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Skills Profile

Sean Spencer
I think this relates to me the most because I know when
someone is down and they need talking to, so to get their
confidence up and to see where I can help.
This is something that I also do really well at because I’m
the one out of my friendship group that is good at planning
stuff, and it will help me for the job I want to get into
for interviews, and articles that I can write.
This is something that I need to improve on because I don’t
follow the instructions to build something and by doing that
it goes complicated and not knowing what to do after that.
This is something that I need to improve on because I seem
to rush my work to send it off to the examiner without proof
reading it. To be a Journalist, I need to get out of that
habit to make sure everything is perfect to be published.
This is something that I find quite easy because I don’t
want my mates or family members to see when things are hard,
and it keeps the vibes good to be around.

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