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Unit Reading Grammar Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing Switch on

Starter topic: favourite objects this/that/these/those; objects and possessions topic: back to school topic: all about me topic: favourite objects
task: matching be: present and past simple; task: matching task: asking and answering task: online post
All about me subject and object pronouns; questions about personal
possessive adjectives; information
can/can’t; imperatives;
question words

1 There’s no place like topic: growing up happy articles (p12) around town: places and topic: hanging out with friends topic: family time topic: what makes a place great video: home town
buildings performance
home skill: finding specific some, any, (how) much, skill: listening for specific skill: planning what to say skill: note-taking and planning
information (how) many, all, a little, information task: describing a photo task: article project: planning an event
page 9
task: identify correct a few, a lot of (p14) task: multiple choice (pictures)

2 Try something topic: hobbies you can learn present simple and present collocations: practising and topic: is joining a club good topic: games and free time topic: hobbies and personality video: musician family
online continuous (p24) improving for you? activities
different skill: using adjectives project: an expert profile
skill: recognising the purpose subject and object questions skill: listening for detail; skill: discussing options; task: online profile
page 21
of a message or notice (p26) predicting information you making suggestions;
task: multiple choice are listening for giving opinions
task: notes completion task: collaborative task

3 Read all about it topic: railway to the rescue past simple and past adjectives, strong adjectives, topic: story slams topic: something funny topic: short stories video: Teen Press
skill: understanding text continuous (p36) adjective order skill: listening for specific happened to me skill: interesting the reader; project: recording an interview
page 33
structure someone, anyone, information and detailed skill: tenses; understanding planning
task: gapped text nothing, everything, etc. (p38) meaning a good model; planning task: story
task: multiple choice task: tell a story

4 Live and learn topic: the School Enterprise the future: plans and ways of learning topic: schools: past, present topic: meeting school friends topic: school exchanges video: school swap
Challenge intentions (going to, present and future skill: making arrangements skill: reading the task carefully; project: class debate
page 45 continuous, present simple)
skill: answering a question skill: understanding general task: long turn beginning and ending emails
about the whole text (p48) meaning task: email
task: multiple choice the future: predictions task: multiple choice
(will, may/might) (p50)

5 Get the look! topic: improving your look comparatives and describing appearance topic: shops that offer more topic: ways of shopping topic: app and website reviews video: fashion factory
skill: finding specific superlatives; (not) as … as; than shopping skill: making guesses skill: structuring and planning project: create a clothing
page 57 too/enough (p60)
information; understanding skill: listening for specific task: describing a photo a review brand
detail much/a lot/a bit + information task: review
task: multiple matching comparative, not quite as … task: sentence completion
as (p62)

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Unit Reading Grammar Vocabulary Listening Speaking Writing Switch on

6 The great outdoors topic: green spaces in the city modal verbs for rules; animals topic: the Great Green Wall topic: wild camping topic: the natural world video: lemur life
skill: understanding the reflexive pronouns (p72) skill: recognising distractors skill: comparing options; skill: using collocations project: animal fact file
page 69
writer’s feelings it’s, there is / there are (p74) task: multiple choice (pictures) agreeing and disagreeing task: article
task: multiple choice task: collaborative task;
follow-up questions

7 Food for thought topic: restaurants that don’t relative clauses with who and talking about food topic: food and eating topic: preparing food topic: a food festival video: extreme cake-makers
take money which (p84) skill: listening for the main idea skill: dealing with unknown skill: understanding the task; project: party planning
page 81
skill: understanding adverbs of manner (p86) task: multiple choice words using the correct language
text structure task: describing a photo task: email
task: gapped text

8 Getting away topic: holidays, present perfect (p96) travel and transport topic: moving to a different topic: things you travel with topic: a holiday story video: Peru adventure
summer camps present perfect with for country skill: reaching agreement skill: structuring a story; project: travel roleplay
page 93
skill: matching meanings and since (p98) skill: matching meanings task: collaborative task and using adverbs
task: multiple matching task: multiple choice discussion task: story

9 What’s your idea of topic: low-tech teens zero and first conditionals entertainment and topic: a comic convention topic: entertainment topic: an invitation video: pastimes in the past
(p108) technology
fun? skill: understanding attitude, skill: listening for specific skill: talking for a full minute skill: understanding the task; project: game/toy creation
opinion and global meaning verb patterns: -ing and information task: long turn expanding notes; planning
page 105
task: multiple choice to-infinitive (p110) task: sentence completion task: email

10 Let’s celebrate! topic: birthday parties topic: festivals topic: celebrations topic: celebrations and festivals
page 117 task: multiple matching task: multiple choice; sentence task: all parts task: all parts

Grammar file page 124 Activity file page 153

Extend vocabulary page 144 Audioscripts page 164

Exam file page 146 Irregular verb list page 175

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