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Summary of Colours of Common Oxidising and Reducing Agents

Oxidising Agents KMnO4 K2Cr2O7

Initial Colour Purple Orange (in acidic medium)
Reduced to Mn2+ (acid medium) Cr3+
or MnO2 (alkali medium)
Final Colour Light pink or black solid Green

Reducing Agents KI Fe2+

Initial Colour Colourless Green
Oxidised to I2 (aq) Fe3+
Final Colour Brown Reddish brown/ yellowish

Specialist’s Notes

You must recognise the colours of the common oxidising and reducing agents. Usually,
decolourisation will be associated with a reduction of the particular oxidising agent. At the same
time, the darkening of colour is commonly linked to an oxidation of the reducing agent. A
common error will be the use of the word “disappearance” instead of decolourisation.
Candidates should be aware that chemistry is not magic at all times.



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