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The Fate Point Economy

Invoke Hostile Invoke Compel - Event Compel - Decision

Definition If you’re in a situation where If you’re in a situation where If you’re in a situation where having, or being around, an
an Aspect* is beneficial to your an Aspect* could be Aspect* means your PC’s life could be more interesting,
character, you can invoke it disadvantageous, it can be dramatic, or complicated, the GM can Compel it.
yourself. invoked against you by an NB: Players can suggest a Compel but only the GM can negotiate
NPC(GM), or another PC. and apply it.
Who Spends? The invoking PC or NPC(GM) The invoking NPC(GM) or PC The GM offers the target PC a Fate Point (FP) from their
immediately spends a Fate immediately spends a Fate reservoir of Fate Points (FP) to accept the complication.
Point (FP) from their pool of Point (FP) from their pool of
Fate Points (FP). Fate Points (FP).
Who Earns? The Fate Point goes into the The Fate Point goes into the The target can either immediately accept the complication & its
GM’s reservoir of Fate Points target PC’s (or NPC’s) pool of consequences and add the Fate Point (FP) to their pool, or
(FP), immediately. Fate Points (FP) at the end of immediately spend a Fate Point (FP) from their pool to buy off
the scene. the Compel. That FP goes to the GM’s reservoir.
Example: The PC e.g. You force the shutters … e.g. You’re forcing the shutters e.g. Working for the e.g. Working for the
intends break in to a [rolls and fails] ... so it looks … but Working for the Zarainsens is dangerous … Zarainsens is dangerous … so
Zarainsen safe-house. like you’re going to draw Zarainsens is dangerous … so it makes sense that, it makes sense that you’d
You have the Aspect attention of a guard around the the GM spends a FP from his unfortunately, their thugs are bottle the break-in and insist
… Working for the front but you recognise the risk pool to represent your watching the safe-house and on the other PCs finding other
Zarainsens is because you have the Aspect nervousness and the increased intervene before you can open ways to find out what you
dangerous Working for the Zarainsens is risk of being noticed … so the the shutters … Damn your need to know … Damn your
dangerous … You spend a FP, passive opposition to your roll luck! luck!
invoke the Aspect, and either increase by +2 … roll against You can agree to this and take You can agree to this and take
add +2 or re-roll the dice. +4 instead of +2. the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
to make this go away. to make this go away.
Example: The PCs are e.g. You attack a bandit e.g. You and another PC are e.g. Protective of my friends e.g. Protective of my friends
fighting a group confronting another PC … hard pressed by a bandit … … so it makes sense that in an … so it makes sense that you
bandits. You have the [rolls and fails] ... so it looks but you’re Protective of my effort to catch you, the bandit rush towards your friend
Aspect… Protective of like you’re going to miss but friends … the GM spends a FP chief leads you one way while shouting without thinking. The
my friends he’s a friend and you are from his pool to represent your sending most of his men to bandits have a knife to his
Protective of my friends … over-eagerness to save the PC catch your friends. Damn your throat and surround you …
You spend a FP, invoke the … +2 to the bandit’s defence luck! Damn your luck!
Aspect, and either add +2 or … roll against the +2 defence. You can agree to this and take You can agree to this and take
re-roll the dice. the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
to make this go away. to make this go away.

*Aspect includes Consequences, Conditions and Posession Aspects etc., if in play, on the PCs sheet, or an Advantage Created by them, or something defined by the GM as a Situation/Scene Aspect.
The Fate Point Economy
Example: There’s a e.g. You roll Ride … [rolls and e.g. You need to keep control e.g. Huginn & Muninn agree e.g. Huginn & Muninn agree
creak from the axle of fails] ... and it looks like you’re of the wagon but … Huginn & sometimes, so it makes sense sometimes, so it makes sense
the wagon with Huginn going to lose control of the Muninn sometimes agree … that, even before leaving the that their confused shouting
& Muninn with you wagon but … Huginn & the GM spends a FP from his stable, their arguing attracts forces you to pull up and risk
race towards a sharp Muninn agree sometimes and pool to represent that this unwelcome attention from the the pursuers catching you.
turn in the road. You give you some clear advice for time, they don’t, and distract Lord’s men. Damn your luck! Damn your luck!
have the Aspect … once. You spend a FP, invoke you with their shouting … +2 You can agree to this and take You can agree to this and take
Huginn & Muninn the Aspect, and either add +2, to the difficulty of controlling the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
sometimes agree. or re-roll the dice. the wagon … roll against +4 to make this go away. to make this go away.
instead of +2.
Example: You need to e.g. You decide to look for e.g. You’re looking for people e.g. I was dragged up on the e.g. I was dragged up on the
find Jamys, the people who might know him who might know him … but I streets, so it makes sense that streets, so it makes sense that
disreputable trader, in and roll Contacts … [rolls and was dragged up on the streets your rough accent means a you’d waste the morning by
the busy town on fails] ... and it looks like you’re … the GM spends a FP from group of apprentices pick on checking all the roughest
market day. You have coming up dry but … I was his pool to remind you that you. Damn your luck! taverns first, and find nothing.
the Aspect… I was dragged up on the streets so while disreputable he is quite You can agree to this and take Damn your luck!
dragged up on the you spend a FP to have swiftly rich … +2 to passive the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of You can agree to this and take
streets. made friends with members of opposition due to the need to to make this go away. the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
the underclass … add +2, or mix with better off locals who to make this go away.
re-roll. don’t like your accent.
Example: An NPC put e.g. You want the NPC to think e.g. You’re defending against e.g. You’re Stunned, so it e.g. You’re Stunned, so it
the Consequence (or you’re no longer a threat so their attacks … but you’re makes sense that you don’t makes sense that you give up
Condition) Stunned on you play dead and roll Deceive Stunned … the GM spends a notice the arrival of more you hide even though it will
you when they hit you … [rolls and fails] ... and he FP from his pool to represent a enemies until they have cut off put the other PCs at greater
very hard but their turns towards you but you’re touch of concussion and they your escape. Damn your luck! risk. Damn your luck!
friend used up the free still … Stunned … You spend get +2 to their attack roll. You can agree to this and take You can agree to this and take
invoke that earned to a FP to add +2 to the failed the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
hit you again! roll, or re-roll. to make this go away. to make this go away.
Example: You are in e.g. You want to beat the NPC e.g. You want to beat the NPC e.g. There’s a Fire, so it makes e.g. There’s a Fire, so it makes
an area where the to the door using Athletics … to the door using Athletics ... sense that, unfortunately, you sense that, unfortunately, you
Situation Aspect Fire [rolls and fails] ... and it looks but there’s a Fire … the GM don’t notice the arrival of hit the auto extinguisher, even
has taken hold like he’ll get there first but spends a FP from his pool to reinforcements until they have though it may cause the synth
there’s a … Fire … You spend represent that how much this cut off your planned exit. to malfunction. Damn your
a FP to say the NPC is stimulates them and they get Damn your luck! luck!
distracted … add +2 or re-roll. +2 to the opposition to their You can agree to this and take You can agree to this and take
roll. the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of the GM’s FP, or spend a FP of
to make this go away. to make this go away.
*Aspect includes Consequences, Conditions and Posession Aspects etc., if in play, on the PCs sheet, or an Advantage Created by them, or something defined by the GM as a Situation/Scene Aspect.

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