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Sweden update created by king

Hey friend how are you doing
over there my name is charis can
I get to know your name too,if
you donʼt mind

When he texted back............

I just arrived at Sweden not

about some months ago so my
phone location was changed to
Sweden,so that is why I cane in
contact with you when am
adding up some friend to chat
with,and I hope am not
disturbing you,am sorry if I do

When he texted back............

Well have been lonely here

cause I came here for some
national vacation,so I am lonely
and I need someone who can
keep my company and I donʼt no
if you can do ....
When he texted back............

Am from United state in

Indiana,but raised in Canada,my
parent are dead
father work as a dispatcher for
companies and my mom works
for the stealth gold company in
USA but now they are dead.

When he texted back............

I work in the national

bureaucracy so I was given
some vacation so I decide to
spend it here..

When he texted back............

I have my boyfriend earlier last

year but we breakup not
because he cheated but
because his parent has chosen
another wife for him so we
departed so since then I have
decide to face my work and
make myself fine
When he texted back............

So now I just want someone who

I can share my thought with and
my feelings that is all

When he texted back............

If I could ask are you aware of

the sex sport that is legalized
did you love that my uncle
brother is among the
coordinator. Or did you want to
The sex competition..........

Journey begins

If he says yes use this


Yeah like are you really

Intrested in the sport

When he text back...

But the registration is

Not that completely free
Because they are some
Selected ones before
So if you gat to pay
Some little amount
You will be selected

When he text back ...

And even you will

Asked about your
Information like your
ID card and some

When he text back

Ok let me direct
You to my uncle then

Then you refer him to

One of your male
Facebook or ig
Account then

Then now you asked him his

ID card

And tell him that he would pay

some little amount for
registration like this

You will pay the sum of amount

of $100 for exchanging selective
person and you will be earning
$5000 per sex of sport

Then he pay donʼt accept gift

Use cashapp

Then after it pays tell him that


Hey buddy the commitee of the

sport says that the amount is
too small that it has to be
increased to $250 before you
have to be selected and it has to
be fast I mean the payment
because it needs to be changed
before the head commitee ask
for names

Then he make payment ..then

tell him this

Oh God of mercy your names is

already selected now so you
have to send some $100 dollars
because there are some
clearance bill for you to pay for
some of our sport taker because
he says he want some money or
else he will remove you unless
you pay but I told him you will
pay hun so make your payment
and start to earn..that reminds
me send your account number
and your bank and your full
name in which you will receive
your $1000 for participating in
the sport and for payment


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