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From your experience as a student who listens to teachers In classrooms, what is the
difference between a good public speaker and a bad public speaker?
• Based on my experience as a student, a good public speaker is someone who can
capture their audience’s attention throughout their presentation. They display
confident gestures and appropriate body language. Furthermore, they can convey
their message with clarity. On the other hand, a bad public speaker is someone who
struggles to connect with their audience and shows a lack of confidence in their
delivery. They show signs of nervous habits like fidgeting and speaking too quickly
which can be hard for their listeners. This may lead to confusion and
misunderstanding leading to misinformation.

2. Who among the many public figures do you consider to be a good public speaker? Why
do you think so? What do you think makes this person effective?

• Among the many public figures, I consider journalist, Kara David to be a good public
speaker for various reasons. She is known for her storytelling in her documentaries.
She connects with her audiences and conveys her messages in a clear and concise
way no matter how complex. Her expertise in the field makes her effective as she is
very much knowledgeable of the topics she discusses. Additionally she is an award
winning journalist and host. This vouches for her credibility and further capturing her
audience’s attention and understanding.

3. What are the worst traits of a public speaker? How do they affect their audience?

• Some of the worst traits of a public speaker are being unprepared, arrogant, and not
having confidence. Being unprepared leads to disorganization of thoughts which will
cause the audience to disengage with the speaker and will lead to poor delivery of
the speech.

Being arrogant is also one of the worst traits that a public speaker can have. A
speaker who makes a condescending impression will leave a bad image and will
result in a hostile audience. As opposed to a public speaker with no confidence.
Showing a lack of confidence will cause the audience to lose interest in the speaker
making it hard for them to connect with the audience.

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