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Info : - Label 'Shapes/model1' (3D)

Info : Meshing 1D...

Info : [ 0%] Meshing curve 1 (TrimmedCurve)
Info : Done meshing 1D (Wall 0.00210398s, CPU 0.003972s)
Info : 33 nodes 34 elements
Info : Meshing 2D...
Info : Meshing surface 1 (Sphere, MeshAdapt)
Info : Done meshing 2D (Wall 0.681342s, CPU 0.791762s)
Info : 1752 nodes 3534 elements
Info : Meshing 3D...
Info : 3D Meshing 1 volume with 1 connected component
Info : Creating an empty mesh with 1752 vertices
Info : Initialization of tet. mesh
Info : Delaunay of 1748 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 4
Info : Recovering 4 missing facet(s)
Info : Recover Delaunay
Info : All volumes of the BRep were found and colorized accordingly
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 603 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 1752
Info : - 521 points filtered
Info : = 82 points added
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 2624 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 1834
Info : - 2090 points filtered
Info : = 534 points added
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 2932 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 2368
Info : - 2069 points filtered
Info : = 863 points added
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 1253 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 3231
Info : - 782 points filtered
Info : = 471 points added
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 156 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 3702
Info : - 63 points filtered
Info : = 93 points added
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Delaunay of 9 points on 1 threads - mesh.nvert: 3795
Info : Computing interpolated mesh sizes...
Info : Done computing interpolated mesh sizes
Info : Improving 655 tet. on 8 thrd (S & ER)
Info : Improving 28 tet. on 8 thrd (S & ER)
Info : Improving 11 tet. on 8 thrd (S & ER)
Info : Improving 8 tet. on 8 thrd (S & ER)
Info : Improving 8 tet. on 8 thrd (GSC)
Info : Improving 1 tet. on 8 thrd (S & ER)
Info : Final tet. mesh contains 21328 tetrahedra
Info : Final tet. mesh contains 3804 vertices
Info : tEmptyMesh = 0.125
Info : tVerifyBnd = 0.001
Info : tBndRecovery = 0.040
Info : tConvertMesh = 0.005
Info : tRefine = 0.053
Info : tOptimize = 0.004
Info : Done meshing 3D (Wall 0.237247s, CPU 0.757475s)
Info : 3804 nodes 21359 elements
Info : Writing 'meshes/s17u_sphere.vtk'...
Info : Done writing 'meshes/s17u_sphere.vtk'
-- description : a sphere
-- license : Public Domain
-- name : s17o_sphere
-- original : original/s17o_sphere.stp
-- references : common
--generate uniform mesh . . .
- gmsh.option.setNumber:
*Mesh.Algorithm: 2
*Mesh.Algorithm3D: 10
*General.NumThreads: 8
*Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin: 0.5
*Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax: 0.5
- generate lines ...
- generate triangles ...
- generate tetrahedra ...
- meshed :-)
- output stats: 3804 vertices, 32 lines, 3500 triangles, 17825 tetrahedra
- export to: meshes/s17u_sphere.vtk
--uniform mesh is generated and exported :-)

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