Energy Storage in Future Smart Grid

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Energy Storage In Future Smart Grid

Professor, Electrical Department, MET’s, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik-422003.

Abstract-Generally, energy storage systems Technologies that will assist in the mitigation of
enhance the performance of distributed renewable greenhouse gases. Because the global energy market
generation systems and increase the efficiency of increases continuously, while the conventional
the entire power system. Energy storage allows for energy resources deplete gradually, the renewable
levelling the load, shaving peak demands, and energy solution becomes more attractive and
furthermore, transacting power with the utility contributes to a sustainable development of the
grid. Distributed energy storage systems in society. India has an important potential of renewable
combination with advanced power electronics have sources (hydro, wind, solar) and their exploitation
a great technical role to play and will have a huge can lead to new perspectives over the energy future
impact on future electrical Supply systems and of the country. Energy storage technologies present a
lead to many types benefits. With the development number of operating benefits to the grid that enable
of advanced energy storage technologies, the improved reliability and increased power utilization
electrical energy storage systems are making the and efficiency.
future power system more reliable, efficient and
economical. This paper presents various energy Over the past decade, new storage techniques have
storage technologies currently used, their, found their way to the market. Most of them have
applications and the role they are going to play in higher efficiency, longer cycle-life, lower
the future power system. maintenance and smaller footprint than the more
mature lead-acid or nickel-cadmium batteries. Their
Keywords-- Distributed Generation (DG), Energy appearance originated new research efforts on the
Storage System (ESS), Smart Grid, Renewable participation of storage in frequency control, and
Energy. interesting advances have been reported: e.g. it has
been shown that fast-acting storage such as lithium-
I. INTRODUCTION ion batteries or advanced flywheels can provide
frequency control services more effectively than
For more than one hundred years, utilities have conventional resources, at lower life-cycle cost and
supplied reliable power to the globe with relatively reduced CO2 emissions. Modular products up to 20
high quality of service. Today, as electricity demand MW with a charge/discharge time at rated power of
and customers’ expectations escalate, utilities are 15 min. have been developed. New technologies,
struggling to fulfill those needs. Electricity industries such as new wind forecast tools, demand-side
are being transformed worldwide, driven by the need response, and fast start-up units, were proposed to
for more energy, urbanization, scarcity of natural resolve storage problem. However, among them,
resources and global warming. At the present stage, energy storage is a more viable solution because of
most of the electricity is generated in India is by its fast response and flexibility in control. It can act
thermal power plants. These fossil-fuels based as a buffer that isolates the rest of the grid from these
generating plants are continuously polluting the air frequent and rapid power changes caused by
and emitting greenhouse gases. The current trends in renewable resources. The integration of renewable
energy supply and consumption are not energies in power systems of small, medium and
environmentally, economically and socially large scale has become a reality and it is constantly
sustainable. There is a clear need to introduce expanding.

during shortage will cause reduce in cost. Reduce the

costs of electricity storage systems could drive
II. ROLE OF ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM revolutionary changes in the Design and operation of
the electric power system. Peak load problems could
Energy storage system basically means a system be reduced, electrical stability could be improved,
which can store energy in any form that can be used and power quality disturbances could be eliminated.
afterwards. Storing of energy at excess and using it Storage can be applied at the power plant, in support
of the transmission system, at various points in the

distribution system and on particular appliances and Power Quality is basically related to the changes in
equipments on the customer’s side of the meter. magnitude and shape of voltage and current. This
Energy storage systems in combination with result in different issues including: Harmonics, Power
advanced power electronics (power electronics are Factor, Transients, Flicker, Sag and Swell, etc.
often the interface between energy storage systems DESSs can mitigate these problems.
and the electrical grid) have a great technical role and
lead to many financial benefits. Some of these are F. Power Reliability
summarized in the following sections. Can be presented as the percentage/ratio of
interruption in delivery of electric power (may
III. TECHNICAL ROLE AND FUNCTION OF include exceeding the threshold and not only
ELECTRICITY STORAGE complete loss of power) versus total uptime.
SYSTEM Distributed energy storage systems (DESSs) can help
provide reliable electric service to consumers.
A. Grid Voltage Support
Grid Voltage Support means power provided to the G. Ride through Support
electrical distribution grid to maintain voltages within Ride Through means the electric unit stays connected
the acceptable range. This involves a trade-off during system disturbance (voltage sag). ESSs have
between the amount of “real” energy produced by the potential of providing energy to ride-through.
generators and the amount of “reactive” power
produced. H. Unbalanced Load Compensation
This can be done in combination with four-wire
B. Grid Frequency Support inverters and also by injecting and absorbing power
Grid Frequency Support means real power provided individually at each phase to supply unbalanced
to the electrical distribution grid to reduce any loads.
sudden, large load- generation imbalance in order to
keep the3 grid frequency within the permissible
tolerance for periods up to 30 minutes.
C .Grid Angular (Transient) Stability TECHNOLOGY
Grid Angular Stability means reducing power
oscillations (due to rapid events) by injection and Energy storage can be defined as the conversion of
absorption of real power. Load Levelling / Peak electrical energy from a power network into a form in
Shaving Load Levelling is rescheduling certain loads which it can be stored until converted back to
to cut electrical power demand, or the production of electrical energy. There are different energy storage
energy during off-peak periods for storage and use technologies of which some are already in use and
during peak demand periods. Whilst Peak Shaving is some are yet to be implemented. Different energy
reducing electric usage during peak periods or storage technologies serve different applications
moving usage from the time of peak demand to off- depending on the amount of energy to be stored, the
peak periods. rate at which it is to be transferred, and the response
D. Spinning Reserve
Spinning Reserve is defined as the amount of The following energy storage technologies are with
generation capacity that can be used to produce the high priority in the energy storage applications.
active power over a given period of time which has The comparison of these technologies is summarized
not yet been committed to the production of energy in TABLE below. Besides, there are several other
during this period energy storage technologies, such as hydrogen energy
storage, thermal storage, and fuel cells.
E. Power Quality Improvement

Figure 1. Comparison of different energy storage technology
Obtain the desired electrical characteristic. There are
A. Pumped Hydro Storage many types of battery systems like lead-acid,
Lithium-ion, Sodium sulphur and flow batteries.
The pumped hydro storage is the conventional and Among them, the Lead-acid battery is presently used
most widely used energy storage technology. In this in many applications due to its low cost. Although
storage, the electrical energy is stored as the potential the batteries are the most convenient and practical
energy by pumping water to a higher reservoir during method, their high cost and less cycle life are of great
off peak periods. This energy can be converted back concern in their implementation. The implementation
to the electrical energy by allowing the water to flow of batteries in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is
from higher to lower reservoir and driving the hydro challenging the existing energy management system
turbines. Of the grid energy storage techniques of power grids.
currently in use, the pumped hydro storage is the
largest one in terms of capacity. The efficiency of the 1. Sodium Sulphur (NAS) battery
pumped hydro storage plant is about 70%–80%
which varies depending on the plant size, the type of The NAS battery operates at 300 °C, employing an
turbine, the penstock diameter, the height between electrochemical reaction between sodium and
the reservoirs and the level of generation [5]. The sulphur. Molten sulphur at the positive electrode and
usage of pumped storage plants is limited to rural molten sodium at the negative electrode are separated
areas because of the large area the system constitutes by a solid beta alumina ceramic electrolyte. The
for setting up the reservoirs. electrolyte allows only the positive sodium ions to
pass through it and combine with the sulphur to form
B. Battery Energy Storage sodium polysulphides. During discharge, sodium ions
in the negative electrode pass through the solid
The battery is charged to store the electrical energy in electrolyte to reach sulphur in the positive electrode.
the form of a chemical reaction inside the battery. A key issue is that the battery cannot be allowed to
The reversal of this reaction will result in the cool down, as the sodium and sulphur will solidify
discharge of the battery producing and damage the battery. The basic NAS battery
Electrical energy from the chemical reaction. “building block” has a capacity of 50 kW.Batteries
Because batteries store and produce DC power, the can be connected together to provide megawatts of
power converters are essential for this type of storage power. A 1-MW system would be roughly the size of
in order to interact with the AC power grid. Because two semi-trailers and would weigh approximately 88
they are non-polluting, easy to install and portable, tons. The batteries will last for at least 15 years,
the battery energy storage is the most convenient assuming 2,500 charge/discharge cycles.
form of storage in urban areas. A battery energy
storage system is made up of several low voltage
battery modules connected in series and parallel to

applications are its high costs (>$600/kw-hr or over
twice the cost for a ZnBr battery) and cycle life
(2,000–5,000 cycles). On the positive side, Li-ion
efficiency is very high, potentially over 90 percent.

Figure 2. NAS battery station

2. Lithium Ion (Li-ion)

The electrolyte is made up of lithium salts dissolved

in organic carbonates. When the battery is being
charged, the lithium atoms in the cathode become
ions and migrate through the electrolyte toward the
carbon anode, where they combine with external
electrons and are deposited between carbon layers as
lithium atoms. This process is reversed during
discharge. Li-ion battery is the battery of choice for Figure 3. Lithium ion battery
laptops and vehicles because of its very high energy
density (on a weight basis), the key issues for utility Comparison of some battery types:-

Advanced Energy Cost (kWh) Cycle Life Other Issues or disadvantages

Battery Density
Type (Wh/kg)
Li - ion 90-190 $1,333 2000 High self-discharge rate and
requires special charging
NaS 100 $450 2500 Safety concerns addressed by
design; backup generator
Zinc 70 $500 1000 Energy density is a big issue for
Bromine Transportation
EDLC 6-10 $44,070 1,000,000 Has the highest dielectric absorption
a 110 MW – 26 hour compressed air energy storage
3. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) plant in Alabama, built in 1991.

The compressed air energy storage uses the excess 4. Flywheel Storage
power from the grid during off-peak load periods to
compress air and stores it in an underground reservoir The flywheel energy storage stores the electrical
under the pressure. In case of the shortage of power, energy in the form of kinetic energy of a rotor or a
the compressed air is released and burnt with a fuel to disc spinning around its axis on a shaft. The charging
drive the generator. Actually, this type of technology or discharging of the flywheel
is known as hybrid energy storage as it uses fuel as storage system takes place by changing the amount of
well. However, for the same power output, the fuel kinetic energy present in the accelerating or
consumption in this storage is only one third of the decelerating rotor, respectively. The flywheel is
consumption for a regular combustion turbine. The coupled with an electrical machine which acts as a
compressed air energy storage is not widely being motor to drive the flywheel while charging and acts
as a generator to discharge the stored energy by
used presently due to the safety related issues of decelerating the rotor to stationary position. The
storing compressed air in the underground. Currently amount of energy stored depends on the moment of
there is only one such kind of a plant in US, which is inertia and square of the rotational speed of the rotor.

Therefore, composite materials are used for the rotor systems already exist in widely used applications.
to reduce its weight allowing much high speeds. The Thermal systems can either be ice-based for peak
flywheel has a high power density and high cycle shaving commercial and industrial cooling loads or
life. A medium scale flywheel system is being molten-salt based for steam production.
incorporated in New York City with ten 100kW – 30
seconds flywheels for regenerative braking and start 8. Hydrogen
up of subway transit cars.
Hydrogen energy storage is still in the developmental
5. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage stages as well, but will be an integral component of
(SMES) any post-fossil energy market. The hydrogen can be
stored in a gas, liquid, metal hydride or carbon-based
The superconducting magnetic energy storage form, which is then released through a chemical
charges by storing the electrical energy in the form of reaction to power a fuel cell. There are several
magnetic field created by the flow of DC current hydrogen storage modes, such as: compressed,
through a coil made of superconducting material at liquefied, metal hydride, etc. For station applications,
very low temperatures. The DC power stored in the pressurized tanks with a volume anywhere between
magnetic field can be discharged with high power 10-2 and 10,000 m3 are the simplest solution to date.
output in a short interval time. The energy stored in Currently available commercial cylinders can stand
the coil is proportional to the inductance of the coil pressures up to 350 bars.
and square of the dc current creating the magnetic
field. The increase in the size of the coil can increase
the storage capacity. Superconducting magnetic V. ENERGY STORAGE IN FUTURE SMART
energy storage units up to 3 MW are in usage GRID
presently. Due to its high efficiency and fast
response, the superconducting magnetic energy Due to the aging infrastructure, environmental
storage is driving greater attention. A small SMES concerns, security issues, to avoid blackouts and to
unit of 1.0 MW, 0.75 MJ was installed and tested by ensure high efficiencies, there has been much interest
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Company to laid by the United States government in transforming
improve local power quality and reliability. the conventional electric grid into a future smart grid.
With the large scale integration of renewable energy
6. Capacitors sources and distributed generation into the power
grid, energy storage devices will play a key role in
The capacitor consists of two parallel electrode plates the future smart grid. The smart grid without energy
which are separated by a dielectric. When the voltage storage devices is said to be like a computer without
is applied across the terminals the positive and hard drive. Presently only 2.5 % of the total electric
negative charges get accumulated over the electrodes power delivered in the United States passes through
of opposite polarity. The amount of energy stored in energy storage, almost all of which is pumped hydro
the capacitor is proportional to the capacitance and storage. The distributed energy storage devices
the square of the voltage applied. So, the energy connected to the grid on a large scale can be helpful
storage capacity can be increased with both in meeting peak loads, maintaining power quality,
capacitance and voltage. Although the voltage is and reducing the reserve capacity. With the less
restricted by the dielectric in the capacitors, the response time, the energy storage can reduce spikes
capacitance can be increased by increasing the in the load and ensure the power supply to the loads
permittivity and surface area of the electrodes or during the faults until the system is restored. The
decreasing the distance between the electrode plates. distributed energy storage can help in reducing losses
The capacitor is generally used for the high power on the distribution lines. The energy storage can also
short term applications, such as a pulsed load. There play a major role in the micro grid operation by
has been much advancement in the capacitor storage helping in islanding and reconnection process, and
like the super-capacitor which has much lesser increasing the range of load that could be supplied by
volume for the same storage capability and with the micro grid. In addition, the plug-in hybrid
much longer cycle life. The super-capacitor is now electrical vehicle is driving greater attention in the
available in the range of up to 100 kW with very a smart grid, which charge when the vehicle is running
short discharge time of up to ten seconds. and can supply the power to the grid when the
vehicle is parked. The plug-in hybrid electrical
vehicle can facilitate the micro grid to meet load
7. Thermal demand transients or grid power quality events. With
many applications in the power grid, the large scale
Not generally thought of as one of the new, high-tech integration of energy storage is still lacking because
energy storage technologies, thermal energy storage of the following challenges,

Rodriguez, Member, IEEE “A Utility Perspective of
1. A economic energy storage device is to be the Role of Energy Storage in the Smart Grid.”
developed since the existing devices are requiring the [7] U.S. department of energy,netl,report september
high capital investment 2009,“energy storage–a key enabler of the smart
The optimal location, type, and size of the energy grid.”
storage system is still a major concern to the utilities. [8] ali nourai and chris schafer IEEE magzines,
“changing the Electricity game.”
2. Both optimal software and hardware models for
the energy storage applications are to be developed.

3. The high-efficient power electronic conversion

system is to be developed to increase the efficiency
of the energy storage system.

4. The proper coordination of the energy storage with

the renewable energy sources should be determined.
5. The long-life and clean battery technology should
be developed for minimizing its negative impact on
the environment.

This paper presents various energy storage
techniques and their applications in the storage in
smart grid. The benefits from the energy storage with
the renewable energy sources, at the grid are
discussed. The importance of storage systems in
electricity grids is finally receiving the attention of
system planners as more storage options become
available. As nations around the world continue to
increase their portfolios of renewable energy, the
participation of storage is increasing. The design of
smart grids in the future will take advantage of
storage in dealing with more dynamic loads and

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to isolated power systems.”
[4] Sandeep Yeleti, Student Member, IEEE, and
Yong Fu, Member, IEEE “Impacts of Energy Storage
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[5] I. Serban, Member IEEE, C. Marinescu,
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Topologies of Battery Energy Storage Systems for
Integration in Autonomous Micro grids.”
[6] Bradford P. Roberts, Life Senior Member IEEE,
and Chet Sandberg, Fellow IEEE, George D.

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