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Ateneo de Naga University WRITTTEN REVALIDA

COLLEGE OF NURSING Related Learning Experience (RLE)

Naga City October 19, 2017 - 9:00-11:00am

NAME: _____________________________________________ Block: _____ Score: 105

1. ________ 41.________ 81.________
2. ________ 42.________ 82.________
3. ________ 43.________ 83.________
4. ________ 44.________ 84.________
5. ________ 45.________ 85.________
6. ________ 46.________ 86._______________
7. ________ 47.________ 87._______________
8. ________ 48.________ 88._______________
9. ________ 49.________ 89._______________
10.________ 50.________ 90._______________
11.________ 51.________ 91._______________
12.________ 52.________ 92._______________
13.________ 53.________ 93._______________
14.________ 54.________ 94._______________
15.________ 55.________ 95._______________
16.________ 56.________ 96._______________
17.________ 57.________ 97._______________
18.________ 58.________ 98._______________
19.________ 59.________ 99._______________
20.________ 60.________ 100.______________
21.________ 61.________ 101.______________
22.________ 62.________ 102.______________
23.________ 63.________ 103.______________
24.________ 64.________ 104.______________
25.________ 65.________ 105.______________
26.________ 66.________
27.________ 67.________
28.________ 68.________
29.________ 69.________
30.________ 70.________
31.________ 71.________
32.________ 72.________
33.________ 73.________
34.________ 74.________
35.________ 75.________
36.________ 76.________
37.________ 77.________
38.________ 78.________
39.________ 79.________
40.________ 80.________

“Whatever raging battles we have in life, we always have a choice. It is our

choice that makes who we are. And, we can always choose to do right.”
(Peter Parker)
Ateneo de Naga University WRITTEN REVALIDA
COLLEGE OF NURSING Related Learning Experience (RLE)
Naga City August 12, 2007
1. Do not write anything on the questionnaire.
2. All answers must be written on the answer sheet.
3. Use CAPITAL LETTERS for your answers. (Multiple Choice items)
4. Incorrect spelling will not be honored. (Identification items)


1. Which of the following actions is included in the principle of medical asepsis?

A. Maintain a sterile environment. C. Test for the presence of microorganisms.
B. Keep the environment as clean as possible. D. Clean the environment until it is germ-free.

2. While donning sterile gloves (open method), the cuff of the first glove rolls under itself about ¼
inch, the best action for the nurse is to
A. remove the glove and start over with a new pair.
B. wait until the second glove is in place and then unroll the cuff with the other sterile hand.
C. ask a colleague to assist by unrolling the cuff.
D. leave the cuff rolled under.

3. The best way to decrease the risk of transferring pathogens to patients when removing
contaminated glove is to
A. Wash the gloves before removing them.
B. Gently pull on the fingers of the gloves when removing them.
C. Slowly pull just below the cuff and invert the gloves when removing them.
D. Remove the gloves and turn them inside out.

4. In caring for a client on contact precaution (draining infected foot ulcer), correct technique
A. Wearing a mask during changing of dressing.
B. Providing disposable metal trays and silverware.
C. Following standard precautions in all interactions with the client.
D. Using surgical aseptic method for all direct contact with the client.

5. As much as possible, there is a need to overlap the gown at the back in order to
A. Figure the contour of the body. C. Avoid the sleeves from falling.
B. Cover the uniform at the back. D. Secure the nurse’s undergarments.

6. In gowning, washing of hands before the procedure best helps to

A. refresh the nurse and other healthcare workers. C. produce a clean working environment.
B. reduce the possibility of cross-contamination. D. make workload much easier.

7. During RLE class, Mrs. Zapata mentioned the word “sepsis”. This means
A. freedom from infection C. presence of infection
B. minimal infection D. reduced infection

8. Mask is only worn once for this particular reason.

A. When moist, it becomes ineffective.
B. Once crumpled, it is unhygienic to see.
C. It will be wet by secretions coming into the mouth.
D. Severe coughing can damage the mask.

9. To perform a corneal sensation test, the nurse needs to have which of the following equipment:
A. tuning fork C. wisp of cotton
B. penlight D. all of the above

10. To assess the ankle thru range of motion, the nurse performs which of the following
A. pronation C. flexion
B. eversion D. all of the above
11. The principle we follow in doing physical assessment suggests we perform the examination in
what manner?
A. cephalocaudal C. cephalodorsis
B. cephalopedal D. all of the above

12. Moving the extremity away from the midline of the body during physical assessment shows
A. Adduction C. Abduction
B. extension D. pronation

13. We ask the client to touch his chest and shoulders with his chin. This action tests the client’s
A. chin for fracture C. evaluate for dizzy spells
B. neck’s range of motion D. all of the above

14. Asking the client to extend his arms forward and rapidly turn palms up and down assess and
evaluate what specific function?
A. rapid hand movement C. ulnar function
B. proprioception D. none the above

15. A special consideration in the physical assessment of infants and children includes avoiding to
percuss or to palpate the spleen. This statement is :
A. not correct C. never heard
B. absolutely correct D. none of the above

16. Which of the following statements is/are true about Physical Assessment?
A. Palpation is an assessment technique that uses the sense of touch.
B. Percussion is an act of striking one object against another to produce sound.
C. Auscultation is the act of listening to sounds produced within the body using a stethoscope.
D. All of these

17. Weber’s and Rinne’s Test are usually associated to

A. visual acuity B. motor function C. hearing acuity D. tactile dissemination

18. To test the knee reflex

A. the patellar tendon is struck with a percussion hammer.
B. the Achilles tendon is struck with a percussion hammer.
C. the Biceps femoris of the knee is struck by a percussion hammer.
D. the percussion hammer strikes the examiner’s thumb.

19. Julius, after several hours of workout, has shown increasing amount of perspiration all over his
body. This condition is called
A. diapedesis B. turgor C. dehydration D. none of these

20. Which of the following tests assesses visual acuity?

A. Snellen’s test B. Ishihara Plate C. Retinoscopy D. Tonometry

21. Maria is rushed to the school infirmary because of severe headache. After her blood pressure
reading, it was noted that her BP is 160/90mmHg, the 160 represents
A. the blood pressure reading C. the systolic pressure reading
B. the diastolic pressure reading D. the pulse pressure reading

22. In an adult, the apex of the heart is located at the

A. left of the sternum at the 2nd intercostals space
B. right of the sternum at the 3rd intercostals space
C. left of the sternum, mid-clavicular at the 5th intercostals space
D. right of the sternum and under the 4th, 5th or 6th intercostals space

23. For a 38-year old female, which of the following sets of vital signs are considered normal?
A. BP – 180/100, pulse – 72, respirations – 20 C. BP – 100/50, pulse – 54, respirations – 11
B. BP – 90/60, pulse – 70, respirations – 24 D. BP – 130/75, pulse – 71, respirations – 18

24. After a careful assessment, Francia was noted to have shallow respiration at a rate of 10 breaths
per minute. Her heart rate is about 57 beats per minute. Her vital signs can be termed as
A. tachypnea and bradycardia C. bradycardia and bradypnea
B. tachycardia and tachypnea D. tachycardia and bradypnea
25. If the patient’s blood pressure is 180/90mmHg, his pulse pressure is
A. 2 C. 270
B. 90 D. none of these

26. Which among the choices below completes the definition of blood pressure?
Definition: Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries when
A. the right ventricle of the heart pushes the blood away from the aorta.
B. the left ventricle of the heart pushes the blood away from the aorta.
C. the right atrium of the heart pushes the blood away from the aorta.
D. the left atrium of the heart pushes the blood away from the aorta.

27. Convert 1000F to Celsius.

A. 35.60C B. 36.50C C. 37.70C D. none of these

28. Mrs. Chaste, a 38-year old female on her 36th week of pregnancy came to the hospital with
chief complaints of headache and nausea. What should you do if you are the nurse on duty?
A. Call the doctor for immediate referral.
B. Take the vital signs as ordered by the attending physician.
C. Let the patient rest for a while and take the vital signs.
D. Advise the patient to rest and may go home.

29. After you find out that her (Mrs. Chaste) BP is elevated than normal. What will you do?
A. Give anti-hypertensive drugs immediately.
B. Advise patient to take a rest until she is due to deliver her baby.
C. Report your assessment to the resident(s) on duty.
D. None of these

30. To get an accurate assessment of the respiration when taking the vital signs, you count
the respiratory rate after
A. taking the temperature while observing the respiration
B. taking the blood pressure while looking at the rise and fall of the chest
C. taking the pulse rate while still holding the wrist
D. all of these

31. While assessing the pulse rate of your client, you take the radial pulse by
1. placing the patient’s arm alongside the body, wrist extended and palm down.
2. placing first, second and third fingers along patients radial artery.
3. applying enough pressure to distinctly feel the artery.
4. not using the thumb for it has its own pulse.

A. 1,2,4 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,3,4 D. none of these

32. When taking the vital signs of your patient, it is important to do the following except
A. Identify the patient. C. Ask patient to void.
B. Perform hand hygiene. D. Record findings.

33. A 3-year old client is admitted to the hospital because of fever, oral and skin lesions. How will
you take his temperature?
A. by mouth B. by axilla C. by rectum D. none of these

34. In assessing body temperature, you leave the thermometer in place according to agency
protocol. Oral temperature is taken
A. 2 minutes B. 3 minutes C. 4-5 minutes D. 10 minutes

35. After taking the thermometer from the patient, wiping before reading starts
A. from the bulb towards the fingers. C. from the stem to the mercury line.
B. from the fingers towards the bulb. D. none of these

36. Vital signs or cardinal signs are indicators that reflect changes in bodily functions. Purposes of
vital signs are indicated below except
A. Aids the physician in making his/her diagnosis.
B. Helps the client assume a comfortable position.
C. Determines the course of illness of the patient.
D. Observes the general condition of the patient.
37. Taking the body temperature is affected and influenced by different factors. Which of the
following is not one of them?
A. age and exercise C. convection and evaporation
B. diurnal variations and stress D. hormones and environment

38. Normally, the highest temperature is taken between

A. 7:00pm – 11:00am C. 8:00pm – 12:00 midnight
B. 12:00pm – 4:00pm D. 4:00am – 6:00am

39. Mrs. Demagente is admitted at the Emergency Room of Bicol Medical Center because of difficulty
of breathing. She is experiencing
A. orthopnea B. apnea C. eupnea D. dyspnea

40. Which of the following factors primarily affects blood pressure?

A. age B. stress C. gender D. obesity

41. It is best for the nurse to relay the results after taking the vital signs in order to
A. ensure that the count will not be forgotten. C. make the client aware of his health status.
B. help gain client’s cooperation and lessen anxiety. D. assess the readings completely.

42. Hyperpyrexia is usually associated with

A. temperature B. respiration C. blood pressure D. pulse rate

43. Jessica, while attending to a 60 year-old cataract patient, noted that her patient is tachypneic.
Which of the following data best shows this phenomenon?
A. 8 breaths per minute C. 20 breaths per minute
B. 13 breaths per minute D. 24 breaths per minute

44. When taking the client’s blood pressure, what should the nurse initially do?
A. Inflate the BP cuff. C. Palpate and locate the pulse.
B. Ask the client to sit comfortably. D. Wrap the cuff evenly around the arm.

45. Which of the following nursing actions is inappropriate when taking rectal temperature?
A. Assist the client to assume lateral position.
B. Lubricate the thermometer with water-soluble lubricant before use.
C. Hold the thermometer in place for 2 minutes.
D. Instruct the patient to strain during the insertion.

46. It is important to have the appropriate cuff size when taking the blood pressure because
A. it may cause harm to the patient. C. It may prolong pressure on the arm.
B. it may obliterate the Korotkoff sound. D. It may yield an incorrect reading.

47. A patient having temperature of 390C, you expect that the blood pressure will
A. decrease B. remain the same C. increase D. fluctuate

48. Length of handwashing is determined by

A. the time of exposure to microorganisms C. the degree of contamination
B. the type of contamination D. the diagnoses

49. Any medical practitioner should do the following steps before handwashing, except
A. Remove jewelries C. Make sure that the nails are properly trimmed.
B. Rub the fingers against the palm of the opposite hand. D. Check hands for breaks in the skin.

50. Which of the following statements is not true about handwashing (HW)?
A. HW is done to reduce the risk of cross-contamination among clients.
B. HW is done to remove totally the microorganisms in the hands.
C. HW is done to lessen the risk of transmission of infectious organisms to oneself.
D. HW is done to minimize the risk of transmission of microorganisms to client.

51. After handwashing, drying of hands follows the

A. use of long firm strokes in arms C. patting dry of the arms from elbow to hands
B. patting dry of the arms from hands to elbow D. none of these
52. Regularly washing the hands with soap and water is important in preventing infections and
illness because
A. It helps shed dead skin cells before they break down.
B. It maintains a healthy, glowing and vibrant skin.
C. It mechanically removes dirt and bacteria.
D. It kills and disinfects bacteria and viruses on the skin.

53. Which of the following conditions indicates that a sterile field has been contaminated?
A. Sterile objects are held above the waist of the nurse.
B. Sterile packages are opened with the first edge away from the nurse.
C. The outer inch of the sterile towel hangs over the side of the table.
D. Wetness on the sterile cloth on top of the non-sterile table has been noted.

54. A best example of portal of entry is/are

A. nose, throat, mouth, ear, eye C. man and animals
B. hands, equipment, instruments D. any break in the skin

55. Which of the following reasons is correct for using a paper towel or tissue paper to turn off the
faucet after handwashing?
A. to clean the faucet after use C. to prevent contamination of the faucet handle
B. to maintain the sterility of the washed hands D. to prevent transmission of microorganisms

56. In order to clean the interdigital spaces of the hands, it is a must that one should
A. rub the palm in a circular motion. C. firm scrubbing of the nails
B. interlace the fingers and the thumb; D. rub the fingertips against the palm of the
and move the hands back and forth opposite hand

57. Microorganisms can be transferred to the soap; to prevent this, the user must
A. rinse the soap after making a rich lather C. wash the soap dish properly
B. wrap the soap and return to its container D. instruct the next user to rinse the soap

58. Denise, a nursing student, was asked by her clinical instructor the definition of positioning. Her
answer should be
A. The manner of exposing only the necessary body part to be examined, treated or cleaned.
B. The systematic collection of objective data that is directly observed or elicited through
examination technique.
C. The technique of placing the patient on bed or examination table comfortably, conveniently and
effectively in preparation for any procedure.
D. both A and C

59. One of the special considerations in positioning and draping is

A. to assist the patient to assume a position that would best afford adequate examination.
B. the draping should be loose enough to allow quick change of position.
C. the hands are either placed at the sides of the body; slightly flexed on both sides or above the
D. none of these

60. For breast examination, the patient is best placed on _________ position.
1. Sitting 2. Prone 3. Supine 4. Genupectoral

A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3 D. 1 and 4

61. Mrs. Mary Ana Vargas, a 28-year old; pregnant, visits the health center for a pre-natal check-up.
The doctor instructed nurse Cyra to assist the patient on the examination table for an abdominal
palpation (Leopold’s Maneuver). What position is best for Mrs. Vargas?
A. Genupectoral B. Sims/Lateral C. Dorsal Lithotomy D. Dorsal Recumbent

62. The doctor asked Cyra, “Why did you flexed the knees of Mrs. Vargas?” Cyra’s best response is
A. Flexion of the knees provides comfort and prevents injury.
B. Flexion of the knees relaxes the abdominal muscles.
C. Flexion of the knees provides good posture.
D. Flexion of the knees prevents plantar flexion and foot drop.
63. The following are true about dorsal lithotomy except
A. Adjust the stirrups according to the size of the patient.
B. Draw down the buttocks to the folding edge of the table.
C. Elevate the head of the bed to approximately 45 degrees.
D. Raise the arms above the head or flex them with the hands on the chest.

64. The following are true about supine position except

A. The client lies flat on her back with pillow under the head.
B. It is usually the position before turning to another position.
C. Legs together, extended or slightly flexed.
D. none of these

65. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Fowler’s position is used for patients recovering from general anesthesia.
B. Trendelenberg position is indicated for postural drainage.
C. Prone position is used for the examination of the abdominal region.
D. Dorsal lithotomy is the best position for delivery.

66. Mr. Claude Pelonio was admitted at the hospital because of severe asthma. He is suffering from
difficulty of breathing. How will you best position him?
A. Prone B. Supine C. Fowlers D. Erect

67. You are about to give food and oral medications to Mr. Pelonio, what position is best for him?
A. Fowlers B. Prone C. Supine D. Lateral

68. Malou Peralta is constipated for a week already. Her attending physician ordered a cleansing
enema. The best position for administering such procedure is
A. Semi-lateral(Sims) B. Left lateral(Sims) C. Right lateral(Sims) D. none of these

69. Genupectoral is also known as

A. Jacknife position B. Knee-chest position C. Dorsal Position D. Trendelenberg position

70. To closely observe for “gait,” the best position is

A. Supine B. Recumbent C. Erect D. Semi-fowlers

71. The nurse least considered the following action in the draping of the client.
A. the examination to be done C. the position of the nurse
B. the room temperature D. the condition of the patient

72. When a nurse is about to transfer a patient from bed to stretcher, which of the following is the
correct application of body mechanics?
A. Bend from the waist. C. Large muscles of the legs are used to act as levers.
B. Pulling is best than pushing. D. Stretch when reaching an object.

73. Muscle strain is avoided and balance is maintained through the following actions
1. Start the body movement with proper body alignment. A. 1,2,3
2. Stand as close as possible to the object being moved. B. 1,2,4
3. Body parts move in the direction opposite to the weight. C. 1,3,4
4. Use the proper base of support. D. all of these

74. Proper body mechanics while sitting is best shown by

1. curving the spine but the trunk should be in an upright position.
2. lowering the abdomen in and back flat
3. keeping the weight of the thigh most concentrated on the buttocks
4. pressing the feet on the floor

A. all except 1 B. all except 2 C. all except 3 D. all of the above

75. Proper body mechanics while walking includes all, except

A. Stand erect with chest up. C. Body is well-balanced.
B. Lower abdominal muscles are retracted. D. Walk with long stride with feet across.
76. Which of the following is the correct order of changing the pillowcase?
1. Gather the pillowcase over one hand toward the close end.
2. Keep a firm hold on the top of the pillow, pull the cover unto the pillow.
3. Place the pillows at the head of the bed.
4. Grasp the pillow with the hand inside the pillowcase.

A. 1,2,3,4 B. 1,2,4,3 C. 1,4,2,3 D. 4,2,1,3

77. Before you begin changing the linens, one must assess the following
A. evidence of any body secretions or fluids on the linens
B. the need for assistance in turning the patient
C. patient’s personal belongings
D. all of these

78. Which of the following is a priority nursing action when making an occupied bed?
A. Assess bladder and bowel incontinence.
B. Check doctor’s order for the activity.
C. Assess for the presence of surgical wound or drains.
D. Assess for the need, if any, for assistance in turning the patient to sides.

79. Arrange the following linens necessary for bed making according to use.
1. rubber sheet B. bottom sheet C. top sheet D. draw sheet

A. 4,3,2,1 B. 2,1,4,3 C. 3,4,1,2 D. 1,2,3,4

80. In making the bed, what is the rationale of folding the linens properly?
A. It prevents tugging and tearing of the linens. C. It prevents the spread of microorganisms.
B. It saves time and energy. D. It reduces discomfort to a bedridden patient.

81. In making an unoccupied bed, which do you consider a priority?

A. Keep patient warm and provide privacy. C. Facilitate proper removal of soiled linens.
B. Proper performance of tasks. D. none of these

82. A nurse must consider bed safety before leaving the patient. This includes the following except
A. Bed in its lowest position. C. Side rails are raised.
B. Bed controls are functioning. D. none of these

83. To promote bed comfort, a nurse is aware of the following considerations

A. Linens are clean and free from wrinkles. C. Wheels are locked.
B. Pressure areas are protected from rough sheets. D. Both A and B

84. Which of the following is the best rationale for tucking of sheets and mitering corners?
A. to provide comfort and make wrinkled-free bed C. to deter the spread of microorganisms
B. to provide a neat appearance D. to provide convenience in getting out of bed

85. All but one indicates that a nurse is using good body mechanics in bed making.
A. Keep the bed at a working height.
B. Use your strong leg and arm muscles.
C. Move back and forth from one side to the other when adjusting the linens.
D. None of the above

Dear Jesus, Model and ___86____ of the Nursing Profession. I know that when you ___87___ into
heaven, you have left the ___88___ of the sick to those of us whom you have ___89___ with the Holy
Vocation of Nursing.

Help me to be ___90___ to that ___91___ so that I can always do the things you want me to do in the
___92___ you want me to do them.

Grant that my ___93___ may be ___94___, that my ___95___ may have the ___96___ and ___97___
of your ___98___; that my ___99___ may bring ___100___ for the ___101___ and ___102___ which
Your ___103___ have brought to the ___104___ of Your days.

I want to do all these things, Dear Lord, but I know that I am ___105___ and can do little without
Your aid. Please give me that aid this day and everyday of my life so that I can always be what you want

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