Exit Exam Formulas

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Gui Zhi Tang

Gui Zhi 9 With Bai Shao tonifies MJ. Promote sweating, harmonise ying and wei. Promotes wei qi, releases
the exterior, releases the muscles
Wind cold

Bai Shao 9 Astringing. Holds fluids.

Zhi Gan Cao 6 With rice congee. Promote sweating. Harmonise ying and wei. Resolves phlegm, stops cough
Sheng Jiang 9 With Da Zao. Promote sweating. Harmonise ying and wei. Helps Gui Zhi. Nausea and vomiting
Da Zao 3pc With Gan Cao tonifies MJ. With Bai Sa
Fever (mild), easy sweating, aversion to wind, cold sensitivity, joint pain. Sensations of pulsations in abdomen,
easily startled, flushed, insomnia
Sang Ju Yin
Sang Ye 7.5 Cooling. LU/LIV
Ju Hua 3 Cooling. LU/LIV. Liver fire
Lian Qiao 4.5 Cooling. Light
Exterior releasing

Xing Ren 6 Moistening.

Bo He 2.4 Cooling. Light. Dispersing. Calm LIV qi
Jie Geng 6 Phlegm. Lifting.
Lu Gen 6 Light. Generates fluids. Clear phlegm. Promote urination.
Gan Cao 2.4 Throat. Harmonising.
Light formula for early stage WH with cough. Cough, fever, thirst, light sweat. Pulse floating, rapid.
Wind heat

Yin Qiao San

Jin Yin Hua 9 Toxic heat. Bitter.
Lian Qiao 4.5 Good for heat/toxic heat
Jie Geng 4.5 Lifting. Good for throat.
Niu Bang Zi 4.5 Sore throat. Toxic heat. Moves stool (gentle)
Bo He 2.4
Dan Dou Chi 4.5 Cool. Promotes sweating.
Jing Jie 6
Zhu Ye 6 Clear heat via urination
Lu Gen 6 Lung fluids
Gan Cao 2.4
For early stage wind-heat with sore throat. Can add Xuan Shen – can take out Jing Jie if already sweating.

Da Cheng Qi Tang
Purge heat accumulation

Da Huang 12 Excess heat. Purging. With Zhi Shi for food and qi stagnation with distension and constipation
Mang Xiao 9 Salty. Softens hardness. Good for dryness. Purges, eliminates stagnation
Zhi Shi 12-15 Distension, oppression. Focal distension. Unblocks the bowels
Zhi Hou Po 24 Food stagnation, descends rebellious qi, phlegm, damp and wheezing
Gone into YangMing Fu. Pi (oppression), Man (fullness), Zao (dryness) – all heat in LI. Shi (Excess) – heat and
accumulation. Not during pregnancy. Stop once bowel movement.
Downward draining

Associated formulas: Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (lighter, milder). Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang (if patient is deficient)
Ma Zi Ren Wan
Moisten intestines unblock bowels

Hemp seed pill [Shang Han Lun]

Huo Ma Ren 500- Moistens the bowels
Xing Ren 250 Disperse – LU (Connection to LI). Moistening, regulate fluids
Bai Shao 250 Astringe. Holds and generates fluids
Zhi Shi 250 *Xiao Cheng Qi Tang
Zhi Hou Po 250
Da Huang 500 Not long term. Use occasionally.
Zao (dryness). Constipation. Shi (excess) heat. Frequent urination. Bound spleen, can’t T&T fluids. Excess ST heat.
Not during pregnancy or for weak patients.
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Chai Hu 24 Dispersing. Release exterior. Qi stagnation. Resolves Shao Yang disorders, reduce fever, spread
LIV qi
With Huang qin for heat in Shao Yang, with alt chills and fever, restores LIV and GB function
Harmonise Shaoyang

Huang Qin 9 Internal heat. Upper jiao. Calms ascending LIV yang
Zhi Ban Xia 24 Direct downward. Stops nausea. Harmonise ST and stops vomiting, transforms phlegm,
Sheng Jiang 9 Harmonise middle, release the exterior, stops vomiting and cough
Ren Shen 9 Qi tonifying – yuan, SP, ST, LU, HT
Zhi Gan Cao 9 Harmonise. Tonify qi. With Ren Shen for palpitations and anxiety
Da Zao 12pc Strengthen SP, tonify qi
Chest and hypochondriac fullness, stiffness and fullness below the ribs. Alternating fever and chills – fighting
pathogen. Vomiting, lack of desire or inability to eat – qi stagnation
Caution: ascending liver yang. Not for excess above, deficiency below
Si Ni San
Chai Hu 9-12 Chai Hu + Zhi Shi. Regulate LIV qi, reduce fever, phlegm, disperse wind heat
Zhi Shi or Zhi Ke 9-12 Cold. Descending. Moves qi. Unblocks bowels to relieve stagnation in MJ and help SP with T&T
Bai Shao 12-24 Chai Hu + Bai Shao. Softens LIV. Nourish LIV yin. Relax muscle with Gan Cao. With Chai Hu for
flank pain
Zhi Gan Cao 9 Bai Shao + Gan Cao (Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang). Tonify SP, Relax muscles with Bai Shao and
moderate abdominal pain
Release exterior, regulate LIV and SP, relieve stagnation, spread LIV qi, eliminate interior heat. Pain, sensitive, cold
hands, anxiety, muscles spasms. Chai Hu presentation. Qi stuck – can’t get to the extremities. Not for long term
use if deficient
Xiao Yao San
Harmonise liver and spleen

Chai Hu 9 Chai Hu + Dang Gui

Formulas that harmonise

Spreads liver qi and reduces stagnation

Dang Gui 9 Dang Gui + Bai Shao
Tonify blood, regulate menses, invigorate and harmonise blood
Bai Shao 9 Chai Hu + Bai Shao. Nourishes yin and blood
Bai Zhu 9 Tonify SP, tonify qi, dries damp. With Fu Ling strengthens SP and dries damp
Fu Ling 9 Promote urination, resolve damp, strengthen SP, harmonise MJ
Sheng Jiang 4.5 Harmonises, supports MJ
Bo He 4.5 Moves liver qi, cooling
Zhi Gan Cao 4.5 Tonify SP and qi, clear heat. With Bai Shao for spasmodic abdominal pain
Liver qi stagnation, blood deficiency. Support SP. Pale tongue, poor appetite, loose stools. Not purely for
deficiency. Very wide range of applications.
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
Xiao Yao San +
Mu Dan Pi 4.5 (½ Clear heat, cool and harmonise blood, clear deficiency heat
Shan Zhi Zi 4.5 (½ Clear heat, reduce fire, cool blood, disperse toxins, drains damp heat, treats irritability
Liver constraint with heat. Symptoms – irritable, insomnia, peri-menopause
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Zhi Ban Xia 9 Dries damp, transforms phlegm, dissipates clumps, eliminates focal distension, harmonises SP,
Harmonise stomach and intestines

stops vomiting
Gan Jiang 9 Warms the middle, expels cold, warms LU, transforms thin mucus
Huang Qin 9 Clears heat, dries damp, drains fire, detoxifies
Huang Lian 3 Clears heat, dries damp, drains fire, resolves fire toxicity, drains ST fire
Ren Shen 9 Tonifies SP, ST, LU qi, tonifies qi in deficiency patients with exterior conditions
Da Zao 12p
Zhi Gan Cao 9
Focal Distension (“pi”) below the Heart. Warm tonifying herbs to preserve function of the stomach with cool,
draining herbs to clear heat. Redirect rebellious qi and disperse clumping
Epigastric fullness, discomfort, soft to touch, vomiting, diarrhoea, borborygmus, irritable, insomnia
Xiao Chai Hu Tang – replace Gan Jiang with Sheng Jiang and Chai Hu with Huang Lian
Clear qi level heat Bai Hu Tang
Shi Gao 48 Cold. Clears internal heat. Vents pathogen. Releases heat from constraint of muscle layer.
Generates fluids
Zhi Mu 18 Clears ST heat. Moistens/nourishes yin, generates fluids
Zhi Gan Cao 6 Protect ST from cold properties and protect the fluids. Tonify SP, augment qi
Jing Mi 9 Protect ST from cold properties and protect the fluids
“4 Bigs” Irritability, thirst, desire to drink. Aversion to heat, profuse sweating. Severe thirst. Large, flooding pulse
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Long Dan Cao 3-9 Cold. Bitter. Excess heat LV and GB
Ze Xie 6-12 Promote urination, clears damp heat
Huang Qin 6-12 Clear heat Shaoyang
Chai Hu 3-9 Disperses heat due to LIV/GB qi stagnation
Zhi Zi 6-12 Cooling. Drain damp
Sheng Di 9-15 Cooling. Protects fluids. Nourishes fluids
Mu Tong 3-6 Cooling. Drain damp
Herbs that clear heat from the organs

Dang Gui 3-12 Warm. Tonifies. Protects blood. Protect against cool of other herbs
Heat clearing

Che Qian Zi 9-15 Cooling. Drain damp. Protects ST

Gan Cao 3-6 Harmonises MH and regulates other herbs
Heat in Liver and Gallbladder. Excess heat from lower jiao. Hypochondriac pain, headache, dizziness, sore eyes,
tinnitus, leucorrhea, butter taste. Not long term or if SP or fluid deficiency
Qing Wei San
Huang Lian 3
Sheng Ma 3
Sheng di Huang 6
Mu Dan Pi 6
Dang Gui 6
Clear ST heat. Toothache, pain radiating to temporal headache, swollen lips and gums, ulcers, bad breath, dry
mouth/tongue, fever. Cool blood, nourish yin
Huang Qin Tang
Huang Qin 9
Bai Shao 9
Da Zao 4pc
Zhi Gan Cao 3
Clear heat ST and intestines. Clears heat, alleviates dysenteric disorders, harmonises MJ, stops pain. Fever, bitter
taste, abdo pain, diarrhoea

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang

Dang Gui 9
Warm channels,disperse cold

Ren Shen 9
Bai Shao 9
Gui Zhi 9
Xi Xin (sub Ji 6
Interior warming

Xue Teng)
Da Zao 25pc
Zhi Gan Cao 6 Tonify qi. Strengthen SP, harmonise MJ. With Gan Cao for vomiting and epigastric pain
(Mu Tong) 6
Warm channel, disperse cold, nourish blood, unlock blood vessels. Cold pathogen in channels & collaterals
blocking qi/blood. Cold hands and feet due to blood xu. No warmth nourishment of yang qi, pale tongue.
Li Zhong Wan
Gan Jiang 9 Very warming. Warms MJ eliminates interior cold
Ren Shen 9 Tonifying qi. Strengthen SP. Reinforce yang, strongly tonifies yuan qi, harmonises MJ. With Bai
Zhu for T&T of SP
Bai Zhu 9 Tonify qi. Strengthen SP, dries damp
Zhi Gan Cao 9 Tonify qi. Strengthen SP, harmonise MJ. With Gan Cao for vomiting and epigastric pain
W Common formula to treat deficient cold in MJ. Warms MJ and strengthens SP. SP yang xu, abdo distension and
r fullness (better with warmth and pressure), vomiting, loose stools, pale blood, aversion to cold, no thirst, cold
m extremities, bleeding due to MJ yang xu, sloshing, pulsations above diaphragm
Si Jun Zi Tang replace Gan Jiang with Fu Ling
h Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
e Yi Tang 18-30 Tonifies SP and MJ qi, alleviates pain, disperses cold
With Gui Zhi warms and tonifies the MJ
i Gui Zhi 9 Warms MJ, disperses cold, releases the exterior, adjusts the yin and the wei
d With Bai Shao, harmonises the ying and the wei
d Bai Shao 18 Harmonises, protects yin, nourishes blood, softens LIV, alleviates pain. With Gan Cao treats
l spasmodic pain
Zhi Gan Cao 6
, Sheng Jiang 9 Release exterior, disperse cold, warm the MJ
d Da Zao 12p Strengthen SP, tonify qi, protect and harmonise MJ
s Deficiency cold. Modification of Gui Zhi Tang. MJ deficiency. Cold. T&T
p Very popular formula for abdominal pain. Chronic abdo pain better with pressure and warmth, feverishness,
e irritability, tight muscles, weakness. There should be no signs of heat or yin xu.


Da Chai Hu Tang
Chai Hu * 24 * = Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Release exterior, purge interior

With Huang Qin, clears LIV and GB heat

Huang Qin * 9 Clears heat, dries damp, drains fire, cools blood
Zhi Shi ^ 6-9 ^ = Da Cheng Qi Tang
Moves qi, reduces distension in chest and abdomen
Da Huang ^ 9 Drains ST and GB heat through the stool, transforms blood stasis
Bai Shao 9 Nourishes the blood, softens the liver, treats abdominal pain and distension
Ban Xia * 24 Harmonise MJ, descend rebellious ST qi
Sheng Jiang * 15 Warm the middle, stop vomiting,
Da Zao * 12p Helps Bai Shao soften the liver, protects yin from heat
Shaoyang + Yangming. Harmonises Shao Yang. Drain internal clumping due to heat in YangMing. SY: Alt fever and chills,
chest, hypo fullness, upper abdo pain, cramps, muscles tightness bitter taste. YM: Constipation, or diarrhoea, yellow
urine, jaundice, vomiting, headache
Contra: SP and ST xu

Si Jun Zi Tang
Ren Shen 3-9 Tonifies qi and strengthens SP and ST
With Bai Zhu, T&T functions of SP
Bai Zhu 6-9 Strengthen SP, dries damp. With Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao for SP and ST qi xu
Fu Ling 6-9 Dries damp, strengthens SP,
Zhi Gan Cao 3-6 Harmonises, warms, strengthens MJ, moderates draining of Fu Ling
Tonifying SP and improving T&T while draining damp. Low appetite, loose stool, weak limbs, pallid complexion, soft
voice, pale tongue, deficiency pulse. Li Zhong Wan plus Gan Jiang, minus Fu Ling. Building block for many formulas. Not
for heat, qi stag, high fever, fluid deficiency, irritability, constipation
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Si Jun Zi Tan +
Chen Pi 3-6 Move qi, dry damp, tonify SP
Ban Xia 3-9 Dries damp, resolves phlegm, harmonises ST, stops vomiting
Spleen deficiency + Phlegm. Nausea, vomiting, Chest oppression, coughing of mucus. SJZT symptoms
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Liu Jun Zi Tang +
Sha Ren 2-4 Aromatically dries damp, stops vomiting, moves qi, warms and strengthens SP and ST, warms
middle, stops diarrhoea
Mu Xiang 2 Moves qi, stops pain, strengthens SP, dispels heat and damp
Spleen deficiency + damp cold. Low appetite, bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
F Si Jun Zi Tang +
o Shan Yao Tonify SP
r Chao Bian Dou Tonify SP. Stop diarrhoea
Lian Zi Tonify SP. Stop diarrhoea
l Yi Yi Ren Strengthen SP, drains damp
a Sha Ren Promote movement of qi. Transforms damp.
s Jie Geng Ascending. Alleviate diarrhoea. Assists LU qi. Guides herbs to lungs (child of SP)
Spleen deficiency + Damp type diarrhoea
h Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
a Huang Qi 12 Lifting in nature. Strongly tonifies qi SP and LU. Stop sweating. With Ren Shen for qi xu
t Ren Shen 9 Strongly tonifies qi, reinforces yang, harmonises MJ
Bai Zhu 9 Strengthens SP, dries damp.
t Zhi Gan Cao 3 Tonifies SP. Harmonises formula
o Dang Gui 6 Tonifies the qi of blood, invigorates and harmonises blood
n Chen Pi 6 Regulates qi, tonifies SP, raises qi
i Sheng Ma 3 Lifting in nature. Raises yang, guides herb upwards
f Chai Hu 3 Lifting in nature, raises yang qi, relieves stagnation
y Lift qi and drain turbid yin. Dizziness, tinnitus, SOB, wea voice, shiny pale face, loose stool, pale tongue, frail pulse, SP/ST
qi xu. Can’t raise clear yang. Qi xu fever, spont. sweating, sinking of MJ qi, prolapse, haemorrhoid, uterine bleeding. SJZT
– – Fu Ling. No for fever from yin xu


Sheng Mai San
Tonify qi and yin

Ren Shen 9 Strongly tonifies yuan qi. Generates fluids with Mai Men Dong
Mai Men Dong 9 Directly nourishes LU and ST. clears heat from the heart.
Wu Wei Zi 3 Astringent. Restrains leakage of LU qi. Tonifies KD to restrain fluids
Severe damage to Qi and body fluids. Very useful in clinic. Originally for lurking heat in the LU. Cough without much
sputum, SOB, spont sweating, dry mouth, pale, dry tongue, rapid thin deficient pulse. Not for high fever or if still
external pathogen
Si Wu Tang
Shu Di 9-21 Tonify yin aspect of blood. With Bai Shao, nourishes LIV blood
Bai Shao 9-15 Tonify yin aspect of blood, calm LIV yang, alleviate pain
Dang Gui 9-12 Tonify yang or qi aspect of blood. Move blood
Tonify blood

Chuan Xiong 3-6 Tonify yang or qi aspect of blood. Move blood.

Building block for many blood tonifying formulas. Dizziness, blurred vision, pale complexion, palpitations, insomnia.
Irregular menstruation, pale tongue, thin, choppy pulse. Not for acute blood loss or severe weakness. Caution if damp.
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Si Wu Tang +
Hon Hua
Tao Ren
Blood invigorating. Blood regulating. Blood xu and stagnation. Menstrual pain with clotted blood
Ba Zhen Tang
Si Wu Tang + blood
Si Jun Zi Tang Qi
Tonify both qi and blood, LIV and SP xu. SOB, fatigue, low appetite, dizziness, palpitations, anxiety
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Ba Zhen Tang +
Huang Qi Strongly tonifies qi. Disperse blood and essence to whole body
Rou Gui Warms Mingmen fire. Enters blood vessels. Promotes circulation of blood.
Strongly tonifying. Qi and blood xu with tendency to cold. Palliative treatment or after surgery or severe illness
Gui Pi Tang
T Ren Shen 3-6 Tonifies SP, HT and yuan qi. With Bai Zhu, tonifies SP T&T function
o Long Yan Rou 9-12 Sweet. Tonifies HT and SP. Calm the spirit.
n Huang Qi 9-12 Tonifies blood and SP qi. With Dang Gui, nourishes blood. With Ren Shen for qi deficiency
i Zhi Gan Cao 3-6
f Bai Zhu 9-12 Strengthens SP and dries damp
y Dang Gui 6-9 Nourishes and harmonises blood
Fu Ling 9-12 Strengthens SP and harmonises MJ
q Mu Xiang 3-6 Revive SP. Prevent stagnation due to cloying effect of other herbs.
i Suan Zao Ren 9-12 Contraction. Couplet with Yuan Zhi
Sheng Jiang Assists in strengthening the SP
Yuan Zhi 3-6 Expanding. Coupled with suan zao ren
Da Zao Nourishes blood, calms shen
Spleen Qi & Heart Blood Deficiency. Augments qi, nourishes blood, strengthens SP, nourishes HT. Low appetite, loose
b stools, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations. SJZT + others

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Shu Di 240 Strongly enriches KD yin and essence and blood. With Shan Zhu Yu, nourishes KD yin and secure
jing, restrains urination and sweating
Shan Zhu Yu 120 Three Tonifying. Nourishes the LIV. Sour astringe essence. With Shan Yao, tonifies LIV and SP.
Shan Yao 120 Stabilise essence by tonifying SP.
Fu Ling 90 Drains damp from SP
Mu Dan Pi 90 Three Draining. Drains fire from the liver
Ze Xie 90 Drains excess fire from the KD
Classic Kidney-Liver Yin Deficiency. When using tonifying herbs also use draining herbs to drain pathogenic qi. Enriches
yin, nourishes essence of LIV and KD. LBP, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweats, emission, hot palms and soles, chronic sore
throat. Deficiency yin not restraining yang – floats up as deficient heat. Maybe thin mucus and phlegm. Caution SP xu.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
Liu Wei Di
Huang Wan+
Nourish and tonify the yin

Huang Bai Controls hyperactive yang and drains fire

Zhi Mu Clears heat, drains fire, enriches yin, moistens dryness, generates fluids
Yin Deficiency + Fire. Key: Flooding Chi pulses
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Modifications
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
+Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua. Dry eyes and eye problems due to yin xu
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
+ Sheng Di, Chai Hu, Dang Gui, Wu Wei Zi. Eye problems. Move blood. Nourishing.
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan
+Wu Wei Zi, Shi Chang Pu Ci Shi. Tinnitus – high pitched worse at night
Yi Guan Jian
Sheng Di 18-45 Nourish yin and blood, clear heat, cool blood. With GQZ, softens LIV by nourishing blood and KD
Gou Qi Zi 9-18 Nourish and tonify LIV and KD, nourishes blood and yin
Sha Shen 9 Nourishes ST and LU yin.
Mai Men Dong 9 Nourish ST and LU yin
Dang Gui 9 Nourish and invigorate blood
Chuan Lian Zi 4.5 Disperse constrained LIV qi and eases pain
Liver Yin Deficiency + Qi stagnation. Nourish yin and blood. Open constraint due to dryness. Yin xu + stag., or yin xu has
resulted from constrained heat due to qi stagnation. LIV not moistened due to LV blood and yin xu. Results in pain.
Hypo/epigastric/chest pain, dry mouth/throat, reflux, menstrual pain, abdominal muscles, lung consumption, wasting
and thirsting
Er Zhi Wan
Nu Zhen Zi Sweet, bitter and cool. Nourishes LV and KD. Clears deficiency heat, improves vision
Han Lian Cao Sweet, sour, cold. Nourishes LIV and KD yin. Benefits the essence, cools blood to stop bleeding
Liver & Kidney Yin Deficiency. Stop bleeding due to heat. Used alone or added to formulas. Weak, sore LB and knees, dry
mouth/throat, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia, premature greying/hair loss.
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
Liu Wei Di (Sheng Di). Replaces Shu Di to give moving action
Huang Wan +
Tonify yang

Zhi Fu Zi (Rou 30 Strongly moving. Tonifies source fire. Eliminate damp

Gui Zhi 30 (Rou Gui) warms the channels, unblocks vessels.
Gui Zhi promotes transformation in the BL
Kidney yang deficiency. Insufficient ming men Fire. Cold lower back, pain, weak legs, cold abdo – KD yang xu. Urinary
probs, oedema, panting, irritability. BL can’t constrain water or transform fluids. Not for Yin xu.
Er Xian Tang
Xian Mao 6-15 Warm KD yang. Tonify KD essence
Tonify yin and yang

Yin Yang Huo 9-15 Warm KD yang. Tonify KD essence. Also nourish KD yin. Holds ascending fire
Bai Ji Tian 9 Warm KD yang. Tonify KD essence
Huang Bai 4.5-9 Drain ascendant fire. Counterbalance hot qualities of other herbs. Particularly Xian Mao. Moistens
and nourishes blood and regulates Chong and Ren.
Zhi Mu 4.5-9
Dang Gui 9
Kidney Yin and Yang deficiency. Flaring of Ming Men Fire. Menopause of Chong and Ren channels. Hot flush, sweating,
irregular menstruation, hypertension, urinary frequency, depression, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, palpitations

Yu Ping Feng San

Stabilise exterior

Huang Qi 60 Tonify exterior aspect SP and ST, strengthen wei qi. Tonify LU to stop sweating
Bai Zhu 60 Assist Huang qi to strengthen SP, strengthen earth to generate metal
Stabilise and bind

Fang Feng 30 Expel exterior wind, moistening

Tonify Qi & stabilise Exterior. Strengthen wei qi, stop sweating. Aversion to wind, spont sweating, recurrent colds,
pale complexion, allergies. Not for excess patterns. * Can be in Tonify qi category.
Gu Chong Tang
Stop uterine bleeding. Pale thin blood, gushing or trickling. Weak KD leaking Chong.
Stabilise the

Wan Dai Tang


Stop discharge. Continuous discharge w. little or no smell. LIV/SP/Dai dysfunction

Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan

Sheng Di 120 Tonify yin, clear deficiency heat, tonify KD
Ren Shen 15 Assist HT qi
Nourish the heart (blood and yin), calm the spirit

Tian Men Dong 30 Tonify yin, clear deficiency heat

Mai Men Dong 30 Tonify yin, clear deficient heat
Xuan Shen 15 Tonify yin, clear deficient heat
Dan Shen 15 Nourish HT blood
Fu Ling 15 Assist HT qi
Yuan Zhi 15 Calm the spirit
Suan Zao Ren 30 Calm the spirit
Calm the spirit

Dang Gui 30 Nourish HT blood

Wu Wei Zi 30 Calm the spirit, prevent leakage of HT qi and fluids
Bai Zi Ren 30 Calm the spirit
Jie Geng 15 Direct herbs to chest
Zhu Sha Toxic. Shi Chang Pu instead
HT/KD not communicating. Enrich yin, nourish blood, clear heat, calm spirit. Exhaustion from too much thinking
which leads to yin and blood xu and restless mind. Tonifying first, calming spirit second. Contains Sheng Mai San-
tonifies qi and yin. Zeng Ye Tang – protects fluids.
Irritability, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, mouth/tongue sores, fever, night sweats, fatigue, inability to sleep,
forgetfulness. Caution: SP/ST xu
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Suan Zao Ren 12-18 Nourish LIV, calm the spirit, treats HT irritability. Tonifies the middle, and the LIV
Fu Ling 6 Calms, tonifies SP
Zhi Mu 6 Drains heat, preserve yin and fluids
Chuan Xiong 6 Regulates LIV blood – free flow, calms the spirit. Qi within blood
Gan Cao 3
LIV xu with blood xu, qi and blood stagnation and pathogenic fire. Deficiency irritability, insomnia, palpitations,
night sweats, dizziness, dry mouth and tongue, rapid, thin, wiry pulse. Caution: loose stools
SZR presentation: thin, dry skin, pale lips/nails, fatigue
Ding Zhi Wan
Ren Shen 90 Tonify deficient qi – generates fluids.
Fu Ling 90 Tonify deficient qi. Drains pathological fluids
Shi Chang Pu 60 Calm spirit. Warm, pungent
Yuan Zhi 60 Calm spirit. Disseminates, drains, unblocks, assists flow of HT qi. Guides KD qi downwards
HT qi xu with stagnation due to phlegm turbidity (phlegm obstructing HT). Deficient qi. Opens the orifices,
dislodges phlegm, calms spirit. Apprehension, easily frightened, worried, incessant laughter, palpitations,
forgetfulness, dizziness. Caution if blood or yin xu.

Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang

Chai Hu
Fu Ling Assists Ren Shen to tonify qi
Huang Qin Clears LU heat, drains fire, dries damp, calms ascending LIV yang
Long Gu Settles anxiety, calms the spirit, calms the LIV, anchors yang
Sedate and calm the sprit

Ban Xia Descends rebellious qi, drains damp, assists Chai Hu and Huang Qin
Mu Li Heavy. Settles and calm the spirit
Ren Shen
Da Huang Drains heat YangMing
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Problems affecting Three Yang Channels (TY, YM, SY). Not always all three. XCHT presentation with strong
emotional. (XCHT – Gan Cao). Strong formula for robust people. Sometimes Da Huang taken out because too
strong. Chest fullness, irritability, delirious speech, heavy body, tai yang, easily started, can’t rotate

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang

Ban Xia 9-12 Bitter, descending, transform phlegm, rebellious qi
Hou Po 9 Bitter, descending, transform phlegm, rebellious qi
Fu Ling 12 Transform phlegm
Sheng Jiang 9 Harmonise ST
Zi Su Ye 6 Builds towards throat. Regulate qi
Plum Pit Qi. Only for constrained qi and phlegm. Emotional, not if heat signs with flushed face, bitter taste
Regulate qi

Chai Hu Shu Gan San

Chen Pi (cu chao) 6 Assist Zhi Ke to regulate qi in ST and intestines to direct qi downward
* Chai Hu 9 (*= Si Ni San). With Chuan Xiong and Xiang Fu stop LIV constraint to stop pain
Chuan Xiong 4.5 Regulate qi and blood.
* Zhi Ke (chao) 4.5
* Shao Yao 4.5
* Zhi Gan Cao 1.5
Xiang Fu 4.5 Regulate qi and blood
Liver Qi Stagnation. Flank pain, stifling sensation in chest, sighing, suppressed emotions, frustration, easily angry,
belching, abdo distension and fullness, wiry pulse. Caution: Easily injures qi and yin

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang

*Tao Ren 12 * Dispel blood stasis and invigorate blood. Dispel stagnation especially in the upper body


*Chai Hu 3 Spread LIV qi, relieve stagnation

*Hong Hua 9 Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain
Jie Geng 4.5 Guide herbs up
*Dang Gui 9 Nourish, invigorate blood
Zhi Ke 6 Promote movement of qi, reduce distension and pressure, resolve hardenings
b b *Chuan Xiong 4.5 Invigorate blood, regulate qi, alleviate pain
l l *Sheng Di 9 Cool blood, clear hat
o o Chi Shao 6 Activate blood, dispel blood stasis, cleat heat, alleviate pain
o o Gan Cao 6
d d Chuan Niu Xi 9 Guide herbs down. With Jie Geng moves
, Move qi and blood. Heart blood stagnation, chest and diaphragm. Well known blood formula. Strong. Blood
stagnation can take a while to treat. Have a break then go back on the formula. Piercing chest pain, headache,
hiccup, depression palpitations, blood swings. Not during pregnancy.
s Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
p Chao Xiao Hui 12 Warm LIV/KD, expel cold, regulate qi, harmonise ST, alleviate pain
e Xiang
l Pao Jiang Warm middle, expel cold, expel W-D seeping into LJ
Yan Hu Suo 12 Invigorate blood, circulate qi, stop pain
s Dang Gui 15 Tonify blood and harmonise, regulate menses, disperse cold
t Chuan Xiong 9 Invigorate blood, move qi, expel wind, alleviate pain
a Mo Yao 6 Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain and swelling
s Rou Gui 6 Warm KD/SP/HT, strengthen yang and mingmen fire, disperse deep cold
i Chi Shao 9 Invigorate blood, clear heat, cool blood, relieve pain
s Pu Huang 17 Stop bleeding, astringes, invigorates blood, dispels stasis
Chao Wu Ling Zhi 12 Invigorate blood, dispel stasis, stop bleeding, alleviate pain
Blood stasis in the lower jiao. Warms and regulate menstruation. Palpable masses, and lower abdo pain without
palpable masses, frequent menstruation, dark purple blood usually with clots.

Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis

Wen Jing Tang

Wu Zhu Yu 9 Hot. Warms blood. Dispel blood stagnation, warms blood strongly
Mai Men Dong 9
Gui Zhi 6 Opens channels, moves blood
Mu Dan Pi 6 Move and cool blood
Dang Gui 6
Ren Shen 6
Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis

Chuan Xiong 6 Invigorate blood, regulate qi

Gan Cao 6
Shao Yao 6
Regulate blood

Sheng Jiang 6
E Jiao 6 Yin and blood tonic. (Non animal substitute potentially Gou Qi Zi)
Ban Xia 6
Chong & Ren deficient Cold, Blood Stasis. Commonly used. Warm the blood, move the blood, nourish yin. Goes to
the stomach. Chong and ST have a connection. Not for abdo masses due to blood stasis from excess. Mild,
persistent uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dark blood, extended flow, bleeding between periods, cold
and pain in lower abdo, infertility.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Gui Zhi 9-12 Warms. Can balance formula according to hot or cold
Fu Ling 9-12
Shao Yao 9-15 Adaptogenic.
Mu Dan Pi 9-12 Moves blood, cools
Tao Ren 9-12 Moves blood
Abdominal Masses. Number 1 for cysts, masses, fibroids. Moves blood but also deals with fluids. Resistance,
tenderness in lower abdomen on palpation, mass soft, moveable, painful to touch, heat plus cold signs, blood
stasis signs. Caution during pregnancy.

Xiao Feng San


Jing Jie 3 Release exterior. Calm itch

Shi Gao 3
Fang Feng 3 Release exterior
w a Zhi Mu 3
i n Niu Bang Zi 3 Release exterior
n d
Sheng Di 3 Counterbalance drying effect of formula
d Chan Tui 3 Release exterior
i Dang Gui 3 Address blood because wind often generated from blood xu or stag. Move blood.
s Cang Zhu 3 Dry
p Hei Zhi Ma 3 (Black sesame seeds)
e Ku Shen 3 Itch due to damp heat
r Gan Cao 1.5
e Mu Tong 1.5
Wind Rash. Wind trapped under skin causes itching. Damp blocking movement of blood. Weepy, itchy, red skin
e lesions, excema. Could also be external (allergy). Not qi and blood xu

Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Tian Ma 9 Descending
Chuan Niu Xi 12 Move blood and nourish KID
Pacify and extinguish internal wind

Gou Teng 12-15 Descending

Du Zhong 9-12 Assist strengthening of LIV and KID (not controlling liver yang)
Shi Jue Ming 18-24 Liver wind
Sang Ji Sheng 9-24
Zhi Zi 9
Ye Jiao Teng 9-30
Huang Qin 9
Fu Shen 9-15 Calming
Yi Mu Cao 9-12
Stirring of Liver Wind. Liver yang rising. Headache, migraine, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, insomnia,
dream disturbed sleep, numbness, twitching, spasms. Stagnation usually root cause. Not yin deficiency, doesn’t
have yin tonics (only Sang Ji Sheng).

Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang

Disperse and moisten dryness

Sha Shen 9 Moistening

Mai Men Dong 8 LU and ST fluids
Yu Zhu 6 Moistening
Sang Ye 4.5 Disperse and cool lung. Small dose
Tian Hua Fen 4.5 Cool and moisten, generate fluids, quench thirst
Bai Bian Dou 4.5 Gentle, strengthens SP, nourish fluids
Gan Cao 3
Treat dryness

Dryness injury to fluids. Lung and ST fluids depleted. Warm heat attack when LU and ST already deficient. Hacking,
dry cough, scanty sputum, fever, dry throat, thirst. Not for excess heat
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Bai He 4.5 Calming. Vegetarian hot and sour soup for insomnia
Enrich yin and

Bei Mu 4.5 Moistening. Loosens phlegm

Sheng Di 9
Jie Geng 2.4 Takes to the chest, lifting, clears some phlegm
Shu Di 9
Dang Gui 9 For cough and nourish blood
Mai Men Dong 4.5
Bai Shao 3 Nourish blood and yin
m Xuan Shen 2.4
o Gan Cao 3
Lung & Kidney Yin Deficiency. Nourish the fluids. Cough with blood tinged sputum, wheeze, dry sore throat,
chronic cough.
e Zeng Ye Tang
n Xuan Shen 30 Nourish yin, generate fluids, clear heat, cool blood, drain fire and moisten dryness.
With Sheng Di for excess or deficiency heat
d Mai Men Dong 24 Moisten the lungs, nourish yin, stop cough, nourish ST yin, generate fluids, moisten the
r intestines
y Sheng Di 24 Nourish yin, clear heat, cool the blood, generate fluids
n Generate fluids, moisten, nourish yin, unblock bowels, clear heat. Thirst, constipation due to yin xu, ying level
e heat.

Ping Wei San

Cang Zhu chao 120 (12- Dries damp, moves qi. Strengthens SP transform and transport
Transform damp, harmonise

Hou Po jiang chao 90 (9-12) Regulate qi. Moves qi, warming. When prepared with ginger – directs qi downwards

Chen Pi 60 (9-12) Regulate qi and harmonise ST. Assists Hou Po in descending qi and eliminating distension
Zhi Gan Cao 30 (3-6) Tonify SP, augment qi, harmonise other herbs
Ginger, dates Mildly harmonise SP and ST
Damp stagnating in MJ. Key symptom: Thick, white, greasy tongue coat. Cold damp/phlegm. Guide out obstruction
and open the qi dynamic. Dries damp, moves SP qi, harmonises ST. Distension, fullness, no appetite, heavy limbs,
fatigue, loose stools N/V. Not yin/blood xu.
Er Miao San
Expel damp

Huang Bai chao 9-12 Bitter, cooling, eliminates heat form LJ and dries dampness
Clear heat

Cang Zhu Zhi 6-9 Bitter, warm, focus on MJ. Addresses damp at its root. Dries damp to free up the SP and
warms SP to promote T&T
LJ Damp Heat. Pain in extremities, lower back, leg atrophy, red hot, swollen painful feet or knees. Add to other
formulas: Sheng Mai San/SJZT: qi xu. SWT: blood xu. Not for LU heat or LIV/KD xu. Si Miao San: add Yi Yi Ren and
Niu Xi. Atrophy, severe weakness, painful feet
Wu Ling San
Promote urination

Ze Xie 15 Leach damp and promote urination. Cooling to clear heat from constraint
Fu Ling 9 Assists eliminate damp. Tonifies SP
Zhu Ling 9 Assists eliminate damp. Tonifies SP
Bai Zhu 9 Assists SP T&T
Gui Zhi (or Rou 6 Warms Mingmen fire to assist KD and BL to transform fluids. Expel cold pathogens from the
Gui) surface
Strengthen SP, warms yang. Promotes water metabolism for excess damp and regulates qi. Headache, fever,
irritability, strong thirst, vomiting fluids, oedema, diarrhoea, SOB, cough, urinary difficulty

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang

Du Huo 9 Dispel wind damp. Expel cold. Bones and sinews
Dang Gui 6 Tonify qi and blood
Xi Xin 6 Dispel wind damp. Expel cold
Chuan Xiong 6 Qi and blood
Dispel wind damp

Fang Feng 6 Dispel wind damp. Expel cold

Sheng Di 6 Qi and blood
Qin Jiao 6 Dispel wind damp. Expel cold. Relax the sinews
Bai Shao 6 Qi and blood
Sang Ji Sheng 6 Tonify LV and KD. Expel wind damp
Ren Shen 6 Qi and blood
Du Zhong 6 Tonify LIV and KD, expel wind damp. Strengthens sinews and bones
Fu Ling 6 Qi and blood
Niu Xi 6 Tonify LIV and KD, expel wind damp. Guides down
Gan Cao 6 Qi and blood, tonifies middle qi
Rou Gui 6 Warms and unblocks channels. Strengthens yang. Addresses lower back pain, warms KD and
strengthens Mingmen fire, unblocks the channels
Chronic Bi syndrome. Chronic painful obstruction with KD and LIV xu and qi and blood xu. Heavy, painful lower back and
lower extremities, weakness, stiffness, immobility, aversion to cold, palpitations, SOB

Er Chen Tang
Dry damp, transform
Formulas that dispel

Ban Xia 15 Drains damp, expels phlegm, descends ST qi, reduces distention, thirst w/o desire to drink
Chen Pi 15 Regulate qi, revives SP, activates MH, dries damp
Fu Ling 9 Drain fluids, strengthen SP


Zhi Gan Cao 4.5 SP & qi

Principal Phlegm Formula. Base of other phlegm formulas. Cough, copious white sputum, stifling sensation in the
chest/diaphragm, qi stagnation from phlegm, palpitations, N/V, dizziness, ST phlegm. Not for yin xu cough.
Wen Dan Tang
Zhu Ru 6 Cooling. GB
Zhi Shi 6 cooling
*Ban Xia 6 *Er Chen Tang
*Chen Pi 9
*Fu Ling 4.5
*Zhi Gan Cao 3
Sheng Jiang, Da
Principal Phlegm Formula. Dizziness (damp), vertigo, N/V, possible seizures, insomnia, strange dreams,
palpitations, anxiety, timidity, hunger, focal distension in chest, bitter taste, slight thirst, possibly overweight,
greasy yellow tongue coat
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
*Ban Xia 18 Support SP, transform damp
Transform phlegm, extinguish wind

Tian Ma 9-12 Wind – descends. Dizziness

Bai Zhu 6
*Chen Pi 6 *Er Chen Tang
*Fu Ling 6
*Gan Cao 6
Sheng Jiang, Da Harmonise middle
Strengthen SP, drain damp/phlegm, soothe LIV. Dizziness, vertigo, headache – foggy, stifling sensation in chest,
N/V, copious sputum, SP xu – loose stool, distension, soft muscles, water retention, easy sweating. Strong phlegm.
Not for LIV yang rising vertigo or blood xu

Bao He Wan
Shan Zha 9 meat, fats. Even just as tea alone
Redcue food stagnation

Shen Qu 9 Alcohol, food

Lai Fu Zi 9 Grains. Radish seed prepared
*Chen Pi 9 *Er Chen Tang
*Ban Xia 9
*Fu Ling 9
Lian Qiao 9 For heat from stagnation
+ Mai Ya Starches, fruits
Popular Food Stagnation Formula, distension/fullness in chest, belching, reflux, N/V, possible diarrhoea, not long term use.

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