Alumn Com Task

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Mandatory Task

New Initiative to facilitate interaction between alumni and students

Name of event: Phoneathon/Alumni Conclave

1. Facilitate short one-on-one interaction between Alumni and students based on their
common interests and background. It can be both online and offline.
2. Create numerous meaningful connections between students and Alumni.
3. Incentivise the maximum number of students to be involved in the process.
4. Leave the Alumni with tangible memories and create a nostalgic environment.


Event Structure
Step 1> We take participation entries from both alumni and students so that we don’t force
it on anyone and only those who are willing to give their time. They would be asked to fill
out a form about their interest (Hobbies, Inclinations etc.) and background(Academic,
Professional, Regional).
Step 2> Based on the inputs, we shall map students with Similar Alumni. They shall be
allowed to interact one-on-one at a coffee table on any topic around the globe for as long as
they wish. This shall happen on a particular day during our 3-day weekend.
Step 3> As soon as one table gets empty, we bring another student there and shift the last
student in a queue for another alumnus. We do this so that the alumnus does not have to
Step 4> At the end, based on the total minutes interacted and the maximum number of
different Interactions, we can reward both the students(primarily) and alumni, if needed.
Anyway, we will be providing mementoes to all the alumni

Timeline: Every day for 3 days in two slots a day, Morning slot 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM & Evening
Slot 4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Target Audience: Enthusiastic students, All the Alumni


Students: Networking, Conversational Experience, Industry Exposure, Knowledge, and

connection about IIMBs rich legacy

Alumni: Reconnecting with the Institute, Getting aware of the current trends, Positive
Nostalgia and Surprises

Note: for interaction, we will be keeping board games, card games, interactive surprise
elements and obviously refreshments to make it as engaging as possible. This entire
scenario can be replicated in an online scenario too, and here we have the advantage of
including alumni who couldn’t physically be present on campus. This acts as a two-way
Optional:Event Management Task

Name of event: Alumni Sports Day

1. Making Alumni aware of the progress in their respective sports and Sports@ IIMB as
a whole
2. Facilitate student and Alumni interaction while providing a networking opportunity
3. Establishing a long-lasting cultural influence in turn having a positive domino effect


Event Structure:

1. Over a weekend, we keep a meet with alumni of different sports teams at IIMB.
2. It contains three phases, we start with the introduction with team players and coach,
we further play a friendly match where IIMB provides the equipment to the alumni,
post that, we host a momento ceremony for all the alumni followed by a team
All these aspect are for individual teams/sports.
3. We Conclude with a common dinner for all sports teams

Duration: 1 day

Venue: For matches, respective sports grounds. MDC for dinner


1. Creating a long-lasting connection and sports culture in the institute.

2. Providing people with an anchor to hold on to and look up to
3. Enhanced inter-team bonding
Form Questions

About Yourself
Hello, I hail from the city of Kota, Rajasthan. The city of knowledge, as it is called. I completed my
undergraduate from IIT Bombay with a Dual degree in Electrical Engineering. I have done three
internships, the most recent one being at Anthill Ventures, a 100 million-dollar early-stage VC firm. I
was majorly involved in sourcing, fortunate enough to interact with the top management of several
start-ups daily.

Sports & Adventure have been something very close to me since the very beginning, and it has the
most significant impact on shaping me into the person I am today. Be it about valuing and utilising
your team to the fullest, Investing and extracting from the extended generational network or
nurturing the upcoming generation.

I have played nationals in skating and was the captain of the Hockey team at IIT Bombay. Observing
both the administrative and social aspects of the team allowed me to manage a wide range of
stakeholders throughout my stay at IIT. Last but not least, my adventurous side is what enhances my
risk-taking appetite, curiosity and ability to explore. I have completed a Mountain adventure course
by the Indian Army in Kashmir. Completed several 100 km + cycling rides around Bombay and
Bangalore. I am also an avid writer. You can find my writeups by directly googling my name.

Why do you want to join AlumCom Team?

Impact creation, learning, and exposure are the key drivers that motivate me to take
up a task and work towards it and AlumnCom provides a platform that outshines in all three
of these segments outrightly. Furthermore, i believe that my diverse experiences being on
both sides of the table(a student and alumni of a premier institute) in past coupled with my
administrative skills would enable me to add valuable insights and have enriching
interactions with the alumni network as well as my peers. Being a part of AlumnCom will
provide me with an opportunity to create a tangible impact. Working in a team with some of
the most intelligent and motivated people will lead to a steep and never-ending learning
curve. It will also allow me to work across disparate practice sectors, thus providing flexibility
and exposure. Last but not least, AlumnCom being the only club facilitating direct interaction
with institute administration, make it to stand out in terms of opportunities and experience to
be gained. Thus, AlumnCom seems like a natural fit for me.

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