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Portable Multi-Sensor Air

Quality Monitoring Platform

for Personal Exposure Studies
Pelumi W. Oluwasanya, Abdullah Alzahrani, Varindra Kumar,
Yarjan Abdul Samad, and Luigi G. Occhipinti

oor air quality is considered among the main causes a half-meter or less space resolution may become a unique in-
of millions of premature deaths annually, about 8 strument and breakthrough, not only for the individuals, but
million in 2012 according to the World Health Or- also for the city councils, and other government agencies to
ganization [1]. Several epidemiological studies have found a shape and fine-tune their policies for control of air quality in
relationship between exposure beyond specified limits and urban, industrial and rural areas. This is possible with the use
burden of disease [2]. These and many more have led to an in- of both existing and emerging technologies for autonomous
creased and urgent need to both monitor and consequently sensors, data communication and modern mobile networks,
limit personal exposure to harmful pollutants [3]. There is a including Internet of Things.
generalized attention from different governmental agencies The first implication of this application is that the sensor
globally to limit anthropogenic emissions via legislations and platform must be non-intrusive, integrated into objects of ev-
policies. City councils, including for instance in Cambridge, eryday use and environments, such as in cars, bikes, or in
UK, promote new policies that help accelerate switching from offices and homes, and possibly combined or communicating
combustion engines to electric vehicles both for public and for with other portable devices of everyday use, e.g., smart-
private transport, accompanied by installation of a distributed phones, tablets and laptops. Another implication is that the
urban network of rapid charging points by 2020 [4], along with platform should monitor as many pollutants as possible at the
imposition of road taxes, and exemption from the same based same time and be able to both inform the user in real time and
on vehicles’ emission of polluting gases and smaller particu- record these data in datalog files for later use. This has proven
late matter (PM2.5). Besides, reduction of indoor wood burning to be a challenge for most of the currently demonstrated sen-
for heating, as one of the largest sources of indoor particulate sors and integrated platforms, due to the rapid increase in size
matter, also has the potential to drastically reduce PM2.5 ex- and complexity of both the hardware and software instru-
posure levels. Citizens are nowadays more conscious of and ments needed to operate different technologies.
attentive to their personal exposure to polluting agents and Here we propose a multi-sensor platform that has the
environments and prone to adopt cleaner solutions for liv- potential to achieve the necessary level of functionality and in-
ing, transport, energy generation and heating. Adoption of tegration, as needed to provide the user with easy access to the
personal exposure monitoring devices on an individual level relevant data at any time. A clear benefit and future evolution
therefore offers multiple benefits and is motivated by the will- of the proposed platform consists of the possibility to incor-
ingness to continue making healthier choices in everyday life porate machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence
consistently. Access to high resolution data of personal expo- tools in the system to make it personalized to the user’s habits,
sure with high space and time accuracy is however difficult to by learning individual activities and location and correlating
achieve with currently available centralized or public network these with measured data. This may allow the user to take in-
of monitoring stations. Providing individuals with portable formed decisions that limit exposure to potentially dangerous
devices for air quality monitoring that operate in real time and agents. Through integration with smartphones, it may be pos-
allow them to monitor and record their personalized exposure sible to access information about known relationships between
levels in combination with conventional geolocation offering exposure to such agents and likelihood of disease and use these

This research was supported by InnovateUK (GraphClean G.A. No. 71476-481865 and MP-SENS 73047-501268), EPSRC
Sensors CDT (G.A. No. EP/KO3099X/1), EPSRC CIMLAE (G.A. No. EP/LO15889/1) and the Presidential Special
Scholarship for Innovation and Development, managed by the National Universities Commission and funded
by the Petroleum Technology Development Fund.

36 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine October 2019

Fig. 1. (a) CAD of the multi-sensor platform showing the housing system and arrangement of the PM sensor and gas sensor blocks, respectively. (b) Working
principle of the capacitive detection device.

to provide the user with options for safer routes and activities, on its chemical constituents. For this reason, human PM ex-
creating a history of individual personal exposure for better un- posure limits have been set by regulatory bodies such as the
derstanding of personalized health monitoring over time. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health
To demonstrate the significance of the proposed platform, Organization (WHO). However, the concentration levels of
without limiting the range of functionalities for a compre- both large and small PM in metropolitan and industrial areas
hensive monitoring of all possible polluting and toxic agents and regions worldwide, for example China, might exceed the
present in air, we focused here on monitoring Particulate Mat- safe limits at times, in association with high level of emission
ter (PM) of sizes smaller than 10 μm and 2.5 μm in aerodynamic or environmental conditions locally, and have detrimental ef-
diameter (PM10 and PM2.5, respectively) and Nitrogen Dioxide fects for the health of inhabitants [5]. This remains a challenge
(NO2). We report the design, simulation and implementation to deal with in many such areas. Policies to reduce the ambi-
of both sensors and the possibility of their integration into a ent PM levels in these areas must depend on sources present
single platform. locally, throughout days and nights for an entire year, to be ef-
fective and efficient in capturing actual cycles, environmental
Multi-Sensor Platform Design and influences and habits of inhabitants. For instance, there is evi-
Fabrication dence that ambient PM concentration levels are influenced by
The multi-sensor platform comprises an array of interdig- wind. Migration of PM emitted from location to location due
itated electrodes that have been functionalized with active to wind has shown that the danger posed is not related to the
sensing materials that make them sensitive and selective to source’s immediate environment only [6].
a specific analyte. The platform comprises miniaturized dual With reduction in PM sizes also comes increasing persis-
housing for gas sensors and PM sensors, as shown in Fig. 1a. tence in ambient breathable air as gravity becomes too small
Sampled air enters the PM detection chamber first where a to affect natural particle deposition. Thus, smaller particles
temperature gradient due to the heater near the inlet is used (PM2.5) tend to stay longer in the outdoor air, and even more
to separate the entrained particles into different streams based in buildings, vehicles and other enclosed spaces where dis-
on their sizes. These are detected on the sensors arranged persion is slower. In big buildings there are vents that allow
perpendicularly to the flow to intercept them. The effects of for exchange of air at specific times of the day, but this is not
temperature can be removed by co-locating a temperature sen- guaranteed to ensure cleaner air without some filtering stage if
sor with the measurement electrodes. Measurement noise is the outdoor air is not cleaner than the indoor air, as can be the
removed by using a differential approach. Air leaves this PM case in buildings near heavy traffic roads during the morning
detection chamber via an outlet that doubles as an inlet for the ‘rush hour.’
gas detection chamber in which sensors are arranged as shown PM collected from any ambient airflow has constituents
to detect different gases before exiting the chamber finally. The which depend on the location being sampled. The composi-
height of the chamber is of the order of 1 cm. These sensors are tion of these particles can be organic or inorganic and range
fabricated on a flexible substrate using conventional lithogra- from sulphates to carbon, nitrates, ions and radicals. There are
phy. The different parts of the device are now presented with a differences in composition for different particle sizes, and par-
brief background in each case. ticle discrimination is needed in such studies, along with the
study of Total Suspended Particles (TSP). Thus, particle dis-
PM2.5 Detection crimination stages are usually quite an important part of all
Airborne particulate matter, whether indoor or outdoor is systems for PM monitoring, followed by the detection stage
harmful to health. PM10 is regarded as less harmful as it can for each particle size.
be sneezed out when inhaled. PM2.5 however can cross the PM 2.5 detection has been carried out with a variety of
tissue-blood barrier and potentially cause harm, depending methods and has been hugely successful in determining the

October 2019 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 37

particle mass concentration, number concentration and size capacitive PM10 sensor detected polystyrene beads of 10 μm di-
distribution. However, PM2.5 sensing devices have been gen- ameter (PM10) and 8 μm talc powder. Bianchi et al. [11] presents
erally difficult to miniaturize compared with gas sensor an impedance-based particle detection technique where inter-
devices which have been miniaturized with success. It is not digitated microelectrodes, formed into fingers of pillar shape,
immediately clear how to miniaturize, for example, a bulky are arranged normal to the flow and as a particle passes in-
gravimetric PM sensor and keep its sensitivity and accuracy. between the electrodes, the impedance change is measured.
The most successful method used instead for small sensors is Limitation of impedance-based techniques in PM2.5 detection
light scattering-based. These small sensors have a cut-off point is the very low amplitude of the signals obtained for particles
beyond which they cannot detect smaller particles, may dem- of that size, hence, their use for particles of larger size. Usabil-
onstrate unit-to-unit deviation and are therefore less accurate ity of this technique for particles of smaller size, as shown in
than the traditional ones [7]. this work, therefore requires both discrimination of smaller
Hence, the most accurate PM detectors are housed in air particles from larger ones present in the air flow and a highly
quality monitoring centers, which are present in countries in accurate electronic readout circuitry.
a limited number only. For instance, the U.K. has around 300 Acoustic based particle sensors, on the other hand, rely on
centers. These PM detectors are usually gravimetric detectors the frequency shift that occurs when a particle is deposited on
which determine the PM mass concentration from the differ- an oscillating cantilever or element as a result of the increase in
ence in the weight of the filter collector before and after the mass of the oscillating component. They are usually very sen-
deposition of particles on it. Some gravimetric sensors are on- sitive devices. They rely on the Sauerbrey equation for their
line and can provide real-time measurement. An example is analysis. Apart from mass and number concentration, some
the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) used sensors provide size distribution output information. This is
for PM monitoring. It comprises a tapered tube with one fixed useful for ensemble characteristics and may be based on differ-
end and an oscillating end. The oscillating end attached to a fil- ent particle properties such as geometrical size, aerodynamic
ter collects particles which alters the frequency of oscillation. size, electrical mobility, inertia, and optical properties [12].
This leads to a direct PM mass concentration determination in In this work, capacitive detection technique was used,
real-time [8]. based on the principle that when particles come into the active
Light based techniques are divided into three broad cat- volume space of charged electrodes they produce a change in
egories which are absorption, scattering and extinction. PM the dielectric constant of the capacitor, and their concentra-
detection via light absorption is used for measuring black car- tion can be obtained by measuring the minute changes in the
bon (BC) concentration because of its good light absorption capacitance between the same electrodes [7], [13]. For that, par-
property. Amaral et al.’s review [9] identified the spot me- ticle-entrained airflow needs to be filtered to remove particles
ter, aethalometer, photoacoustic soot sensor (PASS), and laser larger than 10 μm in diameter. We added a critical step to the
induced incandescence (LII) as examples of devices in this cat- technique, where the resulting flow is subjected to a tempera-
egory. The spot meter, which is used in exhausts, measures the ture gradient, determining a different path for larger and for
particle concentration of particles via the comparison of light smaller particles, and therefore allows separation and discrim-
reflected from an opaque particle-laden filter and a baseline ination between PM10 and PM2.5 before they are deposited on
filter. Aethalometers are based on the attenuation of light of separate pairs of capacitive electrodes.
different wavelengths transmitted through a particle-laden fil- The electronic readout for the small capacitance changes
ter. PASS involves detecting acoustic pressure waves that are produced by the small particles impacting in the sensing elec-
generated from heat released by light-absorbing particles to trodes is based on Irvine sensors California’s MS3110 readout
surrounding air. LII measures incandescence intensity when ASIC with schematics, shown in Fig. 2, including a picture of
heated particles reach incandescence. This, with decomposi- an evaluation board. A 5 V air pump purchased from Thomas
tion rate provides a metric for PM detection. Light scattering (by Gardener Denver) was used for the work setting and con-
methods rely on the scattering of light (from lasers or LEDs) trolling the flow rate.
by particles flowing across its path. Scattered light is collected
and then analyzed through an autocorrelation function, usu- Sensor Fabrication and Integration in the PM
ally of a short time lasting signal to obtain size distributions/ Detection Module
average size, as in the case of the ensemble detectors such as The PM10 and PM2.5 sensors comprise a differential array of
photometers or number concentration or volume concentra- interdigitated electrodes arranged normal to the airflow, as
tion distribution as in the case of single particle detectors such shown in Fig. 3 for a model prototype, and simultaneously de-
as the Optical Particle Counter (OPC). tect both large and small size PM in the same airflow. Sampled
Impedance based methods have been demonstrated in the air enters the PM detection chamber where a temperature gra-
past and are still being used in several forms. They are usually dient due to the heater near the inlet is used to separate the
based on depositing PM on substrates and then measuring the entrained particles into different streams based on their sizes.
resistance/impedance of the material via a metal plate using The arrangement of the sensors normal to airflow forces inter-
probe stations or lock-in amplifiers for frequency measure- ception of the same and resultant deposition on the electrode
ments, for example, in capacitive sensors [10]. Carminati et al.’s surface, causing step changes in capacitance, as the relative

38 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine October 2019

1:4, respectively. The sam-
ple was then blown dry
with a Nitrogen gun. Ti-
tanium and Gold metal
layers were then deposited
in that order using a Lesker
e-Beam evaporator with
thicknesses of 5 nm and 50
nm for each metal layer, re-
spectively, before lift-off in

Sensor Electronics
The MS3110 Universal Ca-
pacitive Readout IC chip
produces a range of ana-
log output voltages based
on a capacitive difference
at its input and can be pro-
grammed by its internal
Fig. 2. Building blocks of the electronic readout circuit assembled on the printed circuit board. registers to compensate
for any imbalance in the
permittivity of the active volume space above the electrode external capacitance. Its
surface is increased by the presence of particles. The effects functional block diagram is shown in Fig. 2.
of temperature and parasitic capacitances are removed by us- Its transfer function is given by:
ing a differential approach, with control devices of the same
C −  CS1T
size, and arranged in the same chamber but passivated to not Vo = Gain  ⋅ V2 P 25 ⋅ 1.14 ⋅  S 2T +  VREF (1)
be subject to capacitance changes due to incident particles.
The height of the chamber is of the order of 2 cm. These sen- where:
sors are fabricated on a flexible substrate using conventional Gain = 2 or 4 V/V
lithography V2P25 = 2.25 V dc
AZ5214E image reversal photoresist was spin-coated for 40 CS1T = CSIN1(external) + CS1(internal),
seconds at 4000 rpm on 50 μm thick Kapton® HN purchased CS2T = CSIN2(external) + CS2(internal),
from a distributor of electronic materials (RS) and prebaked CF is the output stage gain capacitance and VREF is selectable
for one minute at 105 °C. It was then patterned using a negative 0.5/2.25 V output offset voltage.
photomask using the MJB 4 contact mask aligner with expo- CSIN1 and CSIN2 input capacitances form a bridge with the CS1
sure time of 8 seconds using soft contact and align and expose and CS2 adjustable internal capacitances. This bridge is driven
setting. This step is then followed by a post-exposure bake by a bipolar internal square wave signal. A programmable gain
for 2 minutes at 120 °C on a hotplate. A flood exposure was and low pass filter are also used to increase the signal and filter
then carried out for 30 seconds. Development of the patterns out any high frequency components from the output before the
was done using the AZ351B mixture with water in a ratio of signal is finally fed into a buffer to produce the output voltage

Fig. 3. Integration of the fabricated sensor and the printed circuit board.

October 2019 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 39

Fig. 4. (a) Fabricated interdigitated PM sensor electrodes. (b) Gas sensors.

Vo. As a result, Vo is proportional to the difference of input ca- for dopants [17]. More benefits can be obtained by combining
pacitances. The complete integrated device, shown Fig. 3a, has these approaches in a single sensor device [18]. With nanocom-
an electronic readout interface with LCD and the sensor board. posite materials structures, sensitivity can be further enhanced
The fabricated electrodes are shown in Fig. 4 for both the PM thanks to the increase of the active surface area and higher re-
sensor and the gas sensor. This approach (having the sensor activity at the grain boundaries. This has led to the synthesis of
board separate from the readout electronics) introduced some nanocomposite structures based on highly conductive nano-
parasitic capacitances due to the cables, traces and ZIF connec- materials such as graphene and a selective polymer binder
tors which then lead to reduce the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) material. The benefits of this include room temperature sens-
in the initial prototype. Thus, another printed circuit board ing achieved with materials that have been solution processed
(PCB) has been designed with compact integration of both the and can be deposited by drop-casting or printing.
sensor module and the read-out electronics within the same For this work, a Graphene Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)
PCB, with minimal length of traces and connectors. sodium salt composite was used as the sensing layer material.
It was deposited on interdigitated electrodes by drop-casting
Nitrogen Dioxide Detection in a trench using a syringe or a micropipette. Adsorption of the
NO2 is an oxide of nitrogen emitted from both natural and an- gas on the sensing layer causes a decrease in resistance of the
thropogenic sources. The largest anthropogenic source of NO2 material. Concentrations of NO2 down to 20 ppm have been
is vehicular, from the burning of fossil fuels in vehicle engines. successfully measured in laboratory conditions.
Indoor cooking also contributes to short time peaks in ambient
levels. Ambient levels of NO2 are generally low, due to efforts Sensor Fabrication
of government and regulatory organizations, and concentra- The sensor array in this setup comprises an array of interdig-
tions found in studies to cause respiratory problems generally itated electrodes that have been functionalized with active
are >1 ppm. sensing materials that make them sensitive and selective to
Metal oxide semiconductors and electrochemical and non- a specific analyte, in this case NO2. The fabrication technique
dispersive infrared sensors (NDIR) are different approaches for the interdigitated electrodes is similar to that already de-
that have been used in the past for NO2 detection. One example scribed. It allows for different active materials to be deposited
is from Yoshida et al. [14] using WO3 which showed sensitivity on top of each set of electrodes in the array, for higher flexibility
to 2 ppm NO2 but required a high temperature (700 °C) calcina- of the targeted application. This is further facilitated by poly-
tion process. Bott found that the best operational temperature mer bank technology, which allows each set of electrodes to be
for their NO2 sensor was at 300 °C [15], though the sensor separate in order to avoid cross-talk. The array of 8 polymer
could measure down to 1 ppb. To enable development of un- banks have been developed by depositing SU-8 2015 negative
heated metal oxide-based sensors, UV-sensitive metal oxides photoresist by spin-coating on the sample containing the inter-
such as ZnO have also been utilized and the system provided digitated electrodes array and pre-bake it at 65 °C for 1 minute
with an UV LEDs to help accelerate the release of adsorbed before ramping up to 95 °C for 3 minutes. A photomask was
gas molecules from the active sensing layer, therefore enabling used to define the geometry of the polymer banks correspond-
successful room-temperature operation of the gas sensor [16]. ing to active areas of the 8 electrodes in the array. The sample
In addition to this, selectivity to specific gas molecules, with was then exposed to UV light for 11 seconds and developed in
reduced cross-sensitivity to interferent species, is generally an- PGMEA for 3 minutes, resulting in trenches opened on active
other challenge of metal oxide-based devices, hence the need areas that constitute the polymer banks. The Graphene- CMC

40 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine October 2019

Fig. 5. (a) Graphene-CMC preparation process. (b) CAD design and fabricated NO2 sensor with Graphene-CMC sodium salt composite drop-casted.

sodium salt ink, prepared as presented by Karagiannidis et been designed using DesignSpark and the result is shown in
al., [19] and summarized in Fig. 5a for NO2 sensing, was then Fig. 6.
drop-casted into the trenches as shown in Fig. 5b. To integrate the interdigitated electrode sensor over the inter-
The preparation was then dried on a hotplate at 80 °C for 1 poser PCBs, a stencil was used to solder the flexible sensor using
hour. The array of 8 pairs of interdigitated electrodes could be the IR soldering equipment IR650A over an interposer at low
used in multiple ways: i) for detection of up to 8 different an- temperature, 140 °C. The assembly equipment and the soldering
alyte gases using different sensing ink materials selective to profile used in the soldering is shown in Fig. 7.
each analyte; or ii) for increasing reliability of the measure- An Anisotropic Conductive Film (ACF 7376-10) was used
ments through up to 8 measurements of the same analyte with to achieve the conductive adhesion between the pads of the
8 different devices at the same time; or iii) to perform 4 differ- sensor electrodes foil and the corresponding pads in the in-
ential measurements with 4 devices used as sensors and the terposer foil, at high resolution and reliability. Good values of
remaining 4 as control of up to 4 different analytes. conductivity for the ACF bonding has been further assessed at
Moreover, to allow for easy integration with the readout higher temperature in the range of 150 °C to 200 °C.
electronics, the sensor was integrated with interposers which The gas measurement is therefore based on the changes in
terminate in ZIF connectors contact for seamless fit into the slot electrical resistance of sensing electrodes and corresponding
of the printed circuit board. control devices connected in a Wheatstone bridge configura-
tion, with balanced initial values in absence of polluting gases.
Sensor Integration and Readout Electronics The presence of targeted polluting gases is obtained from the
Future sensor applications require custom solutions to sense changes between the values of electrical resistance measured
and interact with the world. Printed electronic manufactur- in the interdigital electrode terminals against the correspond-
ing methods, with hybrid integrated solution, is a promising ing reference values.
approach to both mass pro-
duce and customize sensor
systems for different mar-
kets at low manufacturing
costs and short lead time.
The hybrid approach may
include custom-made PCB
with an in-house designed
sensor. A low-cost flexible
and miniaturized inter-
poser PCB with the size 17
mm x 10 mm x 0.31 mm that
uses a foil on foil integration
method has been designed
to facilitate an easy and
reliable integration of the
x8 interdigitated electrode
sensor to the MCU based
system through a sub-sys- Fig. 6. (a) Rigid PCB with interdigitated electrodes sensor, (b) Flexible interposer with interdigitated electrodes sensor,
tem holder. The PCB has and (c) Interposer schematic.

October 2019 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 41

Fig. 7. (a) IR 650A assembly equipment. (b) Soldering profile of sensor and interposer ACF assembly.

Finally, the system is provided with additional commu- increments of 20, except for CO2, which was done from 20000
nication capabilities and standard protocol interfaces, to ppm to 80000 ppm in increments of 20000, as shown in Fig. 10.
allow transfer of data in real time to portable devices, such as In case of NO2, clear step changes were observed as the con-
smartphones and tablets, and software for data transfer and centration was increased from 0 ppm to 80 ppm in steps of 20.
representation with graphic user interfaces. Fig. 8 shows an ex- As the concentration approaches 80 ppm, the step changes re-
ample of a simple GUI for real time display and control of data duce. This is after a much larger increase (20%) observed at 40
acquisition by using HID USB/UART communication. ppm. This can be an early sign of sensor saturation. At 80 ppm,
the sensor saturates. The first response of the material, how-
Results ever, is around 15% to 20 ppm NO2.
The capacitive PM sensing capabilities were first verified via Selectivity was tested for successively exposing the mate-
simulation using a COMSOL finite element analysis tool. A rial to other gases. These include ammonia (NH3) and carbon
summary, presented in Fig. 9a, shows the capacitance changes dioxide (CO2). The exposure was done in increasing concentra-
as a single particle moves away from the surface of the elec- tion for the gases. The increment was 20 ppm for ammonia and
trodes for different horizontal positions for an electrode finger 20,000 ppm for CO2 each time. The sensor showed very little
width of 10 μm and an inter-electrode spacing of 4 μm , and a response to ammonia, not exceeding 5%, even at 80 ppm. The
particle size of 2 μm in aerodynamic diameter. From the figure, material also showed no detectable response to CO2.
the highest capacitive changes occur at the surface of the elec- A comparison of the sensor responses is shown in Fig. 11,
trodes when the particle is within the active volume space of which shows that the sensor is selective to NO2. Further sen-
the charged electrodes field. Further, the highest signal level for sitivity improvement of these sensors is needed, along with
each of the measurement points is for the position (x = 12 μm)
in-between the oppositely charged electrode fingers, as ex-
pected. Step changes of this can be expected for multiple
particles of similar size range. A static measurement carried
out shows a capacitive change when talc particles of 10 μm
aerodynamic diameter were deposited using tweezers on the
surface of the charged electrodes. This result is shown in Fig.
9b. Given the larger size of the particles and larger number
deposited with the tweezer, a step change of up to 25 fF was
obtained, as shown.
Preliminary measurements of sensor response to NO2 are
shown in Fig. 9. The material was subjected to increasing con- Fig. 8. Graphical User Interface (GUI) for real time display and data
centrations of the analyte gases from 20 ppm to 80 ppm in acquisition of the Gas sensor.

42 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine October 2019

Fig. 9. (a) Capacitive measurements for PM2.5 as a single particle moves from very close to the sensor surface. (b) Actual experimental measurements when talc
particles of PM10 are deposited on the sensor electrodes in a static test in the laboratory.

technical solutions to remove sensor saturation and to expand

the device pollutant monitoring range.

A compact sensor platform for personal exposure monitor-
ing has been presented. This includes a capacitive PM sensor
with an innovative feature of discrimination between PM2.5
and PM10 based on thermophoresis, together with an array of
resistive chemical sensors for monitoring multiple polluting
agents present in air. The work is an example of an integrated
multi-functional system for air quality monitoring suitable
for integration in portable devices to help individuals make
healthier choices in their daily activities and habits. Device
architecture, front-end readout electronics and preliminary
measurements have been reported as an example of integra-
tion of the different function block units and their working
Fig. 10. Sensor response to NO2 of increasing concentration. principles.

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Sensors Actuators, A Phys., vol. 219, pp. 80-87, 2014. Yarjan Abdul Samad is a Research Associate in the Cambridge
[14] Y. Yoshida, Y. Matsuura, T. Inoue, K. Ohtsuka, and Y. Kajiyama, Graphene Centre at University of Cambridge, Department of
“Metal oxide semiconductor NO2 sensor,” Sensors Actuators B Engineering, UK. His research areas include electromechani-
Chem., vol. 25, no. 1–3, pp. 388-391, 1995. cal and electro- and photo-thermal properties of carbon and
[15] B. Bott and T. A. Jones, “A highly sensitive NO2 sensor based on two-dimensional materials, as well as flexible and stretchable
electrical conductivity changes in phthalocyanine films,” Sensors composites for space, health, environment and energy appli-
and Actuators, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 43–53, 1984. cations. He was a member of the team who tested graphene
[16] G. Lu, J. Xu, J. Sun, Y. Yu, Y. Zhang, and F. Liu, “UV-enhanced for the first time in a Zero Gravity (Zero G) environment by
room temperature NO 2 sensor using ZnO nanorods modified using several parabolic flights. He obtained the Ph.D. degree
with SnO 2 nanoparticles,” Sensors Actuators, B Chem., vol. 162, no. in mechanical engineering from Khalifa University, United
1, pp. 82-88, 2012. Arab Emirates and the masters degree in Materials Science
[17] H. J. Kim and J. H. Lee, “Highly sensitive and selective gas and Engineering from the Masdar Institute, United Arab
sensors using p-type oxide semiconductors: overview,” Sensors Emirates.
Actuators, B Chem., vol. 192, pp. 607-627, 2014.
[18] Y. Mun, S. Park, S. An, C. Lee, and H. W. Kim, “NO2 gas sensing Luigi Occhipinti ( is Director of Research
properties of Au-functionalized porous ZnO nanosheets and Principal Investigator at the University of Cambridge,
enhanced by UV irradiation,” Ceram. Int., vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 8615- Department of Engineering, UK. He has developed science
8622, 2013. and innovation for more than 20 years in emerging tech-
[19] P. G. Karagiannidis et al., “Microfluidization of graphite and nology areas for the post-CMOS roadmap, including smart
formulation of graphene-based conductive inks,” ACS Nano, vol. systems heterogeneous integration, polymer and printed
11, no. 3, pp. 2742-2755, 2017. electronics, advanced bio-systems and molecular diagnos-
tics, advanced signal processing and nonlinear computation,
Pelumi W. Oluwasanya is a Ph.D. student at University advanced sensor technologies. He is the Deputy Director and
of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, UK. He has a Chief Operating Officer of the Cambridge Graphene Centre
BSc. degree in electrical/electronic engineering from Ola- at the University of Cambridge, co-founder and Director of
bisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria, an MSc. degree in signal Cambridge Innovation Technologies Consulting Limited and
processing and communications from The University of Non-Exec Director of Zinergy UK Limited.

44 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine October 2019

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