Anteneh Assignment 2

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Department of Managment

Masters of Business Adminstration

Course: Management information system

By: Anteneh

Submitted to (Instructor):- ,,,,,,,,,

---------------, Ethiopia

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

Table of contents

Table of contents page

Table of contents........................................................................................................................................................................................14
1. Based on the narration which specific information characteristics did suffer?...............................................................................15
1. Based on the narration which specific information characteristics did suffer?..................................................................................15
2. Based on the explanations provided, which of information characteristics can be identified?..........................................................16
3. Based on the case explained, which specific characteristics of information systems can be identified?...........................................16
4. Consider the organization you are currently working in and explain this organization from systems characteristics perspectives
particularly consider objective, components (at least three) and interrelationships among these components with specific examples.
5. Mention at least two organizations IN Ethiopia whose role has been replaced/ threatened by IS..................................................19

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015


1. Based on the narration which specific information characteristics did suffer?

According to the given case, the specific characteristic which suffered was accuracy. This is because; from the first stage the
information of customer Abebe was incorrectly entered in to bank information database. As result, when the teller of the bank search
by his name he could not able to find his personal information. The cause was matter of accuracy. The data was erroneously entered
into the system. As the name implies accuracy means that information is correct. Information must be free of errors, because
erroneous information can result in poor decisions and erode the confidence of user. The information that is input into a data base is
presumed to be perfect as well as accurate.  The information that is accessed is deemed reliable.  Flaws do arise with database design
but do not let something in your control, accurate and reliable data, be one of them.  A database design that is accurate and reliable
will help achieve the development of new business ideas as well as promoting the organizational goals. To determine whether data is
accurate or not, ask ourselves if the information reflects a real-world situation. s. For example, in the realm of financial services, does
a customer really have $1 million in his bank account? Accuracy is a crucial data quality characteristic because inaccurate information

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

can cause significant problems with severe consequences. We’ll use the example above – if there’s an error in a customer’s bank
account, it could be because someone accessed it without his knowledge.

2. Based on the explanations provided, which of information characteristics can be identified?

Based on the explanation provided above, the type of information feature which is identified is the matter of validity (reliability).
Quality data in terms of validity indicates that all data is aligned with the existing formatting rules. As it discussed in the case, a
particular subject grade is in correct because of invalid data entry (it may be invalid grade formula). An example of validity metric is
the percentage of data records in the required format. Data/information validity simply means how well does data meet certain
criteria, often evolving from analysis of prior data as relationships and issues are revealed. Validity is one of the six dimensions
of data quality . Therefore, Common management information system roles and responsibilities should include network and IT
systems management, business systems analysis, data integration, and compliance and audit preparation. A strong management
information system candidate should also have soft skills such as being a capable communicator who can liaise with the business units
that rely on the management information system department. A career in management information system could entail evaluating
business applications and selecting those that will help the enterprise achieve its goals in sales, marketing or another area. In turn, the
management information system department then deploys and manages these applications throughout their lifecycle.

3. Based on the case explained, which specific characteristics of information systems can be identified?

When we come to the given case, there is a problem of simplicity (understandability). The adult person helped the elder one may
because the use of this automatic teller machine (ATM) may be beyond his knowledge. Since he is innocent person, this self-serving
technology my note be simple to use and manage. This one is one weakness of all self-serving technology. As with the use of any
technology, SST comes with pros and cons. In this section, we will examine some of the advantages of SST from the customer’s and
the organization’s perspectives, the focus being on the latter. From the customer’s end, the ability to interact with goods, services, or

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

businesses on one's own terms is the main benefit of self-service technology. In other words, it enables customers to purchase products
and services on their own time without feeling rushed or pressured, thereby enhancing the user experience and increasing the
probability that the client will come back. Providing information in a self-service manner is frequently more convenient for clients
because it allows them to get information more quickly than seeking and chatting with a customer service representative. Other clear
advantages of SST for the customer include limited or no human interaction necessary; limited or no queues or wait times; continuous
24/7 access to services; instant and reliable service delivery; choice of many payment options, and access to other services. The
discussion below will examine the benefits of SST to organizations.

4. Consider the organization you are currently working in and explain this organization from systems
characteristics perspectives particularly consider objective, components (at least three) and
interrelationships among these components with specific examples.
For this aspect we can take bank of Abyssinia.

Vision of the bank

As “Abyssinia” is the ancient name of our great nation and, Bank of Abyssinia‘s vision is to live up to this legacy through continuous
innovation and provision of world- class banking services and becoming the most preferred Bank in Ethiopia”.

Mission of the bank

To Provide efficient and customer oriented domestic and international banking services through a dynamic workforce and up-to-date
IT solutions to satisfy the desires of all stakeholders”.

Objective of Bank of Abyssinia

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

The bank has three strategic plans which was set for 5 years from 2020-2025 which has three main objectives, growth, operational
Excellence and digitalization. These three strategies are designed to obtain three results which are sustainable profit, customer
satisfaction to the fullest and to create convenience banking service. Currently the bank is following the cost leadership strategy which
is used to provide

According to the concept of information system, the bank as a whole i.e Abyssinia bank is a system and each and every department
are a subsystem. Accordingly, in any commercial bank there are different system i.e departments. One of the subsystem or
components of Abyssinia bank (which is a system) is the human resources department which
is the main pillar in the bank, and it bears a major role in implementing and implementing the policies and strategies of the board of di
rectors and senior management in relation to the management of the human element, which is the bank’s capital, which is the most val
uable resource of the bank and mainly affects the achievement of the bank’s goals, efficiency and productivity. Where the Human Res
ources Department works to implement all activities related to human resources by setting plans and policies that are consistent with t
he strategic directions of the bank and to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources procedures such as recruitment, tr
aining, salaries and incentives and performance evaluation career path planning   
application of internal policies and employee relations and compliance with laws the job. This department has almost interlinked with
other functional departments.

On the other hand, the second important subsystem or component of Bank of Abyssinia bank is the financial department which is
considered one of the important departments in the bank, as it submits financial statements and final accounts and the accompanying
specialized financial statements and reports, provided that it conforms to Islamic and international accounting standards and according
to the laws, regulations and instructions in force from the Central Bank of Iraq and works on managing internal and external accounts
through the network of precise systems Which works on preparing reports, statistics and financial movements inside and outside the
bank with customers and companies.

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

Lastly, the third subsystem of the bank is financial department which is one of the most important strategic departments that work to
provide various Islamic credit services such as (Profit, Speculation, Sharing, Leasing, as well as letters of guarantee). All of these
services are provided in a modern technical manner according to the latest software. The Bank seeks to provide services and
consultancy for economic projects and to support and study projects submitted by individuals within a diversified plan that applies the
policy of financial inclusion and according to the laws, instructions and directives of the national bank of Ethiopia. Those above
components or departments have strong relationship and they are interlinked. For example, when the HRM department hires the
personnel the finance department pays salary for the employees.

5. Mention at least two organizations IN Ethiopia whose role has been replaced/ threatened by IS.

As we know, information System (IS) is revolutionizing the operations of business organizations; by giving a vital opportunity and by
enabling work efficiency and maximize productivity. IS is becoming the main determinant for all activities of the organization. The
availability of permeating and continuous information is becoming a determining factor of World‟s economy. Information systems are
becoming very essential tool to undertake day to day activity. The competitiveness of the organization is based on the effective use of
information system. The efficient use of information system will give organizations with many opportunities and easy decision
making process by giving critical data for the manager(s) also allows organization to research new way of doing business. An
information system is becoming a change agent in the organization and it is going farther from automation of operation and supporting
the existing system. Efficient and effective management is necessary to enjoy benefits of IS.

According to the study finding of Elshalom E. 2016; Information system has strategic impact in Ethiopian commercial banks. In
banking service delivery, Information system has factory impact. The governance of information system has turnaround impact. This
show top managers should restructure IS process and should give appropriate attention so that the banks realize high IT governance

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015

present and future impact; and better strategic alignment of corporate strategy with IS strategy. However, studding the impact of IS is
a difficult endeavor that requires competent methodologies and framework. This methodologies and frameworks should be reviewed
and updated with the evolving technology and role of IS. In addition, lack of standardized metrics of measurement has effect on
measuring the impact of IS (Misrak, 2015). Therefore, IS researchers should develop standardized metrics for measuring the impact of

On the other hand, the finding of Thomas H., Endalew A., and Sileshi W. (2020) shows that Information and information system is
important for business organization success. Due to this many organization have been adapting based information system to handle
business easily and properly. When an information system were established of Oromia Revenue Collection Authority the major tasks
that has been done was to transform its information from the old system that was data based system to Microsoft visual form, data
based management software. The objective of information system at Oromia Revenue Collection Authority was support activities of
the bank through efficient customer service and management. Information system was one of the major contribution was to fulfill
customer requirement through efficient and accurate customer service. The main challenges of the information system design as the
bank were inefficient network infrastructure of the country, disapproval of the new information system project .However, most of the
user information system of front lines was journal staff that did not have many years experience. Many of customers talk service long
time due to slow system performance others could not find their information timely because of system filer

Individual assignment for the course management information system, 2015


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