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Digital Systems I DSY131T Homework Assignment 1

1. The frequency of a signal is 1Khz and the duty cycle is 25%. The amplitude at 10% is 2V at a
time of 200µs and the amplitude at 90% occurs at a time of 300µs. The fall time is equal to the
rise time. Fill in all blanks in the diagram. [3]


2. The switching levels of TTL-logics are?

3. The frequency of a pulse generator is 1 KHz and the pulse width is 250µs. What is the
percentage duty cycle of the signal?

4. What is the frequency of a signal where Ton = 5mS, Toff = 5mS and the amplitude is 5V?

5. In a certain digital waveform, the period is four times the pulse width. The duty cycle is:

6. A quantity having a continuous set of values is a/an ………..quantity.

7. What is the frequency of a signal where Ton = 2mS, Toff = 3mS and the amplitude is 5V?

8. The frequency of a pulse generator is 2 KHz and the pulse width is 125µs. What is the
percentage duty cycle of the signal?

9. The time interval on the leading edge of a pulse between _ % and _ % of the amplitude is the
rise time.

10. The pulse width (tw) is the duration between the _ % points of the rise and fall times.

11. The period of a signal is 5 times the pulse width. The duty cycle is _%.

12. Complete the truth table for a 2-input AND gate and a 2-input OR gate. Write down the
equations for these gates.

13. Draw a diagram of a real digital pulse and indicate the following:
Rise time
Fall time
Pulse width

14. The following train of pulses is applied to an AND gate. Draw the output X
Digital Systems I DSY131T 2012 Homework Assignment 1

15. Draw the output X if the above waveform was applied to an OR gate.

16. What 2-input gate produced the output below?

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