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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Libmanan North District
Mambayawas, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

The Effectiveness of Different Teaching Methods in Enhancing

Student Learning Outcomes


Education plays a vital role in shaping the future of students. To ensure effective
learning, it is important to explore and evaluate various teaching methods and their impact
on student learning outcomes. The best benefits for teachers and students are obtained
by maximizing the advantages of each teaching method and by combining the
advantages of online and face-to-face instruction. The study aims to investigate the
effectiveness of the flex model of blended learning in teaching the mathematics subtopic
of coordinates in the plane through the improvement of students' academic achievement,
self-study skills and learning attitudes. In the context of the rapidly developing scientific
and technical revolution, the education and training sector has actively implemented tasks
and solutions to enhance support management, teaching, learning, assessment, scientific
research, and the application of information and communication technology (ICT) (Acosta
et al., 2018; Baris, 2015; Bray and Tangney, 2017; Diabat and Aljallad, 2020).
Statement of the Problem
The primary goal of education is to facilitate student learning and promote their academic
achievement. In order to achieve this objective, educators continually explore and employ various
teaching methods to enhance student learning outcomes. However, the effectiveness of different
teaching methods in improving student learning outcomes remains a subject of investigation and
The problem statement for this study aims to address the following key questions:
1. What is the impact of different teaching methods on student learning outcomes?
2. Which teaching methods are more effective in enhancing student learning
outcomes across different subject areas and grade levels?
3. How do students' individual learning styles and preferences interact with various
teaching methods to influence their learning outcomes?
4. Are there any specific factors that may mediate or moderate the relationship
between teaching methods and student learning outcomes, such as teacher
characteristics, classroom environment, or educational technology?

By examining these questions, the study seeks to contribute to the existing body
of knowledge on teaching effectiveness and provide valuable insights to educators,
policymakers, and researchers. Understanding the effectiveness of different teaching
methods can inform instructional practices, curriculum development, and educational
policies, ultimately leading to improved student learning outcomes and educational
Significance of the Study
The study on the effectiveness of different teaching methods in enhancing student learning
outcomes is significant for several reasons:
Improvement of teaching practices. By examining various teaching methods,
the research contributes to the understanding of what works best in the classroom. It
helps educators identify effective strategies that can be implemented to enhance student
learning outcomes. This knowledge can lead to improvements in teaching practices and
instructional techniques.
Personalized learning. The study allows for a better understanding of how
different teaching methods can cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of students.
It helps educators tailor their instruction to meet individual student requirements, leading
to a more personalized and engaging learning experience.
Evidence-based decision-making. The research provides empirical evidence on
the effectiveness of different teaching methods. This evidence can guide educational
policymakers, administrators, and teachers in making informed decisions regarding
curriculum development, instructional design, and resource allocation.
Professional development. The study's findings can inform professional
development programs for teachers. Educators can learn about effective teaching
methods, instructional strategies, and assessment techniques that have been shown to
enhance student learning outcomes. This knowledge can support teachers in their
continuous growth and improvement, ultimately benefiting the students they teach.
Educational equity. The research can shed light on teaching methods that are
particularly effective for different student populations, including students with diverse
backgrounds, abilities, and learning needs. By identifying teaching methods that promote
equitable learning outcomes, the study contributes to creating a more inclusive and
equitable education system.
Enhanced student outcomes. Ultimately, the research aims to improve student
learning outcomes. By identifying and implementing effective teaching methods, students
are more likely to acquire and retain knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and
achieve academic success. The study's findings can contribute to a positive impact on
students' educational experiences and future opportunities.
Overall, the significance of studying the effectiveness of different teaching methods lies
in its potential to enhance teaching practices, promote personalized learning, inform
decision-making, support professional development, foster educational equity, and
improve student outcomes.


The Effectiveness of Different Teaching Methods in Enhancing Student Learning

The effectiveness of teaching methods in improving student learning outcomes is
a topic of great interest in educational research. This literature review aims to provide an
overview of relevant studies that have investigated the impact of various teaching
methods on student learning outcomes. The review focuses on key findings,
methodologies, and implications for classroom practice. Hattie, J.'s (2009)
comprehensive meta-analysis examined numerous teaching methods and their effect
sizes on student achievement. The study found that strategies such as formative
assessment, feedback, and direct instruction have significant positive impacts on learning
outcomes. It highlighted the importance of teacher clarity, classroom discussion, and
providing students with effective feedback [1].
Mayer R. E. (2004) critically analyzed the effectiveness of discovery learning, a
method that emphasizes independent exploration and problem-solving. He argued that
pure discovery learning, without any instructional guidance, can lead to lower learning
outcomes. The study recommended incorporating guided instruction and scaffolding to
optimize the benefits of discovery learning [3].
Slavin R. E.’s (2014) research focused on cooperative learning, where students
work together in small groups to achieve common goals. The study revealed that properly
structured cooperative learning experiences positively impact student learning outcomes.
Key elements for success include individual accountability, positive interdependence, and
group processing [2]. Hmelo-Silver C. E. (2004) investigated the effectiveness of problem-
based learning (PBL) in promoting deep understanding and problem-solving skills. The
study found that PBL enhances students' content knowledge, critical thinking, and self-
directed learning abilities. The research highlighted the importance of scaffolding,
authentic tasks, and effective facilitation for successful implementation [4].
Clark R. C. and Mayer R. E. (2016) explored the effectiveness of e-learning
methods, particularly multimedia instructional materials. The study emphasized the
importance of cognitive load theory and the use of multimedia principles in designing
effective online learning experiences. When appropriately designed, e-learning can
significantly enhance student learning outcomes [5]. Marzano R. J.'s comprehensive
framework integrated research-based instructional strategies for improving student
learning outcomes. The study highlighted the significance of classroom strategies such
as identifying similarities and differences, summarizing and note-taking, and providing
recognition and rewards. By incorporating these strategies, teachers can enhance
student engagement and achievement [6].
This review highlights several key studies that shed light on the effectiveness of
different teaching methods in enhancing student learning outcomes. The literature
demonstrates the importance of evidence-based instructional practices, including
formative assessment, direct instruction, cooperative learning, problem-based learning,

and e-learning. It emphasizes the need for scaffolding, feedback, and proper design to
optimize instructional effectiveness. By incorporating these research findings into
classroom practices, educators can make informed decisions to improve student learning
Gaps Bridged by the Study
The study on the effectiveness of different teaching methods in enhancing student learning
outcomes aims to bridge several gaps in educational research and practice. Here are some of
the gaps that this research seeks to address:
1. Lack of Comparative Analysis. The study addresses the gap in comparative
analysis of different teaching methods. By examining and comparing the
effectiveness of various instructional approaches, it provides insights into their
relative strengths and weaknesses.
2. Individual Learning Styles. Students have diverse learning styles and
preferences. This research helps bridge the gap by exploring how different
teaching methods cater to these individual differences. It provides valuable
information on which methods are more suitable for specific types of learners.
3. Evidence-Based Practice. The study contributes to evidence-based teaching
practices. It goes beyond anecdotal evidence or personal beliefs and provides
empirical data on the effectiveness of different instructional methods. This
research helps educators make informed decisions based on research findings
rather than relying solely on tradition or intuition.
4. Academic Achievement. The primary goal of education is to enhance student
learning outcomes. This study addresses the gap in understanding how different
teaching methods impact academic achievement. By examining student
performance and learning gains, it helps identify the most effective strategies for
improving student learning outcomes.
5. Engagement and Motivation. Student engagement and motivation are crucial for
effective learning. This research investigates how different teaching methods can
enhance student engagement and motivation levels. By identifying strategies that
increase student interest and participation, it offers insights into creating more
engaging learning environments.
6. Classroom Practices. The study also aims to bridge the gap between research
and classroom practices. It provides practical implications for educators by offering
evidence-based recommendations on the most effective teaching methods. This
research helps teachers apply research findings in their instructional approaches,
leading to improved learning outcomes for their students.
By addressing these gaps, the research on the effectiveness of different teaching
methods contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance educational practices and student
learning outcomes. It provides valuable insights for educators, researchers, and
policymakers, supporting evidence-based decision-making in the field of education.

Definition of Terms
To better understand the study on "The Effectiveness of Different Teaching Methods in
Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes," it is important to define some key terms related to the
topic. Here are the definitions of the terms commonly used in this study:
1. Teaching Methods: These refer to the strategies, techniques, or approaches
employed by educators to facilitate the learning process. Teaching methods can
include lectures, discussions, group work, hands-on activities, multimedia
presentations, case studies, and more. Each method utilizes different instructional
techniques to engage students and impart knowledge.
2. Student Learning Outcomes: These are the measurable and observable results
of student learning at the end of an instructional period. Learning outcomes may
include knowledge acquisition, understanding of concepts, problem-solving skills,
critical thinking abilities, practical application of knowledge, and overall academic
3. Effectiveness: In the context of this study, effectiveness refers to the degree to
which a particular teaching method contributes to improved student learning
outcomes. It involves assessing the impact or success of a teaching method in
achieving its intended goals and objectives. Effective teaching methods are those
that lead to significant gains in student learning and engagement.
4. Enhancement: Enhancement refers to the improvement or augmentation of
student learning outcomes through the implementation of specific teaching
methods. The study aims to investigate how different teaching methods can
enhance or boost student learning, surpassing the outcomes achieved by
traditional or conventional teaching approaches.
5. Comparative Study: This study involves comparing and analyzing multiple
teaching methods to determine their relative effectiveness in enhancing student
learning outcomes. Researchers may select a variety of teaching methods, such
as lectures, active learning strategies, problem-based learning, flipped
classrooms, or blended learning, and then assess their impact on learning
6. Quantitative Analysis: The study may involve quantitative analysis, which is a
research method that uses numerical data to measure and analyze variables. In
the context of this study, researchers may collect data on student performance,
test scores, or other measurable outcomes and use statistical techniques to
compare the effectiveness of different teaching methods.
7. Qualitative Analysis: In addition to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis may
be employed in the study. Qualitative analysis involves gathering non-numerical
data, such as observations, interviews, or open-ended survey responses, to gain
a deeper understanding of the experiences, perceptions, and opinions of students
and educators regarding different teaching methods.


Population and Sample of the Study

The population for this study comprises students from various educational
institutions, such as schools or universities, who have been exposed to different teaching
methods. The sample will be drawn from this population using a combination of purposive
and random sampling techniques. The sample size will depend on the availability of
participants and the specific requirements of the study.
Sources of Data
To collect data for this study, both primary and secondary sources will be utilized.
Primary Sources
The primary sources of data will include:
a) Surveys: A survey questionnaire will be developed to gather students'
feedback on their experiences with different teaching methods. The questionnaire
will include items related to perceived learning outcomes, engagement levels,
understanding of concepts, and overall satisfaction.
b) Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with students,
teachers, and education experts to obtain qualitative data. These interviews will
explore their perspectives on the effectiveness of each teaching method and its
impact on student learning outcomes.
c) Classroom Observations: Classroom observations will be carried out
to observe students' engagement, participation, and behavior during different
teaching sessions. Detailed notes will be taken to evaluate the impact of each
teaching method on student learning outcomes.
Secondary Sources
Secondary sources of data will include:
a) Academic Performance Records: Academic performance records, such as
grades, test scores, and attendance data, will be obtained from the educational
institutions where the study is conducted. These records will provide information on
students' learning outcomes in relation to different teaching methods.
b) Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing research and literature
on teaching methods and their impact on student learning outcomes will be conducted.
This will provide a theoretical framework and support the study's findings.

Research Instrument
The research instruments for data collection will consist of:
a) Survey Questionnaire: A structured survey questionnaire will be designed to
gather quantitative data on students' perceptions of different teaching methods and their
impact on learning outcomes. The questionnaire will include multiple-choice questions,
Likert scale items, and open-ended questions to obtain a range of responses.
b) Interview Guide: An interview guide will be developed to conduct in-depth
interviews with students, teachers, and education experts. The guide will consist of open-
ended questions that allow participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and
insights regarding the effectiveness of different teaching methods.
c) Observation Checklist: A standardized observation checklist will be created to
document observations during classroom sessions. The checklist will include indicators
related to student engagement, participation, and behavior, providing a structured
framework for assessing the impact of different teaching methods.
Data Gathering Procedure
The following data gathering procedure will be followed:
a) Survey Administration: The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the
selected participants, either in a printed format or through an online platform. Participants
will be given sufficient time to complete the questionnaire, and anonymity and
confidentiality will be ensured.
b) Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with a selected group of
students, teachers, and education experts. The interviews will be audio-recorded with
participants' consent, transcribed, and analyzed for themes and patterns.
c) Classroom Observations: The researcher will visit selected classrooms to
conduct observations during different teaching sessions. Detailed notes will be taken,
focusing on student engagement, participation, and behavior.
d) Data Collection from Secondary Sources: Academic performance records
will be obtained from educational institutions, ensuring the necessary permissions and
privacy protection. A thorough review of relevant literature will be conducted to gather
secondary data.
e) Data Analysis: The collected data, both qualitative and quantitative, will be
analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative analysis methods. The
findings will be presented, interpreted, and discussed in Chapter IV.


[1] Hattie, J. (2009). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses

Relating to Achievement. Routledge.
[2] Slavin, R. E. (2014). Cooperative Learning: What Makes Groupwork Work? The
Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice, OECD Publishing.
[3] Mayer, R. E. (2004). Should There Be a Three-Strike Rule Against Pure
Discovery Learning? American Psychologist, 59(1), 14-19.
[4] Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2004). Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do
Students Learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16(3), 235-266.
[5] Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). E-Learning and the Science of Instruction:
Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning. Wiley.
[6] Marzano, R. J. (2007). The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive
Framework for Effective Instruction. ASCD.


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