Adventure 4 - Last Breaths of Ashenport

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Adventure No.

4 1 Last Breaths of Ashenport



The results of any Insight check indicates that Mr Dory
ADVENTURE START believes his information to be correct.
This adventure occurs in mid-to-late Autumn (i.e. October
Should the PCs converse with the Kazak using sending
to November), 3210 PC.
(or return to Slateguard to talk to him), he instructs them
to promptly travel to the Ironfeld’s mansion in Genoa for
The adventure starts when the PCs are asked by the Kazak
further instructions.
Ironfeld to attend upon a Mr Dory, a merchant of Venice.
Mr Dory is in the “import-export” business, and has
managed to acquire many useful goods for the Ironfelds The Crown of Iron Kings
in the past. Mr Dory has recently sent a message to It takes a week of overland travel between Venice and
Kazak Ironfeld that he has come into possession of Genoa. The PCs are easily able to find the Ironfeld’s
something of great value, and he thinks it would be of mansion in Genoa, and they quickly gain entrance on
great interest to the Ironfelds. He is offering it first to the displaying their Iron Defender of the Ironfelds rings.
Ironfelds, should they be willing to purchase it – for the Once inside, they are introduced to Hragen Stout-
right price. Mr Dory does not disclose what he is offering Gauntlet, the Kazak Ironfeld’s great uncle and chief priest
for sale. of Moradin for the family. Hragen gives the PCs a
The Kazak gives the PCs 50pp to purchase whatever it thorough physical description of the Crown of Iron Kings
is Mr Dory has for sale, a scroll of sending to converse and its “missing” pieces.
with the Kazak about the item, and the focus of a The Crown of Iron Kings is crafted of gold with
Leomund’s secret chest ritual to put the item in once the intricate silver filigree, with an unusually industrial
PCs have acquired it. headband of riveted iron to give it additional strength. It
is designed to be worn over a battle helm. Above the iron
The trip from Slateguard to Venice is uneventful. It is in band, the crown is ringed by rectangular-cut rubies, and
excess of 300 miles overland, and takes the PCs a good diamond-cut diamonds adorn the points of the crown. At
two weeks of constant travel. They find a comfortable the front of the crown (where it sits above the forehead) is
inn in Venice, and can easily find directions to Mr Dory’s a single, huge diamond. The circumference of the iron
main warehouse. band is inscribed with runes in Dwarven script that read
Mr Dory’s warehouse is in the eastern, industrial “Iron God of Faithful Kings defend our Throne, Forge
quarter of the city, where stinking mud and refuse clogs and Hearth; I am Your Living Hammer of Wisdom and
the canals and tanneries, foundries, cloth dyers and Justice” – the first verse of the King’s Prayer to Moradin.
alchemist labs belch foul vapours into the air. It is said that the Ghûl-King Angkmar slew the last
King of the Dwarves, Kendrick the Bold, by a blow to the
Mr Dory head, during the Chaos more than two thousand years
ago. The Crown was shattered into eight fragments,
Mr Dory is a rotund human fellow of pasty complexion,
although only five are known about – one is held by each
who slurps his words as though he has too much spittle in
of the five dwarf royal families.
his mouth. His eyes are rheumy and he licks his lips
Three parts of the Crown are supposedly missing
regularly. He smells strongly of expensive perfume, but
(although the five dwarven royal families have refused to
perceptive characters who come close to him detect some
display theirs in over a century). The three missing
rancid, sickly smell underlying the perfume.
fragments are thought to be the front of the crown (with
When the PCs introduce themselves as agents of the
the main diamond), and two pieces to one side of the front
Kazak Ironfeld, he comes straight to the point. He has
piece. The five known fragments are the ones inscribed
information that the Kazak would be willing to pay a
with the words “our Throne, Forge and Hearth; I am Your
shiny penny for. He knows where the a fragment of a
Living Hammer of Wisdom and Justice”. Hence, the
crown can be found, a fragment of a crown that bears a
missing pieces will be inscribed with the missing words
description identical to that of the Crown of Iron Kings.
of the King’s Prayer (“Iron God of Faithful Kings
He is willing to impart this information to the PCs for
defend”) or hold the large diamond.
1000gp; he is unwilling to negotiate a lower price, no
If the PCs are offered something that matches the
matter how persuasive the PCs are.
description of a missing Crown fragment, they are to
 The fragment of crown can be found on the isle of St. purchase it using the spare platinum, and deposit it in the
Kilda, a windswept speck of rock and grass practically Leomund’s chest. The PCs are given another scroll of
on the western edge of the known world. (St. Kilda is sending, although Hragen thinks that contact may be
the western-most of the Outer Hebrides, around 100 difficult given the distance between Slateguard and St.
miles off the west coast of Scotland).Mr Dory doesn’t Kilda (more than 1000 miles).
know how it came to be there, nor does he disclose Hragen tells the PCs that they are to inform no-one of
how he gleaned this piece of information – other than their mission, and to be on their guard at all times. If Mr
he “deals in rare and valuable things, and has contacts Dory’s story is true, and the other dwarf royal families
everywhere”. have heard about it, the PCs are likely to face some
Adventure No.4 2 Last Breaths of Ashenport
Trip to St. Kilda for the auction, hah?”. The Alderman personally thanks
the PCs for coming such a long way for “such a trifle”,
The trip to St. Kilda is uneventful, although it is long and
and wishes them well. He directs the PCs to the village’s
arduous. The trip is undertaken mostly by ship, as this is
tavern, the Smooth Sailing Inn and Tavern, where all of
the fasted method, although even then the voyage takes
the village’s visitors are staying, and explains that he must
more than 6 weeks.
finalise some business at the town hall. He will join the
The PCs may be able to find out about St. Kilda
party at the inn the following morning, to discuss the
during the trip, should they be keen to do so. The
following is what they find out with a History check.

DC 15: St. Kilda is the western-most of the Outer 1. Smooth Sailing Inn and Tavern
Hebrides, small islets of rocks that emerge from the There are three agents of other powers attending
foaming surf of the Atlantic Ocean a hundred miles off Ashenport in the hope of securing the fragment of the
the north-west coast of Scotland. It is exceedingly Crown of Iron Kings. They are all wary of each other,
remote, and is inhabited by doughty folk who live off the and with the exception of Jandal Phen, are difficult to
produce of the sea. The natives are all human, although engage in conversation. These NPCs do not disclose who
many suspect some trace of dwarf in their stock. their employers are.
 Tezra and her bodyguards have been hired by the
DC 20: The Outer Hebrides are so isolated that there is no Goldenbraid dwarf family.
aristocratic landholder that calls them part of his or her
demesne. The people are said to descend from humans  Matthias Creel and his bodyguards have been hired by
and dwarves of Scandinavia, and are fiercely proud, the Silver [Norway] dwarf family.
independent and easy to offend.  Jandal Phen is a jovial fellow who is quite willing to
The only village on St. Kilda is called Ashenport. It converse with the PCs. His story is that he’s a
has a population of around 200, and its current head-man jeweller interested in acquiring some of the rare
is Alderman Ritter. Not surprisingly given their location treasures occasionally washed up on the shores of St.
and dependence on the sea, the villagers worship Melora, Kilda. He understands that part of a broken circlet is
goddess of the sea, and also pay homage to Kord in his up for sale, but he’s not particularly interested in it.
aspect as god of storms. He doesn’t know who the other groups staying at the
inn are, but he reckons “there’ll be some healthy
DC 25: Not many know, but about 50 years ago, a competition at the auction!”. Jandal is actually a spy
princeling from Scotland tried to annex the islands of the in the employ of the Bronzeshield [Scotland] dwarf
Outer Hebrides to his lands. However, his troop ships family, who knows very well who all of the other
were sunk in an unseasonable storm, and he was drowned agents in the place are (including the PCs). Part of his
with just about all is men. Stories from the few survivors mission is to acquire the fragment of Crown; the other
have grown into rumours that imply that the islanders are is to gather information on St. Kilda, its people, and
witches with power over the seas and winds, and that they its defences, in preparation for an invasion.
can summon creatures from the deep to defend their
homes. 2. Bountiful Tide general store
In any case, the village of Ashenport is far too large This shop sells little in the way of adventuring gear, and a
and prosperous for its location on a tiny speck of land at lot in the way of mundane foodstuffs and equipment for a
the edge of the world. Not many know, but it owes its fishing village.
fortune to the fact that magnificent treasures from the
deep are regularly found by its folk, washed up on the
pebbly beach, brought up in fishing nets, or spotted
4. Ash Grove
wedged between rocks at low tide. Whether this is due to A character who digs around the feet of the statue of
the unusual currents around the island or is a blessing Melora in the middle of the grove (no doubt as a result of
from Melora, who can say? reading Althanis Journal) finds an old wooden box. Inside
the box is a pair of surfsurge boots that once belonged to
The final leg of the journey to St. Kilda finds the PCs in a Sharallan, and were buried here by Althanis.
small sailing boat that set out from a port on the north
coast of the Isle of Skye. The boat shelters in the lee of 11. Fairweather church
the Isle of Pabbay overnight, and the following morning This church appears to be dedicated to Melora and Kord,
the master reckons the weather will be fine for the trip, rather than Melora and Pelor. The trapdoor is hidden
and the boat heads west into the Atlantic Ocean. underneath the altar, and requires a DC 25 Perception
Unfortunately, the fine weather doesn’t hold, and clouds check to find.
slowly gather during the afternoon. As dusk falls, the tiny After Dagon’s first call, the church is staffed by half-
boat makes landfall at Ashenport on the southern coast of a-dozen cultists who defend the entrance to Dagon’s
St.Kilda, and the first drops of rain from the coming storm shrine with their lives.
hit the ground as the PCs set foot on the dock. Tactical Encounter: Fairweather or Foul?

The PCs are welcomed at the docks by Alderman
Heinrich Ritter – “It looks like you will be the last arrivals
Adventure No.4 3 Last Breaths of Ashenport
12. Coastal caves Fort 10; Ref 5; 40hp; Strength DC 25 to break). If a torch
There are no caves at the foot of these cliffs. The coastal of revealing burning incense of dreaming is brought
caves exposed during the low tide are actually on the within 10 feet of the door, it is outlined in a luminous
north-western edge of the island. glow, and slides open automatically if said torch is
brought adjacent to it.

DAGON’S HIDDEN SHRINE S11. Meditation chamber

The pool in this chamber (11a) is connected to natural
S1. The entry hall submerged tunnels and caverns the connect it to the pools
Note: There is no tactical encounter in this area. in areas S5 and S10, as well ultimately to the ocean. The
The door in the east wall of this chamber is a secret water levels in the pool rise and fall with the tide. At the
door that requires a DC 25 Perception check to find. highest tides, the water reaches to within a few inches of
Even if it is found, however, there does not appear to be the lip of the pool, and at the lowest is up to 20 feet below
any way of opening it short of smashing it down (AC 5; the lip.
Fort 10; Ref 5; 40hp; Strength DC 25 to break). If a torch
of revealing burning incense of dreaming is brought Stealth rules
within 10 feet of the door, it is outlined in a luminous
Stealth: The check is usually at the end of a move action, but it can be
glow, and slides open automatically if said torch is
at the end of any of the creature’s actions that involve the creature
brought adjacent to it. moving.
Opposed Check: Stealth vs. passive Perception. If multiple
S7. The abode of evil enemies are present, your Stealth check is opposed by each
enemy’s passive Perception check. If you move more than 2
One of the books on the bookcase is Althanis’ Journal
squares during the move action, you take a –5 penalty to the
(see Appendix 1). Stealth check. If you run, the penalty is –10.
Becoming Hidden: You can make a Stealth check against an
S5. The pool enemy only if you have superior cover or total concealment against
the enemy or if you’re outside the enemy’s line of sight. Outside
There are two statues of fish-men of Dagon in this room
combat, the DM can allow you to make a Stealth check against a
(AC 5, Fort 10, Rfe 5, 40hp). In dim light they can easily distracted enemy, even if you don’t have superior cover or total
be mistaken for real fish-men. They can be pushed over concealment and aren’t outside the enemy’s line of sight. The
with a DC 19 Strength check. A falling statue makes a distracted enemy might be focused on something in a different
+11 vs. Reflex attack against a character in a single direction, allowing you to sneak up.
adjacent square (chosen by the creature pushing it over). Success: You are hidden, which means you are silent and
A hit deals 2d6+2 damage and knocks the target prone. invisible to the enemy.
The square becomes difficult terrain. Remaining Hidden: You remain hidden as long as you meet these
The pool in this chamber (5a) is connected to natural requirements.
Keep Out of Sight: If you no longer have any cover or concealment
submerged tunnels and caverns the connect it to the pools
against an enemy, you don’t remain hidden from that enemy. You
in areas S10 and S11, as well ultimately to the ocean. The don’t need superior cover, total concealment, or to stay outside line
water levels in the pool rise and fall with the tide. At the of sight, but you do need some degree of cover or concealment to
highest tides, the water reaches to within a few inches of remain hidden. You can’t use another creature as cover to remain
the lip of the pool, and at the lowest is up to 20 feet below hidden.
the lip. Sharallan seek to escape by leaping into the pool Keep Quiet: If you speak louder than a whisper or otherwise draw
if reduced to 20 or fewer hit points. attention to yourself, you don’t remain hidden from any enemy that
can hear you.
Keep Still: If you move more than 2 squares during an action, you
S8. Behind the walls must make a new Stealth check with a –5 penalty. If you run, the
There are no steps in this hallway – it remains at the same penalty is –10. If any enemy’s passive Perception check beats your
height throughout its length. This means that area S11 is check result, you don’t remain hidden from that enemy.
the same height as areas S5 and S10, for example (and the Don’t Attack: If you attack, you don’t remain hidden.
water levels in the pools in each of the rooms is the Not Remaining Hidden: If you take an action that causes you not
to remain hidden, you retain the benefits of being hidden until you
resolve the action. You can’t become hidden again as part of that
same action.
S10. The Altar of Dagon Enemy Activity: An enemy can try to find you on its turn. If an
The pool in this chamber (10a) is connected to natural enemy makes an active Perception check and beats your Stealth
check result (don’t make a new check), you don’t remain hidden
submerged tunnels and caverns the connect it to the pools
from that enemy. Also, if an enemy tries to enter your space, you
in areas S5 and S11, as well ultimately to the ocean. The don’t remain hidden from that enemy.
water levels in the pool rise and fall with the tide. At the
highest tides, the water reaches to within a few inches of
the lip of the pool, and at the lowest is up to 20 feet below
the lip. Althanis seeks to escape by leaping into the pool
if reduced to 25 of fewer hit points.
The door in the east wall of this chamber is a secret
door that requires a DC 25 Perception check to find.
Even if it is found, however, there does not appear to be
any way of opening it short of smashing it down (AC 5;
Adventure No.4 4 Last Breaths of Ashenport


4 thuggish cultists Level 8 Brute 3 fish-men of Dagon warriors Level 8 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350 Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
HP 107; Bloodied 53 Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area
AC 21; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18 take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.
Speed 6 HP 89; Bloodied 44
Maul (standard; at-will)  Weapon AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20). Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness
Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint
Crossbow (standard; at-will)  Weapon Speed 6, swim 8
Range 15/30; +11 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage.
Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Knock ‘em flat (standard; encounter)  Weapon +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20) and the target is pushed
2 squares and knocked prone. This attack can be used as part of a Slippery strike (standard; recharge )  Weapon
charge. +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage. The fish-man of
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common Dagon warrior can shift 2 squares either before or after the attack.
Skills Athletics +14, Religion +9 Radiant weakness
Str 22 (+10) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 13 (+5) A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4) penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, maul, crossbow, 10 crossbow Slippery
bolts, 20sp. A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Athletics +12
2 mystic cultists Level 8 Controller Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350 Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7 Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 22; Fort 20; Ref 18; Will 22 2 fish-men of Dagon slayers Level 8 Lurker
Speed 6 Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350
Mace (standard; at-will)  Weapon Initiative +14 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage. Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area
Dagon’s fang (standard; at-will)  Psychic take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.
Range 10; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+5 psychic damage. HP 71; Bloodied 35
Storm of the ocean lord (standard; recharge )  Cold AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18
Area burst 2 within 10; +12 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 cold damage and the Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness
target is immobilised until the end of the cultist’s next turn. Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint
Speed 6, swim 8
Ring of terror (immediate reaction when an enemy moves
adjacent; encounter)  Fear Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Close burst 1; triggering enemy only; +12 vs. Will; target is pushed +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.
4 squares. Toxic dart (standard; at-will)  Poison
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common Range 10; +13 vs. AC; 1d4+6 damage and ongoing 5 poison
Skills Religion +9 damage and the target is slowed (save ends both). First failed
Str 10 (+4) Dex 13 (+5) Wis 17 (+7) save: The target is immobilised instead of slowed (save ends).
Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 21 (+9) Nervous shot (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, mace, 5gp, 20sp. adjacent; recharge )  Poison
The fish-man of Dagon slayer makes a toxic dart attack against the
triggering enemy. This attack does not provoke an opp. attack.
Chameleon skin
A fish-man of Dagon slayer can become, and can remain, hidden
even if it only has normal cover or concealment.
Concealed combat advantage
If a target cannot see a fish-man of Dagon slayer at the start of the
slayer’s turn, the slayer has combat advantage against the target
until the end of its turn. Its attacks against a target against whom it
has combat advantage cause an extra +1d8 damage.
Radiant weakness
A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +15
Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
Adventure No.4 5 Last Breaths of Ashenport
Statues: The statues (one of Kord, one of Melora)
FAIRWEATHER OR FOUL? have AC 5, Fort 10, Reft 5, and 40hp. They can be pushed
over with a DC 19 Strength check. A falling statue makes
a +11 vs. Reflex attack against a character in a single
Encounter Level 8 (2100xp) adjacent square (chosen by the creature pushing it over).
A hit deals 2d6+2 damage and knocks the target prone.
Setup The square becomes difficult terrain.
This encounter consists of the following enemies: Secret trapdoor: Concealed behind the altar is a
trapdoor, that may be found with a successful DC 25
 4 thuggish cultists (1400) Perception check. Underneath the trapdoor is a spiral
 2 mystic cultists (700) staircase that descends 30 feet to area S1.
The thuggish cultists stand start the encounter crouched
behind pews, their crossbows cocked. The mystic cultists
stand behind the wooden fence around the shrine.

Features of the area

Illumination: Dim natural light filters through the
many windows of the church during the day. At night, the
church is illuminated by various lanterns and candles. It is
therefore brightly illuminated.
Pews: Pews can provide cover except against melee
attacks. A pew can be vaulted with a DC 10 Athletics
check, or simply climbed over (taking an additional 1
square of movement to do so).
Wooden fence: Surrounding the shrine is an 8-foot-
high wooden fence, with a pair of gates in the middle. The
fence provides cover.
Pillars: The six pillars supporting the ceiling provide
cover against attacks from the diagonally-opposite
quadrant. Each is AC 3, Fort 10, Ref 3, and has 120hp. If
one is smashed, it and pieces of the roof it supports crash
to the ground: creatures within 2 squares of the pillar are
attacked; +11 vs. Reflex; 2d6+2 damage. Destroying three
adjacent pillars brings a large section of roof and adjacent
walls tumbling down…

4 thuggish cultists Level 8 Brute 2 mystic cultists Level 8 Controller

Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350 Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5 Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
HP 107; Bloodied 53 HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 21; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18 AC 22; Fort 20; Ref 18; Will 22
Speed 6 Speed 6
Maul (standard; at-will)  Weapon Mace (standard; at-will)  Weapon
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20). +13 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage.
Crossbow (standard; at-will)  Weapon Dagon’s fang (standard; at-will)  Psychic
Range 15/30; +11 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage. Range 10; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+5 psychic damage.
Knock ‘em flat (standard; encounter)  Weapon Storm of the ocean lord (standard; recharge )  Cold
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20) and the target is pushed Area burst 2 within 10; +12 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 cold damage and the
2 squares and knocked prone. This attack can be used as part of a target is immobilised until the end of the cultist’s next turn.
charge. Ring of terror (immediate reaction when an enemy moves
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common adjacent; encounter)  Fear
Skills Athletics +14, Religion +9 Close burst 1; triggering enemy only; +12 vs. Will; target is pushed
Str 22 (+10) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 13 (+5) 4 squares.
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4) Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, maul, crossbow, 10 crossbow Skills Religion +9
bolts, 20sp. Str 10 (+4) Dex 13 (+5) Wis 17 (+7)
Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 21 (+9)
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, mace, 5gp, 20sp.
Adventure No.4 6 Last Breaths of Ashenport
Add two Medium statues to the room, each one
THE POOL resembling a fish-man of Dagon. In dim light PCs can
mistake these for real fish-men.
Sharallan, Cult of Dagon priestess Level 8 Elite Controller
Medium elemental humanoid (genasi, water) XP 700 2 fish-men of Dagon warriors Level 8 Skirmisher
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +7 Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350
HP 180; Bloodied 90 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
AC 23; Fort 21; Ref 21; Will 23 Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area
Saving Throws +2, +4 vs. ongoing damage take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.
Speed 6, swim 6 HP 89; Bloodied 44
Action Points 1 AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18
Hammer (standard; at-will)  Weapon Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage. Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint
Dagon’s lash (standard; at-will)  Force Speed 6, swim 8
Range 10; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+5 force damage, and Sharallan Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon
slides the target 2 squares. +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.
Dagon’s blows (standard; at-will)  Force Slippery strike (standard; recharge )  Weapon
Sharallan makes two Dagon’s lash attacks. +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage. The fish-man of
Storm of the ocean lord (standard; recharge )  Cold Dagon warrior can shift 2 squares either before or after the attack.
Area burst 2 within 10; +12 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 cold damage and the Radiant weakness
target is immobilised until the end of Sharallan’s next turn. A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
Sharallan can choose to exclude up to 2 allies from the area. penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
Icy surge (immediate reaction when an enemy moves adjacent; A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
recharges when first bloodied)  Cold, Force Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Close burst 1; triggering enemy only; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d8+5 cold Skills Athletics +12
and force damage, and the target is pushed 4 squares and is Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
slowed until the end of the Sharallan’s next turn. Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Swift current (move; encounter) Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
Sharallan shifts 6 squares. During this movement, she can move
across liquid and through enemies’ spaces, ignoring difficult terrain
and hazardous terrain effects. She takes no penalties for 3 fish-men of Dagon slayers Level 8 Lurker
squeezing during this movement. Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common Initiative +14 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
Skills Religion +11 Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area
Str 11 (+4) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 17 (+7) take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.
Con 18 (+8) Int 15 (+6) Cha 21 (+9) HP 71; Bloodied 35
Equipment clerical vestments, hide armour, hammer. AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18
Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness
Darkmantle drifter Level 8 Lurker Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint
Large shadow magical beast (aquatic) XP 350 Speed 6, swim 8
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +7; blindsight 8; darkvision Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Shadowy field aura 5; bright light in the aura is reduced to dim light +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.
HP 76; Bloodied 38 Toxic dart (standard; at-will)  Poison
AC 21; Fort 22; Ref 20; Will 19 Range 10; +13 vs. AC; 1d4+6 damage and ongoing 5 poison
Vulnerable 5 radiant (a darkmantle enveloper that takes radiant damage and the target is slowed (save ends both). First failed
damage cannot use shadowy field until the end of its next turn) save: The target is immobilised instead of slowed (save ends).
Speed 4, climb 4 (spider climb), swim 6 Nervous shot (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves
Tentacle lash (standard; at-will) adjacent; recharge )  Poison
Reach 2; +13 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage. The fish-man of Dagon slayer makes a toxic dart attack against the
Engulf (standard; at-will) triggering enemy. This attack does not provoke an opp. attack.
+11 vs. Reflex; 2d6+5 damage and the target is grabbed, and is Chameleon skin
blinded until the grab ends. Sustain minor: The darkmantle A fish-man of Dagon slayer can become, and can remain, hidden
sustains the grab and the target takes 5 damage. even if it only has normal cover or concealment.
Concealed combat advantage
Echolocation (minor; recharge )  Thunder If a target cannot see a fish-man of Dagon slayer at the start of the
Close blast 3; targets enemies; +11 vs. Fortitude; 1d4+3 thunder slayer’s turn, the slayer has combat advantage against the target
damage and the target is dazed until the end of the darkmantle’s until the end of its turn. Its attacks against a target against whom it
next turn. has combat advantage cause an extra +1d8 damage.
Darkjump (immediate reaction, when damaged by an attack; Radiant weakness
recharge )  Teleportation A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
The darkmantle teleports 6 squares to a space that is in darkness penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
or is illuminated by dim light. The darkmantle becomes invisible, Slippery
and its shadowy field aura is deactivated until the start of its next A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
turn. Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Alignment Unaligned Languages — Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +15
Skills Stealth +13 Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
Str 19 (+8) Dex 19 (+8) Wis 16 (+7) Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Con 22 (+10) Int 3 (+0) Cha 5 (+1) Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
Adventure No.4 7 Last Breaths of Ashenport


Althanis, High Priest of Dagon’s cult

Level 9 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium elemental humanoid (aquatic) XP 800
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +7
Dagon’s blessing aura 2; an ally that begins its turn in the aura gains
a +2 to damage rolls until the start of its next turn.
HP 196; Bloodied 98
AC 24; Fort 22; Ref 22; Will 24
Immune daze (1/encounter) Resist 5 force, lightning, psychic & radiant
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6, swim 6
Action Points 1
Dagger (standard; at-will)  Weapon
+14 vs. AC; 2d4+4 damage.
Dagon’s fang (standard; at-will)  Psychic
Range 10; +13 vs. Will; 2d6+5 psychic damage.
Dagon’s lash (standard; at-will)  Force
Range 10; +13 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+5 force damage and Althanis
slides the target 2 squares.
Dagon’s blows (standard; at-will)
Althanis makes two ranged basic attacks of his choice.
Dagon’s curse (standard; encounter)
Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +13 vs. Will; until the end
of Althanis’ next turn, the target grants combat advantage, and
every time it rolls a d20, it must roll twice and take the lower of the
two rolls.
Churning vortex (standard; recharge )  Force
Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +13 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5
force damage and the target is pulled 2 squares towards the
power’s origin square (targets closest to the origin square are
pulled first). If the target would be pulled into a square already
occupied by another creature, the pull ends and it is dazed (save
Ring of terror (immediate reaction when an enemy moves
adjacent; recharges when first bloodied)  Fear
Close burst 1; triggering enemy only; +13 vs. Will; target is pushed
4 squares.
Horrid form (free, when first injured in combat; encounter)
 Polymorph
Althanis takes on the form of a grotesque mass of rubbery,
squidlike flesh with numerous writhing tendrils. All enemies take a
-1 penalty to melee and ranged attacks against Althanis in this
form until he is bloodied. In addition, whenever an enemy tries to
8 cultist lackeys Level 7 Minion Skirmisher
mark him or use a class feature to designate him as the target of Medium humanoid (human) XP 75
additional damage (e.g. ranger’s hunter’s quarry or warlock’s Initiative +5 Senses Perception +2
curse), he can immediately make a saving throw as a free action to HP 7; a missed attack never damages a minion
negate the effect. Despite the alien appearance, his other abilities AC 21; Fort 21; Ref 18; Will 18
remain unchanged. Speed 6
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common Mace (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Skills Religion +11 +12 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage.
Str 11 (+4) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 17 (+7) Mob rule
Con 18 (+8) Int 15 (+6) Cha 21 (+9) A cultist lackey gains +2 to all defences when at least 2 allies are
Equipment clerical vestments, scintillating cloth armour +2, dagger, within 5 squares.
coif of mindiron, holy symbol of Dagon, gold ring in the shape of an Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
octopus, its arms encircling eight small black pearls (1000gp). Skills Athletics +11
Str 16 (+6) Dex 11 (+3) Wis 8 (+2)
Con 14 (+5) Int 10 (+3) Cha 11 (+3)
Equipment hooded robe, hide armour, mace, 10sp.
Adventure No.4 8 Last Breaths of Ashenport

Thuggish cultist Level 8 Brute 2 fish-men of Dagon warriors Level 8 Skirmisher

Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350 Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
HP 107; Bloodied 53 Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area
AC 21; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18 take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.
Speed 6 HP 89; Bloodied 44
Maul (standard; at-will)  Weapon AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18
Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20).
Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint
Crossbow (standard; at-will)  Weapon Speed 6, swim 8
Range 15/30; +11 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage.
Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Knock ‘em flat (standard; encounter)  Weapon +13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.
+11 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage (crit 2d6+20) and the target is pushed
Slippery strike (standard; recharge )  Weapon
2 squares and knocked prone. This attack can be used as part of a
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage. The fish-man of
Dagon warrior can shift 2 squares either before or after the attack.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Radiant weakness
Skills Athletics +14, Religion +9
A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
Str 22 (+10) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 13 (+5)
penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, maul, crossbow, 10 crossbow
A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
bolts, 20sp.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Athletics +12
Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
Appendix 1 9 Last Breaths of Ashenport
and with absolutely no fear, rowed out into the surging
 The call dragged him onwards, and with unearthly
This book is bound in a thick grey hide resembling
strength he rowed around the island in the middle of
sealskin, and its pages are yellowing linen. It is a journal
the night, with white-capped waves towering above
or diary, and records events in the history of Ashenport
his fragile craft. But his boat was not swamped – far
through they eyes and thoughts of a man called Althanis.
from it, the waves propelled him onwards at an
It starts off written in Common, but after Althanis begins
enormous rate, until he reached the far north-west tip
reading about “Father Dagon”, it is written in Abyssal.
of the island. There, at the foot of the massive cliffs,
The PCs can glean the following information from the
was a cave entrance, exposed at the lowest tide of the
year, and from this cave issued forth the sound that
 Althanis grew up in the highlands of Scotland, and on had driven him on.
reaching puberty was called to the priesthood of
 Inside the cave, Althanis found the Voice of Dagon. It
Melora. He came to Ashenport around 40 years ago to
told him of the power of Father Dagon, the bounty
minister to the inhabitants. When he arrived, the place
that Dagon could provide, the riches that he would
was moribund; it was a hard life on the edge of the
shower upon his faithful. Worship Dagon, the Voice
known world, the young usually left seeking better
said, and Ashenport will be restored to its former
lives, and what was clearly once a thriving fishing
glory. Worship Dagon, the Voice said, and your
village was run down and most of its building were
beloved Sharallan will be returned to you…
abandoned and fallen into disrepair.
 And thus Althanis turned from Melora, and began
 Althanis ministered to the people as best he could,
worshipping Father Dagon, and thus he found
creating and tending a beautiful shrine to Melora in
Sharallan washed up on the beach one day, alive and
the town square, and trying to lend them hope and
well, but somehow changed. And she spoke of the
convince them of the blessings of Melora. As a young
things she had seen, great underwater cities peopled
and charismatic man, he soon attracted the interest of
by creatures who worshipped Dagon. And she was of
a young woman named Sharallan, and they fell in
now of his faith, and determined to convert the
villagers of Ashenport.
 But despite his preaching, he found his faith waning,
 This turned out to be easy. Dagon blessed the
and ultimately tested beyond breaking point. His
villagers with full fishing nets and gold coins and
beloved Sharallan drowned at sea during a storm, and
other treasures washed onto shore. All Dagon asked
he found himself blaming both Melora (goddess of the
in return was a sacrifice of non-believers once a year,
oceans) and Kord (god of storms) for her loss.
at the time of the greatest spring tide. Dagon’s Voice
 Some weeks later he found Sharallan’s boots – boots would call out at this time, and all non-believers on
that were dedicated to Melora and supposed to protect the island would walk into the sea or throw
their wearer from harm on the ocean – washed up on themselves off the cliffs into the surging waters
the rocks. As the only reminder of his love, he buried below.
them at the feet of the statue of Melora in the middle
 And so the villagers quickly hatched a plan. Several
of the town.
times a year, they would announce that they would
 Some of the old men of the village then started talking auction off some of the treasures that Dagon had
to him of an old god that they had been told about in provided. One of these auctions would be held at the
their youth by their grandfathers, who in turn had been time of Dagon’s call, and Dagon would bring forth a
told about it by their grandfathers — a god who could great storm at the time – thus allowing the villagers to
provide a great bounty from the ocean. The islanders explain that any visitors who did not return from the
had worshipped this god many centuries ago, and this island at that time was lost at sea during the storm.
god had made them fat, and wealthy, and happy. But
 For the latest auction, Dagon has offered up one of his
missionaries from the mainland had come, and had
greatest treasures – a fragment of a crown that the
stamped out the religion. The old men said that
Voice of Dagon tells him is the crown of the last
Sharallan’s boots must have been returned to Althanis
dwarven king. Althanis has sent word far and wide
by this god as a sign of a greater purpose. They found
that this is up for auction, and he expects a great deal
books, long hidden away in secret hiding places, and
of interest from dwarves with large sacks of gold and
gave these to Althanis, but the books were in a
jewels. Of course, Althanis does not know whether the
language Althanis could not immediately understand
piece of crown is authentic.
 Several weeks prior to the piece of crown being
 Over long months, Althanis deciphered the books and
auctioned at the time of Dagon’s call, a corpulent,
taught himself the language of this old god, which was
pasty-faced man who reeked of herbs, arrived on St.
called “Father Dagon”.
Kilda with a large number of rather rough looking
[At this point, the journal starts being written in Abyssal.] men, and demanded the piece of crown – in exchange
 One dark and stormy night, Althanis’ reading was for a very large sum of money. The Alderman agreed,
interrupted by a sound, a keening, wailing, sorrowful on the basis that those who would come after him for
sound that triggered in him some primal urge to leave the crown would simply be sacrificed to Dagon.
his warm rectory and make his way to the docks. He
knew was being called. He got into a small rowboat,
Adventure No.4 10 Last Breaths of Ashenport


After Althanis
Once the PCs have disposed of Sharallan and Althanis,
they are likely to have learned of the caves at the far end
of the island wherein lurks the Voice of Dagon – either
through Althanis’ journal or through interrogating
captured cultists.
However, the PCs are likely to be low on resources
after fighting the cultists, and probably need a rest. Run
another Dagon’s Call during this first rest. At the same
time, a band of fish-men sally forth to complete the job
(run The Sea’s Long Reach encounter). After this, the
PCs can take an uninterrupted long rest.

Skill challenge – overland journey

The PCs must traverse 5 miles of windswept moorland
during a thunderstorm, trying to follow tracks made by a
small group of cultists (including Alderman Ritter), to the
point atop the cliffs above the cave of the Voice of

Level 2 skill challenge (6 successes before 3

Key Skills: Endurance (DC 14), Nature (DC 19),
Perception (DC 19). Max 2 successes from each skill.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (DC 14). Grants +2 bonus to
next Endurance check.
Success: The PCs arrive at the top of the cliffs cold, wet
and tired, but undaunted by the experience. The speed at
which they moved let them overtake, and defeat, a small
band of cultists without loss. Alderman Ritter, however,
has already made it to the bottom of the cliffs and defends
the entrance to the caves.
Fail, 4 or 5 successes: The PCs arrive at the top of the
cliffs cold, wet and tired, but largely undaunted by the
experience. Alderman Ritter has already made it to the
bottom of the cliffs and defends the entrance to the caves,
and one cultist lurks within the caves (add one mystic
cultist to the Killing Caves encounter).
Fail, less than 4 successes: The PCs arrive at the top of
the cliffs cold, wet and tired, and a little the worse for
wear. Each PC has lost one healing surge. Alderman
Ritter has already made it to the bottom of the cliffs and
defends the entrance to the caves, and one cultist lurks
within the caves (add one mystic cultist to the Killing
Caves encounter).
Adventure No.4 11 Last Breaths of Ashenport

THE WRATH OF DAGON Alderman Heinrich Ritter Level 9 Elite Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 800
Wrath of Dagon Level 9 Elite Soldier Initiative +7 Senses Perception +4
Large elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 800 HP 198; Bloodied 99
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision AC 26; Fort 23; Ref 21; Will 22; see also defensive stance
Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area Saving Throws +2
take a -2 penalty to attacks until the start of their next turn. Speed 5; see also defensive stance
HP 200; Bloodied 100 Action Points 1
AC 25; Fort 23; Ref 22; Will 20 / Waraxe (standard; at-will)  Weapon
Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness Range 5/10; +16 vs. AC; 1d12+9 damage and the target is marked
Saving Throws +2, +4 against immobilisation and restraint until the end of Ritter’s next turn. See also Dagon’s challenge.
Speed 6, swim 8
Action Points 1 Shove and slap (standard; encounter)  Weapon
+14 vs. AC; 2d10+5 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Pincer (standard; at-will) Ritter can shift into the square occupied by the target. Effect: Make
Reach 2; +16 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage and the target is grabbed; a secondary attack against another target. Secondary Attack: +14
see expert grappler. vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage and the secondary target is dazed (save
Toxic talons (minor 1/round; at-will) ends).
+14 vs. AC; 1d4+6 poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage Flailing axe (standard; recharges when first bloodied)  Weapon
and the target is slowed (save ends both). First failed save: The Ritter’s arm becomes a long tentacle for this attack; close burst 2;
target is immobilised instead of slowed (save ends). +16 vs. AC; 1d12+9 damage and the target is knocked prone.
Snapping pincers (standard; at-will) Death throes (free, when reduced to 0 hit points)  Poison
The Wrath of Dagon makes 2 pincer attacks. Ritter’s abdomen bursts, spattering everyone nearby in a noxious
Alluring pheromone (standard; encounter)  Charm slime that smells of rotten fish guts; close burst 2; +12 vs. Reflex;
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +12 vs. Will; the target is pulled 4 1d10+5 poison damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
squares. The Wrath of Dagon then makes a pincer or toxic talons Dagon’s challenge (only usable when in defensive stance; immediate
attack against each adjacent enemy. interrupt, when a marked creature within 5 squares of Ritter
Wrathful pheromone (standard; encounter)  Charm moves, shifts, or makes an attack that does not include Ritter; at-
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +12 vs. Will; the target must use a will)  Weapon
standard action on its next turn to make a basic attack against its Ritter makes a waraxe attack against the triggering creature.
nearest ally. If no ally is within the range of a basic attack, the Defensive stance (free; encounter)  Stance
target loses its standard action for that round. While Ritter is in his defensive stance he gains a +2 bonus to AC
Expert grappler and Fortitude defences, any distance he is forced to move is
The Wrath of Dagon can have up to 2 creatures grabbed in its reduced by 2 squares, and he gets a free saving throw to avoid
pincers at a time, and can sustain both grabs with a single minor being knocked prone. He can also use the Dagon’s challenge
action. It cannot make pincer attacks while it has 2 creatures attack. However, Ritter is also slowed. He can end his defensive
grabbed. Attempts to escape its grab suffer a –2 penalty. When the stance as a free action on his turn.
Wrath of Dagon sustains a grab, the grabbed creature takes 10 Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
points of damage. Skills Athletics +12, Bluff +13, Insight +9, Religion +10
Radiant weakness Str 20 (+9) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 11 (+4)
If the Wrath of Dagon is hit by a radiant effect it takes a -2 penalty Con 19 (+8) Int 13 (+5) Cha 18 (+8)
to attacks until the start of its next turn. Equipment scale armour, heavy shield, dwarven thrower waraxe +2.
Threatening reach
The Wrath of Dagon can make opportunity attacks against any
creature within reach (2 squares).
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal
Skills Athletics +15
Str 22 (+10) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 10 (+4)
Con 20 (+9) Int 9 (+3) Cha 17 (+7)
Adventure No.4 12 Last Breaths of Ashenport

THE KILLING CAVES Gibbering mouther Level 9 Controller

Medium aberrant magical beast XP 400
2 fish-men of Dagon warriors Level 8 Skirmisher Initiative +6 Senses Perception +3; all-round vision; darkvision
Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350 Warped ground aura 3; enemies treat the ground in the aura as
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision difficult terrain
Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area HP 102; Bloodied 51
take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn. AC 23; Fort 23; Ref 19; Will 21
HP 89; Bloodied 44 Speed 5, climb 5, swim 5
AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18 Bite (standard; at-will)  Acid
Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness +14 vs. AC; 1d6+6 damage and ongoing 10 acid damage (save
Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint ends).
Speed 6, swim 8
Gibbering (free, once on the gibbering mouther's turn before it
Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon takes other actions, at-will)  Psychic
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage. Close burst 5; deafened creatures are immune; +11 vs. Will; the
Slippery strike (standard; recharge )  Weapon target is dazed until the end of the gibbering mouther’s next turn.
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage. The fish-man of Gibbering feast (standard; recharge )  Acid
Dagon warrior can shift 2 squares either before or after the attack. Close burst 5; unnatural mouths appear on dazed creatures in the
Radiant weakness burst and bite them; +14 vs. AC; 1d6+6 damage, and ongoing 10
A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2 acid damage (save ends).
penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn. Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Slippery Str 19 (+8) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 8 (+3)
A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab. Con 22 (+10) Int 4 (+1) Cha 18 (+8)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Athletics +12
Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6) Burning adhesive Level 9 Warder
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4) Trap XP 400
Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier. Trap: Tripwires hidden in the contours of the stone floor dump a vat of
acidic and highly sticky goo upon those in the target area. Only a
3 fish-men of Dagon slayers Level 8 Lurker character standing in a darkly shaded square risks triggering the
Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 350 trap, but anyone in a dark or light shaded square can be attacked
by it. In addition to releasing the adhesive, the trap sounds a great
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision gong when triggered.
Vile stench (poison) aura 2; creatures who begin their turn in the area Perception
take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of their next turn.  DC 19: The character notices a tripwire, which allows him or her to
HP 71; Bloodied 35 bypass one of the trapped squares.
AC 22; Fort 19; Ref 22; Will 18 Additional Skill: Dungeoneering
Resist 5 acid, 5 cold, 5 poison; see also radiant weakness  DC 14: The character recognizes that some of the contours of the
Saving Throws +2 against immobilisation and restraint earth have been deliberately chipped and expanded. The party
Speed 6, swim 8 gains a +2 bonus to Perception checks to spot the tripwires.
Rusty rapier (standard; at-will)  Weapon Trigger
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage plus 2 poison damage.  When a creature enters or begins its turn in a trapped square, the
Toxic dart (standard; at-will)  Poison trap attacks.
Range 10; +13 vs. AC; 1d4+6 damage and ongoing 5 poison Attack
damage and the target is slowed (save ends both). First failed Opportunity Action Burst
save: The target is immobilised instead of slowed (save ends). Target: All creatures in shaded squares.
Attack: +12 vs. Reflex
Nervous shot (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves Hit: 1d10+5 acid damage and the target is restrained (save ends).
adjacent; recharge )  Poison Aftereffect: The target is slowed instead of restrained (save ends).
The fish-man of Dagon slayer makes a toxic dart attack against the Countermeasures
triggering enemy. This attack does not provoke an opp. attack.  An adjacent character who has spotted a tripwire can jump over
Chameleon skin the trapped square with a DC 5 (or 10 without a running start)
A fish-man of Dagon slayer can become, and can remain, hidden Athletics check.
even if it only has normal cover or concealment.  An adjacent character can delay the trigger, of that square only,
Concealed combat advantage with a DC 19 Thievery check.
If a target cannot see a fish-man of Dagon slayer at the start of the  An adjacent character can disable the trigger, of that square only,
slayer’s turn, the slayer has combat advantage against the target with a DC 21 Thievery check.
until the end of its turn. Its attacks against a target against whom it
has combat advantage cause an extra +1d8 damage.
Radiant weakness
A fish-man of Dagon that is hit by a radiant effect takes a -2
penalty to attacks until the start of its next turn.
A fish-man of Dagon gains a +2 racial bonus to escape a grab.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +15
Str 16 (+7) Dex 22 (+10) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Equipment sodden tattered clothing, rusty rapier.
Adventure No.4 13 Last Breaths of Ashenport

0 or 1 mystic cultist Level 8 Controller THE CALL OF THE DEEP

Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 350
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
3 guardian demons Level 9 Soldier
HP 88; Bloodied 44 Medium elemental humanoid (amphibious) XP 400
AC 22; Fort 20; Ref 18; Will 22 Initiative +8 Senses Perception +12; darkvision
Speed 6 HP 97; Bloodied 49
Mace (standard; at-will)  Weapon AC 25; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 21
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage. Resist 10 poison, 10 variable (1/encounter)
Speed 6, swim 6
Dagon’s fang (standard; at-will)  Psychic
Range 10; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+5 psychic damage. Trident (standard; at-will)  Weapon
+15 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage.
Storm of the ocean lord (standard; recharge )  Cold
Area burst 2 within 10; +12 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 cold damage and the Skewering tines (standard; at-will)  Weapon
target is immobilised until the end of the cultist’s next turn. +15 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage and the target is restrained (until
escape). The guardian demon can sustain the power as a standard
Ring of terror (immediate reaction when an enemy moves action, in which case the target takes 1d8 + 5 damage and is still
adjacent; encounter)  Fear restrained. While the target is restrained, the guardian demon can’t
Close burst 1; triggering enemy only; +12 vs. Will; target is pushed make trident attacks.
4 squares.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common Poison Breath (standard; recharge )  Poison
Skills Religion +9 Close blast 3; the guardian demon breathes a cloud of poison gas
Str 10 (+4) Dex 13 (+5) Wis 17 (+7) that fills the area; +13 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+3 poison damage and
Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 21 (+9) ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Equipment oilskin coat, hide armour, mace, 5gp, 20sp. Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Intimidate +10
Str 20 (+9) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 16 (+7)
DEEP WATER Con 17 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 13 (+5)
Equipment trident
4 tendrils of Dagon Level 9 Controller
Medium elemental beast (aquatic) XP 400 Voice of Dagon Level 11 Elite Artillery
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision Large elemental beast (amphibious) XP 1200
HP 99; Bloodied 49
AC 23; Fort 24; Ref 20; Will 19 Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
Resist 10 poison Riptide aura 5; enemies treat the area as difficult terrain.
Speed swim 10 HP 180; Bloodied 90
AC 26; Fort 23; Ref 23; Will 24
Tentacles (standard; at-will) Saving Throws +2
+14 vs. AC; target is grabbed. Speed 5, swim 10
Threatening reach Action Points 1
A tendril of Dagon can make opportunity attacks against any target
in reach (2 squares). Tentacles (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +17 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage and the target is chaos-
Beak (minor 1/round; at-will) touched (save ends); see chaos warp.
Grabbed targets only; +14 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage.
Tentacle lash (standard; at-will)
Drag (minor; at-will) The Voice of Dagon makes 2 tentacle attacks.
Grabbed targets only; +13 vs. Fortitude; the target is pulled 2
squares. Venomous spit (standard; at-will)  Poison
Range 10; +16 vs. Reflex; 2d6+6 poison damage and the target is
Ink cloud (standard; encounter)  Poison chaos-touched (save ends); see chaos warp.
Close burst 3; +13 vs. Fortitude; 2d12+4 poison damage. The
cloud remains until the end of the tendril’s next turn and provides Venomous stream (standard; at-will)  Poison
concealment to all creatures within it. The Voice of Dagon makes 2 venomous spit attacks.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Dominate (standard; at-will)  Charm
Str 22 (+10) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 13 (+5) Affects chaos-touched humanoids only; range 10; +16 vs. Will; the
Con 19 (+8) Int 3 (+0) Cha 12 (+5) target is dominated (save ends). The Voice of Dagon can dominate
only one creature at a time.
Chaos warp (immediate interrupt, when a chaos-touched creature
with 10 squares rolls a d20; at-will)
Close burst 10; the triggering creature must re-roll the d20, and
must take the lower of the two rolls.
Frigid burst (standard; encounter)  Cold
Area burst 4 within 10; +16 vs. Reflex; 2d6+6 cold damage and the
target is chaos-touched and immobilised (save ends both).
Venom spray (standard; encounter)  Poison
Close burst 5; +16 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+6 poison damage and the
target is chaos-touched (save ends).
Dagon’s proxy
The Voice of Dagon gains +2 to attack rolls and does +2d6
damage against any chaos-touched creature.
Threatening reach
Adventure No.4 14 Last Breaths of Ashenport
The Voice of Dagon can make opportunity attacks against any
target in reach (3 squares).
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, telepathy 20
Skills Arcana +15
Str 21 (+10) Dex 14 (+7) Wis 23 (+11)
Con 18 (+9) Int 21 (+10) Cha 18 (+9)

Treasure in C6.
10 firestorm arrows +2.
Ivory dolphin statuette, 200gp.
Narwhal tusk scrimshaw, 900gp.
Adventure No.4 15 Last Breaths of Ashenport

Trap Name Level # Role

Trap XP #
 DC
Initiative +

Action type Ranged

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