu-scle fibers instead of muscle the body is organized to form mouse-shaped
cells-that are individually enveloped by basal organs that are simply referred to as muscles or
lamina. Their cell membrane is otherwise skeletal muscles. Most muscles are named, e.g.,
known as s4Lcnlemma; their cytoplasm, pectoralis major muscle and gastrocnemius
sarcoplas-m; their smooth-surfaced endoplasmic muscle. Incidentally, in medical literature, the
Fig. IV-1. Organization of a Skeletal
Muscle. A muscle consists of numerous
musclefibers that are individuallywrapped
by delicate connective tissue called
endomysium (en). Within the muscle,
the muscle fibers gather into bundles
or fascicles enveloped by connective
tissue called perimysium (pe) while the
whole muscle is enclosed externally by
connective tissue called epimysium (ep).

term muscle can refer to either a muscle tissue Within the muscle, each of the fascicles is
or a muscle organ. likewise encased by connective tissue called
Typically, a muscle is attached at either perimysium. The perimysium keeps the
end by dense regular connective tissue called muscle fibers within the fascicle together. It
tendon to a part of the skeletalsystem (bone or also serves as an avenue for the blood vessels
cartilage), hence the name. The attachments and nerve fibers that supply the muscle fibers in
are referred to as origin and insertion. There the fascicle.
are, however, skeletal muscles whose one or both Within the fascicle, each of the muscle fibers
ends are not attached to the skeletal system such is' also individually wrapped and supported,
as those in the upper third of the esophagus and external to their basal lamina, by a delicate
the muscles of facial expression. connective tissue layer called endomysium,
Skeletal muscle is also sometimes referred where the _extracellular fibers are mainly
to as :voluntary:muse because it comprises the
muscles of the limbs, body wall, and face that
are responsible for the voluntary movements Skeletal Muscle Cells (Skeletal
of the individual. There are certain areas of the muscle fibers)
body, however, such as the pharynx and upper
Skeletal muscle cells are long, tapering,
part of the esophagus, where the skeletal muscle
cylindrical, and multinucleated cells that vary
present is not under voluntary control.
in length «10 to 3S cm) and diameter (10 to 100
is urn], They arise in the embryo from the fusion
of mononuclear muscle cell precursors called
my:oblasts that evidently differentiate from
Organization of Skeletal Muscle mesenchymal cells.
A typical muscle, the biceps brachii for Skeletal muscle cells have oval nuclei which
example, is a collection of numerous skeletal vary in number depending on the length of the
muscle fibers bunched in groups called bundles cell, but which can total in the hundreds. The
or fascicles. It is enveloped by tough, dense, nuclei are longitudinally oriented and located
irregular connective tissue called epim,!sium in the peripheral portion of the cells, near the
that keeps the fascicles together. sarcolemma. The sarcoplasm of skeletal muscle


Fig IV-2. Skeletal Muscle, longitudinal section.
Photomicrograph shows a muscle fascicle (f)
enveloped by perimysium (p). The fascicle is made
up of muscle fibers/cells (c) that are encased by
endomysium (e). Note the alternating dark and
light bands and the peripherally-located nuclei.
H&E x200.

Fig. IV-3. Skeletal Muscle, cross section.

Photomicrograph shows muscle fascicles
that are encased by perimysium (p). Each
fascicle consists of muscle cellslfibers that
are enveloped by endomysium (e}.Note
the peripherally-located muscle cell nuclei.
H&E x200.

cells is acidoFhilic. It contains all the common MyofibrUs

organelles-Golgi complex, mitochondria,
There are roughly 5,000 to 10,000
endoplasmic reticulum, although rER and myofibrils per muscle fiber, each of which spans
ribosomes are few-and som~ inclusions, the length of the cell. Each of the muscle cells
notably lipid droplets and glycogen granules. that comprise a muscle also spans the length
In addition, it contains dissolved yoglobin~ of the muscle. The myofibrils vary in diameter
an oxygen-binding protein responsible for from 1 to 2~m. They are arranged parallel to
the brownish color of the muscle. The most the long axis of the cell and exhibit transverse
_noteworthy feature of the sarcoplasm, however, striations of alternating light and dark: band_so
is the presence of numerous long but thin The light and dark bands of one myofibril are
filamentous elements called myofi6rils. aligned with the corresponding light and dark
bands of the other myofibrils in the same muscle
cell. Hence, when viewed in longitudinal section
under the light microscope, a skeletal muscle
cell looks striated. The light bands are called
isotropic bands (I-Banas) because they do
not alter polarized light. In contrast, the dark
bands are called anisotropic banits (A-bands)
because they display birefringence in polarized

Fig. IV-4. Skeletal Muscle (EM). The electron

micrograph shows the different regions of a
myofibril including the I-band (I), A-band (A), z-line
(Z), H-band (H), and sarcomere (S).

A sarcomere, in turn, has been shown by
high resolution electron microscopy to consist
of a collection of thread-like structures called
filaments (my:ofilame-nts). There are around
1,000 to 2,000 of them that are arranged parallel
to the long axis of the sarcomere.

Muscle Filaments (Myofilarnents)

- .
l The filaments (myofilaments) that
comprise a sarcomere are of two types: thick
and thin.
The thick frlarrrerrts occupy the middle
zone of a sarcomere. They span the region of the
A-band. They are 10 to IS nm in diameter and
1.5 to 1.6 ~m in length. They are kept aligned by
Fig. IV-S.Composition and Organization of a
the attachment of their midpoints at the M-line.
The thin filaments, on the other hand,
In electron micrographs (and occasionally, occupy the peripheral zones of a sarcomere.
in well-prepared light microscopic specimens) They are more numerous, but are only about
several other distinct zones can be appreciated half as thick (5 to 6 nm) and are shorter (length
further in a myofibril. A fine dark transverse line, 1.0 urn) than the thick filaments. One end of
. the l;-line ~Zwisdj.enseh:eillenline, -lland, or each thin filament is attached to a Z-line while
-(lise), bisects the f-band. The A-band, on the the other end is free (see Fig.N-6).
other hand, has a lighter mid-portion called
In the resting muscle cell. the thick and
H-ban{f ~Heller band~ that is further bisected
thin filaments partially overlap each other
by a thin dark stripe, the -line (Mittels~fiei1>e
at the A-band. A cross section of this overlap
line) "
reveals that each thick filament is surrounded, in
hexagonal pattern, _bysix thin filaments. In the.
central region of the A-band, the thick filaments
A myofibril is made up of numerous are not overlapped by the thin filaments.
(up to 10,000) small contractile units called This region corresponds to the H-band. The
sarcomeres that are laid end to end. A sarcomere peripheral areas of adjacent sarcomeres, in
refers to the region that spans two Z-lines and is contrast, are occupied only by thin filaments.
about 1.5 to 2 ~m long in a resting muscle. These areas comprise the I-band.

Fig. IV-6.The Arrangement

of the Myofilaments in a


complexes playa role in the regulation of
The thick filaments, on the other hand,
consist of myosin molecules. Myosin makes up
60% (in contrast, actin comprises only 15%) of
the total proteins in myofibrils.
A myosin molecule is much bigger and
heavier than an actin molecule. It is composed
of six polypeptide chains, two heavy chains,
and four Ii ht chains, which are so arranged
as to form a structure that has two heads and
a tail. One end of each of the two heavy chains
twists with the other to form the tail while each
of the two heads is formed by the other end of
a heavy chain together with two light chains.
Fig. IV-7. Movement of the Thick and Thin
Filaments with Respect to Each Other during
Each head has a binding site for actin.
Muscle Contraction. When a muscle contracts, A thick filament consists of about 274
the thick filaments in a sarcomere remain stationary
myosin molecules that are assembled in such a
while the thin filaments move towards the center
of the sarcomere. way that their heads project at regular intervals
along the filament.
Proteins in Muscle Filaments
The filaments of skeletal muscle cells Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle
are made up mainly of four proteins: actin, Contraction
tropomyosin, troponin, and myosin. Of these,
actin and myosin are the most abundant, The widely accepted explanation for the
accounting for about 60% of total muscle mechanism of muscle contraction is the sliding
protein. The thin filaments consist of actin1 filament tneoq:. This theory states that when
tro~omxosin, and troBonin while the thick a muscle contracts, it shortens because the
filaments consist of }':os'n. interaction of the actin and myosin molecules
The principal protein component of the causes the thin and thick filaments to slide past
thin filaments is F-actin As mentioned in each other, resulting in the shortening of the
Chapter I, it is the filament form of actin that sarcomeres.
consists of two "strands of globular and soluble During muscle contraction, within each
actin f6-acti-nJ molecules coiled around each sarcomere, the thick filaments remain stationary
other, much like the fibers of a rope, to form a while the thin filaments get pulled by the thick
filament. To keep the actin filaments aligned, filaments towards the center of the sarcomere.
F-actins are anchored to the Z-line by proteins, Consequently, the overlap between the thin and
notably a-actinin and desmin. Each of the two thick filaments increases, causing a progressive
G-actin molecules that makes up a thin filament diminution in width of the 1-and H-bands. The
possesses binding sites for myosin. Z-lines, meanwhile, move towards the center
The other two protein components of the of the sarcomere because they get dragged by
thin filaments, tropomyosin and troponin, form the thin filaments attached to them. Since all of
what are called the troponin-tropom-y-osin the sarcomeres shorten while the origin of the
complexesthat are arranged along both sides of muscle remains stationary, the insertion moves
each actin filament. The troponin-tropomyosin towards the origin.

How do the thick filaments pull the thin muscle fiber and create anastomosing systems
filaments? As mentioned earlier in this chapter, of tubes that surround the sarcomeres of the
the heads of the myosin molecules contain myofibrils at the junction of the A- and l-bands.
binding sites for actin molecules while the These tubes, whose lumens are continuous with
actin molecules have corresponding binding the extracellular space, are called Itransverse
sites forthe heads of the myosin molecules. In tubules (T-tubulesY.
the resting muscle, these binding sites cannot
Meanwhile, in the area of the myofibrils
interact because those in the actin molecules are
in between the T-tubules, the sarcoglasmic
covered by troponin-tropomyosin complexes.
reticulum (i.e., sER:1creates an intricate and
The binding sites in the actin molecules complex system of membrane-bound channels
can, however, be uncovered by calcium ions whose function is to capture and store calcium
because calcium ions bind with the troponin- ions needed for muscle contraction. At the
tropomyosin complexes, causing the complexes junction of the A- and l-bands, the membrane-
to shift position, thus exposing the binding sites. bound channels form a pair of large, flattened
Hence, to initiate muscle contraction, calcium cisternae that are closely applied to either side of
ions have to be released into the area where the a T-tubule. These cisternae are called terminal
troponin-tropomyosin complexes are.
As soon as the binding sites in an actin A T-tubule and the pair of terminal cisternae
molecule are exposed by calcium ions, the associated with it are collectively referred to as
heads of the myosin molecules promptly and a triaa.
spontaneously bind with them. This binding
When the sarcoplasmic reticulum
triggers the hydrolysis of ATPs by the ATPases
depolarizes, it releases its store of calcium ions
that are present in the myosin heads. It results
into the area of the overlapping A- and l-bands.
in the release of energy, an event that could
This initiates a series of events-described in
not happen earlier because myosin needs actin
connection with the sliding filament theory-
as a co-factor in order to hydrolyze ATP. The
that culminates in muscle contraction. When
energy that has been generated enables the
depolarization ends, the sarcoplasmic reticulum
heads of the myosin molecules to bend or flex,
acts as a drain that enables calcium ions to
pulling the thin filament (i.e., actin molecule)
return into the cisternae.
towards the center of the sarcomere. The
myosin heads remain in flexed position until The signal for the sarcoplasmic reticulum
new ATP molecules bind to them and get to depolarize comes from the motor endpla
hydrolyzed. Thereafter, with the energy that on the surface of the muscle cell. Although the
has again become available, the myosin heads myofibrils are not equidistant from the cell
are able to disengage, recoil back to their former surface, they are able to contract simultaneously
positions, reattach themselves to other binding because the depolarization impulse is
sites in the actin molecules, and repeat the instantaneously transmitted to the terminal
bending action they performed earlier. These Cisternae via the T-tubules.
movements of the myosin heads are repeated in
a rapid fashion until the thick (myosin) and thin Motor Endplate (Myoneural
(actin) filaments have completely overlapped. junction; Neuromuscular junction)

Transverse Tubules (T-tubules) The command for a skeletal muscle to

and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum contract is a neural one. It originates from the
central nervous system and is carried to the
The sarcolemma of striated muscle cells surface of the muscle cells by the myelinated
forms tubular invaginations that penetrate the nerve ffbers (i.e., axonsy of somatic motor


Fig. IV-S. Motor Endplate

Upon the arrival of the nerve impulse for

muscle contraction at the axon terminal, the
somatic motor neuron arborizes and forms neurotransmitter-containing vesicles release
numerous bulb-like terminations (axon their acetylcholine content into the synaptic
terminals). These terminals make contact with cleft. Acetylcholine then diffuses across the
the sarcolemma of up to 160 muscle fibers. A synaptic cleft and triggers local depolarization
somatic motor neuron, together with the muscle that rapidly spreads across the surface of the
fibers it supplies, comprises a mntor unit. muscle fiber, the T-tubules, and sarcoplasmic
reticulum, which then releases calcium ions to
At their point of contact, an axon terminal.
start muscle contraction.
and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle fiber
form a specialized structure called motor The action of acetylcholine terminates
q:ndpla e. Each muscle fiber has only one motor when it is degraded by the enzyme
endplate. acetylcholinesterase.
In the motor endplate, an axon terminal
sheds its myelin and settles into a depression on Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
the surface of the muscle fiber called s}'napthc
There are three types of skeletal
Itrougll or ~-rimary synaptic cleft. In the
muscle fibers that vary morphologically
primary synaptic cleft, the axolemma and the
and functionally. These are red, white, and
sarcolemma are separated by a narrow space
that is merely SO nm wide. The sarcolemma
in the primary synaptic cleft further forms Red masEle fibers are smaller and have
numerous deep folds called junctional folds a richer blood supply than white muscle
(seco dary s~na12ticcle(ts~perpendicular to fibers. Furthermore, their sarcoplasm has
the primary synaptic cleft. In these folds, the more mitochondria, glycogen granules, and
muscle cell exhibits an accumulation of nuclei myoglobill'
and numerous mitochondria, ribosomes,
and glycogen granules in its sarcoplasm. The muscle fihers because they contract at a slower
expanded axon terminal, meanwhile, also has rate than white fibers. White muscle fibers, on
numerous mitochondria and avery large number the other hand, are called fast twitch muscle
of vesicles that contain the neurotransmitter fibers ecause they contract at a faster rate than
acetylcholine. red muscle fibers. Their contraction is also more

forceful than that of red muscle fibers.but they are receptors whose collective function is
fatigue faster. proprioception, i.e., the monitoring of the
position of the limbs and state of contraction of
the muscles.

muscle fibers. Neuromuscular Spindle (Muscle

Most human skeletal muscles contain a;
mixture of the three types of muscle fibers, but Neuromuscular spindles embedded in
the ratio of one fiber type to another depends on the endomysium and perimysium-are present
the function of the muscle. For example, the long in all skeletal muscles. However, they are
muscles of the back and the postural muscles of particularly numerous in muscles involved in
the neck and leg are made up predominantly of fine motor movements such as the extra-ocular!
red muscles, while the muscles used for running m scles.
such as the gastrocnemius are composed mostly A neuromuscular spindle is an encapsulated
of white fibers.
fusiform structure that is between 1 to 6
A typical skeletal muscle consists of mm in length. Its capsule which consists of
numerous motor units. Although a skeletal connective tissue encloses a fluid-filled space
muscle contains a mixture of all three types that contains several modified striated muscle
of skeletal muscle fibers, .the .muscle fibers that fibers (int fusa fibe s) which are smaller and
comprise a motor unit are of the same type. shorter than the surrounding skeletal muscle
Furthermore, the motor units that comprise fibers (extrafusal fibers). There are two kinds
a skeletal muscle are often not activated of intrafusal fibers: nuclear bag and nuclear
-sirnultaneously, For example, if only weak chain. NUJ:_Lea_ bag --'-bes possess a dilated
contraction is needed, only the motor units central area that contains a bunch of nuclei. The
I •
consisting red muscle fibers are activated. uclear chain fiber- , on the other hand, do not
There is also evidence which shows that manifest any dilatation. Moreover, their nuclei
exercise can transform the skeletal muscle fibers are set in a single row.
from one type (e.g., intermediate) to another The intrafusal fibers are provided with
(e.g., white). two types of se~-S-_{)J:~ nerve endrngs. One
type, the annulos~~ral ending, consists of the
Proprioceptive Organs in Skeletal unmyelinated terminations of sensory neurons
Muscles that are spirally wrapped around the central
portion of the intrafusal fibers. The other type,
Skeletal muscles, their tendons, and the the flower-sBray; ending, consists of smaller
nerve endings that innervate the peripheral
portions of the intrafusal fibers.
The neuromuscular spindle is a stretch
receptor that detects the degree and velocity of
stretch applied to a muscle.

Golgi Tendon Organ

The 60lgi tendon organs are small, one-
mm-long structures located in the tendons that
attach skeletal muscles to their insertions and
origins. They consist of c_oJlagenfibers enclosed


Fig. IV-9. Cardiac Muscle, cross section .. Note 'that the muscle cells=which are individually wrapped
by endomysium (e)-form fascicles that are enclosed by perimysium (p). Also note the central location
of the nuclei (at tip of arrows) of the muscle cells. Heart, H&E x400.

by a thin, cone-shaped connective tissue striated and its contractions are forceful. Unlike
capsule. Each of them is supplied by a single most skeletal muscles, however, it is not under
afferent nerve fiber that discards its myelin and conscious control.
breaks into branches as it enters the capsule.
Within the organ, the slender nerve endings are Organization of Cardiac Muscle
in between the collagen fibers.
Cardiac muscle tissue consists of cardiac
The Golgi tendon organs are sensitive to, , muscle fihers that form bundles or fascicles.
muscle contraction rather than stretch. They The muscle fibers and fascicles in ~ardiac muscle
evidently measure the tension that is generated are organized much like those in skeletal muscle.
by muscle contraction. Each fascicle is surrounded by Berill1}':si:urn
The muscle fibers, in turn, are individually
C PIAC MUSCLE enveloped, external to their basal lamina, by a
thin ~d_om:y:sium.

heart and sometimes, in small areas in the wall Cardiac Muscle Cells (Cardiac
of some of the big blood vessels attached to the muscle fibers)
heart. Like skeletal muscle,
, cardiac muscle is
Cardiac muscle cells are cylindrical cells
that are much shorter than skeletal muscle cells.
Their average length is only SOto 100 l1m, but
with their average diameter of IS l1m, they are
as broad as many skeletal muscle cells. Unlike
skeletal muscle cells which do not branch,
cardiac muscle cells typically split longitudinally
at their ends to give off a few branches.
Whereas skeletal muscle cells are
multinucleated, cardiac muscle cells contain
Fig. IV-10. Drawing of Cardiac Muscle Cells only one to two nuclei. Furthermore, in contrast
Showing Intercalated Discs (at arrows)
to skeletal muscle cells whose nuclei are in the

Fig. IV-11. Cardiac Muscle,
longitudinal section. Note the
centrally-located nuclei (nu) and
the presence of intercalated discs
(at arrows). Heart, H&E x400.

periphery of the cell, the pale-staining nuclei in cardiac muscle cells surround the Z-lines.
of cardiac muscle cells are centrally located. Also, in cardiac muscle cells, the lumens of the
Also, the sarcoplasm of a cardiac muscle cell is T-tubules are bigger.
more abundant than that in a skeletal muscle The sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac
cell. Its mitochondria are also more numerous muscle cells is not as well developed as that of
and larger. But, as in skeletal muscle cells, the skeletal muscle cells. In many instances, only
sarcoplasm of a cardiac muscle cell is filled with one expanded terminal cisterna is associated
myofibrils. with a Ttubule, thus, d")'"ads,instead of triads,
are formed.
Myofibrils of Cardiac Muscle Fibers
The myofibrils in cardiac muscle fibers, Intercalated Discs
like those in skeletal muscle fibers/consist Cardiac muscle cells have distinct cell
of sarcomeres that are laid end to end. The boundaries. However, they appear to form
sarcomeres likewise contain thick and thin
syncytium under the light microscope because
filaments (myofilaments) which have the their terminal branches are at ached end-to-
same protein composition (with a few minor end to the terminal branches of their neighbors
differences)and arrangement asthose in skeletal
via specialized junctional complexes called
muscles. However, owing to the abundant
dntercalated discs.
sarcoplasm and numerous mitochondria
in cardiac muscle cells, the cross striations Intercalated discs are unique to cardiac
of their myofibrils are not as prominent as muscle.Under the light microscope, they appear
those of skeletal muscle cells under the light as dark, transverse lines that occur at irregular
microscope. intervals.
In electron micrographs, an intercalated
T-tubu,'es and Sarcop,'asmic Reticulum disc exhibits two regions: atransverse portion
of Cardiac Muscle Fibers and a lateral portion.
The sarcolemmaofcardiac muscle cells,like The transverse portioN contains two forms
their skeletal muscle counterparts, invaginates of junctional complexes, fasci adherens and
to form T-tubules. But unlike in skeletal muscle desmosome. A fascia adherens is similar to the
cells where the T-tubules are disposed at the zonula adherens of epithelial cells, except that
junctions of the A- and I-bands, the T-tubules the former does not form a band that encircles


the cell but is instead a broad intercellular SAnode is a part, is discussed in the chapter on
junction. The thin filaments of the terminal the circulatory system.
sarcomeres of a cardiac muscle cell attach into
Although they do not need a neural stimulus
the fasciae adherens. Thus, in a cardiac muscle
to contract, cardiac muscle cells are nevertheless
cell, the fasciae adherens in the intercalated supplied with efferent fibers by the motor
discs can be regarded as the terminal Z-lines. neurons of the autonomic nervous system.
The desmosomes, on the other hand, which are These efferent fibers serye to regulate the rate
present at regular intervals, are identical to the and strength of cardiac muscle contraction. The
desmosomes that bind epithelial cells. axon terminals of these efferent fibers end a
The lateral I2ortion of the intercalated discs, short distance from the muscle cellsthey supply.
meanwhile, runs parallel to the myofilaments. On arrival of an efferent stimulus, the axon
It is characterized by ga~ junctions) that are terminals release their neurotransmitters into
likewise identical to those between epithelial· the intercellular space. The neurotransmitters
cells, reach the receptors on the surface ofthe muscle
cells by diffusion.
Thus, the transverse portion of the
intercalated discs serves to anchor the
myofibrils and to keep the cells together. SMOOTH MUSCLE
The lateral portion, in contrast, allows for
Smooth muscle (tissue)iswidelydistributed
instantaneous spread of contractile stimuli from
in the body. It comprises the muscular
one cell to another.
component of the w I o_yis_c_eral organs-
which is why it is otherwise known as visceral
Mechanism of Cardiac Muscle muse e-and hlooil=v:essels.It is also present
Contraction in the pare-nchy_maof most internal organs
and even the skin. Smooth muscle is sometimes
The chain of events that occurs during the referred to as involuntary muscle -because it is
contraction of cardiac muscle cells is similar to not under conscious control. However,the term
that of skeletalmuscle cells.However,in cardiac is inappropriate because cardiac muscle and
muscle cells, the calcium ions that uncover the skeletal muscle in certain areas of the body are
binding sitesin the actin molecules to enable the also not under conscious control.
binding sitesin the myosin molecules to interact
The contractions ofsmooth muscle are slow
with them come not only from the sarcoplasmic
and not as forceful as those of striated muscles.
reticulum but also from outside the cell. Also,
unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle
cells contract without neural stimulation.
The impu se that initiates their contraction is
generated by the 'sinoatrial node or S:A:node,
a small structure in the heart that consists of
urkinj-efibe s.
Purki nje fibers are modified cardiac
muscle cells. They are non-contractile cells
that are specialized, to comprise the impulse
conducting system of the hearrwhich generates
and propagates the electrical impulse that Fig. IV-12. Smooth Muscle, longitudinal section.
initiates cardiac contraction. The impulse Note the fusiform nuclei that are centrally-located
conducting system of the heart, of which the within the cells. Colon, H&E x400.


Organization of Smooth Muscle mistaken for collagen fibers because, despite the
presence of numerous filaments (myofilaments),
Smooth muscle cells sometimes occur their sarcoplasm appears homogenous. Collagen
singly or in disorganized clusters, but more fibers, however, are less acidophilic and have
often, those in an area or organ are organized no nuclei. The nuclei seen among the collagen
to for~ bundles (fascicles) enveloped by fibers in histologic sections belong to fibroblasts.
perimysium. The number of cells that comprise
In the smooth muscle fascicles, the smooth
a fascicle varies from a few to hundreds. In
muscle cells are arranged parallel to each other
the fascicles, as in striated muscle tissue, the
with the thick part of one cell lying on the thin
smooth muscle cells are individually enveloped,
parts of neighboring cells. Hence, when seen
external to their basal lamina, by endomysium.
in cross section under the light microscope,
Furthermore, the cell membranes of adjacent
adjacent smooth muscle cells exhibit different
cells in smooth muscle fascicles are attached to
each other by desmosomes and gap junctions diameters and only the larger ones that are cut at
that are similar to those seen between epithelial the level of the thick portions show the presence
cells. of a nucleus.

The arrangement of- smooth muscle Filaments (Myofilaments)

fascicles varies depending on their location.
In the walls of the gastro-intestinal tract, for As in striated muscle cells, the filaments
example, they form two layers: one layer consists (myofilaments) in the sarcoplasm of smooth
of longitudinally-oriented fascicles; while muscle cells are of two types: thick and thin.
the other layer consists of circumferentially- However, the ratio of thin to thick filaments is
arra~ged muscle fascicles. In contrast, the much higher in smooth muscle (15:1) than in
fascicles in the urinary bladder form three ill- skeletal muscle (6:1).
defined layers, two layers of longitudinally- Similar to striated muscle, the thick
arranged muscle fibers that sandwich a layer of filaments of smooth muscle cells consist of
circularly-arranged muscle fibers. myosin while the thin filaments are made up
mostly of actin. In smooth muscle, the thick
Smooth Muscle Cells (Smooth filaments contain much less myosin and the thin
muscle fibers) filaments do not contain troponin.
Smooth muscle cells are fusiform cells that Unlike striated muscles, the filaments
are broad in the middle and tapering at both (myofilaments) of smooth muscle cells do not
ends. They vary greatly in length dependi~g on form sarcomeres, much less myofibrils-that is
the organ where they are located. They may be why the cells are not striated. Instead, the thick
as short as 20 ttm such as those that are in the filaments are scattered all over the sarcoplasm
walls of the small blood vessels, or as long as while the thin filaments which surround
500 ttm such as those in the pregnant uterus. the thick filaments are anchored on dense
Their diameter is generally between 2 to 10 bodies that contain the protein a-actinin and
ttm. They contain a single, oval nucleus located correspond to the Z-disks of the myofibrils of
in the thick part of the cell. Their sarcoplasm skeletal muscle cells. Some of the dense bodies
is acidophilic. It is filled with filaments are attached to the sarcolemma but most are
(myofilaments) that consign the cytoplasmic in the cytoplasm anchored on a network of
ulganelies (mitochondria, ribosomes, rER, intermediate filaments made up of the protein
Golgi complex) to the perinuclear area. desmin.
Smooth muscle cells, when seen in Smooth muscle cells have a poorly
longitudinal sections under LM, may be developed sarcoplasmic reticulum that forms


Fig. IV-13. Smooth Muscle,
cross section. Note that in
the 'cells where the nucleus
is seen, the nucleus is
centrally located. The arrow
indicates endomysium that
envelops each muscle cell.
Duodenum, H & E x400.

a loose network throughout the sarcoplasm. ATP breakdown releases energy that enables
Furthermore, their sarcolemma does not form the myosin molecule to interact with actin
T-tubules. molecules.
Smooth muscle cells do not need neural
Mechanism of Contraction of stimulation to contract. They are inherently
Smooth Muscle contractile, although in some visceral organs
such as the small and large intestines, there are
In smooth musclecells,asin striated muscl~.
pacesetter cells (interstitial cell ofCajal; ICC)
cells,contraction results from the interaction of
that trigger the contraction of the muscle cells.
myosin with actin molecules. Thus, in smooth
muscle cells,thin filaments also slidepast thick Like cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle
filaments. However, since the dense bodies cells are supplied with efferent fibers by the
where the thin filaments are attached do not autonomic nervous system whose axon
form a straight line, shortening occurs in all terminals end a short distance from the cells
directions. they supply. The efferent fibers release their
neurotransmitters into the intercellular space.
Like in striated muscles, calcium ions also The neurotransmitters reach the receptors on .
regulate smooth muscle contraction, although the surface of some of the smooth muscle cells
in a slightly different manner. Most of the by diffusion and then propagated to the other
calcium ions that trigger contraction of smooth cellsvia gapjunctions.
muscle cellsdo not come from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum, but from the extracellular substance.
They enter the cell when the cell surface
depolarizes. Once inside the cell, calcium
ions interact, not with troponin-tropomyosin Skeletal muscle tissue is capable of some
complexes because there are none, but with degree of regeneration despite the fact that
an enzyme complex on the myosin molecule, skeletal muscle cells are incapable of cell
calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase. This division. The source of new muscle cells is
interaction activates the enzyme myosin a small residual population of myoblast-like
light chain kinase which breaks down ATP. stem cells called satellite cells within the


basal lamina that surrounds the muscle cells. The regenerative capacity of smooth
These cells, which decrease in number with muscles, on the other hand, depends on
age, cannot be distinguished under the light their location in the body. In some organs,
microscope. Following injury to a muscle, they smooth muscle cells have minimal to absent
probably divide then fuse together to form new regenerative capacity such that when they are
lost, they are replaced by connective tissue
skeletal muscle cells. The regenerative capacity
elements.In other organs, ofwhich the pregnant
of skeletal muscle, however, is very limited.
uterus is the extreme example, numerous new
Often, if the injury to the tissue is massive,
muscle cells can be produced when needed.
the dead muscle cells are replaced not by new
In contrast to smooth and skeletal muscles,
muscle cells but by connective tissue elements
cardiac inuscle has negligible regenerative
that form a scar.
capacity. Cardiac muscle cells that die are
Skeletalmuscle cellsprogressivelydecrease invariably replaced by connective tissue
in size and number starting at age 25. elements.


Chapter V

Nervous Tissue

erxous tissue, like epithelial tissue, Neurons (Nerve Cells)
is made up of erosely packed cells that
are separated by very little amount of Neurons are the functional units of nervous
intercellular substance. It is, in fact, considered tissue-they perform all the functions of the
by some authors as simply a special type of tissue. They are highly specialized cells that
epithelial tissue because of its high cellularity exhibit irritability (i.e., the ability to react to
and because it arises from embryonic stimulus) and conductivity (i.e., the ability to
e€toderm. transmit stimulus) to a high degree. Within the
body, neurons are arranged in close apposition
The nervous tissue in the body is organized
to, and communicate extensively with, each
to comprise the neJ;¥OUSsystem, which is
anatomically divided into two divisions:
central nervous system '€NS~which refers to There is no consensus among experts as
the brain and the spinal cord, and peripheral to the total number of neurons that comprise
nervous system ~NS) which relates to all the nervous system. Estimates vary between 14
other nervous tissue in the body. billion and 1trillion.

Nervous tissue in the eNS is devoid of Neurons are the most morphologically
connective tissue except for those associated variable cell type in the body. In terms of size,
with blood vessels. It simply consists of a mass most neurons are large cells (up to 150 um in
of cells that abut on each other. In the PNS diameter) and some are, in fact, large enough
however, there is some amount of intercellular to be seen by the naked eye. However, there are
many small neurons such as the granule cell in
material, mainly connective tissue, albeit
the cerebellum which is only 5 l1min diameter.
Neurons come in all sorts of shapes. The
CELLS OF NERVOUS TISSUE following are some examples: steHate:neurons
characterize the ventral gray matter of the
The cells of nervous tissue consist of spinal cord and the motor nuclei of the brain
neu ons (ne e cells) and supporting cells stern: pyrarrridal eurons are present in the
(neuroglial or glial cells). cerebral cortex: and flask-shaped neurons called
Purkinje cells that give off a dendrite which
arborizes like a tree are seen in the middle layer
of the cerebellar cortex. Many more neurons
.that vary in shape are found in the cerebellar and
cerebral cortices.

Parts of a Neuron
Although highly variable in form, neurons
have things in common. They all consist of a
cell body called perikaryon or so~~ a"iidone
.or l1}()reprocesses that-draw out from the nerve
cell body.'
The processes of neurons are of two kinds:
axon and dendrite. The number and location of
Fig. V-1. Parts of a Myelinated Neuron
these processes, especially the dendrites, largely
determine the shape of the neuron. ..
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Neurons are terminally differentiated cells
Neurons contain the same cytoplasmic
that are incapable of cell division'. In adults,
organelles present in most other cell types
very few neuronal stem cells persist. That is the
including an endoFlas~ic reticuhufi,
reason why in general, when a neuron dies, it'
G-olgi compJex, ibosomes, mitochonilFia,
is n~t replace"G.However, axons~ and dendrites
,. f;".~ __
peroxisoni'es, and a centrosome.
can regenerate -tv ien Hamaged,providetl tIle cell
body is intact. ., - - In neurons, the rER is highly developed. In
routine LM preparations, parts of the neuron's
Perikaryon rER are seen as deeply basophilic, granJ!lar
masses that are referred to as Nissl bodies
The cell body or perikaryon of a neuron
Echromophilic substances; tigroid bodiesJ"
consists of a nucleus that is surrounded by
Nissl bodies are aburrdant throughout the
basophilic cytoplasm G europlasm~ and
enclosed by a cell membrane (neurolemtna~ perikaryon and are also found in dendrites, but
that likewise envelops the processes of the cell. they are notably absent in the axon and the axon
Neurolemma is structurally the same as the cell hillock, i.e., the area of the perikaryon where
membrane of other cell type'S. the axon originates. The number, form, size, and
distribution of the Nissl bodies vary depending'
Like other cell types, a neuron has
on the neuron. and more
cytoplasmic organelles, a cytoskeleton, and
numerous in the bigger neurons.
A Golgi complex is present in all neurons,
Nucleus but is confined to the £erika-ryo~.
Usually, neurons have only one nucleus, In neurons, as in other cell types, the rERs
but some have more. The nncleus of a neur.QOlis (Nissl bodies) and Golgi complex are involved
typically large, spherical or ovoid, and centrally in the synthesis of proteins essential for the
located. Its nuclear enveleEe is structurally maintenance of the structural and metabolic
similar to that of other cells while its chromatin integrity of the cell. In addition, they synthesize
material is finely dispersed. Hence, in routine the protein component of the neurotransmitters
LM preparations, the nucleus is usually pale and that are used by neurons in communicating with
the nucleolus very prominent. other neurons and cells.


Mitochondria are abundant in neurons, Inclusions
but they are generally smaller than those seen
A variety of inclusions are seen in the
in other cell types. Their number varies from
perikaryon of neurons. Eat dro-plets are
neuron to neuron and for different parts of the common, as well as Itpochrome or lipofuscliin
same neuron. They are particularly profuse in granules. Some neurons have' pigment
axon terminals (i.e., bulb-like swellings along granule_s,notably melanin and ircon.
or at the ends ofaxons).
Melanin granules are present in nerve'
Lysosomes are also abundant in neurons. cells of the substantia nigra of the midbrain,
Inasmuch as neurons are long-lived, the the locus coeruleus near the fourth ventricle,
lysosomes come in bandy in recycling proteins and the sBinal ami"sympathetic ganglia. Iron
from senescent cellular structures and in dealing granules, .on the other hand, are present in the-
with abnormal and foreign proteins. neurons in the globus pallidus.
Peroxisomes are consistently present in The number of inclusions in neurons,
significant numbers in neurons, where they especially lipofuschin and if-on granules,
are found in the main body, and are smaller noticeahly increases with age.
(about 0.25 to 0.5 urn in diameter) than in
other cells. They probably help in preventing the Cytoskeleton of Neurons
degeneration of the neuron by not allowing the As in other cells,the cytoskeleton of neurons
accumulation of strong oxidizing agents and by is formed by three types of fibrillar elements,
playing a detoxifyingjioxious s~Qstance.s. collectively referred to as neu~ofibrils: 1)
A centrosome (MT0C) is another mierofilaments, 2) intermediate filarrrerrts;
organelle that is generally present in neurons, and 3)microtubules. Neurofibrils are present in
despite the fact that neurons are incapable of cell all neurons but are particularly well-developed
division. It is usually located in the peripheral in large ones. They extend into the axon and the
area of the perikaryon. The cep.trosome of dendrites.
neurons, however, is atypical because it does The microfilaments are the fines of the
not contain centrioles, but it is the source of the fibrillar elements in neurons- Their diameters
microtubules that the cells need. average 5.0 nm. Structurally, they are similar to

Fig. V-2. Neuron. The

photomicrograph shows a
neuron in the spinal cord and
some of its parts including
the nucleus (n), axon (a)which
arises from the axon hillock
(h), and dendrites (d). The
basophilic granules in the
cytoplasm are Nissl granules.
Spinal Cord, H&Ex400.

the microfilaments present in other cell types. dendrite which carries impulses towards the
Hence, they are made up of the fibrillar type cell body. There is one and only one axon per
of actin (F-actin) that consists of two strands neuron. Dendrites, on the other hand, could be
of helically-arranged, polymerized G-actin absent, solitary, or numerous.
The intermediate filaments present in Classification of Neurons
neurons are called neu ofilaments. They are 10 Morphologically, neurons are grouped
nm in diameter and are present in the cell body into four types based on the' number of their
and the cell processes. They are particularly processes.
abundant in the axon. N eurofilaments provide
1. Unipolar -when only one process, an
internal support for the cell and fix the diameter"
axon,·is present. This type exists in early
of dendrites and axons.
embryonic life but is rarely present in adults.
The microtubules in neurons, often referred
2. Rseudounip'olar~ when a Singleprocess,
to as neurntubiiles, are similar to those found in
morphologically an axon, leaves the body,
other cell types. They provide internal support
but soon bifurcate . Neurons of this type
for the neurons. They also strengthen synapses
are exemplified by se_nso~¥neurons that
(i.e., the points of contact between neurons
are present in the cFaniosginal ganglia.
and other cell). Furthermore, they play a role
in the intracellular transport of organelles and 3. Bipolar - when a Single dendrite and an
secretory vesicles. axon arise at opposite poles of the cell body.
Examples of neurons of this type are seen in
Processes of a Neuron the (i)jfaJ:tnr~epithelium of the nose and in
the vestibular and cochleareganglia.
The processes of a neuron are cytoplasmic
extensions of the cell body. They are often 4.,, Multipolar - when numerous dendrites
rather numerous such that the amount of are present. Most neurons are of this type.
cytoplasm they contain is more than what is in
Functionally, neurons are classified into
the perikaryon. In fact, in most neurons, more
three types:
than 90% of the cytoplasm is in the processes.
As stated earlier, there are two types of
processes in neurons: 1) axon which conducts
impulses away from the cell body; and 2)
2. Motor neurons (efferent neurons) which
transmit impulses from the CNS to effector
3. Interneurons (assodat· on neu-rnnsJ
which convey impulse from one neuron to
Some sensory neurons synapse or
communicate directly with motor neurons.
However, as a rule, sensory stimulus is passed
on by sensory neurons to interneurons which
make up the great majority of neurons in the
nervous system. Interneurons do not simply
Fig. V-3. Types of Neurons According to relay information. In concert, they also process,
Number of Processes: a) Unipolar; b) Bipolar; c) store, and analyze information (stimuli), and
Pseudounipolar; and d) Multipolar. decide on appropriate responses to stimuli.


Dendrite Coverings ofAxons
More than one dendrite is usually present All axons are enveloped by a sheath of cells,
in a neuron. In fact, m st neurons contain the neustlermrral sbeafII In addition, many
many dendrites. Dendrites provide most of the axons are further encased by a m)':elin slieat ,
receptive surface of the neuron. and in the PNS, also by a llasallamiIDl'.

In general, dendrites branch more

extensively, but are shorter, than axons.
Dendrites contain Nissl bodies,
mitochondria, and neurofibrils, but they do not
have a Golgi complex.

Schwann cells are encased external to their

Axon (Axis Cylinder)
plasmalemma by basal lamina,» hence, axons in
The axon arises from a conical elevation the PNS are" de-facto" also enveloped by basal
on the perikaryon called the axon:hillock. lamirra,
The axon and the axon hillock, in contrast to
Several Schwann cells are normally needed
dendrites, are devoid ofNissl granules, but the
to completely envelop an axon. The points of
axflplasm (i.e., cytoplasm of the axon) contains
discontinuity between successive Schwann cells
other organelles such as §ER and mitochondria.
are referred to as wdes ot:Ranvie);.
The cell membrane of the perikaryon is
continuous with that of the axon, where it is
called axolemma.
An axon is usually more slender than a
d~~drite but is typically longer. The longest
axons in the human body are those that form
the sciatic nerve which can be longer than one
meter and extend from the inferior end of the
spinal column to the big toe of each foot.
Only one axon is present in a neuron, but it
gives off collateral branches.
An axon forms small, rounded swellings
called houtrrns Cterminals) at the ends th,uIfon
Fig. V-4. Myelinated PNS Nerve Fiber, cross
terminau!X; \te:flnina ontons) or along the
course Gbouton en passant~ of its branches. It is
at these axon terminals or boutons that an axon In addition to the Schwann sheath, larger
synapses or communicates with other neurons axons in the peripheral nervous system are
or cells. ' enveloped by a material that is highly refractile
Axons are capable of axona t anspo t, in fresh specimen but black in tissues fixed
meaning substances can move along the with osmium tetroxide. This material is called
axon. Two forms of this transport exist: a) lll~elin. The structure it forms around the axon:
anterograde which involves movement of which lies internal to the Schwann sheath, is
substances from the perikaryon to the axon called my:elin sheath. Thus, there are two kinds
terminals; and b) ~etrograde which involves the ofaxons depending on the presence or absence
transport of substances from the axon terminals of myelin: m:y_elinatea and ~y:elinaied. The
to the perikaryon. myelin sheath has a profound influence on the

physiologic properties of a neuron. For one, are likewise myelinated. This is because, in the
the conduction of a nerve impulse is faster in eNS, the functions of the Schwann cells are
myelinated than unmyelinated axons. performed by cells called oligodendrocyfes.
Schwann cells and myelin were once However, an oligodendrocyte differs from
considered as separate structures since they a Schwarm cell because the former forms
appear distinct from each other when seen segments of myelin sheaths of numerous.
under the light microscope. However, electron neurons while Schwann cells envelop just one
microscopy has proven that myelin is actually axon each. Furthermore, oligodendrocytes,
made up of Schwann cell plasma membranes unlike Schwarm cells, are not surrounded
that have been spirally wrapped, many by basal lamina. Incidentally, the amount of
times. over, 'ar~und, the axon. In between the cytoplasm associated with myelin in the eNS is
concentrically-arranged plasma membranes, much less than that in the PNS.
there is yery little cytoplasm. As in the PNS, nodes of Ranvier interrupt
- The nodes of Ranvier interrupt the myelin the neurilemmal and myelin sheaths ofaxons
sheath in the same areas where there are in the eNS.
interruptions in the sheath of Schwann. Thus,
in the nodes of Ranvier, th~ axon is partially Nerve Fiber
uncovered. Here is where the axon gives off An axon and its coverings (i.e., neurilemmal
collateral branches. sheath), and when present, myelin sheath and
basal lamina comprise a nerve fiber.
In fixed specimens, the layers of myelin in a
myelin sheath may separate in some areas. These In the PNS, every nerve fiber is enveloped
points of separation are referred to 'as incisures by some amount of connective tissue that is
or clefts 0 Schmidt-Lantermann. Under the referred to as endoneurium. In contrast, in the
electron microscope, the clefts appear to be eNS, nerve fibers are not invested by connective
shearing defects in the lamellae of the myelin tissue.
In the central nervous system or eNS, there Synapse
are no Schwann cells. Nevertheless, axons still A synapse is the point of contact between a
have neurilemmal sheaths and the larger ones neuron and another neuron or another cell. It is
the site of transmission of a nerve impulse which
can either be excitatory or inhibitory in nature.
It allows neurons to communicate with each
other or with effector (muscle and gland) cells
and accomplish their integration and control
The total number of synapses that
neurons make in the body is estimated at 1014
or one hundred quadrillion. This gi ves one
an idea of how complex and sophisticated a
communication network the nervous system is.

Types of Synapses
Fig. V-S. Myelinated eNS Nerve Fiber. Note Synapses are categorized into two types
that the myelin sheaths of several axons are according to the mode by which they transmit
formed by a single oligodendrocyte. an impulse: electrical and chemical.


numerous mitochondria, neurofibrils,
lysosomes, and membrane-bound
vesicles (synaptic vesicles) that contain
neurotransmitters. The shape, size, and
contents of synaptic vesicles vary depending
on the function of the presynaptic neuron.
At the synapse, the axolemma of the
presynaptic neuron is thickened and is referred
to as the presInaptic membrane while the
cell membrane of the postsynaptic cell, which
is also thickened, is called the postsynaBtic
Fig. V-6. Synapse. The diagram illustrates an membrane. The presynaptic and postsynaptic
axodendritic synapse. membranes are separated by a small gap (20-30
nm) called the sy-napficdeft which may contain
Electrical Synapses p'olysaccharides and some fine in_te-rsynapfic
- filamen s.
Electrical synapses occur rarely. They exist
between some neurons in the brain stem, retina, The presynaptic membrane, synaptic
and cerebral cortex. Electrical synapses consist cleft, and postsynaptic membrane comprise a
of gap junctions that are similar to those found s}'napse.
in between epithelial and other cells. They
Impulse Transmission at the Synapse
enable neighboring neurons to communicate
When an impulse reaches the axon terminal
with each other by allowing adjacent cells to
exchange molecules and small ions. of a presynaptic neuron, the neurotransmitters
in its synaptic vesicles are released by exocytosis
Chemical Synapses at the presynaptic membrane into the synaptic
cleft. The neurotransmitters then diffuse
Chemical synapses are more common than across the synaptic cleft and are taken up by
electrical synapses. In fact, most synapses that
receptors (proteins) that are at the postsynaptic
neurons make are of this type. This is the reason
membrane. Incidentally, neurotransmitters
why the term synapse, unless qualified, refers to
have specific receptors.
a chemical synapse.
In a (chemical) synapse, the nerve impulse Synapses between Neurons
is transmitted from one neuron to another Individually, the neurons that comprise
cell by means of chemical substances called the CNS ar-e not intelligent. But when they
neurotransmitters. At present, there are about communicate with each other via their synapses,
SOknown neurotransmitters. they are able to collectively process and analyze
The neuron that communicates the impulse
in a (chemical) synapse is called a presynaptic Neurons synapse with each other in a
neuron. The cell or neuron that receives the variety of ways. Very commonly, the axon of a
impulse is called a postsymlp1ic cell. The neuron synapses with a dendrite or a perikaryon
latter could be a neuron, muscle cell, or a cell of another neuron, forming axodendritic
ofagland. and axosomatic synapses, respectively.

Sometimes, the axon of a neuron synapses Astrocytes
with the axon of another neuron to form
Astrocytes are the largest and most
an axoaxonic synapse. Rarely, other
abundant of the neuroglial cells. They are star-
types of contacts occur among neurons-
shaped and havenumerous,branching processes.
d e n d r'o d e n d r It i c, somatodendritic,
They are involved in many metabolic processes
somatosomatic, somatoaxonic,
that occur in nervous tissue. Moreover, they
dendroaxonic, and axoaxodendritic (serial).
form scar tissue in damaged areas.
A neuron usually forms multiple synapses
with other neurons. Some neurons carry this Types of Astrocytes
feature to extremes-the Purkinje cells of On the basis of their processes, two types of
the cerebellar cortex, for example, establish astrocytes can be distinguished: protoplasmic
hundreds of thousands of synapses with and fibrous.
neighboring neurons.
Protoplasmic astrocytes have abundant
cytoplasm. Their nucleus is bigger and paler-
Neuroglial Cells (Neuroglia; Glial staining in routine histologic preparations
cells; Glia) than that of the other neuroglial cells. They
are found mainly within the gray matter of the
Interspersed among the neurons in nervous
brain and the spinal cord.
tissue are supporting cells called neuroglial
cells.Neuroglial cellsprotect neurons; aid them Fibrous astrocytes have longer, more
in performing their functions by creating and slender processes than protoplasmic astrocytes.
maintaining an appropriate environment where They are located chiefly in the white matter.
neurons can carry out their function; and playa
role in neural nutrition. Oligodendrocytes (Oligodendroglia)
Neuroglial cellsoutnumber neurons. There Oligodendrocytes are smaller, and have
are five to 10 times more neuroglial cells than fewer and shorter processes than astrocytes.
neurons in nervous tissue, but they are smaller They have scanty cytoplasm. Their nucleus,
than most neurons. Thus, they account for only usually ovoid or spherical, is smaller but
half of the volume of nervous tissue. more deeply-staining in routine histologic
preparations than that of astrocytes. They are
In the eNS, there are four types of
located mainly in the white matter of the eNS
neuroglial cells:astrocytes, oligodendrocytes,
where they form the neurilemmal and myelin
microglia, and ependymal cells. In the PNS,
sheaths of the axons.
there are two: Schwanncells and satellite cells.
Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are sometimes
collectivelyreferred to as macroglia.
Microglia (Microglial cells)
Microglia, as the name implies, are smaller
The neuroglial cells, except for the
than astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. They are
microglia, arise from embryonic ectoderm.
distributed throughout the eNS. Their nuclei
Microglia evidently arise from embryonic
are small and elongated while their cytoplasm
is scanty and contains many lysosomes.
Neuroglial cells cannot be distinguished in
Microglia are phagocytes that remove
H&E preparations. Many times, the nuclei are
cellular debris from sites of injury or normal
the only parts of the cells that can be seen.
cell turnover. They share many properties
Unlike neurons, neuroglial cells have the
capacity to divide by mitosis.
with macrophages such that some histologists
categorize them as macrophages even though
their lineage is still uncertain. There is, however, instantaneously. It is one of the body's two
evidence that in the embryo, monocytes from major integration and control systems-the
blood enter the developing brain where they other being the endocrine system.
differentiate into microglia. The integration and control functions ofthe
nervous system are performed by 1) collecting
Ependymal Cells (Ependymocytes) stimuli from the environment by means of
Ependymal cells are cuboidal cells that receptors; 2) transmitting these stimuli, called
possess short cilia and microvilli.They also have nerve impulses, to highly organized reception
cytoplasmic processes on their basal surface and correlation areas for interpretation; and 3)
that are relativelyshort except for those present issuing orders to effector organs for appropriate
in some ependymal cellsin the floor ofthe third responses to the stimuli. In contrast, the
ventricle (calledtanycytes), which are very long endocrine system exerts its influence over cells,
and extend into the hypothalamus. tissues, and organs by producing and releasing
to the blood stream chemical messengers called
Ependymal cells comprise the simple
cuboidal epithelium that lines the cavities of
the central nervous system (i.e., ventricles of In general, the response of the nervous
the brain and the central canal of the spinal system to stimuli is rapid and precise, but its
cord) and form the secretory epithelial lining of effects are brief. In contrast, the response of the
the choroid plexuses thaf secrete cerebrospinal endocrine system to stimuli is slower and more
fluid (CSF). Their ciliary movement also helps diffuse, but its effects are longer-lasting.
circulate CSF. The nervous and endocrine systems overlap
anatomically and functionally. Their anatomic
Schwann Cells overlap is exemplified by the hypothalamus, a
, ,
Schwarm cells form the neurilemmal and part of the brain that also elaborates hormones.
myelin sheaths of peripheral nerves. They have The nervous system is the organ system
been discussed earlier in this chapter. primarily involved with the conscious
experience. This is not to say,.however,that the
Satellite Cells (Mantle cells; functions of the nervous system are all carried
Amphicytes) out at the conscious level.

Satellite cells are small, flattened cells that

surround the cell bodies of neurons that are
Anatomic Divisions
in ganglia. They are the PNS counterparts of of the Nervous System
astrocytes. They provide structural support
As also previously mentioned, the nervous
for, and are involved in numerous metabolic
system is divided anatomically into two parts:
processes of neurons.
central nervous system EENS) which refers to
the large mass of nervous tissue in the cranial
M cavity and vertebral canal, i.e.,brain and spinal
cord, respectively; and peripheral nervous
As mentioned earlier in this chapter,
system (PNS) which refers to all other nervous
the nervous tissue in the body is organized
tissues in the body.
to comprise the nervous system. It is an
extraordinarily complex but highly integrated
communication network that receives, Central Nervous System (CNS)
stores, processes, and sends out voluminous The CNS has no connective tissue stroma,
amounts of information simultaneously and hence, the nervous tissue that comprises the

brain and the spinal cord is soft and jelly-like. The vertebrae have a distinct periosteum
It is very fragile, thus, it is protected by bony connected to the dura mater by ligamentous
structures, i.e., skull and vertebral column. strands. Thus, a space exists between the
Internal to the bony structures that protect periosteum and dura mater. This space
them, the brain and the spinal cord are further occupied by fat and venous plexuses is called
protected by enveloping membranes called epidural space.It has some clinical significance
meninges made up of connective tissue. and is a site for the introduction of some drugs,
including anesthetics (epidural anesthesia).
The inner surface of the dura mater in the
The meninges that cover the brain and brain and the spinal cord, on the other hand,
the spinal cord consist of three layers. The which is also lined by a simple squamous
outermost of these layers is the dura mater epithelium,is referredto as the meningeal dura.
or pachymeninx which is firm and made up Between the meningeal dura and the arachnoid
of dense collagenous connective tissue. The membrane is an area called subdural space.
middle layeris the arachnoid membrane while The subdural space contains minimal amount
the innermost membrane that is closelyapplied of serous fluid and is more of a potential space.
to the brain is the pia mater. The two inner
It sometimes becomes clinically significant in
membranes are made up of connective tissue
traumatic brain injuriesbecauseblood fromtorn
that is much looser than that in the dura mater.
blood vessels (usually veins) could accumulate
in the space to form a subdural hematoma
that could increase intracranial pressure and
compress and damage brain tissue.
The arachnoid membrane is a flat, sheet-
like membrane that is thinner than the dura
mater. It is smooth on its outer surface, but
projecting from its inner surface are cobweb-
like (thus,the term arachnoid) connective tissue
strands (arachnoid trabeculae) that connect it
to the underlying pia mater.
The pia mater is a thin but highly vascular
loose connective tissue layer that closely
adheres to the substance of the brain and spinal
Fig. V-7. Meninges cord. It spans the entire surface of the brain
and is continuous with the ependyma that lines
They are often considered as a single entity, the the ventricles of the brain. It is separated from
leptomeninx or pia-arachnoid. nervous tissue by neuroglial cells. Like the
arachnoid membrane, the pia mater is mainly
In the brain, the outer surface of the made up ofinterlacingbundles of collagenfibers
dura mater adheres to the inner aspect of the surrounded by networks of fine elastic fibers.In
cranium. It thus acts as-and is synonymous between the extracellular fibers,fibroblasts and
with-the periosteum ofthe cranial bones, and macrophages abound.
is called periosteal dura.
The arachnoid membrane and the pia mater
In the spinal cord, the outer surface of are separated by a space, the subarachnoid
the dura mater is lined by a simple squamous space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid
epithelium and does not adhere to the vertebrae. (CSF).



Fig. V-S. Chroid Plexus. H&E x100.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) CSF is regularly drained into the venous side
of the circulation via specialized areas of the
Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear, slightly
arachnoid membrane called arachnoid villi. An
viscous fluid that circulates within the ventricles' ,
arachnoid villus is a granular structure from the
of the brain, the subarachnoid space, and the
arachnoid membrane that penetrates the dura
central canal of the spinal cord. Its total amount
mater and then projects into an intracranial
in the body is normally 80 to ISO mL. It has
venous sinus (vein). It acts like a tube with a
a specific gravity of 1.004-1.008. It contains
one-way valve that allows passage of CSF fr"om
sugar, inorganic salts, and traces of protein. The
subarachnoid space into the vein, but not of
only cells that are normally present in CSF are
blood from the vein into the subarachnoid space.
lymphocytes. They are very few, only 1 to 3 per
Choroid Plexuses
CSF protects the central nervous system by
acting as a water cushion. In addition, it plays The choroid plexuses are the chief sources
an important role in the metabolism of nervous of CSF. They are located on the roof of the third
tissue. and fourth ventricles of the brain and in parts
of the wall of the two lateral ventricles. They
CSF is constantly being renewed. About consist of small blood vessels (i.e., arterioles and
500mL of CSF is produced daily, which means capillaries) of the pia mater that form clumps
a CSF turnover rate of 3 to 4 times per day. CSF that protrude into the ventricles. These blood
comes primarily from the choroid plexuses, but vessels are lined on their surfaces related to
some amount is also produced by the pia mater the ventricles by ependyma. The ependymal
and the brain substance. cells that line the choroid plexuses are unlike
To keep a fairly constant intracranial ependymal cells elsewhere because the former
pressure, CSF volume has to be maintained form tight junctions with their neighboring
within normal levels. To accomplish this, some cells. These tight junctions evidently prevent


together to form what is called a nucleus (e.g.,
caudate nucleus located in the basal ganglia of
the brain whose neurons are partly responsible
forbody movement and coordination). Regions
of the gray matter where there are numerous
cellbodies not forming distinct nuclei are called
nuclear areas.
In the white matter, on the other hand, nerve
fibershaving a common origin,termination, and
function often bundle together to form what is
known as tract (e.g., lateral spinothalamic tract
in the spinal cord that carries pain, touch and
temperature sensory stimuli to the thalamus
Fig. V-9. Cerebellum. In the eNS, the nerve cell
in the brain). Tracts that are flattened are
bodies which comprise the gray matter occupy
the peripheral area while the nerve fibers which otherwise calledlemnisci (Singular,lemniscus)
comprise the white matter occupy the central while those that are rounded or thick are called
area. x5. funiculi (singular, funiculus).

many substances in blood from becoming part In the eNS, neurons that have long axons
of eSF. Thus, the ependyma of the choroid that leave either the eNS or the gray matter and
plexuses acts as a blood-CSF barrier. terminate at some distance in another part ofthe
gray matter are termed Golgi type I neurons.
Arrangement of Neurons in the eNS Neurons that have relatively short axons that
do not leavethe region of the gray matter where
The mass of the central nervous system
their cell bodies lie are called Golgi type II
can be delineated, based on gross coloration,
into two areas: gray matter and white matter.
Gray matter contains the cellbodies, dendrites,
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
and proximal portions of the axons of the
neurons that populate the eNS and neuroglial Nervous tissue in the PNS is organized in
cells. The nuclei of the neurons account for the such a way that the nerve cell bodies are bound
color of the gray matter. The rest of the central together by some amount of connective tissue
nervous system comprises white matter. White to form ganglia. The nerve fibers are likewise
matter does not contain nerve cell bodies, but it bound together by connective tissue to form
includes those of neuroglial cells in the region. nerves (peripheral nerves).
It also contains the axons of neurons whose cell The PNS receives and relays all nerve
bodies are in the gray matter or in a ganglion impulses originating from stimuli from both
(i.e., collection of cell bodies outside the eNS). within or external to the body to the eNS.
The myelin sheath ofthe axons accounts for the The eNS then integrates these stimuli and
characteristic white color ofwhite matter. formulates appropriate responses that are then
Gray matter occupies the peripheral area relayed to the effector cells, tissues, and organs
of the brain while white matter occupies the bythePNS.
central area. The reverse is true in the spinal
cord-gray matter is centrally located while Ganglia
white matter is in the periphery. A ganglion (plural, ganglia) is a collection
In the gray matter, the cell bodies of of cell bodies of neurons that have a common
neurons with common functions often cluster function in the PNS. It isroughlythe counterpart


Fig. V-10. Spinal Cord. In the
spinal cord, in contrast to the
eNS, the.white matter occupies
the peripheral region while the
gray matter occupiesthe central
area. x1O.

of a CNS nucleus. Ganglia vary in size. Some Nerves (Nerve trunks; Peripheral
small ones, like those in the myenteric plexus nerves)
of Auerbach and submucous plexus (of
Nerves are the PNS counterparts of tracts
Meissner) in the digestive tract, contain only
in the CNS.
a few neurons while some large ones contain
thousands. A nerve is a collection ofnerve fibersthat are
bunched in groups called bundles or fascicles.
As a rule, a ganglion is delineated from
It is enveloped by dense irregular connective
surrounding structures by a connective"
tissue elements called epineurium that keeps
tissue capsule. In the ganglion, each neuron is
the fasciclestogether.
surrounded by supporting cells called satellite
cells. A neuron and its satellite cells are, in turn, Within the nerve, each fascicle is
separated from their neighboring neurons and likewise encased by connective tissue called
their respective satellite cells by connective perineurium. The perineurium keeps the
tissue elements. nerve fibers within the fascicletogether.
Within the fascicle,each of the nerve fibers
is also individually wrapped and supported
by delicate, loose connective tissue called
Nerves whose cellbodies are in the brain are
called cranial nerves while nerves whose cell
bodies are in the spinal cord are called spinal
nerves. There are 12pairs of cranial nerves and
31pairs of spinal nerves. Incidentally, one of the
cranial nerves, eN II (optic nerve) is not really
a nerve because it does not leave the brain. It is
actually a tract.
The cranial and spinal nerves, as well as
Fig. V-11. Spinal Ganglion. The neurons (n) in the nerves whose cell bodies are in the ganglia,
a ganglion are surrounded by supporting cells combine, interconnect, and branch off in
called satellite cells (5). H&E x400. various ways to form the numerous named and

Fig. V-12. Nerve, cross section. Note
the epineurium that envelops the whole
nerve and the perineurium that encloses
the fascicles. Masson's trichrome x100.

unnamed nerves that end in the different tissues Simple (Free) and Expanded-tip Nerve
and organs ofthe body. Among the largernamed Endings
nerves are the ulnar nerve in the forearm and Simple nerve endings are merely the naked
sciatic nerve in the lower extremity. (i.e., devoid ofneurilemmal and myelin sheaths)
Functionally, most nerves are mixed terminations ofaxons of afferent nerves. They
nerves, i.e., they contain both afferent are found in all tissues. They can discern
(sensory) and efferent (motor or secretory) pressure but are most sensitive to touch, pain,
fibers. Afferent nerve fibers contain the axons and temperature.
of sensory (afferent) neurons. They transmit
At this point, some confusion may occur in
impulses from the skin, muscles,bones.Internal
the mind ofthe student on how a nerve, which is
organs, and special senses to the CNS. Efferent
made up ofaxons and their coverings, can serve
nerve fibers contain the axons of efferent
a sensory function when axons are supposed to
(motor) neurons that order muscles to contract
transmit stimulus awayfrom the cell body and,
and glands to secrete.
therefore, should only be motor in function.
Nerve Endings
Clarification about this matter is thus in order.

The terminations of nerves in epithelial, The sensory neurons are pseudounipolar

connective, and muscle tissues are called nerve neurons whose cell bodies are in the
endings. The terminations of afferent nerves craniospinal ganglia (encephalospinal
are called sensory (afferent) nerve endings ganglia), i.e., sensory ganglia on the dorsal
root of spinal nerves and ganglia of cranial
while those of efferent nerves are referred to as
motor (efferent) nerve endings. nerves that contain general sensory and taste
fibers. Being pseudounipolar, they have a single
Sensory Nerve Endings (Sensory Nerve process, an axon, which bifurcates into two
Receptors) unequal-but both myelinated-branches
Sensory nerve endings collect stimuli and a short distance from the perikaryon. The
are dispersed all overthe body.Morphologically, smaller branch is poorly-myelinated and is
they are categorized into three groups: simple functionally and morphologically an axonwhile
(free), expanded-tip, and encapsulated. the larger branch is functionally a dendrite.



Fig. V-13. Smooth Muscle, cross section. Note that in the cells where the nucleus is seen, the nucleus is
centrally located. At tip of arrow is endomysium that envelops each muscle cell. Duodenum, H&Ex400.

However,because the latter is well-myelinated, A Ruffini's corpuscle is a small, spindle-

it is also generally called an axon or sensory shaped structure seen in the dermis of the skin,
axon. tendons, and ligaments. It consists of bulb-like
expansions of the terminal branches of a naked
Expanded-tip endings are exemplified by
axon that are enclosedby avery thin connective
Merkel discs found in the skin and mucosal,
tissue capsule. It is sensitive to deep pressure
surfaces. A Merkel disc consists of the naked and stretch.
leaf-like terminal of an axon that is in contact
End bulbs of Krause are found in the
with a Merkel cell. The latter is a modified
conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the
epithelial cell as described in the chapter on
lips, dermis, glans penis, and clitoris. They are
the skin and its appendages. As a rule, a single
afferent nerve fiber makes contact with many
Merkel cells.Merkel discs are sensitiveto touch
and pressure.

Encapsulated Nerve Endings

Encapsulated nerve endings are made
up of naked axon terminals enclosed by a
lamellated connective tissue capsule. There
are many kinds of encapsulated nerve endings,
some of the more common ones are Ruffini's
corpuscle, end bulb of Krause, Vater-
Pacinian corpuscle, Meissner's corpuscle,
neuromuscular spindles (muscle spindles),
and Golgi tendon organs. The last two are
associated with muscle tissue and are discussed Fig. V-14. Vater-Pacinian Corpuscle (at arrows).
in the chapter on muscle tissue. Hypodermis, H&E x400.

Fig. V-1S. Meissner's Corpuscle (at arrows). Skin, H&E x400.

minute (SOurn) oval structures. They consist the mesenteries,and the external genitalia.They
of an axon enclosed by a thin, lamellated ate sensitive to vibration, stretch, and pressure
capsule consisting of connective tissue. The (coarse touch).
axon typically arborizes within the capsule and The Meissner's corpuscle is seen in the
its terminal branches intertwine. End bulbs dermis of the skin of the fingers, toes, palms,
of Krause are probably tactile and pressure and soles. It is smaller than a Vater-Pacinian
receptors. corpuscle. It is a cylindrical structure whose
The Vater-Eacinian corpuscle is the largest long axis is perpendicular to the skin surface.
. of the sensory nerve endings. It is a white, It has a capsule that encloses a mass of ovoid
oval structure that can reach a diameter of 0.5 cellsthat are arranged perpendicular to the long
mm and length of up to 2 cm. It is sometimes axis of the corpuscle. The axon that supplies
appreciated with the naked eye. In routine the corpuscle enters the capsule at its inferior
histologic preparations, it looks like the cut pole. Inside the capsule, the axon follows a
surface of an onion. The capsule of the Vater- tortuous route and ends in the superior pole of
Pacinian corpuscle consists of30 or more layers the corpuscle.
of circularly-arranged flattened cells (probably The Meissner's corpuscle is a tactile (touch)
modified Schwarm cells). The corpuscle is receptor.
usually supplied with a single axon. In the
capsule, the axon gives off numerous bulbous Motor Nerve Endings
terminal branches. Vater-Pacinian corpuscles Motor nerve endings are responsible for
are widely distributed in the body and can transmitting the stimulus that commands
easily be found in the dermis, subcutaneous muscle fibers to contract and glandular cells to
connective tissue, pancreas, mammary glands, secrete.


The axon terminals of the efferent nerve responsible for voluntary movements of the
fibers of the somatic motor neurons (i.e., body,The terminations oftheir axons (discussed
motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles) and in the chapter on muscle tissue) participate in
the skeletal muscle fibers that they innervate the formation of the motor end plates on the
forrn specialized junctions called motor surface of the muscle fibers they innervate.
endplates (discussed in the chapter on muscle
tissue). Autonomic Nervous, System (ANS)
In contrast, the axon terminals of the Traditionally, the ANS has been defined
efferent nerve fibers of the visceral motor as consisting only of visceral efferent (motor)
neurons (i.e., motor neurons that supply cardiac neurons; the visceral afferent (visceral
and smooth muscles fibers and glandular cells) sensory; autonomic afferent) neurons-are
do not form specialized junctional complexes grouped with the SNS.This is probablybecause,
with the cells that they innervate. They simply morphologically, the receptors of the visceral
end at a short distance from the muscle fibers of tPL¬
afferent neurons- are similar to- tP.0:0-&-2
and the glandular cells that they innervate.
somatic afferent neurons, except that they are
associated with smooth muscles and glands,
Functional Divisions of the Nervous and their fibers run for a part of their course
System with the autonomic efferent fibers. Authors are
The nervous system is anatomically divided now increasinglygrouping the visceral afferent
into the eNS and PNS. Functionally, however, neurons with the ANS.
it is divided into the somatic nervous system The visceral efferent neurons control
(SNS) and autonomic nervous system (ANS). the activity of cardiac and smooth muscles,
The somaticnervous system (SNS)includes and glands-structures that are not under
all neurons in the eNS and PNS associatedwith conscious control. They differ from the somatic
muscles, skin, and sense organs regardless of efferent neurons because two visceral efferent
whether they are afferent (sensory), efferent neurons, instead of only one, are involvedin the
(motor) , or interneurons (association). The transmission of an impulse from the eNS to the
autonomic nervous system (ANS), on the other effector cells. The cell body of the first visceral
hand, is composed of all neurons in the eNS and efferent neuron (preganglionic neuron) is
PNS which are concerned with the regulation. in the eNS while the cell body of the second
of visceral organs also regardless of whether visceral efferent_neuron (postganglionic
they are afferent (sensory), efferent (motor), or neuron) is in an autonomic ganglion. The
interneurons (association). axon (preganglionic fiber) ofthe preganglionic
neuron leavesthe eNS and enters an autonomic
Somatic Nervous System (SNS) ganglion to synapse with the postganglionic
Somatic afferent (sensory) neurons are neuron. The axon (postganglionic fiber) of
responsible for the reception of sensory stimuli the postganglionic neuron, on the other hand,
from the external environment (e.g.,touch and leaves the autonomic ganglion to terminate in
temperature) and proprioceptive stimuli an effector organ.
from skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints. Preganglionic fibers leave the central
Their terminations have been described in the nervous system at severallevels,via the: 1) III,
preceding section. VII, IX, and X cranial nerves; 2) thoracic
Somatic efferent (motor) neurons, on spinal nerves; 3) upper lumbar spinal nerves;
the other hand, innervate the skeletal muscles and 4) sacral spinal nerves.


Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous the CNS via the cranial and sacral spinal
System (ANS) nerves; and 2) the postganglionic neurons in
The neurons that comprise the visceral ganglia (which are near or within the walls
efferent branch of the ANS are grouped into of the structures they innervate) with which
three categories or divisions: sympathetic the fibers of preganglionic neurons connect.
(thoracolumbar), parasympathetic The parasympathetic nervous system
(craniosacral), and enteric. is called upon during resting and relaxing
• Sympathetic Division of the ANS situations. It is responsible for things such
as constriction of the pupil, slowing of heart
The sympathetic division (sympathetic
rate, and dilation of the blood vessels.
nervous system) of the ANS consists of 1)
preganglionic neurons whose fibers exit the • Enteric Division of the ANS
CNS via the thoracic and lumbar spinal The enteric division (enteric nervous
nerves; and 2) the postganglionic neurons system) of the ANS, meanwhile, is made
in the vertebral and prevertebral ganglia up of the visceral efferent neurons whose
with which the fibers of preganglionic cell bodies and fibers form ganglionated
neurons synapse. Incidentally, the vertebral
plexuses (i.e., ganglions that interconnect)
ganglia are collectively referred to as the
in the walls ofthe digestive tract as well as in
sympathetic trunk.
the pancreas and the gallbladder.The enteric
The sympathetic nervous system nervous system has connections with the
responds to impending danger or stress. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
It is responsible for the increase of one's systems,but it functions autonomously.Even
heartbeat and blood pressure, sense of when its connections with the sympathetic
excitement, and other physiological changes ..and parasympathetic nervous systems are
that occur in "fight or flight" situations. severed,it still is ableto carry out its assigned
• Parasympathetic Division of the ANS function to regulate the activities of the
muscles and glands of the digestive tract.
The parasympathetic division
(parasympathetic nervous system) of The enteric nervous system is
the ANS, on the other hand, refers to 1) the responsible for regulating the activities of
preganglionic neurons whose fibers leave the digestive tract.

Chapter VI

and Bone . ,

he adult human skeleton which serves in the kind and amount of extracellular fibers

T as the framework of the body consists

of 206 named bones (e.g., sternum or
breast bone), a few unnamed sesamoid bones,
they contain.
There are no blood vessels, lymph vessels,
or nerves in cartilage. The chondrocytes are
and numerous cartilages, some of which are also nourished by diffusion of nutrients from the
named. These bones and cartilages are actually surrounding tissues.
organs because although they are mainly made
up ofbone and cartilage tissue, respectively, they
Hyaline Cartilage
have associated blood vessels and are invested
and/or lined by connective tissue. Thus, the Hyaline cartilage is the most abundant type
terms cartilage and bone, like the term muscle, of cartilage in the body. It is glistening, smooth,
can refer either to a tissue or an organ. and pearly white in fresh specimens.
Cartilage and bone tissues are special Hyaline cartilage forms the bulk of the
types of dense regular connective tissue. Like skeleton of the fetus in-utero. It is ideal for
any dense regular connective tissue, they have this purpose because besides being strong
relatively few cells and abundant intercellular enough to serve as a supporting framework for
substance. However, cartilage and bone differ the body of the fetus, it also has the capability
from dense regular connective tissue because to grow rapidly in conditions of relatively low
their cells, called chondrocy:tesand osteoc}':teSl, oxygen tension. Most of the bones of the xial
respectively, are inside cavities called Iacunaea ami a12l1endicularskeletoQjare first formed out
Their intercellula); substam:e (matrix) is also of hyaline cartilage. By the secnrrd month of
firmer or harder. The inte1'Lellularsubs ance ob intrauterLne life, however, the cartilages that
cartilage is gelatinous, albeit firm, while that of comprise the fetal skeleton start to get replaced
hone is calcified, hence, rigid and hard. by bone. This process continues postnatally
such that in adults, hyaline cartilages exist only
CARTILAGE (GRISTLE) in limited areas in and around joiats, the sterna
ends of ribs, some parts of the respiratori)j
There are three types of cartilage: hyaline, system and extern:al ear, and tendons and
elastic, and fibrous. These types differ mainly ligaments that are pressed on by bone.

Fig. VI-2. Hyaline Cartilage. This section, taken

under high power magnification, shows nuclei
(nu) of the chondrocytes (ce) inside the lacunae
(la). The chondrocytes that are clustered together
are isogenous cells (ic). The cartilage matrix
Fig. VI-1. Hyaline Cartilage. The section shows immediately surrounding the lacunae is more
part of the perichondrium (p): mature chondrocytes basophilic and is referred to as territorial matrix
(ce)inside lacunae(I) and young chondrocytes (cs). (tm). The rest of the cartilage matrix is referred to
H&E x100. as interterritorial matrix (im). H&E x400.

Composition and Microscopic secretory character of the cell, it has a well-

Structure of Hyaline Cartilage Tissue developed rER and Golgi complex. It also
contains inclusions such as fat droplets and
. Hyaline cartilage consists of cells
glycogen granules. Chondrocytes possess
(chondrocytes) that are inside cavities
(lacunae) which are embedded in the in the cytoplasmic processes though these may not be
intercellular substance (cartilage matrix). apparent in H&E prepar-ations.

Chondrocyte (Cartilage Cell)

In vivo, a chondrocy:t~ fills the lacunae
where it resides. However, in routine histologic
preparations, the cytoplasm of the cell usually or more nucleoli.
shrinks a little. are capable of
mitosis, but mature ones are not. When young
chondrocytes mitose, the daughter cells, called
isoge_Dous cells, tend to stay close to each
other. Sometimes, under the light microscope,
isogenous cells may appear to occupy the same
The qcfoplasm of cho__ndr.oc:y:tesis finely lacuna. As a rule, however, they are separated
granular and basophilic. It contains a limited from each other by a thin layer of intercellular
number of mitochondria. Consistent with the substance.


Cartilage Matrix
Hyaline cartilage matrix consists of
an amorphous ground substance where
extracellular fibers are embedded.

Apart from water which accounts for

70% to 80% of the wet weight of the tissue} the
ground substance of hyaline cartilage is mostly
made up of~roteogly:cans. These are organized
in a manner similar to that which prevails in
connective tissue proper.
The G:A:fis} because of their sulfate} Fig. VI-3. Elastic Cartilage. The section is
carboxyl} and hydroxyl groups} are strongly especially stained to demonstrate the elastic fibers
(black streaks) in the matrix. The nuclei of many of
acidic. This is the reason why the irrterrelltrlar
the chondrocytes can be appreciated. Orcein x200.
substance of hy-aline 'cartHage is intensely
Often} in H&E preparations} the collagen
The in ter c el lu la r substance that fibers in hyaline cartilage are not distinguishable
immediately surrounds a lacuna is particularly because they have the same refractive index as
rich in GAGs. Hence} this area is more the ground substance.
basophilic than the rest of the matrix. Early
histologists referred to this area} which may Elastic Cartilage
be as much as SO ~m in thickness} as capsule
<of the cnonarocytes. It is now more often rElastic cartilage is more flexible than
called territorial matrix. Meanwhile} the hyaline cartilage and is yellowish in fresh
area in between the terr itor ial matrices is specimens. It is present in the auricle and
called Interrerrftorfal matrix. Structurally} <external acoustic meatus of the ear} auditory:
the innermost (1-3 urn) layer of the territorial tube} epiglottis} and some other parts of the
matrix resembles a basal lamina and is larynx.
sometimes called pericellular capsule. It
Elastic cartilage is morphologically similar
probably protects the chondrocyte against
to hyaline cartilage except that the former's
mechanical stress.
matrix is less abundant. In addition to collagen
fibers that are likewise made up of collage..n,
type II} it also contains a considerable quantity
of elastic fibers. These fibers account for the
pliability and yellowish color of the tissue when
viewed with the naked eye.

Extr:acellular F-il2)ers
Fibrous Cartilage
The extracellular fibers in hyaline cartilage Eiorous cartilage can withstand greater
are ty:pe:n collagen fibers. They account for stress than hyaline or elastic cartilage. It is
about 40% of the dry weiglit of the tissue. They white in fresh specimens. It is the cartilage
are thinner than those in connective tissue d'scs,
type that makes up the int:e.r:ve.rte...b.ral
proper (type I collagen). articular iliscs, and glenoid and acda6ulali


_ells,which can transform into cliondroblasts
under the right conditions.
Chondroblasts are cells that synthesize the
precursors of the extracellular fibers and the
other organic constituents of cartilage matrix.
When they get surrounded by the matrix they
secreted, they acquire lacunae and transform
into chundrocytes. ~ung chondroc:y.tes
retain their capacity to mitose and synthesize
components ofthe extracellular matrix. Because
of this ability, many authors still call them
Fig. VI-4. Fibrocartilage. Note the abundant
amount of collagen fibers that surround the
chondroblasts despite the fact that they are
chondrocytes. H&E x400. already inside lacunae.
In fibrous cartilage, the perichondrium
labra. Fibrous cartilage can also be found in cannot be appreciated as a distinct entity
surface layers of tendons and trgamenrs that because it blends with the dense regular
are pressed on by bone. connective tissue that invariably surrounds the
The ~nllagen fttters of fibrous cartilage are
thickerthan those in hyalineand elasticcartilages
because their collagen content IS type I. BONE
Fibrous cartilage can be regarded as a
transitional stage between dense regular cartilage epiphyseal
connective tissue and cartilage. Under the light
sptlngy. ~ proximal
microscope, it could be mistaken for dense bone ~ epiphysi;
connective tissue because it has an abundance spongy
of collagen fibers-that make the tissue bone·
acidophilic-and a relative paucity of ground medullary
substance. However, closer scrutiny shows that
the cells (chondrocytes) are inside lacunae and bone
bigger than fibroblasts.

Perichondrium :periosteum

With afewexceptions,notablythe a_rticular

cartilage--s, all cartilages are enveloped bJ
dense irregular connective tissue. This tissue
is special because it has chondrogenic potency
(i.e.,ability to form cartilage). This special type distal
of connective tissue, called I!erichondrium,
consists of an outer layer Efillrous la}"eJi)that Fig. VI-S. Parts of a Typical Long Bone
blends with the surrounding tissue', and an
inner, more cellular layer (clionilrogenic layer) The bones that comprise the bulk of the
that adheres to the cartilage. The cells of the adult skeleton form a rigid framework for the
chondrogenic layerapposed to the surface ofthe body. They also protect vital organs (e.g., the
cartilage are stem cells, called,osleop- ogenitor cranium protects the brain whilethe bony thorax


protects the heart, lungs, and other mediastinal
structures). In addition, bones serve as levers
for muscles, and as storehouses for calcium and patella or knee cap which is rather large, most
phosphorus. Likewise, they house bone marrow sesamoid bones are in the form of unnamed
where most of the formed elements of blood are small nodules.

Forms of Bone Tissue

Types of Bones According to
Shape Two forms of bone tissue are grossly
distinguishable-compact Ecortical, dense)
Grossly,the bones of the body are classified
and 'spongy (cancellous). To the naked eye,
according to shape. The classes include long,
compact none appears like a solid mass while
short, flat, irregular, and sesamoid bones.
spong¥ none has numerous spaces or cavities.

- bong bones are confined to the extremities.

A typical long bone is tubular and consists of
a bo_dy or sha£t and two ends Enroximal and
All the bones of the body consist of an
inner region that is made up of <spongy-: bone
distal ep'ip'hyses~. The shaft has a hollow and an outer casing of compact Done.The only
COI:e'I{meaullar:y: ca~dty) while the epiphyses exceptions are those bones where the central
articulate with other bones and are covered on area is occupied by ai sinuses (e.g.,some bones
their articulating surfaces by hyaline cartilage of the face which contain paranasal sinuses) or
tarticulare caFtilage). by a edullarx caY'ty(e.g.,long bones). In these
latter bones, spongy bone may be minimal in
amount or even entirely absent. nones are typified by the sternum~' In terms of volume, there is more spongy
scapulae, and many bones of the skull. bone than compact bone in the body: In terms
Donesinclude the veIteJ>rae, IH'll of mass, spa g bone accounts for only 20%
Ilones, and the bones of the skull that are not to 25% of the body's total skeletal mass while
flat. (compactnone accounts for 75%to 80%.

Fig. VI-6. Spongy Bone. This

form of bone consists of bone
fragments or spicules (bs) that
are embedded in the bone
marrow (bm) which fills the
marrow cavity. Adipose tissue
(at) occupies a considerable
area of the bone marrow. H&E


Periosteum and Endosteum by a cell (osteocyte). Osteocytes have
cytoplasmic processes in the canaliculi. Within
All the surfaces ofbones, except articulating the canaliculi, the cytoplasmic processes of
surfaces and surfaces where muscles, tendons, neighboring osteocytes are in contact with each
and ligaments are attached, are lined or covered other.
by dense irregular connective tissue. This kind
of tissue is special because it has osteogenic Architecture of Spongx Bone
potency (i.e., ability to form bone). This special
connective tissue is called periosteum ifit covers Spongy bone consists of numerous small
the external surface of bone or e_ndosteu:mif it interconnecting bone frag_roe_nts Esnicule.~j
lines an internal surface or cavity in bone. traBecula ~ that form the framework of a
very complex system of spaces ~bone marrow
cavities). Each bone spicule is composed
of several parallel bone lamellae and their
Periosteum consists of an outer layer associated lacunae and osteocytes. The bone
~fiDrousJay:er)that blends with the surrounding marrow cavities, on the other hand, are occupied
tissue, and an inner, more cellular layer by bone marrow.
~teogenic lay;er) that adheres to the bone.
In spongy bone, the osteocytes derive
The cells of the osteogenic layer that abut the
nutrients and oxygen, either directly or
surface of the bone are osteoprogenito ceUs.
indirectly, from the blood vessels in the bone
Sometimes, bundles of collagen fibers from marrow. Those closest to the marrow cavity
the periosteum get trapped within the bone obtain nutrients and oxygen directly from the
matrix and form distinct structural entities blood vessels in the bone marrow. Those that
called 8harpe¥'s fi ers which can be seen in do not have direct access to the marrow cavity
light microscopic preparations. Sharpey's fibers receive sustenance through the connections that
serve to firmly anchor the periosteum to the their processes make (within the canaliculi)
bone. with the processes of the cells closer to the
Endosteum lines all the medullary, marrow, Architecture of Compact Bone
and vascular cavities of bones. It is considerably
t-,,;;. •

thinner than periosteum and often consists

simply of a single layer of osteoprogenitor cells.

Composition, Microscopic
Structure, and Architecture
of Bone Tissue
In both spongy and compact bones, the
.ntercellular substance (bone matrix), which is
very hard, is arranged in thin layers ~lamellae)
that are about 3 to 7 ~m thick each. Dispersed
uniformly in the bone lamellae are cavities olnll
(lacunaeJ, from which numerous small canals
~canalicul~jl) radiate. The canaliculi of each Fig. VI-7. Compact Bone. The diagram shows the
lacuna anastomose freely with the canaliculi relationship between Haversian canals, Volkmann's
of surrounding lacunae. A lacun is occupied canals, and lacunae.


Fig. VI-B. Compact Bone,
longitudinal section. Thespecimen
shows a Volkmann's canal (Vc)that
connects a Haversian canal (Hc)
to the periosteum (Pe). Note
that the lacunae in the Havesian
system (Hs) that abut on the
periosteum are oriented parallel
to the Haversiancanal. H&E x100.


Fig. VI-9. Compact Bone,

longitudinal section. Several
Haversian systems (Hs) comprise
the section. The Haversian canals
(Hc) are connected to each other
and to the periosteum (pe) by
Volkmann's canals(Vc). H&E x100.

In compact bone, instead of forming oounoaq(; is often delineated by a cement line

spicules,the lamellaeare organized and arranged made up of a thin layer of mineralized matrix
in any of three ways: Haversian systems, and collagen fibers.
interstitial lamellae, or circumferential The Haversian canals of neighboring
lamellae. Haversian systems are connected to each other
or osteons make up the by transverse channels called iYolbn--ann's
bulk of compact bones. A Haversian system caRals. Like Haversian canals, Volkmann's
consists of several bone lamellae-together canals contain blood vessels and nerves and are
with their associated lacunae and osteocytes- lined by endosteum.
that are arranged concentrically around a tiny The blood vessels in the Volkmann's canals
(microscopic) endosteum-lined, longitudinal interconnect with the blood vessels in' the
channel ~Haversian canalj canal of Havers~ Haversian canals and the blood vessels in the
that contains blood vessels and nerves. Its outen periosteum, medullary, and marrow cavities.


Fig. VI-10. Compact Bone, cross
section. Compact bone consists
mainly of Haversian systems (Hs)
made up of bony lamellae arranged
around a Haversian canal (He).
Many interstitial lamellae (il) are also
shown in the section. H&E x 100.

FLg. VI-11. Haversian System.

The "section demonstrates the
components 6f a Haversian system, "-
delineated from the ones around
it by cement lines (cI).· At the
center of the system is a Haversian
canal (He). Arranged concentrically
around the canal are bony lamellae
where lacunae (lei) that contain
osteocyte's (os) are seen. Canaliculi
(ca),appearing asdark lines, radiate
from the lacunae. H&E x400.

With these connections, the blood vessels in resorbed or broken down (see discussion on
the Haversian and Volkmann's canals, together bone remodeling).
with the blood vessels in the periosteum and CircULUferenti~a~l~~~==_
medullary cavity, are able to deliver nutrients, category of lamellar arrangements in compact
oxygen, and other needed substance . They bone, are most developed in long bones. In the
can also remove metabolic waste products and diaphysis of these bones, immediately beneath
carbon dioxide from all the osteocytes in all the the periosteum, there are usually several
Haversian systems. lamellae that encircle the whole bone. These
In between Haversian systems, bone
lamellae that are not arranged around a lamellae. In these same bones, the inner aspect
Haversian canal are frequently present. These of the compact bone is marked off by lamellae
pieces of bone tissues are called inferstitial that encircle the whole medullary cavity.These
lamellae. Some authors believe that these are lamellae form the
remnants of Haversian systems that are being lameltae.


Bone Matrix Extracellular Fibers in Bone
Bone matrix, like cartilage matrix, consists . The extracellular fibers, which .make
of an amorphous ground substance where up about 90% of the organic content of bone
extracellular fibers are embedded. matrix, are mostly type I collagen fibers. They
are so abundant that they .render borie matrix
Ground Substance of Bone acidophilic despite the presence of GAGs.-
The ground substance of bone consists
mainly of water, but its structural components Cells of Bone
are made up of inorganic-minerals and some
Four types of cells are present in
or anic substances. he inorganic minerals
bone: osteoprogenrtor cells, osteoblasts,
account for about two-thirds of the dry weight
osteocytes, and osteoclasts. The first three
of bone while the organic constituents account
have the samelineagewhile osteoclasts originate
for the remaining third.
from cells in the bone marrow.

Inorganic Minerals in the Ground

Substance of Bone Osteoprogenitor Cell (Osteogenic_
The inorganic minerals in the intercellular
substance of bone consists mainly of calciu esteoprogenitor cells differentiate from
and 12hospJiQus. These form crystals very embryonicmesenchy:mal celts. They are stem
similar to those of cak· m liyaroxyapatite cells that have a limited potential. They can
(€alotP04~6t{)H)J In electron micrographs, multiply infinitely but they can differentiate
these crystals are seen immersed in the ground only into either osteobla_sts or-cho__odroblasts.
substance and lying at regular intervals In bone, they form the layer of cells of the
alongside the collagen fibers. . . periosteum and the endosteum that directly
abuts the bone. Similarly, in cartilage, they
The other inorganic substances in bone
comprise the layer of cells of the perichondrium
include bicar::nonate, citrate,
that directly adjoins the cartilage.
Osteoprogenitor cells are fusiform cells.
Organic Substances in the Ground They cannot be differentiated from fibroblasts
Substance of Bone or mesenchymal cells with certainty in routine
histologic preparations.
Just like in cartilage, the ground substance
of bone contains prctenglycan molecules, but
smaller than those found in cartilage. Also, the Osteoblast
"core 12roteins"61 toe proteoglycan molecules (Jsteoblasts, as mentioned above,
are shorter than those in cartilage, and fewer differentiate from osteopLogenifof cells.
gly:cosaminoglycans CGltGs9are attached to They are responsible for the synthesis of the
them. precursors of collagen fibers as well as the
The ground substance of bone contains other organic constituents of bone matrix. In
as well some non-collagenic proteins and histologic sections, they are easiest to find on
glycoproteins, a few of which are unique to the surface of developing bones and in tissues
bone. Some histologists are of the opinion that where new bone is being formed.
the glycoproteins uniquely found in bone are When actively synthesizing secretory
responsible for the calcification of bone matrix materials, an osteoblast is a relatively large cell
because connective tissue that has none ofthese that is round and polygonal or cuboidal in shape.
glycoproteins does not calcify. It has numerous cytoplasmic processes that


When osteoblasts are inactive, such as
when there is no need to form new bone,
they lose their basophilia, flatten out, and
become morphologically indistinguishable
from osteoprogenitor cells. But unlike
osteoprogenitor cells, they can neither divide
nor differentiate into other cell types. They can
only revert to being active osteoblasts.

est'eocxt'eSJ are the cells that occupy the
lacunae in bone tissue. As a rule, only one
Fig. VI-12. Osteocytes and Osteoblasts. Most osteocyte resides in a lacuna, but occasionally,
of the osteoblasts-which are highly basophilic- more than one may be present. A layer of
are on the surface of the bone spicules while the osteoid tissue (i.e., uncalcified bone matrix)
osteocytes are inside lacunae. Spongy Bone, H&E usually separates the osteocyte within a lacuna
from the calcified matrix. However, this layer is
are in contact with the cytoplasmic processes so thin that it is distinguishable only in electron
of neighboring osteoblasts. Its cytoplasm is micrographs.
intensely basophilic, owing to an abundance of In H&E preparations of decalcified bone,
rER.1t also has a well-developed Golgi complex. the morphology of osteocytes is difficult to
This explains why a negative Golgi image is appreciate. In special preparations though,
often appreciated in osteoblasts under the light osteocytes are seen as flat cells with numerous
microscope. Its single nucleus is situated in the 'cytoplasmic processes that occupy the
part of the ~ell that is farthest from the bone canaliculi of the lacunae. The light microscopic
surface. appearances of the nucleus and the cytoplasmic
Osteoblasts lay down their secretion organelles of the osteocytes are similar to those
around themselves. In the process, they get of inactive osteoblasts.
completely immersed in bone matrix. When this Within the canaliculi, the processes of
matrix calcifies, they get trapped and transform osteocytes are in contact with the processes of
into osteocytes. neighhoring osteocytes by means of side-to-
In addition to synthesizing the precursors side junctions, probably of the gap type. Thus,
of collagen fibers and other components ofbone substances are able to pass from osteocyte to
matrix, osteoblasts also produce growth factors osteocyte via these side-to-side junctions.
that promote bone growth.
Osteocytes do not divide but they retain
Recent research data also suggest that enough secretory capability to maintain the
osteoblasts aid osteoclasts in bone resor};'!tion. bone matrix that surrounds them. They were
Osteoblasts perform this function by at least formerly believed to be capable of osteolysis
two ways. Firstly, they secrete enzymes that (i.e., dissolution of bone), and can thus, under
remove uncalcified bone tissue, which evidently the influence of parathormone, ~ze SOffle
prevents osteoclasts from resorbing the bone. affiouflt of ealeiuM from the bone matrix that
Secondly, under the influence of parathyroid surrounds them. This concept is no longer
IinrIDon'e GBnathormorte), they secrete a universally accepted because recent evidence
hormone Eosteodast stimulating factor) that points to the osteoblast as the only cell type in
promotes increased activity of osteoclasts. bone that has receptors for parathormone.


In the process of bone resorption, some of plasmalemma, which give off branches that
osteocytes are set free from their imprisonment anastomose with each another. The ruffled
in the lacunae. These freed osteocytes are border increases considerably the active
morphologically indistinguishable from resting surface of the osteoclast. In addition, it serves
osteoblasts, but whether they us actaally relf@rt as a contraption where small particles can be
back to beiftg osteoblasts is a question that has trapped and subjected to enzymatic activity.
not been resolved yet.
Osteoclasts are the cells primarily
responsible for bone resorption (i.e.,
Osteoclast breakdown of bone). Bon.e resorption is
Osteoclasts are large (up to ISO ~m in accomplished by the osteoclast at its ruffled
diameter), multinucleated cells seen on border. Here, the cell pumps H+to acidify the
surfaces of bone where resorption is taking area and decalcify bone; and releases lysosomal
place. Usually, they are found in concavities enzymes that digest collagen and the other
{Hows)iip's lacunae) that represent areas of organic components of bone matrix.
resorbed bone.
For years, the osteoclast had been believed
In H&E preparations, the cytoplasm to arise from the union or fusion of several
of osteoclasts appears foamy and slightly monocytes (i.e., white blood cells that serve
basophilic in younger cells, but acidophilic in as prec.ursor cells for macrophages). B~t
older ones. Although there may be two to more recent scie~tific findings have shown that
than a hundred nuclei in an osteoclast, only five multinucleated giant cells that originate from
to 10 are often seen. monocytes are incapable ofresorbing bone. The
Under the light microscope, the surface emerging view on the genesis of osteoclasts is
of the osteoclast that abuts on bone is seen to that monocytes and osteoclasts have a common
form a strtared border Eruffledborder). This stern cell in the bone marrow, probably
ruffled border has been shown by electron the Colony-Forming Ynit-Granulocy-fe
microscopy to consist of villus-like. processes Macrophage (CEIJ.GM). CFU-GMs that give

Fig. VI-13. Osteoclast (left). The diagram shows an

osteoclast inside a Howships's lacuna (HI). The cell
contains numerous nuclei (nu), mitochondria (mi),
and Iysosomes(Iy). Its surface that abuts on the bone
exhibits a ruffled border (rb).

Fig. VI-14. Osteoclasts (right). The section

shows two osteoclasts which are easy to
identify because they are large and multi-
nucleated. Spongy Bone, H&E x400.


Fig. VI-1S. Developing Membrane Bone. The section demonstrates bone spicules consisting of
woven bone separated by mesenchyme. The condensed mesenchyme (em) in the lower part of the
photomicrograph will eventually become the periosteum. Note the presence of numerous osteoblasts,
or actively depositing bone matrix, on the surface of the bone spicules. H&E xl 00.

rise to osteoclasts presumably first differentiate the chondroblasts gradually drift away from
into cellsthat look like monocytes before fusing each other and get lodged in lacunae. During
together to form osteoclasts. this time, they are referred to as cho drocytes.
.Young clieIl3rocytes still possess mitotic and
CARTILAGE FORMATION secretory capabilities.As chonaroc-ytesmatute,
they become larger and more rounded. At a
certain point they lose their capacity to divide.
In the embryo, cartilage starts to appear Meanwhile, the mesenchy:m that
during the fifth week of intrauterine life. Like surrounds the developing cartilage compresses
other forms of connective tissue, it arises from and differentiates into the perichondrium. The
mesenchyme. perichondrium is responsiblefor the subsequent
At the start of cartilage formation, growth and repair of th~ cartilage..
the mesencliy:mal cells in the area of Cartilage formation starts from the center
mesenchyme-where cartilage is to develop of chondrification and proceeds outwards.
(center 0 clIonarificahon)-retract their Thus, in a developing ,cartilage, mature
cytoplasmic processes, come close together, chondrocytes occupy the centralarea while
multiply rapidly, and then form a mass of ¥-oungchondrocytes and chondroblasts 'occupy
closely-packed cells. In other words, in one the periphery. Hence, fromthe-center to the
swift continuous process, the mesenchymal periphery, the cells become progressively
cells differentiate into osteoprogenitor cells smaller.
and then, into chondroblasts. As soon as they
are formed, the chondroblasts start to.secrete Growth of Cartilage
the precursors of extracellular fibers and other
organic components of cartilage matrix into Growth of cartilage is achieved by
the intercellular area. As they continue to two mechanisms: interstitial growth and
deposit their secretions all around themselves, appositional growth.


Interstitial Growth (Endogenous Degeneration and Regeneration
Growth) of Cartilage
Intel'-s- iti 1 g owth expands the cartilage
Cartilage is susceptible to a variety of
fromwithin. It is onlypossiblein relativelyyoung degenerative processes. The most- common
cartilage where the intercellular substance is of these is rcalcificafion of tlie mafri:xt. It
still malleableand the chondrocytes still possess is a condition that is invariably fatal to the
the capacity to multiply. chondrocytes because when the intercellular
Interstitial growth is heralded by the substance calcifies, their nutrition is
mitosis of young chondrocytes. Thereafter, the compromised.
daughter cells enlarge the cartilage from within Calcification of the cartilage matrix is not
by secreting precursors of the extracellular always an abnormal phenomenon though; it is,
fibers and other organic components of the in fact, one of the initial events that normally
matrix into the surrounding intercellular occur in the formation of some bones (see
area. discussion on endochondral ossification).
The secretory capacity of the daughter With age, cartilage loses its translucency
cells that arises from the mitosis of a young and becomes opaque. It becomes less cellular
chondrocyte is limited. Hence, the amount and its matrix less basophilic, indicating a
of intercellular substance that they are able to decrease in its GAG content.
deposit around themselves is likewise limited. Since cartilage has no blood vessels,
Consequently, the daughter cells, called regeneration of the tissue-which is a function
isogenous cells, lie close to each other up to of the perichondrium-is difficult and limited.
maturity. In many instances, the damaged area in- a
" cartilage is invaded by scar tissue (connective
As cartilage ages, its intercellular substance
tissue) instead of being replaced with cartilage.
becomes more rigid. A~ a certain point,
interstitial growth ceases. The regenerative capacity of cartilage is
greater in children than in adults.
Interstitial growth of cartilage is
responsible not merely for the growth of
cartilage from within, but also (as will be BONE FORMATION
explained later in this chapter) for the growth (OSTEOGENESIS;
in length oflong bones. OSSIFICATION)
Bone is produced to replace existing
Appositional Growth (Exogenous
mesencfi:rme or h~ line cartilage. In the
Growth) embryo, the process of replacing mesenchyme
:A':ppositional growt of cartilage is a and cartilage with bone starts during the second
function of the 'perichondrium. It occurs when month of intrauterine life.
the osteoprogenitor cells in the perichondrium
multiply and differentiate into chondroblasts.
They then add to the cartilage matrix on the
outer surfaceofthe developingcartilagethrough other hand, bone formation that occurs
their secretions. This manner of growth can be in areas where a hyaline cartilage exists is
likened to the way a mason makes a concrete termed endochondnal or intracartilaginous
wall thicker by applying successive layers of 'Ossification. The bones formed by the first
cement on the surface of the wall. process are often referred to as memlirane


bones while those formed by the second process matrix likewise traps the osteoblasts in cavities
are called cartilage }iones. These terms are (lacunae),where they become osteocytes whose
misleading because there is actually no physical cytoplasmicprocesses get lodged in tiny tunnels
or chemical difference between membrane and (canaliculi).
cartilage bones. The calcification of bone matrix is a
In either intramembranous or endochondral process that is not fully understood yet.
ossification, bone is first deposited in the form However, the enzyme alkaline I2hosphatase
6f:.woyen }jone. It is a primitive type of bone that osteoblasts secrete may play an important
characterized by high cellularity and random role in its occurrence because soon after
arrangement ofthe collagenfibers in the matrix. it is produced, osteoid starts calcifying.
Woven bone is soon replaced by lamellar berne Incidentally, mature chonarocytes can also
where the intercellular substance is arranged produce alkaline phosphatase; and in the
in thin layers (lamellae) and where relatively presence of this enzyme, cartilage matrix also
few osteocytes are dispersed uniformly. Woy:en calcifies.
Dene is weake , but forms faster than lamellar The area of mesenchyme where the events
pone. described in the preceding paragraphs take
Regardless of location or type of place is referred to as center of ossification.
ossificat-ion,lamellar Doneis initially laid down In the formation of a membrane bone, more
as spongy bone. It is only later that some of the than one center of ossification often appears.
spongy bone is converted into compact bone. In the centers of ossification, as the
osteoblasts on the surface of the bone
-lntramernbranous Ossification spicules continue their secretory activity, the
spicules gradually thicken. The growing bone
fragments eventually fuse together and the
shape of the developing bone emerges.
Meanwhile, the mesenchy:me that
envelops the developing bone differentiates
At the start of intramembranous into the periosteum. At the same time, inside
ossification, the area of mesenchyme where the developing bone, the mesenchyme that
bone will form becomes highly vascularized. immediately surrounds each bone spicule
With the increase in blood supply, the differentiates into endosteum while the tissue
mesenchymal cells differentiate initially into that fills the spaces between the spicules
-osteoprogenitor cells, then into osteoblasts. transforms into my;eloia or Ii_emopoietic
Thus, they become rounded; their cytoplasm tissue.
becomes basophilic (suggesting start of
The periosteum and endosteum play
secretory function); their cytoplasmic
important roles in the subsequent growth,
processes thicken; and the links between
development, remodeling, and repair of bone.
the processes of adjacent cells become
Endochondral Ossification
Soon after they appear, osteoblasts start
laying down components or precursors of Endochondral ossification involves
components ofbona-matrix. Bone matrix, while replacement of a hyaline cartilage model with
still uncalcified, is called osteoi3. Shortly after it bone. It is the type of ossification that forms
has been laid down, osteoid calcifies,giving rise most of the bones of the limbs, pelviS, and
to tiny hone spicules. Calcification of the bone v:erte}jraLc_olllmn.


The hyaline cartilage model replaced in been laid down calcifies and gives rise to tiny
endochondral ossification often resembles the bone spicules.
shape of the future bone. In no time, the processes of cartilage
Endochondral ossification in long bones is 'destruction and bone deposition that have
heralded by the appearance of a primary center started in the center of the diaphysis spread
of ossification in the middle of the diaphysis. towards both ends of the cartilage. At the same
Changes appear simultaneously in the center of time, the periosteum thickens and widens the
the cartilage model and in the perichondrium. periosteal bone collar and extends it towards
the epiphyse .
At the start of ossification, the
chondrocytes in the center of the cartilage While the ossification process is spreading
model hypertrophy and their lacunae towards the epiphyseal ends of the cartilage
enlarge. They soon begin to secrete alk~line model, osteoclasts appear in the central area of
the diaphysis and begin resorbing the bone that
phosphatase which triggers the calcification
has been previously formed. In the process, the
of the cartilage matrix. In as much as the
medullary or marrow cavity is created.
chondrocytes depend on diffusion of nutrients
from the surrounding intercellular substance Subsequently, as the bone grows in
for their sustenance, calcification of the circumference through the action of the
matrix effectively cuts off their lifeline. Thus, osteoblasts in the periosteum, the medullary
the chondrocytes die, leaving empty lacunae cavity also increases in size because of
(cavities). osteoclastic activity.

Meanwhile, the perich~)lldrium that Later (i.e., at about the time of birth),
envelops the middle area of the diaphysis gets secondary centers of ossificatIon appear
invaded .by capillaries and becomes highly:
in both epiphyses. Here, the sequence of
vascularized. In this vascular environment
events that occurred in the primary center of
ossification is replicated. After a while, only
where the oxygen tension is high, the
the articular surfaces of the bone and ~ar~ow
perichondriuffit ansforrns into i.' periosteum
bands of tissue between the diaphysis and
and the osteoprogenitor cells differentiate
the epiphyses, the e~ipliy-seal pIa es, remain
into osteoblasts. As soon as they emerge,
osteoblasts start laying down components or
precursors of components of bone matrix on
the shaft of the cartilage. The bone matrix
Bone Growth
formed soon calcifies. In time, a ring of bone Unlike cartilage, bone can grow only
around the diaphysis, called ~eriosteal bone byapl!ositional metlio{l because its rigid
(periosteal ~onar), materializes. intercellular substance does not allow for
Presently, connective tissue, and cellular interstitial growth or expansion of the tissue
elements from the periosteal collar, collectively from within. Besides,osteocytes are not capable
referred to as periosteal buil, invade the of cell division.
cavities left by the chondrocytes in the center
of the shaft. The osteoprogenitor cells in Growth in Length of Bone
the periosteal bud attach themselves to the In spite of the fact that they are incapable
cartilage remnants. They differentiate into of interstitial growth, long bones can grow in
osteoblasts that start secreting components length, at least until the individual is 20 years old
or precursors of components of bone matrix. or so, because of the presence of the epiphyseal
Shortly thereafter, the bone matrix that has plates.


Fig. VI-16. Epihyseal Plate. The cartilaginous
epiphyseal plate separates the epiphysis from the
diaphysis (d). The plate consists of several regions
or zones: resting cartilage cells (r), proliferation
(p), hypertrophy (h), calcification (c)and ossification
(0). Note the periosteum (pe) that envelops the
developing bone. H&E x100.

Epiphyseal Plate
Notwithstanding the appearance of
secondary centers of ossification in both
epiphyses of long bones at about the time of
birth, the bones do not completely ossify until
the individual reaches adulthood. Two thin,
transverse discs ofhyaline cartilage sandwiched
between the diaphysis on the one hand, and the
proximal and distal epiphyses, on the other
hand, persist throughout childhood and the teen
years. Interstitial growth of-these epiphyseal
plates enables long bones to grow in length and
the individual to grow in height.
A longitudinal section through the
epiphyseal plate reveals several successiveareas
(zones) that mirror the stages of endochondral
ossification (i.e., formation of cartilage
followed by destruction and bone formation).
From the epiphysis to the diaphysis, the'seareas
are: 1) zone of resting cartilage cells, 2) zone
of proliferation, 3) zone of maturation or were originally in the zone of proliferation but
hypertrophy,4) zone of calcification, and 5)
were left behind as the cells in the latter zone
zone of ossification.
continued to proliferate and drew away from
The zone of resting cartilage cells anchors them.
the epiphyseal plate to the epiphysis. Its
The zone of calcification is a very thin
moderate-sized chondrocytes are scattered
region. It is only a few cells thick. In this zone,
irregularly throughout the intercellular
the cartilage matrix is calcified and most of the
cells are already dead.
The zone of proliferation is where
interstitial growth occurs. It is composed of The zone of ossification is the place where
young cartilage cells that continuously undergo bone is deposited through the actions of the
mitosis and expand the cartilage from within. In osteoblasts that have attached themselves to the
this zone, the cells are seen piled on top of each cartilage remnants. In this zone, thin layers of
other like stacks of coins. bone can be seen on the surface of the calcified
The zone of maturation or hypertrophy
consists of large cells and lacunae. The cells While the individual is actively growing,
of this zone do not divide anymore. They the amount of cartilage being produced in


the zone of proliferation is about equal to the Bone Remodeling
amount being replaced by bone at the zone
of ossification. Hence, the thickness of the Boneis avery dynamic tissue that constantly
epiphyseal plate is, more or less, kept constant. undergoes two forms of remodeling: external
When the individual has attained his/her and internal.
maximum height, however, the cartilage cells
stop diViding and the cartilage plate is replaced External Remodeling
completely by bone. This event is referred to as External remodeling refers to changes that
closure of the epiphyseal plate (closure of the occur in the shape of a bone in response to
epiphysis). It signifies the end of the increase external factors that affect it. It is accomplished
in length of the bone. When all the epiphyses in by' bone resorption in certain areas and
all the long bones of the body have closed, the deposition of bone tissue in other areas. An
individual stops growing in height. exampleof external remodeling is the formation
of tubercles in some long bones in response to
Growth in Width of Bone the pull of muscles.
Growth in width ofabone is afunction ofthe
periosteum. It occurs when the osteoprogenitor Internal Remodeling
cells in the osteogenic layer differentiate into Internal remodeling refers to the never-
osteoblasts, which then add layer upon layer ending cycle of resorption and formation of
of bone matrix on the outer surface of the Haversian systems. It is necessary because of a
bone. couple of reasons. '
In growing individuals, cortical bone is Firstly, the supply route for nutrients and
continually added to the surface of a long bone oxygen to the osteocytes, even in the best-
to ensure that every increase in bone length formed Haversian systems, is very inefficient.
is associated with a proportionate increase in Hence, at any given time in some Haversian
width or diameter. However, during this time, systems,many ofthe osteocytes are already dead
the thickness of the bone does"not increase or dying, and the remaining ones are incapable
appreciably because the medullary cavity is ofmaintaining the intercellular substance ofthe
continuously enlarged through resorption by system. Thus, these Haversian systems have to
the osteoclasts. be renewed or remodeled. Renewal ofHaversian
systems is a two-stage process: 1) resorption of
Conversion of Spongy Bone existing systems followed by 2) formation of
into Compact Bone new ones in the resorbed areas. Incidentally, as
previouslymentioned in this chapter, interstitial
Lamellar bone, as previously mentioned, is lamellae are probably partially resorbed
first laid down in the form of spongy bone. Haversian systems.
In spongy bone, the bone spicules are Secondly,when there is a drop in the blood
connected together to constitute the framework calcium level, some of the Haversian systems
of a very complicated network of spaces in the have to be resorbed to mobilize the calcium
form of irregular tunnels. To form compact that they contain. These sacrificed Haversian
bone, successive layers of bone matrix are systems are rebuilt during "times ofplenty."
deposited on the inner surface of the tunnels
by the osteoblasts in the endosteum, until Nutritional Effects on Bone
only a small canal (Haversian canal) occupied
by blood vessels remains of the original Dietary deficiency of either calcium or
tunnel. phosphorus leads to poor mineralization


of bones. The bones consequently become As its name implies, the latter stimulates the
brittle and fracture easily. osteoclasts to accelerate their bone resorbing
Vitamin D deficiency results in poor
intestinal absorption of calcium. When this Opposing the activity ofthe parathormone
happens; newly formed bone matrix (osteoid) is the hormone calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin).
fails to calcify, resulting in softened bones. In It inhibits bone resorption by directly
children, this failure of calcification results in . suppressing osteoclasts. Calcitonin is secreted
a condition called rickets. It is characterized by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid
by stunting of growth and developing weak gland and perhaps some other still unidentified
bones. In adults, it 'gives rise to osteomalacia cells of the body.
characterized by lack ofbone mass and frequent The gonadal hormones play an important
fractures. i

role in determining the rate of skeletal

Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a maturation. Precocious sexual development
disease condition that is characterized by poor results in the premature closure of the
production of bone matrix. epiphyseal plates and stunted growth. In
Vitamin A deficiency adversely affects the females, estrogen increases the number
osteoblasts and osteoclasts and retards bone of osteoblasts and thus, stimulates bone
growth. formation. In actively growing males, the
absence of' a d ogens (as in castrated
individuals or eunuchs, for example) delays
Endocrine Effects on Bone
the closure of the epiphyseal plates, resulting
One of the functions of bone is to serve in disproportionately long limbs.
as a storehouse for calcium, one of the most Humallgrowtliliurmone thGH] secreted
important minerals in the body. Calcium bythe pituitary gland also markedly influences
is essential for blood coagulation, muscle bone growth. In growing individuals, the
. contraction, nerve function, and manyother absence or low levels of circulating growth
vital metabolic processes. It is, therefore, hormone results in cessation of mitoses of
imperative for the blood calcium level to be the chondrocytes at the epiphyseal plate and
maintained within a certain range. consequently, dwarfism. Meanwhile, an
The primary regulator ofblood calciumlevel excess of the hormone results in enhanced
is the parathyroid hormone (parathormone) mitosis of the chondrocytes in' the epiphyseal
produced by the parathyroid gland. A drop in plates and, therefore, in gigantism. In adults,
blood calcium level stimulates the parathyroid in as much as the epiphyseal plates have already
gland to secrete parathormone whose target closed, excess of growth hormone does not
cells are the osteoblasts. Parathormone has a result in increase in height. Instead, it leads
dual effect on osteoblasts: it inhibits their bone- to acromegaly, a condition characterized by
forming activity and stimulates them to secrete deformed bones including overgrowth and
the hormone osteoclast-stimulating factor. protrusion of the mandible (lower jaw).



lood, which is generally considered by the various components of blood give direct

B histologists as a special type of loose

\connectLve tissut!, is the fluid that
circulates in the cardiovascular system (i.e.,
and indirect clues to the state of health of the
different organs and tissues. Furthermore,
obtaining a blood sample is fairly easy and.
heart and blood vessels). Grossly, when relatively harmless.
oxygenated, as that in systemic arteries, blood Blood comprises about 8% of a person's
is light red, but when unoxygenated, as that in body weight, which roughly translates to 5.0
systemic veins, it is dark red to purple. liters for a 60 kg person. It is slightly alkaline
Like all connective tissues, blood consists with a normal pH of7.4.
of cellular elements and intercellular substance'. When blood is drawn and placed in a test
The intercellular substance of blood is a fluid tube that contains an anticoagulant like heparin
called plasma while the cellular elements, which and then centrifuged, its constituents separate
are collectively referred to as formed elements, and form three layers. The top layer, which
include red blood cells, white blood cells, and usually comprises about 54% of the volume of
platelets. the column, is plasma: The middle layer, called
Blood transports oxygen from the lungs buffy coat, is a thin white film that is formed by
and nutrients from the gastrointestinc,ll tract to the platelets and white blood cells. It comprises
tissues where they are needed. It also carries only about 1% of the column. The bottom layer
carbon dioxide and waste materials to the is red in color because it contains the red blood
organs where they are to be disposed of. In cells. It accounts for about 45% of the column.
addition, it carries other substances (hormones, Thus, the formed elements account for about
proteins, etc.) to their target tissues or organs. 46% of total blood volume.
Furthermore, it plays a major role in defending On the other hand, when blood is drawn
the body against pathogenic microorganisms and placed in a test tube that does not contain
and toxic substances by providing the cells and an anticoagulant and left to stand, it forms
transporting the substances needed for the a clot-a jelly-like mass consisting of fibrin,
purpose. a protein that forms a fibrous network, some
In the field of medicine, blood is the blood clotting factors, and the formed elements
tissue that is most widely used for diagnostic that get entrapped in the fibrin. Incidentally,
and monitoring purposes This is so because fibrin is produced by the action of thrombin on
fibrinogen, one of the plasma proteins. If the Lipoproteins are plasma proteins that
clot is removed from clotted blood, the straw- transport lipids, which are insoluble in water,
colored fluid that remains is called serum. from the intestines to the liver and from the
Serum, therefore, is plasma minus fibrinogen, liver to the tissues while the complement
the formed elements, and some blood clotting system consists of more than 20 proteins that
factors that participate in the formation of the are involved in the inflammatory and immune
clot. responses (processes).


Plasma is a transparent, yellowishfluid that
contains numerous dissolvedsubstances. Water The formed elements of blood (Fig. VII-
comprises 90% ofits volume while the dissolved 2 to Fig. VII-10) consist of cell fragments and
substances-organic compounds (chiefly cells. The cell fragments consist of platelets
proteins), inorganic salts and ions-account (thromboplastids) whilethe cellsare composed
for the other 10%. of red blood cells (RBCsj erythrocytes:
rubricytes) and white blood cells (WBCsj
There are over a hundredplasma proteins
leukocytes) .
including albumin, globulins, fibrinogen,
lipoproteins, the complement system, and a WBCs are classified into two groups
variety of regulatory proteins such as enzymes, (granular and agranular) based on the presence
proenzymes, and hormones. Albumin or absence of specific cytoplasmic granules
accounts for 60%,globulins 36%,fibrinogen 4% in their cytoplasm in routinely-stained blood
and the rest less than 1%,of all plasma proteins. smears. Granular leukocytes (granulocytes)
All the plasma proteins are synthesized by the c~~tain specific granules in their cytoplasm
while agranular leukocytes (agranulocytes)
liver except for the gamma globulins which are
do not.
. produced by plasma cells and the regulatory
proteins which are synthesized in various Incidentally, the Romanowsky method
organs. is the prototypical staining technique that
is used to distinguish the formed elements of
Albumin, which has a molecular weight of
50,000, is the smallest of the plasma proteins. It
maintains the colloidosmotic pressure ofblood.
It also binds and transports some molecules,
notably free fatty acids, some steroid hormones
and bilirubin.
The globulins consist ofthree kinds: alpha,
beta, an? gamma. With molecular weights that
range from 80,000 to 1million, the globulins are
larger than albumin. Alpha and beta globulins
bind and transport substances to various
parts of the body while gamma globulins
(immunoglobulins) comprise the antibodies
of the immune system.
Fibrinogen is the precursor of fibrin, the
protein needed to complete the final step of Fig. VII-1. Normal Volume of the Different
Componentsof Blood
blood clotting.


Number and Volume of the
Formed Elements of Blood
The overwhelming majority of the formed
elements of blood are red blood cells (RBCs).
Normally, there are 4 to 6 million RBCs per
cubic millimeter (cu mm) of blood. Males have
4.5 to 6.0 million/cu mm while femaleshave 4.0
to 5.5 million/cu mm.

Tabfe VII-1. Normal Number of Formed

Elements in Blood

Fig. VII-2. Platelets (at arrow) and RBCs

(surrounding cells). Blood Smeer, Wright x1,OOO.
Incidentally,the percentage ofblood volume
blood and cells in the bane marrow from each that is accounted for by the RBCs (which, as
other under the light microscope with the use already mentioned, is usually about 45%) is
of acid and basic dyes. It is the forerunner of referred to as hematocrit, a very important
several similar methods that are currently used measure in clinical medicine. Hematocrit
for routine staining of blood and bone marrow (HCT; hct; Ht) is an indirect gauge of the
smears including Giemsa, Jenner, Wright, and· number of RBCs present in blood. It is one of
Leishman methods. the parameters used to screen for and measure
the extent of anemia-a condition where the
The granulocytes are further classified
oxygen-carrying capacity ofblood is decreased.
into three kinds-neutrophil, eosinophil, and
basophil -on the basis of the affinity for dyes
of their specific cytoplasmic granules.
The agranulocytes, on the other hand,
consists of two kinds: monocyte and
There are three types of lymphocytes:
T lymphocyte (T-cell), B lymphocyte
(B-cell) and natural killer cell (NK cell)
but they look alike under the microscope.
They are distinguishable only with the use of
special histochemical techniques including
Of the formed elements of blood, only
platelets and RBCs carry out their functions
within the cardiovascular system. The WBCs
are only in transit in blood; they invariablyleave
the bloodstream to enter connective and other Fig. VII-3. Neutrophil. Indicated by the arrow is a
tissues where they carry out their functions. Barr body. Blood Smear, Wright x1,OOO.

__ - - __ - ---------------------------------------------------------~
A person's hematocrit is considered normal if it clues into the diagnosis and help in monitoring
falls within a certain range. This range depends the course of many diseases. For example, in
on age and sex, and varies slightly among acute bacterial infection, there is leukocytosis
laboratories. In adults, the normal hematocrit
(i.e., the WBC count is elevated) and the
range is 40% to 54% in males and 37% to 47%
WBC differential count shows neutrophilia
in females.
(i.e., increased percentage of neutrophils). In
In normal blood, the number of platelets is contrast, in certain viral infections, there is
between 150,000 to 400,000/ cu mm of blood. leukopenia (i.e., the WBC count is less than
The WBCs are the fewest among the normal).
formed elements. Their normal number is only
4,500 to lO,500/cu mm of blood. Shapes of the Formed Elements
of Blood

The red blood cells are biconcave

structures, but they appear round when viewed
on their flat surface. Platelets, on the other hand,
are biconvex discs when seen in coronal view but
ovate when seen in transverse view.
The white blood cells are spherical when
they are in circulating blood, but in the tissues,
they assume various forms and are amoeboid.

Sizesof the Formed Elements

Fig.VII-4. Neutrophils (ne),Lymphocyte(Iy),and of Blood
Platelet (pi). Blood Smear,Wright x1,OOO.
The red blood cells are small cells that have
WBC Differential Count an average diameter of7.5 ~m and a thickness of
WBC differential count refers to the 1.9 ~m. Since they are present in practically all
percentage distribution in blood of the five histologic preparations, they are routinely used
types ofWBCs. The average normal values for as a built-in yardstick for estimating the sizes of
this parameter are: neutrophils =50%-70%, structures in any given microscopic field.
lymphocytes = 20%-40%, monocytes = 3%-7%,
Table VII-3. Normal Sizes of the Formed
eosinophils = 2%-5% and basophils = 0%-1%.
Elementsof Blood
Table VII-2. WBC Differential Count: Average
Normal Values

Neutrophils 50-70
Eosinophils 2-5
Basophils 0-1
Lymphocytes 20-40
Monocytes 3-7

The WBC count and differential count are

very useful clinical indices because they provide


Platelets are the smallest of the formed Table VII-4. Normal Lifespans of the Formed
elements of blood. They are only between 2-3 Elementsof Blood
~m in size.
WBCs are spherical cells that are larger in
blood smear preparations than in vivo because
they flatten out when blood is spread on glass
N eutrophils and basophils are of the same
size. Their average diameter in circulating blood B
is 7.0~m, but in blood smears, they are between T
10 to 12 ~m.
Monocyte 1-2 days
Eosinophils are merely 9.0 ~m in diameter
in circulating blood but 12to 14~m in smears. The amount of time lymphocytes spend
The monocytes are only between 9-12 ~m in blood is unknown because unlike the other
WBCs, which stay permanently in the tissues
in diameter in circulating blood, but in dried
after they leave the bloodstream, lymphocytes
smears, at 17-20 ~m, they dwarf the other
"re-circulate." But it has been established that
formed elements.
lymphocytes are long-lived; B-cells live for
Lymphocytes consist of two kinds in terms several months; and T-cells survive for several
of size: small and large. Most lymphocytes are years.
small lymphocytes that are 6-9 ~m in diameter
in circulating blood but 8-11 ~m in blood Red Blood Cell (RBC;
smears. The large lymphocytes are 9-12 ~m in. Erythrocyte; Rubricyte)
diameter in circulating blood and 11-15 ~m in
blood smears. The red color of blood is due to the RBCs
which, when seen as individual cells, are actually
Lifespan of the Formed Elements not red. The unstained RBC is pale yellow or
greenish yellow while the routinely-stained
of Blood one is pink. The color of RBCs is imparted
The average lifespan of RBCs is 120 days by hemoglobin (Hb; hb; Hgb), the oxygen-
carrying pigment of the cells.
while that of platelets is just between 9-12 days.
Mature RBCs are anucleate and devoid
N eutrophils stay an average of 8 hours in
of cytoplasmic organelles. They are simply
blood. Then they leave the blood and reside and
membrane-bound corpuscles whose cytoplasm
work for another 1-4 days in connective tissues.
is loaded with dissolved hemoglobin, the
Eosinophils, on the other hand, circulate in the
component of the cells that is responsible
blood for 3-8 hours and then migrate to other for the main function of the RBCs, which is
tissues where they survive for 8 to 12 days. the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the
Basophils, meanwhile, live only for a few days. different tissues of the body.
Monocytes stay in circulating blood for 1 RBCs are produced in the bone marrow.
to 2 days, then escape from the blood vessels Before entering the blood, they extrude their
and migrate to connective tissue where they nucleus and all their cytoplasmic organelles.
differentiate into macrophages and live for However, not all RBCs in the blood are
another 70 days ( 6-16 days according to some mature cells. It is normal to find about 0.8% of
authors.) Circulating RBCs in the form of immature cells

called reticulocytes (polychromatophilic hemoglobin are paler and are referred to as
erythrocytes). Reticulocytes are slightly hypochromic while those that have more than
bigger than mature RBCs. They do not have a the normal amount of hemoglobin stain more
nucleus but they still contain a few cytoplasmic intensely and are termed hyperchromic.
organelles including ribosomes which impart
In some disease conditions, RBCs manifest
a bluish tinge to their cytoplasm when routine
variations in size (anisocytosis). Normal-
staining is applied.
sized RBCs are called normocytes. RBCs that
Hemoglobin is a globular protein that are greater than 9 ~m in diameter are called
normally comprises about 33% of the mass of macrocytes while those that are less than 6 ~m
RBCs. It consists of a protein molecule (globin) are called microcytes.
and an iron-containing compound (heme). In
RBCs are very pliable and may momentarily
the lungs, oxygen combines loosely with heme
fold to be able to pass through small vessels.
after which it is transported to and released
In vitro, they tend to adhere to each other on
in the tissues. By the way, although some
their flat surfaces like a stack of coins. This
amount of carbon dioxide reacts directly with
phenomenon, known as rouleaux formation,
hemoglobin, blood transports carbon dioxide
is a very co-mmon artifactual finding in thick
from the tissues to the lungs mainly in the form
smears, but when noted in a thin smear (true
of bicarbonates that are dissolved in the plasma.
rouleaux), it could signify an increased amount
The amount of hemoglobin (Hb) perIOO ml of plasma proteins, particularly fibrinogen and
ofblood is used in clinical medicine as a measure globulins, on the surface of the RBCs that make
of the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood. The the cells stick together. True rouleaux formation
normal amount of hemoglobin in males is 14-18 occurs in multiple myeloma, malignant
g per 100 mL of blood while in females, it is 12- lymphoma, chronic infection, and a few other
16 g per 100 mL. disease conditions.
In routinely-prepared blood smears, the When placed in a hypotonic solution, RBCs
depth of staining of RBCs reflects the ,amount undergo hemolysis. In this process, the cells
of hemoglobin they possess. RBCs that contain initially swell and become spherical because of
the normal amount of hemoglobin are pinkish the entry of water. Their cell membrane then
in color and are termed normochromic. Those stretches and allows hemoglobin to leak out.
that contain less than the normal amount of This reduces the cells into pale membrane-
bound structures called '(e~throc__-y:te
Sometimes, RBCs form surface spicules or
spines and are called echinocytes. This process,
called crenation, was once thought to be due
to hypertonicity of the environment. It is now
attributed to low ATP levels.
RBCs are normally biconcave discs. In
certain disease conditions, however, they
exhibit variation in shape ~poikdocy-tosis~-
they could be ellipsoidal, spherical, sickle-
shaped, oval, teardrop-shaped, etc.
The cell membrane of RBCs contains a
variety of antigens (agglutinogens) that form
Fig. VII-5. Neutrophilic Band Form (at arrow). the basis for the classification of blood into
Blood Smear; Wright x 1,000. 30 blood group systems by the International


Society of Blood Transfusion. An antigen is a
substance which the immune system perceives
as foreign to the body and which consequently
induces an immune response that, in the case of
RBC antigens, comes in the form of production
of antibodies (agglutinins) that, with the
help of other factors, destroy the antigen. In
clinical medicine, the most important antigens
of RBCs are those that comprise the ABO and
In the ytu:o s¥stem (~BO 6100d
group-ing~, there are two kinds of antigens: ~
and B. In this system, blood type is determined
on the basis of the presence or absence of one
or both antigens. Persons whose RBCs contain
antigen A have ~pe ts. btOOG; those with B
Fig. VII-6. Lymphocytes (Iy), Neutrophil (ne), and
antigen have t}':pe:'Bblood; those that possess
Platelets (pi). Blood Smear, Wright x1,OOO.
both antigens have tY12e:ABblood; and, those
that have neither antigen have t}':pe e blood.
Incidentally, in theAb O system, a person's mitochondria, ribosomes, elements of Golgi
plasma contains naturally occurring antibodies complex, and rough and smooth endoplasmic .
against the antigens that are not present in reticulum.
the person's RBCs. Thus, t}':pe persons have In routine LM preparations, a platelet
anti -B antibodies in their plasma; ty-~ people is seen to consist of a dark-staining central
have anti-A antibodies, t},:12eG. people have portion (granulo-mereJ that contains
both anti-A and anti-B antibodies while t}':pe basophilic granules that are often referred to
7\:Bpersons have no antibodies. as azuro fiilic granu es and a clear peripheral
portion Ehxalomer }.
In the Rh s~stem (RH blood g.l"ouping~,
people with the Rh antigen on the surface of Electron microscopy and special histologic
their RBCs are designated Rfi positiv:e 'RB ) techniques have shown that the granules that
while those that do not have the Rh antigen are dot the granulomere are secretory vesicles.
classified Rh negaJiv:e C:lth-~.Unlike the ABO These vesicles contain hydrolytic enzymes that
system, the Rh system is not characterized by are similar to those in lysosomes and a variety
naturally-occurring antibodies. Hence, Rh of other compounds including platelet factor 4
individuals do not have naturally-occurring (PF-4), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),
anti-Rh antibodies in their plasma. thrombospondin, and von Willebrand factor.
The granulomere also contains mitochondria,
albeit few.
Blood Platelets
(Thromboplastids) Electron microscopy has also revealed that
the platelet membrane forms numerous tubular
Platelets (Fig. VII-2) are membrane- invaginations ts-urfa_ceconnecting canalicular
bound cell fragments that are often seen in rs-y:stem.)This canalicular system connects the
clumps in blood smears. They are produced by interior to the surface ofthe platelet and serves as
fragmentation of the cytoplasm of giant cells entry and exit points of substances to and from
known as megal{aq_::ocytes. They have no the platelet. Interspersed among the elements
nucleus but they contain cytoplasmic organelles: of the canalicular system is a set of narrower

channels termed dense tubular system. The attract eosinophils, monocytes, neutrophils,
dense tubular system is the main site for storing and other cells involved in the inflammatory
Ca ions and cyclooxygenase, the enzyme that process) and increase the permeability of blood
converts arachidonic acid to precursors of vessels.
prostaglandins and thromboxanes, substances
In addition to specific granules) neutrophils
that mediate a variety of physiological
also possess nonspecific c:y:to]llagnicg-ran-ules
processes including the inflammatory response
~a_zurophilicgranule ). Azurophilic granule is
the generic term for any cytoplasmic granule
A platelet has a cytoskeleton consisting of that stains with azure or a similar blue aniline
microtubules and microfilaments that serves as dye. Azurophilic granules are present in a
a framework to anchor the platelet membrane number ~f cell types) including all WBCs) and
and allow signal transduction to take place. their content varies depending on the cell type.
Platelets play an important role in In WBCs) the azurophilic granules) which stain
hemostasis) i.e., the arrest of bleeding after reddish-purple in routinely-stained smears) are
injury to a blood vessel. When a blood vessel is lysosomes.
injured) platelets adhere to the exposed collagen Among granulocytes) therefore) the specific
fibers) a process called elatelet a esion. After granules contain substances that are destined
adhering to collagen fibers) platelets release a to be exported by the cell while the azurophilic
substance that promotes J2latelet aggregatjpn) granules contain lysosomal enzymes that are
causing platelets to stick in increasing numbers intended for use within the cell.
to those that have already adhered to the injured
The azurophilic granules of granulocytes
vessel. Aside from participating in platelet
are sometimes referred to as ~rimary; granules
adhesion and aggregation) platelets also release because during the differentiation of these cells)
the blood clotting factors that are contained in
they appear earlier than the specific granules
their secretory granules.
In neutrophils, the azurophilic granules)
Neutrophil (Neutrophilic
which are about O.S ~m in diameter) are larger
leukocyte) but fewer than the specific granules.
The most distinctive feature of neutrophils The nucleus of neutrophils forms 2-6 lobes
(Figs. VII -3 and 4) in LM preparations is the that are joined to each other by a narrow band
presence in their cytoplasm of fine specific of nuclear material. It is deeply staining and
granules that have little affinity for dyes.. The usually has no visible nucleolus. The number
specific granules are rather small (0.1 ~m in oflobes of the nucleus increases with the age of
diameter) to be appreciated individually under the cell. Young neutrophils have only two lobes
the light microscope. However) they impart a in their nucleus while old ones have up to six.
grainy texture and a lilac tinge to the cytoplasm. In females) at least 6 out of sao neutrophils
Incidentally) specific cytoplasmic contain a nuclear appendage known as
granules are so-called because they are specific drumstiok or.Barr b.o.aythat is attached to one
to (i.e., found only in) granulocytes. They are of the lobes of the nucleus. The" drumstick"
actually secretory vesicles. is a small nuclear fragment that represents
The specific granules of neutrophils the condensed) inactive X chromosome. In
contain some enzymes and proteins that have males) the drumstick may also be present but
bactericidal properties (collectivelyreferred to as never up to 6 out of sao neutrophils.
phagocytin_s) and compounds that mediate the It is not unusual for some immature
inflammatory response. When released) these neutrophils (tj_ana tOFmSj stab cel ls)


~ --- ----------------------------------------------------------------
(Fig. VII-S) to be able to enter the bloodstream
even before their nucleus has formed lobes.
The nucleus of these cells is usually elongated
and horseshoe-shaped or S-shaped. Stab cells
c<?nstitute 2%-8% of neutrophils in normal
N eutrophils defend the body against
pathogenic bacteria and other foreign substances
that have penetrated the body's surface
barriers (i.e., skin and mucous membranes) by
phagocytosis (with the use oflysosomes) and
by releasing the substances in their specific
granules that are toxic to pathogens. Neutrophils
also mediate the inflammatory response
because some of their secretory granules contain • Fig. VII-7. Eosinophil (at arrow). Blood Smear,
mediators' of the" inflammatory" response." . Wright x1,OOO.
They also serve as APCs either indirectly
(i.e., apoptotic neutrophils containing foreign smears. These coarse, refractile, uniformly-
protein can be phagocytosed by dendritic cells)" . sized, and intensely eosinophilic granules fill the
or directly by presenting antigens to T-cells """cell,making it difficult to appreciate the nucleus
themselves. But, as APCs, they are not as. at times. The nucleus of eosinophils contains
efficient as macrophages. only 2 to 3 (usually 2) lobes. Its chromatin
material is finer than that of neutrophils.
N eutrophils are highly motile cells that
move about the extracellular spaces with the- The specific cytoplasmic granules of
aid of pseudopodia. They are attracted by eosinophils contain several distinct cationic
chemicals (chemotaxins) that are generated by proteins and a variety of hydrolytic enzymes.
bacteria and other cells as a reaction to bacterial The azurophilic cytoplasmic granules of
components, or released by certain cells in eosinophils are fewer and smaller than their
damaged tissue. specific granules.
Mature neutrophils are terminally Eosinophils have limited phagocytic
differentiated cells that have very few activity. They do not phagocytose bacteria.
cytoplasmic organelles. Consequently, they are Instead, they defend the body against
not able to regenerate their expended enzymes microorganisms by phagocytosing and breaking
and other proteins. As a rule, after the contents down antigen-antibody complexes.
of their granules are spent, they die and form
Eosinophils also defend the body against
part of pus-if pus formation occurs-where
parasites especially roundworms by releasing
they are known as pus cells.
the content of their granules in the extracellular
environment. Some of their granules contain
Eosinophil (Eosinophilic
substances that are directly toxic to certain
Leukocyte) parasites and their ova. Similarly, they destroy
Eosinophils (Fig. VII -7) are only slightly cancer cells.
larger than neutrophils, but under the LM, they However, although eosinophils function
can easily be distinguished from the latter by to protect the body, some substances in
the presence of large specific granules in their their granules, when released, amplify and
cytoplasm that stain pink to brick red in routine perpetuate the body's inflammatory response

(inflammation) leading to worsening of arise from different progenitor cells and differ
symptoms in such conditions as asthma and markedly in many aspects. Compared to mast
allergy. cells, basophils are smaller but more mobile;
The eosinophils in blood dramatically their cytoplasmic granules are larger but fewer;
increase in number in instances of heavy and, they have a shorter lifespan.Also,mast cells
parasitic infestation and allergy. can divide while basophils cannot.
In terms of function, the basophils are
Basophil (Basophilic Leukocyte) the least known among the granulocytes.
But it is known that when activated, they
Basophils (Fig.VII-8) are about as large as release histamine and the other mediators
neutrophils. They can easily be distinguished of inflammation that are in their granules.
from the latter in routine LM preparations Like mast cells, they are also involved in the
because their specific granules are coarser pathogenesis or development of immediate-
and stain blue or dark purple. The specific type hypersensitivity reactions including
cytoplasmic granules of basophils vary in anaphylactic shock.
size, but they are larger, albeit fewer, than
In routine LM preparations, monocytes
have a bean-shaped or U-shaped nucleus that
is usually eccentrically located. Often, two or
more nucleoli can be seen in the nucleus.
Monocytes have abundant basophilic
cytoplasm that contains numerous azurophilic
The function of monocytes is to serve as
precursor cells for macrophages'.
Monocytes originatefromthe bone marrow,
stay in blood for a while, and then migrate into
Fig. VII-S. Basophil (at arrow). Blood Smear, connective tissue where they differentiate into
Wright x1,OOO. rnacrophages.

those present in eosinophils. They are water-

soluble and some are washed away by aqueous
stains. They contain histamine, heparin, and
The nucleus of basophils is usually
U-shaped or J -shaped, but sometimes it appears
bi-lobed. It is often difficult to appreciate in
routinely-stained blood smears because it is
hidden by the cytoplasmic granules.
Basophils are similar to mast cells of
connective tissue in that both cell types have
cytoplasmic granules that contain histamine Fig. VII-9. Monocyte (nucleated cell) and Platelets
and heparin. The two cell types, however, (at arrow). Blood Smear, Wright x1,OOO.


-- -- --------'---- ------------
one or two mitochondria-are concentrated in
the region of the concavity of the nucleus.
In contrast to small lymphocytes, large
lymphocytes (Fig. VII-lO), in routine blood
smears, are noted to contain abundant
cytoplasm that is intensely basophilic. Their
nucleus is typically large but relatively pale. It
contains a very prominent nucleolus.
In electron micrographs, large lymphocytes
are .se en to have a well-developed Golgi
complex, rER, and numerous mitochondria and
Fig. VII-10. Large Lymphocyte (at arrow). Blood lysosomes.
Smear; Wright x1,OOO.
Large lymphocy.tes are often mistaken
lymphocyte for monocytes in routine LM preparations.
However, compared to large lymphocytes,
Lymphocytes comprise a family of cells that monocytes are generally bigger. In addition,
act as the principal agents of the body's immune monocytes have more abundant, although
lighter-staining, cytoplasm. Their nucleus
At any given' time, about 98% of is also lighter staining than that of large
lymphocytes in the body are not in blood but lymphocytes because its chromatin material is
in other tissues and different lymphoid organs. less condensed.
The lymphocytes that are in blood, to reiterate,
. The large lymphocytes are probably not
can be classified into two types according to.
young cells, as once thought. The current
size:" mal and 1 _rge,but the vast majority of
prevailing opinion is that they are either NK
lymphocytes (97%) are small lymphocytes.
,. cells, which are inherently larger than small
In routinely prepared blood smears, a lymphocytes, or activated lymphocytes (Note:
small lymphocyte (Fig. VII-4 and 6) is seen as Lymphocytes enlarge when activated) that are
having a high nucleus to cytoplasm ratio. Its on their way to the lymphoid tissues and organs
nucleus occupies almost the entire cell. The where they will proliferate and differentiate into
nucleus is kidney-shaped or round and contains plasma cells and memor:y:B cells.
coarse, clumpy chromatin granules that are
intensely staining. The cytoplasm of the small The amount of cytoplasm of a lymphocyte
lymphocyte consists of a thin, basophilic "halo" is directly related to its state of activity. Thus,
that surrounds the nucleus. It has no specific small lymphocytes, as a rule, are inactive.
granules but it contains a few azurophilic
granules. Classification of Lymphocytes
Electron micrographs of small lymphocytes Lymphocytes look alike under the
have revealed that their most conspicuous microscopes, but on the basis of antigen
cytoplasmic organelles are the numerous free receptors that are present on their surfaces,
ribosomes that are responsible for the basophilia which can be detected byusing special histologic
of the cytoplasm. The other organelles-a techniques including immunocytology, they are
small Golgi complex, a very poorly developed classified into three general types: B-cell, T-cell
endoplasmic reticulum, a pair of centrioles and andNKcell.

T-cells carry T-cell antigen receptors T-cells are classified into several types
(TCR) while B-cells carry B-cell antigen based on their functions and surface markers:
receptors (BCR). NK cells were for a while 1)helper T-cell or T h -cell, the most numerous
believed to carry no surface antigens but it among the T-cells; 2) cytotoxic T-cell (Tc-
is now, known that they also express unique cell); 3) memory T-cell; and, 4) suppressor
surface receptors called natunl c~y:totoxicit:y T-cell (Ts-cell). The functions ofthese different
receptors ~NeRsy. Furthermore, NK cells also types of T-cells are discusse~ in the chapter on
carry certain receptors that are present in some lymphoid tissue.
NK cells are cytotoxic cells that play an
.. Of the lymphocytes in blood, 80% are important role in the body's inflammatory and
T-cells,15%are B-cells,and the rest (5%)are NK immune responses. They destroy tumor cells
cells. The two main types oflymphocytes (i.e., and cells infected by viruses.
B-cell and T-cell) differ in their developmental
background, function, and lifespan. The NK cells do not produce antibodies. They
developmental background and lifespan of kill their target cells by releasing the content
natural killer cells (NK cells) have not been of their cytoplasmic granules consisting of
established yet. . perforin and proteases called granzymes into
the intercellular space. The proteins that they
B-cells are responsible for humon}
releasekill target cellsin the vicinity by inducing
immunity, one of the two types of immune
apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) or
response the body exhibits (see chapter on the
osmotic cell lysis.
lymphoid system).
NK cells are effective in containing viral
T-cells, on the other hand, are responsible
infections while the B- and T-cells are still
for c-e:lI-meaiatea immunif'y GceJJular
mounting a decisive immune response.
immunity)-the other type of immune
response that the body manifests. In addition, NK cells also serve as antigen presenting
some T-cells also participate in effecting a cells (APCs)-which are discussed further in
humoral response or immunity. the chapter on the lymphoid system.



he formed elements of blood have of the bone marrow, except for lymphopoiesis

T relatively short lifespans. On any given -whichoccurs not only in the bone marrow but
day, numerous blood cells die and the in all1r-m-phoidtissues and organs.
body has to continuously produce new ones to
maintain their numbers. It is estimated that in HEMOPOIETIC TISSUE
adults, 200 billion red blood cells and 10billion
Hemopoietic tissue refers to the tissue
where-hemopoiesis takes place, i.e.: where
the formed elements of blood develop from
primitive cells (ste-m cells) to mature forms.
There are two kinds of hemopoietic tissue:
lymphoid tissue and myeloid tissue.

Lymphoid Tissue
In lymphoid tissue, only lymphocytes are
produced. Lymphoid tissue is discussed in the
chapter on lymphoid system.
During prenatal life, blood cell formation
is initially the function of the mesoderm of the Myeloid Tissue
¥olk.:sa'c.This task is soon transferred to the
liver, and then the sp:ie-en.But by the second In myeloid tissue, all formed elements of
month ofintrauterine life,some longbones start' blood, including lymphocytes, are produced.
to ossify and the bone marrow becomes a site From birth onwards, myeloid tissue is
for blood cell formation. Subsequently, as more synonymous with red bone marrow. In
and more bones ossify, the blood cell-forming newborns, all the cavities in practically all
activity of the liver and spleen decreases. the bones in the body are filled with red bone
Postnatall , the production of formed marrow. But as the bones increase in size,
elements of the blood is the exclusive domain adipose tissue invades most cavities in bones.
Red bone marrow in these cavities becomes ORIGIN OF HUMAN CELLS
yellow bone marrow and ceases to be a site
for hemopoiesis. In adults, red bone marrow is The ancestry or lineage of all the cells in the
confined to the spongy portion of flat bones, body, including blood cells, can be traced back
notably the sternum and 'lium, vertebrjrl to a single cell, the fertrltzed oxurrr or y-gD.t.~.
bodies, and the upper part of the humerus and This cell results from the union of a sper.m..cell
femur. and an gg cell.

The stroma of myeloid tissue is made up The zygote is a tutipo'tent stem cell,
of reticular fibers and reticular cells. It provides meaning it can multiply infinitely and has the
the framework for a very complicated network potential to give rise to any type ofnnman cell,
placenta cell, or cell oEtoe fetal memhra-n-es)
of interconnecting spaces Emarrow c vitie:s)
(i.e., a-mnion and dlnri.a:-n that surround and
supplied with numerous sinusoids GsinuS::QidaL
protect the fetus in utero),
capillaries). These spaces are also filled with
blood cells of the 'different lineages in varying
stages of differentiation (that comprise the Stem Cells
~arenehyma) and adipocytes. Incidentally, Soon after it has formed, the zygote
in histology, the term "stroma" refers to undergoes cleavage-it divides many times
the supporting framework which is usually over. The cells, called b-Iastomeres, that
connective tissue. The ,terin "parenchyma" arise during the first few days of embryonic
refers to the functional elements of a tissue or development form a spherical structure referred
organ. to as morula because it looks like a mulberry.
The sinusoids that strew red bone marrow Like the zygote, blastomeres are totipotent stem
are lined with thin endothelial cells that rest c.~lls.Totipotent stein cells, however, start to
on a discontinuous basal lamina. Immediately differentiate shortly after they are formed.
external to the endothelial cells are some When stem cells differentiate (i.e.,
macrophages (p-erisinusoiilal mac_rop-hages~. transform to specialized cells), they make a
These are responsible for removing foreign series of commitment decisions, retaining
particulate material and worn-out red blood differentiation potential for some lineages
cells from the blood and the marrow cavities. while losing others. As cells become more
To help them phagocytose particulate material differentiated, they become progressively
from circulating blood, the perisinusoidal more restricted in their lineage potential
macrophages have processes that extend into until eventually, they become unipotent or
the lumen of the sinusoids. committed to the formation of a single cell
type. Likewise, as stem cells differentiate, their
Newly matured blood cells in the bone
capacity to multiply progressively decreases.
marrow cavities find their way into circulating
blood by transeelfular migratio across By the fourth day of intrauterine life, when
the endothelial lining of the sinusoids. the embryo has turned into a fluid-filled sphere
Particularly, when a mature blood cell presses called blcrstocfst, true totipotent stem cells do
on the endothelial cell that lines a bone marrow not exist anymore.
sinusoid, the endothelial cell membrane The blastocyst consists of two types of
responds by forming a temporary opening, cells. One cell type forms the enclosing wall or
called migration :Rore, which closes after the tronhoblast of the blastocyst. It gives rise to the
blood cell reaches the lumen of the sinusoid. placenta and the fetal membranes. The other


cell type forms a cluster of cells, called Innen
c_ell mass; on one pole of the blastocyst. The
cells of the inner cell mass, otherwise referred to
as (emhr.¥omc slellLc_eUs, give rise to the fetus.
They are no longer totipotent because they can Hemopoietic Growth Factors and
no longer form a placenta or fetal membranes. Hormones
They are simply pluripotent and can produce
Hemopoiesis is controlled by a number of
any specialized cell type of the body. Subsequent
hormones and hormone-like growth factors.
divisions of the cells of the inner cell mass give
Many of these factors act synergistically on the
rise to more pluripotent stem cells. In a matter of
different cell lineages.
days, these stem cells further differentiate into
multigotent stem cells. The hormone-like growth factors are
produced within the bone marrow by stromal
Multipotent stem cells are still versatile-
cells (f:i6);olilasfs and r~ticular. cells:),
they can transform into numerous, albeit
m_n_Do_q':tes and m-a-crl[phag~s, enilotlielial
finite, types of cell and replicate very fast.
cells, and some.jy:mp_h:oc~es. Examples of these
Examples of multipotent stem cells are
growth factors are stem cell factor. eSC ) which
me_sencli mal cells which, as discussed in the
stimulates the proliferation and subsequent
differentiation of the multipotent stem cells;
g-n-nuloq:te colony:-stimula_ting facto!!
€ -CS ) which stimulates the production
and subsequent differentiation of the stem
cells of the neutrophilic lineage; granulo€yte-
macr-OPhage culrrny:-sttrtllrIati-n-gfa-ctor~GM-
CSE} that stimulates the production, growth,
Multipotent stem cells are plentiful in and differentiation of the cells of the basophilic
the embryo and fetus but rare ip adults. In and eosinophilic lineages, but which also has a
adults, multipotent stem cells, albeit scarce, are similar effect on the cells of toe other lineages
probably present in most organs of the body including the erythroid, neutrophilic, and
where they replace dead or damaged cells. monocytic lineages; and mon_o_c:y;te-cn0 y:-
(stimulating fador M-CSE) which stimulates
Hemopoietic Stem Cell monopoiesis.

Hemopoietic stem cells appear in.the ;y;olk. The hormones

sac as early as after two weeks of embryonic
life. However, they remain essentially
homeless throughout much of the individual's
intrauterine life. In their search for a site that ...
can provide the appropriate environment for f,-rytlImp-oieti'nis the principal regulator of
their proliferation and differentiation, the RBC production. It is a glycoprotein produced
hemopoietic stem cells and their progenies by the kidneys and, to a small extent, the liver.
find shelter initially in the yolk sac, then It promotes the differentiation of the cells of the
the developing liver, then the spleen, before erythroid lineage. It also influences the more
settling permanently in the bone marrow. differentiated cells in the lineage to increase
In the organs they colonize (i.e., yolk sac, their iron uptake and hemoglobin production.
liver, spleen, and bone marrow), the hemopoietic ;:[.nromoopoielin, on the other hand, is the
stem cells proliferate either to renew their primary regulator of megakaryopoiesis and

platelet production. It is produced primarily itlnit-Granulocy:fe Macrophage (CFU-GM),
by the liver and, to a limited extent, by the Colony-Forming Unit-Eosinophil (CFU-
kidneys. Thrombopoietin stimulates the Eo), Colon}':-Forming Unit-Basopliil (CFU-
production and differentiation of the cells in Bas), and Colony-Eorming Unit-Mast Cell
the megakaryocytic lineage. Recent evidence (CFU-Mast). eF::t1-G:EMM,BFB-E, BEU-MW.,
indicates that thrombopoietin also profoundly and eEt1-GM are still early progenitor cells
influences the development of the other while e_FtI-Eo, CtF.tI-Bas,and €EU~ ast are
hemopoietic stem cells. already late progenitor cells..
The Burst-Forming Unit-Erythroid
Progenitor Cells (BFU-E) is committed to produce RBCs only,
but it still has extensive proliferative capacity.
When its progenies differentiate, each of them
becomes a e_Jd:ony:-Eorming nf -Er:y:tfiroHl
GeED-E), a late progenitor cell that has limited
T stem cell are committed to become B-cell proliferative capacity.
and :I-cell, respectively. The DC stem cell is A Burst-Forming Unit-Megakaryocyte
committed to become a I:}':mphoid related (BFU-MK) still has extensive proliferative
den"dritic cell while the myeloid stem cell is capacity, but is committed to becoming
committed to ,give rise to the other formed a megakaryocyte. When it differentiates,
elements o£]jloud. . it becomes a Colon:y:-Eorming B 't-
There are two kinds of progenitor _egakar:f-ncyte (CFU-MK) which, like all
cells: early progenitor cells which are still late progenitor cells, has limited proliferative
multipotent and/or have extensive proliferative capacity.
capacity, and late progenitnr c-ellswhich can A Colony-Forming Unit-Granulocyte
transform only to cells of a specific lineage Macrophage (CFU-GM) is still a multipotent
and have limited proliferative capacity. The cell that can give rise to two late progenitor
progenitor cells that have been enumerated in cells of the WBC lineages: Eolonr-Forming
the preceding paragraph are early progenitor Bnit-6ranuloc~te (CFU-G) that is destined
cells. to produce neutro hils, or cColony:-Eorming
Hni -MonocyteiBen-dritic €ell (CFU-M/
Myeloid Stem Cell DC) that is destined to produce either
The mxeloid stem cellsretain their capacity monocy:tes or m:r-eJojd-relate(i(iena rific cells
to divide to renewtheir numbers throughout the (discussed in chapter on lymphoid system).
individual's lifetime. However, this capability Incidentally, as mentioned in the chapter on
diminishes as the individual ages. In adults, cartilage and bone, the CFU-GM is probably
myeloid stem cells comprise only about 0.2% also the stem cell for the '0 eoclasts
of the total population of nucleated cells in red The Colony-Forming Unit-Eosinophil
bone marrow. (CFU-Eo), Colony-Forming Unit-Basophil
(CFU-Bas), and Colony-Forming Unit-Mast
Cell (CFU-Mast) are committed to produce
eosinoBhils, 6asophUs, and mast cells,
The different stem cells and progenitor
cells of the formed elements of blood can
be distinguished from each other with the


Fig. VIII-1. Erythropoiesis. The bone
marrow smear demonstrates the
diffferent stages of erythropoiesis.
The precursor cells-proeryhtroblasts
(pro}-successively become basophilic
erythroblasts (be), polychromatophilic
erythroblasts (pe), normoblasts (no),
reticulocytes (see Fig. VIII-4), and mature
RBC (rbc). The smear also exhibits some
platelets (pi). Wright x 1,000.

use of special histologic techniques. These from which they differentiate are as follows (see
include marrow culture techniques and also Table VIII-I):
immunocytology. However) the cells are 1. e:r~throid lineage - proerytlnoblast,
morphologically indistinguishable under the which differentiates from the CFU-E
microscope) even at very high magnification.
They are all small) round cells with a centrally-
located nucleus that contains fine chromatin
material and two or more nucleoli) and scanty .
and basophilic cytoplasm. and CFU-Bas) respectively
Precursor Cells

When a late progenitor cell differentiates) it

gives rise to erecursor cell. This is the earliest 4.
cell form of alineage that can be morphologically
distinguished from the cells of the other lineages
under the light microscope. The precursor cells
of the different lineages and the progenitor cells

Table VIII-1. Progenitor and Precursor Cells of

the Different Blood Cell Lineages
The proerythroblast goes through
several stages of differentiation before it
becomes a mature RBC. These stages are
distinguishable in routinely-stained bone
marrow smears. They consist of the following:
basophilic erythroblast) polychromatophilic
erythroblast) normoblast, and reticulocyte.
T stem cell It takes the proerythroblast about a week to
B-cell B stem cell differentiate into a mature RBC. '

In the erythroid lineage, only the Polychromatophilic Erythroblast
p-ro~eq~throblasts and oasophilic eI}7:throblasts (Polychromatophilic Normoblast;
are capable of mitosis. These two cell types
Intermediate Normoblast)
undergo a total of three to five cell divisions.
In" erythropoiesis, as a cell becomes A polychromatophilic erythroblast is,12to
more mature, it decreases in size; its nucleus
15 ~m in diameter. In routinely-stained smears,
its nucleus which occupies only about 50% of the
progressively shrinks till it becomes pyknotic,
cell is noted to contain coarse "checkerboard"
after which, itis extruded; its ribosomes decrease
chromatin, but no nucleolus. The cytoplasm
in number, leading to diminished basophilia
of a polychromatophilic erythroblast-which
of the cytoplasm; and its hemoglobin content
already -cont ains a significant amount of
increases, leading to increased cytoplasmic
hemoglobin-is grayish pink.
Electron micrographs ofpolychromatophilic
erythroblasts show few organelles. I
Proerythroblast (Pronormoblast)
A pm_cr:y:thro:olastis a large cell that is 22 Normoblast (Orthochromatic
to 28 ~m in diameter. In routine bone marrow Erythroblast; Late Normoblast)
smears, its spherical and centrally-located
nucleus occupies about, 80% of the cell and A normoblast has a diameter of 9 to 11 ~m.
possesses fine chromatin granules and one It has an eccentric and pyknotic nucleus (i.e.,
the' chromatin material is highly condensed)
to two prominent nucleoli. Its cytoplasm is
that occupies less than 25% of the cell. A
scanty and basophilic, but around the nucleus,
normoblast already contains a considerable
it forms a pale area (}2erinude-arhalo~ that has
amount of hemoglobin. Thus, its cytoplasm,
been shown by electron microscopy to contain
in routinely-stained smears, is already pinkish.
mitochondria, Golgi complex, centrioles, and
Electron micrographs reveal that a normoblast
abundant ribosomes. A proerythroblast does
has paucity of organelles that include a few
not contain hemoglobin yet. ribosomes and degenerating mitochondria and
Golgi complex.
Basophilic Erythroblast (Basophilic
Normoblast; Early Normoblast) Reticulocyte (Polychromatophilic
A 15asepliilic er::ytnm_biast is 16 to 18 ~m
in diameter. In routinely-stained smear-s, its A reticulocyte is a normoblast that has
spherical nucleus takes up about 75% of the extruded its nucleus. Its cytoplasm, however,
cell and is seen to contain chromatin that is as electron micrographs show, still possesses
coarse and arranged in a clock-face pattern, centrioles, a'few mitochondria, Golgi complex
and an occasional nucleolus. A basophilic . remnants, and some ribosomes.
erythroblast already synthesizes hemoglobin Reticulocytes still produce hemoglobin.
but its cytoplasm is still highly basophilic, The hemoglobin that a reticulocyte still needs
often more basophilic than the nucleus. to synthesize could be as much as 20% of what
Electron micrographs of basophilic it should have as a mature RBC.
erythroblasts reveal a well-developed Golgi It is not unusual for a few reticulocytes to
complex, many ribosomes and mitochondria, prematurely enter blood where they complete
and the presence of microtubules and their maturation in about 24 to 28 hours. In
microfilaments. routinely-stained blood smears, reticulocytes



Fig. VIII-2. Granulopoiesis. The bone

smear illustrates many of the stages
of granulopoiesis: promyelocyte
(pro), neutrophilic myelocyte (my),
neutrophilic metamyelocyte (met),
band form (bf), and neutrophil (ne).
Wright x1,OOO.

can be distinguished from mature RBCs by be oval or round. The nucleus also contains one
their size-they are larger (9 l-tm,diameter)- to three nucleoli and fine chromatin granules
and by the bluish tinge in their cytoplasm due to that are evenly dispersed, although sometimes, a
the remaining cytoplasmic organelles. few small clumps may be seen. Their cytoplasm
is scanty, moderately basophilic, and contains

The neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and Electron micrographs of myeloblasts reveal

basophilic myeloblasts go through several an abundance of mitochondria and ribosomes
stages of differentiation before they become and a well-developed rER.
mature granulocytes. These stages consist of Myeloblasts can still divide, but their
the following: promyelocyte, myelocyte, and
proliferative capacity is limited. Invariably, their
progenies differentiate into promyelocytes.
In routine bone marrow smears, the
neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and basophilic
myeloblasts look alike despite the fact that
they arose from different progenitor cells. In routinely-prepared bone marrow smears,
Nevertheless, they can be distinguished from a promyelocyte is larger than a myeloblast. Its
the precursor cells of the other cell lineages. diameter can reach 25 l-tm.Its round or oval
The same is true with the neutrophilic, nucleus contains clumped chromatin material
eosinophilic, and basophilic promyelocytes. that makes it difficult to appreciate the nucleoli.
They cannot also be distinguished from each Its cytoplasm is more basophilic than that of the
other in routine bone marrow preparations. myeloblast. In addition, it contains azurophilic
granules (primary granules) which are not yet
Myeloblast present in the myeloblast.

Myeloblasts are fairly large round cells that Electron micrographs of the promyelocyte
have a diameter of 15 to 20 l-tm.In routine bone confirm the presence of membrane-bound
marrow LM preparations, their nucleus is seen to cytoplasmic granules and a well-developed rER.

Like a myeloblast, a promyelocyte is still a stab cell is pale violet and already contains the
capable of mitosis. mature complement of specific granules.
A stab cell can be distinguished from a
Neutrophilic Myelocyte, neutrophilic metamyelocyte by the appearance
Metamyelocyte, and Stab Cell of its nucleus, often U- or S-shaped or elongated
When promyelocytes acquire specific and slightly curved. As mentioned in the
granules (secondary granules) in their previous chapter, some stab cells are normally
cytoplasm, they become myelocytes. From present in blood. When the nucleus of the stab
this point on, the cells of the neutrophilic, cell has formed lobes, it has transformed into a
eosinophilic, and basophilic lineages can be mature neutrophil or segmenter.
distinguished from each other in routinely-
It takes a neutrophilic myeloblast about 11
prepared bone marrow smears.
days to transform into a segmenter. During this
A neutrophilic myelocyte is slightly smaller period, the differentiating cell undergoes five
than a promyelocyte. Its nucleus is usually ovoid
mitotic divisions.
and contains coarse chromatin material that
forms clumps but has no visible nucleolus. Its
cytoplasm is more abundant but less basophilic
Eosinophilic Myelocyte and
than that of a promyelocyte. As in mature Metamyelocyte
neutrophils, its specific cytoplasmic granules As in the neutrophilic lineage, the
have little affinity for dyes and are too small first cell in the eosinophilic lineage that is
to be appreciated under the light microscope. morphologically distinguishable from its
In routine bone marrow smears, however, they granulocytic counterparts in routine bone
impart a lilac hue to the cytoplasm. They first ~~rrow smears is the myelocyte.
appear near the nucleus. As they increase in
number, they begin to be seen in the periphery An eosinophilic myelocyte has a lot in
of the cell. common with a neutrophilic myelocyte in
routine bone marrow smears. Its chromatin
A neutrophilic myelocyte has also
material forms coarse clumps and its cytoplasm
azurophilic granules which, in electron
is slightly basophilic and contains azurophilic
micrographs, are denser than the specific
granules. The feature of an eosinophilic
myelocyte that distinguishes it from a myelocyte
A neutrophilic myelocyte undergoes up of the neutrophilic and basophilic lineages is its
to three cell divisions before its progenies
specific cytoplasmic granules. These granules
differentiate into neutrophilic metamyelocytes.
are acidophilic and much larger than those in a
A neutrophilic metamyelocyte is already neutrophilic myelocyte.
about the size of a mature neutrophil and no
An eosinophilic myelocyte differentiates
longer capable of mitosis. Its nucleus is deeply
into an eosinophilic metamyelocyte-which
indented on one side and contains chromatin
granules that form coarse, dark clumps. Its looks like its neutrophilic counterpart-except,
cytoplasm is slightly basophilic. The specific again, for its distinctive specific cytoplasmic
granules-which could already be equal to the granules.
normal mature complement-far outnumber Unlike in the neutrophilic lineage, there is
the azurophilic granules. no band form in the eosinophilic lineage. When
A neutrophilic metamyelocyte the nucleus of a metamyelocyte has formed
differentiates into a stab cell or band form. In lobes (usually two, but occasionally three), the
routine bone marrow smears, the cytoplasm of cell has differentiated into a mature eosinophil.


-- ---------------
Basophilic Myelocyte and 2) the process of forming platelets from a
Metamyelocyte megakaryocyte.
In routine bone marrow smears, the
basophilic myelocyte and metamyelocyte Megakaryopoiesis
look like their neutrophilic and eosinophilic A egakar¥oolast, the precursor cell of the
counterparts except for their specific megakaryocytic lineage, is about 15 to SO[lm
cytoplasmic granules and their nucleus that in diameter. In routine bone marrow smears, it
stains less intensely and has finer chromatin has a large, slightly indented, ovoid nucleus that
granules. The specific cytoplasmic granules contains loose chromatin material and multiple
of the basophilic myelocyte and basophilic but inconspicuous nucleoli. Its homogeneous
metamyelocyte have a high affinity for basic cytoplasm is intensely basophilic because of the
dyes. They are blue or dark purple in routinely- presence of numerous ribosomes. In electron
stained prepa~ations. Furthermore, they are micrographs, aside from ribosomes, the
larger, fewer, and of variable sizes compared megakaryoblast is seen to also contain many
with those in their eosinophilic counterparts. mitochondria, a well-developed Golgi complex,
Like in the eosinophilic lineage, there is
no band form in the basophilic lineage. The A megakaryoblast undergoes a series (up
metamyelocyte differentiates directly into a to seven) of incomplete type of mitosis called
mature basophil. endomitosis. It results in the formation of a
huge cell that contains a single but multilobed
nucleus. Each time a megakaryoblast undergoes
endomitosis, its cytoplasmic elements duplicate.
Platelets are cytoplasmic fragments:' However, there is no cytoplasmic division, and
of a giant cell in the bone marrow called its daughter nuclei remain fused.
megakar.:yocrte. Thus, thrombopoiesis A megakaryocyte is a giant cell (SO to
encompasses 1) the development of a 150 um). In routine bone marrow smears, its
megakaryocyte (megakarropoiesiSJ); and multilobed nucleus is seen to contain coarse

Fig. VIII-3. Bone Marrow Smear.

The section shows several types
of bone marrow cells including a
megakaryocyte (me), plasma cell
(pc), eosinophilic myelocyte (emy),
eosinophilic metamyelocyte (eme),
eosinophil (eo), and reticulocyte (re).
Wright x1,OOO.

chromatin and indistinct nucleoli. Its cytoplasm promonocyte before it transforms into a
is abundant and basophilic but the basophilia mature monocyte.
is less than that of a megakaryoblast. It also
exhibits numerous fine azurophilic cytoplasmic Monoblast
In routine bone marrow smears, the
In electron micrographs, the cytoplasm of
monoblast is a large round cell that is about
a megakaryocyte is noted to have many free
15 to 20 ~m in diameter. Its nucleus is oval or
ribosomes, a poorly-developed ER, several Golgi
round and has fine chromatin granules that are
complexes, many membrane-bound granules,
evenly dispersed, although a few small clumps
and numerous smooth-surfaced membranes
of chromatin may be seen. Its scanty cytoplasm
that tend to flatten.
is moderately basophilic.
Some authors describe a cell, which they
The monoblast resembles the myeloblast
call promegakaryocyte, that represents an
(the precursor cell of the granulocytic lineages)
intermediate stage between the megakaryoblast
in routine LM preparations. The two cells
and the adult megakaryocyte. The
become distinguishable from each other only
promegakaryocyte is 30 to 50 ~m in size. In
when the nucleus of a monoblast begins to
routine bone marrow smears, its nucleus shows
indent and its cytoplasm starts to manifest
several lobes while its cytoplasm contains
azurophilic granules~ things that do not occur
several pairs of centriol~s and fine azurophilic
in the myeloblast.
cytoplasmic granules.
Electron micrographs of the monoblast
It takes about 10 days for a megakaryoblast
reveal free ribosomes, polyribosomes, a rER,
to transform into a mature megakaryocyte.
and a few mitochondria in its cytoplasm.

Formation of Platelets from Further division and differentiation of the

monoblast give rise to promonocytes.
Platelets are formed from megakaryocytes Promonocyte
in the bone marrow when the cell forms long
cytoplasm processes called pseudopodia A promonocyte is larger than a monoblast.
(platelet ribbons; proplatelets). These enter In routine bone marrow smears, it exhibits
the lumen of the sinusoids where they fragment a nucleus that is large, indented, and paler-
into platelets that then join circulating blood. staining than that of a monoblast because its
chromatin granules are finer. Also, owing to the
New evidence indicates anothe~ way
fine chromatin material of the nucleus, nucleoli
by which platelets are formed. Evidently,
are visible. Its cytoplasm is paler than that of a
megakaryocytes sometimes enter the bone
monoblast but still basophilic. A promonocyte
marrow sinusoids intact then migrate to the
contains azurophilic cytoplasmic granules.
pulmonary blood vessels where their cytoplasm .
fragments into platelets. A promonocyte divides twice before its
progenies differentiate into mature monocytes.
A megakaryocyte produces 4,000 to 8,000
Monocytes enter blood soon after they are
platelets, after which, it presumably degenerates.
formed. They stay in blood for a while before
migrating into connective tissue where they
MONOPOIESIS transform into macrophages.
A monoblast, the precursor cell of the It takes monoblasts about 55 hours to
monopoietic lineage, differentiates into a transform into monocytes.


LYMPHOPOIESIS The B-stem cells, on the other hand, start
to differentiate in the bone marrow when they
Lymphopoiesis occurs in the various receive the appropriate signals in the form of
lymphoid tissues and lymphoid organs in the growth factors. Immunocytology has shown
bO,dy.These tissues and organs are classified that they pass through two intermediate stages
into two groups: central lymphoid organs (Pro-B cell and Pre-B cell) before they become
which refer to the thymus and bone marrow; B-Iymphoblasts, the ~recursor cells of the
and peripheral lymphoid tissues and organs lineage. B-Iymphoblasts proliferate extensively.
which refer to the lymph nodes, spleen, and Subsequently, their progenies differentiate into
the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues B-prolymphocytes before becoming mature
(MALT). MALT include the tonsils and the B-cells.
other nonencapsulated lymphoid tissues in
the gastrointestinal (i.e., GALT),respiratory Mature T- and B-cells leave the central
(i.e., BALT),and genitourinary tracts. lymphoid organs by entering blood or lymphatic
vessels. They then migrate to, and take up
residence in, the various peripheral lymphoid
Lymphopoiesis in the Central
tissues and organs.
Lymphoid Organs
The mature T- and B-cells that leave the
The thymus and the bone marrow are thymus and bone marrow, respectively, are
called central lymphoid -organs because these immunocompetent but still naive (i.e.,they have
are where the progenitor cells of lymphocytes, not encountered an antigen yet.)
i.e., T and B stem cells, develop into mature and
In routine light microscopic smears, the
immunocompetent T- and B-cells, respectively.
B-Iymphoblast and T-Iymphoblast look alike.
As soon as they have differentiated from . The same is true for the B-prolymphocyte and
hemopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, T-prolymphocyte.
the T-stem cells migrate to the thymus while
the B-stem cells stay in myeloid t issue (i.e., Lymphoblast
bone marrow). Incidentally, hemopoietic stem
cells-from which the B-stem cells and T-stem A lymphoblast is a large cell that is 2S
cells are derived -abound in the bone marrow ~m or more in diameter. In routine histologic
of embryos and fetuses. However, their numbers preparations, it is seen as having relatively
diminish rapidly with age such that in adults, abundant basophilic cytoplasm (nucleus to
relatively few still exist. Nevertheless, the bone cytoplasm ratio is about 4:1) that does not
marrow remains a source of T-stem cells and contain azurophilic granules. Its nucleus is
B-stem cells throughout life. large and spherical. It contains fine and highly
dispersed chromatin material and one or two
The exact origin of the NK cells is not
easily visible nucleoli.
known yet. They probably originate from the
bone marrow but definitely not from B- or T- Normally, lymphoblasts do not circulate
stem cells. They likewise do not get processed in blood; they proliferate and differentiate into
in the thymus. prolymphocytes in the central lymphoid organs.
In the thymus, the T-stem cells
differentiate into 0::- =r-mplio:bb-ns (the Prolymphocyte
precursor cells of the lineage) and proliferate. A prolymphocyte is slightly smaller than
Subsequently, T-Iymphoblasts transform into a lymphoblast. In routine smears, its nucleus
T-prolymphocytes before becoming mature shows condensed chromatin material that
T-cells. makes nucleoli hard to appreciate. Its cytoplasm

is basophilic and already contains azurophilic (a possible reason why there are large
granules. lymphocytes in blood). Then they seed the
Further differentiation of a prolymphocyte
other peripheral lymphoid tissues and organs
in the body where they likewise proliferate
gives ~ise to a mature lymphocyte.
extensively before differentiating into various
functional types.
Lymphopoiesis in the Peripheral
Lymphoid Organs Re-circulating Pool of Lymphocytes
When they leave the central lymphoid Lymphocytes, regardless of where they are
organs and settle in the peripheral lymphoid produced (i.e., central or peripheral lymphoid
tissues and organs, the B- and T-cells are small tissues), do not settle permanently in any
lymphocytes that retain their mitotic capability. peripheral lymphoid tissue or organ. They
This capability is aroused if they get activated, shuttle back and forth between the different
which occurs when they react to an antigen. lymphoid tissues and organs by joining blood
An antigen is any substance perceived by the or lymph to comprise a "re-circulating gool."
cells of the lymphoid system as foreign to the
The T-cellsre-circulate more often than the
body. The presence of an antigen in an area
of the body activates the lymphocytes that
are in the lymphoid tissues-in and around the (Note: Figure VIII-4 on the next page
area. (Further discussion on the activation of shows the various stages that the stem cells of
lymphocytes is presented in the chapter on the formed elements of blood undergo before
lymphoid system.) becoming mature cells. One must, however,
bear in mind that the transformation of a cell
When activated, lymphocytes become
.from one stage to the next is a very gradual
larger.Thereafter, they divide extensivelybefore
process. Often, changes in the cytoplasm
differentiating into the different functional
do not go hand in hand with changes in the
types oflymphocytes.
nucleus. Accordingly, the number of possible
Some activated lymphocytes leave the area morphological gradations between stages is
of antigen exposure and enter the bloodstream infinite.)




,f _I,

Skin and Its


he skin or in egu ~e~nt is the tough hence, some pharmaceutical preparations are

T protectiv ,external covering of the bod

that is continuous with the mucos~J
(mucous m!mbrin~ej that lines the mouth,
specifically designed for absorption through
the skin. Secondly, in the finger tip , the skin
exhibits shallow grooves and ridge whose
nose, anal canal, genital openings, and eyes. patterns are unique for each perso . These
It is the largest organ of the body in terms of grooves and ridges, which are collectively
weight, accounting for about 15% of a person's referred to as fingeF:er·nl\.s',
are used as basis for
body weight. Its surface area in adults exceeds individual identification.
1.5 rrr'. Its thickness ranges from 0.5 to S.Om Associated with the skin are several
depending on its location. It is thinnest overthe structures, collectively referred to as
eye ia.sand thickest over the sol(!slfof tile'feet. appendages'of"th~esltin. The appendages of
The skin'sprotective functio is not limited the skin consist of nail, hair, and cutaneous
to preventing harmful substances from entering glands-sweat and sebaceous glands.
the body; it alsoincludes preventing loss ofbody The skin and its appendages are often
fluids. Aside from protecting the other tissues collectively referred to as the integumentiiiyJ
of t e body, the skin, by forming sweat, helps
regulate body temperature, and excrete w:aste
materia s and waste products. It also serves as
a huge sense organ that is receptive to touch,
pain, pressure, and temperature. Furthermore, Histologically, the skin consists of two
some of its cells assist in the immune response distinct layers: epidermis and dermis. The
(immune defense) of the body. The skin is also a epidermis, the more superficial layer, is an
siteforthe production 0 itarn...!i~1Which occurs epithelial coat derived from ectoderm while
when 1-dehyd 01::Jii'_0 €st'e,@rf'hatis present in its the dermis (corium) is made up of connective
epithelial coverreacts with ultraviolet light from tissue derived from mesoderm.
the sun. The junction of the epidermis and dermis
Two properties of the skin are occasionally is well-delineated, but not smooth. Tissue
taken advantage of by medical science. Firstly, elements of the dermis form irregular conical
the skin, being a semipermeable membrane, projections called dermal papillae into the
can absorb certain substances from its surface, epidermis. Conversely, irregular conical
invaginations of the epidermis called epidermal
ridges (rete pegs; epidermal pegs) invade the
The dermis is anchored to the underlying
tissues by loose connective tissue that is referred
to as hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue that
often contains numerous adipose cells.

The epidermis is a keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium. Its most superficiallayer
is continuously shed such that the epidermis is
completely renewed every 20 to 30 days. This
renewal process is the responsibility of the
keratinocytes, the principal cells of the layer.

Keratinocytes comprise 85%to 95% of the
Fig.IX-1. Layers of the Skin.The photomicrograph
cell population of the 'epidermis. They are cells
demonstrates the two histologic layers of the
that are specialized to produce keratin-an skin-the epidermis which is an epithelium and
intermediate filament that is also present but the dermis made up of connective tissue-and
in much lesser amounts in other epithelial cells. the hypodermis which binds the skin to the
underlying tissue. Thin Skin, H&E x 100.
The keratinocytes in the deep layers of the' .
epidermis divide continuously either to renew and sebaceous glands while thick skin contains
their numbers or to differentiate and keratinize numerous sweat glands, but lacks hair follicles
(i.e., produce and accu~ulate keratin in their and sebaceous glands.
cytoplasm). As differentiated keratinocytes
grow older, they are slowly pushed towards Thick Skin
the surface of the epithelium by newly-formed
Thick skin covers the palms and. soles.
and younger cells. At the same time, they
Its epidermis consists of five layers. From the
accumulate increasing amounts of kera in and
deepest to the most superficial, these layers
become bigger.When they are already near the
are the 1) stratum germinativum (stratum
surface, they dry up, become smaller then die,
basale), 2) stratum spino sum (prickle cell
and ultimately, get shed off.
layer); 3) stratum granulosum; 4) stratum
lucidum (clear layer); and 5) stratum corneum
Types of Skin (hornycell layer}. The stratum corneum and
Skin is categorized into two types: thick stratum lucidum are sometimes collectively
and thin. referred to asthe cornified layer while the three
The main basis for classifying skin into other layers comprise the stratum Malpighii.
thick or thin is the thickness of its epidermis,
Stratum Germinativum (Stratum Basale)
but thick and thin skins differ in a few other
aspects. The dermal papillae in thin skin are The stratum germinativum consists mainly
shorter than those in thick skin. Furthermore, of a single layer of tall cuboidal keratinocytes
thin skin contains sweat glands, hair follicles, that rest on a basement membrane.


The keratinocytes in the stratum the only cell-to-cell junctions that exist among
germinativum have a large nucleus and the cells of the epidermis. Under the light
basophilic cytoplasm that contains numerous microscope, because of shrinkage caused by
ribosomes, a Golgi complex, endoplasmic routine preparations, the desmosomes appear
reticulum, a limited number of mitochondria, like spines or hairs that protrude out of the
and a few keratin filaments. They are bound on cells. These spines, the reason why the layer is
their lateral and upper surfaces to neighboring called stratum spinosum, are often referred to
cells by desmosomes and to the basal lamina by as "intercellular bridges." They are are merely
hemidesmosomes. preparation artifacts.
In electron micrographs, many keratin The keratinocytes in the deeper layers
filaments are noted to converge and insert of the stratum spino sum still possess limited
into each half-disc of the desmosomes in capacity to mitose.
The keratinocytes in the stratum Stratum Granulosum
germinativum divide continuously: hence, in The stratum granulosum consists of 3 to 5
routine histologic preparations, many mitotic layers of keratinocytes that are more flattened
figures are seen among the cells. than those in the stratum spinosum. The
keratinocytes have a pyknotic nucleus and
Stratum Spinosum (Prickle Cell Layer) degenerated cytoplasmic organelles.
The stratum spinosum consists mainly The most distinctive feature of the
of polyhedral keratinocytes that are arranged keratinocytes in this layer is the presence of
into several layers. These cells are shorter and numerous dark, basophilic keratohyaline
less intensely basophilic in routine histologic granules in their cytoplasm. The keratohyaline
preparations than those in the stratum granules are not membrane-bound, and, despite
germinativum. Their cytoplasm contains their name, do not contain any keratin. The
the same organelles as those in the stratum keratin filaments in the cytoplasm either pass
germinativum, but their keratin filaments, through or get attached to the periphery ofthese
which are more numerous, form bundles. granules. The keratohyaline granules contain
The keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum a histidine-rich protein called profillagrin,
are still tightly bound to their neighbors by which, when the cells reach the stratum
desmosomes. Incidentally, desmosomes are corneum, becomes fillagrin that provides the
interfilamentous matrix for the aggregation of
keratin filaments.
Another feature of the cells in this layer
is the presence of membrane-bound, lipid-
containing secretory granules (lamellar
granules) in the cytoplasm. These granules
.are also present, but to a limited degree, in the
keratinocytes ofthe stratum spinosum. They are
called lamellar granules because they consist of
closely-packedparallellamellae.The contents of
the lamellar granules are secreted and deposited
into the intercellular spaces. Together with the
desmosomes, they form an important barrier
against the entry or exit of substances to and
Fig. IX-2. Thick Skin. H&E x1 00. from the body.


Thin Skin
Thin skin covers the whole body except
the palms and soles. Its epidermis differs from
that of thick skin in terms of the following: its
stratum spinosum is much thinner; 'its stratum
granulosum is poorly developed, and sometimes,
even absent; it does not have a stratum lucidum;
and, its stratum corneum is much thinner. Thus,
often, the epidermis of thin skin has only three
layers: stratum basale, stratum lucidum, and
stratum corneum.

Other Cell Types in the Epidermis

Aside from keratinocytes, three other
types of cells are present in the epidermis-
Fig. IX-3. Epidermis of Thick Skin. The epidermis melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and Merkel
of thick skin has five layers. From the deepest to cells.
the most superficial, these are: stratum basale
(b), stratum spinosum (s),.stratum granulosum (g),
stratum lucidum (I), and stratum corneum (c). H&E
x400. Melanocytes are cells that are specialized to
produce melanin pigment. They are present in
The keratinocytes in the stratum
certain parts of the body, notably the skin and
granulosum can no longer divide. In fact, they
the uvea in the eye. In the skin, they comprise 7%
are already dead cells.
to 10% of the cell population of the epidermis,
which makes them second to the keratinocytes
Stratum Lucidum (Clear Layer)
in terms of number. Some melanocytes are also
The stratum lucidum consists mainly of 4 present in the superficial region of the dermis.
to 6 layers of flat, dead, anucleate keratinocytes
The melanocytes in the epidermis are
that form a light-staining, relatively translucent,
dispersed among the cells of the stratum
discontinuous layer superficial to the stratum
granulosum. The keratinocytes in this layer are
already devoid of organelles, but their keratin
filaments form thick bundles that are parallel to
the skin surface. They are likewise still bound to
their neighbors by desmosomes.

Stratum Corneum (Horny Cell Layer)

The stratum corneum consists of IS to
20 rows of flattened keratinocytes whose
cytoplasm consists entirely of keratin filaments
that are embedded in an amorphous matrix.
The deeper cells are still attached to each other,
Fig. IX-4. Epidermis of Thin Skin. In contrast to
albeit rather loosely, by desmosomes, but those
thick skin which has five layers, the epidermis of
in the superficial layers, which comprise the thin skin often has only three-stratum basale (b),
stratum dysjunctum, are free of each other and stratum spinosum (s), and stratum corneum (c).
get continuously shed off or desquamated. H&E x100.


germinativum and stratum spino sum. They Incidentally, skin color is an admixture
are not bound to the neighboring cells by of three pigments: carotene, a substance that
desmosomes, but those in the stratum basale are is present in the intercellular substance of
bound to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes. the epidermis that gives the skin a yellowish
hue; hemoglobin, the red, oxygen-carrying
In H&E preparations, melanocytes appear
pigment present in the RBCs that circulate
as "clear" cells that are difficult to tell apart from
in the capillaries of the dermis; and melanin
the other clear cells (i.e., Langerhans cells and
that gives skin its brown to black shade. The
Merkel cells) in the skin. However, they can be
difference in skin color among the different
distinguished with the aid of special methods
races is not due to the varying number of
such as the DOPA technique. When incubated
melanocytes in the skin, but rather to the
in a solution of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
amount of melanin that the melanocytes
(DOPA), the highly-branched processes of the
produc-e (ie., the degree of activity of the
melanocytes are selectively blackened and the
melanocytes) .
cells become recognizable.
Melanocytes are cells that arise from the
Melanocytes are small cells with long neural crest. They colonize the epidermis
but thin processes that are in contact with during the early embryonic period. They retain
neighboring keratinocytes. Their cytoplasm their capacity to divide throughout postnatal
contains a fair share of organelles and many life but become less mitotically active as the
electron-dense, membrane-bound granules person ages.
called melanosomes. Melanin is produced
within the melanosomes that is why many Langerhans Cells
authors consider melanosomes as cytoplasmic
Langerhans cells are antigen-presenting
organelles that are unique to melanocytes.
cells (APCs)-see the chapter on the
In the melanosomes, melanin is formed lymphoid system-that are present not only in
from the amino acid tyrosine through a series the skin but also in other stratified squamous
of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions. epithelia such as those in the oral cavity,
The melanin that a
melanocyte produces is esophagus, and vagina, In the skin, they are
transferred (actually, it is the fully-formed mostly in the epidermis where they comprise
melanosome that is transferred) in a continuing 3% to 8% of the cells, but a limited number are
manner, via the melanocyte's processes, to the scattered in the dermis.
keratinocytes with which it is in contact. In In the epidermis, Langerhans cells are
the keratinocytes, the melanosomes become most numerous in the stratum spino sum.
permanent inclusions and are positioned in In H&E preparations, they look similar to
the supranuclear portion of the cells in order melanocytes with their dark nucleus and pale-
to protect the cells from solar radiation. staining cytoplasm. But with the use of special
The transfer process of melanosomes from techniques such as staining with gold chloride,
melanocyte's to keratinocytes is -still a poorly the dendritic nature of their processes become
unde~~toJ)d process, but it is so efficient that, apparent and they become distinguishable.
in general,'keratinocytes contain more melanin
In electron micrographs, Langerhans cells
than melanocytes.
in the epidermis are easy to identify because
Each melanocyte supplies up to 30 they lack desmosomes and keratin filaments.
keratinocytes with melanin. A melanocyte and Also, they contain rod-shaped, membrane-
the keratinocytes that it supplies with melanin bound granules called Birbeck granules
are collectively referred to as an epidermal or vermiform granules whose function is
melanin unit. undetermined yet.


In the embryo, Langerhans cells are (in the eyelid) to 4.0 mm (in the back). It is
derived from the bone marrow. They colonize composed of connective tissue that forms two
the skin as early as the 5th to the 6th week of histologic layers: papillary and reticular.
embryonic life. Postnatally, they retain some
mitotic activity, but they renew their numbers Papillary Layer
mainly by migration of precursor cells from
The papillary layer is the more superficial
the bone marrow via blood to the skin where the
of the two layers of the dermis. It is made up of
precursor cells then differentiate. In the blood,
loose connective tissue and is well-demarcated
the precursor cells probably look like and are
from the epidermis by the latter's basement
misidentified as monocytes.
Merkel Cells The bulk of the connective tissue that
comprises the papillary layer form conical
Merkel cells are the least in number among
projections into the epidermis called dermal
the cell types in the epidermis. They usually
papillae. Dermal papillae are more numerous
occur singly, and occasionally in clusters in the
in areas that are subjected to great pressure
basal region of the epidermis in all parts of the
such as the soles of the feet. Their core contains
body, but they are most numerous in the palms
a capillary bed that supplies the overlying
and soles.
epidermis with blood and nerve endings
In routine histologic preparations, they including encapsulated ones like Meissner's
also appear as "clear cells," like melanocytes corpuscles.
and Langerhans cells, and are distinguishable
under the light microscope only if specific
Reticular Layer
immunehistochemical techniques are applied.
Merkel cells are disc-shaped cells with short· The reticular layer of the dermis is thicker
cytoplasmic processes. They are bound to than the papillary layer. It is responsible for the
neighboring keratinocytes by desmosomes. In toughness and strength of skin. It consists of
electron micrographs, their cytoplasm is shown dense irregular connective tissue that is richly
to be devoid of keratin filaments but it has supplied with blood vessels and whose collagen
small, dense granules that-some investigators fibers form coarse bundles that are mostly
believe-contain a hormone similar to the oriented parallel to the skin. Dispersed within
cat~ch~lamines secreted by the adrenal medulla. the reticular layer is a network of elastic fibers
that are thicker than those in the papillary layer.
A Merkel cell together" ~ith ,'an axon
termination of.a sensory neuron .forrns a Sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair
Merkel disc-a' sensory mechanical receptor follicles, when present, are embedded in the
that responds to pressure and touch. As a rule, connective tissue of the reticular layer. Smooth
a si4}-gleafferent nerve fiber (axon), which muscle cells are also present in this layer of
generally has num~rous terminations, makes the dermis. Those that are associated with
cO,ntactwith maIl,X"Merkel cells. hair follicles form bundles called arrector pili
muscles. In areas such as the scrotum in males
.The origin cif Me~kel cells has not been
and areola of the breast in females, the smooth
established yet, but the_prevailing view is that
muscle fibers form interlacing bundles in the
they are modified Reratinocytes.
deep part of the reticular layer.

Dermis (Corium) In the head and neck, connective tissue

bands in the reticular layer serve as insertions
The dermis is much thicker than the of skeletal muscles that comprise the muscles of
epidermis. Its thickness ranges from 0.6 mm facial expression.


The undersurface of the reticular layer of APPENDAGES OF THE SKIN
the dermis merges with the hypodermis.
The appendages of the skin are structures
Hypodermis (Subcutaneous that are derived from the epidermis. They
have specific functions and are mostly confined
to the dermis. They consist of hair, nail, and
Hypodermis refersto the loose connective cutaneous glands, namely the sebaceous
tissue that binds the dermis of the skin to the glands and sweat glands.
underlying structures. In many areas of the
body (e.g., dorsum of the hand), it also allows Hair
the skin to slide over the underlying structures.
Hair is a filamentous, keratinized structure
It is not part of the skin.
that covers practically the whole body except
The hypodermis contains numerous the lips, palms, soles, distal dorsal parts of
adipose cells except over the eyelids, penis, the fingers and toes, prepuce and glans of the
scrotum, nipple, and areola, where the penis, labia minora and inner surface of the
subcutaneous tissue is notably devoid of these labia majora, clitoris, and nipple. Hair varies
cells. In individuals who are over-nourished, in thickness, length, and growth pattern in the
the adipose cells in the hypodermis over different regions of the body. Most parts of the
certain areas of the body -(e.g" belly) are body are covered by fine, short, colorless, and
particularly numerous, and they form layers often, hardly noticeable hair. Hair, however, is
of adipose tissue called panniculus adiposus. particularly lush on the scalp and the bearded
areas of the face and neck. In humans, unlike
Sebaceous and sweat glands which are, as a in lower forms of animals, hair has hardly any
rule, confined to the dermis, sometimes extend protective function, but it is still important to
to the hypodermis. Hair follicles also often the sense of touch.
invade the hypodermis.

Nerve Endings in Skin

One of the main functions of skin is to
receive and transmit sensory stimuli to the
central nervous system. Hence, the skin has a
variety of sensory nerve endings. The sensory
nerve endings consists of three groups:
simple nerve endings (free nerve endings),
expanded-tip nerve endings (i.e., Merkel
discs): and, encapsulated nerve endings
including Ruffini's corpuscles, end bulbs
of Krause, Vater-Pacinian corpuscles, and
Meissner's corpuscles. These nerve endings
have been described previously. L' #. ~
Aside from sensory nerve endings, the .: '\-~,<..~ ~";>:;::'. \11'.....
skin is also well-supplied with efferent nerve -, ~,. Jr" _ .\ 'It

....~ ... \ ,t.f. ....".... -\

fibers that regulate the activity of its glands +, ...~,\: ~~....:
) "

and smooth muscle cells, including those in the

blood vessels. Fig. IX-S. Hair Follicle. Scalp Skin, H&E x 100.


Fig. IX-6. Scalp Skin. The
section from the scalp shows
some of the appendages of
the skin. H&E x40.

The part of a hair that projects from the In actively growing hair, the hair follicle
surface of the skin is called shaft while the part has an expanded, bulbous proximal portion
that is embedded in the skin is called root. The called hair bulb. The base of the hair bulb
hair roots are implanted obliquely, with respect has a deep concavity that is occupied by a hair
to the skin surface. papilla which consists of connective tissue
where capillaries that supply the hair follicle
Hair Follicle with nutrients and oxygen are embedded. The
hair papilla has an inductive effect on the cells
Each hair root is enclosed by two epithelial
that produce hair and is the lifeline of the hair
sheaths (external and internal root sheaths). A
follicle. The epithelial cells in hair bulb that
hair root and its sheaths comprise a hair follicle. are associated with the hair papilla form the
Associated with each hair follicle are one or hair matrix (hair root, to some authors) that
more sebaceous glands whose ducts <?peninto envelops the papilla.
the upper third of the follicle. Also associated
with a hair follicle is the arrector pill muscle, a Hair Formation and Growth
thin smooth muscle whose one end is attached The formation of hair is similar to the cell
to the connective tissue surrounding the hair renewal system of the epidermis that is anchored
follicle at about its mid-length. This muscle on the mitotic activity of the cells in the stratum
courses close to the sebaceous gland that is germinativum. In hair, the counterparts of
associated with the hair follicle before it attaches the cells in the stratum germinativum of the
its other end to the dermis. Contraction of the epidermis are the cells of the hair matrix: they
arrector pili muscle straightens the hair and proliferate and get pushed upward as they
forces out the secretions from the acini of the differentiate, degenerate, and die. Like the cells
sebaceous gland (see page l34). Simultaneous of the stratum germinativum, the hair-forming
contraction of numerous arrector pili muscles cells also produce keratin, but the keratin they
results in "goosepimple" or "gooseflesh." produce is hard keratin. Hence, when the cells


die, they are not shed off; rather, they stick to hair matrix. In mature hair, the cortex consists
each other and string out to form hair. of packed dead and keratinized cells that are
Scattered among the cells of the hair loaded with melanosomes.
matrix are melanocytes, the cells responsible The cuticle is the thinnest of the three
for the color of hair. The melanocytes, like concentric layers of hair. It is formed by the
their counterparts in the epidermis, produce cells in the hair matrix that externally surround
melanin, which they transfer to the other cells the cortex-producing cells..When these cells
of the hair matrix. ' differentiate, they transform into flattened cells
Unlike in the epidermis where the that synthesize a lot of keratin. Thus, in mature
differentiation of cells from the stratum hair, the cuticle consists ofseverallayersof dead,
germinativum gives rise to just one cell type flattened but heavily keratinized cells.
that ultimately ends up in the cornified layer, Hair does not grow continuously. A hair
the cells in the hair matrix differentiate into follicle has an active growth period (anagen)
several cell types that occupy well-delineated that alternates with a rest period (telogen).The
areas. Hair is the product of the three cell types length of the growth and rest periods ofthe hair
that occupy the central region of the hair matrix. folliclesvary from region to region in the body.
These three cell types vary in their morphology In the scalp, for example, the growth period
and each type produces a different kind of lasts for 2 to 4 years and the rest period last for
keratin. Consequently, mature hair has three about 3 months. Meanwhile in the eyebrow,
distinct concentric histologic layers: medulla, the growth period is only from 1 to 2 months
cortex and cuticle. while the rest period is 3 to 4 months. During
The medulla, which is absent in thin the rest period of the hair follicle, the hair is
hair, occupies the core of hair. It is formed by shed, the hair papilla becomes rudimentary, the
the cells of the hair matrix that immediately follicle becomes smaller and shorter, and the
surround the apex of the dermal papilla. When melanocytes become inactive.
these cells differentiate, they transform into
large, vacuolated cells that contain little keratin Sheaths of Hair
filaments. Later, they degenerate and die, thus,
The internal root sheath and external
the medulla of mature hair consists of dead and
root sheath form the outer layers of the hair
disintegrating vacuolated cells.
The cortex surrounds the medulla and is
The internal root sheath surrounds the
the thickest of the concentric layers of hair. It
initial segment of the hair. It is formed by the
is formed by the cells in the hair matrix that
multiplication and differentiation of the most
externally surround the medulla-producing
peripheral cells in the hair matrix. In its deep
cells. When these cells differentiate, they
segment, the internal root sheath consists
transform into fusiform cells that synthesize
of three concentric layers, but as the cells of
a large amount of keratin filaments. They also
the internal root sheath move. upward, they
produce numerous trichohyalin granules that
degenerate and die such that above the level of
contain an insoluble protein, trichohyalin.
the sebaceous glands, the inner root sheath is
Trichohyalin, like fillagrin that is produced
no longer present.
by the cells of the stratum granulosum in
the epidermis, is an intermediate filament- The external root sheath envelops the
associated protein that serves to aggregate internal root sheath. It consists essentially
keratin filament bundles. The cells of the cortex of the epidermis of the skin that is pulled
also receive a greater number of melanosomes downwards by the invaginating hair follicle.
from the melanocytes than the other cellsin the Near the skin surface, the external root sheath


exhibits all the layers of the epidermis of thin Growth occurs at the nail matrix, the most
skin. But in the deepest portion of the hair proximal portion of the nail.
follicle, it is reduced to a single layer that
The proximal part of the nail plate, the
corresponds to the stratum germinativum of
nail root, is partly hidden in the nail groove.
the epidermis.
It extends from the lunula, the white, crescent-
shaped area at the proximal portion to the
Nerves Associated with Hair
exposed nail plate to the nail matrix. In the
Hair is a tactile organ. It is richly supplied nail groove, the nail plate is covered on both
with free and encapsulated nerve endings its dorsal and ventral surfaces by layers of the
including lanceolate endings-nerve endings epidermis. That which covers the dorsal surface
that are in contact with hair bulbs and which of the nail plate is referred to as the nail fold. At
resemble Meissner's corpuscles structurally. the lunula, the distal end of the nail fold is highly
keratinized and referred to as eponychium
Nail (natl-cuttcle). The eponychium consists of
the stratum corneum of the overlying skin.
N ails (nail plates) consist of heavily
Under the free end of the distal part of a nail is
keratinized epithelial cells that form protective
covers on the dorsal surfaces of the terminal a thickened accumulation of stratum corneum
ends of the digits. They-grow continuously but called hyponychium.
those in the fingers grow faster than those in the N ail growth is the function of the cells of
toes. In the same limb, the nail of the middle the nail matrix, which corresponds to the cells of
digit grows faster than the others. the stratum germinativum of epidermis. These
The nail plate is essentially synonymous cells differentiate into a single type of highly
with the stratum corneum of the epidermis. keratinized cells. As they mature, degenerate
It rests on a nail bed, which consists of the and die, instead of getting pushed upward as in
stratum spino sum and stratum germinativum hair, they get pushed forward by younger cells.
of the underlying epidermis. The cells of the In the process, they slide over the nail bed and
nail bed do not contribute to nail growth. form the nail plate.

Fig. IX-7. Nail. H&E x40.


Fig. IX-B. Sebaceous Gland and
Other Skin Appendages. The
section shows that the sebaceous
gland is a simple, branched
alveolar gland. Scalp, H&E x400.

Sebaceous Glands rest on a basal lamina and surround a central

mass of larger, paler-staining, fat droplet-
The sebaceous glands are essentially containing cells which are at various stages of
appendages of hairj hence, they are found in differentiation. The basal cells have a spherical
all areas where hair is present. They are most nucleus, the usual complement of organelles,
numerous on the face, forehead, and scalp and some fat droplets.
where, during puberty, they may become very The typical sebaceous gland has a short
active and give rise to acne and pimples. One duct lined by stratified squamous epithelium
or more sebaceous glands are associated with a that is continuous with the external root
hair and their ducts open into the upper third of sheath of the hair follicle.
the hair follicle.
The secretory product of sebaceous
Sebaceous glands are generally absent in gland is called sebum. It is produced in the
hairless skin such as the palms and soles and alveoli (acini) of the gland as follows. The
the dorsal surfaces of the distal portions of the basal cells divide continuously either to renew
digits. However, there are skin areas where hair their numbers or to differentiate. When the
is absent but which possess sebaceous gland, progenies of the basal cells differentiate,
notably the areola and nipple of the mammary they become rounded cells that contain
glands, labia minora, clitoris, prepuce, glans numerous fat droplets in their cytoplasm. As
penis, lips, and corners of the mouth. the differentiating cells mature, they become
Sebaceous glands are simple, branched larger, paler-staining and accumulate more fat
droplets. At the same time, they get pushed
alveolar glands that are embedded in the
into the central portion of the acinus by
dermis and occasionallyalso in the hypodermis.
younger cells. Ultimately, the cells degenerate
They are holocrine glands and it means that
their secretory products consist not only of
and their nuclei become pyknotic. When the
cells die, their cell membranes disintegrate
the secretion of cells but also of the cells that
releasing their fat droplets. The fat droplets
produce these secretions.
and the remnants of the cells that produce
In routine histologic preparations, the them constitute sebum. Sebum lubricates hair
acinus of a sebaceous gland is seen as consisting and possibly helps maintain the soft texture
of a single layer of flattened or cuboidal of skin, but it hardly plays a role in preventing
peripherally-located cells (basal cells) that fluid loss.


Sweat Glands " numerous on the palms and soles. The only
skin where they are absent are those in the
The skin has two types of sweat glands: margins ofthe lips, concha of the external ear,
eccrine and apocrine. These two types differ nipple, labia minora, and glans and prepuce
structurally and functionally. Eccrine sweat of the penis.
glands are much more numerous than apocrine
The sweat gland is a simple coiled tubular
sweatglands,which iswhythe term sweatgland,
gland. Its duct is lined by stratified cuboidal
unless preceded by a modifier, refers to eccrine
epithelium. The opening of its duct on the
sweat gland.
skin surface is called sweat pore. Its secretory
There are also modified sweat glands that portion, which has a slightly bigger diameter
are present in certain parts of the body, to name than its duct, is embedded deep in the dermis and
a few: the glands of Moll in the eyelids whose the hypodermis. It consists of a pseudostratified
secretions are released into the follicles of the low columnar epithelium that in routine
eyelashasesand which along with the glands of histologic preparations is seen to contain three
Zeis are the usual sitesforstyes, the ceruminous types of cells: light, dark, and myoepithelial
glands of the external auditory canal, which
cells.The light and dark cells are secretory cells.
produce cerumen; and the mammary glands,
The light cells, which rest on a basal lamina,
which secrete milk.
are broad on their luminal portion but tapering
towards the basal lamina. They secrete water
Eccrine Sweat Glands and electrolytes and are responsible for most
Eccrine sweat glands are widely distributed of the watery component of sweat. The dark
in the skin all over the body but are most cells, on the other hand, are broad at their


bases and narrow at their luminal portions. glands but ~re much larger (secretory portion
They are smaller and fewer than the clear ceils. = 3 to 5 mm in diameter) than the eccrine
They contain dense, glycoprotein-containing sweat glands (0.4 mm in diameter). They are
secretory granules in their cytoplasm th'at are embedded deep in the dermis and subcutaneous
resp0I?-sible for the dark appe.arance of the cells. tissue. Their ducts, as a rule, open into hair
As a rule, the bases of the dark cells _donot rest follicles although a few open directly into the
on the basal lamina-an argument In favor of the skin surface.
'glandular epitheliumbeing stratified instead
of being pseudostratified. The light and .dark
cells are distinguishable it' special stain{~uch like in eccrine sweat glands, have associated
as PAS are used. The myoepithelial cells, which myoepithelial cells.
are morphologically similar to those present' in
Unlike eccrine sweat' glands, however,
other exocrine glands, are located between the
which are active from childhood, apocrine sweat
secretory cells and the basal lamina.
glands,only become functional at puberty. They
Sweat glands are merocrine glands whose are called apocrine sweat glands because it was
primary fu~cnon is to help regulate body once thought that the secretory cells lose their
remperatur~. They do this by producing a cleat apical cytoplasm into their secretion. More
fluid called sweat that evaporates (;m, and cools, recent findings, however, have established that
the skin surface. Sweat also.serves as-a vehicle they are actually also merocrine"if aniIs.
for excreting some waste materials and products,
The apocrine sweat glands playa mino
from the body.
role in temperature regulation because of their
limited number. Their sec' 'eH811,which is
Apocrine Sweat Glands more viscous than that of eccrine sweat gland,
Apocrine sweat glands are found only in the is sterile and odorless per se, but bacterial
axilla, around the anus, areola of the breast, action on the secretion produces an unpleasant'
and labia majora. They are also coiledtubiilar odor.


Circulatory System'

he circulatory system is the organ initial tributaries' of veins. Arteries bring blood

T system that brings nutrients, oxygen, from the heart to the .capillaries while veins
hormones, and other needed substances bring blood from the capillaries back to the
to the cells of the body from various points of heart. It is across the thin walls of the capillaries
origin. It also movesthe carbon dioxide, and and very small veins that exchange of gases and
waste and secretory products generated by substances between blood, on the one hand, and
the cells to their disposal areas and/or target the tissues, on the other hand, takes place.

organs. Additionally, it aids in fighting off The heart and the blood vessels comprise
pathogenic microorganisms by providing and/. , two continuous systems of tubes. One-syste-m,
or transporting the cells and substances needed the pulmonary circulation (pulmonic
for this purpose. circulation), brings blood from the heart to
Two closely related systems make up the lungs and then back to the heart. The other
the circulatory system: the car{liovascular system, the systemic circulation, brings blood
system and the l~mp-hvascular sy-stem.Both from the heart to all the other tissues and organs
systems are composed of hollow channels of the body and then back to the heart.
through which fluid, where substances and
cells are suspended, circulates. In the lymph Heart
vascular system, the circulating fluid is a
milky substance called IrmEli, whereas in the The eart is ahollowmuscular organ,about
cardiovascular system, the circulating fluid is the size of a clenched fist, which is located in
lood. the central mediastinum of the thoracic cavity.
By contracting, it acts as a pump that propels
blood to the arteries of both the systemic and
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM pulmonary circulations.
The cardiovascular system consists of the
lieart and the 1:)Ioodvascular sIstem. Blood
vascular system refers to the Blooil vessels
that form a closed circuit to and from the
heart. There are three types of blood vessels:
capillary, artery, and vein. Capillaries connect
the terminal branches of the arteries to the
In the. ventricles, the orifices of the
pulmonary trunk (pulmonic or if'ic e ,
pulmonary orifice) and the aorta (aorfre
orifice) which are collectively referred to as
~~'Ihilunar ortfices, like the AV orifices, are
guarded by one-way valves, the pulmonic and
aortic valves, respectively. These valves are
collectivelyreferred to as semilunar valves.

Flow of Blood through the Heart

Th~ superior vena cava, inferior vena cava,
and coronary sinus (the vein into which the
cardiac veins drain) bring unoxygenated blood
from the different parts of the body to the right
atrium. Blood then goes into the right ventricle
through the tricuspid orifice. Contraction
of the right ventricle propels blood inside
Fig. X-1. Organization of the Cardiovascular its cavity into the pulmonary trunk, which
System carries the blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
The chambers on the right side of the From the lungs, blood is brought back to the
heart are separated from those on the left heart, specifically to the left atrium, by the
by the interatrial sep.tum superiorly, and pulmonary veins. Blood then goes to the left
by the interventricular septuQI inferiorly. ventricle by passing through the mitral orifice.
The chambers on the same side of the heart When the left ventricle contracts, the blood
communicate with each other through in its cavity is forced into the aorta, whose
orifices that are guarded by one-way valves. branches then distribute the blood to all other
The right atrium communicates ';ith the parts of the body.
right ventricle via the rigHt atrioventriculaJj
orifice (tricuspia orifice), which is guarded Pericardium
by the right a rioventricular va ve Gtricuspia
Ive).The left atrium communicates with the The heart is envelopedby connective tissue
left ventricle through the left atrioventriculal1 called pericardium] The pericardium actually
orifice (6icusp.i(l orificej mitral ortfice), consists of two pouches, namely: fibrous
which is guarded by the left atrioventricular pericardium and serous pericardium, which
valve (bicuspia valve; mitral valve). The are intimately bound to each other.
valves ensure unidirectional flow of blood The fibrous pericardium, the more
through the chambers of the heart. external of the two pouches, lines the
The chambers of the heart are in central mediastinum. It is made up of dense
communication with the large blood vessels connective tissue. The serous pericardiumj
of the systemic and pulmonary circulations. on the other hand, has two layers because
The superior and inferior vena cavae during development, the heart and the great
are continuous with the right atrium: the vessels,which lie on the internal surface of the
pulmonary (pulmonic) trunk with the right fibrous pericardium, invaginate it from behind.
ventricle, the pulmonary veins, two left and The more external of the layers of the serous
two rights, with the left atrium: and the aorta pericardium adheres to the fibrous pericardium
with the left ventricle. and is called parietal pericardium while the


The endocardium isthe thinnest histologic
layer of the heart. It lines all the internal
surfaces of the heart and is continuous with the
innermost layer of the great vessels that enter
and exit the heart.
The endocardium has four histologic
layers. The layer that adjoins the cardiac
lumen is a simple squamous epithelium called
e~do.thelium. Deep in the endothelium
is a very thin layer (sub'ertdotheliallayerj
subendothelium) of loose connective tissue.
External to the subendothelium is a layer of
denser connective tissue, which comprises the
thickest portion of the endocardium. This layer
Fig. X-2. The Developing Heart and the Layers contains abundant collagen fibers, fibroblasts,
of the Pericardium a great number of elastic elements, as well as
more internal la f..;r adheres to the heart and smooth muscle cells which are numerous
is called visceral pericardium. Between the over the interventricular septum. External to
parietal and visceral pericardia is a space, the this layer is another loose connective tissue
pericardial cavity, which contains a small layer called sub~endocardium, a misnomer
amount offluid (pertcardial flnid'). Pericardial because the layer is part of the endocardium.
fluid, which amounts to IS-SO mL in adults," The subendocardium contains many blood
reduces friction within the pericardium by vessels and nerves. It also contains many
lubricating the luminal surfaces of the visceral of the Purkinje fibers that comprise the
and parietal pericardia, thus allowing the impulse-conducting system of the heart
membranes to easilyglide over each other when {see page 141).
the heart contracts. ..
The parietal pericardium is made up of
loose connective tissue that is covered on its
free surface by mesothelium. The visceral
pericardium, on the other hand, which is also
covered on its free surface by mesothelium,
is synonymous with the epicardium and
is discussed in the succeeding section. The
mesothelial cells are serous secreting cells.
They are responsible for elaborating pericardial

Histologic Layersof the Heart

The wall of the heart has three histologic
layers. From within outwards, these layers Fig; X-3. Endocardium and Myocardium. Note
consist ofthe endocardium, myocardium, and the Purkinje fibers in the myocardium. Heart,
epicardium. H&E x100.

Fig. X-4. Myocardium. The striated nature of
the cardiac muscle fibers are very evident in this
higher magnification of the same specimen in
Fig. X-3. Heart, H&E x400. .

Fig. X-So Epicardium.

Notice the adipose tissue
that occupies much of the
epicardium. Heart, H&E x100.

Myocardium and brain natriuretic peptide (BN~~-which

participate in cardio-renal homeostasis and
The myocardium, which liesexternal to the
whose target organs are he kidneys, adrenals,
endocardium, is the thickest layer of the heart,
pituitary gland, and brain.
but its thickness varies in the different parts
of the organ. It is thickest in the left ventricle
and is thinnest in the atria. It consists mainly of Epicardium
cardiac muscle fibers (cells) which have been The epicardium, which as previously
described in the chapter on muscle tissue. The . mentioned is synonymous with the !Visceral
myocardial muscle fibers are arranged in sheets Berica~tr.rum, forms the outermost histologic
that wind around the atria and the ventricles in layer of the heart. It consists ofloose connective
a complex, spiraling course. They originate and tissue that is lined on its external surface by
insert in the cardiac skeleton. esoJJlelium.Embedded in the epicardium are
Some cardiac muscle cells in the atria and networks of elastic fibers, blood vessels, and
the interventricular septum have endocrine nerves. In the areas of the heart where bigger
functions. They secrete at least two polypeptide branches ofthe coronary arteries are lodged, the
hormones-atrial natriuretic peptide (ANPy epicardium contains a lot of adipose cells.


Skeleton of the Heart
Cardiac skeleton is the term for the dense
connective tissue that forms the central support
of the heart into which the cardiac muscles and
val~es are attached. It has three components: SA

a) septum membranaceum, which refers to

the part of the cardiac skeleton that is in the
interventricular septum, b) annuli fibrosi,
which surrounds the AVand semilunar orifices;
and, C) trigona fibrosa, which are between the bundle
semilunar and AV orifices. brafteft

Cardiac Valves Fig. X-7. Components of the Impulse-

conducting System of the Heart
The xr and sem:Hunar valves are similar
in structure microscopically. They consist of
reduplicated endocardia and a core of dense muscle fibers called 'Purkinje fibers (Purkinje
connective tissue that is continuous with the cells; Purkinje cardiomyocytes) that are non-
annuli fibrosis. contractile.
Normally, the cardiac valves are avascular. In H&E preparations, Purkinje fibers are
seen to be larger, paler, and containing more
glycogen in their cytoplasm than the typical
cardiac muscle cells.
The Purkinje fibers interconnect with
each other through a variety of cell-to-cell
attachments including desmosomes, gap
junctions, and fascia adherens to comprise the
impulse-conducting system of the heart.
The impulse-conducting system of the
heart has several components: sinoatrial
node (SA node), three internodal tracts,
atrioventricular node (AV node), AV bundle
of His, two bundle branches and Purkinje
Fig. X-6. Cardiac Valve. In sections, a cardiac
valve consists simply of a core of dense The ~A node consists of a dense network
connective tissue that is covered on both surfaces of interwoven Purkinje fibers that are slightly
by endocardium. Heert; H&E x200. smaller than those found elsewhere in the heart.
It is about 10 mm in length and 3 mm in width
Impulse-conducting System of and is located subepicardially (i.e., underneath
the Heart the epicardium) at the boundary of the ri~h~
m-ll..;itn and the sJ!per,iorvena cava. The SA
The contraction of the cardiac muscle node is called the ~~dljas=pacemaker because
fibers is triggered not by neural impulse but its Purkinje fibers generate the electrical
by electrical impulse that is generated and impulse (cardiac impulse) that initiates cardiac
propagated by a population of modified cardiac contraction.


- - -- ---
The impulse from the SA node is Anastomoses among the branches of the
propagated to the atrial musculature and coronary arteries exist but they are insufficient
reaches the AV node via three small bundles of in providing alternate routes for blood
Purkinje fibers: the anterior internodal tract circulation in case of obstruction to the major
(of Bachman) j the middle internodal trac (of vessels. Consequently} the coronary arteries are}
Wenckebadi)j and) the posterior internodal .functionally} en(i arte!~~~.
tract (of Thore'i0. Most of the cardiac veins empty into the
The NV nbde is another collection of corona);[ sinus, which in turn opens into the
Purkinje fibers. It is about 6 mm long and 2 to right atrium} but a few drain directly into the
3 mm wide and is located in the myocardium right atrium.
of the posterior lower part of the iqt~ratrial Lymph channels are closely associated with
s~ptllm. the musculature of the heart. They are abundant
From the AV node) the cardiac impulse is in the myocardium} subendocardium, and
propagated into the Ai'J?undle (of His)} which
is the direct continuation of the AV node. The
The cardiac musculature does not need
--- .
AV bundle (of His) is located in the dense neural stimulation to contract. Nevertheless}
connective tissue of the dgclDum fibrosum.
the heart receives efferent nerve fibers from the
It is formed by Purkinje fibers that course iVagusnerve (CN~X)and sy:mpatlletiCaiVisloD 1-
downward towards the ventricles. At the area of the autonomic ner~0US s;}3 ..,tern.The vagal
of the sellti~'ji't"
membranaceurii, the AVbundle fibers inhibit} whereas the sympathetic fibers
bifurcates to form the right and left bundle stimulate heart action.
The axon terminals of the efferent nerve
The tig:'f~b.lindle b r a n ch runs fibers are not in direct contact with the muscle
downward along the periphery of the septum 'fibers they innervate. They are located a short
membranaceum in the su.}j~naocardium of the distance from the muscle cells. They release
right ventricle. It proceeds to the interventricula their neurotransmitters into the intercellular
septum where it splits into many fine branches space} which then reach the muscle fibers by
that are simply called E.ll1t;lrrhje fibers} which diffusion.
spread through the musculature of the entire
right ventricle.
The l~:ft "b·u.udIe branc is also in the
subendocardium but of the left ventricle. Like Blood vascular system} as already
the right bundle branch} it ramifies and its mentioned} is the collective term for all the
numerous branches (Purkinje fibers) supply the blood vessels in the body} of which there are
myocardium of the left ventricle. , three types: arteries, veins, and capillaries.
As in the heart} the luminal surface of all the
Blood and Lymphatic Vessels, blood vessels is lined by endothelium.
and Nerves of the Heart In capillaries} the endothelium is the only
component of the vessel wall but in arteries and
veins}the vessel wall has other components.

The ,endo__fieHunf serves as a lining
material not merely to facilitate the flow of
blood through 'the blood vessels but also to
regulate the diffusion of substances and cells to in tendons, nerves, smooth muscles, and serous
and from blood. membranes.
Endothelial cells also secrete some Not all capillaries in any given organ or
substances that are important in the regulation tissue are used Simultaneously. Normally, many
of the cardiovascular system including bloo4 of them are closed and do not contain blood.
do..!t~g factors such as v~!eb(and factor, They open only when the need arises.
~d~Th.elins, p~~cyclip.s, ~iffi£ ...
q~ide, and Capillaries are disposed in different
other substances that mediate the inflammatory planes in most tissues and because many
response. They likewise exhibit phagocytosis, pursue irregular courses, they are seldom
albeit to a limited extent. seen in longitudinal section in thin histologic
Endothelial cells have mitotic capability, specimens.
which they display when a blood vessel is
damaged or needs to increase in caliber. Pericytes (cells of Rouget; mural
Capillaries are the simplest of the blood
vessels. They have a very thin wall that consists
simply of a Single layer of endothelial cells that
rest on a basallamin:a. Generally, capillaries lie
on a bed of connective tissue.
The Iuminal diameter of capillaries, except Pericytes envelop-but are not part of-
for sinu~oma""capilraries which have bigger the wall of capillaries. They rest on a thin
caliber, is often only 7 to 9 llm. Thus, red blood basal lamina that, in places, fuses with the
cells have to pass through most capillaries in basal lamina of the capillary endothelial cells.
Single file and with difficulty. This "heavy Pericytes probably influence the luminal size
traffic" condition allows time for exchange of of capillaries because they contain-as shown
gases to take place between the red blood cells by immunohistochemistry-actin, myosin,
and the surrounding tissue. tropomyosin and desmin, which make them
In routine histologic preparations, the contractile. Some pericytes are phagocytic while
wall of a capillary, when seen in cross section, some are sources of new endothelial cells.
usually consists of a single endothelial cell
that surrounds the capillary lumen, although Types of Capillaries
occasionally, 2 or 3 cells may be seen. Ga illar}j Electron microscopic studies have
e-n ofli~~lialcells have an ovoid or elongated demonstrated three types of capillaries:
nucleus that bulges into the lumen of the vessel continuous, fenestrated, and sinusoidal.
while their attenuated cytoplasm is clear to
COijJindoqs (type I) capillaries are found in
finely granular.
musclevs,Jungs;CCiifral nervous system, and
All organs are supplied with numerous sJdn. This type of capillary is characterized by
capillaries that form networks that vary in an uninterrupted endothelium where adjoining
number, size, and shape depending on their endothelial cells adhere to each other mainly
location. Capillary networks are abundant by j:~~rdigitatingj other types of cell-to-cell
and dense in the lungs, liver, kidneys, mucous attachments (e.g., desmosomes and zonula
membranes, glands, skeletal muscles, and in occludens) are rare. The cytoplasm of the
the gray matter of the brain. They are sparse endothelial cells contains fine filaments and

Fig. X-S. Capillaries in Cross Section. Note that Fig. X-9. Capillaries in Cross and Longitudinal
the wall of the capillaries (at arrows) as seen in Sections. This section of the myocardium shows
cross section typically consists only of a single typical capillaries in cross (cc) and longitudinal
endothelial cell. Cerebrum, H&E x400. section (lc). Also labeled in the section are some
intercalated discs (ic). Heart, H&E x400.

vesicles that vary in number depending on the The endothelium of sinusoids is formed by a
location of the capillary. mixture of phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells
~estrated (type II) capillaries are found in that rest on a discontinuous basal lamina that is
separated from the parenchyma of the organ by
the mucous membranes of the g~~'toJntestinaF
a very fine network of reticular fibers:
tract, many en.iI~£tineglands) pancreas and
renal glomerulus. In these capillaries) the
cytoplasm of the endothelial cells is very thin Histologic Layers of Arteries and
and is pierced at intervals by "p(Jl1~S"that range Veins
in size from 60 to 80 nm. The pores are bridged
The walls of arteries and veins have three
by diaphragm ..,---exceptin the glomerulus where
histologic layers or coats) namely tunica intima)
the pores have no diaphragms-that consists of
tunica media) and tunica adventitia which are
a unit membrane that is much thinner than the
analogous to the endocardium) myocardium,
cell membrane.
and epicardium) respectively.
S~fiusoidalcapillaries (sinusoidsj are found
in the parenchyma of some organs including Tunica Intima (Tunica Interna)
the liver) sple'en) \rone marrow and certain
endocrine glands (e.g., adrenal cortex). The tunica 'intima consists of an
Unlike type I and type II capillaries) sinusoids endothelmm and a subendothelial layer
have irregular and large cross-sectional outlines. (subendothelium) that is made up of loose
Like fenestrated capillaries) they have true connective tissue that may have occasional
discontinuities in their endothelium that allow smooth muscle cells.
free passage of blood that is why some authors In most arteries) a third histologic layer is
consider them as special types of fenestrated present in the tunica intima. This layer) which
capillaries. In areas) these continuities are consists of the non-fibrillar form of elastin)
covered by basal lamina. In cross section) the lies external to the subendothelial layer and is
circumference of the sinusoidal wall is seen to known as the itY$r~alelastic lamina (internal
be formed not by a single but by several cells. elastic membrane).


The endothelial cells of arteries are often The 11!!tunica intima of the smallest arterioles ,
seen in electron micrographs to contain rod- consists only of endothelium. In larger vessels,
shaped cytoplasmic inclusions called Weibel- the tunica intima may have an internal e}itgtJo
PJAI.!tdebodies or granules that are about 3.0 _lll~!J1;Prane. In either case, there is practically no
~m by 0.1 ~m in siz~:'Weibel-Palade bodies are subendothelial connective tissue.
storage sites for the von 'Willebrand factors
The tUJlicamedia of arterioles, on the other
a large protein that is necessary for normal
hand, consists of a single layer of smooth muscle
coagulation ofblood. The von Willebrand factor
cells in the smaller vessels, but in the larger ones
is actually synthesized by endothelial cells of
as many as five complete layers may be present.
all blood vessels, but only the endothelial cells
Regardless of size, arterioles do not have a well-
of arteries store it.
defi'ned external elastic membrane.

Tunica Media The h.miIT idventiti~ of arterioles,

meanwhile, is usually thinner than the tunica
The ~hicainedi~ is mainly made up media. It is composed ofloose connective tissue
of concentrically-arranged smoofli'jltuscle that merges imperceptibly with the surrounding
~~!>ers.Interspersed among the muscle fibers are connective tissue.
some connective tissue elements that include
collagen and elastic fibers. In arteries that have Arterioles have relatively thick walls and
relatively large calibers; the tunica media has narrow lumens that offer considerable resistance
another layer, the 'exter al elastfc lamina to blood flow. Thus, they are able to deliver
(external elastic membrane), that is external blood to the capillaries under greatly reduced
to the smooth muscle layer. The external elastic pressure.
lamina, like the internal elastic lamina, is made Incidentally, the branch of the smallest
up of the non-fibrillar form of elastin. arterioles that connects with a capillary is
referred to as a metlyerioJe or grecapillary.
Tunica Adventitia (Tunica Externa) It is often less than 40 ~m in caliber and the
The tunica adventitia is chiefly made up muscle fibers in its tunica media, which control
of lo1fS'econnectrve tissue where the cells and the flow of blood into the capillary, do not form
fibers are arranged longitudinally. a continuous layer.


As they move further from the heart,

arteries increase in number because they ramify,
but they progressively decrease in caliber.
Accordingly, arteries are classified into three
types based on caliber, namely, small, medium,
and large. The three types of arteries, however,
differ not only with respect to caliber but also
with respect to other structural features. They
also differ functionally.

Small Arteries (Arterioles)

Small arteries are better nown as
a_!teriole:s.Their diameter ranges from 40 to Fig. X-10. Histologic Layersof Arteries and
400 ~m.

Fig. X-11. Arteriole and Venule. Note that the arteriole has Fig. X-12. Muscular Artery. The
a thicker wall and better developed tunica media. H&Ex100. section demonstrates the three
histologic layers of a muscular artery:
tunica intima (ti), tunica media (tm)
and tunica adventitia (ta). H&Ex40.

Medium Arteries (Muscular Arteries; arteries. The biggest muscular arteries are
Distributing Arteries) the Iir.acfiial and .femoral~rteries, while the
smallest are unnamed and are less than O.Smm
Medium arteries are often called muscular
in diameter.
arteries because they have a well-developed
ift!!l!C'l. media. They distribute blood to the The tun!c.a
-=':'. ~~
nffima of muscular arteries
different parts of the body, hence, they are also shows three distinct layers: enaothelium,
known as ilj~t,.i8uting artede '. The volume of sul_j!!p:.ll~tlielill1\1,and i~ferna] elastic
blood delivered to the target tissues or organs by ~~m,~~ne. The delicate sub endothelium is
a muscular artery is determined by the state of made up of elastic and collagenous fibers and a
contraction of the muscles in its tunica media. few fibroblasts. The internal elastic "membrane
is very prominent and in routine his~ologic
Practically all the named arteries of the
sections, it is thrown into folds because of the
body, except for the elastic ones, are muscular
postmortem contraction of the muscle cells in
the tunica media.
The urri~a media of muscular arteries is
::J.._ ~

composed mainly oflayers of circularly-arranged

smootIi muscle cells that are embedded in a
small amount of connective tissue. The number
of layers formed by the smooth muscle fibers
depends on the size of the artery, but the layers
can be as many as 40. In muscular arteries, the
ex era_.rl elastic membrane, although much
thinner than the muscle layer, is very prominent
in routine histologic preparations.

Fig. X-13. Muscular Artey. The section, which

was especially stained to exhibit elastic fibers,
shows the internal and external elastic laminae.
Verhoeff's stain x100.


Fig. X-:14. Large Artery. Note the numerous
elastic laminae in the tunica adventitia. Verhoeff's
stain, x 40.

Internal elastic membrane that cannot be

appreciated as a distinct structure' because it
abuts on the innermost elastic lamella of the
tunica media.
The 'ttnrlca media is the thickest of the
three histologic layer of a large artery. Its most
notable feature is the presence of concentrically-
arranged sheets of elastin called el~stic
amellae. The elastic lamellae, the reason why
large arteries are better known as ela.§.!jF~rferies"
increase in number with age, 40 to 70 in adults.
The tunitt:a'adventitia of muscular arteries is
In between the elastic lamellae is a variable
also well-developed. It is sometimes as thick, or
amount of connective tissue and smooth muscle
even thicker, than the tunica media. It contains
cells, the main cellular component of the layer.
lymphatic vessels, nerves, an
The Sm€)0~n tmlscleccellssynthesize most of the
precursor of the elastin that comprises the elastic
Vasa Vasorum
lamellae. The e,~te!lilal~ra~tic membrane, like
'li§;~ vasorurri are small blood vessels that the internal elastic membrane, is not distinct in
are present within the wall oflarge blood vessels. large arteries because it abuts on the outermost
They supply the tissues of the blood vessel wall elastic lamella of the tunica media ..
that are unable to get oxygen and nutrients hy.
The tut}ka- adventitia of large arteries is
diffusion from the blood that circulates in the
relatively thin and merges with the surrounding
vessel lumen.
connective tissue. It contains vasa vasorum.
:~n.v~lJ'iS,the vasa vasorum may be present
Large arteries are also called conauctlng
in the tunica media and tunica adventitia. Il_l'
a'Herles because they serve as major conduit
al_:;t~ies,however, they are generally confined
in the transport of blood away from the heart.
to the adventitia.
Their more important function, however,
Vasa vasorum originate from the arteries is to serve as the grij.p of the cardiovascular
they supply or from neighboring ones. system during 8iasto (i.e., when the heart is
resting after a contraction). During s~l'e (i.e.,
Large Arteries (Elastic Arteries; contraction of the heart), the elastic arteries
Conducting Arteries) store part of the mechanical energy generated
by the contraction of the heart by stretching
A large artery, of which the ~rta is the
their wall. This stored energy is released during
best example, has a wall that is relatively thin
diastole when the large arteries recoil back to
compared to the caliber of the vessel. Grossly,
their original shape and size and in so doing,
in fresh specimens, its wall is yellowish due to
propel blood through the arteries.
the presence of an abundant amount of elastic
Variations in Arteries
The ~n,j.&'l)~ ima of a large artery consists

of an en othenun\, a su6enilolR'Jium that
is made up of loose connective tissue that has
a sprinkling of smooth muscle cells, and an
Some arteries manifest structural
peculiarities that reflect the adaptation of the
vessels to their location or function.


In arteries that represent transitions from 'lfilniCaadventitia at the bifurcation of each (i.e.,
elastic to muscular type (e.g., axillary and left and right) common carotid artery. The
common iliac arteries), the tunica media is two or more aortic bodies, on the other hand,
made up of elastic lamellae that are interrupted are located adjacent to the subclavian arteries
by islands of smooth muscle fibers. near the aortic arch.
When arteries pass suddenly from elastic The carotid and aortic bodies have similar
to muscular type, as what happens when the structure and function. They consist of two
celiac and superior mesenteric arteries types of cells, type I (glomus) and type IJ
branch off from the aorta, the wall of the initial (sheath), that are embedded in a connective
segment of the smaller vessel is atypical because tissue stroma that is studded with fenestrated
the inner region of the tunica media consists capillaries.
of concentrically-arranged smooth muscle
The gJ,O_P:lUS cells in routine histologic
fibers while the outer region consists of elastic
preparations are pale-staining, round or oval
cells that have few cytoplasmic processes.
The arteries within the skull have thin Typically, their nucleus is large and they
walls but their internal elastic membrane is --;
possess the usual complement of cytoplasmic
conspicuous while those within the lungs organelles. They resemble the chromaffin
resemble veins by having thin walls marked by cells of the adrenal me dulla in that they have
reduced amounts of muscle fibers and elastic dense-core cytoplasmic granules that contain
tissue. catecholamines.
The tunica media of the arteries of the The ~J.w~athcells,on the other hand, areglial-
lower limbs are better developed than those of like1andthey function merelyassupportive cell .
the arteries of the upper limbs while the tunica
In routine histologic preparations, compared
media of the umbilical arteries is composed
to 'glomus cells, their nucleus is more irregular
of two layers of smooth muscle fibers: an
in shape and they do not contain dense-core
inner layer where the fibers are longitudinally-
granules in their cytoplasm. In addition, they
arranged and an outer layer-where the fibers are
have more cytoplasmic processes than glomus
cells. Typically, the cytoplasmic processes of a
The coronary arteries have thick walls sheath cell envelop 4 to 6 glomus cells.
that contain more than the usual amount of
The afferent nerve endings in the carotid,
elastic tissue.
bodies are branches of the glossopha,rynge'll
neyve'"1 CN IX) while those in the aortic bodies
Sensory Organs Associated with come from the vagus nerve (CN X).
Sensory organs are associated with arteries. Carotid Sinus
The more important ofthese sensory organs are The ~~rotid sinuse~ refer to the slightly
the carotid bodies, aortic bodies, and carotid dilated area in the left and right internal
sinuses. The carotid and aortic bodies are carotid arteries shortly after they branch off,
sensitive to changes in the O2 and CO2 tension from the common carotid artery.
of blood while the carotid sinus is sensitive to
In the carotid sinus, the tunica media of
changes in arterial blood pressure.
the internal carotid artery is attenuated and the
.. adventitia is thic .The tunica adventitia
Carotid and Aortic Bodies contains numerous sensory nerve fibers that
The carotid bodies are two small structures form networks. These nerve fibers come
(3 x 5 mm in size) that are embedded in the from the glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX);1

Fig. X-1S. Medium Vein.
The thickest {ayer of a
medium vein is the tunica
adventitia (TA). The tunica
media (TM) is made up of
several layers of circularly-
arranged smooth muscle
fibers, while the tunica
intima (TI) is rather thin.
H&E x40.

They are baroreceptors that are sensitive to amount of connective tissue into their wall.
stretch and hence, are able to detect changes Functionally, they are like capillaries. They
in blood pressure within the arteries. are sites for exchange of gases and substances
between blood and the surrounding tissue.
Veins The~urfica media (Zanpnly be appreciated
As they travel towards the heart, ',.eillS. in venules that have a luminal diameter of at
typically merge and re-merge to form vessels least SO~m. In large venules, the tunica media
that have progressively bigger caliber and may have several layers of muscle fibers, but the
thicker walls. muscle cells are separated by large amount of
Veins usually accompany arteries but they connective tissue.
are more numerous and their distribution and The tunica adventitia of venules is thick in
courses are more variable. Compared to the relation to the overall thickness of its wall.
arteries that they accompany, veins have bigger
calibers, more irregular lumens, and thinner and
Medium Veins
less elastic walls. Furthermore, the muscular
and elastic elements of the vessel wall are Medium veins include almost all the named
generally more prominent in arteries than in veins and their principal tributaries. Their
their accompanying veins while the veins have diameter ranges from 1 to 9 mm.
more connective tissue elements.
In medium veins, the rJ.!:FifC1'intimconsists
Like arteries, veins are classified into of an endothelium and a thin subendothelial
three types according to their caliber: small layer that is made up of a minimal amount of
(venules), medium (medium-sized), and large connective tissue. The tYD~icamedia, on the
(large-sized) . other hand, is composed of small bundles of
circularly-arranged smooth muscle cells. It is
Small Veins (Venules) thinner than the tunica media of arteries of the
Venules are veins whose diameter is 1.0 mm same caliber. The'tia;pieaadventitia, meanwhile,
or less. which is likewise made up of connective tissue,
The smallest venule s/ are essentially forms the thickest histologic layer of the vein
capillaries that have incorporated a small and may have some vasa vasorum.


Large Veins folds that usually come in pairs. They are
essentially inward projections of the tunica
The inferior vena cava, superior vena
intima and consist of a core of dense connective
cava, and pulmonary and portal veins are
tissue that is richly supplied with many elastic
examples oflarge veins.
elements and covered on its free surfaces by
In large veins, the tunica intima is thicker endothelium.
than, but is otherwise basically identical to,
that found in smaller veins. The tunica media,
Modification in the Organization
on the other hand, is poorly developed and
very few smooth muscle fibers are present, of Blood Vessels
but some vasa vasorum often exist. The The general pattern of organization of
tunica adventitia, meanwhile, is very thick
blood vessels dictates that capillaries should
and consists of three, albeit poorly distinct,
occur between arteries and veins, but this
zones: an internal zone of dense fibroelastic
pattern isbroken with respect to arteriovenous
connective tissue, a middle zone of smooth
anastomoses and portal systems.
muscle fibers that are arranged longitudinally,
and an outer zone consisting of a coarse
network of collagen and elastic fibers. It is
Arteriovenous Anastomoses (AV
well-supplied with vasa vasorum. Anastomoses; AV Shunts)
In certain regions of the body (e.g.., in the
skin of the palm, sole,lip, ear and nose, mucous
membranes of the nose and the digestive tract,
erectile tissue, and tongue), there are blood
vessels called arteriovenous anastomoses
(AVanastomoses) that connect small arteries
directly to small veins. When AV anastomoses
are open, much of the blood in the arteries
bypasses the capillary beds and drains directly
into veins.
In the skin of the hands and feet, the AV
anastomoses form a large number of small
histologically recognizable bodies called
g!R1.Pera(Singular: glol1!_us~that are richly
Fig. X-16. Large Vein. Note the very thick tunica supplied with nerve fibers.
adventitia that contains numerous cardiac muscle
fibers. H&E, x100. Portal Systems
Near their openings into the atria, the In ''ffi0iffal system's, an artery or a vein
tunica adventitia of the pulmonary veins and is interposed between two sets of capillary
vena cavae may contain some cardiac muscle beds. The artery or vein that is in between the
fibers. capillaries is referred to as a p-DI'Ta:1
Portal systems where a vein is interposed
Venous Valves between two capillarybeds existin the digestive
system and the pituitary gland. In the digesti~e
Many medium veins are provided with one- s..~~t~m,a big portal vessel (which is simply
way valves that ensure unidirectional flow of called portal vein~ drains the capillaries of
blood to the heart. These valves are semilunar the gastrointestinal tract then breaks up


into sinusoi s (sinusoidal capillaries) in the capillaries. It is the function of another tubular
livet. In the pituitary gland, a plexus of system, the lymph vascular system, to collect
veins, the hypophyseoportal system drains these escapees from plasma and return them to
the capillaries of the median eminence (i.e., the venous side of the circulation.
superior portion of the pituitary gland) then
Fluid from the interstitial space' enters the
breaks up into sinusoids in the anterior and
lymph vascular system via the smallest tubes
pnstertor lobes of the gland.
that comprise the system, the lymphatic
capillaries. When interstitial fluid enters the
lymphatic capillaries, it becomes known as
lymph. Lymph is a milky substance which, aside
from water and proteins, contains lymphocytes
and fat droplets (chylomicra).
Lymphatic capillaries unite to form small
lymphatic vessels which, in turn, unite to
form successively larger vessels that ultimately
converge into two large lymphatic ducts that
drain into veins at the base of the neck.

Lymphatic Capillaries
Lymphatic capillaries are present in all
tissues, organs and organ systems of the body
except in cartilage, bone and bone marrow,
teeth, placenta, and the central nervous
Fig. X-17. Portal System. The portal vein, which system.
carries blood from the capillaries of the digestive Lymphatic capillaries differ from blood
tract to the sinusoids of the liver, is the best capillaries in several respects. Unlike blood
example of a portal vessel in the body.
capillaries that are connected at either end to

A portal system where an artery is between

two capillary beds is found in the kidl!~ywhere
the efferent arteriolej which is formed by the
union of the glo~erular capillaries, breaks up
into another set of capillaries in the area around
the kidney tubules. In this portal system, the
efferent arteriole is the portal vessel.


When blood reaches the capillaries, it is
still under pressure, albeit very much reduced.
Consequently, a substantial amount of water
and some plasma proteins leak out from the Fig. X-1B. Lymphatic Capillaries and Vessels.
As the diagram illustrates, whereas the terminal
cardiovascular system into the interstitial space branches of arteries are connected to small veins
(i.e., the space between thecells in the different by blood capillaries, lymphatic vessels start as
tissues of the body) through the walls of the blind tubes that merge to form lymphatic vessels.


Lymphati.c Vessels
. Lymphatic vessels can easily be
distinguished from blood vessels by the large
size of their lumens in relation to the thickness
of their walls.
The wall of small lymphatic vessels is only
slightly thicker than the ~all of lymphatic
capillaries. It is composed of endothelium and
an underlying thin layer of connective tissue
that is mainly made up of collagen and elastic
fibers among which are occasional smooth
muscle cells.
In relatively large lymphatic vessels,
three poorly defined layers corresponding to
Fig. X-19. Lymphatic Capillary (Lacteal). In
the small intestine, lymphatic capillaries, called
the histologic layers of blood vessels may be
lacteals, start as blind tubes at the end of the appreciated: a tunica intima that consists
intestinal villi then unite to form lymphatic of endothelium and an underlying thin
vessels. At unlabeled arrow is-an endothelial cell connective tissue layer; a tunica media that is
that lines the lacteal. Jejunum, H&E x400.
made up of one or two layers of smooth muscle
cells; and a tunica adventitia that is composed
the arteries and veins, lymphatic capillaries
of bundles of elastic and collagen fibers that
start blindly. Furthermore, compared to blood
blend with the surrounding connective tissue.
capillaries, lymphatic capillaries branch and
anastomose more freely and are more variable Many lymphatic vessels, like the medium
in shape and caliber. veins, are provided with valves. These valves, as
in veins, are reduplications of the tunica intima
Like blood capillaries, the wall oflymphatic
that encloses an internal framework of dense
capillaries consists simply of endothelium, but
connective tissue.
the endothelium of lymphatic capillaries is
thinner than that of blood capillaries because Lymphatic vessels are interrupted along
the basal lamina is thin and often incomplete. their course by lymph nodes (see chapter on
Also, they have no associated pericytes. lymphoid system).

Fig. X-20. Small Blood and

Lymphatic Vessels. This
photomicrograph demonstrates
the morphological differences
among small veins, arteries, and
capillaries. H&E x400.


Fig. X-21. Medium-sized Lymphatic Vessel. Many medium-sized lymphatic vessels, like this one in
the photomicrograph, are provided with valves. H&E x400.

lymphatic Ducts that are not served by tributaries of the right

lymphatic duct. It drains its lymph into the
The lymphatic vessels all over the body venous system at the junction ofthe left jugtd,ar
ultimately drain into the two lymphatic ducts, ana subclavian veins.
namely the right lymphatic and thoracic.
The microscopic structure of the lymphatic
The .ight lymphatic duet is smaller and ducts is similar to that of large veins. However,
shorter than the thoracic duct. All the lymph compared to large veins, the histologic layers of
that lymphatic vesselscollect from structures on the lymphatic ducts are less distinct. Also, there
the right side of the body above the diaphragm are more muscle fibers in the tunica media of
empties into this duct. The right lymphatic lymphatic ducts than in large veins.
duct, in turn, drains its lymph into the right'
The tunica adventitia and the outeyegid~
brachiocephalic vein at the junction of the
of the tunica media of the thoracic duct are
internal jugular and subclavian veins.
provided with small blood vessels that are
The thoracic duct, on the other hand, similar to the vasa vasorum of large blood
collects the lymph from the parts of the body vessels.


he body is under constant threat INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE

T of invasion
by disease-causing
(i.e., viruses,
bacteria, fungi, and parasites) and other toxic
substances. To ward off these threats, the body
The inflammatory response is an
employs several lines of defense.
immediate but mainly localized process that
The first ofthese lines ofdefense consists of starts within minutes of tissue damage or entry
the skin and mucous membranes (mucosae)
of.a microorganism or a foreign antigen. The
that act as physical barriers to the entry of
effector cells of this process consist primarily
harmful substances into the body. The skin,
of phagocytes, mainly neutrophiFs and
with its epidermis that consists of many layers
macrophages. They are assisted in carrying
of cells tightly bound together by desmosomes,
is impenetrable to most microorganisms out the process by a host of other cells
unless injured (i.e., lacerated or abraded). including eosinophils, basophils, mast cells,
The mucosae, on the other hand, are easier to NK cells, and ['-cells. These cells destroy
breach physically than the skin, but a variety of invading organisms and foreign antigens by
structural and physiologic factors help them in phagocytosis or by releasing substances in their
preventing the entry ofharmful microorganisms secretory granules that are toxicto the offending
and substances. Examples of these factors are substances or organisms. They may also release
mucus that protects the mucosal surfaces of chemical mediators that attract or facilitate the
the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary entry of phagocytes and other cells that playa
tracts: cilia in some epithelial cells that help role in the inflammatory process into the area
move and eliminate toxic substances, and tearsi
bf injury or invasion.
and saliva that contain antibacterial substances
including lysozymes that fight off pathogenic The inflammatory response is turned
microorganisms. on by a variety-of ways. Sometimes, invading
When its first line of defense fails, the body microorganisms betray their presence by
unleashes an army consisting of a staggering producing chemotaxins, chemicals that
number ofcellsthat mounts two types ofdefense attract phagocytes. At other times, the foreign
systems (responses, processes): inflammatory organisms or substances are detected by the
respons and immune response. complement system.
The complement system is a collection of and symptoms of in fl am m at ion (i.e.,
more than 20 plasma proteins that are produced swelling, redness, heat and pain). They also,
by the liver. These proteins constitute an enzyme contribute to, the systemic signs and symptoms
cascade (i.e., the enzymes are sequentially associated with the pro,cess such as in fever.
activated). Fever occurs when interleukin-I, a cytokine
The complement system is involved in produced by activated macrophages enters the
bloodstream and reaches the hypothalamus,
both inflammatory and immune responses.
the temperature-regulating center in the brain.
In immune response, it is activated by, and
The hypothalamus then responds by increasing
complements the work of, the antibodies
(immunoglobulins), hence the name. In body temperature.
inflammation, the system gets spontaneously
activated in the presence of microorganisms
or other foreign substances. The activation of SE)
the complement system during inflammation
has the following effects: production of The immune response is a mo,re powerful
chemotaxins; marking off of bacteria with body defense system than the inflammatory
proteins topsonins) to facilitate phagocytosis; response. However, if the invading antigen is
and releasing cytokines (proteins that act a new on (i.e., it has not previously entered
signaling compounds) and triggering the release the body), it takes longer time than the latter
of other mediators 'of inflammation such as to, mount because unlike inflammation, the
histamine by mast cells and basophils. immune resPo,nse is not innate; it must be
developed. Furthermore, it is antigen-specific,
Once the inflammatory process _has
which means it must be developed for every
been triggered, activated phagocytes (i.e.,
-a_!!figen (i.e., any substance perceived by
neutrophils and macrophages) congregate in
the immune system as foreign to the body
the injured area within minutes. Thereafter,
arid which consequently induces an immune
they start to engulf and digest the invading
response) that the body encounters for the first
microorganisms or other foreign ele~ents. They
time. Antigens vary in size and composition:
also release cytokines and chemical mediators
from a few amino, acids to, large and complex
that further attract and activate other cells that
antigenic systems such as those of I>acteria,
can help in eliminating the threat. In addition viruses, fungi, parasites, and other harmful
to digesting pathogens, macrophages and
metabolites (t~xins~.
other antigen-presenting cells (APCs) which
have limited phagocytic activity process the The principal effector cells of the immune
antigens they have digested. Then they attac resPo,nse are the lymphocytes. They are
some parts of the antigens on their surface for aided in carrying out the pro,cess by a variety
presentation to T-cells, the first step in the of cells. Many of these are effector cells of the
immune response. Because many of the effector inflammatory resPo,nse.
cells of an inflammatory response also initiate The b o dy has ab ou t two, tr iIl io n
a primary immune response, the immune lymphocytes, accounting for about 1% of body
response is turned on almost simultaneously weight. It is estimated that these lymphocytes
with the inflammatory response. Hence, in case are capable of conferring immunity against as
the threat is not eliminated by the latter, the many as lOll different antigens.
former can take over and eradicate it.
The lymphocytes, as discussed in Chapter
The cytokines and other mediators VII, are classified into three types based on
generated during the inflammatory process the antigen receptors present on their surfaces.
are responsible for the classical local signs B-cells have B-cell antigen receptors (BCR),

T-celis carry T-ceII antigen receptors (TCR9, cells which they then parasitize. Antibodies
and NK celts carry natural cytotoxicity can bind with these molecules to prevent the
receptors (NCR). Aside from these receptors, pathogen from invading the cells. Antibody
lymphocytes also possess other surface markers attachment can also immobilize bacteria and
or recep.tors. All T-cells, for example, express the protozoans that swim by means of whip-like
CD3 molecular complex which is responsible for flagelIa. In certain instances, antibodies serve
signal transmission and mediated via the T-cell to pinpoint antigens to phagocytes such as
receptor (TCR). They also have either CD4 or neutrophils and macrophagest Phagocytes
CDS markers. Those with CD4 markets (CD4 can then phagocytose them, a process that is
'"f!,celIs) can differentiate into helper T-celIs greatly facilitated by the participation of the
(T h cells), Those with CD8 markers (CD8+. complement system.
T-celIs~can differentiate into cytotoxic T-celIs Humoral immunity is important in
(TccelIsj and suppressor T-celIs (Ts celIs). containing many viral and bacterial infections.
Incidentally, NK cells are also CD3-positive. It is also the type of immunity that is conferred
by vaccines against many childhood
Types of Immune Responses illnesses.

There are two types of immune responses:

Cell-mediated Immunity (Clvll)
humoral and cell-mediated. The resulting
body defenses to infection or disease that Cell-mediated immunity is not mediated
is conferred by these two forms are called by antibodies. It is primarily the function of
humoral immunity and cell-mediated T-cells. The effector cells of cell-mediated
immunity, respectively. immunity are mainly the cytotoxic T-celIs (1'
celI~)~ c
The two types of immune responses are set
in motion as soon as an antigen enters the body. " The Tc cells eliminate antigens that are
inside cell and, therefore, protect cells from ~ ..
However, one type predominates, depending on
the nature of the antigen. antibodies. Their target cells include virus-'
infected cells and cells with intracellular,
bacteria. To do this, they need to destroy the
Humoral Immunity (Antibody-
cells that harbor the microorganisms.. They
mediated immunity; AMI)
likewise target cancer cells'and cells that are
Humoral immunity refers to immunity foreign to the body. U'ccells are able to destroy
that is mediated by antibodies. Antibodies their target cells by a variety of means. One is
(immunoglobulins) are substances that. are by inducing apoptosis when they release the
synthesized by plasma cells. Thus, humoral proteins in their cytoplasmic granules into the
immunity is primarily the function of B-celIs area where their target cells are.
because plasma cells differentiate from B-cells.
Cellular immunity is also responsible for
Antibodies do not destroy antigens; they delayed hypersensitivity reaction and tissue and
simply bind to the antigens that have triggered organ transplant rejection.
their production. However, by so doing, they
are able to neutralize or help eliminate the Development of an Immune
antigens by a variety of ways. Many antigens Response
(e.g., tetanus and diphtheria toxins)
become harmless when they get attached The entry of a new antigen into the
to antibodies. Some pathogens (all viruses, body elicits a primary immune response.
some bacteria and protozoa), on the other Subsequent entries of the same antigen elicits a
hand, have molecules that they use to enter the secondary immune response.


Primary Immune Response do when they attach an antigen on their cell
surface. A co-stimulatory signal, however, can
A primary immune response is designed to
only be provided by an APC to a T-cell if other
eliminate the new antigen and more importantly,
molecules on the surface of a T-cell are able to
produce a population of lymphocytes (i.e.,
bind to corresponding molecules on the APC.
memory B-celfs and memory T-cells that
retain the image of the new antigen in their Macrophages' are effector cells of the
memory. It has a long induction phase time infl arn.uator y response. They are also
(severaldaysto weeks,depending on the antigen APCs because when they engulf antigens by
and the amount of the inoculum) because it is phagocytosis, they do not simply destroy the
a multi-stage process that involves a variety of antigens with their lysosomes, but process the
cells. antigens and attach fragments of the antigens
on their surface forpresentation to naive T-cells.
The primary immune response involves
the following steps: 1) antigen recognition, 2) Dendritic cells (DCs) comprise a family of
lymphocyte activation, and 3) effector phase. APCs that derive their name from the branched
projections (dendrites) they exhibit as mature
Antigen Recognition' cells. They are the most potent of the APCs.
They are also widely distributed not only in all
A new antigen that has penetrated surface lymphoid tissues and organs, but in all other
epithelium invariably and almost immediately tissues in the body. They have limited capacity
encounters an antigen-presenting cell (APC) for phagocytosis, just enough to enable them
because APCs are all over the body. to process antigens and then attach antigeni
APCs are cells that phagocytose, destroy materials on their surfaces for presentation to
and process antigens,and then displayfragments naive CD4+ T-cells.
of the antigen on their surface for presentatio . DCs are classified into two broad
to naive CD4+ T-cells~ They are essential categories: myeloid-related dendritic cell
elements of the immune system because as a (mDC) and lymphoid-related dendritic cell
rule, naive CD4+ T cells (i.e., mature cells that (plasmacytoid dendritic cell; pDC~. The
have been released by the bone marrow and former differentiates from the colony-forming
which have not encountered an antigen yet) unit-monocyte/dendritic cell (CFU-M/
do not differentiate into T h cells unless they DC), fa progenitor cell that it shares with the
are presented an antigen by an APC. Likewise, monocyte. Langerhans cells that are present
naive B-cells do not react to an antigen unless in the epidermis of the skin and other stratified
they are activated by cytokines produced by squamous epithelia are examples of mDC .
helper T-cells (T h cells). Naive CD8+ T-cells Lymphoid-related dendritic cells, on the other
also do not differentiate into Tc cells unless hand, are DCs found in lymphoid tissues. Their
they are activated by APCs or helper T-cells (T h origin has not been definitely established yet.
cells). They probably share a common lineage with
Many cells of the body including lymphocytes (see page 123 for lineage tree of
endothelial cells and NK cells can present bone marrow cells).
antigens to T-cells.However, the "professional" B-cellsoften act asAPCs too. They are able
APCs are the rnacrophages; dendritic cells,' to do so when a new antigen binds a receptot
and B-cells 'because these cells can deliver that is present on their surface. They can also
the two signals (antigen signal and co-s do it when they phagocytose and process an
stimulatory signal) that are needed by naive antigen, and attaches parts of the antigen on
CD4+ T-cells to get activated Other APCs their surface. In any case, despite the presence
deliver only the antigen signal, which all APCs of the antigen on its surface, a naive B-cell does

not get activated unless it interacts and receives can be presented directly by APCs to CD8+
the appropriate signal from a T h cell. T-cells to enable the latter to proliferate and
Lymphocyte Stimulation •
Once the offending antigen has ,been
When naive CD4+ T-cells are presented eradicated, all the remaining antigenic-
an antigen by APCs in the presence of co- specific cells that have been generated during
stimulators, they proliferate and differentiate the primary immune response, except for the
into any or all following cell types: T~_cells memory cells, undergo apoptosi .
that synthesize the cytokines needed for cell
med£_ted immunity; Iu.cells that synthesize
Secondary Immune Response
the cytokines needed for humoral immunity;
and T h3 cells that elaborate the cytokines that The secondary immune response is elicited
mediate the inflammatory process. by re-exposure to an antigen that has previously
triggered a primary immune response. It has
Effector Phase • a relatively short induction phase (1 to 2 days)
and a more rapid build-up. This is because
In humoral immunity, when T h2 cells
encounter naive B-cells that have the same when the memory B-cells or memory T-cells
new antigen on their surface, _theyinteract with that differentiated during the primary immune
the naive B-cells and release the appropriate response encounter the specific antig n in
cytokines to activate the B-cells. The activated their memory, they are able to immediately
B-cells then proliferate and their pro~enies recognize it and rapidly divide and differentiate
differentiate into plasma cells and memory into effector cells (i.e., plasma cells and Tccells,
B-cells: Plasma cells produce antibodies while respectively) while at the same time, renewing
memory B-cells carry the image of the antige their number. Very often, the secondary
tEat led to their formation and are responsible immune response is so effective that pathogenic
for effecting secondary immune responses. microorganisms are eliminated before the
Incidentally, some antigens are T-cell- person manifests any symptom.
independent. They are able to activate naive
As in the primary immune response, once
B-cells on their own.
the offending antigen in the secondary immune
In cellular immunity, T h l cells secrete response has been eradicated, all the remaining
a variety of cytokines that stimulate CD8i' antigenic-specific cells die by apoptosis, except
T-celIs to proliferate. After 4 to 5 days of for the memory cells.
proliferation, the CD8+ T-cells differentiate
into cytotoxic Tvcel ls' (Tc cells), memory
Abnormal Immune Responses
T-cells, and suppressor T-cells (Ts cells). Tc'
cell , as previously mentioned, are effector The immune response is vital to survival,
cells of cellular immunity. Memory T-cells, like but it sometimes goes awry.
memory B-cells, carry the image of the antigen
that led to their formation and are responsible Overwhelming reaction to an antigen
for effecting secondary immune responses. causes allergic reactions that are occasionally
Suppressor T-cells (Tscells) inhibit or regulate fatal, as in cases of anaphylactic shock
the activity ofB-cells and other T-cells to ensure following bee stings. Sometimes, the immune
that an immune response does not get out of defense system fails to distinguish between self
hand A primary cellular immune response can and non-self antigens. Then the effector cells
sometimes be brought about without the help attack the body's own tissues and cells, as in the
ofT h l cells because there are some antigens that case of a number of autoimmune diseases.


The peripheral lymphoid tissues and
organs consist of the lymph nodes, spleen
and the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT).MALT includes the tonsils and the
other non-encapsulated lymphoid tissues
in the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and
genitourinary tracts. They are responsible for
initiating immune responses and generating
lymphocytes that participate in these responses.

lymphoid Tissue
Lymphoid tissue exists in the body in the
form of either diffuse lymphoid tissue or
Fig. XI-1. Loose Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue. The
nodular lymphoid tissue.
cells in the tissue are mostly lymphocytes (at
arrows) that are relatively few and far between.
Trachea, H&E x400. Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue
Diffuse lymphoid tissue refers to
lymphoid tissue where the lymphocytes
are evenly dispersed. It is a part not only of
LYMPHOID SYSTEM lymphoid organs, but also of most connective
The various tissues (lymphoid tissues) tissues in the body. It is especially prominent
and organs (lymphoid organs) concerned with in the lamina propria and submucosa
the immune response comprise the lymphoid' of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and
system. genitourinary tracts.

Lymphoid tissue refers to tissue where the Most ofthe cells in diffuse lymphoid tissue
parenchyma consists mainly of lymphocytes are T-cells,although there is a small population
while lymphoid organs refer to organs that are of B-cells, plasma cells, and dendritic cells.
primarily made up of lymphoid tissue. The Also, some fixed macrophages are associated
stroma of lymphoid tissues and organs, except
for the thymus, is formed mainly by reticular
fibers and reticular cells.
As mentioned, in the previous .chapter,
the lymphoid tissues and organs are classified
into central (primary) lymphoid organs and
peripheral (secondary) lymphoid tissues and
The central lymphoid organs are the bone
marrow (described in the previous chapter) and
the thymus. In the central lymphoid organs, the
stem cells (i.e., B stem cells and T stem cells)
transform into mature and immunocompetent,
albeit naive, lymphocytes. They are then Fig. XI-2. Dense Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue. The
released via blood or lymph into the peripheral numerous lymphocytes (black dots) in the tissue
lymphoid tissues and organs. are packed closely together. Ileum, H&E x100.

Fig. XI-4. Secondary Lymphoid Nodule.
Fig. XI-3. Solitary Primary Nodule. Note the The nodule has a pale germinal center (GC)
even distribution of the lymphocytes in the surrounded by a dark peripheral region called
nodule. Colon, H&E x400. corolla (C). Lymphoid nodules are usually
embedded in loose or dense lymphoid tissue
(DL). Lymph Node, H&E x400.

with the reticular fibers and reticular cells,
and a small population of free macrophages
likewise exists among the lymphocytes.
Diffuse lymphoid tissue where the
lymphocytes are relatively few and far apart
is called loose lymphoid tissue. Diffuse
lymphoid tissue where the lymphocytes are
numerous and close to each other is' called
dense lymphoid tissue.

Nodular Lymphoid Tissue (Lymphoid

nodule; Lymphoid follicle; Lymphatic
Fig. XI-S. Aggregates of Lymphoid Nodules
Nodular, lymphoid tissue refers. to (Peyer's Patches). In some areas of the body,
lymphoid _,tissue~,where
clustered lymphocytes lymph nodules(n)embedded in dense lymphoid
tissue (dl) clustertogether. Ileum, H&E x40.
form' discrete ovoid masses or lumps called
lymphoid no~ules.
submucosa of the gastrointestinal, respiratory,
In lymphoid nodules, the lymphocytes
and genitourinary tracts. In the lamina propria
are mainly B:cells. However, a scattering of
and submucosa, lymphoid nodules can occur
T-cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages are
also present. ' . singly (solitary nodule) or in aggregates, as
in the ileum, where they are called Peyer's
Lymphoid nodules begin to-appear only
at birth. They are usually interspersed in areas
of dense, diffuse lymphoid tissue. They are Under the light microscope, two types of
found in some lymphoid organs (i.e.,spleen and lymphoid nodules are distinguishable: primary
lymph nodes) and in the lamina propria and and secondary.


A secondary nodule is where the At birth, the thymus weighs 10 to 35 g.
lymphocytes react to an antigen. It has two In childhood, its size increases in a manner
distinct regions: a pale central area called the proportional to the increase in body weight.
germinal center, or reaction center, and It attains its maximum weight (30 to 50 g) at
a darker peripheral region called corona. puberty. Then it gradually involutes, so that
The germinal center is populated mainly among the elderly, it is reduced to a mass of
by activated B-cells. These cells undergo connective tissue with a small amount of
proliferation and functional differentiation
parenchyma. Nevertheless, the parenchymal
following exposure to an antigen. The germinal
tissue continues to function. The thymus also
center is paler than the corona because the
involutes in individuals who are subjected
lymphocytes it contains are actively-dividing
to severe stress, serious illness, or ionizing
and young. Therefore, they are larger and have
radiation. However, this type of involution is
more abundant cytoplasm and finer chromatin
followed, at least in experimental animals, by
granules than the smaller, more mature
lymphocytes that form the corona. an almost complete regeneration of the organ.

In the secondary nodule, the older The thymus is the central lymphoid tissue
lymphocytes are pushed to the periphery as new that is tasked to transform T stem cells into
cells are produced in the germinal center. mature, immunologically competent, and
self-tolerant, albeit naive, T-cells. It also needs
A primary nod,ule; on the other hand
to produce cytokines that regulate T-cell
is a nodule where the lymphocytes are idle
or resting. Consequently, it does not have a proliferation, maturation, and function in the
germinal center. The lymphocytes it contains thymus and other lymphoid tissues and organs.
are all small lymphocytes that are evenly The lymphocytes that populate the thymus are
distributed throughout the nodule. " almost exclusivelyT lymphocytes.In children,
however, it is normal to find a small population
Thymus ofB-cells and even an occasional lymph nodule
in the organ.
The thymus is derived from the third
While in the thymus, the cells of the T-cell
branchial (pharyngeal) pouch. During its
lineage are often referred to as thymocytes.
development, it moves caudally and ultimately
ends up in the superior mediastinum, just above Grossly, the adult thymus is composed of
the heart. two pyramidal lobes fused together.

Fig. XI-6. Thymus. The capsule (c)

of the organ sends connective tissue
trabeculae (t) into the organ that
divides it into lobules. The parenchyma
of the thymus consists of a peripheral
cortex (co) and an inner medulla (me).
The trabeculae do not extend deep
enough into the medulla so the medulla
of adjacent lobules interconnect with
each other. H&E xB.

Histologic Organization of the progressively becoming smaller such that
Thymus when they reach the medulla, they are mostly
small lymphocytes. During their stay in the
Each of the two lobes of the thymus
cortex, the T-cells acquire their receptors.
is enclosed by a capsule, a dense irregular
Those that are unable to do so die by apoptosis
connective tissue. The trabeculae from the
(programmed cell death) and are devoured by
capsule divide the lobes, albeit incompletely,
into lobules ofunequal sizeswhile thin strands
of connective tissue from the trabeculae form In the medulla, the small lymphocytes as
secondary septa within the gland. well as the macrophages are not as numerous
as in the cortex. Among the parenchymal cells
In routine LM preparation, a thymic lobule
in the medulla are APCs known as thymic
exhibits a peripheral, darker-staining region
interdigitating dendritic cells. These cells
(cortex) that surrounds a central, lighter-
help in preventing autoimmunity by presenting
staining region (medulla). The cortex is darker
self-antigens to enable the T-cells to recognize
than the medulla because its cells are more
"self"antigens. T-cellsthat react to the antigens
numerous and closely packed. The trabeculae
are induced to undergo apoptosis, and their
separating the lobules do not extend deep
remnants are phagocytosed by macrophages.
enough to separate the medulla of adjacent
lobules; thus, the medulla o[ adjacent lobules Most of the lymphocytes generated in the
interconnect. cortex do not survive the rigorous processing
The stroma of the thymic lobules is unlike and screening that they go through. Only
that of other lymphoid tissues and organs about 10%to 30% leave the thymus as mature,
because it is not made up of reticular cells and immunocompetent, and "self-tolerant," albeit
reticular fibers. Rather, it consists mainly of naive, T-cells.
stellate cells called epitheloid cells (epithelial Mature T-cells join the "recirculating
reticular cells) and a few connective tissue pool" of lymphocytes by entering the blood or
elements.The epitheloid cellsresemble reticular lymphatic vessels in the thymic medulla. From
cells, but they arise from endoderm and do not the thymus, some T-cells preferentially go to
produce reticular fibers. They have cytoplasmic the spleen where they stay for a while, but these
processes that are attached to those of other T-cellsultimately join the "recirculating pool"
epitheloid cells by desmosomes. Six types of
In routine LM preparations, the most
epitheloid cells are distinguishable in electron
distinctive feature of the thymic medulla is
the presence of thymic corpuscles (Hassall's
The epitheloid cellsare likewiseresponsible bodies or corpuscles). These structures
for producing most of the thymic cytokines, are composed of a core of hyaline material
although thymocytes also produce cytokines. surrounded by layers of flattened epitheloid
In the cortex, some epitheloid cells (nurse cells. The thymic corpuscles which can grow to
cells) envelop multiple young lymphocytes. 100 ~m in diameter increase with age.
The nurse cells promote proliferation and
differentiation oflymphocytes. Blood Vesselsof the Thymus
New T stem cells that arrive from myeloid The thymus has a rich blood supply that
tissue (postnatally synonymous with bone comes from branches of the internal thoracic,
marrow) settle in the peripheral part of the anterior intercostal, and inferior thyroid
cortex (outer cortex) where they transform arteries. In the thymus, the arteries ramify
into lymphoblasts and proliferate. As they and their branches travel within the trabeculae
mature, they move towards the medulla while and septa. At the corticomedullary boundary,


continuous endothelium) and their thick
basal lamina; 2) epitheloid cells and their
basal lamina which form a continuous sheet
with the help of desmosomes that tightly
bind adjacent epitheloid cells to each other;
and 3) perivascular space that separates the
endothelium from the layer of epitheloid cells
and contains macrophages and fluid.
The medulla of the thymus lacks a blood-
thymus barrier. To protect the developing
T-ceils, macrophages simply phagocytose the
antigens that are able to enter the area.

Fig. XI-7. Hassal's Corpuscle. A distinctive

Lymphatic Vesselsof the Thymus
feature of the thymus is the Hassal's corpuscle (H)
found in the medulla. The corpuscle consists of a The thymus has no afferent lymphatic
core of hyaline material surrounded byepitheloid vessels. Lymph that is formed within the organ
cell (ec). Thymus, H&E x400.
is collected by efferent lymphatic capillaries
that start as blind tubes. The lymphatic
the arteries give off capillaries that supply the
cortex while the maih branches continue into capillaries unite to form progressively bigger
the medulla where they break up into capillaries. vessels that follow the course of the veins and
exit the thymus through the capsule.
In the cortex, the capillaries follow
tortuous and recurrent routes and anastomose
Lymph Node
extensively. They are drained by postcapillary .
venules which proceed to the medulla where A lymph node is a bean-shaped organ. It is
they unite with the postcapillary venules that simply an encapsulated collection of lymphoid
drain the medullary capillaries to form bigger tissue. There are SOOto 600 lymph nodes in the
venules. Itis in the postcapillaryvenules of the body. They are interposed along the course of
medulla that the lymphocytes join circulating lymphatic vessels. They vary in size (pinhead to
blood by migrating through the blood vessel 3 ern in diameter) depending on their location
walls. and the state of activity of the lymphocytes
The venules unite to form bigger vessels within the organ.
that traverse the connective tissue septa and Lymph nodes are important sites for
trabeculae and exit through the capsule. producing the lymphocytes needed in mounting
an immune response. In these organs, activated
Blood-Thymus Barrier B- and T-cells can proliferate and differentiate
In the cortex of the thymus, the endothelial into various functional types.
cells that line the capillaries form a close The lymph nodes are also highly efficient
relationship with the epitheloid cells to comprise filters for particulate matter and microorganisms
what is referred to as the blood-thymusbarrier. that are present in the lymph. The filtering is
This barrier prevents antigens that are carried performed primarily by macrophages that are
by the capillaries from getting into contact with associated with the lymphatic vessels in the
the developing T-cells. organs. Macrophages phagocytose particulate
The blood-thymus barrier consists matter and microorganisms from lymph and
of the 1) endothelial cells (that form a together with other APCs that also abound in


Fig. XI-B. Lymph Node. H&E x40.

the organ. They likewise present antigens to Histologic Organization of the

lymphocytes. Lymph Node
Lymph nodes are strategically situated ·in The lymph node is also enclosed by
various parts of the body. They are present in a capsule, a dense irregular connective
the popliteal, inguinal, and axillary regions; tissue. The capsule gives off the trabeculae
along the sides ofthe neck; along the abdominal that incompletely subdivide the organ into
vessels; in the mesentery; and in many other compartments, whose stroma is formed by
sites. The pattern of their distribution ensures reticular tissue.
that all the lymph throughout the body passes The parenchyma of the lymph node is
through several lymph nodes before reaching divided into a peripheral-located cortex that
the major lymphatic vessels (i.e., thoracic duct enclosesa centrally-located medulla. It consists
and right lymphatic duct). mainly of lymphocytes, but macrophages,
plasma cells, and Des also abound. The
Lymph nodes may become swollen and boundary between the cortex and medulla is
tender when an infection is present in their
"area ofjurisdiction." For example, the inguinal
lymph nodes enlarge and become painful when
an infection develops in the lower extremity.
Grossly,a lymph node exhibits an indented
area called hilus. It is at this area where efferent
lymphatic vessels leave,and blood vesselsenter
and exit the organ. Afferent lymphatic vessels
enter the lymph node on its convexsurface.

Fig. XI-9. Lymph Node Cortex. The cortex of the

lymph node which lies immediately deep in the
capsule (c) can be divided into an outer cortex
(oc)-where lymphoid nodules are present-and
an inner cortex (ic). H&E x100.


indistinct. It is arbitrarily delineated by the tips Lymphatic Vesselsof the Lymph
of the trabeculae. Node
In the cortex, the outer region (outer As they approach the lymph node,
cortex) is mostly occupied by lymphoid afferent lymphatic vessels ramify and give
nodules that are embedded in dense lymphoid rise to smaller branches that enter the node
tissue. On the other hand, the inner region on its convex surface. The afferent lymphatic
(inner' cortex) has no lymphoid nodules and vessels are provided with one-way valves
consists simply of dense lymphoid tissue. that prevent the backflow of lymph. They
penetrate the capsule of the lymph node and
become continuous with the subcapsular
sinuses that lie immediately underneath the
capsule. The subcapsular sinuses, on the other
hand, continue into the trabecular (cortical)
sinuses that travel inward along the trabeculae.
The trabecular sinuses, in turn, carryon into
the bigger medullary sinuses in between the
medullary cords. The medullary sinuses unite as
they approach the hilus to form several efferent
lymphatic vessels. These vessels penetrate the
capsule and leave the lymph node at the hilus.
The sinuses are irregularly-shaped
lymphatic vessels. Their walls which permit all
the constituents oflymph to pass freely consist
Fig. XI-10. Lymph Node Medulla. This region,
simply of an endothelium. The endothelial
of the lymph node consists of lymphatic vessels
called medullary sinuses. These are separated cells also serve as APes and thus, they have
from each other by strands of dense lymphoid limited capacity to engulf particulate matter.
tissue called medullary cords. H&E ~·100. Associated with the endothelium of the sinuses
are numerous macrophages.
The Des in B-cell-rich areas (outer
cortex) are called follicular dendritic cells. The efferent lymphatic vessels are fewer
They have large, pale nuclei and indistinct but bigger than the afferent lymphatic vessels.
borders. Their numerous processes (dendrites) Like the afferent lymphatic vessels, they are also
are joined with those of other dendritic cells provided with one-way valves which ensure that
the lymph that leaves the lymph node does not
by desmosomes. The Des in Tvcel l-r ich
flow back in.
areas (deep cortex), on the other hand, are
called interdigitating dendritic cells. They Thus, lymph enters a lymph node via the
exhibit polymorphic nuclei and processes that afferent lymphatic vessels. Itthen passes through
interdigitate. the sinuses for filtering (via phagocytosis) by the
macrophages, endothelial cells, and other APes
The medulla is paler-staining than the
before draining out of the organ via the efferent
cortex. It is made up of dense lymphoid tissue
lymphatic vessels.
arranged to form strands called medullary
cords,in between which are medullary sinuses.
Although made up of dense lymphoid tissue, the Blood Vesselsof the Lymph Node
cells in the medullary cords are mostly B-cells The artery that supplies a lymph node
and plasma cells,but they rarely form lymphoid enters the organ at the hilus where it breaks up
nodules. into branches that travel within the trabeculae

Fig. XI-11. Lymphatic Vessels of the I ,$I~'us
Lymph Node. Afferent lymphatic .\ \

vessels enter the lymph node by

penetrating the capsule on the
convex surface of the organ. The
afferent lymphatic vessels drain into fir'·

subcapsular sinuses which, in turn, .}:..~~. !i~.)

drain into the trabecular sinuses that
convey the lymph to the medullary
sinuses. It is then collected by efferent
lymphatic vessels that exit the organ
aff~rent -
Iym-phatic vessel
at the hilus. Lymph Node, H&E x100.


into the medullary cords. Here) they give off Like the lymph nodes, the spleen is a very
capillaries to supply the medulla. The main important component of the body's immune
arterial branches then proceed to the cortex to defense system. In this organ)the lymphocytes)
form capillary plexuses around the lymphoid when activated by blood-borne antigens)
nodules. proliferate and differentiate into different
The capillaries supplying the cortex drain functional types.
into venules (post-capillary venules) that The spleen also filters blood. It has an
travel inwards into the medulla to unite with enormous number of macrophages that destroy
the medullary venules. Then they form larger foreign substances, microorganisms, and
vessels that travel with the arteries in the abnormal cells present in the blood. It also
trabeculae. The veins ultimately leave the node removes and destroys damaged and old red
at the hilus. blood cells and platelets from circulating blood
Lymphocytes enter the lymph node while recycling the iron that is contained in the
primarily from blood by passing through the RBCs. It also acts as storage area for blood.
endothelial lining of the blood vessels in T-cell- The spleen is not a vital organ. In adults)
rich areas. This ensures interaction between B- it can be surgically removed (splenectomy)
and T-cells. without any apparent adverse effect. In very
The lymphocytes leave the lymph node to young children) however) splenectomy has
join the recirculating pool primarily via the been associated with increased susceptibility
efferent lymphatic vessels. to certain infections and diseases such as
pneumonia) meningitis) septicemia) and
Spleen malaria.

The spleen is the largest (7 em x 12 em)

Histologic Organization of the
lymphoid organ in the body. It is a soft and
freely movable structure that is located on the
left upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity Like all lymphoid organs) the spleen is
posterior to the upper part of the stomach. encased by a capsule made up of dense irregular
Its medial surface presents a notch) the hilus, connective tissue. Unlike other lymphoid
where blood vessels (splenic vessels) enter and organs) however) the splenic capsule contains
leavethe organ. a significant number of smooth muscle cells


Fig. XI-13. Spleen. This higher magnification
photomicrograph of the spleen shows the capsule
(c), trabeculae (t), white pulp (wp), red pulp (rp),
Fig. XI-12. Spleen. The spleen is encased by central arteries (ca), and a follicular artery (fa).
a capsule (c), a connective tissue, that sends H&E x100.
trabeculae (t) into the substance of the organ
to divide it into incomplete compartments. The White Pulp
parenchyma of the spleen is referred to as splenic
pulp. It consists of islands of lymphoid tissue
The white pulp consists of lymphoid
collectively called white pulp (wp) surrounded by nodules that are embedded in dense lymphoid
red pulp (rp). The pulps are made up of sinusoids tissue.
that are separated by reticular tissue. H&E x40.
The dense lymphoid tissue ofthe white pulp
" is organized to form sleeves around the arteries
and elastic fibers. Externally, the capsule is
of the spleen from the time these vesselsbranch
completely enveloped by peritoneum, thus,
the spleen is lined on its externalsurface by offfrom the trabecular arteries to shortly before
mesothelium. they break up into capillaries. The lymphoid
nodules, on the other hand, are interspersed
Connective tissue trabeculae from the along the course of these arterial sleeves.
capsule ramify and form septa that divide the
substance of the spleen, albeit incompletely, In short, the white pulp comprises the
into compartments. The stroma of these lymphocyte population of the spleen which,
compartments, as in the lymph node, consists curiously, is uniquely associated with the blood
of reticular tissue. . vessels.
Aside from lymphocytes, the white pulp
Parenchyma of the Spleen (Splenic also contains numerous macrophages and
Pulp) dendritic cells (splenic dendritic cells).
Gross examination of the cut surface of
Red Pulp
a fresh specimen of the spleen shows that the
parenchyma of the spleen (splenic pulp) is The red pulp-which forms the greater
composed ofa reddish brown substance in which part of the splenic parenchyma-consists of
small masses or islands of ovoid grayish-white numerous large, blood-filled sinusoids (splenic
structures are scattered. The former, which sinusoids) that are separated by strands of
forms the bulk of the parenchyma, constitutes reticular tissue known as splenic cords (of
the red pulp while the latter comprise the white Billroth). The blood in the sinusoids accounts
pulp. for the red color of the pulp.

Fig. XI-14. Spleen, Red
Pulp. T!;,ered pulp is made
up of sinusoidal capillaries
called splenic sinusoids
(s) that are separated by
strands of reticular tissue
referred to as splenic cords
of Billroth (c). H&E x400.

penicillary artery draining

Fig. XI-1S. Blood

Vessels of the Spleen
reticular -.
tiber network

Blood Vesselsof the Spleen However, it is atypical because its tunica

adventitia is formed not by ordinary connective
The spleen is supplied by the splenic
tissue as in ordinary muscular arteries, but by
artery, the biggest branch of the celiac artery.
dense lymphoid tissue, known as periarterial
As it approaches the spleen, the splenic artery lymphoid sheath (PALS). As in all dense
divides into several branches that enter the lymphoid tissues, PALS consists mostly of
spleen at its hilus. These branches ramify to give T-cells.
off trabecular arteries that course within the
Despite its name, the central artery is
connective tissue trabeculae.
usually eccentrically located in the white pulp.
A trabecular artery gives off branches It courses towards the red pulp, but along the
(central arteries, arteries of the white pulp) way, it gives off lateral branches (follicular
that leave the trabecula to enter the white pulp. arteries) that supply the lymphoid nodules
The central artery is a small muscular artery. and dense lymphoid tissue of the white pulp.


PALS likewise envelops all the branches of the drain into trabecular veins which unite to form
central artery in the white pulp. the splenic vein that leaves the spleen at the
At the boundary of the white and red
pulps, the central artery terminates by giving
off branches (penicillar arteries, penicilli, Lymph Vesselsof the Spleen'
arteries of the red pulp) to the red pulp. The The spleen,like the thymus, has no afferent
penicillar artery is an arteriole, but atypical lymphatic vessels but has efferent vessels that
because its endothelial cells are cuboidal. It start as blind capillaries. The -1.pillariesunite
terminates by giving off two to three sheathed to form bigger vessels that follow the course of
arteries. the veins.
The sheathed artery (ellipsoid) is short
and narrow. It is so-called because it is usually, Mucosa-associated Lymphoid
but not always, enveloped by concentric layers Tissue (MALT)
of reticular ·cells (sheath of Schweigger-
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Seidel). The sheathed artery is surrounded
(MALT) refers to the enormous amount of
by macr 'lages, thus, filtering of blood in the
lymphoid tissue that exists in the mucosa
spleen starts here.
and submucosa of the gastrointestinal,
Blood from the sheathed arteries drains respiratory, and genitourinary tracts. MALT
into the splenic sinusoids by what is termed as associatedwith the gastrointestinal tract is often
"open circulation." The sheathed arteries end referred to as gut-associated lymphoid tissue
blindly and the blood they carry flows out into (GALT) while that associated with the trachea
the interstitial spaces (among the reticular cells and bronchi is sometimes called bronchus-
of the splenic cords) then percolates into the associated lymphoid tissue (BALT).
In most mucosal surfaces, MALT consists
The splenic sinusoids interconnect simply ofloose or dense diffuse lymphoid tissue
extensivelywith each other. These blood vessels that may contain an occasional solitary lymph
have large (up to 40 urn) regular lumens and nodule. In certain areas of the body, however,
very thin walls that do not contain smooth MALT form larger collections of lymphoid
muscle fibers. Their endothelium is atypical. tissue that feature aggregates of lymphoid
The endothelial cells are fusiform and are nodules. Notable areas-where aggregates of
capable oflimited phagocytosis. Their ends are lymphoid nodules embedded in dense lymphoid
in contact with one another and occasionally tissue exist-are the colon, vermiform
form junctional complexes. However, there are appendix, ileum (where the aggregates are
gaps between their lateral surfaces and they referred to as Peyer's patches), and the entrance
rest on a discontinuous basal lamina. There to the respiratory and digestive tracts where
are numerous macrophages (perisinusoidal the lymphoid tissue aggregates are called
macrophages) just external to the endothelial tonsils.
cells. They are mainly responsible for the The larger aggregates of MALT are not,
filtering ofblood that occurs in the spleen. The or only partially, enveloped by a capsule. They
perisinusoidal macrophages have processes that consist ofT-cell-rich areas (diffuse lymphoid
extend into the lumen of the sinusoids, which tissue) and B-cell-rich areas (lymphoid
help the macrophages phagocytose particulate nodules). They also contain numerous APes.
materials present in the sinusoids.
MALTs are also important sites for
From the sinusoids, blood flows into generating the lymphocytes that are needed in
collecting veins in the red pulp. These in turn mounting an immune response.

Fig. XI-16. Palatine Tonsil. The
tonsil is covered on its surface by a
nonkeratinized stratified squamous
epithelium (e) that invaginates in
places to form tonsillar crypts (tc).
Deep in the epithelium is a connective
tissue (ct) that forms an incomplete
capsule. The parenchyma consists of
lymphoid nodules (n) embedded in
dense lymphoid tissue (dl). H&E x40.

--. .

Tonsils The lingual tonsils consist of several

discrete masses located in the dorsum of the
The tonsils form a ring (Waldeyer's
posterior tongue. Each has a diameter of
ring) underneath the epithelium around the
about 2 to 3 mm. Their superficial surface,
entrances to the respiratory and digestive
like that of the pharyngeal tonsils, is covered
passages. They consist of paired palatine
with nonkeratinized stratified squamous
tonsils, lingual tonsils and tubal tonsils, and
epithelium. This epithelium may have a single
an unpaired pharyngeal tonsil.
broad deep crypt into which ducts of mucus-
Most tonsils are partially encapsulated by
dense irregular connective tissue capsule.
In the lymphoid nodules of the tonsils, the
lymphocytes are usually more abundant on the
epithelial side of the nodules. They were also
demonstrated to be capable of passing through
the epithelium to the surface.
The palatine tonsils are located in
the lateral aspect, one on each side, of the
oropharyxn. Each is an ovoid body that is
lodged in between the palatoglossal fold
anteriorly and the palatopharyngeal fold
posteriorly. The superficial surface of the
palatine tonsils is covered by nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium that forms
deep, sometimes branching, invaginations
called tonsilar crypts that give the tonsils a Fig. XI-17. Lingual Tonsil. The lingual tonsil
pitted look. The tonsilar crypts often contain histologically resembles the palatine tonsil. Its
parenchyma is also made up of lymphoid nodules
dead epithelial cells, lymphocytes, and other
(n) embedded in dense lymphoid tissue (dl). It
cells that have reached the surface by passing also has the same type of epithelium (e), but the
through the epithelium. tonsillar crypts (c) are shallower. H&E x40.


Fig. XI-18. Pharyngeal Tonsil.
The pharyngeal tonsil also
consists of lymphoid nodules
(n) embedded in dense
lymphoid tissue (dl), but the
epithelium that overlies the
organ is respiratory epithelium
(e). H&E x40.

secreting glands open. When a crypt is present, to the point of causing varying degrees of
it contains masses of dead epithelial cells and obstruction to nasal breathing. When enlarged,
lymphocytes. . the pharyngeal tonsil is referred to as adenoid.
The pharyngeal tonsil occupies the central The tubal tonsils are located in the
area of the posterior and superior walls of the nasopharynx near the openings of the
nasopharynx. Its superficial surface is covered
Eustachian tubes (auditory tubes). They
mostly by respiratory epithelium (i.e., ciliated'
are really mere extensions of the pharyngeal
pseudo stratified columnar epithelium), but
tonsil, and like the latter, are covered on their
some areas may be covered by nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium. The superficial surface by respiratory epithelium.
epithelium of the pharyngeal tonsil forms Tonsils are better developed in children
shallow folds instead of crypts. than in adults. They start to involute at about
The pharyngeal tonsil sometimes becomes the age of 15 years. In old people, they are
enlarged, especially in young individuals, largely atrophied.

.' ..:.i ::
*~* "" ..

Chapter XII

Respiratory System


uman cells utilize oxygen (0) and
produce carbon dioxide (C02) in
carrying out their metabolic processes.
To deliver oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide
from all the cells of the body, exchange of gases
has to take place between blood and the cells
(internal respiration), and blood and inhaled
air (external respiration),
Internal respiration occurs in all tissues of
the body but external respiration-the function
of the respiratory system-occurs only in the
lungs, specifically, across the ultra-thin blood-
air barrier that separates the blood in the
capillaries from the air in the air sacs (alveoli)
in these organs. Blood is brought to and from
the lung capillaries by the arteries and veins of Fig. XII-1. Component Organs of the
Respiratory System
the cardiovascular system while atmospherih
air is brought to and from the lung alveoli by the
conducting portion of the respiratory system Nose
(i.e., structures that serve as passageways for air
The nose is a hollow organ whose cavity
to ana from the alveoli).
is divided into two irregularly-shaped spaces
(nasal cavities or fossaej by a common
COMPONENT ORGANS OF cartilaginous wall (nasal septum). Each nasal
tHE RESPIRATORYSYSTEM cavity is bounded anteriorly by an orifice
(anterior naris; nostril), and posteriorly, where
The respiratory system consists of the
it is continuous with the pharynx, by another
paired lung~ (left and right) and the organs that
orifice (posterior naris).
conduct air to and from the lungs, and which,
from the most external to the most internal, The nasal septum forms the medial wall
include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, of each nasal cavity while the lateral wall of
and main bronchi. each is occupied by three shelf-like structures,
cribriform plate
of ethmoid bone

~opening of
.auditory tube


hard palate

soft palate
Fig. XII-2. Nose. The
diagram shows the
lateral wall, roof, and
floor of the nose.

the superior, middlet and inferior nasal nasal cavity at the nostril. The hairs of the skin
turbinates or conchae.s that lines the vestibule are coarse and stiff.They
act as a gross filter for inhaled air.
The framework of the walls, roof and floor'
of the nose is formed partly by bone and partly' . The epithelium of the nasal mucosa is the
by hyaline cartilage. Externally, the nose is respiratory epithelturh, except in two areas:
covered by skin while internally, itis lined by at the junction of the vestibule and the rest of
mucous membrane (mucosa), except at the the nasal cavity,where there is a narrow band of
vestibule (i.e.,the spaceor cavityat the entrance nonciliated cuboidal or columnar epitheliumjs
of the nose) which is lined by skin. and, at the roof of the cavity and adjacent areas,
which are lined by olfactory epithelium!
Incidentally, the term mucosa refers to the
moist lining not only of the nasal cavities but The lamina propria of the nasal mucosa
also of the luminal surface of the respiratory, contains mucous and serous glands as well as
digestive, and genitourinary tracts. It consists small collections of MALT. In the area of the
of an epithelium and an underlying loose nasal turbinates, it likewise contains extensive
connective tissue layer called lamina propria~ venous plexuses.
In some segments of the respiratory, digestive, The secretion of the glands in the lamina
and genitourinary tracts, the mucosa has a propria and of the goblet and serous cells in the
third layer that is made up of smooth muscle epithelium keeps the nasal cavity moist while
fibers (collectively referred to as muscularis the venous plexuses serve to warm the air that
mucosae) that separate the mucosa from the passes through the nose.
underlying tissue. The lamina propria of the nasal cavity is
The skin that covers the external surface continuous with the underlying periosteum
of the nose is provided with numerous sweat in areas where it overlies the bone, and with
glands, large sebaceous glands, and fine perichondrium in areas where it overlies the
hairs. It is reflected into the vestibule of the cartilage.

serves as stem cell for the other cell types of the
epithelium; and 6) granule cell (Kulchitsk
cell)-a small cell that is functionally similar
to the neuroendocrine cells that are present
cilia gobl&tcells
in the epithelium of the digestive tract. The
granule cell looks like a basal cell except for the
presence of numerous electron-dense secretory
granules in its cytoplasm that contain a
hormone and/or cathecolamines that, when
released, probably help regulate the function
of the secretory cells.

Olfactory Epithelium (Organ of

Fig. XII-3. Respiratory Epithelium. Note that The epithelium at the roof of the nasal
this type of epithelium-which lines the bigger cavity and over the superior turbinate and
air passages-is ciliated pseudostratified with
adjacent parts of the nasal septum is referred
many goblet cells. Trachea, H&E x200.
to as olfactory epithelium because it contains
Respiratory Epithelium the receptors forthe sense of smell. Grossly,the

Respiratory epithelium refers to the ,

olfactory epithelium is yellowish brown. Thus,
the small area (about 5 em") that it occupies
c il'i at e d pseudo stratified columna'
stands out from its pinkish surroundings that
• epithelmm that lines not only the greater part
are lined by the respiratory epithelium.
of the nasal cavities but also many segments
of the conducting portion of the respiratory The olfactory epithelium is a tall (about
system. Six cell types, only some of which can 60 ~m thick) .pseudostratified columnar
be distinguished in LM preparations but which e,pjtqeJi:um. It has no goblet cells and its
are distinguishable in electron micrographs, basement membrane is indistinct.
comprise the respiratory epithelium. These
~ cell types, which all rest on the basal lamina,
are as follows: 1) ciliated col~mnar cell-the
most abundant cell type which has up to 300
cilia on its free surface that beat towards the
nasopharynx allowing mucus and particulate
matter that may have been caught in it to be
brought to the pharynx from where they are
either swallowed or expectorated; 2) goblet
cell, 3) br'ush cell-a columnar cell, which
has nume-rous microvilli (instead of cilia) on
its free surface and which is probably a sensory
cell because it is associated with afferent glands

nerve endings; 4) serous cellLa columnar,

nonciliated cell that has dense apical granules
and whose watery secretion is less viscous
Fig. XII-4. Olfactory Epithelium. The three types
than that of the goblet cell; 5) basal cell-a of cells that make up the epithelium are shown
short and rounded cell that does not extend in the illustration. Also shown are the Bowman's
into the epithelial surface and which probably glands in the lamina propria.



Fig. XII-S. Olfactory Epithelium. Note the tall, ciliated pseudostratified nature of the epithelium.
The cell types that comprise the epithelium are labeled. H&E x400.
~- N\\ACOS~ ~SSOC'C\.IE.D L~rnPt-lolD l1SSU.~

The t_1:W;kIamina propriafdeep in the The dendrite of the olfactory cell passes
epithelium contains ~ALT and is richly between two adjacent sustentacular cells
supplied with blood and lymphatic vessels. It to terminate in a small bulbous expansion,
also contains the olfacto.rY, glands (glands the olfactory vesicle, on the surface of the
of Bowmarr), branched tubuloalveolar glands epithelium. Radiating from the olfactory vesicle
whose serous secretion moistens the epithelial are 6 to 10 fine, hair-like processes (Q!factor~
surface and serves as solvent for odiferous cilia). The olfactory cilia are very long. They are
substances. QPI~E.ROt)$: G.'VIv'\G OFF Q . . structurally similar to the cilia of other ciliated
!>t\'l€I.L, E'OpeClc:n,I.:;, o, OIS\\"'Cnv~
Three types of cells that all rest on the same cells but are non-motile. They lie flattened on
basal lamina comprise the olfactory epithelium: the surface epithelium embedded in the surface
'sustentacular cefl, o!(~~JQ r y.&eIVand ~oUal mucus layer. They are probably the actual
cell. receptor elements of the olfactory cell.
The sustentaculaf or supporting cells The ~~ C9rfaCtorY~Q~r,x£Jiber) of the
are tall, slender cells that are broad at their olfactory cell, which is on the basal end of
apices and narrow at their bases. Their apical the cell, is unmyelinated and about 0.2 ~m
surface contains numerous, long, and slender in diameter. It travels inward into the lamina
microvilli that are bathed with mucus. Their propria where it meets the olfactory nerve fiber
nuclei are ovoid and are located a little above of the other olfactory cells. The olfactory nerve
the center of the cells. Their cytoplasm contains fibers then form many small nerve bundles
a small Golgi complex, numerous sER, and (fila olfactoriaj olfactory_nerves) that enter
lipofuschin granules that are responsible for the the cranial cavity through perforations in the
yellowish brown color of the olfactory area. The (tiB· ffor.m plate of the ethmoid bone to
sustentacular cells probably provide structural terminate in the olfactory bulH=---aknob-like
and functional support for the olfactory cells. structure on the inferior side of the brain that is
The olfactory cells are spindle-shaped, made up of neurons that process and transmit
bipolar neurons that lie between the olfactory stimuli to the olfactory cortex of the
sustentacular cells. Their round nuclei are brain.
situated between the level of the nuclei of the The asal cells are small, rounded or
sustentacular cells and basal cells. conical, deeply-staining cells that occupy the

Fig. XII-6. Epiglottis. The epiglottis is made up of
an elastic cartilage (ec)which forms the framework
and a mucosa that consists of an epithelium (e)
• 1
and a lamina propria (lp). The epithelium on the
anterior surface and upper half of the posterior
surface of the epiglottis, as in photomicrograph,
is nonkeratinized stratified squamous, but
elsewhere, it is respiratory. H&E x40.

invaginations of the nasal mucosa that retain

their connections with the nasal cavity into
The walls of the paranasal sinuses are
lined by mucous membrane that consists of a
rs..~,pirato.ry epithelium that-compared to
that of the nasal cavity-is thinner and contains
fewer goblet cells) and a lamina propria which
contains very few glands and which merges
with the periosteum of the underlying bones.
The direction of the ciliary movement of the
ciliated epithelial cells in the paranasal sinuses
is towards the nasal cavity.
The paranasal sinuses make the face lighter
by reducing its bony mass. They also serve as
resonating chambers for speech.

Fig. XII-7. Epiglottis. This higher magnification _ The Irp'har~ is a funnel-shaped'
photomicrograph of the epiglottis demonstrates fibromuscular tube that extends from the base
the epithelium (e) , lamina propria (lp) and its
of the skull to the level of the hyoid bone where
glands (g), and its framework of elastic cartilage
(ec)enveloped by a perichondrium (p). H&E x100. it is continuous with the esophagus. It is a tube
that is common to the digestive and respiratory
area between the bases of the sustentacular systems.
cells and olfactory cells. They have branching From above downward-s) the pharynx
cytoplasmic processes while their nucleus is is successively behind the nasal cavity
dark and ovoid. Basal cells are stemcells that nasopharynx)) oral cavity (oropharynx), and
can differentiate into sustentacular and perhaps the larynx (laryngop~ary~x).
even olfactory cells. The wall of the pharynx is similar to that of
the other segments of the digestive tract (see the
Paranasal Sinuses chapter on digestive system) in that it is made
up of four histologic layers. In the pharynx)
The paranasal sinuses) which are named however) the histologic layers are not as distinct
according to the bone where they are located) i.e., and as typical as in the other segments of the
£i:9nta1'Jtn:a illaJ:1Y)
etllmoIdal) and splie_noidal) digestive tract.
are cavities in some of the bones of the skull Incidentally, from the luminal surface
that arise during embryonic development as outwards) the histologic layers that make up


arranged, and an outer layer where the muscle
fibers are circularly (or obliquely) -arranged.

larynx (Voice Box)

connective tissue. The larynx connects the pharynx to
The m:ucosa-~ ~~flre phar ynx consists the trachea and serves an important role in
only of an epithelium and a lamina phonation.
propria. The epitheliujjj is nonkeratinized The framework of the larynx is formed
stratified squamous in the oropharynx and by three unpaired (i.e., tli!iOid, cricoid, and
laryngopharynx: In. t4~ g~~o.l?~~ryn~,it is epiglottic) and three paired (i.e.] ~ta....$'
respiratory except in areas that are subjected cuneiform, and arytenoid) cartilages. Of
to friction by the passage of food (e.g.,over the these cartilages, the arytenoids (exceptfor their
posterior edge of the soft palate) where it is tips which are elastic), thyroid, and cricoid are
nonkeratinized stratified squamous, and in the Ilyaline, whereas the epiglottic,corniculate, and
roof where it is sometimes stratified columnar cuneiform are el~stic.
ciliated. The'PlamTiJ.a -J2foilda contains glands The laryngeal cartilages are held together
which are pure mucus in the areas that are lined by ligaments and membranes. They also serve
by stratified squamous epithelium but mixed as attachments for two groups-extrinsic and
in the areas lined by respiratory epithelium. It intrinsic-of named skeletal muscles. The
also contains some elastic fibers and is rich in extrinsic muscfes connect the larynx to the
MALT. In fact, as mentioned in the chapter on' surrounding structures. During deglutition,
the lymphoid system, aggregates of lymphoid they raise the larynx. The °hhiosic muscles,
nodules that are embedded in dense lymphoid on the other hand, originate and insert within
tissue are present in the lamina propria of the
posterior wall of the nasopharynx (plla'ryngccrl"-" 17.'"'"-:-:-~---:-------..._~-.---,o;-:--:---:-:--~

.on.s-il9, lateral wall of the oropharynx

("-p~alanl1e to.!tstID,and around the opening
of the Eustachian tubes in the nasopharynx
A submucosa exists in the pharynx in only
two areas, the lateral wall of the nasopharynx
and terminal portion of the laryngopharynx. It
is delineated from the lamina propria by a dense
layer of elastic fibers.
The submucosa, or lamina propria (in the
areas where a submucosa is absent) blends with
the connective tissue that envelops the muscle
bundles of the underlying muscularis externa. Fig. XII-B. Larynx. The section is taken from the
The riffis-cUlWris
emma of the pharynx part of the organ lined by respiratory epithelium
(e). Note the laryngeal glands (g) that are
consists of two layers of named skeletal but
embedded in the lamina propria (Ip) which is well
involuntary muscle fibers: an inner layer supplied with MALT. The lamina propria blends
where the muscle fibers are longitudinally- with the muscular layer (m). H&E x40.

Fig. XII-9. Vocal Cords. The photomicrograph 't' .

shows the true and false vocal cords. In this

specimen, they are both lined by nonkeratinized
stratified epithelium. The false and true vocal
cords are separated by a space, the laryngeal
ventricle. which has pouch-like invaginations
called ventricular recesses. In the lamina propria,
glands are present only in the false vocal cord. In
the true vocal cord, the lamina propria contains
numerous elastic fibers that comprise the vocalis
ligament while deep in the lamina propria are
muscle fibers that comprise the vocalis muscle.
Larynx, H&E x40.

the larynx. They open and close the rima"'ofJ

the-glottjs (i.e., the opening between the vocal
cords) and regulate the tension of the :vocal
The ,i,Iltema sU.-1rf.:ice
of the larynx is lined
by mucous membrane whose epithelium is
respiratory, except over the anterior surface
and upper half of the po~terfor surface of the
epiglottis, the aryepiglottic folds, and the vocal
cords where it is nonkeratinized stratified
squamous. The direction of the ciliary
movement of the ciliated cells in the respiratory
epithelium of the larynx is upwards, towards " The wall of the trachea has four histologic
the pharynx. layers: a) mucosa, b) submucosa, c) carfilage
and muscle -layer, and d) adventitia.
~""=..",,,,=B'r.o_ia of the lar,yngeal
mucosa is thick. It contains numerous elastic The tradleal-mucosa-..... consists of a
fibers, blood vessels, nerves, and MALT that respiratory epithelium that has a very thick
exhibit some lymphoid nodules. It also has large Easement membrane and an abundance of
tubuloalveolar glands 1 that are serous goblet cells and a lamina propria that contains
and mucous, mainly mucous. In the epiglottis, numerous elastic fibers and MALT that exhibit
the glands are similar to the minor salivary occasional lymphoid nodules. In the deep layer
glands (see chapter on the digestive tract) .. of the lamina propria, the elastic fibers form a
The 1affn ~w.nif2sa blends with the band that separates the lamina propria from the
perichondrium of the cartilages, the connective submucosa.
tissue that envelops the laryngeal muscles, and The tracheal SUbm.ucbsaconsists of loose
the ligaments and membranes that bind the connective tissue where numerous mixed,
cartilages together. tubuloalveolar glands (fr.acheal .gland;s;
• -6ronchial submucosal gTan(ls) are embedded .
lrachea Deep in the submucosa, comprising
the bulk of the cartila~ .and. muscle layer
are the most characteristic features of the
trachea-16-20 C-Shaped hyaline cartilage
rings that are responsible for keeping the lumen
of the trachea permanently open. The cartilages


Fig. XII-10. Trachea. The photomicrograph
demonstrates the layers of the trachea:
respiratory epithelium (e), lamina propria (lp),
submucosa (sm) that contains tracheal glands
(tg), and hyaline cartilage (he)with its enveloping
perichondrium (p). H&E x100. '

Main Bronchi
The fjITIfin'~~l1i (right and left) that
supply the right and left lungs, respectively,
are morphologically identical with the trachea,
4 except in a few aspects. They have smaller
caliber, thinner respiratory epithelium, and
fewer submucosal glands. Furthermore, in the
main bronchi, a discontinuous thin smooth
muscle layer, instead of elastic tissue, separates
the mucosa from the submucosa. The cartilages,
instead of being open posteriorly, form
discontinuous rings around the lumen.

The right and left lungs are a pair of conical
organs that occupy the greater part of the
Fig. XII-11. Trachea (Posterior region). The thoracic cavity. They are separated from each
photomicrograph shows the trachea lis muscle (m) other by the eart and other structures in the
that bridges the open end of a C-shaped tracheal
mediastinum ..
cartilage (c).Also labeled in the photomicrograph
are the epithelium (e) and lamina propria (Ip). Grossly, each lung has an apex that
H&E x100. rises to the neck and a base that rests on the
aiapl1rag.D:, three 15of.d-;;-( aIU!,i 0Ji, iriferiof
are stacked on top of each other separated and posterior), and two surfaces (costal and
only by narrow intervals. Each is about 4 mm m£_dhistinal) .
in height and 1 mm thick. The posterior ends
The cQsJalsUFfaceof either lung is related
of the tracheal cartilages are open. Thus, they
to the ribs and the costal cartilages while the
form an incomplete ring around the lumen.
'mediastinal surface is related to the mediastinal
Their open ends are bridged by fiDroelast~o
tligamenf_a:_Fld numerous smopth m"ill!EIiJJers
that comprise the tracheali:S--muscJe which, by
contracting, can decrease the luminal diameter
of the trachea.
structures. The mediastinal surface presents a
triangular depression called 'hi,los here the
""- -
structures that comprise the root ofllthe lung
enter and leave the organ. The structures that
_. .
comprise the root of the lung include the niaJit
l:h~,one us, pulmonal'-Y artery and Veins,
bronchial -ar feries'and
7 v.eFrts, IYnl.phatic
vessels, and nerv-es. •
The lungs ar:_ _divided by fi~r~es into
The tracRe-al"'~aEe,-ti'fia blends with the I~~s. The rig_htJung lias three lobes while the
surrounding structures. l~ft hiIig has two lobes.

Pleura Almost immediately upon entering the
~ lung, a main bronchus divides and forms
Each lung is enveloped by a double layer
secoii(faryHfOiiCpi (lobar bronchi).
of fibrous tissue called pleura. The outer layer
of the pleura C.p~:iefci:Iliim-ura)adheres to the A secondary bronchus supplies a lung lobe.
thoracic wall while the inner layer (v.isceral Thus, the right lung has three secondary bronchi
pleura) adheres to the substance ofthe lung.The because it has three lobes while the eft lung,
parietal and visceralpleurae-arecontinuous with which has two lobes, has only two secondary
each other at the root of the lung. Elsewhere, bronchi.
The secondary br.onchi divide further
into tertiary bronc-Iii Csegmental.bp!..~chi),
of which there are ten in the right lung and
eight in the left. A tertiary bronchus and the
area of the lung that it supplies comprise a
6roncHo~lil onar'j.y~s.eiment.Thus, the right
lung has ten bronchopulmonary segments while
the left has eight.
The tertiary bronchi ramify into a few
generations of progressively smaller bronchi
1---- pleural before giving offbronchioles.
Bronchioles ramify a few times and then
give rise to lobula.?bronchioles. Arlobular
bronchiole suppliesa ~g lol?uTe,ofwhich there
ate 30-60 per bronchopulmonary segment. The
lung lobules are separated from each other by
Fig. XII-12. Pleura
incomplete fibrous ~,~pa. They vary greatly in
sizeand shape.The Reri herallo1?pkstend to be
they are separated by a space ~"~leuralcavity),
which contains a small amount of serous fluid. pyramidal, whereas the ~trally Js£ate.a ones
are irregular in shape.
Histologically, the parietal and visceral
pleurae are made up of connective tissue that The lobular bronchiole enters a lung lobule
has an abundance of elastic fibers and a relative at its apex in the company of the interlobular
paucity of cellular elements that consist mainly r.randies (i.e., branches that supply the lobule)
of fibroblasts and macrophages. They are richly of the ~ul'monary and br()_l!..chia_~ arteries.
supplied with lymphatic and blood vessels and Within the lobule, the branching pattern of
nerve fibers. Their frees~~e (i.e., surface these arteries mirrors the branching pattern of
related to the pleural cavity) is lined with the bronchial tree.
[mesothelium whose cellsare responsiblefor the Lobular bronchioles give off ~rm!
minimal amount of fluid in the pleural cavity. hronc1:tioles which, in turn, give rise to
respiratory bronchioles.
Bronchial Tree A few-a-Iveoli andalyeolar ,sa_c~"(i.e.,
Within the lung, the main bronchus clusters of alveoli) arise directly from the wall
ramifies dichotomously a variable number of of respiratory bronchioles, but respiratory
times-often more than twenty. The term bronchioles end by giving off~lveolar ducts-
lironcJI'hll free refers to these generations of tiny tubes from which numerous alveolar sacs
branches. and alveoli arise.


With each succeeding generation of
branches, the intraplilmonary bronchi exhibit
less and less cartilage, progressively lower
epithelium, and gradual loss of goblet cells.

B!.2..p.~~h1~W,as a rule, are less than
1 mm in diameter. In routine histologic
preparations, they are easy to tell apart from the
intrapulmonary bronchi because their wall has
no cartilage, submucosal gland, or lymphoid
nodule. Bronchioles bifurcate repeatedly
before ending as lolirilar b(iil£liioles that are
so-called because each supplies a lung lobule.
The epithelium of the bronchioles is still
ciliated, but it progressively diminishes in
height and transforms from pseudostratified
proximally to simple columnar and to simple
Fig. XII-13. Lung. This low magnification
cuboidal distally. In the larger .ronch·oles,
photomicrograph shows the visceral pleura (vp)
that envelops the lung and some structures the epithelium consists essentially of the same
in the lung parenchyma. These structures cells that are present in typical respiratory
include the alveoli (al), arteries (ar), respiratory epithelium except that there are no serous cells
bronchiole (rb), intrapulmonary bronchus (bs),
anymore and that the goblet cells are few.
and bronchiole (be). H&E x40.

In terms of location, bronchi are either
extrapulmonary or intrapulmonary.
bronchi refer to the main
~- . c ".'_. ._

bronchi while inJrapulmonary oronchi

refer to all the bronchi that are within the
lung including secondary, tertiary and their
subsequent branches.
The :bigger-intrapui~;ry "bronchi are
structurally similar to the extrapulmonary
bronchi except that in the intrapulmonary
bronchi, the epithelium is lower and the mucous
membrane is thrown into folds, perhaps as a
consequence of the contraction of the smooth J
Fig. XII-14. Extrapulmonary Bronchus. The
muscle layer.
photomicrograph shows a section taken at low
magnification of an extrapulmonay bronchus.
Different components of the bronchial wall are
labeled in the photomicrograph including the
epithelium (e), lamina propria (lp), muscle layer
(rn), submucosa (sm), hyaline cartilage plates (c),
prominent. and adventitia (a). H&E x40.


consists ofloose connective tissue, merges with
the lung parenchyma.

About 5 to 7 terminal bronchioles arise

from a lobular bronchiole shortly after the latter
enters a lung lobule. Termin~l bronchioles are
small tubes that are less than O.Smm in diameter.
They are considered as the last segment of the
conducting portion of the respiratory system.
Their epithelium is simple cuboidal. Itis largely
non-ciliated, although patches of ciliated cells
are still present together with brush cells,
Fig. XII-1S. Intrapulmonary Bronchus. Note
granule cells, basal cells, and Clara cells, which
that the epithelium (e) is respiratory; the smooth
muscle fibers (m) form a distinct layer between are aplenty. The epithelium has no goblet cells.
the mucosa and the submucosa that contains In terminal bronchioles, the smooth muscle
bronchial glands (g); and the hyaline cartilages
(hc) that keep the bronchus patent consist of
fibers that form bands that separate the lamina
several plates instead of a singte cartilage. Lung, propria from the submucosa are still prominent.
H&E x100. .
~: irat6rV~~.J;9J)~ffi9Ies
In the epithelium of the smaller ond:liol~~,
on the other hand, there are no more goblet Two or more respiratory bronchioles are
cells but in addition to the other cells of the given offby each terminal bronchiole.
respiratory epithelium that are still present, Respiratory bronchioles are short (1-4
there is a population of tall cuboidal, slender, mm) tiny tubes. Their wall consists merely of a
non-ciliated cells, called £lara. cells,;. whose simple epithelium and a thin layer of connective
rounded apices possess microvilli that often
jut out of the surface of the epithelium. Clara
cells have dense secretory cytoplasmic granules
that contain surface active lipoproteins that
are evidently similar to pulmonary surfactant
that reduces surface tension. When released,
the content of the granules probably function
either to protect the bronchiolar lining or to
form a non-sticky layer that prevents luminal
adhesion and helps keep the bronchioles patent.
Clara cells are also stem cells that can divide to
replace the other existing cells in the epithelium.
By the way, Clara ~ells in humans are present
only in the bronchioles, but in lower animals
they are also present even in the bronchi.
I _
The l!!llin~PLQpria of bronchioles contains
Fig. XII-16. Bronchiole. The bronchiole (be) has a
loose collections of MALT. It is separated from
relatively thin wall made up of an epithelium (e),
the submucosa by a distinct smooth muscle lamina propria (lp), a smooth muscle layer (mu),
layer where the muscle fibers are irregularly- and a submucosa (sm). Beside the bronchiole is
arranged. an arteriole (ar). Lung, H&E x100.


tissue where islands of smooth muscle cells are Alveoli are thin-walled polyhedral sacs that
embedded. The epithelium is simple cuboidal are 200-250 tlm in diameter. They are open
initially but becomes simple squamous distally. on one side to allow entry of air from either
It is populated by granule cells,basal cells,brush a respiratory bronchiole or an alveolar duct,
cells, and numerous Clara cells. In the bigger depending on which tube they arise from.
bronchioles, occasional ciliated cells The alveoli in the two lungs are estimated
exist but there are none in the smaller ones. to number around 300 million. They are very
closely packed and share with adjacent alveoli
a common wall (interalv:eol.u septum) that
is perforated by round or oval holes (alveolar.
~poresJ-up to seven per alveolus-~re
2-13 tlm in diameter. The pores, which are
usually clogged with pulmonary surfacta:nt,
may serve as alternate routes for passage of air ~ ~

alveolar macropliagesj and/or as storage of I
pulmonary surfactant.

Fig. XII-17. Distal Air Passages. The section

shows a bronchiole (be) giving off a terminal
bronchiole (tb) which, in turn, gives off a couple
of respiratory bronchioles (rb). Respiratory
bronchioles give off alveoli (a), alveolar sacs (as),..
and alveolar ducts (ad). Lung, H&E x100.

Alveolarducts are thin-walled conical tubes

that are lined by simple squamous epithelium.
Aside from epithelium, the wall of an alveolar
duct also contains scanty connective tissue
.elements where occasional smooth muscle Fig. XII-18. Alveolar Duct, Alveolar Sacs, and
fibers are embedded. Alveoli. The section shows an alveolar duct (ad)
as it gives off alveoli (a) and alveolar sacs (as).
The ,a:lv" oli and ,itlYe'oT~iJa<rs
that arise Arrows point to the wall of the alveolar duct
from alveolar ducts are so numerous that their which has been reduced to knob-like structures
openings occupy practically the entire wall of that guard the entrances into the alveoli and
the alveolar ducts. Consequently, in routine alveolar sacs. Lungl H&E x400.

histologic preparations, the wall of the alveolar

ducts is seen as consisting simply of knob-like Interalveolar Septum
structures that guard the entrances into the
alveoli and alveolar sacs.

A/veo/ar Sacs and A/veo/i

Alveoli arise individually or in clusters
known as ~l:veolar:sacs from either respiratory The connective tissue core of the alveolar
bronchioles or alveolar ducts. septum contains collagen, elastic and reticular


-----_ interalveolar


Fig. XII-19.Interalveolar Septum

fibers, and several types of cells including type I alv~olarceUs account for only 5% of the
mast cells, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and epithelial cover of the alveoli.
l$t.~r§Htii1-fibroblasrs~.which differ from Theryp'e--ralveolar eel s are less than 0.2
ordinary fibroblasts in that they contain more ~m thick, except in areas where the nucleus is
actin filaments, suggestive of the possibility present. They form tight junctions jwith each
that they are contractile. Also embedded in other and with the type IIalveolar cells.
the connective tissue core are numerous blood
capillar·ies (pulmonary capiliI~ies).

Epithelial Cells of the Interalveolar

Two types of cells comprise the simple
squamous epithelium that lines the luminal
surfaces of the interalveolar septum: tt,pet
l""'1l :veo'lar ~2ell t~ne~monocyfe"""typ'e~ I,
p-ulmonllry eprthe l ial cell, and smal~
alveolar 'ceIl?j and type I a veolar cell Fig. XII-20. Interalveolar Septum. The
(pneumonocyte type II and great alveolar. photomicrograph shows the components of
cellY. The type II alveolar cells are more the interalveolar septum including pulmonary
numerous (60% of epithelial cells) than the capillaries(e)that are lined byendothelialcells (ee),
pneumonocytes type I (pt1), and pneumonocytes
type I alveolar cells, but the latter cells are type II (pt2). Manyof the capillaries contain RBCs.
stretched very thinly in such a way that they Also shown in the section is a solitary dust cell
cover 95% of the alveolar surface, while the (de). Lung, H&E x400.


The!'y e.l al)Veolar cetls rest on a basal
lamina that is supported by a small amount of
connective tissue, except in those areas of the
epithelium that are associated with capillaries
where the basal lamina of the epithelium is in
direct contact-and often fuses-with the basal
lamina of the capillary endothelium.
The ;tYRe~I!alveolar' cells are much larger
than the type I alveolar cells. They occur among
the type Ialveolar cells either singly or in groups
of two or three. They bulge into the alveolar
lumen or occupy niches in the alveolar wall.
The type II alveolar cells are seen in LM
preparations as cuboidal or round cells with a
large, round nucleus and prominent nucleolus.
Their free surface contains short microvilli. Fig. XII-21. Blood-Air Barrier. The blood-air
The most distinctive feature of their cytoplasm barrier refers to the structures in the interalveolar
is the presence of ovoid, membrane-bound septum (ias) that separates the blood in a
pulmonary capillary from the air in the alveolus.
inclusions fJjulellar bodies} which are the
These structures consist of the pneumonocyte
secretory granules f~r'iYlin~nary surfactant, type I (pt1), basal lamina of the alveolar epithelium
a substance that reduces alveolar surface tension (b11), basal lamina of the capillary endothelium
and thus prevents collapse of the alveoli at the (b12),and capillary endothelial cell (ec).
end of expiration.

Pulmonary Alveolar MacroplTages capillary from the air in an alveolus is called

The most numerous cells in the alveoli are -~
the' htoo(Fair,
.. ~ -'. \.
It consists of the: 1)
pneumOiiOcyte type I (pulmonary epithelial
the pulmonary alveolar macrophages, but they
do not form part of the interalveolar septum. cell) j 2) Ba_s-al afiiin.~ of the alve ol er
Some are attached to the interalveolar septum epifhelium; 3) basarramiiia of the capillaey
but most float free in the alveolar lumens. ~ndotheliumj and 4) capillary endotllelfal
Monocyte differentiate into macrophages
Cell. Often, the two basal laminae fuse together
to form a common basal lamina for the epithelial
including the pulmonary alveolar macrophages.
- ~---- and endothelial cells.
These pulm_onaYyil'Vedrrrmacrophages vary in
size from IS to 40 ~m. They are avid phagocytes
and comprise the first line of defense of the Blood and Lymphatic Vesselsof the
lungs. They contain numerous membrane- Lungs
bound cytoplasmic inclusions. Most of these Two sets of arteries-pulmonary and
inclusions consist of phagocytosed materials, bronchial-supply the lungs.
mainly dust particles. This is the reason why
The p_uifuOnary'arferIes, which arise from
pulmonary alveolar macrophages are often
the pulmonary tr unk; bring venous blood
simply called aiist c_ells~
to the lungs for oxygenation. Their branches
accompany the bronchial tree as far as the
Blood-Air Barrier respiratory bronchioles. Then they break up
The ultra-thin tissue in the interalveolar into capillaries (pUhnOInlry-capiUarie's) that
septum that separates the blood in a pulmonary form a rich network in the interalveolar septa

where the blood they contain is oxygenated and In routine histologic sections, the branches
the CO2 in their plasma is released. of the two arteries are distinguishable from each
other because the branches of the bronchial
@xygena1eabIood from the pulmonary
artery are considerably smaller. In addition, they
capillaries is collected by venules-tributaries
have thick walls in relation to their lumens.
of the 'pulmonary veins-that run along the
interlobular connective tissue. The branches of the pulmonary artery and
bronchial artery that supply. a lobule enter the
The Drorfcl11alarteries, on the other hand,
lobule at the apex together with the bronchiole.
arise directly or indirectly from the aorta. They
Within the lobule, the branching patterns of the
carry oxygenated blood that supplies the wall of
bronchial and pulmonary arteries mirror those
the different segments of the bronchial tree as
of the bronchial tree.
far distally as the respiratory bronchioles, the
rest of the lung parenchyma, the pleura, and the The vein that drains the lobule joins the
connective tissue of the lung. Much of the blood branches of the pulmonary and bronchial
from the bronchial arteries is drained by the arteries at the apex of the lobule, and from
pulmonary veins. However, the rest is drained thereon, the three vessels travel together
by the 6J:!ondiial~~eins which, in turn, drain proximally as far as the hilus of the lung.
into th~ az, gas-system .... r:r::ymphaticvessels, on the other hand, travel
There is no communication between the in the interlobular septa and are continuous
pulmonary and bronchial arteries except in with the bigger lymphatic vessels beneath the
their terminal branches. pleura.


Digestive Tract

igestion' (i.e., the breaking down connected to the tract by ducts. The accessory
of ingested food into absorbable glands ofthe digestivesysteminclude the major
substances), abs.orption of digested salivary glands, the exocrine portion of the
substances, and excretion of undigested pancreas, and the liver and gallbladder.'
materials are the functions of the digestive
system. It consists of the digestive tract • GENERAL HISTOLOGIC
(alimentary canal) and the digestive
Digestion involvesthe mechanical action of
the digestivetract and the chemical action ofthe The wall of the digestive tract has four
substances and enzymes that are se~~etedby the histologic layers. From the most internal to
digestiveglands-which empty their secretions the most external, these layers are: 1) mucosa
into the lumen of the tract-on ingested food. (tunica muco sa: mucous membrane),
2) submucosa (tunica submucosa), 3)
The digestive tract is a long tube that
muscularis externa (tunica muscularis),
consists of several segments that differ
and 4) adventitia/serosa (tunica adventitial
morphologically and functionally. From the
serosa). These layers exhibit histologic
most proximalto most distal, these segmentsare
variations in the different segments and sub-
the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach;
segments of the tract. They are not well-
small intestin'e, and large intestine. Each
delineated in the oral cavity and pharynx but
segment of the digestive tract has distinctive
are well-definedfrom the esophagusto the large
histological features that enable it to perform its
assigned functions.
The digestive glands, on the other hand, Mucosa (Tunica Mucosa; Mucous
consist of the glands that are embedded in Membrane)
the walls of the digestive tract (which will be
discussed in this chapter) and the accessory' The mucosa of the digestive tract has three
glands of the digestive system (which will be components: 1) epithelium, 2) lamina propria,
discussed in the next chapter). These glands and 3) muscularis mucosae. The third is absent
are located outside the digestive tract but are in certain segments of the tract.

Fig. XIII-1: General Histological Organization of the Digestive Tract

Epithelium lines the luminal surface of the connective tissue. In general, the connective
entire digestive tract, but the type varies from tissue is denser, more abundant, and more
segment to segment. In addition, in many areas, vascular than that in the lamina propria. Like
the epithelium exhibits modifications. the lamina propria, the submucosa is also well-
Lamina propria refers to the loose supplied with GALT. In some segments of the
connective tissue layer that underlies the tract, the submucosa has digestive glands.
epithelium. It contains fine blood, lymphatic The submucosa of the esophagus, stomach,
vessels, and mucosa-associated lymphoid and intestines contains autonomic neurons that
tissue (MALT). In the digestive tract, MALT form a ganglionated network, the submucous
is referred to as gut-associated lymphoid tissue
plexus (of Meissner).
(GALT). Also embedded in the lamina propria
of the different segments of the digestive. tract
are numerous digestive glands.
Muscularis Externa (Tunica
Muscularis mucosae is the term used to
refer to the thin sheet of smooth muscle fibers The muscularis externa typically consists
that forms the outermost layer of the mucosa. of two relatively thick, smooth muscle coats or
The muscle fibers form two layers: an inner layer layers. In the inner layer, the muscle fibers are
where the fibers are circularly-oriented and an circularly-oriented while in the outer layer, the
outer layer where the fibers are longitudinally- muscle fibers are longitudinally-oriented.
The muscularis externa is mainly
responsible for the mechanical digestion of
Submucosa (Tunica Submucosa)
food. Contraction of its smooth muscle fibers
The submucosa which lies external to mixes, squeezes, and propels food through the
the muscularis mucosae is made up of loose digestive tract.


Fig. XIII-2. Lip (Mucocutaneous
Junction). At the mucocutaneous
junction (unlabeled arrow), the
stratified squamous epithelium
(e) of the lip changes from non-
keratinized to keratinized. The
nonkeratinized epithelium lines
m the mucosal surface of the lip
and overlies a lamina propria (lp)
and. submucosa (sm). Deep in
the submucosa is the muscularis
externa (m), made up of skeletal
muscle. The keratinized epithelium,
on the other hand, is really the
epidermis of the skin of the lip. In
the dermis, sebaceous glands (sg),
a hair follicle (hf), and an arrector
pili muscle (apm) can be seen. H&E

In the muscularis externa of the esophagus, Meissner) widely Interconnect with each other.
stomach, and intestines, there is a population of Together, they comprise the enteric division
cells that act as pacemakers for the contraction (enteric nervous system) of the autonomic
of the smooth muscles. These cells, called nervous system. The enteric division is
interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), are located responsible for regulating the contractions of
between the nerves and the smooth muscle the smooth muscles in the muscularis mucosae
cells. Ices look like and are not distinguishable and muscularis extern a, the secretions of the
from smooth muscle cells in routine histologic mucosal and submucosal glands, the caliber
preparations. They can be identified through of the blood vessels, water absorption and
the use of methylene blue staining and zinc- electrolyte exchange, and many other activities
iodide-osmium impregnation. However, their that occur in the digestive tract.
distinguishing features, vis-a-vis ordinary As mentioned in the chapter on
smooth muscle, are best appreciated if electron nervous tissue, the enteric nervous system
microscopy and immunocytochemical has connections with the sympathetic and
techniques are employed. ICes, like smooth parasympathetic nervous systems, but it
muscle cells, contain actin and myosin filaments, functions autonomously.
dense bodies, and numerous mitochondria.
Furthermore, unlike smooth muscle cells,
Adventitia/Serosa (Tunica
their intermediate filament is vimentin instead
of desmin, their sER is flattened, and their Adve ntitia/Se rosa)
mitochondria are smaller. The outermost histologic layer of the
Between the inner and outer layers of the digestive tract is made up of loose connective
muscularis extern a of the esophagus, stomach, tissue. In the areas of the digestive tract covered
and intestines lies the myenteric plexus (of by peritoneum, this connective tissue is lined
Auerbach). Like the submucous plexus (of externally by mesothelium. It is referred to as
Meissner), it is composed of ganglionated serosa. Meanwhile, in areas where the tract
autonomic neurons. The myenteric plexus has no peritoneal covering, the layer is called
(of Auerbach) and the submucous plexus (of adventitia.

isthmus. It varies in structure and function in
the different areas of the cavity.
On the internal surface of the lips and
cheeks,lthe soft palate, and the ventral surface
of the tongue, the mucosal epithelium is
nonker~tinized stratified squamous. The
lamina propria is loose connective tissue that
is richly supplied with blo~d and lymphatic
vessels, nerves, and GALT. On the other hand,
the submucosa-which is not well-delineated
from the ~amina propria because there is no
muscularis mucosae-contains some small,
mucus-secreting, and compound tubuloalveolar
Fig. XIII-3. Lip (Cutaneous Surface). The skin glands that are named according to their
of the lip is typical thin skin that consists of an location, e.g., labial glands (in the upper and
epidermis (e) and dermis (d). In the dermis, a lower lips) and buccal glands (in the cheek).
hair follicle (hf), sebaceous glands (5g) and some
smooth muscle fibers (sm) can be noted. H&E Over the hard palate and gums, the
x100. epithelium is keratinized stratified squamous.
There is no submucosa in the gums and the
midline part of the hard palate. In these areas,
the lamina propria merges with the periosteum
The oral cavity or mouth is divided into of the underlying bones. In the rest of the hard
two regions: vestibule and oral cavity proper. palate, however,a submucosa that also contains
The vestibule is the region of the mouth that mucus-secreting glands, calledpalatine glands,
is anterior to the teeth and gums (gingivae) is present.
while the rest of the mouth comprises the oral
cavity proper. The roof of the oral cavity proper
is formed by the hard and the soft palates, the
floor mainly by the tongue and the lateral walls
by the cheeks. The oral cavity is continuous
with the pharynx at the faucial isthmus.
In the oral cavity, food is reduced into
smaller bits by the mechanical action of the
teeth, tongue, and muscles of mastication. It
is then acted upon by the enzymes in saliva
before it is passed on to the stomach via the
pharynx and esophagus. Hence, mechanical
and chemical digestion of food starts in the oral
Fig. XIII-4. Lip (Mucosal Surface). Note that the
mucosa consists of a nonkeratinized stratified
Mucosa and Submucosa of the squamous epithelium (e) and a lamina propria
(lp). Deep in the lamina propria is a submucosa
Oral Cavity where the labial glands (g), a lymphoid nodule
(In) and MALT, and smooth muscle fibers (sm)
The mucosa ofthe oral cavityis continuous, are embedded. Deep in the submucosa is the
with the skin at the margins of the lips and muscularis externa made up of skeletal muscle
with the mucosa of the pharynx at the faucial (sm). H&E x100.


Muscularis Externa and The anterior tongue forms much of the
Adventitia of the Oral Cavity floor of the oral cavity while the posterior
tongue forms part of the anterior wall of the
In the oral cavity, a muscularis externa oropharynx. The posterior attached portion of
is present only in the lips and cheeks. This the tongue is called its root.
muscularis externa is very atypical because the Histologically, the tongue is made up of
muscles that comprise it are named skeletal skeletal muscles that a,re overlaid by mucosa
muscles that are arranged in various ways. and, on the ventral surface of the organ, by
These muscles are responsible for mastication submucosa. -
and certain facial expressions.
The mucosa on the ventral surface of the
External to the muscularis externa in the tongue (as previously described) is smooth,
lips and cheeks is subcutaneous tissue (which but on the dorsal aspect, it is rough. This is
can be considered as the adventitia) that binds because on the anterior tongue, it forms small
the muscularis externa to the overlying skin. protrusions called lingual papillae while on
the posterior tongue, it forms lumps due to the
Tongue presence ofthe lingual tonsils (discussed in the
chapter on lymphoid tissue). -
The tongue is a muscular organ that plays
an important role in m~stication, deglutition,
and speech. It also contains most of the sense
organs for taste.
Grossly, the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
(anterior tongue) is demarcated from the
posterior 1/3 (posterior tongue) by an inverted
V-shaped shallow furrow known as sulcus
terminalis. The apex of the CCV"is a depression
(foramen cecum) that marks-the site of
ingrowth of the thyroglossal duct from which
the thyroid gland originated.

Fig. XIII-6. Anterior Tongue. Note that the

epithelium on the dorsal surface of the tongue
contains lingual papillae. The epithelium overlies
a lamina propria. In its ventral surface, the tongue
has a submucosa (not apparent in this section).
Fig. XIII-s. Tongue. The sulcus terminalis Deep in the lamina propria or submucosa are the
demarcates the anterior tongue from the skeletal muscle fibers that make up much of the
posterior tongue. tongue. H&E x40.


epithelium lingua!

Fig. XIII-7. Posterior Tongue.

Note the lingual'tonsils under the
epithelium and the mucousglands
deep in the tonsils. H&E x40.

The mucosa of the tongue is atypical In humans, lingual papillae are classified
because it is made up of dens~, instead ofloose according to morphology into three types: 1)
connective tissue. filiform, 2) fungiform, and 3) circumvallate.
The filiform papillae are the most numerous
Lingual Papillae of the lingual papillae. They are slender and
The lingual papillae are projections of the tapering, and are found all over the dorsal
lingual mucosa and are confined to the dorsal surface of the anterior tongue.
surface of the anterior tongue. Each lingual
papilla consists of a core of connective tissue
from the lamina propria that is lined externally
with stratified squamous epithelium that, at the
tips of the papilla, is keratinized.


Fig. XIII-9. Circumvallate Papilla. Note the

Fig. XIII-S. Lingual Papillae. The section shows moat that surroundsthe papilla, the taste buds
two types of lingual papillae: fungiform and embedded in the epithelium,andthe von Ebner's
filliform. Tongue, H&E x100. glands in the laminapropria. Tongue, H&E x50.


In contrast, the fungiform papillae have Taste Buds
flattened surfaces. They are broader than,
and are scattered among, the filiform papillae. The taste buds, or the organs that are
Their connective tissue core contains numerous responsible for the sense of taste, are ovoid
capillaries such that the papillae appear as structures that are embedded in the epithelium
pinhead-sized red dots to the naked eye. Taste of the circumvallate papillae, and occasionally
buds are occasionally present on the surface of of the fungiform papillae, epiglottis, soft palate,
these papillae. palatoglossal arch, and posterior pharyngeal
wall. .
The circumvallate papillae, on the other
hand, are the largest (1 to 3 mm in diameter)
but fewest (only 6 to 14) of the lingual papillae.
They are arranged in a single file along
the sulcus terminalis. They are cylindrical
structures whose base is surrounded by a canal
or moat. Embedded in the epithelium on the
lateral surface of each circumvallate papilla are
200 to 300 taste buds.

Muscles of the Tongue

The skeletal muscle fibers that comprise
the bulk of the tongue form bundles that run
across each other in three planes: horizontal,
vertical, and longitudinal. They are attached to
the hyoid bone, mandible, styloid processes of
the temporal bones, soft palate, and pharyngeal
wall. Fig. XIII-10. Taste Buds. This organ consists of
fusiform cells whose apices converge around
a small opening: the taste pore (at unlabeled
Glands of the Tongue arrow). Tongue, H&E x400.
The tongue has a variety of glands.
In the lamina propria at the root and lateral A taste bud is SO to 80 ~m tall and 30 to SO
surfaces of the organ are mucous glands that ~m wide. It consists of SO-ISO densely-packed
are histologically similar to the buccal and fusiform cells whose apices converge on a small
labial glands. Embedded in the lamina propria opening on the surface of the epithelium called
and muscles in the region of the circumvallate taste pore.
papillae are serous glands, and the glands of Under the LM, three types of cells
von Ebner-compound tubuloalveolar glands are distinguishable in a taste bud, namely:
whose ducts open into the moat that surrounds 1) sustentacular or supporting cells, 2)
the circumvallate papillae. The secretions of the neuroepithelial or gustatory cells, and 3) basal
glands ofvon Ebner continuously flush the moat cells. The sustentacular and neuroepithelial
and serve as a medium where substances are cells have a lot of similarities. They are both
dissolved in order to be tasted. slender, spindle-shaped cells whose free surface
In the submucosa in the ventral surface of is covered by microvilli. They, however, differ
the apex of the tongue, meanwhile, are mixed because the sustentacular cells are darker-
glands, called the anterior lingual glands (of staining than the neuroepithelial cells. The
Nuhn and Blandin) which are structurally basal cells, meanwhile, are round cells that are
similar to the glands of von Ebner. located at the base of the taste bud.



~_- outer
muscle layer

inner muscle




Fig. XIII-11. Esophagus

In electron micrographs, not only three but The taste buds on the anterior tongue are
five types of cells are distinguishable in taste subserved by the facial nerve (eN VII) while
buds: types I, II, III, IV, and V. those on the pharynx are subserved by the
The type IV cells correspond to the basal glossopharyngeal nerve (eN IX) and to a
cells of light microscopy. They serve as stem small extent, by the vagus nerve (eN X).
cells for the other cell types. The type V cells
form the outer boundary of the taste bud. But PHARYNX
the distinction between types I, II, and III cells
is not clear yet. The pharynx is the funnel-shaped,
fibromuscular tube that is common to both the
Many of the type I cells extend lamellate
digestive and respiratory systems. Its structure
processes around the types II and III cells.
has been discussed in the chapter on the
They roughly correspond to the sustentacular
respiratory system.
cells of light microscopy. The type II cells
are similar to the type I cells in that they are
tall cells that contain microvilli on their free ESOPHAGUS
surface.Unlike the type I cells,however,they do
The esophagus is the long muscular tube
not have secretory granules in their cytoplasm.
(20 to 25 ern) that serves as passageway for
They most likely represent a subset of the
food from the pharynx to the stomach.
neuroepithelial cells of light microscopy and
are the transducing cells for the sense of taste.
The type III cells are also long cells but the Mucosa and Submucosa of the
cytoplasmic processes on their free surface are Esophagus
much bigger than the microvilli of types I and
In the esophagus, the mucosa and part
II cells.They probably represent another subset
of the submucosa form longitudinal folds
of the neuroepithelial cells. Furthermore, they
that practically obliterate the lumen of the
contain small, dense vesiclesin their cytoplasm
organ. These folds, however, flatten out when
and are in synaptic contacts with the gustatory
swallowed material passes through the organ.
nerve fibers. They are probably involved in the
transmission of information to the nervous The epithelium of the esophagus,
system. as in the oropharynx, is nonkeratinized


stratified squamous. At the gastro-esophageal Muscularis Externa and
junction) this epithelium changes abruptly Adventitia of the Esophagus
to the simple columnar epithelium that
characterizes the stomach. This abrupt The two muscle layers that form the
transitional area which forms a serrated border muscularis externa of the esophagus are not
called Z-Iine is clinically important because it well-delineated from each other. The outer
is the most common site of esophageal cancer. layer consists of muscle fibers that are mostly
As in all nonkeratinized stratified squamous arranged longitudinally while the inner layer
epithelium) in the basal area of the esophageal consists of muscle fibers that are mostly
epithelium are occasional Langerhans cells) arranged circularly. However) both layers may
antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that have been have bundles of muscle cells that are obliquely-
described in the chapter on the skin. or even spirally-arranged.
The lamina propria of the esophagus is The composition of the muscularis extern a
richly supplied with GALT. In the initial and of the esophagus is atypical: in the upper third
terminal segments of the esophagus) the lamina of the organ) it consists of skeletal muscle fibers;
propria contains mucus-secreting) simple in the middle third) it is made up of a mixture of
tubular glands called esophageal cardiac skeletal and smooth muscle fibers; and in the
glands. They are similar to the cardiac glands lower third) it consists exclusively of smooth
of the stomach. muscle fibers. The skeletal muscle fibers in the
esophagus are involuntary.
The outermost histologic layer of the
esophagus is adventitia) except in the short
segment of the organ that is inside the abdomen)
where the layer is serosa.

The stomach is a J -shaped hollow organ
located in the left upper quadrant of the
abdomen. It presents a left or lateral border
(greater curvature), a medial border (lesser
curvature), an anterior surface) and a posterior
Fig. XIII-12. Esophagus. H&E x1.00. surface.
Grossly) the stomach is subdivided into
The muscularis mucosae of the esophagus the cardia) fundus) body) and pyloric region.
consists of muscle fibers that are mostly The cardia is the portion of the stomach that
arranged longitudinally. It is very prominent in immediately surrounds the esophageal orifice
the lower portion of the esophagus but very thin (cardiac or-ifice}, the opening by which the
in the upper portion. esophagus communicates with the stomach.
The submucosa of the esophagus is thicker The fundus is the dome-shaped portion of the
than the lamina propria. It consists of a very organ that is above the horizontal plane of the
resilient type of connective tissue containing esophageal orifice. The body is the continuation
GALT) numerous elastic fibers) and small blood of the fundus inferiorly and comprises the bulk
vessels. It also contains the esophageal glands of the organ. The pyloric region is the tapering
proper which are compound tubuloalveolar distal portion of the organ that is continuous
glands that secrete mainly mucus. with the duodenum. It is divided into the pyloric


interconnect with each other extensively. It is
at the bottom of these pits that the glands of the
stomach open into.
Two types of cells comprise the surface
epithelium of the stomach: surface mucous
cells and enteroendocrine cells. The surface
mucous cells comprise the vast majority of the
cells in the surface epithelium. They are mucus-
secreting cells. They also produce bicarbonate
ions that neutralize HCI in the stomach.
Among the surface mucous cells are a few
enteroendocrine cells.
The lamina propria of the stomach consists
Fig. XIII-13. Gastroesophageal Junction. of loose connective tissue that has few elastic
Note the abrupt transition (at arrow) from the
fibers and few smooth muscle cells, but rich
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
of the esophagus (on the right side of the
in GALT. It is in the lamina propria where the
photomicrograph) to the simple columnar millions of gastric glands that open into the
epithelium of the stomach. H&E x100. gastric pits are embedded.

antrum and pyloric can~l. The demarcation

lines between the gross parts of the stomach are
histologically not well-defined.
The stomach (which has a capacity of
about 1.S liters) is where food is thoroughly
softened, mixed, and converted into chyme.
Chyme is an acidic semifluid mixture of food
and gastric juice-the watery and acidic fluid
that is secreted by various cells of the gastric
epithelium and glands. There is little absorption
that occurs in the stomach apart from short- and
medium-chain fatty acids and alcohol.

Mucosa of the Stomach

Fig. XIII-14.Histologic Layers of the Cardia of
The mucosa and part of the submucosa the Stomach. H&E x100.
form grossly visible longitudinal anastomosing
folds or wrinkles called rugae. When these In the stomach, the muscularis mucosae is
folds flatten out, as when the stomach is full, the well-defined. It consists of an inner layer where
mucosal surface looks smooth grossly. But even the smooth muscle fibers are arranged circularly
when flattened out, the stomach mucosa when and an outer layer, where the muscle fibers are
examined under LM, does not appear smooth. arranged longitudinally. Some smooth muscle
At intervals, the surface epithelium which is a cells extend from the muscularis mucosae to the
tall simple columnar epithelium invaginates epithelium. Contraction of these muscle cells
into the lamina propria to form shallow furrows perhaps facilitates emptying of the glands. In
or grooves called gastric foveolae or pits. some areas, an outermost layer of muscle cells
The gastric pits, which are 2 to 4 mm apart, that are arranged circularly may be present.



Fig. XIII-1S. Cardia of the

Stomach. Observe that the
gastric pits take as much
space in the mucosa as the
cardiac glands. H&E x100.

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, ,
""" .. ~~ jP .. .,'" ,"

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.; ~...
.:-, .........

Glands of the Stomach Fundic Glands (Principal Gastric

The glands of the stomach (gastric glands)
are confined to the la'mina propria. They consist The fundic glands are the most numerous
of three types that are named according to and longest of the glands of the stomach. They
their location: 1) fundic (principal gastric) are populated by five types of cells, most of
which are in the fundus and body; 2) cardiac which are difficult to distinguish in H&E
which are in the cardia; and 3) pyloric which preparations: 1) parietal (oxyntic) cell, 2)
are in the pylorus. All three types are simple zymogenic (chief) cell, 3) mucous neck cell,
tubular or simple branched tubular glands 4) stem cell, and 5) enteroendocrine cell.
whose ducts open at the bottom of the gastric The parietal or oxyntic cell is the most easily
pits. Incidentally, in the glands of the stomach identifiable cell in the fundic gland in H&E
and the intestines, the segment of the gland preparations. It stands out because its intensely
that opens into the mucosal surface is called
isthmus. The part that is immediately basal to
the isthmus is referred to as neck while the rest
of the gland is called base.
It is often possible to tell whether a light
microscopic histologic section of the stomach
has been taken from the cardia, fundus and
body, or pylorus. This is done by examining the
mucosa and comparing the depth of the gastric
pits with the amount of space that the glands
in the lamina propria occupy. In the cardia, the
gastric pits take up about the same amount of
space in the mucosa as the glands. In the fundus
and body, the gastric pits are shallow and the
Fig. XIII-16. Fundus of the Stomach. Note that
mucosa is mostly occupied by glands. In the the gastric pits are shallow and that most of the
pylorus, the gastric pits are very deep and the mucosa is occupied by the fundic glands. H&E
glands occupy just a narrow area of the mucosa. x100.

though some are also present in the other areas
of the glands. In routine preparations, mucous
neck cells look very similar to the zymogenic
cells except for their basally located flattened
nuclei. Their cytoplasm is slightly basophilic
and contains numerous secretory granules that
have mucin.
The mucus produced by the mucous neck
cells is chemically different from the mucus
that is produced by the surface mucous cells.
In any case, the combined mucus secretion
of the two cell types forms part of the gastric
mucosal barrier (see page 199) that protects
the stomach surface against the effects of Hel
and proteolytic enzymes.
Fig. XIII-17. Pylorus of the Stomach. Note that
the gastric pits and the pyloric glands occupy just The stem cells, like the mucous neck
about the same amount of space in the mucosa. cells, are found mostly in the upper region of
H&E x100. the fundic glands. In H&E preparations, their
nucleus is seen to contain a large nucleolus.
eosinophilic cytoplasm contrasts sharply
Their cytoplasm is intensely basophilic because
with the basophilic cytoplasm of the cells that
of the presence of numerous ribosomes. The
surround it. This cytoplasmic eosinophilia is
stem cells can differentiate into surface mucous
due to the presence of numerous mitochondria.
cells and gastric gland cells (i.e., mucous
The parietal cell is pyramidal in shape and
neck cells, oxyntic cells, zymogenic cells, and
has an oval to round nucleus. In electron enteroendocrine cells). They, therefore, play
micrographs, it is seen to have a very elaborate an important role in renewing the epithelium
system of branching, the tubular invaginations of the stomach, most of whose cells have short
of the apical plasmalemma. The parietal cells lifespans (for example,the surface mucous cells
produce hydrochloric acid (act) which is live only for three days while the mucous neck
responsible for the acidity of gastric juice. They cells survive only for a week).
also produce intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein
The enteroendocrine cells
needed for the absorption of vitamin B1 in the
(enterochromaffin cells, argentaffin cells) are
terminal region of the ileum.
hormone-producing cells that are scattered
The chief or zymogenic cells constitute the
great majority of the cells in the fundic glands.
singly not only in the fundic glands but also ~I
in the other glands-as well as in the surface
They are especially numerous in the basal epithelium-of the stomach, and the surface
region of the glands. They are more abundant epithelium and glands of the small and large
in the-glands in the body than in the glands intestines.They comprise about 1% of the
in the fundus of the stomach. In routine LM epithelial cell population of the stomach and
preparations, they are seen as low columnar the intestines.
cellsthat possess strongly basophilic cytoplasm.
In H&E preparations, enteroendocrine
They have secretory granules in their cytoplasm
cells exhibit a light or clear cytoplasm but are
that contain pepsinogen, the precursor of the
otherwise indistinguishable from the other
enzyme pepsin.
cells. They are columnar, ovoid, or pyramidal,
The mucous neck cells are generally and contain secretory cytoplasmic granules that
confined to the neck of the fundic glands are located mostly in the basal part of the cell.


.. ..' Fig. XIII-18. Fundic Glands. In
:: '.
.,..- .
routine preparations, parietal
.. -.', r'~
cells (at arrows) are the easiest
.,..1 to identify among the cells of
.','~. ~:N".
~ • Of" '. ~

these glands because of their
eosinophilia. H&E x400.

Their secretory granules have a strong affinity in the cardiac glands, the cells are mostly mucus-
for chromic and silver stains, thus, they can be secreting. Among the mucus-secreting cells are
identified in LM preparations using these latter some stem cells, a few enteroendocrine cells
two stains. that secrete mainly gastrin, and an occasional
The enteroendocrine cells produce zymogenic or parietal cell.
hormones. In terms of the number of cells and
hormones produced, the enteroendocrine cells Pyloric Glands
collectively form the largest endocrine organ' The pyloric glands are shorter but more
in the body. The target cells of their hormones coiled than the fundic and cardiac glands. They
are, however, limited to the cells involved in the are similar to the cardiac glands in that most
digestive process. of the cells are mucus-secreting. Among the
Electron microscopy and special histologic mucus-secreting cells are a sprinkling of stem
techniques have revealed that there are up to cells, enteroendocrine cells and parietal cells,
30 types of enteroendocrine cells that differ but zymogenic cells are usually absent.
ultrastructurally and functionally. The types
of enteroendocrine cells in the stomach Gastric Mucosal Barrier
include G-cells that secrete gastrin, EC-cells
The resting pH of the stomach is about
that secrete serotonin, D-cells that secrete
4-5. In the presence of food, the zymogenic
somatostatin, and enterochromaffin-like cells
cells release pepsinogen which is converted
(ECL) that secrete histamine.
into pepsin by H+.Pepsin, the enzyme that starts
protein digestion, works best in a highly acidi
Cardiac Glands environment. Thus, after a meal, the parietal
The cardiac glands are the least numerous cells secrete H CI to lower the pH of the stomach
of the gastric glands. They are morphologically to 1-2. After pepsin has acted on the proteins,
similar to the esophageal cardiac glands that are buffers quickly raise the stomach pH back to its
found in the lamina propria in the upper and resting stage.
lower ends of the esophagus. To prevent HCI and the gastric enzymes
The cell types present in cardiac glands are from damaging the mucosa of the stomach,
the same as those in the fundic glands. However, the stomach has a so-called gastric mucosai'


_,...--"7 IfIIO Pur Ul-~en.

arrier. The barrier has three components: 1) a smooth muscle fibers. External to this layer is a
compact epithelium brought about by the tight layer of circularly-arranged muscle fibers. The
junctions (zonula occludens) that closely bind third and outermost layer consists of muscle
adjacent epithelial cells to each other; 2) a layer fibers that are arranged longitudinally.
of"mucus over the mucosal surface that has a
The boundaries between the muscle
median thickness of 180 ~m and is produced by
layers in the stomach are not well delineated.
the surface mucous cells and mucous neck cells;
Furthermore, the layer of obliquely-oriented
and 3) bicarbonate ions also produced by the
muscle fibers is best developed in the cardia and
surface mucous cells, that neutralize acids.
is often absent along the lesser curvature. The
layer of longitudinally-oriented muscle fibers,
Submucosa, Muscularis Externa, on the other hand, is best developed in the area
and Serosa of the Stomach of the curvatures and is absent in the pyloric
The submucosa of the stomach is rather
thick. It is made up of connective tissue that is In the stomach, as elsewhere in the digestive
denser than that in the lamina propria. It is well- tract, the m:y~nt~ric plexus of Xuerbach is
supplied with blood vessels, nerves, and GALT. between the layers of longitudinally-arranged
The muscularis externa of the stomach and circularly-arranged muscle fibers.
is thick and is composed of-three layers. The The stomach is enveloped by peritoneum,
i·Q.n~Lmosnaye~onsists 'of obliquely-arranged hence its outermost histologic layer is serosa.

Fig. XIII-19. Gastroduodenal Junction. The unlabeled arrow denotes the abrupt transitional area
between the stomach (left side of the arrow) and the duodenum (right side of the arrow). Notice that
the mucosa of the stomach exhibits gastric pits (gp) while that of the duodenum forms intestinal villi
(vi).The lamina propria of the stomach contains pyloric glands (pg). Meanwhile, in the duodenum, the
submucosa (sm) contains Brunner's glands (8g). Note further that the lamina propria is demarcated
from the submucosa by a muscularis mucosae (mm). H&E x40.


submucosa propria
-t"-,w---- submucosa
'--.:....,,;,.;.ei~-- horizontal

Fig. XIII-20. Duodenum

Fig. XIII-21. Valve of Kerckring (Horizontal

Mucosal Folds) in the Duodenum. The Brunner's
SMALL INTESTINE glands in the submucosa are distinctive features
of the duodenum.
The small intestine with an averagelength
of six to ten meters is anchored to the posterior
body wall by means of the mesenfery. It has
three segments. From the most proximal to
the most distal are the duodenum, jejunum,
and ileum. The Ht'i'bctenumforms the first 25
centimeters of the small intestine while the' ,
je)uB'riin comprises two-fifths and the fkum
three-fifths of the remainder of the ~rgan.
The stomach contents (Eliyme, are
intermittently introduced into the duodenum
via the pylOrIc valVie(pyloric sphinctef), a
strong ring of smooth muscle at the end of the
pyloric canal. In the small intestine, digestion is
more or less completed. It is also in this segment
of the digestive tract where most (about 90%) Fig. XIII-22. Horizontal Mucosa Folds. Jejunum,
H&E x40.
of the nutrients from digested food, as well as
water, are absorbed.
Horizontal Mucosal Folds (Mucosal
Modifications in the Mucosa and Folds; Plicae Circulares; Valves of
Submucosa of the Small Intestine Kerckring; Valvulae Conniventes)
The mucosa and submucosa of the small The luminal surface of the small intestine,
intestines exhibit modifications that are when examined with the naked eye, is not
designed to increase the surface area of the smooth but wrinkled. Histologically, these
organ in contact with food that isbeing digested wrinkles are crescentic or circular horizontal
and absorbed. These modifications come in the creases called horizMital ii;uco~al folds that
form of horizontal mucosal folds, intestinal consist of a core of submucosa and an overlying
villi, and microvilli. mucosa.


mU'.~t,llarl$ mucosae Fig. XIII-24. Intestinal Villi
and Crypts of Lieberkuhn.
- Jejunum, H&E x100.
The horizontal mucosal folds are most oriented smooth muscle cells, blood capillaries,
developed in the jejunum. They are absent in and lymphatic capillaries called JacteaJ!s. A
the first part of the duodenum and the distal lacteal is a blind tube that starts near the tip of
half of the ileum. an intestinal villus. Lacteals unite with other
lacteals to form Iymphatfc~essels.
Intestinal Villi The intestinal willi are numerous in the
The mucosa of the small intestine including proximal segments of the small intestine. They
that which lines the horizontal mucosal folds gradually decrease as one goes distally and
and the area in-between the folds form finger- they are often absent in the distal portion of
like projections called intestinal villi (Sing. the ileum. The villi also vary in shape as one
• villus). proceeds distally, from broad and tongue-like

An intestinal villus consists of a- core of in the duodenum to narrow and finger-like in
lamina propria that is enveloped by epithelium. the ileum.
Aside from the usual loose connective tissue
elements and lymphocytes, the lamina propria in Microvilli
the core of a villus contains a few longitudinally- The epithelial cells that comprise the
surface epithelium of the small intestine have
microvilli on their apical surfaces. These
microvilli are identical to those present in other
cells that exhibit them.

Epithelium of the Small Intestine

The surface epithelium of the small
intestine (i.e., Jthe epithelium that envelops
the intestinal villi and lines the area between
the villi) is siI?pJe columnar'. It is populated
by four types of cells: 1) enterocytes, 2)
goblet cells, 3) enteroendocrine cells, and 4)
M-cells. All four cell types contain microvilli
Fig. XIII-23. Intestinal Villus and Crypt of on their luminal surface, but the microvilli are
Lieberkuhn most numerous on the enterocytes where they


number up to 3,000 per cell. The microvilli They increase in number if there is ongoing
on the epithelial cells are not individually mucosal inflammation (as in C£U!lC ai~'ease)
distinguishable under the light microscope. and in the presence of tumors (as in the case
Collectively, they form a striated area called of certain colorectaJ"'cancers). IELs are also
lir~sh border (striated border) that is about found in the skin and within the epithelial layer
I um thick. that lines the large intestine, biliary tract, oral
The eilt~rocytes comprise the vast majority cavity, upper respiratory tract and lungs, and
ofthe cellsin the surface epithelium ofthe small reproductive tract. The largest population of
intestine. Under the light microscope, they IELs, however,resides within the epithelium of
are seen as tall cclumnar cells whose nucleus the small intestine.
is typically in the basal part of the cell. They
are absorptive cells that are responsible for Lamina Propria and Muscularis
taking up nutrients from the intestinal lumen Mucosae of the Small Intestine
and transporting these substances across the The lamina propria of the small intestine
epithelium to the lamina propria, where they consists of loose connective tissues richly
diffuse into blood and lymphatic capillaries. supplied with blood and lymphatic vessels,
The goblet cells are interspersed among the nerves, and GALT in the form of diffuse
enterocytes. They increase in number as one lymphoid tissue and occasional lymph nodules.
goes distally ill the small Intestine. It also has smooth muscle fibers some of which
are continuous with the muscle fibers, of the
"Enteroendocrine cells are present in the
muscularis mucosae. Aside from lymphocytes,
entire surface epithelium of the small intestine,
a host of cells that belong to the body's defense
but they are few and far between.
system ispresent in the lamina propria including
M-cells (membranouscefls] miC,roIo 'd·' mast cells, plasma cells, and macrophages. It is
cells9 are present only in areas where there is also in the lamina propria where the inte~tinal •
great concentration of GALT in the lamina glands or crypts of Lieber kuhn are embedded.
propria and submucosa, such as 'the ileum. I c
A typical museu aris mucosae rorrns t e
M-cells are large cells with relatively few outermost layer of the small intestinal mucosa.
microvilli. Their basolateral cell membrane
forms indentations that are occupied by
Crypts of Lieberkuhn (Intestinal Glands)
lymphocytes. M-cells are antigen-presenting
cells. They rapidly endocytose antigens from The small intestinal epithelium between
the intestinal lumen, transport these in the form adjacentvilli invaginatesinto the lamina propria
ofvesiclesacrosstheir cytoplasm, and exocytose to form simple tubular glands, called intestinal
them into the indentations in their basolateral glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn), that secrete
membrane where lymphocytes are present. a variety of digestive enzymes. The crypts of
Lieberkuhn span the entire thickness of the
Incidentally, among the epithelial cells
lamina propria and their openings are found
in the small intestine are T-cells called
between the villi.
iiitraepitheliaI lymphocytes (IEL). These
lymphocytes are part of intestinal GALT but Five types of cells comprise the crypts of
are functionally different from the lymphocytes Lieberkuhn: 1) stem cells, 2) enterocytes,
in the lamina propria because they do not need 3) goblet cells, 4) Paneth cells, and 5)
any priming, they immediately release their enteroendocrine cells.
cytokines in the presence of antigens. They The s~emcells are the most numerous cells
are concerned with local immunity as well as in the crypts of Lieberkuhn. They occupy the
immunity to new growths in the intestines. middle region of the glands. They are columnar

Fig. XIII-2S. Crypts of Lieberkuhns. The crypts
of Lieberkuhn (at unlabeled arrows) are in the
lamina propria which is separated from the
submucosa (sm) by the muscularis mucosae (mm).
The crypts contain many goblet cells (ge). The
cells in the crypts that have eaosinophilic apical
cytoplasm are Paneth cells (Pc). H&E x400.

cells that are noted in routine histologic

sections to be shorter but more basophilic than
mature enterocytes. They are responsible for
. regenerating the surface and glandular epithelia.
~When they divide) they do so to renew their
numbers or to differentiate into enterocytes,
, enteroendocrine cells) goblet cells) or Paneth have basophilic basal cytoplasm and coarse
'~cells. The resulting cells then either migrate eosinophilic granules in their apical cytoplasm.
up the crypts to replace those cells that are on Paneth cells secrete a variety of antimicrobial
the surface epithelium or descend to populate peptides into the intestinal lumen. These
the basal part of the glands. The stem cells peptides destroy enteric pathogens and dictate
proliferate fast because there. is a rapid turnover "the composition of the microbial colonies in
of epithelial cells in the small intestine: the the small intestine. They may also contribute
lifespan of the epithelial cells (except for the to intestinal homeostasis because their
eI?-teroenCl~lne and Panet~cells which can dysfunction is associated with the occurrence
survive for weeks) is approximately four to six of inflammatory bowel disease) specifically
days only. er,oliii'saisease.'

Most of the .ent:erocyteS'in the crypts -,Enteroendocdne cells are present singly
are destined to replace the enterocytes that in the crypts of Lieberkuhn. Like those in the
are on the surface epithelium. Thus) after stomach) the enteroendocrine cells in the small
differentiating from stem cells) they move intestine (i.e., surface epithelium and intestinal
towards the luminal surface. On their way to '''glands) produce gastrin) somatostatin) and
the surface) they divide several times while at serotonin. But in addition) they produce an
the same time) mature. When they reach the assortment of other hormones including
surface epithelium) they are mature enterocytes entercglucagon, cholecystokinin) gastric
that are absorptive in nature. However) while inhibitory protein (GIP») rnotilin, neurotensin,
still in the crypts) they are largely secretory pancreatic polypeptide) and secretin.
in function) secreting a variety of enzymes
that help complete the digestion of proteins) Submucosa of the Small Intestine
carbohydrates) fats) and nucleic acids.
The small intestine has a thick submucosa
The .goDIet cells are similar to their • that is richly supplied with blood vessels)
counterparts in the surface epithelium) but they lymphatic vessels)and GALT. Solitary lymphoid
are relatively few in the crypts of Lieberkuhn. In nodules are common in the GALT that is
general) they are confined to the upper portions ubiquitous in the submucosa of the entire small
of the glands. intestine. In the ileum) however) especially in
The-P'a,ileth cells comprise a population the anti-mesenteric side) the lymphoid nodules
of cells in the basal parts of the crypts of are particularly large and numerous. They form
Lieberkuhn. In routine histologic preparations) aggregates called Peyer's patclfes that extend
they appear as large) pyramidal cells that into the lamina propria. The lymphoid nodules


Fig. XIII-26. Submucous
Plexus of Meissner. The
cluster of neurons and nerve
fibers (at arrow) belong to
the submucous plexus of
Meissner. Note, that the
plexus is embedded in the
submucosa (sm)-that is
delineated from the lamina
propia where the crypts of
Lieberkuhn (cL) are-by the
muscularis mucosae (mm).
Colon, H&E x200.


in the Peyer's patches are longitudinally- LARGE INTESTI E

oriented oval bodies that are sometimes
involved in disease proc~sses'such as"ty.pliot The large intestine is about 5 feet in length.
fever where they may ulcerate. It consists of several segments which, from the
most proximal to the most distal, include the
In the small intestine, submucosal glands
cecum and vermiform appendix, ascending
are present only in the duodenum. These glands,
colon, transverse colon, descending colon,
called Q!"_!1!l!1er'sglands (duodenal glands),
sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal.
are compound coiled, tubular, mucus-secreting,
glands. Their ducts open into the bottom of Grossly,the large intestine differs from the
the crypts of Lieberkuhn and occasionally in small intestine not only because of its generally
between villi. Aside from secreting alkaline bigger diameter but also because of several
mucus that helps neutralize the acidity of other features-its wall forms pouches called
chyme, the Brunner's glands secrete epr3erma'il sacculations or haustrae, small sacs of fat-
growth factor (RGF; urogastrone), a hormone filled peritoneum called appendices epiploicae
that is secreted in greater amounts by the major dangle from the external surface of its wall; and
salivary glands. most of the muscle fibers in its longitudinal
muscle layer collects into three bands called
Muscularis Externa and Serosal taeniae coli.
Adventitia of the Small Intestine By the time ingested food reaches the
large intestine, digestion and absorption have
The muscularis extern a of the small
practicallybeen completed.The only absorption
intestine is typical (i.e., inner concentric layer
that normally occurs in the large intestine is that
and outer longitudinal layer) but it is thicker i
of water and some electrolytes, a necessary step
the proximal than in the distal portion of the
in the formation of semi-solid stool.
The most external histologic layer of the Mucosa of the Large Intestine
small intestine is serosa, except for the posterior
aspect of the second and third segments of the The mucosa of the large intestine is unlike
duodenum which is not covered by peritoneum that of the small intestine. This is because the
and is thus simply adventitia. large intestine is devoid of horizontal mucosal

There are also no villi in the large intestine,
but crypts of Lieber kuhn are present.
Like the small intestine, the surface
epithelium in most of the large intestine is simple
columnar. At the level of the rectal columns of
Morgagni, the simple columnar epithelium
abruptly gives way to a, nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium which becomes
keratinized at the anal verge.
The cell types that populate the surface
epithelium of the large intestine are the same as
those that line the small intestine: enterocytes,
goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells, and M-cells.
Enterocytes that are absorptive in nature
comprise majority of the cells in the surface
Fig. XIII-27. Brunner's Glands. The Brunner's epithelium of the large intestine. In routine
glands (Bg) are the only glands present in the histologic preparations, they resemble the
submucosa (sm) of the small intestine. Other
labeled structures in the photornicroqraph are
enterocytes in the small intestine, except that
the villi (vi), muscularis mucosae (mm), and crypts they have shorter microvilli.
of Lieberkuhn (cL). Duodenum, H&E x100.
The goblet cells in the epithelium of the
folds (valves of Kerckring), although in the large intestine are similar to those found in the
rectum and anal canal, there are mucosal folds, small intestine, but they are more numerous and
albeit not very elaborate: the transverse rectal conspicuous in the large intestine. They also
folds and rectal columns of Morgagni. The increase in number distally.
transverse rectal folds are two or three folds The enteroendocrine cells, on the other
of the mucosa that are present in the proximal hand, are fewer in the large than in the small
portion of the rectum. The rectal columns of intestine. Even the hormones secreted by the
Morgagni, on the other hand, are longitudinal enteroendocrine cells are decidedly fewer than
mucosal folds that are present in the anal canal, those secreted by their counterparts in the
the terminal 4 ern of the large intestine. small intestine. Among the hormones secreted
by the large intestinal enteroendocrine cells
are glucagon, serotonin, somatostatin, and
pancreatic polypeptide.
The M -cells in the large intestine are similar
to those in the small intestine in structure and
The lamina propria of the large intestine is
rich in GALT. It contains more lymph nodules
than its counterpart in the small intestine.
Some lymph nodules are so large that they

Fig. XIII-2B. Myenteric Plexus of Auerbach. The group neurons (at arrows) and nerve fibers at the central
area of the photomicrograph form part of the myenteric plexus of Auerbach. The plexus of Auerbach is
in between the inner layer of circularly-arranged muscle fibers (icm) and the outer layer of longitudinally-
arranged muscle fibers (olm) that comprise the muscularisexterna of the digestive tract. Colon, H&E x200.


Fig. XIII-29. Colon.

Fig. XIII-30. Histologic Layers of the Colon.

The low magnification photomicrograph shows
the different histologic layers of the colon:
endothelium (e), lamina propria (lp) where crypts
of Lieberkuhn (cL) are embedded, muscularis
mucosae (mm), submucosa (sm), inner muscular
layer (lml), and outer muscular layer (oml) that
comprise the muscularis externa, and serosa (s).
Colon, H&E x40.

unlike those in the small intestine, do not

. contain Paneth cells, except for a few that are
Fig. XIII-31. Mucosa of the Colon. The colon has
occasionally present proximal to the rectum.
a simple columnar epithelium (e) that invaginates The large intestine has a typical muscularis
in places to form crypts of Lieberkuhn (cL) that
mucosae that consists of two thin layers of
invade the lamina propria (lp). The lamina propia
is separated from the submucosa (sm) by the smooth muscle fibers.
muscularis mucosae (mm). Colon, H&{x100.
Submucosaand Muscularis
extend into the submucosa. Like in the small Externa of the Large Intestine
intestine, aforementioned, the lamina propria
The submucosa of the large intestine, like
of the large intestine contains intestinal glands
that of the small intestine, is thick and richly
(crypts of Lieberkuhn).
supplied with GALT. It has no glands.
The crypts of Lieberkuhn in the large
intestine are a little longer than those in the Muscularis Externa of the Large
small intestine. In addition, they have more
goblet cells, less enteroendocrine cells, and
the enterocytes are largely non-secretory. The muscularis extern a of the large
Furthermore, the crypts in the large intestine, intestine is atypical because the outer layer of


. In

Fig. XIII-32. Rectoanal Junction. Indicated by the unlabeled arrow is the abrupt transition
from the simple columnar epithelium (ce) that characterizes the anal canal to the nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium of the rectum (sqe). There is a narrow region (not discernible in the
photomicrograph) between the two types of epithelia occupied by a stratified columnar epithelium.
At intervals, the epithelium in the anal side invaginates to form crypts of Lieberkuhn (cL).The lamina
propria is heavily infiltrated by MALT which includes a lymph nodule (In). H&E x100.

longitudinally-arranged smooth muscle fibers Serosal Adventitia of the Large

does not surround the organ evenly. Instead, Intestine
most of the muscle fibers form three grossly
visible, narrow (about 1 em in width each) For the most part, the outermost histologic
longitudinal bands called taeniae coli that are coat of the large intestine is serosa because the
equidistant from each other around the large greater part of the large intestine is covered by
intestinal wall. In between the taeniae coli, the peritoneum. The layer is adventitia only in those
layer oflongitudinally-arranged muscle fibers is
parts of the ascending and descending colons
very thin and sometimes absent. In the rectum,
that press directly on the posterior body wall.
however, the taeniae coli disappear and the
muscularis externa reverts to the pattern that is The serosa of the large intestine contains
typical of the digestive tract. an unusually large amount of adipose tissue that


Fig. XIII-33. Vermiform Appendix.
The histology of the appendix is
essentially that of the rest of the
colon. It has a simple columnar
epithelium (e). Its lamina propria
(lp) is heavily infiltrated by MALT
and is mostly occupied by crypts
of Lieberkuhn. The submucosa (sm)
which lies deep in the muscularis
mucosae (mm) is also heavily
infiltrated with MALT and several
lymph nodules (In) are identifiable.
In between the inner muscle layer
(iml) and outer muscle layer (oml)
that make up the muscularisexterna
are neurons and nerve fibers that
comprise Auerbach's plexus (Ap).
The outermost layer is serosa (s).
H&E x40.

forms grossly visible pendulous masses called there are few goblet cells and even fewer
appendices epiploicae, enteroendocrine cells. The appendix has short
crypts of Lieberkuhn that may occasionally
Vermiform Appendix have Paneth cells in their basal portion. Its
lamina propria is typically heavily infiltrated
The vermiform appendix is a short (average
with GALT where lymphatic nodules are
length is 8 ern), narrow (average diameter is
commonplace. Its muscularis mucosa is poorly
7-8 mm), and worm-like tubular evagination
of the cecum. It is clinically important because developed.
sometimes, it gets infected, a condition called The submucosa of the appendix is thick
appendicitis. and also heavily infiltrated with GALT. Its
The epithelium of the appendix consists muscularis extern a is complete but not well-
mainly of tall columnar cells with microvilli; developed. Its outermost covering is serosa.


Glands of the
Digestive System

he term "accessory glands of the digestive muci ns, immunoglobulins, l}::sosomes,

T system" refers to the digestive glands that

form distinct organs outside the digestive
tract, which include the major salivary glands,
proteins, and inorganic ions. It also contains
salivary corpuscles that consist of degenerating
lymphocytes and granulocytes that come from
exocrine portion of the pancreas, liver and the MALT in the oral cavity and tonsils. The
gallbladder. salivary enzyme~ start the chemical digestion
of food. In addition to its role in the digestion of
SALIVARY GLANDS food, saliva also serves as a so vent for gustatory
su stances. Itlikewise facilitates speech It also
Saliv~l1iy'gla: \1s is the collective name for cleans and protects the teeth, tongue, and other
digestive glands whose ducts open into the oral, oral tissues by its continuous flushing action
cavity. They are classified into minor and major and antibacterial activity.
salivary glands according to size and location.
The '- iQ.~-f,'ts~Jivarygbnds are small glands Major Salivary Glands
that are embedded in the lamina{tia"0pria and
sulimgcm:sa of the oral;y~They have been
discussed in connection with the oral cavity.
The m~j(xuls<~H~aryg1a:iids!on the other hand,
form distinct organs that are located outside the
oral cavity but their ducts empty into the mouth.

The salivary glands secrete about 1.S liters
of saliva per day.
Incidentally, aside from the major salivary
glands and Brunner's gland, EGF-producing
cells are also present, albeit in fewer number ,
in the anterior pituitary gland, glands of die
stomacH, in the bone marrow, eccrine swea
glands, islet of Langerhans in the pancreas,
lactating breas , adrenal medulla, and renal
medu lao .

- . ,~
Duct System of the Major Salivary
~;1,' Glands
•• '. >
The major salivary glands have well-
developed duct system . The ducts that
are located within the lobules are called
Fig. XIV-1. Parotid Gland. The section shows intralobular ducts while those that are outside
several lobules that are separated from each the lobules are referred to as excretory ducts!
other by interlobular connective tissue (iltc). The There are two types of intralobular ducts
section also exhibits an interlobular duct (ild) and (intercalated and striatedj and three types 0
a lobar duct (ld). H&E x40.
excretory duct (interlobular, lobar and main
excretory) .
serves as passageway for the ducts, blood and The intercalated duct is the segment of
lymphatic vessels, and nerves that supply the the duct system that directly drains an acinus
parenchyma of the glands. (alveolus) or a secretory tubule. It has a narrow
The glandular epithelium hat, comprises lumen, although wider than that in the acini,
the parenchyma of the major salivary glands and its wall is formed by a simple squamous •
or low cuboidal epithelium. The epithelial
forms the secretory unit;. The secretory units,
cells of the intercalated duct, according to some
which are in the shape 0 acini (alveoli) and/or
investigators, also serve as stem cells for acinar
secretory tubules occupy the greater part of tlie
and ductal cells.
lobules. Each secretory unit consists of a sing e
layer of cuboidal cells that rest on a basal lamina
and that are arranged around a small lumen
The major salivary glands are primarily
exocrine glands' that produce the' salivary
enzymes, but they likewise have an endocrine
function The acinar cells of the major salivary
glands also secret epidermal growth factor
(EGF" a hormone which is also produced by
the Brunner's glands in the duodenum and
whose function is to stimulate cell growth, id me sc
proliferation, and differentiation; and inhibit
Hel secretion by the stomach. Salivary EGF
plays an important physiological role in the Fig. XIV-2. Mixed Acinus and Intercalated Duct.
The diagram illustrates a mixed acinus that is
maintenance of oro-esophageal and gastric
made up of mucous cells (mc) and serous cells
tissue integrity. It likewise hastens healing 0 (sc) that form a serous demilune (of Gianuzzi).
oral and gastroesophageal ulcers. The acinus is drained by an intercalated duct (id).


Fig. XIV-3. Striated Duct and Serous Acini. The
photomicrograph demonstrates a striated duct
(sd) that is among purely serous acini (sc). The
unlabeled arrow points to a myoepithelial cell of
the duct. Parotid Gland, H&E x400.

A striated dud (secretory duct) is formed

by the union of intercalated ducts. Its diameter
is iggen than that of an intercalated duct
and its wall consists of a simple cuboidal or
columnar epithelium whose cells, when seen
in routine LM preparation, exhibit intense
cytoplasmic eosinophilia and basal striations~
thus the name. The cytoplasmic eosinophilia
of the cells is due to the presence of numerous
mitochondria while the basal striations have before a main excretory duct opens into the oral
been shown by EM to be due to infoldings ofthe cavity,its epithelium becomes nonkeratinized
oasal plasmalemma. Sometimes, in the terminal stratified squamous.
portions of the due s, just before they merge to
form bigger ducts, the epithelial cells lose their Myoepithelial Cells
basal striations. Associated with the secretory units and
The intralobula .ducts (Le., intercalated the intercalated and striated ducts of the
and striated), aside from serving as passageway, salivary glands are flattened stellate cells
also have secretory function -they modify and called myoepithelial cells.
contribute to the composition of saliva. Myoepithelial/cells, which have been
In the connective tissue between lobule previously described, are contractile cells that
(interlobular septa), the str iated' ducts' are lodged between the epithelial cells and
converge and unite to form interlobular ducts. the basal lamina. They have long cytoplasmic
The epithelium that comprises the wall of rocesses that hug the secretory units and the
interlobular ducts is usuall stratified cuboidal wall of intercalated and striated ducts. Their
in the initial segmet;l and stratified columnar contraction helps eject the secretion of the acini
in the proximal segment of the duct. into the ducts.

The interlobular ducts in a lobe drain

into a single lobar duct that is embedded in
the relatively thick connective tissue between
the lobes (interlobar septa). The wall of a
lobar duct consists of a stratified columnar
Lobar ducts fuse to form a main excretory
duct/s that opens/open into the oral cavity.
The wall of a main excretory duct consists of
an epithelium that is enveloped externally b
dense connective tissue that is supplied with
blood vessels and nerves. The epithelium is Fig. XIV-4. Interlobular Duct. Note that the wall
generally stratified columnar but sometimes, of the duct is formed by a stratified cuboidal
it is pseudo stratified columnar. Shortly epithelium. Parotid Gland, H&Ex400.


Fig. XIV-S. Lobar Duct. The duct is lined by a Fig. XIV-6. Parotid Gland Acini and
striated columnar epithelium. Parotid Gland, H&E Myoepithelial Cells. Note that the cells that
x400. comprise the acini (a) are all serous cells. The
unlabeled arrows point to myoepithelial cells.
H&E x400.

Parotid Gland The submandibular glands are smaller and

their connective tissue capsule considerably
The parotid glands .are the largest of the thinne than that of the parotid glands. Unlike
salivary glands. They are located, one on each in the parotid glands, there are very few adipose
side of the body, just below and anterior to the cells in the connective tissue stroma of the
pinna of either ear at the region of the angle of submandibular glands.
the mandible.
The submandibular gland is a mixed gland •
In the parotid gland, the lobes and lobules but most of its secretory units are serous. The
are well-delineated by connective tissue seEta mucous acini are few and far between and
that contain a significant number of adiposl some of them even have serous demilunes
€ell . t
(of Giannuzzi). In between adjacent"" mucous
cells in demilune-containing acini are narrow
canaliculi that act as passageways for the
secretion of the serous cells to the lumen of the

Submandibular Gland
(Submaxillary Gland)
The submandibular glands are located, one
Fig. XIV-7. Submandibular Gland. Note that the
on each side of the body, in the submandibular acini that comprise the gland are mostly serous
fossae on the inner aspect of the mandible, acini but there are patches of mucous acini such
be ow the floor of the oral cavity. as the one pointed to by the arrow. H&E x100.


__ ----- ------------------------------~
Fig. XIV-B. Serous Demilunes (at arrows). Fig. XIV-9. Sublingual Gland. Observe that the
Submandibular Gland, H&E x400. acini that comprise the gland are mostly mucous
acini but there are some serous cells (at arrows)
which, in this section, form serous demilunes.
H&E x400.

The main excretory duct of the ducts are called ducts of Rivinus. Some ducts
submandibular gland is called Wharton's duct. of Rivinus open directly into die sublingual
It opens into the oral cavity underneath the papilla under the tongue while others empty
tongue, near the midline, beside tli frenulum into the Wharton's due . Two or more of the
lingua.' bigger main excretory ducts unite to form the
sublingual duct (of Bartholin) that also drains
Sublingual Gland into t e Wharton's duct.

The sublingual glands are the smallest 0 ~NCR· 5

the major salivary glands. They are almond
shaped and located on the floor of the mout , .• The pancreas is a soft, pinkish organ, 12
underneath the tongu (more specifically, to 15 ern in length that stretches transversely
between the mandible and genioglossus across the posterior abdominal wall from
muscle),one to the left and the other to the right the. duodenum to the spleen, posterior to
of midline. the stomach. It weighs between 60 to 140 g
and consists of a head''that is related to the
The sublingual gland is embedded in
duodenum, a body that spans the posterior
connective tissue but lacks a definite capsule. It
abdominal waH;and a tail that is related to the
is a mixed gland but most of its secretory units
hilus of the spleen. The pancreas is a vital organ
are mucous acini~ There are very few purel
that is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland.
serous acin . The serous cells of the gland are
mostly found within the mucous acin in the The stroma of the pancreas consists of
form of serous demilunes. a thin indistinct connective tissue capsule'
that envelops the gland; thin connective
The duct system of the sublingual glands
tissue septa that divide the organ into poorly;
is not as extensive as those of the parotid
delineated lobules and serve as passageway
and submandibular glands-striated and
for blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves;
intercalated ducts are few. and, delicate reticular ttssue.'that supports
Each sublingual gland has between eight to the structures within the lobules.'The lobules
20 main excretory ducts. The smaller of these contain the pancreatic parenchyma that


consists of the: 1) islets of Langerhans which Pancreatic Acini
comprise the endocrine portion of the organsj
and, 2) secretory units (panc-reatic acini) The pancreatic acini, which comprise the
and intralobular ducts which comprise the bulk of the pancreatic lobules, are grape-like
exocrine portion of the pancreas (exocrine clusters of epithelial cells. Each acinus is made
pancreas), up of 40 to SOclosely-packed low columnar or
pyramidal cells that form asingle layer. The
bases of the cells rest on a basal lamina and their
apices surround a narrow lumen.
In H&E preparations, the epithelial cells
are noted to have a round basally-located
nucleus that contains one or more prominent
nucleolf, Their: apical (slilpt~nU(delr)f~ QpJis)D
is eosinophilic because it contains secretory
granules (zymogen granules) while their 6asal
(infranuelecg) q~f0l!lasomis intensely basophilic
because the granular endoplasmic reticulum of
the cells is extensive and their ribosomes are
numerous. The zymogen granules contain th
precursors of numerous digestive enzymes
Fig. XIV-10. Pancreas. The organ is divided The epithelial cells also contain an extensive
into lobules by interlobular septa (ils), where Golgi complex and elongated mitochondria that
interlobular ducts (ild) are located. The lobules sometimes impart a striated appearance to the
are occupied mainly by pancreatic acini, but
basal region of the cells.
among the acini are islets of Langerhans (iL)., ,
H&E x100. The enzymatic components of pancreatic
juice are synthesized in the rER of the acinar
The is.lets ~of Langerhans,;. in H&E cells. They are then packaged and transformed
preparations, appear as small aggregates of. by the Golgi complex into membrane-bound
pale-staining cells that are interspersed among granules (zymogen granules9 that migrate to the
the pancreatic acini and ducts. Each islet is apical region of the cells. At the right time, the
surrounded by a thin layer of fine reticular fiber contents of the zymogen granules are released
and provided with a rich supply of capillaries. by the cells into the lumen of the acini b
There are over a million islets of Langerhan exocytosis.
in the pancreas, but their combined volum
accounts for only 2% of the volume of the gland.
The islets of Langerhans will be discussed
further in the chapter on the endocrine syst~m.
The fxocfiri:'e panG'reas, which account;
for 98% of the volume of the pancrea , is a
CQihponn(rtubuloacfnaf (tuiffiloa' veoIir
sgrons gland that structurally resembles the
major salivary glands, especially the parotid
gland. Its secretion, called pabcreati j1iic~e.,"

amounts to 1.2 liters a day and contains

numerous digestive enzym~s that are necessary
for protein, carbohydrate, and fat digestion. Fig. XIV-11. Diagram of a Pancreatic Acinus


Ducts of the Pancreas

The secretion of the pancreatic acini drain

into intercalated ducts whose wall consists,
as in.the major salivary glands, of a simple
squamous or simplelow cuboidal epithelium.
The initial segment of the intercalated ducts
of the pancreas often telescopes into the acinus
that it drains. In routine histologic preparations,
the epithelial cells of these intercalated ducts are
seen as pale-staining cells, called centroacinar
cells, in the luminal area of die acini.
There are no striated ducts in the pancreas,
so the intercalated ducts drain into the bigger
intralobular ducts whose wall consists of a
simple cuboidal epithelium, or directly into
Fig. XIV-13. Intralobular Ducts of the
the interlobular ducts. Pancreas. The section shows cross sections of
Like in the major salivary glands, the an intercalated duct (icd) and interlobular duct
(ild) among the pancreatic acini (a). H&E x400.
intercalated ducts as well as the intralobular
ducts of the pancreas, aside from serving
as passageways, also modify and add to the In the interlobular septa, the intralobular
secretions of the acini. ducts drain into interlobular ducts. The wall
of the interlobular ducts consists of a simple
.cuboidal or simple columnar epithelium,
which in the larger ducts is surrounded
externally by connective tissue and some
smooth muscle cells. The interlobular ducts
merge to form two excretory ducts: the main
excretory duct (duct of Wirsung) and the
accessory excretory duct (duct of Santorini).
The wall of the excretory ducts consists of a
simple columnar epithelium, which as in the
larger interlobular ducts, is supported externally
by dense connective tissue that contains some
smooth muscle fibers.
The duct of Wirsung usually joins
the common bile duct to form the
hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of
Vater) that then opens into the duodenum.
Sometimes, it opens, separate from (but in
Fig. XIV-12. Centroacinar Cells and Intralobular the company of) the common bile duct, into
Ducts of the Pancreas. Centroacinar cells (ca) the duodenum. The duct of Santorini, on the
are cells of the intercalated ducts that telescope other hand, sometimes opens on its own in the
into the lumen of the pancreatic acini. The
photomicrograph also shows longitudinal
duodenum, a short distance from the ampulla
sections of two intercalated ducts (icd) that drain (of Vater). Sometimes, it drains into the duct of
into an interlobular duct (ild). H&E x100. Wirsung.


LIVER Blood Supply of the Liver
The liver is the largest gland in the body The liver receives bloo from two big
and weighs about 1.S kg in adults. It is located vessels,the portal vei and the hepatic artery.
right under the diaphragm and fits into the These blood vessels enter the liver at the porta
diaphragm's concavity,aswell as occupies much hepatis, a transverse fissure in the undersurfac
of the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. of the right lobe of the orga . It is also at the
Grossly, the liver is divided into several lobes porta hepatis where the hepatic ducts exit the
of unequal sizes: right, left, quadrate and live.
caudate. Like the pancreas, the liver is a vital
The portal vein brings nutrient-fiIle
venous blood from the gastrointestinal tract to
the liver for processing while the hepatic artery
supplies the liver parenchyma with arteria
bloo . Blood from the portal vein accounts for
inferior vena cava
60%-70% while blood from the hepatic artery
accounts for 30%-40% of the volume of blood
that goes to the liver.
The portal vein and the hepatic artery
ramify extensivelywithin the liver-each 17to
20 generations of branche . Throughout their
course in the liver, the branches of the porta
vein and the hepatic artery and tributaries of the
hepatic ducts accompany each other.
The terminal branches of the portal vein
ana hepatic artery empty into th hepatic
Fig. XIV-14. Liver and Gallbladder sinusoids. In the hepatic sinusoids, and only in
the hepatic sinusoids,blood from the portal vein
and hepatic artery intermix.
The liver is both an exocrine and an
endocrine gland. Its exocrine secretion is
bile~ which aids in the digestive process by
Histologic Organization of the
emulsifying fat. The liver secretes as much Liver
as a liter of bile per day. The hormones the
The stroma of the liver is made up of
liver produces include thrombopoietin and
connective tissue while its parenchyma
consists 0 hepatic cells (hepatocytes).
Aside from serving as a gland, the liver has
A main component ofthe liver stroma is the
other metabolic functions. It synt esizesplasma
Glisson's capsule that ismade up ofcolla enou
proteins and hormones, processes dietary amine
connective tissue rich in elastic fibers. The
acids,carbohydrates, lipids, and vitamins befor
Glisson's capsule envelops the lobes of the liver.
tliese are released into the general circulatio
It is lined externally by mesothelium except for
stores carbohydrates in the form ofglycogenan
the part that is reflected on the inferior surface
releasesthe same in the form ofglucos when the
of the diaphragm. It is thin in most of the liver
need arises, detoxifies and excretes endogenous
and exogenous toxic substances through bil , but rather thick at the porta hepati .
and eliminates particulate materials from th At the porta hepafls, connective tissue
blood. elements from the capsule enter the liver to


Fig. XIV-1S. Capsule and Septa
of the Liver. The lobes of the
liver are invested by a capsule
(c) that sends septa (s) into
the organ to divide it, albeit
indistinctly, into lobules. Also
labeled in the photomicrograph
is a central vein (cv) and a portal
area (pa). H&E x100.

form an extensive network of connective tissue a portal triad, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
septa that divide the liver lobe, albeit often The term portal triad refers to the interlobular
indistinctly, into lobules (hepatic lobules; branches/tributaries of th hepatic artery
liver lobules). To reiterate, the branches of the (interlobular artery; interlobular arteriole),
portal vein and hepatic artery and the tributarie portal vein (interlobular vein; interlobular
of the bile duct, which accompany each other ..venule), and bile duct (interlobular bile duct).
within the liver, course through these septa.
In a hepatic lobule, the hepatocytes are
Within the hepatic lobules,the connective tissue
organizedinto layers,1to 2 cellthic each,called
stroma consists mainly 0 reticular fibers and
hepatic plates (hepatic cords) that anastomose
reticular cells that form a delicate meshwor
free . The hepatic plates are arranged, like the
spokes of a cartwheel, around avein, the central
Hepatic Lobule (Liver Lobule;
vein (terminal hepatic venule), which is at
Classical Hepatic Lobule)
the center of the lobul . The spaces between
A hepatic lobuleis a polygonalstructure that the hepatic plates are occupied oy sinusoidal
is 0.7mm to 2.0 mm in diameter. Itis delineated
from the other hepatic lobules that are adjacent
to it by connective tissue septa (interlobular
septa). As a rule, in three corners of a hepati
lobule is a portal area-a triangular area 0
interlobular connective tissue that contains

Fig. XIV-16. Classical Hepatic Lobule. The

central vein (cv) occupies the center of a hepatic
lobule. The vein drains the hepatic sinusoids (s)
of the lobule which are separated by liver cells
or hepatocytes that are arranged into layers
called hepatic plates (hp).The diagram also shows
a hepatic arteriole (ha), a bile duct (bd), and a
terminal portal venule (tpv) that give off inlet
venules (iv) which drain into the sinusoids.


~ ---- ----------------~~-----------------------------------------------------
Fig. X V-17. Liver Lobules. A
photomicrograph shows several
poorly delineated liver lobules, each
of which has a central vein (cv) at
its center. In some of the corners of
the hepatic lobules is a portal area
(pa) consisting of connective tissue
where the interlobular branches of
the portal vein, hepatic artery, and
bile duct are ~mbedded. H&E x40.

capillaries (hepatic sinusoids) which converg that are generally at right angles to the centra
and drain into the central vel . All the blood vein . Sublobular veins unite to form severa
that is brought into the liver by the portal vein collecting veins which, in turn, merge to
and the hepatic artery ultimately goes into- form several hepatic veins that empty into
and intermix within-the hepatic sinusoids. the inferior vena cava at the posterior hepatic
From the portal area, blood from th
branches of the interlobular vein and interlobular
artery is brought to the sinusoids through th Hepatocytes (Liver Cells)
following ways. the interlobular vein whicli The hepatocytes comprise about 80%
gives off branches calle terminal portal of the cell population of the live. They
venules (perilobular venules) that course perform practically all the metabolic an
from the portal area to the periphery of the secretor (exocrine and endocrine) functions
hepatic lobu e then give rise to branches calle of the organ. They are polygonal cells that, as
inlet venules that empty into the sinusoids] the aforementioned, are arranged in layer (hepatic
interlobular artery which courses through the plates) that anastomose with each other in the
periphery of the hepatic lobule then gives of hepatic lobules. Their surfaces are in contact
branches, orne of which empty directly into tli either with each othe (lateral surfaces) or with
sinusoi while others empty into capillary sinusoids (sinusoidal surfaces). The surfaces
plexus that surrounds the He ductule of the hepatocytes are provided with microvil
(cholangiole; terminal ductule) and which that are numerous on the sinusoidal surfaces
also drains into the hepatic sinusoids. and sparse on the lateral surface . The latera
The hepatic sinusoids, therefore, receive
surfaces of adjoining hepatocytes form tli
both venous and arterial blood. They drain,
bile canaliculi (further described later in this
as previously mentioned, into the central vein chapter).
at the center of the lobul . The central vein Most hepatocytes contain a single nucleus
is the first part of the venous side of the liv but some have two. The nucleus is typically
circulatio . Neighboring central veins unit roun although sometimes polypoid with one
to form sublobular or intercalated veins or two prominent nucleo 1. Hepatocytes have


The (von) Kupffer cells, on the other
hand, are fixed macrophages that, like all
macrophages, are derived from monocytes. In
routine histologic preparations, they appear as
stellate cells that possess cytoplasmic processes
that are between the endothelial cells and
that sometimes extend into the lumen of the
sinusoids. They have a nucleus that is pale and
vesicular and cytoplasm that is filled with clear
vacuoles, phagocytosed material, lysosomes,
and lipochrome granules.
The Kupffer cells phagocytose bacteria
and particulate materials that are present in
the sinusoidal blood. In addition, like the
macrophages of the spleen, they also remove
worn-out red blood cells from circulation and
free their iron content for recycling.
Fig. XIV-18. Portal Area. In three corners of
the polygonal hepatic lobule is a portal area
(PA) containing the interlobuJar branches of the Lymph Formation and Lymphatic
hepatic artery (ha), portal. vein (pv), and bile duct
Vesselsin the Liver
(bd). Liver, H&E x100.
The liver is the source of more than a third
abundant, grainy, eosinophilic cytoplasm of the lymph that is produced by the body but
that is loaded with numerous organelles and there are no lymphatic vessels in the hepatic
inclusion : mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi lobules, they are only present in the connective
complexes, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth tissue septa.
and rough), lysosomes, and glycogen and lipid-
containing granules. ,.
In so far as their endocrine function is
concerned, hepatocytes synthesize most of the
thrombopoietin in the body, although some
amounts of the hormone are also produced
by cells of the kidney. They also synthesize
erythropoieti ,although they account for.only
10%ofthe erythropoietin produced in the body,
90% is synthesized in the kidneys.

Hepatic Sinusoids (Liver Sinusoids)

The hepatic sinusoids are lined by a
thin endothelium that has two types of cells,
endothelial cells and (von) Kupffer cells.
The endothelial cells comprise the
fenestrated endothelial cover of the hepatic Fig. XIV-19. Central Vein and Sinusoids. The
hepatic sinusoids (s) in between hepatic plates
sinusoids. They are flattened cells with an (p) drain into the central vein (cv). The sinusoids
centrally located oval nucleus and scant and the central vein are lined by endothelial cells
cytoplasm. (e). Liver, H&E x400.


Lymph, which is an ultrafiltrate of plasma, limitans refers to the hepatic plate that forms
is formed in the liver by diffusion of plasma an incomplete wall around each portal area.
across the highly permeable sinusoidal wall Somemicrovilli ofthe hepatocytes that form the
into the space of Disse. The space of Disse lamina limitans project into the space of Mall.
is the narrow gap that exists between the
From the space of Mall, lymph is collected
hepatic plates and the hepatic sinusoids.
by lymphatic capillaries which start as blind
It contains some collagenous and reticular
tubes in the interlobular ~epta.
fibers, and microvilli of the hepatocytes. It
also contains the perisinusoidal cells (of Ito). In summary, lymph is formed by diffusion
The perisinusoidal cells which are sometimes of plasma into the space of Disse, It then flows
called lipocytes, interstitial cells or stellate into the space of Mall before it finally gets
cells look like pericytes. They have numerous collected by the lymphatic capillaries in the
lipid droplets in their cytoplasm that contairl interlobular septa.
dissolved vitamin A. They are the body's main
storage site for vitamin A. They also synthesize Bile Passages
components of the stroma and some bioactive Bile is synthesized by the hepatocytes
substances such as prostaglandins. Recent and secreted into the bile canaliculi that are
evidence likewise indicate that they, like in between adjoining hepatocytes. The bile
hepatocytes, also synthesize erythropoietin, canaliculi are very small tubes (0.5 to 1.5 ~m
in diameter) that interconnect with each other.
A bile canaliculus does not have a wall of its
own. Instead, its wall is formed by invaginations
of the lateral surfaces of two apposed
hepatocytes. On two areas of this apposition
are desmosomes that effectively prevent the
canaliculus from leaking.A fewmicrovilli ofthe
hepatocytes protrude into the lumen of the bile
Bile canaliculi discharge their bile at
the periphery of the hepatic lobule into the
cholangioles (terminal ductules; canals of
Hering) that drain into the interlobular ducts
in the portal area. The interlobular ducts, in
turn, drain into the hepatic ducts.
Fig. XIV-20. Hepatic Sinusoid and Hepatocyte.
The diagram shows a hepatic sinusoid lined by an The wall of the initial segment of the
endothelial cell and a von Kupffer cell, as well as cholangioles is formed by a simple squamous
several hepatocytes whose lateral surfaces form epithelium that becomes simple cuboidal some
bile canaliculi. The space between the sinusoid
and the hepatocytes is the space of Disse. distance before the cholangioles drain into
the interlobular ducts. The wall of the initial
The space of Disse is continuous at the segment of the interlobular ducts, on the other
periphery of the hepatic lobule with the space hand, is made up ofa simplecuboidal epithelium
of Mall-the narrow gap that separates the that is replaced by simple columnar epithelium
tissues in the portal area from the amina before the interlobular ducts join either the left
limitans (periportal limiting plate). Lamina or right hepatic ducts.


Extrahepatic Bile Passages (Extrahepatic
Biliary Ducts; Extrahepatic Biliary Tree)
The hepatic ducts, common hepatic duct,
cystic duct, and common bile duct comprise
the extrahepatic bile passages.
The right and left hepatic ducts leave the .
liver at the porta hepatis and then unite to form
the common hepatic duct that later merges with
the cystic duct of the gallbladder to form the
common bile duct.
As previously stated, the common bile duct
is usually joined by the main pancreatic duct (of
Wirsung) to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla
(ampulla of Vater), which then empties into the
duodenum. The opening of the ampulla ofVater
into the duodenum is guarded by the sphincter Fig. XIV-21. Architecture of the Liver. The
of Oddi that is made up of circularly-arranged diagram illustrates the three concepts used to
smooth muscle fibers. describe the architecture of the liver. The liver
can be regarded as consisting of classical hepatic
The extrahepatic' bile passages vary in lobules, portal lobules, or hepatic acini.
diameter but their walls are histologically
similar. Their walls have three histologic layers: acini. The three models are not conflicting
mucosa, which consists of a simple columnar but rat er complementary interpretations of
epithelium that has a prominent basal lamina the architecture of the liver and understanding
and a thin lamina propria that contains them will greatly enhance one's appreciation
simple mucus-secreting tubuloalveolar glandsj of the physiology and pathophysiology of this
muscularis, which consists of smooth muscle complex organ.
fibers, but which is rather thin, and serosal
adventitia. Portal Lobule
The concept of the liver being made up of
Portal Lobule and Hepatic Acinus portal lobules stresses the fact that the liver is
The hepatic lobule that has been described an exocrine glan .
in the preceding paragraphs is generally The portal lobule is the triangular structure
regarded as the anatomical unit of the live and that is bounded by three imaginary straig t
is otherwise referred to as classical hepatic lines that join the central veins of three adjacent
lobule. However, for many experts, the concept classical hepatic lobul s (see Fig. XIV-21). In
of the hepatic lobule is inadequate to completely the portal lobule, the central area is occupied by
explain the functional intricacies of the liver. the portal area where the portal triad is. Hence,
Accordingly, two alternate models with regard within the portal lobule, blood flows from the
to the architecture of the liver have been center to the periphery while the glandular
formulated: the portal lobule and hepatic secretion (bile) flows from the periphery to the
acinus. center of the lobule-a functional arrangement
There are thus three ways of looking at that is consistent with that of the other large
the structure of the liver. The organ can be exocrine glands in the body. The portal lobule
viewed as consisting of 1) (classical) hepatic is considered by many authors as the functional
lobules, or 2) portal lobules, or 3) hepatic unit of the liver.


----- -------------- --_ ---

Hepatic Acinus The concept of the liver consisting of liver
The hepatic acinus is a smaller entity han acini helps explain the pathophysiology of the
a classical hepatic lobule or a portal lobule. It is organ. The hepatocytes that comprise zone I,
an ellipsoidal structure that lies between two being nearest to the blood supply, are the first
central veins. to encounter blood-borne toxins and are thus
most susceptible to damage by these substances.
In the hepatic acinus, the portal are
In contrast, the hepatocytes that comprise zone
is in the peripher of the structure and the
III, being farthest from the blood supply, are the
interlobular artery and vein in the portal area
most susceptible to damage due to anoxia.
are to be viewed as sending branches into tne
substance of t e liver acinus. q'hese branches .The hepatic acinus is regarded by many
of the blood vessels traverse tne central area 0 authors as the true anatomical and functional
the hepatic acinus and course perpendicular to unit of the liver.
the imaginary straight line that connects two
central veins, GALLBLADDER
Another way of visualizing the hepatic
acinus is to regard it as consisting of an ellipsoidal The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, hollow
mass of hepatic plates that are aligned around pouch that lies in a shallow depression
a backbone that is made up of the branches of (gaIlliIaa er fossa) on the right edge of the
the hepatic artery and portal vein just as these visceral surface of the liver. Grossly,it consists of
vessels empty into the sinusoids. a fundus, a body, and a neck that is continuous
wit tlie excretory duct of the organ, the cystic.
The liver parenchyma that comprise a
hepatic acinus is divided into three regions:
zones I, II and III. Zone I refers to the regi~I?- As a rule, the bile that is produced by the
that is closest to the blood vessel backbone. liver is first broug t to tlie gallbladder where it is
Zone III refers to the region that is farthest from concentrated, aci mea, and temporarily stored.
the blood vessel backbone while zone II is the When stimulated, the gallbladder releases its
region that is sandwiched by zones I and III. bile content into the duodenum

Fig. XIV-22. Gallbladder. The gallbladder has three histologic layers: mucosa which consists of a
simple columnar epithelium (e) and a lamina propria (Ip), a muscularis (m), and a serosa/adventitia
(a/s). The epithelium invaginates into the lamina propria in many areas to form inpocketings called
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses (RA). These inpocketings are non-secretory although they may look like
glands. H&E x100.


Histologic Layers of the Aschoff sinuses, are not glands; they are simply
Gallbladder iverticuli.
The muscular layer of the gallbladder
The gallbladder wall has three histologic consists of bundles of smooth muscle cells
layers.. mucosa, muscularis, and serosal that are oriented longitudinally, circularly
adventitia. and obliquely, but do not form distinct layers.
The mucosa consists only ofthe epithelium, Contraction of the smooth muscle cells of
the gallbladder is induced 'by the hormone
and lamina propria. The epithelium is simple
cholecystokinin, which is produced by the
tall columnar whose cells,in routine histologic
enteroendocrine cells of the small intestine.
preparations, are seen to have an oval nucleus
When the smooth muscles cells contract, the
that is basally located and an eosinophilic
sphincter of Oddi reacts by relaxing and bile
cytop asm. In electron micrographs, the flows into the duodenum.
epithelial cells exliibit short microvilli on their
luminal surface. . The outermost coat of the gallbladder is
serosa over the organ's posterior and inferior
The lamina propria consists of loose surfaces, but simply adventitia over the surface
connective tissue that is devoid of true glands of the organ that is related to the liver.
except in the neck of the gallbladder where
Occasionally, in the connective tissue that
the epithelium invaginates-into the lamina comprises the serosa around or near the neck of
propria to form simple tubuloalveolar glands the gallbladder, smal tubular channels that are
that secrete mucus. However, the gallbladder not connected to the lumen of the gallbladder
mucosa exhibits some epithelial invaginations are present. These tubes are called ducts of
into the lamina propria and the muscle layer. Luschka (supravesicular ducts). They are
These inpocketings, called Rok itansky- probably aberrant bile ducts. .


Chapter XV

rinary Syste

he organs that comprise the urinary (calcitriol; 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol,

T system are the paired kidneys and

ureters and the unpaired urinary
bladder-and urethra:
vitamin D). The kidneys synthesize possibly all
the renin in the body, 90% of the erythropoietin,
and a small amount of thrombopoietin.
The kidneys perform all the functions of The ureters and the urethra only serve as
the system. These include homeostasis-the passageways while the urinary bladder merely
maintenance of the body's internal environment serves as a temporary storage site for urine.
(i.e., acid-base balance and water and electrolyte
concentrations) within normal limits by the KIDNEYS
excretion of metabolic waste products and excess
water through urine-and the ptoduction of The kidneys are located on the posterior
hormones, notably renin, erythropoietid, and abdominal wall, one on each side of the body.
thrombopoietin, and other biologically active They are found at the level of the 12th thoracic
substances including kinins and calcitrol~ to the level of the third lumbar vertebrae where
they are embedded in fat and connective tissue.
They are bean-shaped and reddish-brown and
measures 10 to 12 em long,S to 6 ern wide,
and 2.5 to 3 ern thick. Each kidney has two
surfaces (anterior and posterior), two margins
(medial and lateral), and two poles (superior
and inferior).
The lateral margin of each kidney is convex
while the medial margin is concave. At the
medial margin, there is a vertical fissure, the
hilus, where the renal artery enters and the
bladder renal vein' and ureter leave the organ. The hilus
is also the gateway to the renal sinus-a 2.5
ern deep fat-filled space within the kidney that
contains the blood vessels, nerves, and the renal
Fig. XV-1.Organs of the Urinary System pelvis and calyces.
The junction of the cortex and the medulla is
delineated by large, arched blood vessels, the
arcuate arteries and veins.
The renal medulla consists mainly of 10
to IS grossly-visible, longitudinally-striated,
conical structures called renal pyramids. These
are separated from each other by the renal
columns (of Berttn) which are projections of
cortical tissue into the medulla. The base of
each pyramid abuts the cortexwhile the aPlixor
renal papifla'points toward the hilus.
At the corticomedullary junction, groups
of parallel tubules that are grossly visible a-s
longitudinal streaks-the medullary rays (of
Ferreirl)-seem to leave the medulla from the
bas of each renal pyramid and traverse the
cortex, The medullary rays are referred to as
pars radiata. There are 400-S00 medullary
Fig. XV-2. Kidney, Longitudinal Section.
The kidney is enveloped by -a capsule (c). Its
rays per pyramid.
parenchyma consists of a cortex that occupies A medullary ray consists of the proximal
the outer region of the organ which contain the
segments of a group of collecting tubules'. The
medullary rays (mr), and a medulla occupied by
the renal pyramids (py) that are separated from distal segments ofthese collectingtubules are in
each other by renal columns (rc) of Bertin. The the renal pyramids.Hence, the term "medullary'
apices of the renal pyramids fit into cup-shaped refersto the destination of the tubules.not their
structures called minor calyces (mic). The minor origin. In addition to the collecting tubules, the
calyces merge to form major calyces (mac)which,
medullary rays also contain segments of the
in turn, unite to form the pelvis (pe). The pelvis
tapers into a tube called ureter (u). The renal loops of Henle. These latter structures will be
artery (ra) and renal vein (rv) are shown as they described later in this chapter.
respectively enter and leave the kidney at the
The tubules in the medullary rays diminish
t in number as they proceed towards the capsule.
The kidney is envelopedby a thin but tough In a short distance from the capsule, they
fibrous capsules This capsule can be easily completelydisappear.
stripped off from the organ because very little
The region in the cortex in between th
connective tissu from the capsule anchors it
medullary rays is referred to as pars convoluta.
to the parenchyma of the organ. At the hilus,
(cortical labyrinth). It contains all the renal
this capsule lines the renal sinus and becomes
corpuscles' and parts of the. renal tubules,'
continuous with the walls of the calyces.
specificallythe proximal and distal convoluted
tubules. Italso contains blood vessels,minimal
Regions of the Kidney connective tissue, and the arched segments of
In longitudinal section, the kidney exhibits the ollecting tubules. These structures will
two distinct regions: cortex and medulla. also be described later in this chapter.
The cortex occupies the outer region (i.e., the The renal pyramids, as mentioned above,
area beneath the capsule). It is reddish and contain the distal segments of the collecting
granular. The medulla, on the other hand, tubules. In addition, they also consist of the
which comprises the inner region, is striated. .papillary ducts, into which the collecting


tubules drain; the segments of the loop of Henle lobes and lobules of the Kidney
that dip into the medulla, and blood vessels and
some connective tissue elements. The renal A renal pyramid and the cortical tissue that
columns (of Bertin). on the other hand, contain overlies its base and surrounds its sides (i.e.,
segments of the loop of Henle, blood vessels, associated renal column) constitute a renal
nerves, and connective tissue elements. lobe. Thus, a kidney has 10 to 15 lobes because
it has 10 to 15pyramids.
The terminal segments of the papillary
ducts form the renal papilla which fits into a A renal lobe is made up of numerous
cup-shaped structure, the minor calyx. Several conical structures called renal lobules that are
minor calyces unite to form 2-3 bigger tubular partly in the cortex and partly in the medulla.
structures, the major calyces. The major. A renal lobule consists of a papillary duct:
calyces, in turn, unite to form the renal pelvis the collecting tubules that drain into it: the
which is simply the expanded initial portion of nephrons (i.e., renal corpuscles and renal
the ureter. tubules) that drain into the collecting tubules,
and the blood vessels and connective tissue
elements associated with the papillary duct,
collecting tubules, and nephrons.
There are no. connective tissue septa that
separate the renal lobules from each other. In
the cortex, the peripheral boundary of the renal
lobules is formed by the interlobular blood
vessels while their center is occupied by a
medullary ray.

Blood Vessels, lymphatics, and

Nerves of the Kidney
The arteries that supply the left and right
kidneys are the left and rtght renal arteries,
respectively. They arise from the abdominal!
aorta. On the average,they deliver about 1.2 L
of blood/min to the kidneys for filtering.
At the hilus of the kidney, the renal artery .
divides into three to five branches that enter

Fig. XV-3. Renal Lobe. The renal lobe is made

up of a renal pyramid. In this section, the pyramid
occupies the whole medulla (me) and the cortical
tissue (eo) that overlies it. The corticomedullary
junction is designated by the arcuate blood
vessels, arcuate artery (ar), and arcuate vein (av).
Groups of parallel tubes that traverse the cortex
form what are called medullary rays (mr). The
tubes that comprise the medullary rays diminish
in number as they approach the capsule (ea).
In the region between the medullary rays are
the renal corpuscles (rc). The apex of the renal
pyramid, called renal papilla (pa), fits into the
cup-shaped minor calyx (me). Kidney, H&E x1.

Fig. XV-4. Corticomedullary Junction (A).
In the kidney, the arcuate blood vessels,
arcuate vein (av), and arcuate artery (aa)
occupy the corticomedullary junction. In the
photomicrograph, the cortex-where the renal
corpuscles (rc) are embedded-occupies the
region to the right of the blood vessels while the
medulla occupies the region to the left. Kidney,
H&E x100.
Fig. XV-So Renal Cortex (8). The cortex-the
region of the kidney that is immediately below
the capsule (c}-is characterized by the presence
of the medullary rays (mr) which collectively
the renal sinus where they give rise to a variable comprise the pars radiata. The area between
number of interlobar arteries. These arteries the medullary rays makes up the pars convolute
which contain the renal corpuscles (rc). Kidney,
penetrate the medulla, creep between the renal
H&E x40.
pyramids, and proceed to the cortex without
Fig. XV-6. RenalCortex (C).The photomicrograph
giving off any branches. In other words, the
demonstrates the same structures shown in the
interlobar arteries pass through the medulla via previous figure-medullary rays(mr) and the pars
the renal columns of Bertin. convolute (pc) which contain the renal corpuscles
(rc}-at higher magnification. Kidney, H&E x100.
At the corticomedullary junction, the
interlobar arteries end by giving rise to arcuate towards, and ultimately supply, the renal
arteries that course parallel to the capsule. The capsule. However, along the way, they give
are no anastomoses among arcuate arteries. off afferent arterioles that course parallel to
An arcuate artery branches off at right the capsule and enter the lobules. Within the
angles and gives off interlobular arteries- lobules, each afferent arteriole breaks up into a
straight vessels that (as mentioned earlier) clump of capillaries (glomerular capillaries).
form the outer boundaries of the renal The glomerular capillaries drain into a single
lobules. The interlobular arteries proceed efferent arteriole.


Fig. XV-7. Uriniferous Tubule. In the
schematic diagram, the pink region below
the capsule (e) represents the cortex while
the blue area represents the medulla. The
uriniferous tubule is partly in the cortex
and partly in the medulla. It is made up of
the nephron and the intrarenal ducts. The
nephron consists of the renal corpuscle and
renal tubule. The renal corpuscle is made up
of the glomerulus (g)-where the afferent
arteriole (aa) and efferent arteriole (ee) can
be seen to enter and leave, respectively-and
Bowman's capsule (Be). The renal tubule is
made up of the proximal convoluted tubule
(pet), thick descending limb (tdl) , thin limb (tl)
and thick ascending limb (tal) of Henle, and
distal convoluted tubule (det). The intrarenal
ducts consist of the collecting tubules (et) and
papillary ducts (pd).

Efferent arterioles are short portal vessels. From the arcuate veins to the renal veins,
Most break up to form a peritubular capillary the veins accompany their corresponding
network that supplies the proximal and distal arteries.
tubules, and the segments ofthe loops Henle of In the kidney, the lymphatic vessels and
that are around them. Meanwhile,those that are sympathetic nerves follow the pattern of
associated with the juxtamedullary nephrons distribution of the arteries.
(see page 234) break up to form a series of
straight capillaries (vasa recta) that take a,
Uriniferous Tubule
descending path (descending vasa recta) into
the medulla-which they supply-then loop The term uriniferous tubule is a collective
and ascend baok (ascending vasa recta) to the term for the nephron and the intrarenal ducts
corticomedullary junction. (i.e., collecting tubules and papillary ducts).
Venousblood from the capsuleand the outer It was originally intended to make a distinction
cortex drains into the superficial cortical veins between the structures that produce urine
that empty into bigger veins (stellate veins) (nephrons) and the tubes (intrarenal ducts)
found on the surface of the kidney. Venous that conduct urine to the main excretory ducts,
blood from the rest of the cortex drains into the initial segments of which are the calyces.
the deep cortical veins. The stellate and deep Recent evidence, however, has shown that the
cortical veins empty into the interlobular veins intrarenal ducts are not merely conduits for,but
that run parallel and close to the interlobular are also participants, in the formation of urine.
arteries. The interlobular veins, in turn, drain
into the arcuate veinJ. Nephron
Venous blood from the medulla, on the The nephron is the functional unitof
other hand, drain into the medullary veins the kidney. Each kidney has between 1 to 1.S
(i.e.,ascending vasa recta). These veins empty million of them. The nephron has two parts:
either into the interlobular veinsjust before they renal corpuscle and renal tubule. Urine is
join the arcuate veins or directly to the arcuate formed by filtering blood which occurs in the
veins. The arcuate veins are tributaries of the renal corpuscle, and then modifying the filtrate
interlobar veins that unite to form the renal (glomerular filtrate) which occurs largelyin the
vein which drains into the inferior vena cava. renal tubule.


Renal Corpuscle (Malpighian Corpuscle) capillaries (glomerular capillaries) that form 20
to SO highly convoluted loops that anastomose
The renal corpuscle forms the proximal
with each otheu
end of the nephron. It is a spherical structure
that is about 200 ~m in diameter and has two The glomerular capillaries which comprise
components: glomerulus and Bowman's the bulk of the glomerulus are fenestrated.
capsule (glomerular capsule). However, unlike fenestrated capillaries
elsewhere in the body, their fenestrae or pores
The renal corpuscle has two poles:
are not covered by a diaphragm, but their
vascular and urinary. The vascular pole is
endothelial cells rest on a very thick basal
where tlIe afferent arteriole enters and the
efferent arteriole leaves the corpuscle. The
urinary pole is where tlie renal tubule begins. The spaces between the glomerular
capillaries are filled with mesangial matrix, an
All the renal corpuscles are located in, and
amorphous material that is similar to basement
account for the gra_inyappearance of, the cortex.

The glomerulus is a ball-like structure made
up of capillaries (glomerular capillaries),
mesangial matrix (mesangium), and
glomerular mesangial cells.
Upon entering the vascular pole of the renal
corpuscle, the afferent arteriole breaks up into

Fig. XV-B. Renal Corpuscle, Vascular Pole.

The parts of the renal corpuscle shown in the
photomicrograph are the glomerulus (g), the
parietal layer of Bowman's capsule (p), .and the
Bowman's space (Bs).Also shown are the afferent
(aa)and efferent (ee) arterioles as they enter and
leave the corpuscle and segments of the renal
tubule-proximal convoluted tubules (pct) and
distal convoluted tubules(dct). Kidney, H&E x400.

Fig. XV-9. Renal Corpuscle,

Urinary Pole. As in the
previous figure, the parts of
the renal corpuscle shown in
the photomicrograph are the
glomerulus (g), the parietal
layer of Bowman's capsule
(p), and the Bowman's space
(Bs) which is continuous with
the initial segment of the
proximal convoluted tubule
(pcv). Kidney, H&E x400.
membrane and serves to bind the loops of the Both walls of Bowman's capsule consist
glomerular capillaries. Itis also in the mesangial of a single layer of flattened epithelial cells.
matrix where the glomerular mesangial cells are The inner wall (visceral layer) envelops the
embedded. glomerulus intimately while the outer wall
. The glomerular mesangial cells are most (parietal layer) forms the outer boundary of
numerous in the vascular pole of the renal the renal corpuscle. Between the visceral and
corpuscle. They are stellate cells similar to parietal layers of Bowman's capsule is a narrow
pericytes in that they are contractile and could cavity known as Bowman's space (capsular
influence the luminal diameter of the glomerular space)subcapsular space)urinary space).
capillaries. Unlike pericytes, however) they are At the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle)
capable of phagocytosis and have cytoplasmic the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule is
processes that crawl between endothelial cells continuous with the visceral layer. Meanwhile
to reach the capillary lumen. They are generally at the urinary pole) it is continuous with the
credited with helping maintain the glomerula]j epithelium of the renal tubule.
filtration barrier by keeping it free from debris. The cells that comprise the parietal layer
They are also responsible for the production of of Bowman's capsule form a simple squamous
mesangial matrix. epithelium while those that form the visceral
layer are highly modified and are called
Podoeytes are stellate cells that have
cytopla(mic processes (major processes) that
vary in size and shape. These major processes
branch further and give rise to minor processes
" called foot processes or pedicels. The pedicels
wrap themselves around the glomerular
/capillary walls where they interdigitate with the
pedicels of neighboring podocytes. They are the
only parts of the podocytes that rest on the basal
lamina which they share with the endothelial
cells of the capillaries.

Fig. XV-10. Relationship of Podocytes to

Glomerular Capillaries. The pedicels of the
podocytes and the endothelial cells of the
capillaries share a basal lamina. The spaces
between the podocytes comprise the filtration

Bowman's Capsule (Glomerular Capsule)

The Bowman's capsule is a double-walled Fig. XV-11. Glomerular Filtation Barrier. The
sac that envelops the glomerulu . Its structure barrier consists of the fenestrated endothelium
(f) of the glomerular capillaries, the basal lamina
is analogous to an inflated rubber balloon that
(bl) common to the endothelial cells and pedicels,
has been pushed inwards on one side by the and the filtration slits between the pedicels (pe)
glomerulus to form a cup. of the podocytes (p). x1O,OOO.

The narrow gaps that exist between the
interdigitating pedicels are called filtration
slits. They are covered by a thin electron-
dense membrane, the slit membrane or slit
diaphragm, which is dotted by very small pores.

Glomerular Filtration Barrier

In the renal corpuscle, a very thin sheet

of tissue called glomerular filtration barrier
separates the blood in the glomerular capillaries Fig. XV-1.2.Cell of Proximal Convoluted Tubule.
from the Bowman'sspace.This filtration barrier The electronmicrograph shows the basal lamina
consists of the 1) fenestrated endothelium of (bl) and basal infoldings of the plasmalemma
(bi) of an epithelial cell that lines a proximal
the glomerular capillaries j 2) basal lamina convoluted tubule. x3,OOO.
that is common to the endothelial cells
and pedicels, and 3) slit membrane (slit The renal tubule consists of several
diaphragm) of the filtration slits between the segments. From the most proximal to the most
pedicels. distal, they are the proximal convoluted
tubule (PCT), loop of Henle, and distal
The fenestrae of the glomerular
convoluted tubule (DCT).
endothelium, as previously mentioned, are not
covered by a diaphragm. Their diameter varies The wall of all the segments of the renal
from 60 to 100nm. tubule is made up of a simple epithelium.
However, the shape and surface modifications
The basal lamina, on the other hand, is ~~the epithelial cells vary from segment tq
330 nm thick. It is much thicker than the basal segment.
lamina of fenestrated capillaries elsewhere in
the body. Proximal Convoluted Tubule
The slit membrane, the third component of The proximal convoluted tubule (peT) is
the filtration barrier, is about 6 nm thick. The the direct continuation of Bowman's capsule. It
filtration slit that it bridges is about 2S nm wide. is the longest segment of the renal tubule and is
As blood passes through the glomerular highly tortuous.
capillaries, filtration (glomerular filtration) The PC'I's, like the renal corpuscles, are
occurs. In this process, the glomerular filtration confined to the cortex. In histologic specimens,
barrier acts as a sievethat allows an ultrafiltrate they comprise the majority of the tubules seen
of blood (glomerular filtrate) to seep into in the cortex.
Bowman's' space. The PC'I' starts at the urinary pole of the
renal corpuscle. Here, the simple squamou..s
Renal Tubule epithelium that comprises the parietal layer
From Bowman's space, the glomerular of Bowman's capsule gives way to the simple
filtrate flows into and traverses the very long cuboidal epithelium of the peT.
renal tubule where it is modified-most of In routine histologic preparations, the cells
the water and solutes are reabsorbed (tubular of the PC'I' are seen to have a centrally located
reabscrption) and some other solutes are added nucleus and acidophilic cytoplasm due to the
(tabular secretion)-before it finally becomes presence of numerous mitochondria. Their
urine. luminal surfaces are provided with thousands


of microvilli (brush border) that, at times, The main function of the thin limb of
practically occlude the lumen. Their lateral Henle's loop, especially in the long-looped
borders, on the other hand, are not distinct nephrons, is to further concentrate glomerular
because the cell membranes of adjacent cells filtrate.
interdigitate. Their basal surfaces, meanwhile,
have discernible striations due to infoldings Thick Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle
of the plasmalemma. These basal infoldings (Ascending Straight Tubule; Distal Straight
which are loaded with mitochondria increase Tubule)
the surface area and, therefore, the absorbing The thick ascending limb of Henle's loop is
capacity of the cells. the continuation of the thin limb. It starts in the
The main function of the PCT is to reabsorb medulla then heads for the cortex where it seeks
as much as 70% to 80% of the water and sodium and gets into contact with the vascular pole of
ions in the glomerular filtrate. This segment of the renal corpuscle of its parent nephron.
the renal tubule also reabsorbs other substances, Histologically and functionally, the thick
notably glucose, amino acids, and chloride ions. ascending limb of Henle's loop is identical with
the distal convoluted tubule.
The Loop of Henle
Distal Convoluted Tubule
The loop ofHenle refersto the section ofthe
renal tubule between ~heproximal convoluted The point of contact of the ascending thick
and distal convoluted tubules. It starts in the limb of the loop of Henle with the vascular pole
cortex as the continuation of the PCT then of the renal corpuscle of its parent nephron
dips into the medulla where it makes a hairpin marks the end of the loop of Henle. It is the
turn and then returns to the cortex. It has three beginning of the distal convoluted tifbulc
segments: thick descending limb, thin limb, .. (DCT), the last segment of the nephron.
and thick ascending limb. Like the renal corpuscles and PCTs, the
DCTs are entirely within the cortex. They are
Thick Descending Limb of the Loop of
shorter and less convoluted, but have a bigger
Henle (Descending Straight Tubule; lumen than the PCTs.
Proximal Straight Tubule)
In routine histologic preparations, it is
The thick descending limb is the initial
noted that like the PCT, the wall of the DCT is
segment of the loop of Henle. It is a straigh
formed by a single layer of cuboidal epithelial
pipe that is partly in the cortex and partly in the
cells. But in the DCT, the epithelial cells are
medulla. It has the same histologic structure
shorter and their cell boundaries are distinct.
and functions (although it is not as permeable to
Furthermore, they do not possess brush borders
ions) asthe PCT and can be regarded asmerelya
and their cytoplasm is less eosinophilic.
part of the PCT that has straightened out.
The DCT reabsorbs a little amount ofwater
Thin Limb of the Loop of Henle __ and sodium ions from, and secretes potassium
The thin limb of Henle's loop is the and hydrogen ions into, the glomerular filtrate.
continuation of the thick descending limb. It is
confined to the medulla. It has a much narrower Classification of Nephrons According to the
diameter (15 urn) than the descending thick Length of their Loop of Henle
limb (60 l-lmon the average).Its wall consists of N ephrons are classified into two types
a simple squamous epithelium whose cells are based on the length oftheir loop ofHenle: short-
so flat that their nucleus bulges into the lumen looped and long-looped. The short-looped
of the tube. nephrons are otherwise known as cortical

nephrons while the long-looped nephrons are form the wall of the thin loop of Henle in short-
referred to as juxtamedullary nephrons. looped and long-looped nephrons. In short-
Cortical nephrons comprise the great looped nephrons, the epithelial cells are of a
majority of nephrons in the kidney. Their renal single cell type (type I cells). Meanwhile, in the
corpuscles are located in the outer portion of long-looped nephrons, three cell types different
the cortex. Their loops of Henle which form from type I cells are distinguishable. These cell
part of the medullary rays barely make it to the types have been labeled tYJ?esII, III, and IV.
medulla. Their loops of Henle consist of a thick The morphological differences among these
descending limb, a short descending thin limb, cell types (which are beyond the scope of basic
and a thick ascending limb. Their "hairpin loop" histology textbooks) mainly account for the
or arch is formed by the initial portion of their functional differences between the long-looped
thick ascending limb. and short-looped nephrons.
The juxtamedullary nephrons, on the
other hand, comprise about a seventh of Juxtaglomerular Complex (JG Complex; JG
the nephrons in the kidney. Their renal
corpuscles are also in the cortex but near the At the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle,
corticomedullary junction. Their long Henle's there are three groups of atypical cells closely
loops that extend deep into the medulla associated with each other. these cells are
consist of a thick descending limb, a long thin collectively referred to as the juxtaglomerular
limb that forms the "hairpin loop" or arch, complex. These include: 1) JG cells in the
and a thick ascending limb. Inasmuch as the tunica media of the afferent arteriole; 2)
"hairpin loop" in these nephrons is formed by cells that comprise the macula densa in the
the thin limb of Henle, the thin limb has both distal convoluted tubule (ncr), and 3)
descending and ascending segments. .extraglomerular mesangial cells that occupy
The EM reveals morphological differences the space between the macula densa and the
between the squamous epithelial cells that afferent arteriole.

Fig. XV-13. Components of the Medullary Ray. Fig. XV-14. Afferent Arteriole. The
A medullary ray consists of descending thick electron micrograph shows an afferent arteriol
limbs (dlt) and ascending thick limbs (atl) of (aa)with a JG cell (jg) on its wall. x2,500.
the loops of Henle, and collecting tubules (ct).
Kidney, H&E x40.


The JG complex helps regulate systemic
blood pressure. In addition, some of its cells
secrete hormones.

JG Cells (Juxtaglomerular Cells)

Just before it enters the vascular pole of
the renal corpuscle, the wall of the afferent
arteriole gets modified. The internal elastic
lamina disappears; the tunica adventitia thins
out; and the smooth muscle cells in the tunica
media are replaced by polyhedral cells called
JG cells. These cells are larger than ordinary
smooth muscle cells.
JG cells have a spherical nucleus and
contain myofilaments and numerous secretory
granules in their cytoplasm. They produce
renin and possibly thrombopoietin. Renin, also Fig. XV-1S. Macula Densa. The photomicrograph
shows a macula densa (md) that abuts on
known as an angiotensinogenase, is an enzyme an afferent arteriole (aa). The section also
that participates in the body's renin-angiotensin demonstrates a glomerulus (g), Bowman's space
system (RAS) that regulates the body's mean (Bs), parietal layer of Bowman's capsule (pB),
arterial blood pressure. proximal convoluted tubules (pcv), and distal
convoluted tubules (dct). Kidney, H&E x400.
Macula Densa
In the segment ofthe DCT that isin contact, , Extraglomerular Mesangial Cells (Pole-
with the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle of cushion cells,Lacis cells, Goormaghtigh
its parent nephron, the epithelial cells on the cells,Polkissen)
side of the tubule that abuts on the afferent The extraglomerular mesangial cellsform a
arteriole are atypical. They are more crowded conical mass between the macula densa and the
and narrower than those in the other segments afferent arteriole. In routine histologic sections,
ofthe DCT and rest on avery thin basal lamina. they are seen as flattened and light-staining
In routine histologic preparations, their nucleus cells. Their function has not been definitely
appears to be more intensely staining than the established yet. They are probably involved in
other epithelial cells. These atypical cells are signal transmission between the macula densa
collectivelyreferred to as the macula densa. and the glomerular mesangial cells.
The cells of the macula densa are sensitive
to the sodium ion concentration and water Intrarenal Ducts
volume of the fluid in the distal convoluted The intrarenal ducts consist of the
tubule. When appropriate, they generate collecting tubules and the papillary ducts (of
molecular signals that promote renin secretion Bellini).
by the JG cells.
A collecting tubule is the continuation of a
The macula densa in the DCT and the DCT. It starts in the cortex as a short segment
JG cells in the afferent arteriole are in close that curves towards the medulla (arched
proximity with each other. They are separated collecting tubule) then straightens (straight
only by extraglomerular mesangial cells. collecting tubule) and heads for the medulla.

Fig. XV-16. Renal Medulla. The main components
of the renal medulla are segments of the renal
tubules and intrarenal ducts including thin limbs
(tl), descending thick limbs (dt), and ascending
thick limbs (at) of Henle's loop, and collecting
tubules (ct). Kidney, H&E x400

The proximal segments (i.e., segments in

the cortex) of the straight collecting tubules are
the main components of the medullary rays.
Their average initial diameter is 40 ~m.
On reaching the medulla, straight collecting
tubules unite to form larger collecting tubules.
These tubules then merge to form still larger
straight collecting tubules. This convergence of
straight collecting tubules occurs several times
until a large tube (100 to 200 ~m in diameter),
called papillary duct, is formed. the openings of the papillary ducts is called the
area cribrosa.
The straight collecting tubules and papillary
ducts are the main occupants of the renal The lining epithelium of the collecting
pyramids. The only other elements present in tubule is simple cuboidal in its initial segment.
the pyramids are portions of the loops ofHenle, It progressively becomes taller as the tubule
vasa recta, nerves, and minimal amount of becomes bigger. In the papillary duct, the
connective tissue. Each pyramid has about epithelium is tall columnar.
2S papillary ducts whose terminal portions . . In routine histologic preparations, the
come together to form the renal papilla or apex epithelium of the collecting tubule is noted to
of the pyramid, which fits into a minor calyx. consist of cells that have relatively distinct lateral
The region on the renal papilla that-contains borders and faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm that

Fig. XV-17. Papillary

Ducts. Note the simple
columnar epithelium
that lines the wall of the
papillary ducts (pd) in
the photomicrograph.
Kidney, H&E x200.


contains a minimal number of organelles. In Histologic Organization of the
the segment of the collecting tubule that is in Urinary Passages and Bladder
the cortex} a second type of epithelial cell} the
intercalated cell} is distinguishable. This cell The wall of the urinary passages and the
is darker-staining than the typical lining cell. urinary bladder has the same basic histologic
structure. It consists of a mucosa}a muscularis
The typical epithelial cells of the collecting
(muscular layer), and an adventitia/serosa.
tubules have been shown to secrete potassium
while the intercalated cells probably playa role
in maintaining the acid-base balance of body
fluids. Thus} the collecting tubules are not mere
conduits for urine.

Interstitial Tissue of the Kidney

The kidney} especially its cortex}
contains very little interstitial tissue.
Nevertheless} some amount of connective
tissue exists in the peritubular and periarterial
spaces. This connective tissue consists of
glycosaminoglycan-rtch ground substance.
Hence} collagenous fibers} capillaries} and
cellular elements that include fibroblasts}
mononuclear cells that probably belong to
the mononuclear phagocyte system} and
fibroblast-like cells-called interstitial cells
(peritubular fibroblasts) -are embedded.
The interstitial cells which vary in shape
possess long processes that are thinner than
those of fibroblasts} and lipid-containing
granules in their cytoplasm. They synthesize
erythropoietin. Some investigators believe
that they also produce prostaglandins. Others
say they secrete a hormone whose effects are
opposite those of renin.

From the papillary ducts}urine flows into Fig. XV-18. Ureter (top). The section illustrates
the histologic layers of the ureter: epithelium (e),
the intrarenal urinary passages (i.e., minor
lamina propria (lp), muscularis(m),and adventitia
calyces}major calyces}renal pelvis) and then (a). H&E x1 00.
to the ureter. The ureter conveys the urine
Fig. XV-19. Transitional Epithelium (above).
into the urinary bladder where it is stored Umbrella cells (at arrows) characterize the
temporarily. During micturition} urine is transitional epithelium that lines the urinary
expelled to the external environment via the bladder and urinary passages. Urinary Bladder,
urethra. H&E x400.


Mucosa of the Urinary Passages longitudinally-arranged while those in the
and Bladder outer layer are mostly circularly-arranged.
Many muscle bundles, however, are irregularly-
The mucosa of the urinary passages and arranged and anastomose with each other
urina~y bladder consists of ari epithelium extensively.
that rests on a relatively thin basal lamina and
lamina propria. In the calyces and pelvis, the muscular layer
is thin. In the ureters, it is relatively thicker and
In the ureter, the mucosa forms longitudinal the two layers can be appreciated in routine
folds that impart a stellate appearance to the histologic preparations. In the lower portion
lumen of the organ. In the empty urinary of the ureter, a third muscle layer made up of
bladder, the mucosa forms irregular longitudinal predominantly longitudinally-arranged smooth
folds. muscle cells is present external to the circularly-
The epithelium of the urinary passages and arranged muscle cells.
urinary bladder is transitional. It is essentially In the urinary bladder, the muscular layer
a stratified epithelium where the number is well-developed. It consists of three still
of cell layers increases as one goes from the indistinct but definite layers: two layers of
calyces to the urinary bladder. In the calyces, mostly longitudinally-arranged muscle fiber
the epithelium is f~om 2- to 3-cell thick; in the layers that sandwich a thick layer of circularly-
ureters, it is 4- to S-cell thick; and in the urinary arranged muscle fibers.
bladder, it is up to 8-c~1l thick. Incidentally, At the junction of the bladder and the
transitional epithelium is sometimes referred urethra (i.e., bladder neck) in the male, the
to as urethelium because it is unique to the smooth muscle cells form a definite circular
urinary passages and urinary bladder.
The lamina propria in the calyces and the
pelvis is relatively thin, but in the ureters and the
urinary bladder, it is thick. It consists. of loose
connective tissue that is rich in elastic fibers. It
has a fair supply of MALT and small lymphoid
nodules are occasionally present. It is devoid of
glands except in a limited area near the internal
urethral sphincter located in the neck of the
organ where some mucus-secreting ones are
In the urinary passages and bladder, there is
no distinct submucosa. The connective tissue of
the lamina propria blends with the connective
tissue that encloses the bundles of muscle fibers
in the muscular layer.

Muscular Layer of the Urinary

Passagesand Bladder
In most of the urinary passages, the Fig. XV-20. Urinary Bladder. The low-
magnification photomicrograph shows the
muscular layer consists of two poorly-defined histologic layers of the urinary bladder:
layers of smooth muscle cells that form bundles. transitional epithelium (e), lamina propria (lp),
The muscle cells in the inner layer are mostly very thick muscularis (m), and serosa (5). H&E x40.


collar to comprise the internal urethral Prostatic Ureth ra
sphincter. In the female, however, the muscle
The prostatic urethra, like the urinary
cells in the bladder neck are arranged obliquely
bladder, is lined with transitional epithelium.
and longitudinally. Because of this, many
Its lamina propria is a poorly developed loose
authors say the female does not have a true
connective tissue layer that has many elastic
internal urethral sphincter.
fibersand veins.It contains afewsmallbranched,
tubuloalveolar, mucus-secreting glands called
Adventitia/Serosa of the Urinary urethral glands (of Littre) that empty into the
Passages and Bladder lumen of the urethra. Incidentally, the urethral
The urinary passages and bladder are glands (of Littre) are also present in the other
largely retroperitoneal and only the upper part segments of the male urethra.
of bladder is covered by peritoneum. Hence, External to the lamina propria are smooth
the external layer of the walls of the urinary muscle fibers which are mostly circularly-
passages and-most of the bladder are made up arranged, External to the smooth muscles is
of adventitia that blends with the surrounding prostatic tissue.
connective tissue. Only the layer in the upper
The prostatic urethra also receives the
part of the urinary bladder is made up of serosa.
ducts ofthe prostate gland and the ejaculatory
The adventitia/serosa contains blood vessels,
duct (i.e., the duct that is formed by the union
lymphatic vessels,and nerves.
of the ductus deferens and the duct of the
seminal vesicle).
The urethra is the terminal portion of Membranous Urethra
the urinary system. In the female, it belongs' The membranous urethra differs
exclusivelyto the urinary system. In the male, histologicallyfrom the prostatic urethra because
however, it is a tube common to the urinary its epithelium is pseudostratified columnar or
and reproductive systems. Aside from serving stratified columnar. The membranous urethra
as a passageway for urine, it also serves as a is also surrounded not by prostatic,tissue, but by
passageway for sperms and the secretions of Circularly-arrangedskeletal (voluntary) muscle
the accessory glands ofthe male reproductive fibers that belong to the sphincter urethrae
system. muscle.

Male Urethra Spongy Urethra (Penile Urethra;

Cavernous Urethra)
The male urethra is about 20 em in length
and has three segments. The first segment The spongy urethra has the same type of
(prostatic urethra) traverses the prostat~ epithelial lining as the membranous urethra,
gland and is 3 to 4 cm long.The second segment except in certain areas and where terminally
(membranous urethra) passes through the epithelium is nonkeratinized stratified
the sphincter urethrae muscle (external. squamous.
urethral sphincter) and is about 1 em long. The urethral glands (of Littre) in the
The third and longest segment (spongy lamina propria of the spongy urethra are
urethra, penile urethra, cavernous urethra) decidedly more numerous than those in the
traverses the penis. It is about 15 ern long and other urethral segments. They empty into
terminates in the external urethral orifice recesses in the mucosa called lacunae of
(meatus). Morgagni. Incidentally, in the epithelium in

Fig. XV-21. Spongy Urethra.
The photomicrograph shows the
stratified columnar epithelium (e)
and lamina propria (Ip) that exhibits
a urethral gland of Littre (gL). H&E

the lacunae ofMorgagni, many of the cells form front of the vaginal opening on the vestibule of
intraepithelial glands. the external genitalia.
External to the lamina propria is erectile The mucosa of the female urethra is
tissue (see section on penis, Chapter XVI) that thrown into longitudinal folds. Its epithelium
comprises most of the substance of the penis. is transitional in most of its length, but becomes
nonkeratinized stratified squamous near the
The spongy urethra also receives the ducts
urethral orifice. Its lamina propria is a loose
of the bulbourethral glands (of Cowper)
connective tissue that contains numerous elastic
which are a pair of small (about 1 em in diameter
elements and many small, mucus-secreting
each), mucus-secreting glands embedded in the
urethral glands that open into the lumen. The
sphincter urethrae muscle on either side of the
more external part of the lamina propria, like the
membranous urethra.
corpus cavernosum of the male penis, contains
a plexus of veins associated with smooth muscle
Female Urethra fibers.
The female urethra is much shorter than The muscular layer of the female
the male urethra. It is only 4 em long. This is urethra consists of an internal coat of mostly
the reason why urinary tract infections which longitudinally and obliquely-arranged smooth
are usually ascending infections (i.e., the muscle cells and an outer coat of circularly-
pathogens enter via the urethral meatus) are arranged skeletal (voluntary) muscle fibers that
more common in women than in men. The comprise the sphincter urethrae muscle.
female urethra is attached to the anterior wall The tunica adventitia consists of a thin layer
of the vagina throughout its length. It opens in ofloose connective tissue.


apter ~\l1


eproduction or procreation, the the production of male (spermatogenesis) and
production of a new individualis arguably femalegametes (oogenesis). They also produce
the most imporlant of the biological the hormones that account for the profound
processes that humans undertake because it anatomical and physiological differences
ensures perpetuation of the species. between the sexes. In addition, in the male,
Humans procreateby sexual reproduction' the organ system provides a means for the
aprocessthat requires the gametes (germ cells) male gametes to be deposited into the female
genital tract while in the female, it provides the
of the male and the female to unite to form a
appropriate milieu for a successful fertilization
zygote'or fertilized ovum. The male gamete
and pregnancy.
is called sperm cell (spermatozoon) while the
female gamete is called egg cell (ovum). In males, the reproductive system consists
of a pair of testes, the corresponding duct
The gametes are unique among the
system of each testis, a copulatory organ
numerous cell types in the body in that
(penis), and some accessory glands.
they ane haploid (i.e., they possess only 23
chromosomes) while all the others are diploid
(i.e., they contain 46 chromosomes). When a DEVELOPMENT OF THE MALE
sperm celland an ovum unite-i-a process called GAMETES
fertilization-the resulting cell (zygote) is
The earliest recognizable stem cells of the
diploid because it inherits all the chromosomes
male and female gametes are calledprimordial
in both gametes. Shortly after it has formed, the
germ cells. They arise from the endoderm of
zygote undergoes mitotic divisions (cleavage)
the yolk sac from the 2nd to the 8th week 0
and so on becomes an embryo (i.e., the
intrauterine life. Starting on the 4th week of
developing human individual from the time of
intrauterine life, these cells begin to migrate
implantation to the end of the eighth week after
to the developing gonads, undergoing
fertilization). Later, it becomes a fetus (i.e.,the
mitosis along the way. They start to reach the
developing human individual from the end of
developing gonads by the end of the 5th week
the eighth week after fertilization until birth). of intrauterine life. In the developing gonads
The male and female reproductive (ovaries) of genetic females, these cells soon
systems are responsible for gametogenesis, differentiate into oogonia, the precursor cells
of ova while in the developing gonads (testes) the male becomes sexually mature, dramatic
of genetic males, they promptly differentiate increase in the production of the male hormone
into spermatogonia, the precursor cells of (testosterone) induces the spermatogonia to
spermatozoa. start to multiply continuously and for some of
their progenies to enter th spermatogenic cell
Spermatogenesis cycle (i.e., undergo differentiation.)
.. There are several types of spermatogonia in
Differentiation of the spermatogonia
the testes of the sexually mature male, but the
into sp erm atoz.o a, which occurs in the,
main types are dark type A spermatogonium
seminiferous tubules of the testes, is called
(type Ad spermatogonium), pale type A
spermatogenesis ..It is a process that starts at
spermatogonium (type Ap spermatogonium),
puberty and continues until old age.
and type B spermatogonium.
Spermatogenesis consists of thr e
The type Ad spermatogonium is a relatively
stages) spermatocytogenesis, meiosis,
small cell (about 12 ~m in diameter) that has
and spermiogenesis. Spermatocytogenesis
not entered the spermatogenic cell cycle yet. It
refers to the development of spermatogonia
is so-called because its flattened ovoid nucleus
into primary spermatocytes. Meiosis refers
contains dense chromatin material that makes
to the two successive cell divisions that the
it appear relatively dark in routinely prepar d
primary spermatocytes and their daughter cells
histologic specimens. Type Ad spermatogonia
respectively undergo to give rise to haploid
rarely divide in adults and are considered as
cells called' spermatids. Spermiogenesis
dormant reserve stem cells, but when needed,
refers to the transformation of spermatids into
they can mitose either to renew their numbers
or to produce type Ap spermatogonia
. . Type Ap spermatogonia, on the other hand,
primordial germ cell
ale cells that have entered the spermatogenic
cycle (i.e., they have started to differentiate).
type Ad spermatogonium
They divide (mitose) actively either to
renew their numbers or to produce type B
type Ap spermatogonium

type B spermatogonium When type Ap spermatogonia undergo

mitosis to produce type B spermatogonia,
the cytokinesis or division of the cytoplasm
primary spermatocyte
that occurs during telophase (the last stage
..... meiosis I
.of mitosis) is not completed such that the
secondary spermatocyte
daughter cells remain connected to each other
..... meiosis II
by cytoplasmic bridges. This incomplete
spermatid cytokinesis also occurs in all subsequent
..... spermiogenesis
cell divisions of these daughter cells and
spermatozoon their progenies. Hence, all the cells in the
spermatogenic series that arise from the same
Fig. XVI-1.Stages of Spermatogenesis type Ap spermatogonium remain connected
to each other (and presumably communicate
-Spermatocytoqenesis with each other) until their connections are
In the sexually immature male, the testes severed shortly before they are released into
contain relatively few spermatogonia and the lumen of the seminiferous tubules as sperm
they divide infrequentl . But at puberty, when cells.


Under the LM, type Ap spermatogonia look Prophase of meiosis I consists of five stages
like type Ad spermatogonia except for their paler that are distinguishable under the LM: 1)
nucle s-on account of their lightly-staini g, leptotene stage-during which the chromatin
finely granular chromatin-that usually material starts to condense and form fine threads
contains a couple of nucleoli that are often within the nucleus; 2) zygotene stage-during
associated with the nuclear membrane. Type which the chromatin material condenses further
B spermatogonia, on the other hand, resemole and the homologous and sex chromosomes
type Ap spermatogoni in appearance except approach each other to form 23 pairs (with
that their nucleus is more rounded. each chromosome, because it replicates in the
A type B spermatogonium undergoes preleptotene stage, consisting of a pair of sister
further mitosis after which all its progenies chromatids); 3) pachytene stage-during
increase in size and differentiate into primary which a) the chromosomes become thicker byj
spermatocytes. condensing even further, rendering the sister
chromatids recognizable as distinct entities,
The primary spermatocyte is the largest cell
and, b) corresponding segments of the non-
in the spermatogenic cycle (i.e., male germ cell
sister chromatids of each pair of homologous
lineage). In routine histologic preparations, it is
chromosomes are exchanged, a process called
seen as having a large nucleu whose chromatin
crossing-over or genetic recombination,
material is in the form of fine threads or clump-s,
which ensures that the genome of the resulting
and abundant cytoplasm.
offspring is uniqu (note: the sex chromosomes
also exchange genetic material but to a much
lesser extent than the somatic chromosomes);
Meiosis involves two successive cell 4) diplotene stage-during which the
divisions (Meiosis I and II), but during this homologous and sex chromosomes begin to
process, the chromosomes replicate only once'.' separate; and 5) diakinesis-during which
Meiosis I is undertaken by the diploid the nuclear membrane disappears and the
primary spermatocyte and results in the homologous and sex chromosomes move a little
formation of two haploid cells (secondary further from each other.
spermatocytes). Each secondary spermatocyte Ittakes about 22 days to complete-prophase
then undergoes meiosis II to produce two still of meiosis 1. Following this long prophase
haploid cells (spermatids) each. stage" the primary spermatocyte goes through
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase rapidly.
First Meiosis (Meiosis I)
During metaphase, the homologous and
A primary spermatocyte, like all sex pairs of chromosomes align themselves in
diploid cells, has 22 pairs of homologous parallel fashion at the center of the cel .
somatic chromosomes and a pair of male sex
At anaphase, one member of each of the
chromosomes (X and Y).
22 pairs of homologous somatic chromosomes;
Soon after a primary spermatocyte has and the Y chromosome move to one pole of
formed and while it is still at interphase the primary spermatocyte while the other
(preleptotene stage), its chromosomes member of each of the 22 pairs of homologous
replicate resulting in the production of two somatic chromosomes and the X chromosome
sister chromatids (as the replicas are called) move to the opposite pole of the cell. Thus,
per chromosome. Then, it starts meiosis 1. during anaphase the homologous and sex
Meiosis, like mitosis, consists of fou pairs of chromosomes part company, but the
stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and sister chromatids of each chromosome stay
telophase. togethe.

At telophase, each of the two groups of Spermiogenesis
chromosomes that have migrated to the opposite
During spermiogenesis, the haploid
ends of the cell acquires a nuclear envelope.
spermatid which, incidentally, is no longer
Also, the cytoplasm of the mother cell is divided
capable of cell division, undergoes radical
equally between the two daughter cells, but as in
change in form and becomes a sperm cell
the mitoses of the type B spermatogonium, the
(spermatozoon): its nucleus condenses and
resulting two daughter cells, called secondary
elongates; it forms an acrosome (acrosomal
spermatocytes, remain connected to each
other by cytoplasmic bridges. One secondary
cap); and it acquires a tail (flagellum).
spermatocyte has 22 somatic chromosomes Spermiogenesis consists of three stages:
plus the Y chromosome while the other has 22 Golgi phase, acrosomal phase, and maturation
somatic chromosomes plus the X chromosome, phase.
but all these chromosomes come in duplicate
In early Golgi phase, the Golgi complex
pairs called chromatids.
of the spermatid produces numerous small,
---. .
A secondary spermatocyte is only about membrane-bound granules (proacrosomal
half the size of a primary spermatocyte. granules) that later coalesce to form a Single,
large, membrane-bound structure (acrosomal
Second Meiosis (Meiosis II) vesicle). Meanwhile,. the nucleus starts to
As soon as it has formed, the secondary condense and elongate. At the same time, the
spermatocyte starts meiosis II, which it centrioles move towards the surface of the cell
completes in just a matter of hours. Thus, in that is opposite the aerosomal vesicle. There,
routine histologic preparations, secondary they align with the long axis of the nucleus and
spermatocytes are difficult to find. start to elongate to form a tail (flagellum).
In meiosis II, the chromosomes condense " Throughout the Golgi phase, there is
during prophase and move to the equatorial continuous production of proacrosomal
phase during metaphase. At anaphase, the granules by the Golgi complex and fusion of
sister chromatids of each chromosome are these granules with the acrosomal vesicle.
pulled away from each other. One set of sister Towards the end of the Golgi phase, the
chromatids migrates to one pole ofthe cellwhile aerosomal vesicle gets attached to one pole of
the other set migrates to th~ opposite pole. At the nucleus.
telophase, each set of chromatids acquires a
nuclear envelope and the cytoplasm of the During the acrosomal phase, the aerosomal
mother cell is divided equally between the two vesicle transforms into an acrosome-a cap-
daughter cells, but as in the first meiosis, the like structure that coversa bigpart ofthe nuclear
resulting daughter cells, called spermatids, surface. At the same time, the nucleus elongates
remain connected to each other by cytoplasmic further and its chromatin material condenses
bridges. some more while the tail continues to lengthen.
The cytoplasm, on the other hand, migrates,
Spermatids contain 23 chromosomes,
taking with it all the mitochondria, to surround
but none of them is identical to any of the
the first part of the tail, where it forms a thick
chromosomes of their original primary
segment called middle piece.
spermatocyte because of the crossing-over that
occurs during meiosis. In the seminiferous During the maturation phase, the
tubules, the spermatids are located near the transformation of the spermatid into a
lumen. They are easy to spot in routine LM spermatozoon is completed-residual
preparations because they are smallest and most cytoplasm is shed and phagocytosed by
numerous of the immature gametes. the Sertoli cells (see page 247) and the


mitochondria get arranged in a helical manner
around the middle piece forming what is known
as a mitochondrial sheath.
Spermiogenesis ends with spermiation
(i.e., release of the spermatozoon into the
fluid-filled lumen of the seminiferous tubule).
At spermiation, the cytoplasmic bridges that
have connected the progenies of a type Ap
spermatogonium to each other throughout their
development are severed.
When they are released into the lumen
of the seminiferous tubule, the spermatozoa
are anatomically mature, but physiologically
immature. They are not capable of fertilizing
the ovum and are not motile yet. They undergo Fig. XVI-2. Testis and Its Duct System
additional maturation in the ductus epididymis
by a fibrous sheath. The end piece is the short,
where they stay for some time after leaving the
terminal segment of the tail that is not enclosed
seminiferous tubules, but they do not become
by a fibrous sheath.
physiologically mature until after they are
deposited in the female genital tract. The tail has a basic structure that is
identical to that ofa cilium-its core (axoneme)
Ittakes about 64 daysfor the spermatogonia consists of20 microtubules that exhibit the 9+2
to develop into spermatozoa. arrangement (i.e., there is a central pair that is
" surrounded by nine peripheral doublets).
The spermatozoon has two parts: head and TESTES
tail. The testes, the organs where
The head of the spermatozoon is made spermatogenesis and synthesis of the male
up of an elongated, highly condensed nucleus hormone (testosterone) occur are a pair of
that is covered on its anterior two-thirds by oval bodies that are lodged in th scrotum, a
the acrosome. The acrosome contains several sac under the penis that is made up of skin ana
hydrolytic enzymes that, during fertilization, subcutaneous tissue. Each testis is 4 to 5 ern
disperse the cells of the corona radiata and long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick, and weighs
digest the zona pellucida that surround the about 14g.
ovum. The testis is enclosed by a tough, fibrous
The very long tail of the spermatozoon has capsule, the tunica albuginea, which is made
four segments: neck, middle piece, principal up of dense irregular connective tissue. At
piece, and end piece. The neck or connecting the posterior surface of the testis, the tunica
piece is the segment that is attached to the albugineaisthickened to form the mediastinum
head. Immediately distal to the neck is the testis. It is at the mediastinum testis where
middle piece, which is about 5 ~m in length blood and lymphatic vessels enter and/or exit,
and surrounded by the mitochondrial sheath. and the ductuli efferentes leave,the testis.
Distal to the middle piece is the principal piece. At the mediastinum testis, the tunica
This segment is thinner, but is much longer albuginea sends connective tissue septa
(50 urn) than the middle piece. It is enclosed (septulae testis) into the substance ofthe testis


that divides the organ, although incompletely,
into about 250 pyramidal compartments called
lobules (lobuli testis).

Testicular Lobules (Lobuli Testis)

The testicular lobules, as previously
mentioned, are occupied by highly-coiled
tubes (seminiferous tubules) that are
supported by a stroma consisting of a highly
vascular reticular tissue that fills the spaces
between the seminiferous tubules. Embedded
in this intertubular connective tissue stroma
are eticular cells, mesenchymal cells, and
macrophages. Also scattered either singly
or in clusters in this connective tissue are the
interstitial cells (of Leydig).
Fig. XVI-4. Testis. This section of the testis shows
the tunica albuginea (ta) and part of a lobule.
Interstitial Cells (of Leydiq) The main occupants of-the testicular lobules are
highly coiled tubes called seminifeorus tubules
The interstitial cells (of Leydig) are (smt). Testis, H&E x100.
large ovoid cells that, in routine histologic
preparations, exhibit a round nucleus tha
contains fine chromatin and one or two
peripherally located nucleoli.The cytoplasm of
these cells is copious and eosinophilic. It does
not contain secretory granule because the cells
release their secretions constitutive y, but it
contains lipid droplets and elongate .crystals
(of Reinke). These crystals, which can be I
seen in well-prepared LM specimens, increase
in number with age, but their significance is
The interstitial cells (of Leydig) produce
testosterone, the hormone that isresponsiblefor
the secondary sexualcharacteristicsofthe male.
Testosteroneisalsoessentialto the maintenance
of the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules,
the control of spermatogenesis-in the
absence of testosterone, spermatogenesis does
not proceed beyond the meiosisstage-and the'
Fig. XVI-3. Architecture of the Testis. The testis
proper functioning of the accessory glands of
is enveloped by a capsule called tunica albuginea
(ta) which, on the posterior surface of the organ, the male reproductive system.
is thickened to form the mediastinum testis (mt). Production oftestosteroneby the interstitial
From the mediastinum testis, connective tissue
septa, referred to as septulae testis (st), invade
cells (of Leydig) is regulated primarily by the
the organ to divide it into lobules called lobuli luteinizing hormone (LH) that is secreted by
testis (It). Testis, H&E x40. the pituitary gland.


smooth muscle cells and whose contraction
helps propel the spermatozoa into the duct
system. The epithelium, on the other hand, is
a stratified epithelium whose cells consist of
spermatogenic cells (i.e., gametes in various
stages of development) and supporting cells
called Sertoli cells.

Sertoli Cells
Sertoli cells are large, tall cells. They have
broad bases that rest on the basal lamina but
they taper somewhat as they extend into the free
surface of the epithelium. Their apices project
into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule while
their lateral surfaces form folds that partia-lly
enclose the developing male gametes.
Sertoli cells have an elongated nucleus that
Fig. XVI-S. Interstitial Cells of Leydig. The cells
in the testis that produce testosterone are called is positioned at right angle to the basement
interstitial cells of Leydig '(at arrows). They have membrane. The nucleus has a visible nucleolus
eosinophilic cytoplasm and are located in the in routine histologic preparations. They are
tissue between seminiferous tubules (smt) in the well-supplied with cytoplasmic organelles-
lobules. Testis, H&Ex100.
abundant mitochondria and lysosomes, a well-
developed Golgi complex, and an extensive
Seminiferous Tubules
" smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasm
There are up to four seminiferous tubules of Sertoli cells also exhibits crystal inclusions
in each testicular lobule. They are small (150 that are similar to those found in the interstitial
to 250 ~m in diameter) but long (30 to 70 cm) cells (of Leydig).
and highly-coiled tubes that are filled with fluid.
Near their bases, Sertoli cells form
They start as blind or as anastomosing tubes at
tight junctions with each other. These tight
the base and terminate at the apical portion of
junctions divide the lumen of the seminiferous
the lobule, which is located in the mediastinum
tubule into two compartments: basal and
testis, by becoming continuous with the tubuli
adluminal. The basal compartment is
occupied by the spermatogonia and this is
It is in the seminiferous tubules where the where spermatocytogenesis takes place.
male gametes (spermatozoa, sperm cells) are Once formed, the primary spermatocytes
produced. Because the seminiferous tubules are migrate to the adluminal compartment where
numerous and long, the number of spermatozoa they undergo all the additional development
produced by the testes is staggering. Each testis necessary to become spermatozoa.
is estimated to produce 94.6 x 106 spermatozoa The tight junctions the Sertoli cells form
per day. with each other also act as a blood-testes
The wall of the seminiferous tubules barrier that presumably prevents the cells
consists of an outer fibrous sheath and an in the adluminal compartment, which are
inner epithelium that has a well-developed antigenically different from somatic cells, from
basal lamina. The fibrous sheath contains getting into contact with, and being attacked by,
contractile cells (myoid cells) that resemble the cells of the immune system.

The other functions of the Sertoli cells The developing gametes form four to eight
include nutritional support and protection layers of cells on the lateral surfaces of the
of the developing gametes; production of the Sertoli cells.The spermatogonia, as previously
fluid that fills the lumen of the seminiferous mentioned, occupy the basal compartment of
tubules, which facilitates the transport of the the seminiferous tubules. As the progenies ofthe
spermatozoa through the excretory ducts; spermatogonia differentiate, they move inward
phagocytosis of excess cytoplasm that are shed towards the lumen of the seminiferous tubule
by spermatids during spermiogenesis; and, and get to occupy successively higher folds on
synthesis and secretion of a number of proteins the lateral surfaces of the Sertoli cells. Thus, the
and the hormone inhibin. more mature the developing gamete, the closer
The activity of the Sertoli cells (and in it is to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule.
effect, spermatogenesis) is increased by follide- Spermatozoa that are ready for spermiation
stimulating hormone (FSH) that is secreted occupy the apices of the Sertoli cells.
by the pituitary _gland. The inhibin that the
Sertoli cells produce, on the other hand, has Blood and Lymphatic Vessels of
a negative feedback effect on the pituitary the Testes
gland. It commands the gland to reduce FSH
secretion. The Sertoli cells are also target cells The left and right testes are supplied with
of testosterone. blood by the left and right testicular arteries,
respectively, that arise from the abdominal
aorta just below the origins ofthe renal arteries.
Before reaching the testis, the testicular
artery divides into several branches. A few of
~~esebranches supply the epididymis; some of
them anastomose with branches of the artery of
the ductus deferens and cremasteric artery;

Fig. XVI-6. Sertoli Cells and Developing

Germ Cells. Sertoli cells (Se) are broad and
tall cells whose bases rest on the basal lamina
(bl) and whose apices extend into the free
surface of the epithelium of the seminiferous
tubules. Their lateral surfaces have invaginations
where developing gametes including primary
spermatozoa (ps), spermatids (sd), and Fig. XVI-7. Seminiferous Tubule. The
spermatozoa (sp) are lodged. Near their bases, photomicrograph shows a seminiferous tubule
the Sertoli cells form tight junctions (tj) with whose wall consists of a fibrous sheath (fs) and
neighboring Sertoli cells to effectively divide the a stratified epithelium made up of Sertoli cells
lumen of the seminiferous tubules into a basal (Se)and developing gametes in various stages of
compartment (be) occupied by spermatogonia development. The stages include spermatogonia
(sa) and an adluminal compartment (ac) where (sa),primary spermatocytes (ps), spermatids (sd),
all the other developing gametes are located. and spermatozoa (sy). Testis, H&E x400.

and the rest penetrate the tunica albuginea at
the mediastinum testis and enter the testis.
Some of the arterioles that enter the testis
course towards the rete testis, which they
supply with capillaries. The others take the
opposite direction and follow the connective
tissue elements through the interlobular areas.
From there, their branches enter the lobules
where, in the connective tissue stroma between
the seminiferous tubules, they break up into
intertubular capillaries that anastomose
The venules that drain the capillaries
unite to form collecting venules. Some of the Fig. XVI-B. Tubuli Recti. A tubuli recti (tr) is a
collecting venules drain into the veins in the short tubule lined by a simple epithelium that
tunica albuginea, others empty into the venous connects a seminiferous tubule (st) to the rete
plexuses associated with the rete testis, but all testis. Testis, H&E x100.
the veins converge and exit at the mediastinum Intratesticular Genital Ducts
The intratesticular genital ducts consist
After emerging 'from the testis, the veins
of the tubuli recti, rete testis, and ductuli
form the pampiniform plexus of veins that
surround the ductus deferens (see page 252)
in the spermatic cord (see page 253). The
Tubuli Recti (Straight Tubules)
pampiniform plexus empties its blood into two ..
to three larger veins which later fuse to form a The tubuli recti are the immediate
single testicular vein. continuation of the seminiferous tubules. They
are short, narrow, and straight tubes that are in
The right testicular vein drains into the
the mediastinum testis. Their wall consists of a
inferior vena cava while the left joins the left
simple epithelium that is supported externally
renal vein.
by dense irregular connective tissue.
Lymphatic vessels of the testis start at
In the initial segment of the tubuli recti,
the intertubular (i.e., between seminiferous
the epithelium is composed simply of Sertoli
tubules) areas. They unite with other lymphatic
cells that have no associated gametes. Distally,
vessels at the interlobular connective. tissue.
the Sertoli cells are replaced by columnar or
Lymph vesselsfrom the interlobular connective
cuboidal cells that contain numerous microvilli
tissue drain into larger lymphatic vessels in
on their luminal surface. The tubuli recti empty
the capsule, which converge and exit at the
into the rete testis.
mediastinum testis.
Rete Testis
Ducts of the Testis
The rete testis consists of a network of
The sperm cells that are produced in the anastomosing canals that have irregular lumens
seminiferous tubules are conveyed to the within the mediastinum testis. The canals are
outside by a system of excretory ducts. Some of lined by a simple epithelium where the cells
these ducts are within (intratesticular genital are squamous or cuboidal. The cells rest on a
ducts) while some are outside (extratesticular well-developedbasal lamina and in routine light
genital ducts) the testis. microscopic slides, they are darkly-staining.


Fig. XVI-9. Rete -Testis. The rete testis refers to Fig. XVI-10. Ductulus Efferens. Note the
a network of canals in the mediastinum testis scalloped appearance of the lumen that lines
that is lined by a simple squamous or cuboidal the wall of the tube. It is shaped as such because
epithelium (e). Testis, H&E x100. of the way the two types of epithelial cells-one
type is columnar and ciliated while the other is
cuboidal and nonciliated-are arranged.

The epithelium is enveloped externally by the epididymis by their ciliary movement (their
vascular connective tissue that blends with the ciliary
beat is towards the epididymis) while
connective tissue of the mediastinum testis. the nonciliated cells absorb, by endocytosis,
some of the fluid that bathe the spermatozoa
Ductuli Efferentes (Efferent Ductu/es) .and which is secreted by the Sertoli cells in the
seminiferous tubules.
The canals of the rete testis drain into
12 to 20 fine tubules (ductuli efferentes) that External to the epithelium, a thin layer
penetrate the tunica albugineaand exitthe testis of circularly-arranged smooth muscle cells
at its posterosuperior surface. Thus, the distal surrounds each ductulus efferens.
segment of each ductulus efferens is actually
Immediately after leaving the testis, the
ductuli efferentes become highly tortuous as
they travel the short distance to the head .ofthe
epididymis where they merge to form a single
tube, the ductus epididymis.
The wall of the ductuli efferentes consists
of an epithelium that is supported externally
by a thin layer of circularly-arranged smooth
muscle cells. The epithelium has a "scalloped
appearance" in routine LM preparations
because it is made up of two types of cells
(one type is columnar and ciliated while the
other is cuboidal and nonciliated but contains Fig. XVI-11. Ductulus Efferens. The segment
of this duct within the testis is embedded in
microvilli) that form groups that line the duct connective tissue (ct). Its wall contains some
in an irregularly alternating manner. Th-e smooth muscle cells (sm) external to the
ciliated cells help propel the spermatozoa into epithelium (e). Testis, H&E x200.


Fig. XVI-12. Epididymis, Head. The head of
the epididymis contains the distal ends of the
ductuli efferentes (ef) and the initial segment
of the highly coiled ductus epididymis (ep).
H&E x40.
Fig. XVI-13. Ductus Epididymis.' The wall
of this duct consists of a pseudostratified
epit': elium (e) whose principal cells possess
stereocilia (s) that is supported externally
by smooth muscle cells (mf) and connective
tissue (ct). H&E x400.

Extratesticular Genital Ducts

The extratesticular genital ducts serve as
passagewaysfor the sperm cells from the testis
to the outside. They consist of the ductus
epididymis, ductus deferens (vas deferens),
ejaculatory duct, and urethra.
the blood vessels that supply the ducts and the
The first three ducts are paired (left and' ,
connective tissue that binds the coils __.
6f the
right) while the urethra, which has alreadybeen
discussed in the previous chapter, is-unpaired,
The ductus epididymis is a long but highly
Epididymis and Ductus Epididymis , coiled tube. When uncoiled, it is more than 6
meters long, but its diameter is only 1 mm. Its
The epididymis, which should not be wall is formed by a pseudostratified columnar
confused with the ductus epididymis, is a epithelium that is surrounded externally by
C-shaped structure that occupies an area about smooth muscle and connective tissue elements.
7.S em in length on the superior and posterior
surfaces of the testis. It has three parts: a thick The pseudostratified epithelium of the
head that is associated with the superior pole of ductus epididymis is made up of two types of
the testis, a slender body that is associated with cells-principal cells and basal cells.
the posterior surface of the testis: and a short The principal cellsare more numerous than
tail that is associated with the inferior pole of the basal cells. They are tall columnar in the
the testis. segment of the duct that is in the head of the
The head of the epididymis contains the epididymis but progressivelydecrease in height
distal portions of the ductuli efferentes and along the ductus epididymis such that distally,
the initial segment of the highly coiled ductus they are simply cuboidal. Their apical surfaces
epididymis into which the ductuli efferentes are provided with stereocilia.
drain. The body and tail contain the rest of the The principal cells are responsible for
ductus epididymis. Aside from these ducts, absorbing as much as 90% of the fluid that
the other constituents of the epididymis are originates from the seminiferoustubules (which

is secreted by the Sertoli cells). In addition,
they may have a secretory function because
the complement of cytoplasmic organelles that
they possess (as seen in electron micrographs)
is sug-gestive of such. But the nature of their
secretion, if indeed they have any, is not known
The basal cells, on the other hand, are
small, rounded, or pyramidal cells that rest on
the basal lamina in between the bases of the
principal cells. Under the LM, they have a pale-
staining cytoplasm and coarse nuclear material.
The basal cells have few cytoplasmic organelles.
Their function is'probably to serve as stem cells
Fig. XVI-1S. Vas Deferens. The epithelium of
for the principal cells. this duct (e) is pseudostratified columnar with
The smooth muscle cells that are located stereocilia. Deep in the lamina propria (Ip) is a
very thick muscularis layer (m).The most external
external to the basal lamina of the epithelium
layer is an adventitia (a). In the lumen of the duct
of the ductus epididymis progressively become is a bunch of spermatozoa (sc). H&E x100.
more numerous along the duct. In the initial
segment, they form a thin layer and are mostly The ductus epididymis also serves for
circularly-arranged while in the distal segment, accumulation and storage of spermatozoa.
they form three layers: inner and outer layers of Likewise, it is in this duct where the spermatozoa
mostly longitudinally-arranged, and a middle become motile.
layer of mostly circularly-arranged fibers. In humans, the spermatozoa spend 2 to
6 days in the ductus epididymis, but in other
mammals, the transit time of the sperm cells in
the epididymis could be up to 2 weeks. When a
spermatozoon leaves the ductus epididymis, its
tail is fully motile but it still needs to undergo
capacitation before it can fertilize an ovum.
Capacitation, a biochemical process that
involves changes in the cell membrane of
the spermatozoon, occurs within the female
reproductive tract.
Spermatozoa are fast swimmers; when
released in the vaginal canal during sexual
intercourse, they are able to cover the distance
between the vagina and the abdominal cavity in
Fig. XVI-14. Spermatic Cord. This structure about 15 minutes.
is made up of blood and lymphatic vessels,
nerves, and the vas deferens bound together by
connective tissue to form a cord-like structure. In Ductus Deferens (Vas Deferens)
the photomicrograph, the histologic layers of the The ductus deferens is a fibromuscular tube
vas deferens can be appreciated. These are the
epithelium (e), lamina propria (lp), inner muscle
that is about 45 cm long. It starts at the most
layer (iml), middle muscle layer (mml), outer inferior portion of the tail of the epididymis as
muscle layer (oml), and adventitia (ad). H&E x40. the continuation of the ductus epididymis. From


the tail of the epididymis, it turns upwards along The adventitia is composed of connective
the posterior surface of the testes and enters the tissue that contains the blood and lymphatic
abdominopelvic cavity via the inguinal canal. vessels, and nerves that supply the duct.
Then it crosses the posterior portion of the The distal segment of the ductus deferens
urinary bladder where, after passing the ureter, is dilated and is called the ampulla. In the
it descends towards the prostate gland. ampulla, in contrast to the more proximal
The ductus deferens, from its initial portions of the duct, the mucosal folds are more
segment and until it emerges from the deep numerous, deeper, and more complex. The
inguinal ring to enter the abdominopelvic lining epithelium of the ampulla is sometimes
merely simple columnar, and its muscular layer
cavity is embedded in the spermatic cord.
is much thinner than that in the other segments
The spermatic cord consists of several of the organ.
structures that enter or leave the testis and
which are bundled together by connective Ejaculatory Duct
tissue. Its constituents are the ductus deferens
The ductus deferens terminates by uniting
and its artery and vein, testicular artery,
with the duct of the seminal vesicle to form a
pampiniform plexus of veins, and lymphatic
short tube, about 2 ern in length, the ejaculatory
vessels and nerves of the testes. The structures
duct, which penetrates the substance of the
that comprise the spermatic cord are enveloped
prostate gland to empty into the posterior part
by three layers of tough dense connective tissue of the prostatic urethra.
(internal spermatic fascia, cremasteric fascia,
and external spermatic fascia). The middle of
these layers (i.e., the cremasteric fascia) contains
longitudinally-arranged skeletal muscle fibers
that belong to the cremaster muscle whose
contraction in response to cold brings the testes
closer to the body to prevent damage to the
temperature-sensitive developing gametes.
The wall of the ductus deferens consists of
three histologic layers: mucosa, muscularis,
and adventitia.
The mucosa forms longitudinal folds that
impart a highly irregular shape to the narrow
lumen of the ductus deferens. It is composed of a
pseudostratified columnar (with stereocilia)
epithelium that is similar to that of the ductus
epididymis except that its height is slightly
lower. The lamina propria, which is made up of Fig. XVI-16. Cross Section of the Penis. The
loose connective tissue, has a lot of elastic fibers. organ consists largely of three cavernous
bodies: two corpora cavernosa (cc) and a corpus
External to the mucosa is a very thick spongiosum (cs) whose central area is occupied
muscularis layer composed of smooth muscle by the spongy urethra (u).The cavernous bodies
fibers that are arranged in three distinct layers. are made up of erectile tissue that consists of
blood vessels (bv) embedded in connective
The muscle fibers in the outer and inner layers
tissue (ct). They are encased by tough connective
are longitudinally oriented while those in the tissue called tunica albuginea (ta), external to
middle layer are circularly oriented. which is skin (s).

penis, are structurally identical; they occupy
the dorsum of the penis where they lie side by
side. The third, the corpus spongiosum penis,
lies on the median plane, ventral to the corpora
cavernosa penis. Its enlarged distal portion
forms a conical structure, the glans penis,
which is covered by a fold of skin, the prepuce.
Throughout its length, the central portion of
the corpus spongiosum penis is occupied by the
spongy urethra (penile urethra; cavernous
A tough layer of dense regular collagenous
connective tissue that is well supplied with
elastic elements, the tunica albuginea, binds
the three cavernous bodies together and forms
Fig. XVI-17. Penis. Thisscanning photomicrograph a capsule around each one. In the flaccid penis,
shows the skin (s) and subcutaneous tissue (ct) the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa
that encase the penis externally. Deep in the penis is about 2.0 mm thick, but it thins out to
subcutaneous tissue is tunica_albuginea (ta) that about 0.5 mm when the penis erects fully.
surrounds the two corpora cavernosa (cc) and
the corpus spongiosum (cs)whose central area is The cavernous bodies are made up of
occupied by the spongy urethra. H&E x40. erectile tissue. This tissue consists of a
labyrinthine system of anastomosing blood
The mucosa of the ejaculatory duct also channels that are lined by endothelium and
exhibits folds that project into the lumen. Its separated from each other by connective tissue
lining epithelium is simple columnar. that contains elastic and smooth muscle fibers.
In the initial segment of the ejaculatory The vascular channels in erectile tissue
duct, the mucosa is surrounded externally by a
are ordinarily collapsed, but in the presence of
thin layer of smooth muscle fibers, but within the
prostate, the ejaculatory duct has no muscular
layer-instead, its mucosa is surrounded by
fibromuscular tissue that is part of the stroma
of the prostate gland.

In males, the urethra is the last segment
of the duct system of both the reproductive
and urinary systems. Its structure has been
discussed in the chapter on the urinary system.

The penis, the male copulatory organ, Fig. XVI-18. Erectile Tissue. This type of tissue
which comprises the cavernous bodies in the
consists of three cylindrical masses (cavernous
penis consists of interconnecting vascular
bodies) that are bound together by connective channels (vc) that are lined by endothelium (e)
tissue and covered externally by skin. Two of and separated from each other by connective
these cavernous bodies, the corpora cavernosa tissue. Penis, H&E x100.


erotic stimuli, they rapidly fill up with blood.
Penile erection occurs when the smooth
muscles in the erectile tissue relax and allow
blood from the two deep central arteries (also
known as the cavernosal arteries) that run down
the length of each cavernous bodies to fill the
vascular channels of the cavernous bodies.
As the corpora cavernosa fill with blood, they
press against the veins in the outside walls of
the corpora cavernosa, compressing them and
stopping the blood from flowing back out of the
penis. As more blood flows in and less flows out,
the penis erects.
External to the tunica albuginea is loose
connective tissue that serves as hypodermis
of the skin that envelops the penis. The
hypodermis is richly supplied with blood Fig. XVI-19. Prostate. The prostate is divided
vessels and it contains some smooth muscle into poorly defined lobules by connective tissue
cells, but is devoid of fat-cells. septa (s).The lobules contain the acini or alveoli
(a) that are lined by simple or psudostratied
The skin that covers the penis has no hair epithelium (e). In some alveoli or acini, lamellated
follicles and contains a limited number of sweat solid concretions called prostatic concretions (pc)
may be seen. H&E x40.
In the undersurface of the prepuce and in the seminal vesicles account for 60%while that
the proximal portion of the glans penis, there ofthe prostate gland account for 30%of seminal
are sebaceous glands (glands of Tyson) that volume. The bulbourethral glands contribute
are atypical because they are not associated an insignificant amount to semen, only a drop
with hair follicles. In the uncircumcised penis, orso.
the secretion of these glands often accumulates
and forms a cheesy material (smegma) in the Prostate Gland
space between the prepuce and glans penis.
The chestnut-shaped prostate gland
ACCESSORYGLANDS OF THE is the largest of the accessory glands of the
male reproductive system. Its base, which
is about 4 cm in diameter, lies immediately
The accessory glands of the male under the apex of the urinary bladder. Its
reproductive system consist of the unpaired vertical diameter is about 3 em while its
prostate gland, and the paired seminal anteroposterior diameter is about 2 cm.
vesicles and bulbourethral glands (glands Its substance is traversed by the prostatic
of Cowper). The combined secretions of these urethra that passes through the center of the
accessoryglands account for most ofthe volume gland. It is also within the gland that the right
of male ejaculate (semen). and left ejaculatory ducts join the urethra.
Semen averages 2 to 5 mL per ejaculation. The stroma of the prostate gland consists
It contains 20 to 250 million spermatozoa per of dense irregular connective tissue that is
mL, but these cells constitute only about lO% richly supplied with smooth muscle fibers-
ofthe volume of the ejaculate. The secretions of the reason why the prostate is often referred to


The submucosal glands, on the other hand,
occupy practically the whole inner third of the
prostate gland. Their ducts also open into the
prostatic sinuses.
Meanwhile, the mucosal glands comprise
a small group of glands that occupy the area
that immediately surrounds the urethra. Their
ducts open directly on the luminal surface ofthe
prostatic urethra.
The epithelium that lines the alveoli of the
prostate gland is often simple columnar but in
some areas it is sometimes simple squamous,
simple cuboidal, or pseudo stratified columnar.
In some of the alveoli, the lumen contains
lamellated solid concretions (prostatic
concretions; corpora amylacea) that are of
Fig. XVI-20. Prostate. This low-magnification
photomicrograph of the prostate show the variable size, some reaching 2 mm in diameter.
muscle fibers (mf) that are numerous in the septa, The prostatic concretions are composed of
the endothelium (e) that lines the alveoli (a), and glycoproteins and other substances that are
prostatic concretions (pc) that occupy the lumen deposited around cell fragments. They increase
of some of the alveoli. H&E x100.
in size and number, and calcify,with age.

as a fibromuscular organ. The stroma forms a The secretion of the prostate gland is
an alkaline fluid that contains enzymes,
capsule that envelops the gland. The capsule
fibrinolysin, prostaglandins, and a compound
gives off septa that incompletely subdivide the
with antibiotic properties.
prostate gland into about 50 poorly defined
lobules. The blood vessels and nerve's of the
gland ramify in the septa. From the septa, Seminal Vesicles
connective tissue elements and smooth muscle
The seminal vesicles are a pair (left and
cells invade the lobules and create a supporting
right) of sac-like structures that are about 5 em
framework around and between the alveoli.
The parenchyma of the prostate gland
consists of three groups of compound
tubuloalveolar glands that are arranged
concentrically around the urethra: 1) main
prostatic glands; 2) submucosal glands; and,
3) mucosal glands. The ducts of the three
groups of glands all open into the prostatic
The main prostatic glands comprise the
bulk, and occupy the peripheral two-thirds of
the prostate gland. Their secretion is collected
by about 20 ducts that open independently of
each other into the prostatic sinuses on the sides Fig. XVI-21. Seminal Vesicle. The illustration
of the urethral crest on the posterior aspect of shows the histologic layers of the seminal vesicle.
the prostatic urethra. Note the intricate folds that the mucosa forms.


long each. They lie between the fundus of the
urinary bladder and the rectum immediately
above the prostate gland on either side of
Each seminal vesicle consists of a narrow
and long (10 to IS cm) tube whose numerous
<toils are bound together by connective tissue,
which externally, also forms a capsule for the
organ externally.
The wall of the tube has three histologic
layers: mucosa, muscularis, and adventitia.
The mucosa forms numerous intricately
branched folds that give the lumen the
appearance of a maze. Its lining epithelium
is nonciliated pseudostratified columnar Fig. XVI-22. Seminal Vesicle. The scanning
photomicrograph shows several coils of the
(or cuboidal). The cells comprising the
seminal vesicle in cross section. In each coil, the
epithelium are mostly columnar or cuboidal mucosa (rna)forms complex anastomosing folds
cells that contain lipochrome pigments in their that give the lumen (I) a maze-like appearance.
cytoplasm. In between the bases of these cells External to the mucosa are a muscularis layer
are a few small, round cells which are likely stem (mu) and an adventitia (a)which is often common
to adjoining coils. H&E x40.

Fig. XVI-23. Wall of the

Seminal Vesicle. This high
magnification photomicrograph
shows the epithelium (e) of
the seminal vesicle and the
underlying lamina propria (lp) in
greater detail. The epithelium
is pseudostratified cuboidal
(as in this section) or columnar.
In between the cuboidal or
columnar principal cells are a
few small cells that are probably
stem cells. Muscle fibers (mf) in
the muscularis layer can also be
identified in the section. H&E

The muscularis of the seminal vesicle small lobules that contain the alveoli and ducts
consists of a thin inner layer of circularly- of the gland.
arranged and a thicker outer layer of
The alveoli are lined by a simple cuboidal
longitudinally-arranged smooth muscle fibers.
epithelium. The nucleus of the epithelial cells is
The adventitia is connective tissue with typically displaced towards the base of the cell
elastic elements. because of the presence of numerous secretory
The epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle granules in the cytoplasm.
produces a secretion that contains fructose (an The alveoli drain into ducts that are lined
important source of energy for the spermatozoa), by simple tall cuboidal or columnar epithelium
prostaglandins, and fibrinogen. that contains patches of mucus-secreting cells.
A confluence of the ducts ultimately gives rise
Bulbourethral Glands (of Cowper) to the main excretory duct that is lined by a
pseudostratified columnar epithelium that, as
The bulbourethral glands are a pair (left and
in the smaller ducts, contains patches of mucus
right) of pea-sized (1.0 cm diameter), yellowish
organs that are embedded in the sphincter
urethrae muscle where they lie behind and The main excretory duct is relatively long
lateral to the membranous urethra. (2.5 to 3.0 em), It opens into the proximal part
of the spongy urethra.
Each bulbourethral. glana is a compound
tubuloalveolar mucous gland that is enclosed The secretion of the bulbourethral
by a thin connective tissue capsule that contains glands consists of a clear, viscous fluid that is
collagenous and elastic fibers, and some smooth discharged shortly before ejaculation. It helps
and striated muscle cells. Connective tissue to lubricate the urethra for easier passage of the
septa from the capsule divide the gland into spermatozoa.


he organs that comprise the female

The menstrual cycle varies in length from
reproductive system are grouped into the individual to individual and even in the same
internal and external genitalia (vulva). woman from cycle to cycle, but the average
Internal genitalia refers to the ovaries, is 28 days. Its most notable manifestation
is menstruation or menstrual flow (i.e.,
oviducts, uterus, and vagina while external
vaginal bleeding that lasts for three to five
genitalia refers to the clitoris, labia majora
days). It is customary to refer to the first day of
and minora, and some glands whose ducts open
menstruation as the first day of the menstrual
into the vestibule (i.e., the space into which the
cycle simply because this is the day in the cycle
orifices of the urethra and vagina open). "<, '.
that is easiest to ascertain.
The mammary gland, although a
The reproductive life of females is
modified sweat gland, is better considered part
considerably shorter than that of males. It starts
of the female reproductive system because of
at puberty and is heralded by menarche (first
its function, so it shall likewise be discussed
menstruation), which usually occurs when a
in this chapter. Another added material in this girl is between 11 to 14years of age, and ends at
chapter is a discussion on implantation and menopause (cessation of menstruation), which,
placentation. on the average, occurs at age 52. From menarche
to menopause, the menstrual cycle is repeated
MENS UALCYCLE over and over, interrupted only by pregnancy.

In sexually mature non-pregnant

women, the organs of the reproductive
system, especially the ovaries and the -uterus,
undergo cyclical anatomical and physiological
changes in response to a complex system of
hormonal and neural stimuli. These cyclical ... meiosisll
changes comprise the menstrual cycle.
They are designed to ensure that an ovum .... meiosis I
(female gamete) is periodically available for
fertilization, and that if fertilization occurs, it
results in a successful implantation (see page Fig. XVI-1.Developmental Stages ofthe
277) and pregnancy. Female Gamete
DEVELOPMENT OF THE the: diplotene stage of prophase and is not
FEMALE GAMETE completed by any of the cells until the female has
reached sexual maturity. The primary oocytes
As discussed in the previous chapter, the therefore go into a meiotic resting period called
earliest recognizable stem cells of both male dictyotene phase that lasts for many years.,The
and female gametes are called p.rimordial germ other main difference of meiosis I between the
cells. They arise from the endoderm of the yolk sexes is that-as will be elaborated on a few
sac between the second and eighth weeks of paragraphs from now-the resulting daughter
intrauterine life (IUL). Starting on the fourth cells in oogenesis are not identical and are not
week ofIUL, these cells begin to migrate to the bound to each other by cytoplasmic bridges:
developing gonads, undergoing mitosis along
At birth, a female has about two million,
the way.'
primary oocytes in her ovaries..All these oocytes
In the female, the primordial germ cells are in dictyotene phase. Many of these cells,
start to reach the developing ovaries by the end will degenerate and die even before the female
of the fifth week oflUL where they differentiate' reaches sexual maturity. Since primary oocytes
into the precursor cells (oogonia) of the female are no longer capable of mitosis, their number
gametes or ova. cannot be renewed. Consequently, at puberty,
In the developing ovaries, oogonia undergo the number of primary oocytes a female has in
further mitosis before the daughter cells start her ovaries has dwindled to only about 400,000.
the process of oogenesis that will transform
As a rule, starting at puberty and until
them into ova.
menopause, one-and only one-primary
oocyte is allowed to resume and complete
Oogenesis meiosis I every menstrual cycle. The completion
of the first meiotic division in the chosen oocyte
Differentiation of the oogonia into ova in
occurs a few hours before ovulation (see page
the ovaries is referred to as oogenesis.
The initial stage of oogenesis involves
differentiation of oogonia into bigger cells called Completion of meiosis I produces two
primary oocytes that are no longer capable of haploid daughter cells: However, practically all
mitosis. Oogonia start to transform into primary the cytoplasm of the mother cell goes to only one
oocytes at the end of the third month ofIUL. By daughter cell, the secondary oocyte or ovum.
the seventh month ofIUL, this initial process is The other daughter cell, the first polar body,
completed, which means all the oogonia in the ebds up with nuclear material that is identical to
ovaries of a female fetus have transformed into that of the ovum but without or with minimal
primary oocytes. ( cytoplasm. The ovum is capable of further
development while the first polar body is not,
Developing female gametes, like developing
and is later extruded, though in some lower
male gametes, need to undergo two successive
forms of animals, the first polar body has been
meiotic divisions (meiosis I & II). It is the
observed to undergo meiosis II.
primary oocytes that go through meiosis 1.
In fact, as soon as they have formed, primary Immediately after it has formed, the ovum
oocytes, like the primary spermatocytes in the starts meiosis II, which is also similar to meiosis
male, replicate their chromosomes, then start II of spermatogenesis, except that in oogenesis,
the first meiotic division. the process is suspended at the metaphase stage
Meiosis I in oogenesis is essentially similar and resumes only if the cell is fertilized.
to meiosis I in spermatogenesis, except that Ifit is not fertilized by a spermatozoon, the
in oogenesis, the process is suspended in ovum undergoes no further development and


germinal epithelium because early histologists
thought that it is the source of the female germ
cells. Beneath the epithelium is a layer of
dense irregular connective tissue, the tunica
albuginea, which forms a capsule, albeit
indistinct, for the organ.
The substance of the ovary consists of
a thick peripheral zone called cortex that
surrounds a very vascular inner zone, the

Fig. XVII-2. Organs of the Female Internal The cortex contains numerous ovarian
Genitalia follicles that are supported by a stroma of
collagenous connective tissue while the medulla
degenerates. If it is fertilized, it hastily completes
consists ofloose connective tissue that is richly
meiosis IIto produce two very unequal daughter
supplied with blood vessels. An ovarian follicle
cells called second polar body and fertilized
consists of a developing female gamete and the
ovum (zygote).
cells and other tissue elements that encase it.
The second polar body, like the first
polar body, receives nuelear material from its Ovarian Cycle
mother cell but notmuch else. Like the first
polar body, it is later extruded. In contrast, the Ovarian cycle refers to the structural and
zygote receives practically all the cytoplasm physiological changes that some ovarian follicles
of its mother cell. In addition, it is diploid undergo during the menstrual cycle in response
because its nucleus contains not only 23 but 46. to the gonadal hormones (FSH and LH) from
chromosomes since it was formed by the fusion the pituitary gland.
of the male pronucleus (i.e., nuclear material of The ovarian cycle has two phases,
the spermatozoon that fertilized the ovum) and follicular and luteal. The first two weeks of
the female pronucleus (i.e., nuclear material of the cycle, which ends with ovulation, comprise
the ovum). the follicular phase. It is governed by FSH. The
last two weeks, which starts with ovulation,
The ovaries are a pair (left and right) of
slightly flattened, ovoid organs, each of which
is about 3 cm x 1.5 cm x 1 ern in size. They are
the sites of oogenesis and they produce a few
Each ovary is enveloped by a simple
squamous or cuboidal epithelium called

Fig. XVII-3. Ovary. The parenchyma of the

ovary consists of two regions: a peripherally-
located cortex (c) that surrounds a centrally-
located medulla (m). The cortex contains the
ovarian follicles. In the photomicrograph, the
follicles are in various stages of development:
primordial follicles (plf), primary follicles (pyf),
and secondary follicles (sf). H&E x40.

one l<lyer
~ follicular cells

ffO-'"- ovum
follicular ceJl~

prImordial folHcl·(,

fJtimary follicle

Gr.lafi.ln futlid('

Fig. XVII-4. Developmental Stages of the Ovarian Follicle

comprise the luteal phase. It is governed by LH. follicular epithelial cells) that rest on a thin
During the follicular phase, several ovarian basal lamina.
follicles undergo varying levels of development A primary oocyte, the granulosa cells
while during the luteal phase, the corpus that surround it and the basal lamina on which
luteum (see page 266) develops and becomes the granulosa cells rest comprise a primordial
functional. follicle. The primary oocyte in a primordial
follicle is about 15 to 30 ~m in diameter while
Ovarian Follicle the whole follicle is about 40 ~m. The primary
oocyte has a large, eccentrically placed,
Three types of ovarian follicles may be seen
in the cortex of the ovaries of sexually mature
vesicular nucleus with a large nucleolus. It also
females: primordial, primary, and secondary.

Primordial Follicle
As mentioned in the section on oogenesis,
shortly after the oogonia have reached the
developing ovaries during early embryonic life,
they transform into primary oocytes. In the
ovaries, all the primary oocytes get enveloped
by a single layer of flattened epithelial cells
(granulosa cells, squamous epithelial cells,

Fig. XVII-S. Pr irn o d ia l Follicles. The

photomicrograph shows a cluster of primordial
follicles (at unlabeled arrows) in the cortex, a
short distance from the germinal epithelium
(ge). The follicles are made up of an oocyte (0)
that exhibits a prominent nucleus (nu) and a
single layer of flattened granulosa cells (gc) that
surrounds the oocyte. Ovary, H&E x400.


Fig. XVII-6. Primary Ovarian Follicle, Early. Fig. XVII-7. Primary Ovarian Follicle. In this
A primary ovarian follicle in its early stage of section, the granulosa cells (gc) around the
development is shown in the section. The oocyte-which still displays a centrally located
granulosa cells (gc) form a simple columnar nucleus (no)-already form a stratified epithelium
epithelium around the oocyte (0) which has while the theca folliculi (tf) is much thicker than in
a centrally-located nucleus (nu). Between the the previous figure. Ovary, H&E x400.
oocyte and the granulosa cells is a deeply staining
membrane, the zona pellucid (zp). External to the
granulosa cell layer, the cells have differentiated A primordial follicle that is destined to
to form a theca folliculi (tf). The photomicrograph produce an ovum becomes initially)a primary
also shows some primordial ovarian follicles (plf). follicle) and later)a secondary follicle.
Ovary, H&E x400.

has a prominent Golgi apparatus) numerous Primary Follicle

mitochondria) ribosomes) and endoplasmic At the start of an ovarian cycle) several
reticulum. primordial follicles (up to 15) begin
Granulosa cells) on the other hand) development)which is heralded by an increase
are flattened cells that resemble ordinary in size of the flattened granulosa cells. The
connective tissue cells. They are supporting granulosa cells initially become cuboidal-
cells that provide the developing gamete with at which point the follicle is already termed a
nutrients and oxygen. primary follicle-then columnar) and finally)
At birth) the number of primordial follicles as a consequence of repeated mitosis) they
in the two ovaries) which is obviously equal stratify. When there are already several layers
to the number of viable oocytes, is about two ofgranulosa cells)fluid (follicular fluid; liquor
million. Early in life) many of these follicles folltcult), whose exact origin is still unclear)
and the oocytes they contain degenerate; starts to appear between the cells.
many others undergo some amount of Meanwhile) the primary oocyte in the
development) but these too) will not develop follicle gradually increases in size. When
fully and ultimately degenerate. It is only at the oocyte is already about twice its original
puberty) when the number of ovarian follicles diameter) a thick) deeply-staining)glycoprotein
has already dwindled down to about 400)000) membrane-the zona pellucida-develops
that the ovaries become fully functional and a around it. This membrane is probably a joint
few follicles are given the opportunity to fully product of the oocyte and the granulosa cells.
develop. It is through it that the granulosa cells provide

nourishment for the oocyte. In electro- The theca externa, on the other hand, is
micrographs, microvilli from the oocyte are essentially a connective tissue layer that can be
seen to extend into the zona pellucida. These regarded as a capsule that envelops and separates
microvilli are in contact, via gap junctions, with the follicle from the ovarian stroma.
the cytoplasmic processes of the innermost layer
of granulosa cells. Secondary Follicle (Antral Follicle)
While the oocyte and the granulosa cells As the liquor folliculi in the primary follicle
are undergoing the changes described above, the increases in amount, the irregular spaces
stroma that immediately surrounds the ovarian
between the granulosa cells, which contain
follicle becomes organized to form a sheath, the
the liquor folliculi, become confluent to form
theca folliculi, that envelops and becomes part
a single crescentic, fluid-filled cavity called
of the follicle.
antrum. Once an antrum has developed, the
The theca folliculi later differentiates into ovarian follicle has transformed into an antral
two layers: an inner cellular and vascular layer follicle or secondary follicle.
called theca interna, and an outer fibrous layer
A typical secondary follicle is oval in
called theca externa.
shape. It has a stratified epithelium consisting
The theca intern a is richly supplied with of granulosa cells that displays a thickening
capillaries. Its cells are. large and loaded with (cumulus oophorus) on one pole. The cumulus
lipid. Under the influence of LH, they secrete oophorus protrudes into the fluid-filled antrum
androstenedione (a precursor of testosterone),
and its central area is occupied by the oocyte,
which seeps into the granulosa cell area where it
which incidentally stays as a primary oocyte
is transformed into estrogen through the help
until shortly before ovulation.
of aromatase, an enzyme that is activated by
the granulosa cells under the influence ofFSH.
Then, estrogen diffuses into the capillaries of
Graafian Follicle (Mature Follicle)
the theca interna to be carried by blood to its As ovulation approaches, the connection
target organs, i.e., uterus and the other organs of the ovum and the granulosa cells that abut
of the female reproductive system. on the zona pellucida with the rest of the

Fig. XVII-B. Secondary Ovarian

Follicle. An ovarian follicle with
an antrum (a) that is filled with
liquor folliculi is referred to as a
secondary follicle. At one pole
of the follicle, note the cumulus
oophorus (co) which consists of
granulosa cells. In the center
of the cumulus oophorus is the
oocyte (0) with its distinctive
nucleus (no). The nucleus is
separated from the granulosa
cells by the zona pellucid (zp).
External to the granulose cell
layer, the two layers of the
theca folliculi-theca interna (ti)
and theca externa (te)-can be
distinguished. Ovary, H&E x100.


granulosa cells in the cumulus oophorus is Ovulation
loosened by the development of new liquor-
filled intercellular spaces. The LH surge that triggers completion of
meiosis I by the primary oocyte also causes
At about the time that the ovarian follicle
the Graafian follicle to burst a few hours later
has matured, a sudden surge in LH secretion
and release its ovum into the abdominal cavity.
by the pituitary gland occurs. This LH surge
This discharge of the ovum into the abdominal
causes the primary oocyte in the secondary
cavity is what is referred to as ovulation. From
follicle to resume and complete its first meiotic
the abdominal cavity, and aided by the ciliary
division. As discussed in the section on action of the oviductal mucosa, the ovum finds
oogenesis, completion of meiosis I produces two its way into an oviduct.
haploid daughter cells: the secondary oocyte or
Ovulation occurs on or about the 14th day
ovum, which practically gets all the cytoplasm
of an ideal 28-day ovarian cycle.
of the mother cell; and the first polar body,
which has nuclear material but with little or no When the ovum is released by the ovary,
cytoplasm. The secondary oocyte immediately it carries with it the zona pellucida and one
starts meiosis II, but this process is suspended to several layers of granulosa cells that cling to
at the metaphase stage and resumes only if the zona pellucida. These granulosa cells are
the cell is fertilized. The first polar body, on collectively referred to as corona radiata.
the other hand, is tempo-rarily consigned to
the perivitelline space (Le., space that forms Fertilization
between the cell membrane of the secondary
An ovum is viable only for about 24 hours
oocyte and the zona pellucida) prior to its
after being ovulated, but it takes 3 to 4 days
, .for it to travel from the abdominal cavity into
A fully developed or mature secondary the uterus via an oviduct. Hence, fertilization
ovarian follicle is called a Graafian follicle. (i.e., the union of the male and female
It is the final stage in the differentiation of an gametes), if it has to occur, has to take place in
ovarian follicle, one that is ready to expel its the abdominal cavity or the initial part of the
ovum or secondary oocyte. It is a big structure oviduct. In fact, it usually occurs in the distal
that reaches 1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter and third of the oviduct.
it often occupies the whole thickness of the Spermatozoa that are deposited in the
ovarian cortex and may even bulge out of the vagina are still incapable of fertilizing an ovum.
free surface of the organ. They still need to undergo capacitation within
It takes about 14 days for an ovarian follicle the female genital tract. Capacitation is a
to mature. Normally, as previously mentioned, at biochemical process that involves changes on
the start of every ovarian cycle, several follicles the surface of the spermatozoa. It is completed
in both ovaries begin to develop in response by the spermatozoa on a staggered basis-
to FSH (actually the first few days of follicular some soon after getting deposited in the female
growth is independent of FSH), but only one, genital tract while others as long as 5 to 6 hours
the dominant follicle,reaches maturity. All the later. This is evidently to keep the chance
others degenerate at various stages. It is not clear for fertilization alive over a relatively long
what makes the dominant follicle dominant, but time inasmuch as the exact moment that the
one plausible explanation is that it elaborates a oocyte and spermatozoon will meet cannot be
protein called follicular regulatory protein determined ahead of time.
that prevents the other follicles from getting During fertilization, the acrosome of the
stimulated by FSH. capacitated spermatozoa breaks down-by

Fig. XVII-9. Fertilization. The series of diagrams illustrates the union of the male and female
gametes that usually occurs in the distal third of the oviduct. Sperm cells approach the oocyte (a) in
the metaphase stage of meiosis II. Once a sperm cell has penetrated the zona pellucida, it becomes
impermeable to the other sperm cells. The entry of the sperm cell triggers the completion of meiosis
II in the oocyte. Then the male pronucleus approaches and unites with the female pronucleus (b, c,
and d) to form a zygote (e).

a process called aero somal reaction-and Corpus Luteum

releasesits hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes "
disperse the cells of the corona radiata by During ovulation, the ovum and liquor
depolymerizing their intercellular s1;lbstance. folliculi spill into the abdominal cavity.
They likewise enable a sperm cell to digest and Consequently, the wall of the ovarian follicle
penetrate the zona pellucida. collapses. The granulosa cell layer and theca
interna are thrown into folds and their cells,
Once a sperm cell has penetrated the zona under the influence of LH, undergo certain
pellucida, the zona becomes impermeable to changes-they enlarge, become plump, pale-
any other sperm cell.This ensures that only one staining and polygonal, and they accumulate
sperm cell fertilizes an ovum. lipids. Henceforth, they are called lutein cells
As discussed in the section on oogenesis, and what used to be the ovarian follicle is now
entry of the spermatozoon into an ovum the corpus luteum.
triggers the completion of meiosis II by the The cells of the corpus luteum that are
secondary oocyte that results in the formation derived from the granulosa layer are known
of a diploid fertilized ovum or zygote and a as granulosa lutein cells, while those derived
second polar body, which, like the first polar from the theca interna are called theca lutein
body, is consigned to the perivitelline space cells. The granulosa lutein cells comprise about
prior to extrusion. 80% of the substance of the corpus luteum.
Aside from restoring the normal (diploid) They are lighter-staining and larger than the
number of chromosomes in the zygote, theca lutein cells (30 ~m to SO ~m vs. 15 ~m, in
fertilization also determines the sex ofthe fetus diameter).
and initiates cleavage (i.e., mitotic division of The two cell types of the corpus luteum
the zygote). also differ functionally. The granulosa lutein


Fig. XVII-10. Corpus Luteum. The scanning Fig. XVII-11. Corpus Luteum. This high
photomicrograph shows a corpus luteum (cl). magnification photomicrograph shows the pale-
Ovary, I-' ~ '- x40. staining, plump, and lipid-loaded lutein cells.
Ovary, H&E x400 .

.cells produce, and are the main source of pituitary gland, the corpus luteum becomes
progesterone, a hor?IoIie that is necessary considerably bigger and remains functional for
for preparing the mucosa of the uterus or about six more months and becomes known
endometrium (see page 270) for reception of as corpus luteum of pregnancy. This is
the conceptus (i.e., the product of conception because another hormone, human chorionic
after fertilization). It is also necessary for the gonadotropin (heG), which is secreted initially
conduct of a succes~ful pregnancy. The theca' . by the embryo and later by the developing
lutein cells, on the other hand, like the theca placenta, takes over from LH in maintaining
interna cells from which they aro~e, secrete and further developing the corpus luteum.
testosterone precursors, which seep into In addition to estrogen and progesterone,
the granulosa lutein cell area where they are the corpus luteum of pregnancy also elaborates
transformed into estrogen. In addition, the another hormone, relaxin. Relaxin is most
theca lutein cells also secrete some amount likely also secreted by the granulosa lutein cells.
of progesterone. The amount of estrogen It helps maintain pregnancy by inhibiting the
produced by the corpus luteum during the contractions of the myometrial muscle fibers. It
second half of the menstrual cycle is almost also aids during delivery by relaxing the pelvic
equal to the amount that is produced by the ligaments and cervix.
ovarian follicle during the first half of the cycle.
Towards the end of the menstrual cycle, Corpus Albicans
LH levels decrease markedly and unless
When the blood level of the hormone that
implantation occurs, the corpus luteum, which
maintains the corpus luteum (of menstruation
is maintained by LH, degenerates. Hence,
or of pregnancy) drops, the lutein cells
unless a particular menstrual cycle results in
.become loaded with lipid and degenerate. In
a pregnancy, the corpus luteum lasts for only
the succeeding months, the corpus luteum is
about 10to 14days and is called corpus luteum
reduced to a white scar in the ovarian cortex
of menstruation.
called corpus albicans. Over aperiod ofmonths
However, if implantation and pregnancy or years, the corpus albicans gradually involutes
occur, despite waning LH secretion by the until it finally disappears.


referred to as glassy membrane. Thereafter,
the oocyte slowly deteriorates and after a while,
the only telltale sign that an oocyte was once
present in the area is a collapsed zona pellucida.
Ultimately, the glassy membrane as
well as the zona pellucida degenerate and
disappear, but while they persist, they serve to
distinguish atretic follicles from similar-looking
degenerating corpora lutea under the light

Interstitial Gland of the Ovary

There are epithelioid cells in the stroma
Fig. XVII-12. Corpus Albicans. The corpus
of the ovary that cytologically resemble theca
albicans (ca) consists of scar tissue. Ovary, H&E
x100. lutein cells. These cells, which gather in clusters,
are numerous during the first few years of life
but are hardly seen in the adult ovary. They
Atresia of Follicles evidently secrete estrogen and are collectively
More than 99.9% 'of ovarian follicles do referred to as interstitial gland of the ovary.
not reach maturity. They instead undergo
degenerative processes at various stages of OVIDUCTS (UTERINE TUBES;
development. Out of the approximately two FALLOPIAN TUBES)
million follicles a woman has at birth, she will
ovulate less than 500 in her lifetime. The oviducts are a pair (left and right) of
muscular tubes (about 12ern long) that serve as --
The process of degeneration of ovarian
passageways for the ovum or the conceptus on
follicles is referred to as atresia. It occurs
its way to the uterus, and for the sperms on their
continuously throughout a woman's lifetime.
way to fertilizing the ovum.
Atresia can occur at any stage in the
Grossly, an oviduct has four segments:
development of a follicle. In a primary follicle,
1) infundibulum-the funnel-shaped area
atresia is first noted in the oocyte-the cell
that is related to the ovary and that opens
shrinks. This is followed by degeneration of the
into the peritoneal cavity and whose margins
granulosa cells.
are provided with numerous processes
In small secondary follicles, usually the first called fimbriae; 2) ampulla-the expanded
sign of abnormality is the eccentric location of intermediate portion that comprises 2/3 of the
the egg nucleus. However, in bigger secondary length of the tube; 3) isthmus-the narrow and
follicles, the process is appreciated in the wall slender part that connects the Fallopian tube to
Q{ the, follicle before changes in the oocyte are 4;\ 1}a.u Interstittalis-c- the 1]act
noted. Initially, connective tissue strands invade of the tube within the uterine wall.
the spaces between granulosa cells; as a result,
the granulosa cells get loosened and fall into Histologic Layers of the Oviducts
the follicular cavity (antrum). Meanwhile, the
cells of the theca interna become bigger while Histologically, an oviduct has three layers,
the basal lamina between the theca interna and from within outwards these are mucosa,
the granulosa cells thickens, and is sometimes muscularis and serosa.


Fig. XVII-13. Oviduct (A). The diagram shows
the histologic layers of the organ.
Fig. XVII-1.4. Fallopian Tube (B). This section
of the ampullary region of the organ shows a
mucosa that forms numerous intricate folds.
External to the mucosa is muscularis layer (m)
and a serosa (5). H&E x40.
Fig. XVII-1S. Fallopian Tube (C). The mucosa
of the oviduct consists of a ciliated simple
columnar epithelium (e)and an underlying lamina
propria (lp), The muscularis layer is made up two
layers of smooth muscle cells. In the inner layer
(im), the muscle cells are circularly- or spirally-
arranged, while in the outer layer (om),they are
longitudinally-arranged.The outermost histologic
layer of the organ is serosa (5). H&E x100.

The oviductal mucosa, which consists of peg cells provides the conceptus with nutritive
an epithelium and lamina propria, forms material as it traverses the length of the oviduct
numerous folds in the ampullary area. But as on its way to the uterus.
one goes proximally, the mucosal folds become The lamina propria of the oviduct is very
much shorter and less complex. In. the pars cellular connective tissue that is richly supplied
interstitialis, they merely form ridges. with blood and lymphatic vessels. It is devoid of
The epithelium of the oviduct is generally true glands.
simple columnar. The cells are tall in the The muscularis of the oviduct consists of
ampulla but diminish in height towards the an outer layer of longitudinally arranged and
uterus. Two types of cells are distinguishable an inner layer of circularly or spirally arranged
in the epithelium. One type is ciliated. The smooth muscle cells that gather in bundles. In
ciliated cells are numerous in the infundibulum between the muscle bundles is an abundant
and in the ampulla and their cilia beat toward amount ofloose connective tissue.
the uterus. They play an important role in The outermost histologic layer of the
transporting the ovum or conceptus to the oviduct except for that in the pars interstitialis,
uterus. The other cell type is called peg cell. which is within the uterus, is serosa. It contains
It is nonciliated but secretory. The secretion of a plexus of nerves from where fibers pass inward

to supply the muscle and mucosal layers. Like Corpus Uteri
the lamina propria, the serosa is richly supplied
with blood and lymphatic vessels. Three histologic layers are distinguishable
in the corpus uteri. The innermost layer is a
Effects of Ovarian Hormones on mucosa called endometrium. The middlelayer,
the myometrium, is the thickest of the three
the Oviducts
layers and it consists mainly of smooth muscle
During the first half of the menstrual cycle, cells. The outermost layer, which is referred to
the ciliated cells of the oviductal epithelium as perimetrium, is serosa/adventitia.
increase in number and height in response
to the estrogen that comes from the ovarian Endometrium
follicles. The endometrium is where the conceptus
At about mid-menstrual cycle, just about implants and develops initially into an
the time of ovulation, the ciliated cells are at embryo and later into a fetus. It consists of
their tallest and their ciliary beat at their fastest an epithelium and an underlying lamina
while the peg cellsbecome secretory. propria. The endometrial epithelium is simple
columnar and some of the cells are ciliated.
Later in the cycle, progesterone favors the
From the epithelium, simple tubular glands
loss of cilia and a decrease in the secretory
(endometrial glands) invaginate into the entire
activity of the epithelial cells. During the last
thickness of the lamina propria where they are
few days of the cycle, very few cells of the
embedded in a connective tissue stroma that
oviductal epithelium are still ciliated and many
has an abundance of reticular but a paucity of
of the secretory cells are already atrophic.
elastic fibers. The cells in the lamina propria
ace mainly fibroblasts but lymphocytes
UTERUS and other types of leukocytes are also -.
The uterus is a pear-shaped, dorsoventrally present.
flattened, hollow, pelvic organ that receives The endometrium varies in thickness from
the conceptus a few days after fertilization 0.5 to 6.0 mm during the course ofthe menstrual
and nourishes and nurtures it throughout its cycle. Its superficial portion, which comprises
development. In the non-pregnant adult female, 2/3 of the endometrium when it is at its thickest,
it is about 6.5 cm long, 3.5 em wide, and 2.5 ern is shed during menstruation and is aptly referred
thick. to asfunctional layer while its deeper 1/3, which
The uterus has two regions: an expanded is responsible for regenerating the functional
upper region comprising much of the organ layer after menstruation is referred to as basal
referred to as body or corpus uteri, whose layer.
cavityis called uterine cavity, and a cylindrical The blood supply of the endometrium
inferior region referred to as cervix, whose comes from branches of the uterine arteries
cavity is called cervical canal (endocervical called arcuate arteries. T~e arcuate arteries,
canal). The two regions are demarcated after penetrating the myometrium, give off
from each other by a constricted area, the branches that supply the basal layer of the
isthmus. The part of the corpus uteri above the endometrium but the main vessels continue
attachment ofthe oviducts is called fundus. The inward to supply the functional layer. In the
uterine cavity is continuous with the cavity of functional layer, the branches of the arcuate
the vagina (vaginal canal) inferiorly through arteries are very tortuous and are called coiled
the cervical canal. or helicine arteries.


Endometrial Cycle
The endometrial cycle refers to the
recurring morphological and physiological
changes that the endometrium undergoes
during the menstrual cycle in response to the
ovarian hormones. These changes are designed
to ensure that the endometrium is prepared for
implantation of the conceptus in the event of a
successful fertilization.
The endometrial cycle is divided into
three stages: menstrual phase, proliferative
or follicular phase, secretory or luteal phase, Fig. XVII-16. Early Proliferative Endometrium.
and menstrual phase. In this section, the endometrium has been partly
restored. The epithelium (e) has been completely
The proliferative phase is governed by re-established and some glands (g) have formed.
estrogen that is secreted by the ovarian follicles. Deep in the endometrium is the myometrium
In relation to the ovarian cycle, it coincides (my). Uterus, H&E x100.
with the growth of the ovarian follicle. The
has been shed off in the preceding few days (i.e.,
secretory phase starts after ovulation and is
during the menstrual phase) is restored.
governed by progesterone that is produced by
the corpus luteum in' the ovary. The menstrual Shortly after the menstrual phase has
phase, meanwhile, results from the withdrawal begun, the cells in the remaining portions of
of the ovarian hormones during the latter part of the glands in the basal layer of the endometrium
the menstrual cycle. start dividing to form a surface epithelium
" over the denuded endometrium. When re-
Proliferative Phase (Follicular Phase) epithelialization of the endometrium has been
completed, menstruation ends, and circulation
The proliferative phase of the endometrial
in the superficial areas of the endometrium is
cycle starts at the end of menstruation (i.e.,about
re-established and the proliferative phase starts.
3 to 5 days into the menstrual cycle)-when
the endometrium consists simply of the basal During the proliferative phase, the
layer and is merely 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm thick- endometrial mucosa undergoes several fold
and ends at ovulation. During this phase, the increase in thickness because of continuous
functional layer of the endometrium which cellular proliferation and activity i 1 the glands
and stroma. The glands increase markedly in
number and in length; the ground substance
becomes abundant; and the blood vessels
elongate and become tortuous. Towards the
end of this phase, just before ovulation, the
glandular cells start to accumulate glycogen.
In routine LM preparations of the
proliferative endometrium, many mitotic
figures are seen in both glandular and stromal
Fig. XVII-17. Proliferative Endometrium. This
section shows an endometrium that is almost
completely restored. The glands (g) are already
rather long and the lamina propria (lp) under the
epithelium (e) is copious. Uterus, H&E x40.

cells and the endometrial glands are noted to be Menstrual Phase
relatively straight and smooth contoured and
At about day 25 or 26 of the menstrual
with narrow lumens.
cycle, in the absence of fertilization and
implantation, the blood levels of the ovarian
Secretory Phase (Luteal Phase)
hormones (l.e., estrogen and progesterone)
The secretory phase of the endometrial drop. This drop results in marked vascular
cycle starts immediately after ovulation and changes in the endometrium. The coiled
lasts until the start of the menstrual phase of arteries constrict intermittently for variable
the next menstrual cycle. periods of time, compromising the blood
supply of the functional layer. Consequently,
the glands stop their secretory activity and
degenerate. After about a couple of days of
intermittent constriction, the coiled arteries
close down completely for several hours. This
causes necrosis of the whole functional layer.
When the arteries reopen, the damaged vessels
in the functional layer burst and blood pours
into the necrotic area, which then exfoliates and
flows out of the uterus with the extravasated
blood, heralding the start of the menstrual
phase of the next menstrual cycle.
The average blood loss per menstrual flow
is only about 35 mL to SOmL. However, the
Fig. XVII-18. Secretory Endometrium. Note
volume of menstrual flow is much more than
the abundant lamina propria (lp) that underlies
the epithelium (e). The glands (g) look like
SOmL because it includes not only arterial and
"corkscrews" and some show secretory-material venous blood, but also epithelial and stromal
in their lumen. Uterus, H&E x100. cells, and the secretions of the uterine and
During the secretory phase, the endometrial cervical glands.
glands become tortuous and secretory, while
the coiled arteries elongate further and become Myometrium
more convoluted. The endometrium is at its The myometrium, the thickest layer of the
thickest during this phase, but its increase in corpus uteri, is made up of bundles oflarge and
thickness is not due to mitoses because hardly long (40 ~m to 90 um) smooth muscle fibers.
any is occurring, but rather to the hypertrophy The muscle bundles are separated by connective
of the glandular cells caused by accumulation tissue and form four ill-defined layers.
of glandular secretion, edema, and increased
vascularity of the connective tissue stroma. The myometrial muscle fibers increase in
Thus, in routine LM preparations of the size in the presence of estrogen and are smallest
secretory endometrium, the glands are noted to immediately after menstruation.
be large and highly coiled (corkscrew-shaped) In pregnancy, when the uterus increases in
and their lumens filled with secretions. size dramatically, new muscle cells are formed
The secretion of the endometrial glands and the existing ones enlarge and lengthen to as
consists of a carbohydrate-rich fluid that long as 500 ~m.At the same time, the connective
serves as nourishment for the embryo before it tissue between the muscle fibers and bundles
implants. also increases in amount.


After parturition (i.e., delivery), most of Histologically, the innermost layer 'of the
the muscle cells go back to their original size cervix is a mucosa that forms folds called plicae
while some degenerate. palmatae in the cervical canal. It consists of an
epithelium and a lamina propria. The epithelium
Perimetrium is simple columnar in the cervical canal (like in
the corpus uteri), but nonkeratinized stratified
The perimetrium is a typical serosa that
squamous in the portio vaginalis. The transition
consists of a thin loose connective tissue layer
between the two types of epithelia occurs
that is overlaid by mesothelium over the fundus
abruptly at or near the external os.
and much of the posterior aspect of the uterus
where the organ is covered by peritoneum, but
elsewhere, there is no mesothelium and the layer
is simply an adventitia.

The cervix is the cylindrical inferior
portion of the uterus whose proximal end
projects into the vagina. The part of the cervix
that protrudes into the vagina is referred to
as portio vaginalts (exocervix; ectocervix),
while the rest of the cervix is called endocervix.
Its cavity, the cervical canal (endocervical
canal), communicates superiorly with the
uterine cavity via the internal os and inferiorly
Fig. XVII-20. Transitional Area between
with the vaginal canal through the external os, Endocervix and Exocervix. Note that at the
Although part of the uterus, the cervix markedly region indicated by the unlabeled arrow, the
differs from the corpus uteri in structure and simple columnar epithelium that characterize
function. the endocervix abruptly changes into the
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
of the portio vaginalis of the cervix (exocervix).
Also take note of the cervical glands (cg) in the
lamina propria of the endocervix. H&E x100.

The lamina propria, especially in the

area of the external os, is heavily infiltrated
with lymphoid elements. It contains mucus-
secreting tubular glands (cervical glands) that
branch extensively. The ducts of the glands
often get clogged and the glands become cystic
(Nabothian cysts).
External to the mucosa, the substance of the
cervix, unlike that in the corpus uteri, contains
very few smooth muscle fibers. It consists
Fig. XVII-19. Endocervix. Note that the mucosa mainly of collagenous connective tissue that is
forms folds in this section of the cervix. The well-supplied with elastic fibers.
epithelium (e) is simple columnar. It invaginates
into the lamina propria (Ip) to form branched In the cervix, the epithelium does not
tubular cervical glands (cg). Cervix, H&E x100. exfoliate. The cyclical changes that occur in
response to the ovarian hormones are more The mucosa, which is thrown into
pronounced in the glands and connective tissue transverse folds called rugae, consists of a
stroma. The secretion of the cervical glands is surface epithelium and lamina propria. The
copious, thin, and watery during mid-cycle (i.e., epithelium is continuous with and similar to the
about the time of ovulation), but viscous during epithelium of the portio vaginalis of the cervix,
the rest of the cycle. The character and quantity ,i.e., nonkeratinized stratified squamou . The
of the secretion of the glands during the mid- lamina propria is made up of highly vasculan
menstrual cycle is favorable to the migration of dense connective tissue that contains many
the sperm cells. elastic fibers and MALT that include occasional
lymph nodules.
During parturition, the cervix forms part
of the birth canal. At other times, it possibly The vagina has no glands. The epithelial
helps prevent the entry of microorganisms surface is kept moist by secretions coming from
into the uterus. The secretions of its glands the cervical and endometrial glands.
help lubricate the vaginal canal and facilitate Incidentally, the increase in the amount
the passage of the spermatozoa into the upper of fluid that occurs in the vaginal canal in
genital tract. response to erotic stimulation cannot be totall
accounted for by the secretion of the cervical
VAGINA and endometrial glands. Evidently, some of it is!
- due to transudation from the capillaries in the
The vagina is a fibromuscular tube that lamina propria.
extends from the vestibule of the external
genitalia to the cervix.Normally, it is a collapsed The vagina has no submucosa. The lamina;
tube and its anterior and posterior walls are in propria blends with the muscularis, which is
contact with each other. composed of smooth muscle fibers that are
arranged into two poorly-defined layer&-an
The vaginal wall has three histologic layers: inner layer where the muscle fibers are circularly
, mucosa, muscularis, and adventitia. arranged and an outer layer where the muscle
fibers are longitudinally arranged.
The adventitia of the vagina is thin. It is
made up of dense connective tissue that blends
with the loose connective tissue that connects
the vagina to the surrounding structures. It also
contains nerve bundles and an extensive venous
The vagina undergoes minor changes in
response to the ovarian hormones, but notably,
the desquamation of the epithelial cells is
greater during the second half of the menstrual
cycle and during menstruation than during the
first half of the menstrual cycle.

Fig. XVII-21. Vagina. The photomicrograph

shows the vaginal mucosa made up of a
non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
The external genitalia are the structures of
(e) and lamina propria (lp), and the muscularis
layer (m). The lamina propria of the vagina is the female reproductive system that are external
highly vascular as attested to by the numerous to the vagina. They include the clitoris, labia
arteries (a) and veins (v). H&E x100. majora, labia minora and the minor and major


vestibular glands whose ducts open into the
vestibule of the external genitalia.
The clitoris is the homologue of the penis.
It consists of two cavernous bodies (corpora
cavernosa) that are made up of erectile tissue
and that both end distally in a small rounded
structure, the glans clitoridis. The clitoris is
covered by stratified squamous epithelium and
has numerous specialized nerve endings. areola

The labia minora are membranous folds

that form the lateral walls of the vestibule. They
are made up of a stratified squamous epithelium
and an underlying highly vascular connective
tissue that contains numerous sebaceous
glands, but has no hair follicles.
The labia majora cover the labia minora.
They are the homologues of the scrotum and
Fig. XVIl-22. Mammary Gland
are basically made up of highly pigmented skin
except in their inner surfaces where they are nourishment for their offspring during the
smooth and hairless. initial stages of growth and development.
Several (minor) vestibular glands are
located around the urethral opening and near lobes of the Mammary Gland
the clitoris. They are mucus-secreting and
In the sexually mature female, the
resemble the urethral glands (of Littre) of the
male. mammary gland is made up of IS to 20 lobes
that are separated from each other by interlobar
The major vestibular glands (Bartholin's connective tissue. Each lobe is drained by
glands) are a pair of larger glands in the a single lobar duct (lactiferous duct) that
lateral walls of the vestibule. They are about opens into the nipple independent of the other
1.0 ern each in diameter and they open on the lactiferous ducts. Thus, the mammary gland can
inner surface of the labia minora. They are be regarded as consisting of IS to 20 separate
branched tubuloalveolar and mucus-secreting, compound tubuloalveolar glands.
and resemble the bulbourethral glands (of
The interlobar connective tissue sends
Cowper) of the male.
connective tissue septa into the lobes to divide
each lobe into lobules. The lobules consist of
IMAMMARY GLAND (BREAST) secretory alveoli and tubules, and their ducts
In humans, a pair of mammary glands is that are supported by a connective tissue stroma.
normally present in both sexes,but they undergo The amount of connective tissue and the
marked development only in the female and number and sizes of the alveoli and ducts in the
only starting at puberty. lobules depend on the state of activity of the
The mammary glands of females attain organ.
their highest degree of development during and The secretory alveoli and tubules are
immediately after parturition. The mammary drained by intralobular ducts that unite to
glands are modified apocrine sweat glands form interlobular ducts which in turn merge to
that, in mammals, have evolved to provide form the lactiferous duct. Near its termination,

the lactiferous duct has a dilated portion called Mammary Gland in Pregnancy
lactiferous sinus. The lactiferous duct and
sinus are lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium. During pregnancy, the cells of the
intralobular ducts proliferate and give rise to
Areola and Nipple alveoli. At the same time, the interlobular and
intralobular connective tissue decreases in
The nipple is a small skin protrusion on amount to give way to the expansion of the
the mammary gland that contains the orifices lobules. In the latter part of pregnancy, the
of the lactiferous duct. The skin of the nipple alveolistart to elaborate some secretory material
is highly pigmented and richly supplied with called colostrum; and the nipple and the areola
sensory nerves. The dermis of the nipple has become highly pigmented.
many smooth muscle fibers.
The nipple is surrounded by a highly Lactating Mammary Gland
pigmented area of skin, the areola, whose
dermis contains some hair follicles, sweat In the lactating breast, the alveolar cells
and sebaceous glands, and the glands of undergo a cyclicalprocess of secretion and rest.
Montgomery-large, branched glands of Typically, many of the alveoli are dilated and
the apocrine type that, structurally, are a distended by milk so that their epithelium is
cross between a sweat gland and a mammary flattened while many other alveoli are resting
gland. and have smaller lumens and taller epithelial
The initial secretory product of the
lactating breast is referred to as colostrum.
Aside from nutrients, colostrum contains
immunoglobulins that confer passive
immunity on the newborn. A few days after
parturition, the secretion of colostrum by the
alveoli of the mammary gland stops, giving
way to the secretion of true milk.
In the mammary glands, the versatile
cells of the alveoli produce all the constituents
of milk. The synthesis of the protein
Fig. XVII-23. Inactive Mammary Gland. The
components is merocrine in nature. The
glandular tissue (g) consists mostly of ductal
elements. There is also an abundance of adipose proteins are synthesized in the granular
tissue (a). H&E x100. endoplasmic reticulum and packaged into
small vacuoles within the Golgi complex. The
Inactive Mammary Gland
packaged secretory materials then move to
The bulk of the inactive mammary gland the apical cytoplasm where they are released
is connective tissue, much of which is adipose by exocytosis. The production of the fat
tissue. In fact, the amount of adipose tissue components, on the other hand, is apocrine in
in an inactive mammary gland determines its nature. The fats start as small droplets within
size. Alveoli, if present, are in the form of small the cytoplasm. These droplets later coalesce to
buds. The ductal system is, however, extensive. form larger fat globules that move to the apex
The lining epithelium is simple cuboidal in the of the cell. When the globules are released, the
small ducts but progressively grows taller until apical cell membrane and some cytoplasm go
it becomes stratified in the main ducts. with them (apocrine secretion).


resulting conceptus (zygote) immediately
travels to the uterus and undergoes a series of
mitotic divisions (cleavage).
By the time it reaches the uterine cavity
about three to four days after fertilization, the
conceptus already consists of a lump of cells
(blastomeres) that looks like a mulberry and is
called a morula.
In the uterine cavity, the conceptus floats
freely, subsisting on the secretions of the
uterine glands, for another two to three days.
During this time, it transforms from a morula
into a fluid-filled sphere called blastocyst,
Fig, XVII-24-, Lactating Mammary Gland, which consists of a) an enclosing wall known
Connective tissue septa (s) divide the gland
as trophoblast that is formed by a Singlelayer
into lobules. The lobules are filled with dilated
and distended alveoli (a), many of which contain of cells; and, b) an aggregation of cells called
secretory material in their lumen. In the septa, inner cell mass on one pole (embryonic
some interlobular ducts (ild) can be seen. H&E pole) of the blastocyst. The inner cell mass
x100. gives rise to the embryo proper while the
trophoblast forms the covering membranes
In the alveoli and small ducts of the
of the fetus and participates in the formation
mammary gland, myoepithelial cells are
of the placenta.
present between the lining epithelial cells
and the basal lamina. Their contraction helps.
in expressing milk from the alveoli and small IMPLANTATION
About six to seven days after fertilization,
implantation, which refers to the embedding
Mammary Gland after Weaning of the blastocyst into the endometrium,
and Menopause starts. At this time, the endometrium is in the
secretory or luteal phase and is at its thickest.
After the baby has been weaned, the
It is very edematous and the glands are actively
mammary gland regresses and reverts to its
secreting. Implantation in humans is referred
inactive state. However, the gland usually does
to as interstitial implantation, which involves
not return completely to the pre-pregnant state
complete embedding of the embryo within the
because many of the alveolipersist.
After menopause, the mammary gland
At the start ofimplantation, the trophoblast
involutes. The alveoli disappear completely.
at the embryonic pole of the blastocyst attaches
Likewise, the duct system progressively
to the luminal surface of the endometrial
dissipates such that only very few ducts persist
epithelium of the anterior or posterior wall
into old age.The connective tissue and adipose
(usually towards the fundus) of the uterus.
tissue likewise progressively diminish in
Then, the cells of the trophoblast that get in
contact with the endometrium proliferate
rapidly and soon two distinct layers can be
Implantation and Placentation distinguished in the trophoblast: an outer layer,
If the ovum released into the abdominal the syncytiotrophoblast, a multinucleic layer
cavity during ovulation is fertilized, the without cellboundaries; and an inner layer,the

cytotrophoblast (Langerhans layer), which is Development of the Placenta
made up of cells that are distinctly separated by
cell membranes. During the second week after fertilization,
cavitiesappear within the syncytiotrophoblast.
The syncytiotrophoblast secretes enzymes
These cavities are called lacunae. They
that erode the endometrium and enable the
soon get filled with blood from maternal
conceptus to embed slowly into the endometrial
capillaries that have been eroded by the
syncytiotrophoblast. The lacunae progressively
By the ninth to 11th day after fertilization, increase in size until only cords of trophoblast
the conceptus, which at this time has two (i.e., a core of cytotrophoblast covered by
germ layers in the embryo proper already, syncytiotrophoblast) can be seen dipping
has completely embedded in the endometrial into them. These trophoblastic cords cover
stroma. The defect in the endometrial surface the whole conceptus and are termed primary
that resulted from the entry of the conceptus trophoblastic villi.
is temporarily sealed by a closing coagulum At about the 15th day after fertilization,
made up of fibrin and cellular debris. Later, the loose connective tissue from the
epithelium is restored. extraembryonic mesoderm forms a lining
layer on the inner aspect of the trophoblast.
PLACENTATION This extraembryonic mesoderm and the
trophoblast are collectively referred to as
After implantation, 'an elaborate system chorion. Mesodermal tissue soon penetrates
of delivering nutrients and oxygen to the the cores of the primary trophoblastic villi,
embryo is required to support its rapid growth and at this point, the villi are referred to as
and development. This is the reason why the secondary villi.
placenta is formed.
Blood vessels later differentiate from the
The placenta is offetal and maternal origin, mesodermal tissue at the cores of the secondary
but more of the former. When fully developed,
it is a flat, discoid organ that measures about 15
villi. Shortly thereafter, the blood vessels fuse
cm in diameter and 3 em in thickness.
During pregnancy, the blood of the fetus
and that of the mother do not mix and do not
come in actual contact with each other. Instead,
substances in the blood of the mother diffuse
into the blood of the fetus, and vice-versa; via
the placenta.
Fetal blood -is brought to and from the
placenta by the blood vessels of the umbilical
cord. At birth, the placenta is expelled from
the uterus several minutes after the fetus has
been delivered. After delivery of the fetus, the
umbilical cord is normally ligated and cut by the Fig. XVII-2S. Umbilical Cord. The umbilical
birth attendant (often, a physician) before the cord consists of mucous connective tissue called
placenta is delivered. Wharton's jelly (wj) where three blood vessels-
two umbilical arteries (a) and an umbilical vein
The placenta is also an endocrine organ. (v}-and a small tubular structure called allantois
It produces several hormones that are vital to a (al), which is vestigial in humans, are embedded.
successful pregnancy and delivery. H&E x5.


When definitive villi appear, they 'are
initially equally distributed all around the
embryo. However, at about the eighth week
of development, the definitive villi associated
with the decidua capsularis degenerate leaving
a bald area called chorion laeve. Meanwhile,
the definitive villi associated with the decidua
basalis enlarge, rapidly increase in number, and
branch extensively. These definitive villi are
collectively referred to as chorion frondosum.
The chorion frondosum comprises the
Fig. XVII-26. Placenta. Photomicrograph
fetal contribution while the decidua basalis
shows cross section of placental villi (Vi) that represents the maternal contribution to the
are enveloped by trophoblast (T). The villi definitive placenta.
contain numerous capillaries (C). In life, they are
immersed in maternal blood that fills the lacunae
(L). H&E x400. Histology of the Placenta
The fully formed placenta is partitioned
to form a continuous vascular channel from the
into 15 to 20 parts (cotyledons) by incomplete
placenta to the fetal heart, and vice-versa. By
septa that project from the decidua basalis
the end of the third week of development, fetal
into the intervillus spaces. Each cotyledon is
blood already circulates within the capillaries
supplied with a large definitive villus that has
of the villi.
several generations of branches.
Once a villus has acquired a blood vessel,
Terminally, placental villi have identical
it becomes known as a tertiary or definitive' ,
histologic characteristics. They have a core
villus. Initially, definitive villi completely
of loose connective tissue that contains some
surround the embryo.
smooth muscle cells and phagocytes. The
connective tissue core is supplied with a capillary
Decidua and Chorion Frondosum that is lined by typical endothelium. It is also
enveloped by the two layers of the trophoblast,
During implantation, as previously
i.e., cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast.
mentioned, the conceptus embeds entirely
within the endometrium, which during The cytotrophoblast degenerates as the
pregnancy is referred to as decidua. pregnancy nears term. At delivery, it has mostly
disappeared and only a few cytotrophoblast
When implantation has been completed, the
cells persist internal to the syncytiotrophoblast.
portion of the endometrium that underlies the
implantation site is called the decidua basalis.
The endometrial tissue between the implanted Placental Hormones
product of conception and the uterine cavity is
The syncytiotrophoblast, which, as
called the decidua capsularis. The rest of the
previously discussed, appears in the developing
endometrium is called the decidua vera.
conceptus when it starts to implant and later
As the fetus grows within the endometrium, becomes part of the developing and definitive
it bulges into, and later obliterates, the uterine placenta, produces several hormones that
cavity. In the process, the decidua capsularis are essential for a successful pregnancy.
meets and merges with the decidua vera of the The more important of these hormones are
opposite wall of the uterus. human chorionic gonadotropin (heG),

progesterone, estrogen, and, human By the sixth week of gestation, the placenta'
chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS; produces enough estrogen and progesterone
chorionic growth hormone-prolactin; CGP; eighth week of pregnancy, the corpus luteum
human placental lactogen). In some mammals, of pregnancy starts to decline functionally, but
but probably not in humans, relaxin is also it persists for several months (sometimes up to
secreted by the placenta.
term) although no longer needed.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
The maternal requirement for estrogen and
is a glycoprotein hormone that is detectable
progesterone during pregnancy is so huge that
in maternal blood as early as six days after
the blood levels of these hormones at term are
fertilization. Itis excreted via the kidneys and its
several-fold higher than during the luteal phase
presence in urine very early in pregnancy forms
the basis of many pregnancy tests. of the menstrual cycle.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Human chorionic somatomammotropin is

is similar in chemical structure and function a protein hormone that has a similar structure
to LH. It enlarges and transforms the corpus to human growth hormone and probably
luteum in the ovary to a corpus luteum of functions as a "maternal growth hormone of
pregnancy. pregnancy."



he endocrine system and the nervous messengers. Hormones are secreted into

T system comprise the two major capillariesand carried by blood to target organ/s
integration and control systems of the or tissue/s that contain/s the cells (target cells)
body. The two systems are able to receive and that possess appropriate receptors for them.
respond to stimuli, but whereas the nervous The endocrine cells in the body occur: 1)
system responds rapidly and precisely to embedded singly or in clusters in the various
stimuli, the endocrine system responds more organs such as the JG cells in the kidneys,
slowly and more diffusely although the effects enteroendocrine cells in the gastrointestinal
of its responses are usually longer lasting.' . tract, and interstitial cells (of Leydig) in the
Furthermore, many of the responses of the testes; 2) as distinct organs called endocrine
nervous system are consciously generated, but glands, i.e., pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
the responses of the endocrine system are all adrenal, and pineal; and; 3) as well-defined
done unconsciously. component structures of certain organs, i.e.,the
As a rule, the nervous and endocrine endocrine portion ofthe hypothalamus and the
systemsworkin parallelwith, but independently islets of Langer hans of the pancreas.
of, each other. However, some anatomic and
functional overlaps exist between the two
systems. Someparts of the nervous system, such
as the hypothalamus, are also endocrine organs.
Likewise, there are certain endocrine responses
that are generated by nervous impulses and vice-

The endocrine system is composed of

all the endocrine cells in the body, i.e., cells
that produce substances (steroids, peptides or
amines) called hormones that act as chemical Fig. XVIII-1. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
The hormone-producing cells that are The main target organs of oxytoci in
embedded in the various organs have been women are the uterus and the breasts. In the
discussed in connection with the organs where uterus, it stimulates contraction of the smoot
they are located. Hence, the discussion will muscles in the myometrium d thus, aids in
be limited to the endocrine portions of the parturition i.e., delivery of the fetus). In the
hypothalamus and pancreas, and the endocrine mammary glands, it promotes ejection of mil
glands-glands that do not poss~ss any during lactatio by stimulat,ing contraction 0
excretory duct, but which are richly supplied the myoepithelialcellsthat surround the alveoli.
with blood capillariesinto whichtheir secretions Oxytocin's function in non-pregnant women
diffuse. has not been definitely established yet but it
may playa role in various social behaviors and
YPOTHA A U evenwound healing. In males, current evidence
suggests that oxytocin facilitates sperm
The hypothalamus is part of the brain. It transport within the male reproductive system.
is a component of the diencephalon,' which
The target organs of ADH, on the other
together with the telencephalon comprises
hand, are the kidneysflt increasespermeability
the forebrain or prosencephalon. The
of the distal and collecting tubule of the
hypothalamus is located at the base ofthe brain,
kidneys, leading to the formation of more
behind the optic chiasm,' and it forms the floor
concentrated urine.
and part of the wall of the third ventricle. It
consists of 11 major nuclei, nuclear areas and
tracts.' I;IYPDphys.iotropicHormones
The hypothalamus controls numerous The hypophysiotropic hormones
bodilyfunctions includingmanyvegetativeones (ileurohormones), hose names describe their
such as thirst, hunger and satiety, temperature, main functions, include: 1) codk9trophin-
sexual behavior, and circadian rhythms. In releasing hormone (CRH),'2) thyrotropin!
addition, it produces two groups of hormones: releasing hormone (TRH), 3) growth'
posterior pituitary and hypophysiotropic. ' hormone-releasing hormone (GRH), 4)
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRHj
Posterior Pituitary Hormones- luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone,
LHRH), 5) growth hormone-inhibiting
The posterior pituitary hormones are hormone (GHIHj somatostatin, SSI), and 6)
oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADHj prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIH).
vasopressin), They are synthesized by neuron
The hypophysiotropic hormones
(magnocellular secretory neurons) that
are synthesized by secretory neurons
are in the supraoptic and araventricular
(parvocellular secretory neuro!s) that are
nuclei of the ypothalamus, but stored in the
smaller than the neurons that produce the
posterior lobe of the pituitary glan~, thus,
posterior pituitary hormone .The parvocellular
their collective name. The supraoptic nucleus
secretory neurons are widelydistributed within
is located above and lateral to the optic chiasm
whil1 e th e paraven trincu 1ar nuc 1eusf· IS In
. th e
the hypothalamu but they are mostly in th
thi d tri 1 1\ t . • arcuate, paraventricular and periventricular
1at era 1 wa 110f th e If ven nc . vxy, OG-In
. pro d uce d b y one ce 11 typ wh'l1 e AT'\H
IS '.lJ nuclei'
is produced by another cell ty e, but bot The function of the hypophysiotropic
cell types are present in the supraoptic an hormones is to re ulate the activity of th
paraventricular nuclei. secretory cells of the pjtJJjla-qLgla:ndP


pars tubatal1$
pituitary stalk
The pituitary gland is a small but very
important endocrine gland. It is an ovoid body
that weighs merely SOOmg and is only about 12
mm in transverse and 8 mm in AP diameters.
It is attached to the inferior surface of the
hypothalamus and is lodged in a concavity
(hypophyseal fossa) in the sella turcica of the
sphenoid bone.
The pituitary gland consists of two
distinct parts, neurohypophysis and
adenohypophysis. These two parts
differ developmentally, structurally, and

magnocellularo;:,_ .. 'I.C''''' 1

neurons -

Fig. XVIlI-3. Pituitary Gland. The scanning

photomicrograph shows the posterior lobe
and pituitary stalk of the neurohypophysis; and
the anterior lobe, intermediate lobe, and pars
" tuberalis of the adenohypophysis. Pituitary
Gland, H&E x40.

the other hand, arises from oral ectoderm, it

is derived from Rathke's pouch, an upgrowth
of the oral mucosa. During embryonic
development, the two ectodermal outgrowths
meet and fuse to form the pituitary gland. The
connection of Rathke's pouch to the oral cavity
is subsequently severed, but the connection of
the neurohypophysis to the base of the brain,
specifically to the hypothalamus, persists.

Fig. XVIII-2. Pituitary Gland The neurohypophysis has three regions:
'1) median eminence, 2) pituitary stalk
(infundibulum, infundibular s t em:
Development of the Pituitary
infundibular stalk, hypophyseal stalk) j and
Gland 3)posterior lobe (pars nervosa, infundibular
The neurohypophysis arises from neural process).
ectoderm, it develops as a downgrowth of The median eminence is the proximal
the diencephalon. The adenohypophysis, on portion of the neurohypophysis that is attached

---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------~
to the hypothalamus. The slender downward The axons of the magnocellular secretory
continuation of the median eminence is the neurons have dilatations, not just at their ends
pituitary stalk while the expanded inferior but along their entire length. The dilatations are
continuation of the pituitary stalk is the posterior the storage sites for the secretory granules that
lobe. Incidentally, some authors consider the are synthesized in the cell bodies of the neurons.
median eminence as the most inferior part of They are associated with capillaries into
the hypothalamus, instead of being the proximal which their secretions ate released, as needed.
portion of the neurohypophysis. Aggregations of secretory granules in the
The easiest way to understand the histology axonal dilatations are often seen in routine LM
of the neurohypophysis is to simply consider it as preparations of the posterior lobe and pituitary
the downward extension of the hypothalamus. stalk as 'deeply-staining, basophilic structures
Why and how is this so? called Herring bodies. The posterior lobe is
much bigger than the pituitary stalk simply
The cell bodies of the secretory neurons because most of the axonal dilatations are in
in the hypothalamus (i.e., parvo cellular the former.
and magnocellular secretory neurons) are
located in the nuclei and nuclear areas, but In the neurohypophysis, the axons of the
their unmyelinated axons travel downwards, secretory neurons are surrounded by numerous
leave the hypothalamus and terminate in the non-secretory supporting cells called pituicytes
neurohypophysis. These axons comprise the that are morphologically similar to astrocytes.
bulk of the neurohypophysis. Aside from the Pituicytes are stellate cells whose slender
axons, the only other structures that are present cytoplasmic processes are interconnected with
in the neurohypophysis are capillaries and
those of other pituicytes by gap junctions. Aside
supporting cells.
from pituicytes, the only other cellular elements
'in the neurohypophysis are the endothelial
The unmyelinated axons of the cells and the blood cells in the sinusoids.
parvocellular secretory neurons are relatively
short. They terminate in the 'median
eminence. The axonal terminations are where
the hypophysiotropic hormones that are
synthesized by the cells are stored. The axons,
together with the numerous capillaries and
supporting cells that are associated with them
comprise the median eminence.
The unmyelinated axons of the
magnocellular secretory neurons, on the
other hand, are much longer than those of
the parvocellular secretory neurons. They
originate from the nuclei (i.e., supraoptic and
paraventricular) where the cell bodies are
located, pass through the pituitary stalk and end
in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
In the pituitary stalk, the proximal segments
Fig. XVIII-4. Pituitary Gland, Posterior Lobe.
of the axons comprise the hypothalamo-
Most of the cells are supporting cells called
hypophyseal tract, the main component of the pituicytes. Among the cellular and fibrillar
pituitary stalk. In the posterior lobe, the distal elements are deeply staining aggregations of
segments of the axons comprise the bulk of the secretory granules called Herring bodies (Hb)
lobe. and numerous blood vessels (bv). H&E x400.


In brief, the neurohypophysis is simply the Histologically, the parenchyma of the
downward continuation of the hypothalamus. It anterior lobe consists of epithelial cells, most of
consists of: a) axons of the secretory neurons which are secretory in nature. The parenchymal
whose cell bodies are in the hypothalamus, b) cells form irregularly-arranged anastomosing
pituicytes, and c) sinusoids. cords and clusters that are surrounded by
The neurohypophysis is not a gland. It fenestrated sinusoids. A minimal amount of
does not produce, but only stores and releases reticular tissue exists between the epithelial
(secretes) hormones. cells and the sinusoids. It serves as the
supporting structure (stroma) for the cell cords
and sinusoids.
The adenohypophysis is the part of the Parenchymal Cells of the Auterior Lobe
pituitary gland that produces hormones. of the Pituitary Gland
Whereas the neurohypophysis is more fibrous In LM preparations that use a set of acid
than cellular, the adenohypophysis is more dyes, the parenchymal cells in the anterior lobe
cellular than fibrous. The adenohypophysis has of the pituitary gland can be classified into two
three regions: a) anterior lobe (pars distalis), generaltypes-chromophils, whose cytoplasm
b) pars tuberalis (pars infundibularis): and c) is intensely colored and chromophobes, whose
intermediate lobe (parsIntermedia). cytoplasm is pale staining. The chromophobes
The pars tub era lis forms a thin and comprise about 65% while the chromophils
incomplete sleeve around the pituitary stalk of comprise 35%of the parenchymal cells.
the neurohypophysis. Itis inferiorly continuous The chromophils are further classifiedinto
with the anterior and intermediate lobes. 1) acidophils (alpha cells) and 2) basophils
" (beta cells). The cytoplasm of acidophils stains
Anterior Lobe (Pars Distalis) red with acid dyes while that of the basophils
The anterior lobe comprises about 70% of stains blue or purple. In addition, the nucleus of
the pituitary gland. Nearly all the hormones the basophils is less dense, and is thus, lighter-
produced by the pituitary gland come from this staining than that of the acidophils.
lobe. The staining characteristics of the
chromophobes and chromophils in LM
preparations have nothing to do with true
acidophilia or basophilia because all the dyes
used are acid dyes. Furthermore, the dyes are
taken up mostly by the secretory granules of the
cells and not by the organelles.

Electron microscopy and histologic
studies utilizing special techniques have shown
that there are actually five-not just two-
Fig. XVIII-S. Pituitary Gland, Anterior Lobe. types of chromophils. The classification of
The three types of epithelial cells that populate the chromophils into five types is based on
the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland are the hormone that the cells secrete and their
demonstrated in the photomicrograph. They are
acidophils (a), basophils (b), and chromophobes
appearance in electron micrographs. The cell
(c). Note that the cords of epithelial cells are types,whichhavebeen named afterthe hormones
surrounded by sinusoids (5). H&E x400. they produce, are the: 1) somatotrophs (STH

cells), 2) mammotrophs (lactotrophs), granules, which are concentrated close to the
3) thyrotrophs, 4) corticotrophs, and S) cell membrane, are the smallest among all the
gonadotrophs. The somatotrophs and the secretory cells of the anterior lobe. Thyrotrophs
mammotrophs are the acidophils while the produce thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating
thyrotrophs, corticotrophs, and gonadotrophs hormone, TSH) which stimulates the cells
are th~ basophils of traditional light microscopy. in the thyroid gland that are responsible for
Acidophils producing thyroid hormones.
Somatotrophs and mammotrophs look alike Corticotrophs are ovoid cells that
in routine LM histologic preparations. They all constitute 20% of the chromophils in the
possess a reddish yellow-staining cytoplasm, anterior lobe. Their secretory granules are
a dense nucleus, and distinct cell outline. But relatively few and are just slightly larger than
the two cell types can be distinguished from those of thyrotrophs. Corticotrophs secrete
each other in electron micrographs-the corticotropin (adrenocorticotropin,
mammotroph has larger cytoplasmic secretory adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH) which
granules. stimulates certain cells in the adrenal cortex to
Somatotrophs comprise the majority produce hormones.
(about SO%)of the chromophils in the anterior Gonadotrophs are large, round cells that
lobe. They secrete somatotropin (growth
constitute around S% of the chromophils in
hormone), one of the few hormones that do not
the anterior lobe. They are distributed singly
have specific target cells:'_it affects practically
throughout the anterior lobe. Their secretory
all cells in the body.
granules are moderate and variable in size.
Mammotrophs comprise about 20% of the Gonadotrophs produce gonadotropins,
chromophils in the anterior lobe where they ~..e., luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle
are scattered singly. During pregnancy, they stimulating hormone (FSH), whose functions
increase in number and in size. They secrete have been discussed in the chapters on the
the hormone prolactin (mammotropin) that male and female reproductive systems. It is
stimulates growth and activity of the mammary not known yet whether there are two types of
glands during pregnancy and lactation. In non-
gonadotrophs (one producing LH and the other
pregnant women, the role of prolactin is not
producing FSH) or just one type that produces
clear yet. In men, prolactin probably plays a role
both hormones.
in regulating testicular function.
Most acidophils secrete only one type of Chromophobes
hormone, but a few,the somatomammotrophs,
Electron microscopy and histologic studies
secrete both somatotropin and prolactin.
utilizing special techniques have shown that
Basophils most chromophobes are actually chromophils
Basophils are less numerous but are larger (mostly corticotrophs), but they have pale
than acidophils, The three cell types that cytoplasm in routine LM preparations because
comprise basophils cannot be distinguished they are resting, or have just recently released
from each other under the LM using acid dyes or most of their secretory granules, or are still in
H&E stains, but their morphological differences the process of producing new ones. In other
are evident in EMs. words, the few secretory granules they possess
Thyrotrophs comprise about S% of the are inadequate to impart enough cytoplasmic
chromophils in the anterior lobe. They are coloration to distinguish them as chromophils
polygonal cells that are provided with long under the LM with the use of traditional acid
cytoplasmic processes. Their secretor~ dyes.


There are, however, two kinds of
chromophobes that are distinct from
chromophils. One type, the folliculostellate
cell (FS cell), has long, branching processes. It
isnon-secretory and performs some supportive
role for the other cells. The second type is an
undifferentiated stem cell.

Pars Tuberalis (Pars Infundibularis)

The tubular sleeve that the pars tuberalis
forms around the pituitary stalk is not uniform
in thickness, it ranges in thickness from 2 to
60 lAmand is thickest anteriorly. The pars Fig. XVIII-6. Pituitary Gland, Intermediate
tuberalis i\ separated from the pituitary stalk Lobe. The intermediate lobe of the pituitary
by connective tissue that is continuous with the , gland is between the anterior and posterior
lobes. In this specimen, most of the intermediate
pia-arachnoid membrane of the brain.
lobe is occupied by follicles called Rathke's cysts,
The pars tuberalis is more vascular than H&E x100.
the anterior lobe because the blood vessels that
comprise the hypophyseoportal system (see indicates that the cells of the intermediate lobe
page 288) traverse it. Its parenchymal cells are also produce fJ endorphins.
mostly gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs that are
arranged parallel to the blood vessels in cords, Hypothalamic Control over the
clusters, and sometimes, in the form of follicles Anterior Lobe of the Pituitary
that contain colloid. Gland
As discussed in the preceding
Intermediate Lobe (Pars Intermedia)
paragraphs, the anterior lobe of the pituitary
The intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland secretes six important hormones: 1)
gland is the thin and poorly developed region somatotropin, 2) prolactin, 3) thyrotropin,
of the gland that is in between the posterior 4) corticotropin,S) FSH, and 6) LH. The
lobe and the anterior lobe. Its boundary with secretion of these hormones is mainly
the anterior lobe is demarcated by a groove that regulated by the hypothalamus through its
represents the 6riginallumen ofRathke's pouch. hypophysiotropic hormones.
The intermediate lobe is better developed in
As mentioned earlier in this chapter,
the fetus than in adults, where it is rudimentary.
the cell bodies of the secretory neurons that
In routine histologic sections, it is easy to
produce the hypophysiotropic hormones are
recognize because of the presence of follicles
widely distributed in the hypothalamus, but
(Rathke's cysts) that contain some eosinophilic their axonal terminations are in the median
colloidal material. eminence. The hypophysiotropic hormones,
The parenchymal cells of the intermediate after they are produced in the cell body of the
lobe form irregular clusters. They contain neurons, are stored in the terminations of the
some fine secretory granules. They synthesize axons in the median eminence. When needed,
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) the hormones are secreted into the capillaries
whose production in adults is minimal to nil. and transported by the blood to their target cells
The physiologic action of MSH in humans in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland via the
is unknown. In addition to MSH, evidence hypophyseoportal system.


Development of the Pineal Gland
The pineal gland arises in the embryo
as a hollow evagination of the roof of the
diencephalon. As it develops, its cavity getsfilled
with cells and eventually the gland transforms
into a solid organ. The pineal gland is well-
developed in children. At puberty, it starts to

Histology of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is enveloped by a thin
Fig. XVIII-7. Pineal Gland. In the pineal gland, connective tissue capsule that is derived from
most of the cells are pinealocytes. Among the pia mater. Connective tissue septa arise from
cells-which are arranged in cords or clusters
this capsule and incompletely divide the gland
around in between capillaries-are calcified
concentric lamellar bodies called brain sands into irregular lobules. The tissue septa also
(bs). H&E x1 00. serve as passageways for blood vessels and
unmyelinated nerve fibers.
The hypophyse oporta] system refers The parenchymal cells that fill the lobules
to the plexus of veins that travels from the of the pineal gland are mostly pinealocytes.
median eminence to the anterior lobe of the Pinealocytes are modified neurons that
pituitary gland. This venous plexus is a portal comprise 95%of the cell population of the gland.
system because it receives blood from a set In the lobules, they are arranged in short cords
of capillaries and drains into another set of orin clusters that are surrounded by fenestrated
capillaries. Specifically,the veins comprising the capillaries. In routine histologic preparations,
hypophyseoportal system receive blood from pinealocytes have poorly defined borders and
the capillaries that supply the median eminence, basophilic cytoplasm. Their large nucleus,
and after traveling downward along the pars often irregular or even lobated, has a prominent
tuberalis, drain into another set of sinusoidal
nucleolus. Their branching processes, which
capillaries that supply the anterior and posterior
are not easily appreciated in H&E preparations,
lobes of the pituitary gland. terminate in expansions near the fenestrated
As a rule, each hypophysiotropic hormone capillaries.
exerts control over more than one anterior
Dispersed among the pinealocytes are
pituitary cell type. As examples, TRH stimulates
supporting cells that are called interstitial
production of both thyrotropin and prola~tin
cells. The interstitial cells are smaller than
while GnRH stimulates the secretion of lfuth
pinealocytes. They are morphologically similar
to astrocytes.
Aside from pinealocytes and interstitial
cells, mast cells are also often seen in the pineal
CEREBRI; PINEAL BODY) gland, a fact that may explain the organ's high
The pineal gland is a small (8 mm long; histamine content.
about 120 mg in weight) conical structure One striking histologic feature of the pineal
whose base is attached to the posterior portion gland is the presence of extracellular bodies
of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain by called brain sands (acervuli, psammoma
two short stalks. bodies, or corpora arenacea) within the


lobules. These are calcified bodies that have rhythms and sleep patterns. It is associated in
a concentric lamellar structure. They tend the development of seasonal affective disordef
to increase in number with age. They are a condition that is characterized by depressio
radiopaque. This is why the pineal gland is during winter in countries where there is
visible and is sometimes used as a landmark in one. There is also speculation that it inhibits
X-ray studies of the brain. sexual development such that children mature
sexually only when their melatonin levels
As one grows older, the interstitial cells
drop significantly during pubert At present,
increase in number and hyalinization of parts
however, all these are just speculations. But it is
of the pineal gland occurs.
known that in humans, the normal melatonin
blood levelhas a diurnal pattern (i.e., it is higher
Hormone Produced by the Pineal at night than during the da -); and ismuch higher
Gland in children than in adult .
The pineal gland produces the hormone
m~J.atonin whose secretion is stimulated by THYROID GLAND
darknes and inhibited by light.
The thyroid gland is the largest of the
Melatonin is synthesized by the endocrine glands. It is 25 to 40 g in weight and
pi)l,ea.locytes.It is a ve~y important hormone is slightly bigger in women than in men. It is an
in animals that breed seasonally because it unpaired gland that lies on the anterior aspect
regulates the animals' sexual develop men of the neck. Grossly, it consists of two lateral
reproductive cycle (seasonal breeding), lobes (right and left) and an isthmus.
hibernation, and other metabolic processe .
The lateral lobes are broad inferiorly but
In humans, however, the physiologic tapered superiorly. They adhere to the lateral
function of melatonin is not yet known. There (one on each side) aspects of the pharynx,
are speculations that it affects circadian larynx, esophagus, and trachea. Their inferior


Fig. XVIII-B. Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands. The thyroid gland which is located on the anterior
neck consists of two lateral lobes connected at the midline by the isthmus. The parathyroid glands,
on the other hand, usually consist of two pairs attached to the posterior surface of the lateral lobes
of the thyroid gland.

borders are at the level of the sixth tracheal Development of the Thyroid
cartilage. The lateral lobes are connected to each Gland
other by a narrow horizontal bridge of glandular
tissue, the isthmus, which extends across the The thyroid gland arises during early
trachea .usually in front of the second and third embryonic life as an epithelial invagination at
tracheal cartilages. In some individuals, the the base of the tongue. It migrates downwards
thyroid gland also has a small pyramidal lobe, and reaches its final position in the lower part
which consists of glandular tissue that extends of the neck in the 7th week of intrauterine
upward from the isthmus. life. It remains connected for a time to the
base of the tongue by the thyroglossal duct,
which later disappears. The point of origin of
the thyroid gland is indicated by the foramen
cecum,the apex of the V-shaped furrow (sulcus
terminalis) that separates the anterior from the
posterior tongue.

Histology of the Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is enclosed by two
capsules, an outer capsule that is derived from
the pretracheallayer of the deep cervical fascia
Fig. XVIII-9. Thyroid Gland. The gland is and a true capsule that closely invests the gland
enveloped by a capsule (ca) that sends septa (s) and sends connective tissue septa into the organ
into the substance of the organ to divide it into
to form poorly-defined lobules. The connective
lobules (lo). The lobules are occupied by follicles
(fo) which are cystic structures that contain a gel- septa also serve as pathways for blood and
like material called colloid (co). H&E x100. lymphatic vessels and nerves. The connective
tissue within the thyroid gland is infiltrated by
lymphocytes and small lymphoid nodules are
occasionally seen.
Each thyroid lobule is filled with irregular
spherical, cystic structures called follicles
(thyroid follicles) that are surrounded by
fenestrated capillaries and supported by a thin
connective tissue stroma-consisting primarily
of reticular fibers and cells-that is continuous
with the septa.
The follicles are 0.02 to 0.9 mm in diameter.
Their cavity is occupied by a homogenous, gel-
Fig. XVIII-10. Thyroid Follicles. The thyroid like material known as colloid while their wall
follicles (fo) which occupy the thyroid lobules is formed by a simple epithelium.
are ball-like structures whose wall is formed by
a simple epithelium and whose cavity is filled Two types of cells comprise the simple
with colloid (co). The epithelium has two types epithelium that forms the wall of thyroid
of cells: follicular cells (fc) which comprise 90% follicles: follicular cells (principal cells)
of the epithelial cells, and the bigger and lighter
and parafollicular cells (mitochondria rich
parafollicular cells (pc) which are scattered singly
or in clusters among the follicular cells. Thyroid cells; C cells, clear cells). The shape of the
Gland, H&E x100. epithelial cells and the staining property of the


colloid depend on the functional state of the colloid. They likewise collect iodine from
follicle. In inactive follicles, the epithelial cells the blood in the capillaries that surround the
are squamous or cuboidal and the colloid is follicles and transport it to the lumen of the
acidophilic. In active follicles, the epithelial cells follicle.
are tall cuboidal or columnar and the colloid is
In the colloid,some ofthe tyrosine residues
present in the thyroglobulin are iodinated and
Follicular cells make up the overwhelming condensed to form the, two principal thyroid
majority of the epithelial cells in the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
follicle. In routine histologic preparations, they (T3), with the aid of the enzyme thyroid
are seen as having a round nucleus that contains peroxidase.
fine chromatin material and one or two nucleoli, T3 and T4 remain bound to thyroglobulin
and a slightly basophilic cytoplasm. The until they are secreted, during which time the
luminal surface of follicular cells is provided follicular cells ingest colloid by endocytosis,
with numerous microvilli, but these are not hydrolyze the peptide bonds that bind the
discernible under the LM. thyroid hormones to the thyroglobulin,
Parafollicular cells comprise only and release the thyroid hormones into the
0.1 % of the epithelial cell population of the capillaries.
thyroid follicle. They are scattered singly or The thyroid hormones regulate the
in small groups in the epithelium. For a time, metabolism ofproteins, carbohydrates, fats, and
histologists thought that parafollicular cells some vitamins.
are also present in between thyroid follicles
because in LM preparations, many of them
Control of T3 and T4 secretion is the
are found in the interstices between follicles, function of thyrotropin (TSH; thyroid
but the electron microscope has shown that'
stimulating hormone).
all parafollicular cells actually form part of the Calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin), on the
follicular epithelium. The parafo~~icular cells other hand, is synthesized and secreted by the
rest on the basal lamina of the epithelium but parafollicular cells. It lowersblood calciumlevel
unlike follicular cells, their apices do not touch by suppressing the bone resorption activity of
the colloid. In routine histologic preparations, the osteoclasts. Incidentally, calcitonin is
they are easy to identify because they are much probably also secreted by other still unidentified
bigger and lighter-staining than follicular cells. cells of the body because it is present in the
Their cytoplasm contains numerous small blood of people who have had their thyroid
secretory granules. gland surgically removed.
The secretory activity of the parafollicular
Thyroid Hormones cells is regulated directly by blood calcium
level. A high blood calcium level stimulates ,.
The hormones produced by the thyroid
while a low blood calcium level suppresses
gland are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
secretion of calcitonin by the parafollicular
(T3), which are collectively referred to as
thyroid hormones, and calcitonin.
The production and secretion ofthe thyroid PARATHYROID GLAND
hormones (T3 and T4) are functions of the
follicular cells but the follicular cells do not The parathyroid glands, usually two
directly synthesize the hormones. Instead, they pairs (superior and inferior), are yellowish-
synthesize thyroglobulin, a large glycoprotein, brown, tiny, ovoid bodies that are attached to
which they discharge by exocytosis into the the posterior surface of the lateral lobes of the

Fig. XVIII-11. Parathyroid Gland.
The parenchyma of the gland is
made up of two types of cells: chief
cells which are unlabeled in the
photomicrograph but comprise
most of the cells, and the bigger
and more eosinophilic oxyphil
cells (0) that are scattered singly
or in small groups among the
chief cells. The parenchymal cells
are arranged in cords or clusters
surrounded by fE\Q_estrated
capillaries (c). H&E x400.

thyroid gland. Each parathyroid gland is about is enveloped by its own thin connective tissue
6 mm long, 3 to 4 mm wide and 1 to 2 mm thick, capsule. From this latter capsule, connective
and about SO mg in weight. tissue septa arise and divide the gland into
poorly-defined lobules. In the lobules, the
Development of the Parathyroid stroma is formed by delicate connective tissue
Gland that consists mainly of reticular fibers and cells.
The parenchyma of the parathyroid gland
The inferior parathyroid glands arise in
consists of epithelial cells that are arranged
the embryo from the third pharyngeal pouch
in cords and clusters that are surrounded by
together with the thymus. When the thymus
fenestrated capillaries.
descends into the thoracic cavity, it pulls the
inferior parathyroid glands with it, but the latter Adipose cells are also relatively abundant
do not descend all the way to the thorax. They within the lobules of the parathyroid gland
come to rest on the posterior surface of the where they intermix with the parenchymal cells.
thyroid gland. Occasionally though, parathyroid By the age of2S years, they comprise about 30%
glands are found in the company of the thymus of the volume of the gland. The adipose cells
in the thoracic cavity. The superior parathyroid increase in number with age.
glands, on the other hand, arise from the fourth Follicles are occasionally present in
pharyngeal pouch and attach themselves to the the parathyroid glands, especially in older
thyroid glands as the latter migrates downward individuals. These follicles resemble those
to the inferior portion of the neck. found in the thyroid gland.

Histology of the Parathyroid Parenchymal Cells of the Parathyroid

Gland Gland
The parathyroid glands lie within the Two types of parenchymal cells exist in the
capsule of the thyroid gland. In addition, deep parathyroid gland: chief cells (principal cells)
to the thyroid capsule, each parathyroid gland and oxyphil cells (acidophil cells).


The chief cells comprise majority of the tubules; increasing the conversion of vitamin
parenchymal cells. A chief cell is a relatively D to its active form; increasing the excretion of
small (8 to 10 mm in diameter) polyhedral cell. phosphate by the kidneys; and promoting the
In routine histologic preparations, its nucleus absorption of calcium in the digestive tract.
is prominent, rather large, and vesicular. Its High level of blood calcium, on the other
homogenous cytoplasm is faintly eosinophilic hand, suppresses the activity of the chief cells,
and it contains small, secretory granules that in causing calcium to be deposited in bone.
electron micrographs, are seen to be membrane-
The oxyphil cells are absent in children. (SUPRARE:NALGLAND)
They appear shortly before puberty and
increase in number with age. They occur singly The paired adrenal glands (left and right)
or in clusters in the lobules. An oxyphil cell is are flat, pyramidal organs that rest on the upper
bigger than a chief cell but its nucleus is slightly pole of each kidney. Each gland weighs about
smaller. Its cytoplasm is intensely eosinophilic 5 g and is 50 mm long or high, 30 mm wide,
because of the presence of many acidophilic and 10 mm thick. The adrenal gland presents
granules. Electron micrographs show that an indentation (hilus) at the middle of its
these granules are actually mitochondria anteromedial aspect; it is here where the adrenal
with numerous cristae. Oxyphil cells are non- vein leavesthe gland. The adrenal arteries enter
secretory and their function is unknown. the gland through its capsule.
They are suspected to be chief cells that are in The stroma of the adrenal gland consists
a different physiological state. This assertion of a relatively thick connective capsule and
is strengthened by the fact that there are cells elements from this capsule (mostly reticular
in the parathyroid gland (transitional cells) fibers and cells) that penetrate the gland all the
that have structural characteristics that are i~' way to the medulla. The parenchyma of the
between the chief cells and oxyphil cells. gland, on the other hand, consists of epithelial
cells that are mostly secretory in nature.
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH; An examination of a coronal section of the
Parathormone) adrenal gland shows that the gland consists of
two regions: cortex and medulla.
The parathyroid gland secretes only one
hormone, the parathyroid hormone, which is
synthesized and secreted by the chief cells. adrenal
The parathyroid hormone is the most
important regulator ofblood calcium level and
its secretion is controlled by the level ofionized
calcium in the blood.
When the blood calcium level is low, the
chief cells are stimulated to produce and
secrete parathyroid hormone, which increases
the circulating blood level of calcium (i.e.,
through the osteoblasts, see chapter on
cartilage and bone) by indirectly increasing the
number and activity of osteoclasts; inhibiting
the bone formation activity of osteoblasts; Fig. XVIII-12. Adrenal Gland. The adrenal gland
enhancing calcium reabsorption in the renal rests on the superior pole of the kidney.

The medulla, on the other hand, is·
derived from neural crest cells that form the
sympathetic system. These cells migrate to,
and invade the medial aspect of the developing
adrenal cortex where they later get entrapped by
the cortical cells.

Adrenal Cortex
The cortex comprises 80% to 90% of the
adrenal gland. It is essential to life. Its function
is to produce steroid hormones, collectively
referred to as adrenocortical hormones,which
play vital roles in the body's metabolic activities.
Fig. XVIII-13. Adrenal Gland. This scanning
photomicrograph of the adrenal gland shows
The adrenocortical hormones
the capsule that envelops the organ and the are categorized into three classes (i.e.,
two regions that comprise the gland: cortex and mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and
medulla. H&E x40. androgens). Many hormones comprise each
class, but most are secreted in physiologically
The cortex lies immediately beneath the insignificant amounts. The only physiologically
capsule. It completely surrounds the medulla, important adrenocortical hormones are
which occupies the inner area of the gland. the m iner alocor tico id aldosterone, the
The adrenal gland can actually be considered glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone,
as consisting of two separate endocrine.glands and the androgens dehydroepiandrosterone
because the cortex differs from the medulla (nHEA) and androstenedione.
embryologically, structurally, and functionally.
The adrenal cortex, when seen under LM, -I
consists of three concentric zones or layers that
Development of the Adrenal are distinguishable by the arrangement and
Gland appearance of their parenchymal cells. From
the outside going inwards, these layers are the a)
The cortex of the adrenal gland is
zona glomerulosa, b) zona fasciculata, and, c)
mesodermal in origin while the medulla is
zona reticularis.
The cortex is derived from mesothelial
cells of the peritoneum that are adjacent to the
developing kidneys. These cells differentiate to
form the primitive adrenal cortex. Later, another
group of mesothelial cells, which are smaller
than those in the primitive adrenal cortex,
invades the area of the developing adrenal gland
and surrounds the primitive adrenal cortex.
These cells comprise the definitive adrenal
cortex. During the first postnatal month of Iife,
Fig. XVIII-14. Adrenal Cortex. Immediately
the primitive adrenal cortex rapidly regresses
deep in the capsule (c) of the adrenal gland is
and its cells replaced by the cells of the definitive the cortex. It hasthree regions: zona glomerulosa
cortex, but only at puberty is the structure of the (zg), zona fasciculata (zf), and zona reticularis (zr).
adult adrenal cortex achieved. H&E x100.


Zona Glomerulosa
The zona glomerulosa occupies the
outermost region and makes up about 10% to
15%of the adrenal cortex. In routine histologic
preparations, the zone is seen to consist of
rounded or pyramidal epithelial cells that are
arranged in irregular ovoid clusters that are
separated by sinusoids. The parenchymal cells
have a deeply-staining nucleus that contains one
or two nucleoli. Their cytoplasm is scanty and
The parenchymal cells of the zona
glomerulosa produce mineralocorticoids,
mainly aldosterone whose primary effect is Fig. XVIII-1S. Zona Fasciculata. This high-
magnification photomicrograph shows the
to increase Na' reabsorption by the distal and parenchymal cells of the zona fasciculata. The
collecting tubules of the kidney. cells are called spongiocytes because their
cytoplasm is vacuolated. The spongiocytes-
The activity of the parenchymal cells that unlabeled in the section-are arranged in thin
produce aldosterone is -regulated primarily cords perpendicular to the capsule. The cords
by the renin-angiotensin system of the are separated by sinusoidal capillaries (c) that
kidneys and only secondarily by corticotropin are lined by endothelial cells (e). Adrenal Gland,
H&E x400.
(ACTH) that comes from the anterior lobe of
the pituitary gland.
The primary regulator of the activity of the
cells of the zona fasciculata is corticotropin
Zona Fasciculata
The zona fasciculata forms the thickest layer
and comprises about 75% to 80% of the adrenal Zona Reticularis
cortex. In routine histologic preparations, the
The zona reticularis is the innermost and
zone consists of parenchymal cells that form
thinnest layer of the adrenal cortex. It accounts
long, thin (usually one-cell thick), straight cords
for only 5% to 10% of the volume of the adrenal
that are arranged perpendicular to the capsule.
cortex. Its parenchymal cells, which are small
The cords are separated by sinusoids. The
compared to those in the outer two zones, are
parenchymal cells are large and polyhedral in
arranged in short anastomosing cords that are
shape and their nucleus is vesicular and contains separated by sinusoids. The parenchymal cells
a prominent nucleolus. They have abundant, are histologically similar to the cells of the
faintly-acidophilic cytoplasm that contains zona fasciculata but they are less vacuolated
many empty spaces that represent lipid droplets because they have less lipid droplets and their
extracted by reagents. The empty spaces give nucleus stains more intensely. Practically no
the cells a vacuolated appearance that is why the mitosis occurs among the parenchymal cells in
cells are sometimes called spongiocytes. this zone. Some histologists consider the zona
The parenchymal cells of the zona reticularis as a "graveyard" where old cells from
fasciculata produce glucocorticoids, the two other zones eventually go.
mainly cortisol and corticosterone, which The parenchymal cells of the zona
regulate carbohydrate, lipid, and protein reticularis produce a small quantity of
metabolism. glucocorticoids (cortisoland corticosterone)


and the androgens dehydroepiandrosterone surrounded by sinusoids and richly supplied'
(DHEA) and androstenedione. Androgens with myelinated nerves-in fact, all the
usually have masculinizing effects and they parenchymal cells are associated with endings
promote protein anabolism and growth. But of preganglionic sympathetic neuron. They
the potent androgens are those secreted by the are polyhedral cells with basophilic cytoplasm
testes. The adrenal androgens have less than that, when compared to the cortical cells in
20% the activity of testicular androgens and they routine histologic preparat~ons, have a larger
hardly have any physiological effect on normal and more darkly-staining nucleus. They are
people. In other words, the amount of androgen called chromaffin cells because the secretory
that is normally secreted by the adrenals, which granules in their basophilic cytoplasm exhibit
is equal in both men and women, is not enough chromaffin reaction, i.e., when treated
to induce masculinization in women. with oxidizing agents like chromate, the
The activity of the parenchymal cells of the cathecolamines that they contain get oxidized
zona reticularis is regulated by corticotropin and turn brown.
(ACTH). Gonadotropins do not affect them. Scattered among the chromaffin cells are
sympathetic neurons (ganglion cells) which
are the sources of the myelinated nerves that are
associated with the chromaffin cells. Ganglion
cells are large cells that are round or polygonal
with prominent nuclei.

Adrenal Medullary Hormones

The hormones produced by the
adrenal medulla are collectively referred
to as catecholamines. They are secreted
by the chromaffin cells and include
epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine
(noradrenaline), and dopamine, which,
incidentally, is also synthesized by nervous
Fig. XVIII-16. Adrenal Medulla. The parenchymal
About 90% of chromaffin cells secrete
cells (p) of the adrenal medulla, called
phaeochromocytes, are arranged in clusters or epinephrine and about 10% secrete
in cords that are surrounded by sinusoids (5). H&E norepinephrine while the cells that secrete
x400. dopamine have not been identified yet. The
chromaffin cells store their secretion in their
Adrenal Medulla
cytoplasm in the form of granules. Cells that
The medulla comprises 10% to 20% of the secrete and store norepinephrine exhibit
adrenal gland. Its central area contains large a stronger chromaffin reaction and their
veins (medullary veins) that drain the entire secretory granules are more electron-dense
gland. Unlike the adrenal cortex, the adrenal than those of the epinephrine-secreting and
medulla is not essential to life, but its hormones -storing cells.
help the individual cope with emergencies. The cathecolamines have no specific target
The parenchymal cells of the medulla organs or cells. Their effects are widespread and
(phaeochromocytes, chromaffin cells) are involve practically all the cells of the body and
arranged in groups or in thick cords that are are designed to enable the individual to cope


with "fight-or-flight" situations, e.g., increase ISLETS OF LANGERHANS
in heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose
Secretion of the cathecolamines is As discussed in the chapter on the accessory
controlled by the preganglionic neurons of the glands of the digestive system, the pancreas is
sympathetic nervous system. The chromaffin both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. Its
cells are thus essentially sympathetic endocrine part is composed of the islets of
ganglion cells that respond to stimulation Langerhans.
by the preganglionic neurons not by sending
nervous impulses but by releasing hormones Development of the Pancreas
by exocytosis and sending these chemical
messengers via the bloodstream to effector The exocrine and endocrine portions of the
organs and cells. pancreas have the same embryonic origin-the
endoderm that lines the duodenum. In the 3rd
In addition to catecholamines, the
month of intrauterine life, the cells destined
chromaffin cells also synthesize a wide variety
to form the islets migrate away from the
ofbioactive amines and peptides.
pancreatic ducts, aggregate around capillaries,
and differentiate into islet cells. During the
Paraganglia 5th month of fetal life, the cells start producing
The term paraganglia refers to small hormones.
clusters of chromaffin cells that are found
outside the adrenal medulla. They are Histology of the Islets of
associated with autonomic ganglia, nerves Langerhans
of the sympathetic nervous system, and the
aorta. The chromaffin cells of the paraganglia' . The islets of Langerhans are 100 to 200
secrete mainly norepinephrine. ~m in diameter each. In routine histologic

Fig. XVIII-17. Pancreas. The

photomicrograph shows
several islets of Langerhans
(at arrows) surrounded by the
darker-staining pancreatic
acini. H&E x100.

Fig. XVIII-18. Islet of
Langerhans. Compare the
cells of the islet (ic) to those
of the pancreatic acini (ac).
Note that the islet cells are
smaller and paler-staining
than the acinar cells. The cells
of the islets of Langerhans
form a compact mass
supplied with numerous-
capillaries (c). Pancreas, H&E

preparations, they are seen as consisting of other by employing special staining,

small aggregations of pale-staining cells that are 'immunocytochemistry techniques, and by
scattered among the darker-staining cells that electron microscopy. In electron micrographs,
belong to the exocrine portion of the pancreas. the main differentiating point between the cell
Each islet consists of 2,000 to 3,000 cells that types lies in the structure of their secretory
form a compact mass that is criss-crossed by granules.
fenestrated capillaries and surrounded by a thin The a-cells (A cells) comprise about 20%
layer of reticular tissue. of the islet cells. They are large cells and most
There are over a million islets of Langerhans occupy the peripheral areas of the islet. They
in the pancreas, but they account for only 2% have electron-dense secretory granules that are
of the volume of the organ. They are more uniform in size
numerous in the tail than in the body or head The ~-cells (B cells) are the smallest but
of the organ. most numerous, comprising 60% to 75%, of
the islet cells. Most are located in the central
Cells of the Islets of Langerhans area of the islets. Their secretory granules are
The cells of the islets of Langerhans are smaller and less electron-dense than those of
polygonal and are typically polarized toward the a-cells.
the capillaries into which they discharge The B-cells (D cells) are the largest of the
their secretions. They consist of four distinct islet cells but they comprise only about 5%of the
cells types: a-, ~-, B-, and F-cells. Each cell islet cell population. They are scattered singly
type secretes a hormone. The cell types are all over the islets. Their secretory granules are
not distinguishable in H&E preparations, similar to those of the a-cells except that in
but they can be distinguished from each 8-cells, the granules are less electron-dense.


The F cells (pp cells) are rare. Like the Glucagon, which is also a polypeptide
8-cells, they are widely scattered and sometimes hormone, is elaborated and secreted by the
they occur among the pancreatic acini. Their a-cells. Like insulin, the effects of glucagon
secretory granules are irregularly shaped and of are varied and complex but its main action is to
variable electron density. increase blood glucose levelby ordering the cells
of the liver to produce glucose or release it from
Hormones Produced by the Islets the or~.m's glycogen store.
of Langerhans Secretion of glucagon by the a-cells is
regulated mainly by the glucose level ofblood-
The islets of Langerhans produce four (4) it is stimulated and inhibited by low and high
hormones: insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, blood glucose level respectively.
and pancreatic polypeptide.
Somatostatin is produced and secreted by
Insultn'Js secreted by the ~-cells. It is the 8-cells. Its main action is on the secretion
a polypeptide hormone that is involved in of the other cells of the islets. It inhibits the
numerous metabolic processes. Insulin affects secretion of glucagon, insulin, and pancreatic
practically all cells of the bod and its effects polypeptide. It also minimally diminishes the
are varied, very profound, and comple . Its most motility of the stomach, small intestine, and
notable action is facilitating entry of glucose, the gallbladder. Its release is stimulated by the
chief energy source of ceHs,into the cytoplasm increase in blood glucose that occurs after a
of cell. In addition toits effect on carbohydrate meal.
metabolism, it also affects protein and fa Somatostatin is also produced by some cells
metabolism, the activity of many enzyme , and of the digestive tract and the hypothalamus,
electrolyte transpor . but the physiologic effect of hypothalamic
The secretion of insulin by the ~-cells is' . somatostatin differs from that of pancreatic
regulated mainly by the level of glucose in the somatostatin.
blood. High blood glucose level stimulates its Pancreatic polypeptide'rs produced and
secretion and release. When insulin is released, it secreted by the F cells. It has been shown to
diffuses to cells throughout the body. Secretion slow down the absorption of food from the
and release of insulin by the ~-cells end when intestines, but its exact physiologic effect is still
the blood sugar level returns to normal. unknown. Its secretion is stimulated by low
Insulin secretion is also partly regulated by the blood glucose level, a meal containing protein,
autonomic nervous system and by some of the exercise, and fasting; it is also partly regulated
hormones secreted by the digestive tract e.g., by the autonomic nervous system.
enteroglucagon, secretin, cholecystokinin, The hormones of the islets of Langerhans
gastrin, and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)o affect each other. Somatostatin inhibits the
Inability of the islets of Langerhans to produce secretion of the three other hormones produced
enough insulin and/or the inability of the body by the islet; insulin inhibits the secretion of
cells to respond appropriately to insulin results glucagon; and glucagon stimulates the secretion
in a disorder called diabetes mellitus. of insulin and somatostatin.


he most complex sense organs of humans

T are the eyes (eyeballs).They are a pair of

globular structures located inside bony
cavities (orbital cavities: orbit) on the anterior
aspect of the skull. They are the only organs in
the body that contain sensory cells sensitive to
light waves and are, therefore, solely responsible
for the individual's sense of vision.
Each eye is about 2.4 em in its
anteroposterior (AP) diameter. Each occupies
only the anterior half of its orbital cavity:
the posterior half is occupied largely by fat
and muscles. The fat serves as a cushion that
protects the eye from injury during violent head Fig. XIX-1. Eye. Sagittal Section
movements. The muscles, on the other hand,
The eye is a sphere that consists of awall that
are collectively referred to as the extraocular
muscles (EOMs). They consist of six skeletal encloses a cavity. The wall has three histologic
layers while the cavity is partitioned into three
muscles (i.e., lateral rectus, medial rectus,
superior rectus, inferior rectus, superior unequal compartments (or chambers) that are
filled with transparent media.
oblique and inferior oblique) that originate
from the bony walls of the orbit and insert into The photosensitive cells (photoreceptor
the outer surface of the eyeball. The EOMs cells) of the eye are in the retina, the innermost
serve to direct the eyes to their object of of the three histologic layers that comprise the
concern. When the extraocular muscles of one wall of the organ. Light that enters the eye
eye contract, they do so in synchrony with those passes through several refractive media before
of the other eye. it reaches the retina. The refractive media
concentrate light and focus the image of the
The front aspect of the eye slightly
object being viewed on the photoreceptors in
bulges out of the anterior margin of the orbit.
the retina. The photo receptors then transmit
Nonetheless, the protruding portion is protected
the attributes of the image to the brain via the
by thin folds of tissue (upper and lower eyelids)
optic nerve for interpretation.
that can cover it when needed.

Fig. XIX-2. Eye, Anterior Region. H&E x40.

Fig. XIX-3. Histologic Layers of the Eye. The

HISTOLOGIC LAYERS OF THE photomicrograph shows the histologic layers of
EYE the posterior wall of the eyeball. H&E x100.

From the most external to the most internal Sclera

(external means farther from while internal
means closer to the center of the eyeball), the The sclera is a tough, dense irregular
three histologic layers- (coats; tunics) that connective tissue layer that is 0.3-1.0 ~m thick.
comprise the wall of the eye are: 1) tunica It is mainly made up of bundles of collagen
fibrosa (fibrous layer), 2) tunica vasculosa fibers (type I collagen) that are embedded in
(uvea; uveal tract), and 3) tunica interna moderate amount of ground substance. The
(retina). Of thethree layers, only the tunica collagen bundles are arranged parallel to the
fibrosa envelopsthe eyeball completely;the two' surface of the eyeball, but intersect in various
inner coats do not extend as far anteriorly as the directions. Interspersed among the collagen
tunica fibrosa. bundles are a few flattened fibroblasts.
Delicate mucous membrane (called
Tunica Fibrosa (Fibrous Layer) conjunctiva, see page 311) covers the exposed
surface of the scleraup to the edge ofthe cornea.
The tunica fibrosa has two regions: 1) Conjunctiva also lines the inner surface of the
sclera, and 2) cornea. The sclera comprises the eyelids.
posterior S/6 while the cornea, the anterior 1/6 of
the tunica fibrosa. Grossly, the sclera is white
and opaque while the cornea is transparent. The
center of the corneal curvature is the anterior bulbar
pole, and the center of the scleral curvature is
the posterior pole of the eyeball.
The cornea and the sclera are continuous
with each other at the corneoscleral junction
(limbus) which is denoted by a shallow groove
internally and externally.

Fig. XIX-4. Corneoscleral Junction and

Adjacent Structures. The corneoscleral junction
is otherwise known asthe limbus. Note the bulbar posterior
conjunctiva that covers the exposed portion of chamber
the sclera. H&E x100.

The aponeuroses of the extraocular muscles
insert into the sclera-the four recti 6-8 mm
posterior to the corneoscleral junction, and the
two obliques into the posterolateral quadrant.
External to the sclera, a sheath of fascia
(Tenon's capsule) that is made up of dense
connective tissue envelops the posterior portion
of the eyeball. Between the Tenon's capsule and
the sclera is a space (Tenon's space; episcleral
space) that contains a loose network of collagen
fibers (sometimes referred to as episclera).
These fibers connect the external surface of the
sclera to the Tenon's capsule.

Embedded in the sclera near the limbus

is a circumferential system of interconnecting
endothelium-lined and irregularly-shaped tubes, Fig. XIX-S. Cornea. The cornea has five
histologic layers: epithelium (ep), Bowman's
collectively referred to as canal of Schlemm.
membrane (Bm), substantia propria (sp) that
This canal serves as a drainage channel for consists of collagen fibers and fibroblasts called
aqueous humor from the anterior chamber keratocytes (ke), Descemet's membrane (Om),
to the venous system (further discussed later in and endothelium (en). H&E x400.

this chapter).
are collectively referred to as the trabecular
The optic nerve-which carries impulses ~~twork (trabecular meshwork).
from the photoreceptorsof the eye to the brain
The cornea is richly supplied with sensory
and which consists of the axons of the ganglion
nerves but is avascular. Its cells derive nutrition
cells of the retina (see page 306)-t;xits the
and oxygen partly from the blood vessels of
eyeball on its posterior surface. As soon as it
the highly vascular limbus and partly from the
exits the eyeball, the optic nerve is enveloped
aqueous humor that fills the anterior chamber
by a strong sheath of dura mater (dural sheath)
that is immediately behind it.
that blends with the sclera. The region where the
optic nerve exits the eyeball is called the optic The cornea has five histologic layers. From
the most external to the most internal, these
disc (optic papilla). Here, numerous small
are: 1) epithelium, 2) Bowman's membrane,
holes that serve as passageways for bundles of
3) stroma (substantia propria), 4) Descemet's
nerve fibers that form the optic nerve perforate
membrane, and 5) endothelium.
the sclera. This perforated area of the sclera is
called lamina cribrosa. The corneal epithelium is nonkeratinized
stratified squamous. It consists of 5 to 6 layers
of cells. The most superficial cells are provided
with microvilli that are soaked in a thin (about
The cornea is thicker than the sclera. It 7 ~m) protective layer of lipid and glycoprotein
is 0.55-1.0 mm thick. Its central region is (precorneal tear film). The cellsin the deepest
slightly thinner than its peripheral region. As layer are columnar. Their lateral surfaces are
already mentioned, the cornea connects to the bound to adjoining cells by desmosomes.
sclera at the limbus. It is also connected to the Meanwhile, their basal surfaces are attached
iris (page 305) at a point called the angle by firmly to the basal lamina with the help of
loose connective tissue fibers. These fibers hemidesmosomes and some anchoring proteins


and filaments. In between the epithelial cells Tunica Vasculosa (Uvea; Uveal
are numerous, free sensory nerve endings-the Tract)
reasons why the cornea is very sensitive.
The tunica vasculosa has three parts: 1)
The corneal epithelium has a very rapid
choroid, 2) ciliary body, and 3) iris'.
turnover rate of about 7 days. Consequently,
at any given time, many of its basal cells are The choroid refers to the vascular and
undergoing mitosis while many of its superficial pigmented layer that forms the middle histologic
cells are being shed. layer of the posterior %th of the eyeball. It
ranges in thickness from 0.1-0.2 mm. At its
Bowman's membrane refers to the thick
anterior edge, the choroid thickens and forms
(8-12 urn) fibrillar lamina to which the basal the Ciliarybody.
lamina of the corneal epithelium is anchored.
The iris, the third part of the tunica
This layer is acellular and amorphous. It consists
vasculosa, refers to the thin, circular diaphragm
of randomly-arranged type I collagen fibrils
that extends from the ciliary body. It surrounds
embedded in ground substance.
a round hole known as pupil.
The stroma (substantia propria), consisting
of dense regular connective tissue, comprises Choroid
90% of the cornea. It comprises of a ground
The outer surface of the choroids is
substance that is rich in keratan sulfate and
attached to the sclera by a thin layer of loose
chondroitin sulfate 'and where collagen fibers
connective tissue called suprachoroidal
(which are of uniform size) and cells-mostly lamina (epichoroid; lamina fusca). The
fibroblasts (called keratocytes) and a few suprachoroidal lamina is rich in elastic fibers.
lymphocytes-are embedded. The collagen Its cells are mostly fibroblasts and melanocytes
fibers are in bundles that are arranged in layers: but there is a sprinkling of macrophages which
Within each layer, the fibers are regularly are likewise present all over the uvea. The
arranged parallel to each other, but !he direction suprachoroidal lamina blends imperceptibly
of the fibers in each successive layer differs from with the substance of the choroid.
those in the layers that are below or above them.
The choroid has three distinct layers: 1)
The regular size and arrangement of its collagen
vessel layer, 2) choriocapillary layer, and 3)
fibers account for the transparency of the cornea Bruch's (glassy) membrane.
as opposed to the sclera.
Descemet's membrane is a homogenous
layer thinner (5-10 urn) than Bowman's
membrane. It is a basement membrane that
consists of the basal lamina of the endothelial
cells and some extracellular materials including
fine collagen fibers and a sprinkling of elastic
The corneal endothelium is a simple low
cuboidal epithelium (squamous according to
many authors). The basal surface of its cells
rests on the basal lamina that, as stated in the
Fig. XIX-6. Choroid. The photomicrograph
preceding paragraph, forms part ofDescemet's
showsthe three histologic layersof the choroid:
membrane while their apical surface is in contact vessel layer, choriocapillary layer, and Bruch's
with aqueous humor. membrane.H&E x200.

The vessel layer is the outermost layer of the The pars plicata has numerous finger-like'
choroid. It consists of loose connective tissue projections called ciliary processes. Ciliary
where numerous branches and tributaries of the processes are made up of connective tissue that
ciliary arteries and veins are embedded. This is richly supplied with fenestrated capillaries
layer also contains many melanocytes. from which aqueous humor-the fluid that
The choriocapillary layer, the middle layer
fills the anterior and posterior chambers-
of the choroid, contains numerous fenestrated
is derived. The pars plana, on the other hand,
refersto the part ofthe epithelial portion devoid
capillaries that form a network. The capillaries
arise from the blood vessels that are present in
of ciliary processes.
the vessel layer. They are the largest capillaries The epithelial portion of the ciliary body
in the body. They supply the cells of the outer is covered posteriorly by the ciliary retina, a
layers of the retina with nutrients and oxygen. part of the anterior non-photosensitive portion
of the retina. The ciliary retina consists of two
Bruch's membrane (lamina basalis
epithelial celllayersthat are continuous with the
choroidea) is sandwiched by the choriocapillary
outer two cellular layers of the photosensitive
layer and the retina. It extends from the optic
portion of the retina (i.e., retina proper).
disc to the anterior edge (ora serrata) of the
photosensitive portion of the retina. The external layer of the ciliary retina
is the anterior continuation of the pigment
Bruch's membrane is 1-4 ~m thick. It is
epithelium of the retina proper. It consists of a
amorphous under the light microscope, but
singlelayer of simple cuboidal cells that contain
under the electron microscope, it has been
a lot of melanin. The internal layer, often
shown to consists of five layers. These layers,
referred to as ciliary epithelium, consists of
from the most external to the most internal, are
a simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium
as follows: basal lamina of the endothelium
whose cells do not possess melanin. The ciliary
of the capillaries of the choriocapillary layer:
epithelium is derived from the layer of rods and
a layer of collagen fibers, a layer of elastic
cones (see page 307) of the retina proper but,
fibers, another layer of collagen fibers: and
unlike the latter, it is not photosensitive.
basal lamina ofthe pigment epithelium of the

Ciliary Body
The ciliary body forms a ring of tissue on
the inner surface of the anterior portion of the
sclera. It extends from the scleral spur-=--an
annular structure which serves as the origin of
some of the ciliary muscle fibers and the anchor
of the trabecular network (meshwork)-to
the ora serrata of the retina. On meridional
section, it is shaped like a triangle whose base
faces the posterior chamber.
The ciliary body is divisible into two
regions: an epithelial portion that adjoins the
vitreous cavity and equator of the lens, and a Fig. XIX-7. Ciliary Body and Adjacent
uveal portion adjacent to the sclera. Structures. Note the ciliary processes which are
finger-like processes on the posterior surface of
The epithelial portion is further subdivided the ciliary body, and the zonule fibers that pass in
into the pars plana and the pars plicata. between the ciliary processes. H&E x40.


The cells of the ciliary epithelium that line
the free surfaces of the ciliary processes actively
transport certain constituents of plasma to the
posterior chamber and thus help form aqueous
The uveal portion of the ciliary body is
mainly made up of smooth muscle fibers that
comprise the ciliary muscles. The muscle
fibers are embedded in a loose connective tissue
The muscle fibers of the ciliary muscle
mostly originate from the scleral spur. However,
they spread out in several directions. Some
muscle fibers are longitudinally-arranged. Their Fig. XIX-B. Iris and Lens. Note the eosinophilic
smooth muscle fibers near the free edge of the
function is to open up the trabecular network iris which comprise the sphincter pupillae muscle.
(discussed further later in this chapter) to enable H&E x100.
the aqueous fluid to drain.
The substance of the iris is primarily made
Some muscle fibers of the ciliary muscle, up of loose connective tissue that is richly
on the other hand, are circularly-arranged. supplied with capillaries and where numerous
These muscle fibers are responsible for melanocytes, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle
accommodation. When focusing for near cells are embedded. The melanocytes in the
vision, they contract. In the process, the ciliary iris account for the color of the eye. If they are
body moves forward, the tension on the zonule few, the eye is blue, if they are numerous, the
fibers (see page 310) that keep the lens in eye is brown.
place decreases, and the lens-because of the The anterior uneven surface of the iris
elasticity of its capsule-increases 'Its curvature, is covered by endothelial cells in the fetus
causing its focal length to shorten. Conversely, but these cells disappear in early childhood.
in focusing for far vision, the ciliary muscle Thus, in older children and adults, the anterior
relaxes, causing the lens curvature to decrease surface of the iris is covered, albeit incompletely,
and its focal length to lengthen. This enables the not by endothelium, but by fibroblasts and
eye to focus on distant objects. melanocytes.
The Ciliary muscle is supplied with The posterior surface of the iris, on the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers. other hand, is smooth and rests on the anterior
The parasympathetic nerve fibers stimulate the surface of the lens. It is lined by the iridial
ciliary muscle to contract, but the role of the retina, i.e., the anterior extension of the ciliary
sympathetic nerve fibers is not very clear yet. retina. The internal layer of the iridial retina
(i.e., the layer that abuts on the lens), unlike
Iris its corresponding layer in the ciliary retina, is
heavily pigmented. The cells of the external,
The iris is a highly-pigmented and vascular
less pigmented layer of the ciliary retina,
diaphragm that is immediately anterior to the
meanwhile, are the myoepithelial cells.
lens. It covers the lens incompletely, leaving a
They are arranged radially on the periphery
round central opening (pupil). of the iris to' comprise the dilator pupillae
The iris regulates the amount of light that muscle which dilates the pupil when they are
enters the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil. stimulated by sympathetic impulses.

N ear the free margin of the iris, there are cells-synapse serially to span the whole'
smooth muscle fibers arranged in a circular breadth of the retina. Thus, the retina is only
manner. These muscle fibers comprise the three neurons thick. Also present in the retina
sphincter pupillae muscle which constricts are two major types of association neurons: the
the pupil when stimulated by parasympathetic horizontal and amacrine neurons.
impulses, The supporting cells in the retina include
Muller cells, astrocytes, and microglia. The
Tunica Interna (Retina) Muller cells are large cell~ with numerous
processes that envelop the neurons of the retina.
The retina, the innermost histologic layer of
The astrocytes are present only in the nerve
the wall of the eyeball has two regions: anterior
fiber layer while the microglia are found all
retina and posterior retina (retina proper).
over the retina and serve as phagocytes.
The anterior retina is not photosensitive. It
consists of the ciliary body and iridial retina Histologic Layers of the Retina
that have been described in connection with the
The cells of the (posterior) retina are well-
tunica vasculosa.
arranged and highly-organized. They form 10
The retina proper, on the other hand, is the histologically distinct layers. From the most
photosensitive region of the retina. It extends external to the most internal, these layers are
from the optic disc to the posterior edge of the the following: 1) pigment epttheltum, 2)
ciliary body where it ends-as a wavy line, the ora layer of rods and cones: 3) outer limiting
serrata. The term retina, unless qualified, refers membrane, 4) outer nuclear Iayer: 5) outer
to the retina proper. plexiform layer: 6) inner nuclear layer: 7)
inner plexiform layer: 8) ganglion cell layer:
Cells of the Retina 9). nerve fiber layer: and 10) inner limiting
The cellular elements of the retina (proper) membrane.
consist of pigmented epithelial cells, neurons,
and supporting (glial) cells. ,. Pigment Epithelium
There are several types of neurons in the The pigment epithelium is made up of
retina. Three of these neuronal types-rods a single layer of cuboidal cells that are richly
and cone cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion supplied with melanin. The cells rest on a basal
lamina which, as previously mentioned, forms
the innermost part of Bruch's membrane of the
choroid. The cellshave a basally-located nucleus.
Their basal plasma membrane has infoldings
with associated numerous mitochondria. Their
lateral surfaces are connected to those of the
adjacent cells by zonula occludens, zonula
adherens, desmosomes, and gap junctions. Their
~ical surfaces are provided with microvilli

Fig. XIX-9. The Neurons that Synapse Serially

to Span the Retina. The schematic diagram
illustrates that, in essence, the retina is only three
neurons thick because three types of neurons
synapse sequentially to span the layer. These
neurons are the rod and cone cells, bipolar cells,
and ganglion cells.




pje)(JfOrrn IlIYet

nuclear ·llIyer




Fig. XIX-10. Histologic Layers of the Retina. H&E x200.

and cylindrical processes, where the tips of the dendrites of the rods and cones cells comprise
photoreceptors that .comprise the next layer of the layer of rods and cones. Their nuclei
the retina fit into. constitute the outer nuclear layer of the retina
The pigment epithelium serves to increase while their axons synapse with the bipolar cells
the contrast of the visual image by absorbing in the outer plexiform layer.
light that would otherwise be reflected inward The rod cells are more numerous than
towards the photoreceptors. Its cells also the cone cells. Estimates place their number
phagocytose the ends or tips of the rods as they
are being renewed. They likewise synthesize
and store melanin and produce retinal, the
visually active form of vitamin A, from trans-

Layer of Rods and Cones

This layer consists of rods and cones, the
light-sensitive dendrites of the rod and cone
cells, respectively. The more appropriate term
for the layer is photoreceptor layer which
describes its function.

Rod and Cone Cells

The rod and cone cells are specialized Fig. XIX-11. Rod and Cone Cells. These
bipolar neurons. They derive their name from photosensitive cells of the retina are
the shape oftheir photosensitive dendrites. The morphologically similar because their dendrites
consist of inner and outer segments. These
dendrites of rod cells are tubular in shape and
segments are connected together by a
are called rods. In contrast, those of the cone constricted region of the cytoplasm that is
cells taper apically and are called cones. The structurally akin to a cilium.

at about 100-120 million per eye. They Cones contain severalpigments responsive '
are slender, elongated cells. Their rod has to green, red, and blue light. The principal
two segments- inner and outer-whose pigment that they possess is iodopsin which,
combined length is between 100-120 ~m. unlike rhodopsin (the pigment in rods), is
The two segments are connected together by stimulated only by intense light. Iodopsin
a constricted region of cytoplasm that contains is responsible for color perception and visual
nine microtubule doublets and whose structure acuity.
is similar to the cilium minus the central pair of
The flattened disks present in the outer
segment of cones, unlike those in rods, are not
The inner segment has numerous shed off.
mitochondria and polyribosomes, and a well-
developed Golgi complex. The cylindrical Outer Limiting Membrane
outer segment, on the other hand, is filled with
stacks of membrane-bound flattened disks. The
This is a narrow, eosinophilic region that
membrane of these disks contains the pigment contains the junctional complexes that are
rhodopsin (visual purple). This is produced formed by the rod and cone cells with Muller
when retinal (which, as previously pointed cells.
out, is produced by the cells of the pigment
epithelium) combines with the protein opsin. Outer Nuclear Layer
When hit by light, rhodopsin undergoes a This is the area where the nuclei and cell
change in configuration. This event initiates the bodies of the rod and cone cells are lodged.
visual stimulus. Immediately after it undergoes The nuclei of the cone cells are in the outer
configurational change in response to light, region while those of the rod cells are in the
rhodopsin is reconstituted. The rods are more c~~tralregion of this layer.
sensitive to light than the cones. They are also
the ones that the eye uses in conditions of poor Outer Plexiform Layer
light (e.g., night-vision).
This layer-amorphous under the
The flattened disks in the apex of the microscope-contains the axons of the rod and
rod cells are continuously shed off and cone cells, the dendrites of the bipolar cells,
phagocytosed by the cells of the pigment and the synapses they form. The axons of cone
epithelium. To replace the disks being lost, cells synapse one-on-one with the dendrites of
there is a continuous synthesis of disks in the bipolar cellswhile the axons of severalrods may
inner segment of the rods from where the disks
synapse with the dendrite of a single bipolar
gradually migrate to the outer segment. It is
also in the inner segment where rhodopsin is
produced. Newly produced rhodopsin is Horizontal neurons also synapse with the
distributed evenly among all the flattened axons of the rod and cone cellsin this layer.
disks in the outer segment of the rod.
Inner Nuclear Layer
The cone cells are also elongated cells,
but they are broader and shorter than the rod This region is slightly thinner than the
cells.At 6 million per eye, they are considerably outer nuclear layer. It contains the cell bodies
fewer than the rod cells. Their basic structure and nuclei of the bipolar cells. In addition, it
resembles that of the rod cells, except that their also includes the cell bodies of the horizontal
dendrites (cones) taper apically.The cones,like and amacrine neurons, and the nuclei of the
the rods, also consist of an outer segment and an Muller cells, whose processes extend from
inner segment whose combined length is only the outer limiting to the inner limiting
65 ~m to 75 ,~m. membranes.


Inner Plexiform Layer specimens. The color is imparted by carote~oids
present in the area. Carotenoids also serve to
This region contains the synapses formed
absorb the excess blue and ultraviolet light that
by the axons of the bipolar cells with the
enters the eye.
highly-branched dendrites of the ganglion
cells. Likewise, the ganglion cells synapse with Still another atypical area in the retina is
the amacrine neurons in this layer. the optic disc. The optic disc is the area where
the axons of the ganglron cells of the retina
Ganglion Cell Layer (i.e., optic nerve fibers) converge and exit the
eye. The optic disc, about 3 to 4 mm to the nasal
The bodies and nuclei of the ganglion
side of the fovea, is about 3 mm in diameter. It is
cells comprise this layer. Also present in this
referred to as the blind spot of the eye because
layer are the retinal vessels.
it has no photoreceptors.

Nerve Fiber Layer

Blood Supply of the Retina
This region contains the unmyelinated
The central artery of the retina, a branch of
axons (afferent fibers) of the ganglion cells.
the ophthalmic artery, supplies the inner layers
The axons gather in bundles that run parallel to
of the retina. The outer layers of the retina, as
the retina to converge in the optic disc and form
has been previously mentioned, are supplied by
the optic nerve. the capillaries of the choriocapillary layer of
the choroid. This layer consists of branches of
Inner Limiting Membrane the short ciliary and posterior ciliary arteries
This is the layer of the retina adjoining that also come from the ophthalmic artery.
the vitreous body. It consists of the basement The capillaries of the retina drain into the
membrane of the Muller cells. retinal vein, a short vein that empties into either
the superior ophthalmic vein or cavernous
Modifications of the Retina. sinus.
Some areas in the retina do not exhibit the The central artery of the retina enters, and
10 histologic layers that typify this innermost the retinal vein exits, the eye through the center
coat of the eye. For example, the anterior retina of the optic nerve.
(i.e., ciliary and iridial retina), as previously
described, has only two layers. REFRACTIVE MEDIA AND
Another atypical retinal area is the fovea CHAMBERSOF THI EYIE
(fovea centralis). It is an ovoid depression
that is about 0.5 mm in diameter. It is at the Refractive media of the eye refers to the
same level as the bottom half of, but about 4 components of the organ that serve as a system
mm lateral to, the optic disc. The fovea is the of lenses that focuses an inverted image of the
area of the eye where visual acuity is greatest object being viewed on the photoreceptors in
the retina. From the most anterior to the most
and color perception is finest. It is packed with
posterior, the refractive media consists of the:
photoreceptors exclusively made up of cones.
1) cornea, 2) aqueous humor, 3) lens, and 4)
In the fovea, the light rays fall directly on the
vitreous humor (vitreous body).
photoreceptors because the inner layers of the
retina are absent.
Surrounding the fovea is an ovoid area that
has a diameter of 1.5 mm. It is called the macula The lens is a biconvex elastic structure that
lutea (yellowspot) and isyellow in color in gross is more convex on its posterior than its anterior

The lens fibers differentiate from the cells'
epithelium of the subcapsular epithelium. Their production
is continuous throughout life) although at a
much slower rate as the person ages.
The lens lies posterior to the iris. It is kept in
place by zonule fibers (suspensory ligament).
The zonule fibers are fibrillar structures made
up of bundles of microfibrils (fibrtllm) that are
identical to those prese-nt in elastic fibers. They
originate from the basement membrane of the
ciliary epithelium) course in between the ciliary
processes on their way to the lens) and insert
Fig. XIX-12. Lens. The lens is enveloped by a lens into the lens capsule.
capsule. Deep in the capsule is a simple cuboidal
epithelium, calle-d subcapsular epithelium,
present on the anterior surface of the lens Chambers of the Eye and the
only. The cortex is formed by cells called lens Aqueous and Vitreous Humors
fibers that are devoid of nuclei and cytoplasmic
organelles. The cavity of the eyeball is divided into
surface. It is highly cellular but transparent and three compartments (chambers; cavities)
that are filled with transparent material. The
amorphous. It is enveloped by a 10-20 ~m thick
compartments include 1) anterior chamber) 2)
capsule (lens capsule) made up of collagen
posterior chamber) and 3) vitreous chamber.
fibers (type IV) and glycoproteins.
The anterior chamber refers to the space
Deep in the lens capsule) the anterior
surface of the lens is covered by a simple
bounded by the cornea anteriorly and the iris
~~d lens posteriorly. The posterior chamber)
cuboidal epithelium (subcapsular epithelium). on the other hand) refers to the space bounded
The cells of this epithelium are bound together by the iris anteriorly and the Ciliary processes
by desmosomes and gap junctions. They and zonule fibers laterally and posteriorly. The
are nucleated and their cytoplasm has few vitreous chamber) meanwhile) refers to the large)
organelles. The subcapsular epithelium covers spherical compartment that is behind the lens)
only the anterior surface of the lens. It is lacking zonule fibers) and ciliary processes.
on the posterior surface.
The anterior and posterior chambers are
The substance (cortex) of the lens consists filled with aqueous humor while the vitreous
of 2)000 to 3)000 specialized cells called lens chamber is filled with vitreous humor.
fibers. The lens fibers have no nuclei and
Aqueous humor is a clear) slightly alkaline
cytoplasmic organelles. Their cytoplasm is
fluid derived from blood plasma within the
filled with a protein called crystallin.
capillary network of the ciliary processes.
There is hardly any intercellular substance Compared with plasma) it contains less
in between the lens fibers because the cell protein) urea) and glucose) but it has more
membranes of adjacent lens fibers are fused. lactate) pyruvate) and ascorbate. Its electrolyte
The lens fibers are very long (7-10 mm) and composition is also different from that of
they span the anterior and posterior poles of the plasma. The anterior chamber contains about
lens. They are 8-10 ~m in width and 2 ~m in 250microliters and the posterior chamber about
thickness. They come in the shape of six-sided 60 microliters of aqueous humor.
prisms with the more peripheral fibers curving Aqueous humor is secreted continuously
to give the lens its biconvex form. into the posterior chamber by the ciliary


Fig. XIX-13. Eyelids and Conjunctiva. The
eyelids are thin folds of tissues that cover the
exposed anterior surface of the eyeball. The
conjunctiva, on the other hand, refers to the conjunctiva
mucous membrane that covers the exposed
region of the sclera (bulbar conjunctiva) and bulbar
lines the inner surface of the eyelids (palpebral conjunctIva
conjunctiva). The bulbar and palpebral
conjunctivae are continuous with each other at
the superior and inferior fornices.

epithelium. From the posterior cliamber,

aqueous humor flows into the anterior chamber
via the pupil and drains through the trabecular
network (trabecular meshwork) and the canal
of Schlemm to the veins at the limbus. Aqueous
humor has a turnover rate of I.S hours. Aside
from acting as a refractive medium, it also serves
to nourish the cornea. ACCESSO TRUCTUR 5
The vitreous humor is the gelatinous but
transparent mass that fills the vitreous cavity. The accessory structures of the eye
It touches against the aqueous humor in the include the extra-ocular muscles (EOMs),
posterior chamber but the two do not mix. conjunctiva, ,and lacrtmal apparatus. The
The vitreous humor is 99% water. It extraocular muscles are skeletal muscles that
contains collagen fibrils (mostly type II and have been mentioned in passing at the start of
type XI) and glycosaminoglycans (principally this chapter. Their attachments and functions
hyaluronic acid) that are heavily hydrated. A are discussed in gross anatomy textbooks.
few cells (hyalocytes)which may be responsible
for synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid Conjunctiva
are also present in the peripheral region of the
vitreous humor. Conjunctiva refers to the thin, translucent
mucous membrane that covers the exposed
Aside from serving as a refractive medium,
anterior portion of the sclera and lines the inner
the vitreous humor serves as a pathway for
surface of the eyelids.
nutrients to the lens, ciliary body, and retina. It
also provides structural integrity to the eye-it The conjunctiva that overlies the sclera is
pushes against the retina and helps hold it in referred to as bulbar conjunctiva while the
place. one that lines the eyelids is termed palpebral
conjunctiva. In the transitional areas (superior
Vitreous humor is not continually
and inferior fornices) between the bulbar and
replenished like aqueous humor. The loss of
palpebral conjunctivae, the conjunctiva adheres
vitreous humor (as when the eye is lacerated) or
loosely to the underlying tissue. The space
shrinkage (as what sometimes happens among
bounded by the palpebral conjunctiva anteriorly
the elderly) can result in retinal detachment
and by the bulbar conjunctiva posteriorly is
(i.e., the retina detaches from the choroid:
actually the separation usually occurs between known as the conjunctival sac. This sac receives
the pigment epithelium and the rods and cones ocular medications (e.g., eye drops).
layer). Retinal detachment invariably leads to Histologically, the conjunctiva consists
blindness unless immediately treated. of an epithelium that is stratified columnar

Fig. XIX-14. Conjunctiva.
The photomicrograph
shows the transitional
area (i.e., fornix) between
the palpebral and bulbar
conjunctivae. The epithelium
of the conjunctivae is
stratified columnar that has
numerous goblet cells. H&E
x40. .

but atypical because it has numerous goblet

cells, and a lamina propria made up of loose
connective tissue.

.Eyelids (Palpebrae)
The eyelids (upper and lower) are the thin
folds of tissues that protect the anterior exposed
portion of the eyeball. The external surface of
tissue each eyelid is covered by skin while its internal
surface is lined by palpebral conjunctiva. The
skin contains some fine hairs, except at the free
edge of the eyelid where 2-3 rows of coarse
long hairs (eyelashes) project anteriorly. The
hypodermis of the eyelids is formed by very
loose connective tissue that is devoid of fat.
The core of the eyelid consists of a dense
fibroelastic plate (tarsus, tarsal plate). Anterior
Fig. XIX-1S. Eyelid. The eyelid is covered
externally by skin and lined internally by
to the tarsal plates, and separated from them by
mucous membrane (i.e., bulbar conjunctiva). In small amount of connective tissue, are skeletal
the photomicrograph, the dermis shows a hair muscle fibers that comprise the orbicularis
follicle and its associated sebaceous glands, also oculi muscle. In the upper lid, the skeletal
referred to as glands of Zeis. Near the mucosal
surface are atypical sebaceous glands called
muscle fibers form a second muscle, the levator
meibomian glands that are embedded in the palpebrae.
tarsal plate, a dense fibroelastic structure that
There are several types of glands present
forms the core of the eyelid. The muscle fibers
comprise the orbicularis oculi muscle, and in the in the eyelids, the more important ones are the
upper lid, the levator palperbra. H&E x100. meibomian, Moll, and Zeis.


The meibomian glands-numbering with the cornea, soaks the microvilli of
20-25 per eyelid-are sebaceous glands that the most superficial layer of cells of the
are atypical because they are not associated corneal epithelium. It is made up of lipid and
with hair follicles. They also have very long glycoprotein that aids in ensuring th~t the tear
ducts into which numerous acini drain. They film adheres to the eye.
are located within the tarsal plate and their
ducts open at the free edge of the eyelids. The The water or aqueous layer forms the middle
tarsal plate also houses some sweat glands layer of the tear film. It is what is usually referred
and the Ciaccio's glands (Wolfring's glands) to as "tears." It is a fluid similar in composition
which are accessory lacrimal glands whose to blood plasma and is produced by the lacrimal
secretions are delivered to the conjunctival glands. It forms a film that moistens the exposed
surface. surface of the eye. It also nourishes the corneal
The glands of Zeis are sebaceous glands epithelium and mechanically removes irritants
that are smaller than the meibomian glands and other foreign substances from the corneal
while the glands of Moll are modified apocrine surface. It likewise prevents corneal infection
sweat glands. The glands of Zeis and Moll are because it contains antibacterial substances,
located in the dermis and their ducts empty into lymphocytes, and other white blood cells.
the follicles of the eyelashes. Their secretions The oil layer helps prevent evaporation of
and those of the meibomian glands combine to
the aqueous layer.
form the oil layer that makes up the third layer
of the tear film that protects the cornea.
Lacrimal Apparatus
Incidentally, the tear film that lubricates
the eyelid and prevents the cornea from drying- Lacrimal apparatus refers to the structures,
up consists of three layers: mucin layer, water' , one set per eye, involved in the production
or aqueous layer, and oil layer (see preceding and drainage of tears (i.e., the aqueous layer
paragraph). of the tear film). It consists of the lacrimal
The mucin layer (precorneal tear gland, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac, and
film), as previously described in connection nasolacrimal duct.



Fig. XIX-16. Lacrimal Apparatus. The lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal gland which
produces tears, and the system of tubes that drain tears into the nasal cavity (i.e., lacrimal canaliculi,
lacrimal sac, and lacrimal duct).


-------- --------- -------------------------------------

Fig. XIX-17. Lacrimal Gland. The
lacrimal gland is divided into lobules
by connective tissue septa (5). The
lobules are occupied by the serous
acini (a) that produce tears. The acini
are drained by a system of ducts
which include interlobular ducts
(ild) embedded in the connective
tissue septa. The septa are also
used as passageways by the blood
vessels that supply the organ, such
as the interlobular artery (ila) in the
photomicrograph. H&E x100.

Lacrimal Gland canaliculus) that are about 1 mm in diameter

and 8 mm long. The round openings (lacrimal
The lacrimal gland is a serous gland
puncta) of the lacrimal canaliculi are located
located in the anterosuperior temporal portion
on the medial aspect of the upper and lower
of the orbital cavity. It consists of several lobes
lid margins. The canaliculi are lined by thick
that empty their secretion into the snperior
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
conjunctival fornix via 6-12 excretory ducts.
They terminate by merging to form a common
The lacrimal gland is a tubuloalveolar canaliculus that drain into the lacrimal sac, a
gland structurally similar to the parotid gland. dilated portion of the lacrimal drainage system
Its secretory portions consist of typical serous- that lies in the lacrimal fossa of the frontal
secreting cells that rest on a basal lamina. bone. The lacrimal canaliculi are so tiny that
As in many other exocrine glands, there are '. when the lacrimalgland produces a lot of tears
myoepithelial cells associated with the (e.g., as when a person cries), the tears cannot
secretory portions of the gland. .,.:J get accommodated by the lacrimal canaliculi
and some find their way into the person's face.
Lacrimal Canaliculi, Lacrimal Sac, The inferior continuation of the lacrimal
and Nasolacrimal Duct sac is the- nasolacrimal duct which opens
Tears that are continuously produced into the inferior nasal meatus lateral to the
by the lacrimal gland are spread over the eye inferior turbinate. The connection between
by the eyelids when the person blinks. They the lacrimal drainage system and the inferior
drain into the lacrimal canaliculi, two tiny nasal meatus is the reason why crying results in
tubes (superior canaliculus and inferior a runny nose.


E r

he ears are a pair of complex organs
that contain the receptors for two middle
important sensory functions: liearing
and equi i6ration (i.e.,-sense of balance or
equilibrium). .

All three regions of the ear are involve a

witli tlie sense of nearing. The external ear inner
eardrum ear
eollects sound wave and directs' them into
the middle ear. The mioole ear then amplifies Fig. XX-1. Ear. Schematic diagram shows the
the vibrations that the sound waves create and three regions of the ear: external ear which
transmits them to the inner ear. Meanwhile, consists of the auricle and external auditory
receEtors in tne inner ear convert the sound meatus; middle ear which is separated from the
external ear by the eardrum and contains the
rviorations into nerve imEulses that are then
auditory ossicles; and inner ear which includes
transmitteJ via tile codilear aivision of tne the receptors for the senses of hearing and
;vesti1>uloclJchlear nerv (eN VIII; auditory equilibrioception. The middle ear is connected
nerve; acoustic nerve) to tne auditory:center to the nasopharynx by the auditory tube.
of the brain for interpretation.
Eg_uilioration on the other hand, helps
prevent one from falling over when one is erect
or walking. It involveson1x:tne inner ear,where
the receptors for this physiological sense are
located. The nerve impulses generated by the
receptors for the sense of balance in the inner
ear are transmitted to the vestibular center, of
the brain for interpretation by:tIie vestitiula~
<livision of the vestihuJocochlear nerve (eN
subcutaneous tissue. The ceruminous glands'
produce a waxy secretion called cerumen and
their ducts open into the skin surface or into
ducts of the sebaceous glands. In the osseous
part of the canal, the skin is thin and lacks hair
follicles and sebaceous glands, and adheres
closely to the periosteum of the underlying
bone. .


The middle ear consist ofanarrow,irregular,
air-filled chamber in the temporal bone, and the
three tiny bones (auditory ossicles) and two
Fig. XX-2. Middle Ear. Note that the auditory
small skeletal muscles that are lodged therein.
ossicles articulate with each other to form a chain
that spans the middle ear. Note further that the The bony framework of the middle ear is lined
medial wall of the middle ear-which separates by mucosa that, for the most part, consists of a
it from the inner ear-has two openings, round ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium with goblet
window and oval window, covered by membrane. cells and an underlying thin lamina propria.

The framework of the auricle is formed The middle ear is separated from the
by a single piece of elastic cartilage (auricular external acoustic meatus by the eardrum
cartilage), exceptin its inferior part, the earlobe, (tympanic membrane) and connected to the
where the framework is connective tissue. nasopharynx by the auditory tube. Posteriorly,
The auricular cartilage is attached to the skull it communicates with the mastoid antrum,
and surrounding structures by ligaments and an air sinus in the petrous temporal bone that
rudimentary skeletal muscles. It is covered by leads into the mastoid air sinuses. The mastoid
skin that possesses fine hair, sebaceous glands, antrum and air sinuses are lined by mucosa that
and a fewsweat glands. The skin adheres closely is continuous and similar to the mucosa that
lines the middle ear.
to the perichondrium of the auricular cartilage
anteriorly, but posteriorly, some amount of The medial wall of the middle ear contains
subcutaneous tissue existsbetween the skin and a rounded bulge or prominence (promontory)
the perichondrium. and two openings that are closedby membrane:
the oval window (vestibular window; fenestra
The framework of the outer third of the
vestibuli; fenestra of the vestibule, fenestra
wall of the external auditory meatus is elastic
ovalis) and the round window (cochlear
cartilage that is continuous with the auricular
window; fenestra cochlea; fenestra of the
cartilage while the framework of the inner two-
cochlea; fenestra rotunda). The oval window
thirds is bone.
is posterosuperior to the promontory while the
The cartilage and bone that frame the round window is posteroinferior to it.
external auditory meatus are lined by skin
that is reflected into the external surface of the Eardrum (Tympanum; Tympanic
tympanic membrane. In the cartilaginous part
of the canal, the skin contains coarse hair, large
sebaceous glands, and modified sweat glands The eardrum is a thin fibrous membrane
called ceruminous glands that extend into the attached to the surrounding bone by a


fibrocartilaginous ring. It has three histologic stirrup (stapes). The hammer is the largest of
layers. the ossicles.It consists ofa head, neck, anterior
The middle layer is a dense connective and lateral processes, and a handle. The anvil
consists of a body and long and short limbs.
tissue mainly made up of collagen fibers that
The stirrup consists of a head, anterior and
are embedded in a small amount of extracellular
posterior limbs, and a footplate or base.
material and arranged in two layers:outer radial
and inner circular. By articulating with each other via freely
movable joints, the ossicles form a bony chain
The outer layer is thin skin that is
that spans the lateromediallength ofthe middle
continuous with the skin that lines the external
ear. Their articulating surfaces are lined by
auditory meatus. This skin has a very thin
hyaline cartilage.
dermis devoid of hair folliclesand glands.
The handle of the hammer is attached to
The inner layeris mucosa that is continuous
the eardrum while its head articulates with the
with the mucosa that lines the middle ear. In
body of the anvil. The long limb of the anvil
the eardrum.' however, the simple cuboidal
articulates with the head of the sti~rup, whose
epithelium is devoid of cilia and goblet cells.
footplate fits into the oval window where it is
secured by the annular ligament. The oval
Auditory Tube (Eustachian tube; window is an orifice that connects the middle
Pharynqotympanic tube) ear to the vestibule of the inner ear, but is
completely and permanently closed by the
The framework of the auditory tube is footplate of the stirrup and its annular ligament.
formed by bone in the segment of the tube near
th e nuiddl e ear an db y car til1 age m
. th e segment The ossicles mechanically amplify and
near th e nasoph arynx. It IS' lime db y mucosa th at transmit sound wavesfrom the external surface
.IS contimuous WIith th at 0 fth e nasoph arynx and of the eardrum to the inner ear via the oval
the middle ear. The epithelium of the auditory
tube is pseudo stratified ciliated columnar to
much of its length with goblet cells from its Skeletal Muscles in the Middle
opening in the nasopharynx. It becomes simple Ear
cuboidal with a few goblet cells near the middle
The two tiny skeletal muscles in the
ear. The lamina propria contains mixed glands
middle ear-likewise invested by a thin
and is richly supplied with MALT, including'
mucosa that is similar to that which envelops
lymphoid nodules, especially in the segment of
the ossicles-are the tensor tympani and
the tube near the nasopharynx where they are
stapedius. The tensor tympani is attached
referred to as tubal tonsil.
to the malleus while the stapedius is attached
The auditory tube which becomes patent to the stirrup. The two muscles contract in
with swallowing helps equalize pressure on response to loud or sudden sounds to prevent
both sides of the eardrum by allowing outside excessive movement of the ossicles, which
air to enter the middle ear. could damage the delicate structures in the
middle ear.
Auditory Ossicles
The three auditory ossiclesare attached to
the wall of the middle ear by ligaments. They The inner ear consists of a set offluid-filled
are invested by mucosa similar to that of the bony cavities within the petrous part of the
eardrum. They are named according to their temporal bone, collectively referred to as the
shape: hammer (malleus), anvil (incus), and bony labyrinth, and the likewise fluid-filled

EAR .,.

-- -_- --- -------- --------------~---~

roembranoqs labynf)ij1
Fig. XX-3. Inner Ear. The inner ear is made
up of the bony labyrinth and the membranous
labyrinth. The bony labyrinth refers to the
cavities in the petrous temporal bone filled
with fluid called perilymph. Meanwhile, the
membranous labyrinth refers to the fluid-filled
and membrane-bound structures found in
the bony labyrinth and bathed by perilymph.
The bony labyrinth has three parts: vestibule,
three semicircular canals, and cochlea. The
membranous labyrinth, on the other hand,
has two components: cochlear duct and
vestibular apparatus (consisting of two sacs,
the saccule and utricle, and three semicircular
ducts). The fluid that fills the membranous
labyrinth is called endolymph.

membrane-bound structures that they contain, Vestibule

collectively referred to as the membranous
The vestibule forms the center of the bony
The fluid that fills the bony labyrinth is
Its lateral wall which is also the medial wall
called perilymph. It is similar to CSF and is
of the middle ear contains two orifices: the
widely believed to be an ultrafiltrate of plasma,
ovalwindow and the round window. The oval
but the place where it originates and is absorbed
window, as previously mentioned, is closed by
has not yet been established.
the footplate of the stirrup and its anchoring
The fluid that fills the cavity of the ligament, the annular ligament, while the round
membranous labyrinth, on the other hand, window is closed by a fibrous membrane, the
is called endolymph. Endolymph differs secondary tympanic membrane.
markedly in composition from perilymph. It has The medial wall of the vestibule, on the
a high K+content and is similar to intracellular other hand, contains an orifice that leads into
fluid in composition. .the vestibular aqueduct, a tiny canal that
opens into the posterior surface of the petrous
Bony labyrinth part of the temporal bone. It also contains the
endolymphatic duct, a part of the membranous
The bony labyrinth is located between the labyrinth.
middle ear laterally and the internal acoustic
meatus medially. The internal acoustic meatus
Semicircular Canals
is a canal that leads to the cranial cavity and
serves as a passageway for, among other There are three semicircular canals:
structures, the facial nerve (CN VII) and the anterior, posterior, and lateral. Each is about
vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII). 1 mm in diameter and forms an incomplete
circular tube that has two ends that project
The bones that frame the bony labyrinth
posterosuperiorly from the vestibule. One of
are provided with periosteum that is overlaid
the two ends of each semicircular canal exhibits
by mesothelium.
a dilatation called ampulla, whose diameter is
The bony labyrinth has three parts: about twice that of the rest of the tube. The
vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. semicircular canals are oriented vertically


and are positioned such that each canal is at The modiolus that serves as a pillar around
an angle of about 100 degrees relative to the which the cochlea spirals consists of spongy
others. bone. It is conical and constructed like a screw
that has a spiral thread projecting from its lateral
Cochlea surface. This spiral thread) called osseous
The cochlea is a spiral tunnel that is 30- spiral lamina) projects about halfway into the
34 mm long. It coils 21/2 to 23,4 turns around a cavity of the cochlea. .
piece of bone (modiolus) to form a structure The modiolus contains the spiral ganglion
that looks like a snail's shell that has a wide made up of the cell bodies of bipolar sensory
base and a tapered apex. Its base is about 9 mm neurons whose dendrites (also called sensory
in diameter while its height (i.e.) base-to-apex axons because they are axons structurally
distance) is about 5 mm. The base ofthe cochlea) but dendrites functionally) are in the organ
oriented posterornedially, is continuous with of Corti; and the efferent fibers (axons) of
the vestibule. The apex) oriented anterolaterally, inhibitory neurons whose terminations are also
on the other hand) ends blindly. in the organ of Corti.
The axons of the bipolar neurons together
with the efferent fibers (axons) of the inhibitory
neurons comprise the cochlear nerve. This
nerve joins the vestibular nerve in the internal
acoustic meatus to form the vestibulocochlear
nerve (auditory nerve; CN VIII) that emerges
from the meatus to enter the cranium.
Along the outer wall of the cochlea) the
periosteum is thickened to form the spiral
ligament which extends incompletely to the
osseous spiral lamina. The wide gap that
separates the osseous spiral lamina from
the spiral ligament is bridged by a thin sheet
offibrous connective tissue) the basilar
The cochlear duct (i.e., the part of the
membranous labyrinth within the cochlea)
occupies a small region along the outer wall
Fig. XX-4. Cochlea. This scanning of the cochlea. Its inferior wall rests partly
photomicrograph shows a structure that looks on the spiral limbus (i.e., the thickened
like a snail's shell with several large cavities. The periosteum that lines the superior surface of
cavities comprise several turns of the cochlea
the osseous spiral lamina) but mainly on the
which is a spiral tunnel that coils 2% to 2%
turns around a piece of bone (modiolus). Each basilar membrane. There are) therefore) three
turn of the cochlea has three compartments: longitudinal channels within the cochlea: the
scala vestibule (sv), scala media (sm), and scala endolymph-filled cavity of the cochlear duct
tympani (st). The scala media is the cochlear that is otherwise known as the scala media, the
duct and, in life, is filled with endolymph. The
scala vestibuli and scala tympani, on the other perilymph-filled scala vestibuli that lies above
hand, are filled with perilymph. Note the cochlear the scala media; and the scala tympani that
nerve (cn) that occupies the central area of the lies inferior to the scala media and is filled with
photomicrograph. H&E x40. perilymph.

The scala vestibuli and scala tympani tympani with the subarachnoid space in the
communicate with each other at the apex posterior cranial fossa. A dural sheath extends
of the cochlea through a small opening, the into the cranial end of the aqueduct for a varying
helicotrema. At the base of the cochlea, distance while the rest of the aqueduct contains
the scalae vestibuli and tympani continue loose connective tissue and mayor may not have
into the vestibule where the scala vestibuli a lumen.
communicates with the oval window and the
scala tympani with the round window. Membranous Labyrinth
Thus, the scala vestibuli and scala tympani
The membranous labyrinth consists of
comprise a single, albeit coiled, tube that begins
interconnected membrane-bound circular
at the oval window and ends at the round tubes (ducts) and flattened tubes (sacs) that
window. Its halfway point is marked by the are suspended in the perilymph. It has the
helicotrema. same general form as the bony labyrinth, and
Also in the cochlea, near the round window, in certain areas, is fixed to the wall of the latter.
is the opening of the cochlear aqueduct The membranous labyrinth has two
(cochlear canaliculus), a small can~l that also components: 1) the cochlear duct which
contains perilymph and connects the scala contains the sensory structures for hearing; and
2) the vestibular apparatus which contains the
sensory structures for balance or equilibrium.
The vestibular apparatus is made up of two
sacs, the utricle and the saccule, and three
semicircular ducts (anterior, posterior, and
The cochlear duct, as previously
mentioned, is within the cochlea of the bony
labyrinth, although part of it extends into the
vestibule. The semicircular ducts are within
their corresponding semicircular canals while
the utricle and saccule are in the vestibule.
The wall of the membranous labyrinth
consists of an epithelium supported externally
by connective tissue that varies in amount
Fig. XX-So Compartments of the Cochlea. This depending on its location. In jhe cochlear duct,
low-power photomicrograph shows the three there is minimal connective tissue to none.
compartments of the cochlea: scala vestibuli,
scala media, and scala tympani. The scala
vestibuli is separated from the scala media by the Cochlear Duct
vestibular membrane (vm) while the scala media The cochlear duct is triangular in cross
is largely separated from the scala tympani by
the basilar membrane (bm), where the organ
section. Its upper end is blind and is attached
of Corti-which contains the auditory receptor to the apex of the cochlea. Its lower end extends
cells-rests. The other labeled structures in the into the vestibule and is connected to the lower
photomicrograph are the stria vascularis (sv), end of the saccule by a tiny tube, the ductus
spiral ligament (slig), osseous spiral lamina (slam),
reuniens (canaliculus reuniens, canalis
afferent nerve fibers (n) that are on the way from
the organ of Corti to the spiral ganglion, and reuniens, Heusen's canal, Heusen's duct,
spiral limbus (sl). H&E x100. uniting canal).


The outer wall of the cochlear duct, called pillar cells number about 6,000 while the outer
stria vascularis, consists of a stratified cuboidal pillar cells number about 4,000.
epithelium. This epithelium is atypical because
Pillar cells are tall columnar cells that have
it contains capillaries among its cells. The stria
expanded bases resting on the basal lamina.
vascularis adheres to the highly vascular upper
The inner and outer pillar cells sla~t towards
part of the spiral ligament. It produces the
each other and their apices come into contact
endolymph contained in the scala media.
to enclose, together with the basilar membrane,
The roof of the cochlear duct which the tunnel of Corti. The nucleus of the pillar
consists of a single layer of squamous cells cells is basally located. Electron micrographs
(mesothelium) adheres to the mesothelium show that pillar cells contain a collection of
that lines the luminal surface of the scala microtubules in their cytoplasm that look like
vestibuli. Together, the two mesothelial pillars, thus the name.
layers comprise the vestibular membrane
The hair cells in the organ of Corti are tall
(Reissner'smembrane) that separates the scala
columnar cells. They are about 16,000 to 20,000
vestibuli from the scala media (i.e., cavity of the and have minimal capacity to regenerate. About
cochlear duct).
a quarter of them, the inner hair cells, form a
The floor or inferior wall of the cochlear single row internal to the inner pillar cells while
duct is related to the scala tympani and, as the rest, the outer hair cells, form three to five
mentioned earlier, rests mainly on the basilar rows external to the outer pillar cells. Like the
membrane and partly on the spiral limbus. pillar cells, the inner and outer hair cells incline
Incidentally, the basilar membrane and the towards each other.
osseous spiral lamina are lined on their The hair cells are called as such because
undersurface by the mesothelium that coats their apical surface is provided with stereocilia.
the luminal surface of the scala tympani. '. Their basal surface, on the other hand, form
The portion of the floor of the cochlear synapses with the dendrites (sensoryaxons)
duct that lies on the basilar membrane consists of the bipolar sensory neurons whose cell
of a highly specialized epithelium, the organ bodies are in the spiral ganglia and the axon
of Corti. Meanwhile, the portion on the terminations of inhibitory neurons from the
spiral limbus consists of a simple squamous brain stem. Typically, a sensory axon synapses
or cuboidal epithelium, some of whose cells with several hair cells and conversely, each hair
(interdental cells) produce the components of cell synapses with the sensory axons of several
the tectorial membrane. neurons. The sensory axons of the bipolar
neurons and the axons of the inhibitory neurons
Organ of Corti also synapse with each other and form a plexus
of nerves in the area.
The organ of Corti is made up of sensory
cells (hair cells) and supporting cells. The The inner hair cells possess 50-60
supporting cells are of severaltypes and include stereocilia which, in electron micrographs are
pillar cells (rod cells) and phalangeal cells. seen to be arranged in three rows of ascending
The central area of the organ of Corti is height from the inner to the outer aspect of the
occupied by a triangular canal, the inner tunnel cell. They are surrounded by inner phalangeal
(tunnel of Corti), bounded on each side by a cells which also separate them from the basal
single row of pillar cells. The pillar cells along lamina.
the inner wall of the tunnel are called inner The outer hair cells are about twice as
pillar cells while those that are along the outer tall as the inner hair cells. Like the inner hair
wall are called outer pillar cells. The inner cells, they are also surrounded by phalangeal

Fig. XX-6. Rec;eptor Organs of the Vestibular
Apparatus. The cristae ampullaris and
maculae contain the receptors for the sense
of balance. There are three cristae ampullaris.
They are located in each of the ampullae of
the three semicircular ducts. There are two
macula, macula of the saccule and macula
of the utricle, named after the region of the
membranous labyrinth where they are located.

cells (outer phalangeal cells) that likewise Vestibular Apparatus

prevent their bases from touching the basal
lamina. Their stereocilia, about 100per cell,are The vestibular apparatus, as previously
arranged in three or more rows that are in the stated, consists of the utricle, saccule, and the
form ofa V or W.The rows ofstereocilia are also three semicircular ducts.
of ascending height, from the inner to the outer The semicircular ducts have the general
aspect of the cell. The stereocilia are embedded shape-but occupy only about a quarter of the
in the tectorial membrane, a gelatinous cavity-of their corresponding semicircular
sheet of glycoprotein that moves in response canal (i.e., anterior, posterior and lateral). Both
to pressure variations in the perilymph-filled ends of each semicircular duct are continuous
scalae tympani and vestibuli. with the utricle.
External to the outer phalangeal cells and " The utricle is an irregularly-shaped
internal to the inner phalangeal cells are several elongated pouch that occupies the
other types of supporting cells. posterosuperior region of the vestibule. It is
The hair cells in the organ of Corti are connected to the saccule by a Y-shaped duct,
stimulated by sound in the following manner. the utriculosaccular duct. One arm of this
When a sound wave amplified by the ossicles duct, the endolymphatic duct, is lodged in
in the middle ear reaches the foot plate of the the vestibular aqueduct. The endolymphatic
stapes, the oval window gets deflected inwards duct has an expanded blind end called
and compresses the perilymph in the scala endolymphatic sac that bulges into the
vestibuli. This generates a compression wave subdural space on the posterior surface of the
that travels upward along the coils of the scala petrous part of the temporal bone.
vestibuli to the helicotrema, then downward The saccule is spherical and smaller than
along the coils of the scala tympani. This the utricle. It lies on the anteroinferior region
compression wave produces a shearing force of the vestibule. As already mentioned, it is
that displaces the stereocilia of the hair cells connected to the utricle by the utriculosaccular
in the organ of Corti. The hair cells which are duct and to the cochlear duct by the ductus
mechanoreceptors then respond by releasing reuniens.
neurotransmitters into the terminations of The wall of the utricle, saccule, and
sensory axons. semicircular ducts consists of an epithelium
The round window, meanwhile, serves as and an underlying fibrous connective tissue.
a pressure-relief vent by bulging outward into The epithelium is simple squamous or cuboidal,
the cavity of the middle ear with every inward except in the endolymphatic sac and in the
deflection of the oval window. five areas where the receptors for the sense of


balance are located, i.e., two maculae and three they gradually flatten out to merge with the
cristae. The maculae are in the utricle and the simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium that
saccule (macula of the utricle and macula lines the rest of the utricle and saccule.
of the saccule, respectively) while the cristae
The hair cells, on the other hand, are
(cristae ampullaris) are in each of the ampullae
interspersed among the supporting cells.
of the semicircular ducts.
Their nuclei are more centrally-located than
those of the supporting. cells. They have been
shown by EM to consist of two types: type I
The maculae are small regions of the and type II. The apical surfaces of both types
epithelium of the utricle and saccule. The of hair cells are covered by 40-80 stereocilia
macula of the utricle is somewhat triangular in that, like those in the hair cells of the organ of
surface view and is about 2.8 mm long and 2.2 Corti, are graded in length. In addition, the
mm wide. In contrast, the macula of the saccule apical surfaces of the hair cells are provided
is an oval structure that is about 2.6 mm at its with a single non-motile cilium (kinocilium).
widest, and 1.2 mm at its narrowest, diameter. The stereocilia and cilium are embedded
The maculae are structurally
similar. They in a plaque-like layer of gelatinous material
consist of a columnar epithelium that has two called otolithic membrane (statoconial
basic types of cells: hair cells (sensory cells)
membrane) made up of glycoproteins and
and supporting cells. _ is probably secreted by the supporting cells.
The supporting cells are tall cells that have Scattered on the surface of the otolithic
a basally-locatednucleus and short microvilli on membrane are calcium carbonate crystals
their apical surfaces. At the edge of the macula, called otoliths (otoconia, statoliths).
Type I hair cells (goblet cells) are cup-
" shaped. The basal two-thirds of each type I hair
cell fits into and synapses with the cup-shaped
termination of the sensory axon of a bipolar
sensory neuron. Axonal terminations of motor
neurons (efferent neurons) synapse with the
sensory axon that surround each hair cell, but
not directly with the hair cell.
Type II hair cells (columnar cells) are
more slender than type I hair cells. They
synapse directly,but only at their bases,with the
terminations of two types of neurons: bipolar
sensory neurons and motor neurons (efferent
The maculae detect the orientation of
Fig. XX-7. Macula of the Utricle (region at tips the head with respect to gravity. With each
of arrows). The macula is a small area of the
epithelium that consists of a columnar epithelium
movement of the head, the otoliths create a
(not very apparent in the photomicrograph) gravitational pull on the otolithic membrane
made up of two types of cells: hair (sensory) that causes it to move. Movement of the
cells and supporting cells. The hair cells have otolithic membrane bends the stereocilia and
stereocilia and a single non-motile cilium which kinocilium, which stimulates the hair cells and
are embedded in gelatinous material (otolithic
membrane). Found on the membrane's surface
causethem to release neurotransmitters into the
are calcium carbonate crystals referred to as terminations of the sensory axons with which
otoliths. Ear, H&E x200. they are in contact.

EAR 'fiI
Fig. XX-B. Crista Ampullaris.
semicircular Note that the crista ampullaris
dud rests on a ridge of connective
tissue which projects into the
cavity of the ampulla of the
semicircular canal. A crista
is very similar to a macula
in structure. It consists of a
columnar epithelium that has
two types of cells: hair (sensory
cells) and supporting cells. The
hair cells also have stereocilia
and a non-motile cilium
embedded in a glycoprotein
material. In the crista, however,
this material has no otoliths, is
cone-shaped, and is referred
to as cupola. Ear. H&E x100.

Cristae Ampullaris bending the stereocilia and kino cilium. This

Each crista ampullaris rests on a transverse causes the hair cells to release neurotransmitters
into the terminations of the sensory axons.
ridge of supporting connective tissue that
projects into the cavity of the ampulla of its
Innervation of the Maculae and Cristae
semicircular duct. This transverse ridge is
oriented perpendicular to the long axis of its The bipolar sensory neurons whose sensory
duct. axons (i.e., dendrites) are in contact with the
hair cells in the maculae and cristae comprise
The cristae have many similarities with
the vestibular ganglion (Scarpa's ganglion),
the maculae. They consist of two types of cells:
located in the internal acoustic meatus.
supporting cells and hair cells (sensory cells).
The supporting cells are also columnar and Like those in the organ of Corti, aside
gradually flatten out in the edge of the crista to from sensory endings, the hair cells in the
merge with the simple squamous or cuboidal maculae and cristae are supplied with axonal
cells that line the rest of the duct. The hair cells terminations by motor (efferent) neurons whose
are likewise of two types: type I and type II. cell bodies are in the brain stem.
The hair cells resemble their corresponding The axons of the bipolar sensory neurons
types in the maculae with respect to morphology and efferent neurons form the vestibular
and the synapses that they form with the nerve division of the vestibulocochlear nerve (eN
terminations. Hence, both types are provided VIII).
with stereocilia of graded height and a non-
motile kino cilium embedded in glycoprotein Endolymphatic Sac
material. The cristae differ from the maculae
The epithelium of the endolymphatic sac is
in that the gelatinous glycoprotein material,
atypical for the membranous labyrinth because
called cupola, which embeds the stereocilia and
it is simple columnar rather than squamous
kino cilium of hair cells in the cristae, is cone-
or cuboidal. The former also rests on a highly
shaped and has no otoliths. vascular connective tissue. This epithelium
The cristae detect angular acceleration and is probably the site for the absorption of
deceleration of the head. Angular movements of endolymph which, in the vestibular apparatus,
the head cause a counterflow of endolymph in is produced by some of the supporting cells in
each semicircular canal, moving the cupola and the utricle and semicircular ducts.


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