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Grade 11 Aspirational Progress Form Name__________________________________________________

STAGE ONE Your final Percentage What grade Action To Improve, if required Actual Reason for Difference in Grades
TARGET attendance you think (BASED ON YOUR NOVEMBER REPORT, suggest ONE or TWO practical JANUARY (Explain ONE main SUBJECT SPECIFIC reason)
NOV/DEC Grade AT so far (on you’ll get in SUBJECT SPECIFIC changes that you will make to your studies moving exam
END OF NOVEMBER JANUARY forward. These changes should be SMART) grade
Subject DP! report) exam
English Language 6 100% 6 Practice analysing texts and quotes. 5 I did not answer the question correctly nor did I mention enough language
and Literature HL Practice Paper 1 style questions for January exams over holidays devices or form of language

Global Politics HL 7 100% 6-7 Practice Paper 1-2 style questions 6 The case studies used to explain question 2 was not correct. If doing a topic
Read through Mister Coins presentations on how to improve such as legitimacy or sovereignty, write specifically about those with specific
cases about them. Also, in question 4, write how do the sources support the
research question

Music HL 7 100% No exam Manage my time more, carefully read the instructions. Compose with Did not get a grade
the ABAB structure in mind.

Biology SL 6 100% 5-6 Read over the Bio-Ninja subject. Study over the Bio ninja topics 5 Draw also means labell

Spanish SL 6 100% 5-6 Practice paper 1-2 style questions 5 No idea

Read over class notes and improve writing
Do spelling exercises

Math Analysis and 5 100% 4-5 Study over the subjects in the book 5 Math in general, gotta get better
Aproaches SL Work through the exercise’s examples in the book
Do mymaths to practice

Your Final Target Grade (B): The Grade you hope to achieve at the END of the DP. Your Exam Grade Prediction (D): The Grade you think you will get in the JANUARY exam.

Guidance on completing this form

Reason for Difference in Grades
Try to avoid generic statements such as “Didn`t do enough revision” or “Not enough study”
Try to be very subject specific. For example For “Paper 1 I did not have a good enough knowledge of the set text and was unable to develop arguments fully” or “For Paper 2 I spent too much time trying to remember subject
content so I ran out of time and did not complete the last two questions.”
Action to Improve, if required
Avoid generic statements such as “Revise More” or “Work harder” or “Write more”
Grade 11 Aspirational Progress Form Name__________________________________________________
Try to make your targets SMART. For example “Section 2.4 of the course is an area where I have struggled, I’ll aim to devote 30 minutes per week studying this and trying past paper questions until I feel more confident” or
“Speak with my teacher in this subject to identify what resources and techniques I can use to improve by one grade in the next set of exams.”

STAGE TWO Your final Percentage What you Action To Improve, if required Actual Reason for Difference in Grades
TARGET attendance are aiming (Suggest ONE or TWO practical SUBJECT SPECIFIC changes that you JUNE (Explain ONE main SUBJECT SPECIFIC reason)
APR/MAY Grade in your for in the will make to your studies moving forward. These changes should be exam
(end of APRIL JUNE Exam SMART) grade
Subject DP) report (realistically)
English Language and 6 6 Practice a great amount of Paper 1’s in English, give them to the 6
Literature HL English teacher and learn from my mistakes. Read past answers to
paper 1’s

Global Politics HL 7 7 Practice Paper 1’s and learn the maximum amount of case studies for 7
the exam so that I am not short of case studies to use (something that
happened in the mock exam)

Music HL 7 7 7

Biology SL 6 6 Study using Bio Ninja and the summary notes and practice doing past 7 The reason for this change is because I ended up doing very good in the
papers data base questions, something I struggle to the most and I ended up
studying extra for that grade

Spanish Language 6 6 Practice doing past papers and make notes on both literature books 6
and Literature SL for the exam

Math Analysis and 6 6 Practice real IB questions 7 The reason for this grade is because I ended up studying and practicing a
Interpretations SL fair deal. Furthermore, in the exam I ended up going slow to make sure all
my working out is correct.

Your Final Target Grade: The Grade you hope to achieve at the END of the DP. Your Exam Grade Prediction: The Grade you think you will get in the JUNE exam

Guidance on completing this form

Reason for Difference in Grades
Try to avoid generic statements such as “Didn`t do enough revision” or “Not enough study”
Try to be very subject specific. For example For “Paper 1 I did not have a good enough knowledge of the set text and was unable to develop arguments fully” or “For Paper 2 I spent too much time trying to remember subject
content so I ran out of time and did not complete the last two questions.”
Grade 11 Aspirational Progress Form Name__________________________________________________
Action to Improve, if required
Avoid generic statements such as “Revise More” or “Work harder” or “Write more”
Try to make your targets SMART. For example “Section 2.4 of the course is an area where I have struggled, I’ll aim to devote 30 minutes per week studying this and trying past paper questions until I feel more confident” or
“Speak with my teacher in this subject to identify what resources and techniques I can use to improve by one grade in the next set of exams.”

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