RTI Against Salaries To Imaams

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77, Khera Khurd, Delhi-110082 (BHARAT) R.N.I. REGISTRATION No.68496/97:

Price this issue: Rs. 2/- Yearly Rs. 100/-. Life member Rs. 1000/-.
Phone: Mob: +(91)9868324025

APPLICATION UNDER RTI ACT. Comments of Aryavrt Government highlighted

Sir, In year 2000, exercising my right of private defence, u/s 99 of the Indian Penal Code, I had demanded abolition of Azaan. A case FIR No. 110/2001 was registered against me. However, I was discharged by Ld. Shri Rajiv Mehra, ASJ, Tis Hazari, Delhi. A copy of Judgment dated 26-02-2005 is being attached with this application and is marked as (Annexure-RTI_1). As evident from the Annexure, I had made several representations to national as well as international authorities. In lieu of abolishing Azaan, the puppet judiciary has come out with asking the Governments to pay salaries to Imaams!

Salaries to Imaams

Supreme Court Asks Government To Pay Imaam Salaries

By Sanjeev Nayyar , October 2005 [ esamskriti@suryaconsulting.net]

Chapter : A friend of mine told me of a 1993 Supreme Court judgment that asked the Central & State governments to come out with a scheme for payment of salaries to Imaams. Having got for a copy of the judgment decided to reproduce it verbatim.

Salaries to Imaams


Summary - Imaams spend substantial time in mosques. Their most important duty is that of leading community prayer in a mosque the very purpose for which a mosque is created.

"People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped been already, it fell the day Muhammad was born." (Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson)
What the Indian Constitution stipulates? Below is the extract of the citizens' fundamental right. Aryans cannot be compelled to pay taxes for promotion and maintenance of any religious affairs. May kindly note. URL: http://lawmin.nic.in/legislative/Art1-242%20(1-88).doc

"PART III "FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS "--"27. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular any religion. religion.No person shall be compelled to pay any taxes, the proceeds of which are specifically appropriated in payment of expenses for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or religious denomination." Aryavrt Government seeks explanation from traitor Sonia and her puppet judiciary as to when the above Article 27 was amended? How the pettifogger judiciary dared to snatch citizens' fundamental right? I appeal citizens, peace and justice loving men, governments and saints to help Aryavrt Government to topple this traitor Government of Sonia. "Imaams, in charge of religious activities of the mosque had Imaams approached the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution for enforcement of fundamental right against their exploitation exploitation by

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Wakf Boards. They seek a direction to Central and State Wakf Boards to treat the petitioner as employees of the Board and to pay them base survive. wages to enable them to survive The Wakf Board says Imaams are not their employees do not have the resources to pay them. The right to life enshrined in Art. 21 means right to live with human dignity. In the above circumstances the Supreme Court issued the directions to the Union of India and the Central Wakf Board to prepare a Scheme within a period of six months in respect of different types of mosques." And what are those religious activities? Imaams literally shout in Arabic language on loud-speakers, "Allahu Akbar', and, "La Ilahlillallahu, Muhammadur Rasulallahu." The sentence literally means: Allah is almighty. 'Allah alone can be worshipped. Muhammad is his messenger'. Therefore, Azaan cannot be secular worship. sermons Imaams also deliver sermons i.e. Khutba. Listen patiently their sermons.

Reading Allahs orders out of the Korans 8th surah, Imaams preach: (These verses are taken directly out of Koran. Imaams need not interpret) 1. They ask thee (O Muhammad) of the spoils (booty) of war. Say: The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger, so keep your duty to Allah, and adjust the matter of your difference, and obey Allah and His messenger, if ye are (true ) believers. KORAN. Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1. And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! A fifth thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger and for the kinsman (who hath need) and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if ye believe in Allah and that which We revealed unto Our slave on the Day of

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Discrimination, the day when the armies met. And Allah is Able to do all things. KORAN. Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 41. 69. Now enjoy what ye have won, as lawful and good, and keep your duty to Allah ....KORAN. Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 69.

Peace and tranquility in Christianity and Islam!

O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will kill a thousand Infidels, for they are a people devoid of understanding. That is the math of terror. It is being made possible because infidels are ignorant of Islam. In addition, note how, the Koran defines Infidels. They are surely Infidels who say Christ, the Messiah is God. (5:72) Read how Allah recruits suicide bombers: "Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, you knew not." Al-Baqarah (Koran 2:216) Those who barter their life in this world for the next should fight in the way of Allah; whether he is killed or victorious, a glorious reward awaits. Urge the believers to fightto keep back the might of the Infidels. Seize them and kill them wherever they are. Muslims who sit idle are not equal to those who fight in Allahs Cause with their wealth and lives. Allah has exalted those, who fight for Islam.

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Now read the words of the Saudi ruling familys favorite Imaam, al Buraik. He is licensed Imam, hes atop the pecking order (social hierarchy). Prior to a telethon (a long television program usually to solicit funds for charity) hosted to enrich the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, this esteemed cleric said, I am against America. She is the root of all evils and wickedness on earth. Muslims, dont take Jews and Christians as allies. Muslim brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy or compassion on them, their blood, their money, or their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. Allah made them yours. Why dont you enslave their women? Why dont you wage jihad? Why dont you pillage (plunder) them? Do you suppose the licensed Saudi cleric was corrupting Islam too? Sorry. Its Allah who commands Muslims not to befriend Christians and Jews, for he wants them killed so he can use their bodies to stoke hells fires. O believers, do not hold Jews and Christians as your allies. They are allies of one another; and anyone who makes them his friends is one of them. Koran 5:51. As for those who deny Islam...they shall be the faggots for the Fire of Hell. Koran 2:10. Allah said, A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion. Koran 8:67. Therefore, Saudi Imaam has correctly interpreted Islams message. Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you
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inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before. Koran 33:26. I seek JUDGES' reply as to why are they protecting killers of Aryans and mosques? While Pakistani radical Muslim theorist Syed Abul Ala Maududi declared that "Islam requires the earth - not just a portion, but the whole planet - not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one Nation or several Nations and vested in one particular Nation, but because the entire mankind should benefit ... from 'Islam' which is the programme of well-being for all humanity, Jesus commands his sheep to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their ruler. Is it liberty? Maududi insisted that non-Muslims, although free to practice their "false, man-made way," have "absolutely no right to seize the reins of power in any part of God's earth or to direct the collective affairs of human beings according to their own misconceived doctrines." If they do, "the believers would be under an obligation to do their utmost to dislodge them from political power and to make them live in subservience to the Islamic way of life." PM Manmohan has granted first right upon the resources of Bharat to very human killers. With the support of the Indian Constitution Communists, Jehovah, Jesus and Allah claim monopoly to insult me and my Ishwar. Their scriptures command their followers to slay me, loot my belongings, rape my women before my own eyes and dash to pieces my infants. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) and (Koran 8:39; 9:5; 33:61 etc). Even the Indian Constitution [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution], [Article 39(c) of
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the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31] and the law of land, such as section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code aid, abet, harbour and defend them. I and my Ishwar deserve all abuses, because, I am slave of Jesuit, thief of Aamer Fort Booty, cow and man eater Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi, the super Prime Minister of hapless India, Pratibha, the lesbian and financial racketeer President of hapless India, pick pocket Manmohan, the Prime Minister of hapless India and the list is endless. My Ishwar has failed me. My Vedic culture that provides one and all liberty of faith (Gita 7:21) and Right to Property (Manusmriti 8:308) failed me. My ancestors failed me. I whole heartedly admit the fact. However, I got servility in legacy. Look! Jews, Democrats, Christians and Muslims adopted servility in lieu of booty and sex. They are defending their servilities of Jehovah and Allah shamelessly. Nay! They are ready for all sacrifices to defend their servilities. Humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still they do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their deities, clerics and rulers. They happily defend their servilities in lieu of booty and sex. My Ishwar fails on these counts. He provides liberty of faith (Gita 7:21) and Right of property (Manusmriti 8:308). Ishwar gives chastity and goddess status to women. I respect that culture, which worships women goddesses for nine days each twice a year. Leaving such a
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respecting culture, if the women depose faith in those gods, who command their rape and humiliation of all sorts, who can help them? I want to make it clear. I am not Hindu. My Ishwar does not support Purans. My Ishwar does not support rape of women, incest, assassination, genocide and servilities like fabricated gods command. The cases of Christians and Muslims are quite different. They do not dispute that their fabricated deities are criminals. They do not feel sorry that they have opted servility in lust of booty and sex. They come with excuse that their fabricated deities are criminals, because Hindus, who are their slaves, are criminals. They come with excuse that their Koran and Bible are manual for enslaving humanity, because Hindus' interpolated Purans are bad. They claim to be correct because their fabricated deities have corrupted and enslaved them. I am wrong because my Ishwar does not support servilities of any kind, honours property (Manusmriti 8:308) and faith (Gita 7:21) rights and respects chastity of women. Our children will ask 'what did our forefathers do', and their answer will be-they did nothing." The radical weakness of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as moral philosophies lie in their eradication of the individual conscience of humanity in favor of unthinking submission to the mere letter of revealed law. (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) and (Koran 5:101 and 102). The long cherished moral, liberty of faith, right to property, chastity and dignity of women are snatched in lieu of booty and sex. The Bible,
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Koran and Sunnah (example of Mohammed) stand above reason, conscience, or nature. A thing is right - including acts and laws abhorrent to "superseded" or "irrelevant" natural morality - simply because Jehovah, Jesus and Allah say so, or because the prophets have thus said or done. The lack of any pretense to a moral basis for Bible or Sharia (Islamic law) is open and explicit: there is no "spirit of the law" in Christianity and Islam, no rationality behind it for human reason to discover by exercising man's God- given intellect. There is no discernment of the consequences of deeds, and revelation and traditions must not be questioned. Nor may any other standard of good and evil - least of all any notion of "natural" justice such as that assumed by the founding documents of our Veds or Manusmriti - be invoked. Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic and Christian countries and punishment u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no rabbi, Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters
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where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem or Christian nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems. The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs. Secular Allah boasts for being a terrorist (Koran 8:12) permits incest (Koran 33:37-38). Secular Allah boasts that he deceives humanity, (Koran 9:3) assassinates humanity, (Koran 9:5) slays humanity, (Koran 8:17) dupes humanity, ambushes humanity, (Koran 9:3) robs humanity, (Koran 8:1) condones rape of women, (Koran 23:6) enslaves women, Children, and even his own worshippers, commits murder, (Koran 8:17) genocide, (Koran 8:39) sadistic tortures, terrorism, warmongering, (Koran 2:216; 8:65 and 67) etc. on the pretext that one does not worship Allah alone. Still Muslims claim that
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they are Seculars! Similarly, Secular Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Secular Jesus himself commands his sheep, But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me. Bible, Luke 19:27. Secular Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). And that Jesus has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49). This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the

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properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens? If one must be slain for worshipping false gods, why should one not be slain for worshipping butcher, incest monger, robber gods, who instigate and support murder, plunder, incest and rape of alien women? Aryavrt Government seeks answer. If those worshipping

other gods save Allah were killed, (Koran, The Prophets 21:98) why Muslims who worship criminal Allah be not killed? If those worshipping other gods than jealous Jehovah be killed, (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5) why those worshipping Jehovah and his alone son Jesus be not killed. These slaughters have advantage for humanity. These would provide right to property Manusmriti 8:308 and liberty of faith to human race and save honour and dignity of women. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30).
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (KORAN, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape
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alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free. These faiths have reduced one into worse than cattle of rulers. No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder, incest and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians. However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of ones choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308). Muslims do not hide their goal. In fact, Union of India wishes to eradicate Aryans. Below are the proofs:Islam must rule the world and until Islam does rule the world we will continue to sacrifice our lives, Al-Badr spokesman Mustaq Aksari, CNN September 19, 2001 headlines today! "If the things I'm doing is considered a crime, then let history be a witness that I am a criminal. Hostility toward America is a religious duty and we hope to be rewarded by God." Osama Bin Laden. The definition of Muslim given by Dr Rafiq Zakaria, an authority on Islam: A Muslim is one who declares publicly: There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Prophet. He must also accept that Muhammad is the last of Gods prophets on this earth..... A Muslim must also accept
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the Quran as the word of God, immutable and unalterable; it contains guidelines which a Muslim must follow. (Rafiq Zakaria, The Struggle within Islam Penguin Books, 1988, pp.302). And these criminals are seculars! These criminals, who vivisected Bharat, still are seculars!! These criminals are demanding Kashmir, still these criminals are seculars!!! These criminals are shouting Azaan and reciting Namaaz that Allah alone can be worshipped still, these criminal Muslims are seculars!!!! One may note that these fabricated religions have been invented to convert one like cattle of peasants. Vedic culture alone gives one freedom of faith (Gita 7:21) and right to property (Manusmriti 8:308). Would Aryans revive their human rights?

why Tell me, why should such mosques and Islam survive?
All are in league to annihilate their own buffer Vedic culture. No sooner, Vedic culture would be eradicated; human race would become extinct like dinosaurs. Aryans may note. Judges are guilty of denying the above facts and want Aryans to bring broad smile on their faces, while Allah and Jesus want to get Aryans killed. Why are Judges permitting such Allah and his mosques, from where Imaams preach the above messages, to exist? That the apex court observed in this very judgment, " right to life enshrined in Article 21 means right to live with human dignity." Do Aryans not see that Pakpita MK Gandhi has detained Christianity and Islam, who have divine command to slay Aryans? Both, Christianity
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and Islam abuse human dignities of Aryans and women. Nay! While Aryans Vedic Culture provided shelter to every faith, Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. Aryans are being punished by the very rouses, which migrated in Bharat. Aryans nation has been stolen by Pakpita MK Gandhi in 1947 and delivered to Christianity and Islam. Aryans are pushed into servilities of thieves, butchers and rapists. Only those cultures could survive, who migrated to Bharat. Rest became extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture. The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons. We must learn the doctrine of Christianity and Islam to survive. The doctrine is very clear that all forms of force and persuasion may and must be used to conquer aliens. Christianity and Islam is selfproclaimed enemy of non Christian nations and unbelievers. Intellectuals and artists are being abused since inception of Christianity & Islam. Indeed, the psychology of our intellectuals is exactly like the psychology of the abused wife, the sexually abused child or rape victim. Look at the parallels between the response of abuse victims and our intellectuals. See how violence has caused denial. What can be better evidence than Muhammad's cartoons?
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That Secularism and Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's,

Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure. When are you stopping Secularism and Multiculturalism? The victims deny that the abuse took place: Our media never reports the majority of jihad around the world. Our intellectuals don't talk about how all of the violence is connected to a political doctrine. The abuser uses fear to control the victim. What was the reason that newspapers would not publish the Muhammad cartoons? Salman Rushdie and Dr. Taslima Nasreen still have death sentences for their novels. Fear rules over intellectuals and artists. The victim is humiliated: White people and Jews will not talk about how their ancestors were enslaved by Islam. They would talk as to how they made inventions and were learned and honoured by the rulers. However, they would not tell that they were after all Dhimmies of Muslim rulers. No one wants to claim the victims of jihad. Why won't we claim the suffering of our ancestors? Why don't we cry about the loss of cultures and peoples? We are too ashamed to care. The victim feels helpless: "What are we going to do?" "We can't kill 3.3 billion people." No one has any understanding or optimism. No one has an idea of what to try. The only plan is to "be nicer." - 16 -

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We hate ourselves because we are mentally molested and abused. Our intellectuals and artists have responded to the abuse of jihad and mission just as a sexually abused child or a rape victim would respond. We are quite intellectually ill and are failing at our job of clear thinking. We can't look at our denial. The salient features of the whole Democracy are very perplexing. The eradication of Vedic culture, elimination of Bharat from World map and rape of women has purposely been linked with the sustenance, power, pelf and financial status of a public servant. Those responsible for protecting and informing the subjects have given priority to their financial well being over protecting their people, their own culture, their own infants, their own lives and chastity of their own women. Even media is scared and clueless. We were promised Ram Rajya and ended with Rome Rajya. We fought for independence and ended with the servility of rulers. No one is safe (Bible, Luke 19:27) and (Koran 8:39; 9:5; 33:61 etc) in Democracy. No worship place and culture can survive. [ (Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)] No one can retain property [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31] and chastity of no woman is safe under the dogmas of the Indian Constitution, [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution], Koran (Koran 23:6) and Bible (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). Even election is not for the rescue of citizens, because no voter can change either Article 29(1) or 39(c) or claim restoration of Article 31 of the Indian Constitution. Thus, one votes to decide as to who would
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plunder the subjects, whether Atal or Mulayam or Rahul or Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi or Mayavati? Citizens vote to agree as to under whose regimen one's properties would be usurped, one's women would be raped and one would be slain! Although, the nation has switched to open economy, however, the property still belongs to society. There is no amendment in Art 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and Art. 31 have already been omitted. Which governor, MP, congressman or military leader displays knowledge of the political doctrine of Christianity and Islam? Try to find a course available in any college about Christian and Islamic political doctrine and ethics. Graduates are schooled in Christian literature, Science, Engineering, Islamic art, architecture, poetry, Sufism, and a glorious history that ignores the suffering of the innocent unbelievers. Graduates read comments about the Koran and Hadith, but do not read the actual doctrine. Mohammed killed every single intellectual or artist who opposed him. It was fear that drove the vast majority of the media not to reprint the Mohammed cartoons, not some imagined sensitivity. Fear is a fabulous basis for ignorance, but that is not enough to explain it all. What accounts for the almost psychotic aversion to knowledge about Islam? Beyond fear is the realization that political Islam is profoundly foreign to Aryans.

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Let's examine the ethical basis of our civilization. All of our politics and ethics are based upon a unitary ethic that is best formulated in the Golden Rule: 'Treat others as you would like to be treated.' The basis of this rule is the recognition that at one level, we are all the same. We are not all equal. Any game of sports will show that we do not have equal abilities. But everyone wants to be treated as a human being. In particular, we all want to be equal under the law and be treated as social equals. On the basis of the Golden Rule -- the equality of human beings -- we have created democracy and treat women and men as political equals. So the Golden Rule is a unitary ethic. All people are to be treated the same way. Vedic culture alone has some version of the Golden Rule. The term "human being" has no meaning inside of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There is no such thing as humanity, only the duality of the believer and unbeliever. Look at the ethical statements found in the Hadith. A Muslim should not lie, cheat, kill or steal other Muslims. But a Muslim may lie, deceive or kill an unbeliever if it advances Islam. Those, who do not accept Jesus their ruler must be slain in front of Jesus. There is no such thing as a universal statement of ethics in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jews, Christians and Muslims are to be treated one way and unbelievers another way. The closest Christianity and Islam come to a universal statement of ethics that the entire world must accept Jesus their ruler or submit to Islam. After Mohammed - 19 -

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became a prophet, he never treated an unbeliever the same as a Muslim. Islam denies the truth of the Golden Rule. By the way, this dualistic ethic is the basis for jihad. The ethical system sets up the unbeliever as less than human and therefore, it is easy to kill, harm or deceive the unbeliever. Since Christianity and Islam have dualistic logic and dualistic ethics, both are completely foreign to Aryans. Christians and Muslims think differently from Aryans and feel differently from Aryans. So Aryans aversion is based upon fear and a rejection of Christianity and Islamic ethics and logic. This aversion causes Aryans to avoid learning about Christianity and Islam, so Aryans are ignorant and stay ignorant. Jews don't want to acknowledge the history of political Christianity & Islam, because they were dhimmis, second class citizens or semislaves, just like the Christians. Jews like to recall how they were advisors and physicians to powerful Muslims, but no matter what the Jew did or what position he held, he was still a dhimmi. There is no compromise between being equal and being a dhimmi. Talk any Arya abused with Hindu name. He would never mind that Muslims abuse him from their mosques. He has no shame of slavery and the destruction of temples and cities? The practice of suttee, the widow throwing herself on the husband's funeral pyre, came about as a response to the rape and brutalities of the Islamic jihad as it sweep over ancient Hindustan.

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Blacks don't want to face the fact that it was a Muslim who rounded up their ancestors in Africa to wholesale to the white slave trader. The Arab is the true master of the African. Blacks can't accept the common bond they share with whites: that both Europeans and Africans were slaves under Islam. Blacks like to imagine Islam is their counterweight to white power, not that Islam has ruled them for 1429 years. Dualistic logic. Dualistic ethics. Fear. Shame. There is no compromise. These are the reasons Aryans don't want to know about Judaism's, Christianity's and Islam's political history, doctrine or ethics. Those who are paid to keep us informed have put their popularity and financial well being ahead of saving lives. How can Judges suppose Islam could be any different than the religion concocted by its sole prophet, Muhammad? How could the Christianity & Islam differ from the doctrines espoused by their deities named Jehovah and Allah? If their prophets, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad got Christianity & Islam wrong, who can set Christianity & Islam right? I am quoting the verses of Koran and Bible. If the same horrify Christians and Muslims, they have to blame their Bible, Koran, Moses, Muhammad, Jehovah, Allah and their clerics. I simply want to expose Christianity and Islam. I am a reporter. I am doing the job that media should have done centuries back. I want to save women from Christianity & Islam, Muslims from Islam and Christians and Jews from Jehovah. Thereby I want to save women, Christians and Muslims men from the scourges of fabricated Jehovah and Allah.

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Todays Jihadists and Missionaries are simply following their religions fabricated by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Even after confronted with the evidences, one simply commits intellectual suicide to avoid seeing Christianity & Islam as complicit in Jihad and Mission. The truth is crystal clear. The Jihadists and Missionaries have not corrupted their religions. Christianity & Islam have corrupted them. The murderers are following their prophets example. And while most Christians and Muslims are not Mujahids and Missionaries, all the really good Christians and Muslims are. Human races have been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, Aryans' Vedic culture forbids slavery, loot, rape and conversion. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims. While my above quotations from Koran attracted action u/s 153/295 of the Indian Penal Code, no Imaam is arrested for preaching the above commands of Allah. I have right to know as to why is there discrimination? Why Governors fail to grant sanction of prosecution of
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Imaams for their crimes u/s 153/295 Indian Penal Code vides section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code? Do Judges know? The Islamic warlords who rule Saudi Arabia were enthroned by the British, by way of reward. The Britons bribed them to fight against their Muslim brethren, the Ottoman Turks, in the World War I.

The official English Koran bears the stamp of the Fahd Foundation. It writes below surah 2:190, Jihad is holy fighting in Allahs Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad, Islam is established, Allahs Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad, Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He, who tries to escape from this duty, dies with one of the qualities of a hypocrite. There is nothing peaceful about Islam. Islams dogma breeds ruthless killers. At her direction, Muslims will continue to terrorize the world until non-Muslims are no more in contrast of your touted peace. Why should we tame their killers? Koran 61:4 Surely Allah loves those who fight in His Cause. Ishaq:300 I am fighting in Allahs service. This is piety and a good deed. In Allahs war I do not fear as others should. For this fighting is righteous, true, and good.

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Koran 47:4 When you clash with the unbelieving Infidels in battle (fighting Jihad in Allahs Cause), smite their necks until overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Thereafter either generosity or ransom (them based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burdens. Thus are you commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam.
Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth isnt hidden, nor is it hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we dont retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races. Non-violence is imposed upon Aryans alone through [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution]. Imaams are abusing Ishwar and Vedic Culture, thus committing crimes u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code with immunity of Section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Now judiciary has ruled that they would get salary to abuse Aryans. Judges are extorting money from litigants with immunity u/s 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Like Nazis rolling into Poland following the peace process in 1930's Europe, the perpetrators of Islamic terror and Christianity's Mission are inflamed by violent and racist doctrines.
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The doctrines are 'Fight them (non-Muslims) until persecution is no more and the Religion of Allah reigns supreme.' (Koran 8:39) and But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me. Bible, Luke, Chapter 19 Verse 27. Both have agenda, and Aryans are ignorant of it. If Aryans do not retaliate, humanity would finish. When would Aryans abolish Christianity and Islam?

The Christian world is itching for the moment to start a conflagration of total annihilation- what they call "Armageddon" in Palestine. No Armageddon, then no second coming of Christ! They are obsessed with this devilish thought of human carnage so staggering that the loss of human life and limb of the 1st and the 2nd World Wars combined would seem like picnic parties. The Jews do not believe in the Christian story of Jesus coming into the clouds to draw all surviving believers to himself in mid air and into eternity, but this Christian frenzy to bring about a quick return of Christ suits the Jews in gaining blind Christian support for Israel. [Arabs and Israel: Conflict or conciliation? , Ahmad Deedat] Islam, the most recent of the three faiths, was preached by Muhammad, who came to unite all the earlier faiths preached anywhere in the world since Adam. To him, whether one is a Jew or a Christian did not matter, because all true faiths come from One God. What he (Muhammad) most strongly opposed was idolatry, as it has been opposed by all prophets of God since the beginning of human civilizations. Muslims are taught to convey this Truth to all people on
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earth in a most peaceful manner (?) through words. Aryans are idolaters. How would you save them in view of the above dogma? Jihad the most misunderstood term in Islamic context is equated with Terrorism in today's world. Sooth Sayers say, "The Warfare/Qitaal is ordained upon Muslims in situations of self-defense to guard oneself (Who was killing Muhammad in Badr?). It is not prescribed for conversion purposes. [What (Koran 33:61) says?] Muhammad was the descendant of Abraham's eldest son Ishmael through Hagar/Hajra. Being an Arab, Muhammad received the Book Quraan in Arabic. Muslims believe that the religious Scriptures of Jews and Christians have been perverted by human hands. Muslims also refuse to call Jesus as the Son of God. Muslims believe in Jesus but assuming him to be a Prophet of God and not God himself. Jews and Christians refuse to accept Muhammad as a true Prophet of God. This is the conflict and this is the rivalry among the three monotheistic faiths of our world. That by defying death, accepting murder, plunder and rape of women sure path of paradise and butchering non-Christians, Christians made Christianity the world's largest religion and Muslims made Islam the world's second largest religion, now the biggest threat to world peace and the survival of human race. Why is it important to know Muhammad and Jesus? Because over two billion Christians
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have relinquished their manhood to become wisdom less sheep (Bible, Genesis 2:17) ready to slay one, who does not accept Jesus one's ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27) and over 1.3 billion Muslims try to imitate Muhammad and do as he did. Consequently, the insanities of these men are bequeathed to all their followers. It is by understanding them that we can see through them, and be able to predict these unpredictable people. We live in a dangerous time. When over a half population of humanity worships psychopaths, eulogize suicide bombing and thinks killing and martyrdom are ultimate sources of paradise, the world becomes a dangerous place. When these people acquire atomic bomb, the earth becomes a powder keg. America had done it in Japan and is now contemplating the same around the world. When are you going to ban Christianity and Islam? That Christianity and Islam are cults. It is time to wake up and realize that these cults are threat to humankind and there can be no co-existence with Muslims and Christians. As long as Muslims and Christians believe in Muhammad and Jesus, they are a threat to others and even to themselves. Muslims and Christians must leave their Christianity and Islam, discard their cultures of hate and join the rest of humankind as fellow humans, or non-Muslims and nonChristians must separate themselves from them, ban Christianity and Islam, end the immigration of Muslims and Christians and slay those, who plot against humanity and refuse to integrate. Christianity and Islam are incompatible with humanity and morality. These are warring creeds {(Koran 2:216 and 8:65) and (Bible, Matt 10:34 and Luke
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12:49) that use democracy to destroy humanity and to establish itself as a worldwide dictatorship. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization and a world disaster, is to expose the fallacies of Christianity and Islam and demystify them. Muslims and Christians must be weaned from Christianity and Islam for humanity to live in peace. When are you going to ban Christianity and Islam? That Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. They are alive, because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner, Vedic culture would be eradicated; Jews and Muslims would be eradicated within short time. This is because of the fact that with all his might the so-called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights? The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor
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Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race. When would you protect citizens' women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) That we must learn the doctrine of Christianity and Islam to survive. The doctrine is very clear that all forms of force and persuasion may and must be used to conquer aliens. Christianity or Islam are selfproclaimed enemies of non Christian nations and unbelievers. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. Governments are taxing Citizens to save their life and properties. When would Governments perform their duties? That the dualism of Democracy, Christianity and Islam are more deceitful and offers two choices on how to treat the people of alien faiths. The people of alien faiths may be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well after enslaving their cattle. So Democracy, Christianity and Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the person of alien faith a "brother" or a friend. When would you get citizens rid of Christianity and Islam? Any cleric is free to impose FATWA upon me. But, would such FATWA help Islam protect Muslims from scourge of Christianity? Would even Christians and Muslims get their promised liberty? Would humanity survive?
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I feel pity for the Aryan officers, Christians and Muslims who have no shame that they are serving notorious criminals and are ever ready to commit suicide for their sustenance. I suggest them not to fall prey to democracy, Christianity and Islam. They must resign from their posts and relinquish their faiths if they have least moral. They may join Aryavrt and serve the humanity. Revive your liberty and moral values.
Join Vedic Panth. While I had been 42 times in police lockups/Judicial custody for bringing the above truths, exercising my legal right as provided in section 99 of the Indian Penal Code, not a single offender Imaam has been arrested for preaching commands of Allah from his mosque. For the facts and law discussed above, kindly inform me as to when Christianity and Islam would be abolished from Bharat? I have Malegaon charge sheet in hand. There is sanction letter of Chitkala Jutshi. I am reproducing the extract,

"In furtherance of the criminal conspiracy hatched by arrested and wanted accused persons, the arrested accused at Sr. No. 1 knew that GL-05-BRher LML Freedom Motor cycle vide No. GL-05-BR-1920 was being used by the wanted accused person at Sr. No. 1. The wanted accused at Sr. No. 1 had knowingly not only erased the chassis and engine number but also used bogus registration number vides MH-15 P-4572 MH- Pof LML Freedom Motor cycle. This fact is emerged in a statement of one of the witnesses."
Sanction letter reveals that the Chassis No and Engine No of the motor cycle have been erased. Who should get benefit of doubt?
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Inform me as to when are you withdrawing the prosecution?

I am attaching (Annexure-RTI_2) i.e. sanction letter, in which Madam Chitkala Jutshi has sanctioned prosecution of Malegaon victims that we have established Abhinav Bharat in year 2007 to propagate a separate Hindu Rashtra. In fact this is not Hindu Rashtra. This is Aryavrt. The concept is not new. Aryavrt was revived by me in 1993 after my first arrest in Delhi. We, Aryans, do not believe in demolition of worship places. As quoted above these are the virtues of Christianity and Islam. Sonia is scared of our concept of Aryavrt Government. We have our His Majesty king. We have still to enthrone His Majesty. His Majesty would provide universal freedom of faith and right to property, irrespective of faith. Today, the whole Bharat is under the dictatorship of Sonia through her nominated Congress Chief Ministers and Governors. Every citizen is her sheep without wisdom. (Bible, Genesis 2:17). Human races, including Christians and Muslims, are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, and Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly. When are you relinquishing such democracy?

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How the autocracy of Sonia operates?

These days Governors are elected by Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi. Governors are not elected by people. Yet they appoint and terminate Chief Ministers, Ministers and MLAs and even the whole Governments elected by people. That is fraud in the garb of Democracy! The Governors serve, these days, on the pleasure of Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi. Sonia has divine command to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king. This right is sponsored by the Indian Constitution. Sonia is attaining her mission through these hired Governors. Governors are armed with some draconian laws of the land. Among those laws, three have made human life hell viz. Sections 196, 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code and Section 80 of the Civil Procedure Code. Vide Section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code Governors insure that no action could be taken against Muslims and Christians, who burn the Indian Constitution and national flag, commit genocide, usurp lands and properties of citizens, rape women and demand vivisection of Bharat. However, no sooner citizen protests against Bible and Koran or the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, Governors immediately slap sanction under very section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. No judge of the so-called independent judiciary can initiate prosecution against criminal Christians and Muslims without sanction under section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

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Judges extort 'BHENT', Police books innocents in false cases and revenue officers interpolate revenue records yet Governors do not sanction prosecution against any erring public servant under section 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code, as long as the public servant shares the booty with Governors. Christians hounded Reangs out of Mizoram. Muslims hounded Kashmere Hindus out of Kashmir. Both are usurping women, lands and properties of Reangs and Hindus in the full knowledge of National Human Rights Commission as well as the apex court, who took suo motu cognizance in Zahira and Bilkis cases of Gujarat. Democracy is for name sake in India. There is complete autocracy of Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi in India. Governors are being chosen today by Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi. They cannot speak a single word of their own. Whoever takes oath of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, literally accepts that Aryans, nick named as Hindus by Muslims, meaning the resident of Hindustan, thief, robber, slave, black and by Christians as barbaric invaders, who came from middle Asia, cannot have any nation. Aryans' civilization is savage. Vedic culture must be replaced either with Islamic or Christian culture. Aryans' Vedic culture is caste based barbaric culture that exploits poor and low caste persons on the ground of caste. Krishna among Aryans Gods are killers, thieves, sexy, assassins and cheats. However, Jesus, who snatches manhood from his followers to reduce man into sheep, whose father Jehovah commands Christians to dash infants to
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pieces, rape women of non Christians before the eyes of the men of victim women, (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) commands Christians to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king, (Bible, Luke 19:27), who came on the earth to bring fire (Bible, Luke 12:49) and sword (Bible, Matt 10:34) and who came on the earth to divide every Christian family (Bible, Matt 10:35) and (Bible, Luke 12:51-53), is kind and peace loving God. Similarly, Allah, who slays (Koran 8:17), supports incest (Koran 33:37-38), owns and distributes booty (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) and condones rape of women (Koran 23:6) is merciful god. "This makes me very sad. I wish that I could believe that Islam can be reformed and that Muslims could be convinced to stop imitating the jihadist Mohammed, obeying the Medinan Koran and killing kafirs. Look at the results. Mao was responsible for the deaths of 77,000,000 people, Stalin killed about 62,000,000 and Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 21,000,000. And for the last 1400 years those who imitate Mohammed and follow the Koran of Medina, have killed over 2,700,000,000 kafirs. If you could bring about a reform that would negate this effect, you and your work would be the greatest blessing to humanity in written history." Warner: During symposium. This predator and pirate Indian Constitution has, with its compilation, snatched the chastity, dignity and honour of women, (Koran 23:6) and (Bible, Isaiah 13:16), the freedom to worship [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] read with (Azaan and Koran 21:98) and right to property [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31]

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(Bible, Luke 19:27) and (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) from Aryans i.e. Hindus since November 26, 1949. Pratibha, the lesbian and financial racketeer President of hapless India and the State Governors are armed with Sections 80 Civil Procedure Code, 196 and 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code to defend corrupts, extortionists, grafters, assassins and rapists to ensure genocide of Aryans. President and Governors are helplessly protecting assassins, robbers and rapists to eradicate Aryans as such are culprits punishable u/s 108 of the Indian Penal Code. No judge can take cognizance against Azaan, Koran and Bible under the very section 196. Police THAT cannot arrest Muslim Imam, who shouts Azaan and thus insults Ishwar and Vedic culture, are deputed to protect Muslims, who abuse non-Muslim faiths and incite communal violence. No Police can be prosecuted under the section 197. With the compilation of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, by the Britons' Congress party, citizens of India have lost their right of life and liberty of faith vides Article 29(1) and right upon their properties vides Article 39(c) since November 26, 1949. No one is safe (Bible, Luke 19:27) and (Koran 8:39; 9:5; 33:61 etc) in Democracy. No worship place and culture can survive. [(Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)]. No one can retain property [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31] and chastity of no woman is safe under the dogmas of the Indian Constitution, [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] Koran (Koran
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23:6) and Bible. The property right, provided to the citizens vides Article 31 of the Indian Constitution, which could not be snatched even by Britons and constitution committee, was snatched through the first amendment of the Indian Constitution, by the dreaded parliament in collusion with corrupt extortionist judiciary of that Democracy, whose proceedings start with the extortion of Rs. five towards 'Bhent'. Judiciary is such a criminal terrorist, against which the humanity has no forum to complain (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951).

Democracy Verses Kingdom

There was a king named, Ashwapati of Kaikeya Kingdom. He told,

"N me Steno janpade n kadarpo n madyapo. "Nanahitagnirnavidvan n swery swarini kuth?"

Chhandogyopnishad, pancham prapathak, ekadash khand 5th Sloka. There is no thief, no miser, no alcoholic and no unlearned person in my nation. There is no such person who eats without Havan. There is no EROTIC man in my nation as such there cannot be EROTIC woman. Media may declare the above quotation, lore of shepherds. Nevertheless, how can she ignore Macaulay?


EXTRACTS OF LORD MACAULAY'S ADDRESS TO THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT ON FEBRUARY 2, 1835. "I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is
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good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominant nation." Look! In spite of protracted attack, murder, demolition of worship places, rape of women and plunder by Muslims since 712 A. D., Aryans were spiritually, morally and economically rich. Bharat was golden bird until 1835 A. D. No sooner Aryans lost their morals, they lost everything. Tell me who is more lethal; the culture of Tadka defended by Hamid Ansari or the culture of Putanaa represented by Antonia? Christians were rulers as such they are directly responsible for bankruptcy as well as immorality of Bharat. I have quoted Macaulay above. Until 1835 A.D. there was no thief and beggar in Bharat. Christianity is the culprit for nation's miseries. Christianity and Islam must vacate Bharat. When Britons transferred their right to rule upon Bharat, they left Rs. 155 crores in coffer without any debt. Now, Bharat is in debt trap of more than Rs. 6 lacs crore. This staggering amount is in spite of extortion of 98% income tax, 345% Customs duty, abolition of Zamindari, imposition of sales tax, stealing of Gold from citizens, control of foreign exchange, nationalization of banks, industries, mines, services like Rail, Postal, Road transport, communications etc. The citizens as well as nation became bankrupt. Would you still like this dreaded Democracy? When would you abolish Democracy for survival of humanity? Look! Still today English culture could not dominate. Still even Christian families of Bharat do not revere virgin mothers. Still today, our unmarried daughters do not get pregnant during their studies before the age of 13 years. Our Governments do not distribute contraceptive tablets in schools to girls. Still today, we have Nanas, Nanis, Mamas, Mamis, Buas, Foofas, Mausis and Mausas. Sonia is yearning to achieve her mission. Our Government yet did not permit Gay and Lesbian marriages. Now Sonia's puppets of Delhi High Court have legalized gay & lesbian marriages. Apex court CJ Balakrishnan has refused to interfere! Now is the turn of virgin mothers. Now, the puppet CJ Balakrishnan would grant reward to virgin mothers. When would you hound these Missionaries out of Bharat else Missionaries would devour you and your Vedic culture? Does it not look mockery that those Muslims who came first to rule upon Aryans viz. residents of Hindustan, thieves, robbers, slaves, and blacks;
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thus accepted Aryans the resident of Hindustan; became owners of Hindustan and were given two Pakistans to rule upon Aryans land and those Christians who declared Aryans invaders transferred their right to rule and left Bharat? Nay! These Muslims told us that they are different nations and cannot reside with the Kafir Hindus! Why are you not questioning their illegal stay in Bharat? The Muslims are your killers and rapists of your women. Their Allah has condoned them for raping your women. (Koran 23:6). Sadhvi Pragya, Jagatguru Amritanand and others are victims for opposing Christianity and Islam and yearning for self-rule, which would ultimately benefit even Muslims and Christians. Vedic culture would inculcate moral among Muslims and Christians too. When would you abolish Christianity and Islam?

Un touch ability, Scheduled caste and below poverty line.

We, Vedic Panthies, are very clear that a society or religion without moral cannot survive. We have long cherished opinion that if wealth is gone - nothing is gone. If health is gone - half is gone. However, if character and moral is gone, everything is gone. As long as there was Varn Vyavstha, un touch ability, caste system, Bharat had high morals, was golden bird, without any beggar or thief. Christianity breeded poor, corrupts, thugs, thieves, cheats etc. as such must go. When are you reviving moral values among citizens? Governors must sanction prosecution of Imaams u/s 196 of the CrPC, else one must treat them as criminals committing crimes u/s 108A of the Indian Penal Code. Mosques, wherefrom hatred is incited on the basis of faiths, must be demolished. Koran and Bible that breed immorality and incite enmity of the ground of religion must be proscribed. Would you do the needful?

http://www.reformation.org/jesuit_oath_in_action.html Jesuit Sonia has promised as under, "I (Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi) furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage
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relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus." Choice is yours. Aryavrt Government is committed to provide one right to property and freedom of faith. On the other hand Jesuit Sonia is here to slay you. With whom are you?
Judges are in fix. If they need sustenance, power and pelf, they have no choice than submitting to cow and man eater Sonia. Constitutionally they have to deliver their women to Muslims and Christians to be raped. The booty, which they are accumulating, would be snatched from them. [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31]. They cannot have their nation. Their culture would be eradicated either by Christianity or by Islam. And note! They cannot fight this war of survival. They can help me only in clandestine way. If they won't they can't survive. "Asian Age article dated October 5, 2005. Imaams across the country
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are in for a surprise bonanza of up to Rs 3 lakhs each in the form of arrears. The Imaams leading the prayers in these mosques are eligible for arrears, with the Delhi high court recently recognizing that arrears have accrued to the Imaams since the 1993 of the Supreme Court. The Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Waqb Board to give a schedule of payment of arrears by October 24. The 1993 SC judgment ruled that the Imaams would be paid salaries and directed the Centre and Central Waqf Council to prepare a scheme for payment of salaries within 6 months. The salaries scheme was submitted on 5.1.1996, during the tenure of the P.V. Narasimha Rao government. The Supreme Court on February 3, 2003 directed that waqf tribunals should be set up in the states so that Imaams in each state could move the respective tribunals for settling disputes over salaries. However, salaries were not paid. It was against this background that the Delhi High Court recognized that arrears have accrued since 1993. thoughts. "Friends some thoughts If India is a secular state and being secular means separation of state from religion why must the Courts get involved in what is purely a religious matter, a dispute between the Imaams and Waqf Board. Some of you might argue that temple priests in Tamil Nadu and perhaps states like Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh get salaries from the state government so what is wrong in the State paying salaries to Imaams. There is a key difference. Temple collections go to state government coffers unlike mosque collections, which go to the Wakf Board or are part of the mosque funds. In a recent article titled Nationalization of Hindu Temples Sandhya Jain wrote. In 2002, Karnataka received Rs. 72 crores as revenue, returned Rs. 10 crores for temple maintenance, and granted Rs. 50 crores for madrasas and Rs. 10 crores for churches. (Daily
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Pioneer, October 7, 2003.). In her article Sandhya Jain missed two very important points. First, she is woman. Secular Christianity and Islam would rape her at the earliest available opportunity. And the second as per the stipulation of the Indian Constitution, either Allah (Azaan, Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jehovah alone can be worshipped. Jesus alone can be ruler of the world. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Below I am giving references from Koran, Bible and the Indian Constitution. Note! No judge can dare to ignore these!

Status of Women in Democracy, Islam, Christianity and Vedic Culture

Extracted from Bible Deuteronomy/ Chapter 20 / Verses 13 and 14 13. When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. Extracted from Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah/ Chapter 13 / Verses 15-16. (13:15-16) 15. Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who is caught will fall by the sword. 16. Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their own eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives ravished. Special Note: Check the meaning of ravish in the dictionary.
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That is not end. There are verses in Koran like above quotation from Bible, to prove the points. Koran 2:223. Your women are a tilth for you .... The sons are legitimate owners of the tilth of fathers. Do Muslims intercourse with their mother? Similarly Koran exhorts Muslims for war 2:216, legitimates booty (Koran 8:1 and 41) and the rape of women of others (Koran 4:24 and 33:50). Nay! Koran teaches treachery with motherland 2:255 Koran 23:06-05-07 5. Who guards their modesty. The very Koran of Fahd reports in the footnote, The Muslim must guard himself against every kind of sex abuse or sex perversion. The new psychology associated with the name of Freud traces many of our hidden motives to sex, and it is common knowledge that our refinement or degradation may be measured by the hidden workings of our sex instincts. But even the natural and lawful exercise of sex is restricted to the marriage bond, under which the rights of both parties are duly regulated and maintained. Extracted from the Koran of King Fahd, the custodian of two mosques Mecca and Madinah. See Koran Surat 70 verses 29 and 30 also. 6. Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond or (the captives) whom their right hand possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame. 7. But those whose desires exceed Those limits are transgressors:Salaries to Imaams

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The above dogmas have full support of the Indian Constitution, URL: http://www.constitution.org/cons/india/p03029.html

"PART III "FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Cultural and Educational Rights

29. Protection of Interests of Minorities-(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territories of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script, or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same. The one of the real meanings of CULTURE as mentioned in Webster Dictionary is, ' the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group'

Status of women in Vedic culture

Vedic culture Provides supreme authority and goddess status to women. No Muslim visits his worship place named mosque at the time of marriage! Although their own cousins named Christians, visit their Churches at the time of marriage. Vedic culture alone has goddess of wealth named Lakshmi, goddess of knowledge named Saraswati (to whom Muslims hate). Has Islam any woman goddess? Women must note that they are breeding their own enemies. The home which they build for years, give birth to children i.e. the enemies
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of human race, who either cry Namaaz if male, or breed female who again breed their own enemies, are being thrown out of their very home with the recitation of 'TALAK' thrice in this very Bharat. They have no forum to get even maintenance! They live under protracted fear of Talak.

Do you know that you wont survive? Humanity is victim of Allah, Jesus, the only son of Jehovah and Democracy. Either one does not worship Allah alone (Namaaz and Koran 21:98) or does not accept Jesus ones ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27), as such Christians and Muslims are religiously and constitutionally right in murdering their common enemy Aryans because Aryans do not want Jesus to be their king and waged war since 1857 against British rule and they do not worship Allah alone. Nay! Christians and Muslims have been provided fundamental right to conserve their very culture of murder; plunder and rape of women vide Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. Needless to write that women, in their ignorance, are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race. Once these women, who are born free by the nature, decide to stop sexual relations with their own enemies, having faith of criminal Islam and Christianity, these religions would die for want of regeneration alone. Would the women join Vedic Panth for their own protection and in the service of humanity? Now come to the temples,
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Ultimate status of worship places of alien faiths if Democracy, Jehovah, Jehovah, Allah, Judaism, Islam and Christianity survive!

Extracted from Bible Deuteronomy/ Chapter 12 / Verses 1-2-3 1-

The one Place of Worship

1. These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the Land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you to possess as long as you live in the land. Note: Missionaries are living in Bharat which is dominion and commonwealth member! 2. Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains and on the hills and under every spreading tree where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. 3. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down their idols of their Gods and wipe out their names from those places. Extracted from Koran, "81. And say: Truth has (now) arrived, and falsehood perished: For Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish. The Koran, 17th Chapter Bani Israil 17:81. The footnote reports that Allah through Muhammad recited the verse, after the destruction of 359 idols of Ka'bah. Muslims consider the very place, which is booty, most sacred place. In fact, Muslims must return this place to idolaters, that too, after re-installing 359 idols - 45 -

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demolished by criminal Muhammad. There is talk of court and mutual negotiation. Do Allah and Jehovah allow it? "57. 'And by Allah, I (Abraham) shall circumvent your idols after ye have gone away and turned your backs.'" "58. Then he (Abraham) reduced them to fragments, all save chief of them, that haply they might have recourse to it." Islam has sermon Ilah Ill Allah which means Allah alone can be worshipped. How is it secular religion and prayer? Vedic cultures tenet is, Yo Yo Yam Yam tanu bhaktah shrdhyarchitumichchhasi. Tasya tasyaachlam shraddham tameh vidhmamyaham. Gita 7.21, meaning Whatever celestial form a devotee (craving for some worldly object) chooses to worship with reverence, I stabilize the faith of that particular devotee in that very form.

Who is secular?
If you still cannot understand the nefarious design with ulterior motives of Britons' Congress Party, who can help you? Do you know that the fraud and puppet PM Manmohan has taken oath of faith and allegiance in the Indian Constitution? Again do you know that Koran, Bible and the Indian Constitution, as quoted above, provide unfettered fundamental right to Muslims and Christians to demolish all the aliens' worship places? That no sooner any P.O. of Judiciary denies the fatal Azaan to be fatal for humanity, the P.O. of the Judiciary turns enemy of the
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humanity. Neither P.O. would survive, nor would human race survive. This is because Azaan forbids worship of any God save Allah. Imaams literally shout in Arabic language, "La Ilahlillallahu, Muhammadur Rasulallahu." The sentence literally means: 'Allah alone can be worshipped. Muhammad is his messenger'. Therefore, Azaan cannot be secular. That Judges take oath to uphold the Indian Constitution, which has snatched citizens' right to property, [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31], freedom of faith, (Azaan, Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) right of life, {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39), (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27) right of nation, and dignity of women. (Koran 23:6) and (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). The above rights have been reinforced with the compilation of the Indian Constitution by the Britons' Congress. Judges are independent for name sake. They are slaves of rulers. Whatever, crime the Rulers wished to commit with citizens they did through judiciary. It was the apex court which snatched citizens' right to property. (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951). It was the Calcutta High Court, which declared Jehovah and Allah gods and Bible and Koran religious books. It was the apex court, which snatched right of maintenance of Muslim women in Shah Bano case.

The apex court had taken cases of Zahira Sheikh and Bilkis Yakoob suo motu. (http://www.achrweb.org/reports/india/AR05/INDIA- 47 -

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AR2005.pdf). The Apex courts chief Justice V.N. Khare had warned the Gujarat Govt., "We cannot remain a silent spectator to its in action in Best Bakery case." Khare had also said to Modi, you have to protect people and punish the guilty...you quit if you cant prosecute the guilty." The apex court failed to take the cases of Kashmere Hindus and Riangs of Mizoram suo motu, to prove her moral. When I got demolished Babri structure, media was telling that mob has no right to take law in her hand. Media is wrong. Indian Penal Code's section 102 permits citizens to exercise right of private defence. Whatever may be the advantages of Democracy, the fate of Aryans has been sealed. They must be slain. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Democracy have enslaved humanity. There is no liberty. Humanity cannot survive. The chastity and honour of no woman is safe. Christianity, Islam, Socialism and Democracy eliminate instinct of crime from the minds of their followers. No sooner one converts to Christianity, Islam, Socialism and Democracy, one finds nothing immoral or crime in plunder, murder, rape of women, eating flesh of the son of man and cow, instead these crimes turn into source of sustenance, title of Ghazi and heaven after death. To add insult to injury they call these criminal guide books named Koran and Bible religious books.
It was the apex court which granted salaries to Imams, ignoring Article 27 of the Indian Constitution. (AIR 1993 SUPREME COURT
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2086). It was apex court, which tried Sati case of Roop Kunwar in Rajasthan. Now it's judiciary, which legalized intercourse between same sexes. Now would be turn of Virgin mothers. Judiciary would rule that virgin mothers be rewarded by the Governments.

Judiciary is corruption, torture, extortion and pettifogger house. The Judges carry a constitutional obligation under Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution to extort money from litigants. Judges have been granted immunity from any criminal action. Judiciary revealed her deadly fang no sooner she upheld the snatching of fundamental right to property of the citizens of India, provided vide Article 31 (now omitted since 20-6-1979), by the house of dacoits named 20Parliament. Judges have no right to sit on the chair of justice as they take oath to defend the Indian Constitution, the Article 29(1) of which provides Muslims defend and Christians unfettered fundamental right to conserve their culture which women. essentially is murder, plunder, incest and rape of women. The proceedings of judges start with the extortion of Rs. 10 towards BHENT and ends with next date without any action. Bail is not right of citizens. It is given on extortion of any amount which a litigant can afford. Even in Allahabad High Court there is more alarming corruption. There is a chief judge named Chandramauli Kumar Prasad. He has been Prasad. deputed by Financial racketeer Pratibha to extort money either by hook or crook. Under his command no judge can fix a date in any case. Dates are not fixed by the registrar office. The registrar has direction to not to fix any date unless a litigant pays Rs. 500 for fixing dates. This booty is deposited with the very Chandramauli Kumar Prasad, who distributes the share of Prasad,
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booty among Financial racketeer Pratibha, thief of Aamer Fort Treasury amon Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi the Super PM and his entire staff. Sonia


Writ Petn. (C) No. 715 of 1990, D/-13-5-1993. All India Imaam Organization and others, Petitioners Vs. Vs. Union of India and others, Respondents. Constitution of India, Arts. 32, 21 Right to live (so that they may rape Imaams, women of Judges and eradicate their culture) Imaams, in charge of religious activities (?) {and those activities are insulting deities of nonMuslims and inciting communal hatred in violation of Sections 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code, under protection of State Governors u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code} of mosque Are entitled to emoluments even in absence of statutory provision in Wakf Act Supreme Court directed {notwithstanding Article 27 of the Indian Constitution quoted in the beginning} the Govt. and Central Wakf Board to prepare Scheme within period of six months. Imaam Is entitled to emoluments even in absence of provisions under Wakf Act. Wakf Act (1954), Pre. Muslim Law Imaam Entitled to emoluments even in absence of statutory provision. The objective and purpose of every mosque being community worship and it being the obligation of Board under the Act to ensure that the objective of the wakf is carried on, the Board cannot escape from its
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responsibility for proper maintenance of religious service in a mosque. To say, therefore, that the Board has no control over the mosque or Imaam is not correct. Absence of any provision in the Act or the rules providing for appointment of Imaam or Laying down condition of their service is probably because they are not considered as employees. At the same time, it cannot be disputed that due to change in social and economic setup they too need sustenance. Nature of their job is such that they may be required to be present in the mosque nearly for the whole day. There may be some who may perform the duty as part of their religious observance. Still others may be ordained by the community to do so. But there are large numbers of such persons who have no other occupation or profession or service for their livelihood except doing duty as Imaam. What should be their fate? Should they be paid any remuneration and if so now much and by whom? According to the Board they are appointed by the mutawallis and, therefore, any payment by the Board was out of question. Prime facie it is not correct as the letter of appointments issued in some States are from the Board. But assuming that they are appointed by the Mutawallis the Board cannot escape from its responsibility as the mutawallis too u/s 30 of the Act are under the supervision and control of the Board. The right to life enshrined in Art. 21 means right to live with dignity. human dignity It is too late in the day, therefore, to claim or urge that since Imaams perform religious duties they are not entitled to any emoluments. Whatever may have been the ancient concept but it has undergone change and even in the Muslim countries mosques are subsidized and the Imaams remuneration. Imaams are paid their, remuneration. Therefore, it cannot be said that in our set up or in absence of any statutory provision in the Wakf Act the
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Imaams who look after the religious activities of mosques are not entitled to any remuneration. Financial difficulties of the institution cannot be above fundamental right of a citizen. If the Boards have been entrusted with the responsibility of supervising and administering the Wakf then it is their duty to harness resources to pay those persons who perform the most important duty namely of leading community prayer in a mosque the very purpose for which it is created. In the circumstances the Supreme Court issued the directions to the Union of India and the Central Wakf Board to prepare a Scheme within a period of six months in respect of different types of mosques. (para 5). R. M. SAHAI, J.:- Imaams, incharge of religious activities of the mosque Imaams (1) have approached this Court by way of this, representatives, petition under Article 32 of the Constitution for enforcement of fundamental right right against their exploitation by Wakf Boards. Relief sought is direction to Central and State Wakf Boards to treat the petitioner as employees of the Board and to pay them base wages to enable them to survive. Basis of claim is glaring disparity between the nature of work and amount of remuneration. Higher pay scale is claimed for degree holders. 2. Imaams perform the duty of offering prayer (Namaz) for congregation in mosques. Essentially the mosque is a center of community worship where Muslims perform ritual prayers and where historically they have also gathered for political, social and cultural functions. (2) The functions The of the mosque is summarized by the 13th Century Jurist Ibn Taymiyah as a place of gathering where prayer was celebrated and where public affairs were conducted. (3) All mosque are where Muslim men on an equalitarian basis rich or poor, noble or humble, stand in rows to perform their prayers behind the Imaam. (4) Imaams are expected to look after the
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cleanliness of mosque, call Azans from the balcony of the minarets to the whole religious meetings and propagate the Islamic faith. They are expected to be well versed in the Shariat, the holy Quran, the Hadiths, ethics, and philosophy, social, economic and religious aspects. Imaam or prayer leader is the most important appointee. In the early days the ruler himself filled this role; he was leader (Imaam) of the government of war, and of the common Salat (ritual prayer). Under the Abbasids, when the caliph no longer conducted prayers on a regular basis, a paid Imaam was appointed. While any prominent or learned Muslim can have the honor of leading prayers, each mosque specifically appoints a man well versed in theological matters to acts as its Imaam. He is in charge of the religious activities of the mosque and it is his duty to conduct prayers five times a Mihrab. day in front of Mihrab (5) 3. On nature of the duties performed by the Imaams there is no dispute. But both the Union of India and various State Wakf Boards of different States which have put in appearance in response to the notice issued by this Court have seriously disputed the manner of their appointment, right to receive any payment and absence of any relationship of master and servant. It is stated that the Imaams or Muazzins are appointed by the Mutwallis. According to them the Wakf Boards have nothing to do either with their appointment or working. It is claimed that under Islamic religious practice they are not entitled to any emoluments as a matter or right as the law Imaams service. Islamic law ordains the Imaams to offer voluntary service They are said to be paid some money out of the donations received in mosques or by the Mutwallis of the Boards. Their job is stated to be honorary and not paid. Nature of duty under Islamic Shariat is stated to lead prayers which is performed voluntarily by any suitable Muslim without any monetary
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benefit. Some of the affidavits claim that they are appointed by people of the locality. The Union Government has specially stated that the Islam does not recognize the concept of priesthood as in order religions and the selection of Imaams is the sole prerogative of the members of the local community or the managing committee, if any of the mosque. According to Karnataka Wakf Board Imaamat in the mosque is not considered to be employment. The allegation of the petitioners that due to meager payment they are humiliated or insulted in the society is denied and it is claimed that they are respectable persons who carry on the duty of Imaamat as a part of religious activity and not for earning bread and butter. The Delhi Wakf Board pointed out that the honorarium is paid to an Imaam as a consideration for his five-time presence in the mosque regularly and punctually. The Board has denied any right to exercise an authority over the mosque where Imaams and Muazzins are appointed by the mutawallis or by the managing committees. It is stated that holding of a certificate from a registered institution to enable a person to lead the prayer is not necessary as the only requirement for being an Imaam under the Shariat is to have a thorough knowledge of the holy Quran and the rites, rules and obligations required for offering prayers according to the principles laid down by the Kuran and Sunnah. The affidavit filed on behalf of Wakf Board has pointed out that mosque categories, can be categorized in five categories one which are under direct control or management of the Government such as Mecca Masjid or the mosque situated in public garden which are not governed or regulated by the Muslim Wakf Board second mosques which are under the direct management of Wakf Board; third mosques which are under the control of
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mutwallis under various Wakfs according to the wishes of the Wakif as the creator of the Wakf; fourth, mosques which are not registered with the Wakf Board and are managed by local inhabitants and are under the management: of the public who offer prayers regularly in a particular mosque; and fifth, mosques which are not managed by mutwallis or the Muslims of the locality. It is claimed that Imaams of fourth and fifth category are not regular and any Muslim can lead the prayers, whereas under the third category mosques are having regular Imaams. Financial difficulty of the Wakf Board to meet the demand has also been pointed out. The Pondicherry Wakf Board has pointed that there is not even one employee except a peon working therein and, therefore, it is not possible to meet the demand of the Imaam. It is also claimed that the board has no control over the peshImaams as they are considered to be well-dignified personality of the society and they are given due respect by the Muslim community as a whole. In the counter-affidavit filed by the Punjab Wakf Board it has been stated Imaams that Imaams of mosques in Punjab were being paid on basis of their their qualification. qualification Imaams Nazara (Mubtali grade) are in the scale of Rs. 38020-580-25-830-30-980, whereas Imaams Hafiz (Wasti grade) are paid Rs. 445-20-645-25895-30-1045, and Imaam Alim (Muntali grade) are paid Rs. 520-20-720-25-970-30-1120. They are also paid Rs. 30/- per month medical allowance and Muazzins are paid Rs 310/- per month. These scales were revised in 1992. According to them Imaams of all the mosques in Punjab. Haryana and Himachal Pradesh which come under the Punjab Wakf Board are being paid regularly and they are treated as regular employees. The Sunni Central Wakf Board of Uttar Pradesh filed
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only a written submission stating that all the sunni mosques were managed by mutawallis of the concerned managing committees and not by the Wakf Board. 4. The mosque differs from a church or a temple in many respects. Ceremonies and service connected with marriages and birth are never performed in mosques. The rites that are important and integral functions of many churches such as confessions, penitences and confirmations do not exist in the mosques. (6) Nor any offerings are made as is common in Hindu temples. In Muslim countries mosques are subsidized by the States, hence no collection of money from the community is permitted. The Ministry of Wakf (Endowments) appoints the servant, preachers and readers of the Koran. Mosques in non-Muslim countries are subsidized by individuals. They are administered by their founder or by their special fund. A caretaker is appointed to keep the place clean. The Muazzin calls to prayer five times a day from the minaret. (7) In our country in 1954 Wakf Act was passed by the Parliament for better administration and supervision of Wakfs. To achieve the objective of the Act Section 9 provides for establishment of a Wakf Board the functions of which are detailed in Section 15. Sub-section (1) of it reads as under: (1) Subject to any rules that may be made under this Act, the (general superintendence of all wakfs in a State in relation to all matters except those which are expressly required by this Act to be dealt with by the Wakf Commissioner, shall vest) in the Board established for the State; and it shall be the duty of the Board so to exercise its powers under this Act as to ensure that the Wakfs under its superintendence are properly maintained, controlled and administered and the income thereof is duly applied to the objects and for the purposes for which such wakfs were
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created or intended: Provided that in exercising its powers under this Act in respect of any wakf, the Board shall act in conformity with the directions of the wakf, the purposes of the wakf and any usage or custom of the wakf sanctioned by the Muslim law. Clause (b) of sub-section (2) obliges the Board to ensure that the income and other property of a wakf are applied to the objects and for the purposes for which that wakf was created or intended. 5. The Board is vested not only with supervisory and administrative power over the wakfs but even the financial power vests in it. One of its duties primary duties is to ensure that the income from the wakf is spent on created. carrying out the purpose for which wakf was created Mosques are wakfs and are required to be registered under the Act over which the Board exercises control Purpose of their creation is community worship. Namaz or Salat is the mandatory practice observed in every mosque. (Among the Five Pillars (arkan; sg; rukn) of Islam it holds the second most important position immediately after the declaration of faith (shahadah)(8). The Principal functionary to undertake it is the Imaam. The objective and purpose of every mosque being community worship and it being the obligation of Board under the Act to ensure that the objective of the wakf is carried on the Board cannot escape from its responsibility for proper maintenance of religious service in a mosque. To say therefore, that the Board has no control over the mosque or Imaam is not correct. Absence of any provision in the Act or the rules providing for appointment of Imaam or laying down condition of their service is probably because they are not considered as employees. At the same time it cannot be disputed that due to change in social and economic set-up they too need
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sustenance. Nature of their job is such that they may be required to be present in the mosque nearly for the whole day. There may be some who may perform the duty as part of their religious observance. Still others may be ordained by the community to do so. But there are large numbers of such persons who have no other occupation or profession or service for their livelihood except doing duty as Imaam. What should be their fate? Should they be paid any remuneration and if so how much and by whom? According to the Board they are appointed by the mutallis and therefore, any payment by the board was out of question. Prima facie it is not correct as the letter of appointments issued in some states are from the Board. But assuming that they are appointed by the mutawallis the Board cannot escape from its responsibility as the mutawallis too u/s 36 of the Act are under the supervision and control of the Board. In a series of decisions rendered by this Court it has been held that right to life enshrined in Article 21 means right to live with human dignity. It is too late in the day, therefore, to claim or urge that since Imaams perform religious duties they are not entitled to any emoluments. Whatever may have been the ancient concept but it has undergone change and even in Muslim countries mosques are subsidized and the Imaams are paid their remuneration. We are, therefore, not willing to accept the submission that in our set up or in absence of any statutory provision in the Wakf Act the Imaams who look after the religious activities of mosques are not entitled to any remuneration. Much was argued on behalf of Union and the Wakf Boards that their financial position was not such that they can meet the obligations of paying the Imaams as they are being paid in the State of Punjab. It was also urged that the number of mosques is so large that it would entail heavy expenditure, which the boards of different States would not be able
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to bear. We do not find any correlation between the two. Financial difficulties of the institution cannot be above fundamental right of a citizen. If the boards have been entrusted with the responsibility of supervising and administering the Wakf then it is their duty to harness resources to pay those persons who perform the most important duty namely of leading community prayer in a mosque the very purpose for which it is created. 6. In the circumstances we allow this petition and issue following directions: (i) The Union of India and the Central Wakf Board will prepare a scheme ) mosques, we within a period of six months in respect of different types of mosques some detail of which has been furnished in the counter affidavit filed by the Delhi Wakf Board. (ii) Mosques which are under control of the Government shall not be governed by this order. But if their Imaams are not paid any remuneration and they have no independent income. The Government may fix their emoluments on the basis as the Central Wakf Board may do for other mosques in pursuance of our order. (iii) For other mosques, except those which are not registered with the Board of their respective States or which are not manned by members of Islamic faith the scheme shall provide for payment of remuneration to such Imaams taking guidance from the scale of pay prevalent in the State of Punjab and Haryana. (iv) The State Boards shall ascertain income of each mosque the number and nature of Imaams required by it namely full time or part time. (v) For the full time Punjab Wakf Board may be treated as a guideline. That shall also furnish guideline for payment to part time Imaam.
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(vi) In all those mosques where full time Imaams are working they shall Imaams be paid the remuneration determined in pursuance of this order. (vii) Part time and honorary Imaam shall be paid such remuneration and allowance as is determined under the scheme. (viii) The scheme shall also take into account those mosques which are small or are in the rural area or are such as mentioned in the affidavit of Pondicherry Board and have no source of income and find out ways and means to raise its income. (ix) The exercise should be completed and the scheme be enforced within six months. (x) Our order for payment to Imaams shall come into operation from 1st Dec., 1993. In case the scheme is not prepared within the time allowed then it shall operate retrospectively from 1st December, 1993. (xi) The scheme framed by the Central Wakf Board shall be implemented by every State Board. 7. The Writ petition is decided accordingly. Parties shall bear their own costs. Petition allowed ###

In the whole proceeding the apex court deliberately ignored Article 27 of the Indian Constitution? That no sooner any P.O. of Judiciary denies the fatal Azaan to be fatal for humanity, the P.O. of the Judiciary turns enemy of the humanity. Neither P.O. would survive, nor would human race survive. This is because Azaan forbids worship of any God save Allah. Imaams literally shout in Arabic language, ""La Ilahlillallahu,
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Muhammadur Rasulallahu." The sentence literally means: 'Allah alone can be worshipped. Muhammad is his messenger'. The attached 'Annexure 4' reveals as to what behavior the Imams is commanded to adopt against those who worship other gods including or excluding Allah. One knows well that Muslims worship Dargahs and make Tazias. Both are taboo as per dogmas of Islam. Judges take oath to uphold the Indian Constitution, which has snatched citizens' right to property, [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31], freedom of faith, (Azaan, Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) right of life, (Bible, Luke 19:27) and {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39), (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27) right of nation, and dignity of women. (Koran 23:6) and (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). The above rights have been reinforced with the compilation of the Indian Constitution by the Britons' Congress. Judges are independent for name sake. They are slaves of rulers. Whatever, crime the Rulers wish to do with citizens they did through judiciary. It was the apex court which snatched citizens' right to property. (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951). It was the Calcutta High Court, which declared Jehovah and Allah gods and Bible and Koran religious books. It was the apex court, which snatched right of maintenance of Muslim women in Shah Bano case. Now it is the apex court which granted salaries to Imams, ignoring Article 27 of the Indian Constitution.
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Aham Brahmashmi V/s Sheep & Robbers

Muslims and Christians! You are on the cross road. While Jesus reduces you from man to sheep, Ishwar has provided you capability to become Brahm. With whom you want to be? Similarly Islam converts Muslims into robbers and butchers.

Why Christianity and Islam are darling to Rulers?

Rulers need slaves. Slaves have no civil rights. Christians and Muslims are darling to rulers for their self inspired lust for servilities of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah in lieu of booty and sex. Islam means

submission, while humanity is fighting for liberty, Muslims have no shame that they are becoming human bombs for servility of Allah. Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights? The brilliant Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tsu, had the dictum -know the enemy. We must know the doctrine of our enemy else be annihilated. Note! Aryavrt is fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. They had been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. These
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cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive. Dear human being! Death is hovering on your head in the form of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah.
Long Live Sanatana Dharam

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