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Speaking and listening – Pre-intermediate to Upper-intermediate

Let’s talk about ADVERTISING

Conversation cards

What’s the funniest TV What kinds of advertising do you Do you ever buy products
commercial you have ever seen? know? Make a list. because of the advertising?
What happens in it? (e.g. TV commercials) If so, give some examples.

Why is it necessary to Can you remember an advertising Some companies spend millions
advertise? campaign that caught your on advertising.
attention? Why would they do this?
What was it? Do you think this pays off?

What are the most popular ways What do you think are the most What is important to you when
of advertising nowadays? effective ways of advertising? buying a product?

Should ads for alcohol and Should companies be allowed to Is there any truth in
cigarettes be allowed? advertise to children? advertising?
Why or why not? Give your point of view.

Celebrities often advertise or Group work. ‘The man who stops advertising
endorse products. Think of a product and make to save money is like the man
Which can you think of? your own radio or TV ad. Then who stops the clock to save
record it. time.’ Explain. Do you agree?

Many people think word-of- ‘Advertising is legalized lying.’ ‘Advertising is the art of
mouth is the best advertising. Do you agree? convincing people to spend money
What does this mean and do you Discuss. they don't have for something
agree? they don't need.’ Discuss.

My advert Your advert

1 2 3

banner 5 Flea-Free™ is a brand new,
beer mat effective flea collar that will ………………………………………………………
billboard 6 help your beloved pet get rid
of these annoying little beasts
that cause irritation and ………………………………………………………
classifieds itching.
7 ………………………………………………………
Does not contain poisonous
poster chemicals yet remains active ………………………………………………………
sandwich man for at least 3 years.
Available now in 12 different
TV commercial 8 colours. ………………………………………………………

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