Family Norms

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Meaningful family norms are part of developmental process and provide insights of behavioral

growth, emotional guidelines for children. As, during early childhood, children participate very

actively in everyday chores and norms, which helps them in their developmental process.

Growing up in family guide us the concept of interaction/relationships and help us to engage and

understand every aspect of life. However, so many families encounter both peace, happiness OR

disputes, conflicts and frustrations with both positive and negative outcomes, depending on

family norms.

Few of my family norm which I embrace and enjoy, are;

 Family dinner together

 Gossips with parents before going to bed

 Evening tea and walk with my sister

 Movie night once a week

 Sharing information

 Sharing everyday experience with each-other

 Morning greetings

 12am birthday surprises

 Special birthday wishes and parties

 Family outings and tours

 Return home before 8pm

While some of the strange, creepy norms I noticed at my friends are:

 Early child marriage (usually before 18)

 Professional growth and career development restrictions

 Lack of family communication

 No family meal-time together

 Waking up late in morning

 Staying up till late night

 Excessive intake of junk food

Family norms can prompt personal growth and development by providing a feeling of belonging,

unconditional love, unlimited care, support that cannot be find anywhere else. Family norms tend

to appear as lifetime memories of perfect moments full of live and love, from sharing

experiences and stories to split second of exchanging smiles, laughter’s or giggles. Similarly,

family daily chores and norms helps to pass family values either religious or cultural heritage

moreover, it keep generations connected. INDEED, it’s hard to realize the worth of family norms

in our lives.

Norms and daily cores can be hurtful or harmful also by harsh disciplinary measures and

resentments, by imposing it or by making it compulsory for preservation of tradition. Let

suppose, if adult daughter leaves for a NEW YEAR celebratory party instead of eating dinner

and watching movie with family, it doesn’t indicate any protest or something. Perhaps, family

norms should be voluntary by providing appropriate pace, liberty and space for children personal


The main purpose is to maintain the idea behind family norms; “TO SPEND TIME TOGETHER,


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