Systems PDF

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Quick Introduction

Hey, it's Limo here.

I'm the founder & CEO of Higher Self Circle.

And let me tell you a quick story... ⁣

8 years, I had no systems in my dating life, I was lost. ⁣

I wasn’t the playboy I am today at all. ⁣

I really wish I knew back then what I'm about to show you.

I remember having a girlfriend in high school and waking

up every day with the anxiety of not being up to par. ⁣

I thought she was the “ONE”. ⁣

I was afraid of losing her, I didn’t know what to say or what

to do to keep her attracted... ⁣

I was in total scarcity and she could sense it so we quickly

broke up. M
⁣ aybe you can relate to this story or had a
similar experience in the past? ⁣
That breakup instilled in me a DEEP sense of urgency and
drive to build a life of abundance and options with women.

I decided that my current situation was a CHOICE, and since

then I took personal responsibility for my own outcomes in
my dating life.⁣⁣I knew it had to change. ⁣

So I chose to improve my social skills, build my value,

improve my peer group, invest in mentors and demand a
better life. ⁣

From then on, I became deeply passionate about

communication and psychology, about seduction more
precisely, and took massive action. ⁣

After years of taking action & figuring out what works, I

started having legendary results.

Now, I'm pretty famous for pulling models consistently and

having multiple girlfriends.

And I've spent the past 7 years helping ambitious men

(mainly entrepreneurs and professionals) in 34+ countries to
build their own dream dating life across the globe.

You can watch their amazing success stories here.

Dating is a skillset like any other.

Back then, I sucked with women and I was relying on luck.

I was sick and tired of feeling helpless over my dating life

because I knew that as a MAN, I had to take responsibility.

I realized that life was short and if I wanted something, it

was my job to go and get it.

In this booklet, I’ll be sharing with you the exact system

you can use to consistently get 2-3 dates per week with
high-quality women without sacrificing your precious time
or your other goals.

My long-term goal for you is to become the best & most

attractive version of yourself and live a life of freedom both
romantically and financially.

Here's what most men don't realize about Dating &

Seduction: In the end, Dating Skills or what we call “Pickup”
or "Game" is just communication, psychology, and
economics (managing your time and your resources). ⁣

If you get better at those 3 things, you’ll get massively

better in life in general and make way more money.⁣

If you could improve your communication skills by even 10%

over the next year, you could easily triple your romantic
opportunities AND double your income.⁣

It's not a coincidence that so many of my clients get raises,

start or scale their business, or simply get promoted in their
job just after going through my mentoring program. ⁣

This doesn't happen by chance. ⁣There are so many parallels

between success with women and financial success. ⁣

The same character traits, communication skills, and

psychological techniques that make one successful with
women for sexual purposes ALSO make one successful
with men for networking/business purposes. ⁣

In addition, when you have quality women around you,

other successful & powerful men are more inclined to hit
you up for business-related discussions because they
perceive these quality women as “evidence” that you are a
winner… ⁣And winners like to associate with other winners.⁣

By mastering this, you’re going to be able to attract more

winners around you and expand your network as well.

Hence, the importance of mastering this skillset.

Let's talk about The System

Key mindset going into this:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level
of your systems.”

- James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Here's the thing:

Most coaches or "PUA" guys will tell you to go to the mall

and approach women endlessly, but that's not very effective
if you're busy and you're an entrepreneur running a business
like me so only relying on cold-approach is a mistake.

You don’t want to be the “pick-up” guy who spends 3 hours

every day going to the mall just to talk to women.

You want to be the guy who could approach any woman

situationally but not as a creep who runs around at the mall
center harassing poor innocent women there.

You probably won't find any real "9s or 10s" at the mall
anyway, the real "10s" are probably on a yacht in Dubai or in
some cool and prestigious venues in your city.

About The System

I don't consider myself a pickup artist at all, I'm just a

successful man who understands and masters
communication, psychology, and seduction.

I don't center my life around women, instead, I build an

attractive life for myself that women want to be a part of.

My System involves three main aspects but it all starts with

your frame and your state of mind.

A real identity change is required for you to get the best

results in this area, most coaches will tell you to work on
your outer skills but I can guarantee you that the inner
skills are as important, if not way more important.

Your mindset, frame, and worldview need to be in

alignment with the systems that I'm going to show you..

Without a proper understanding of female psychology,

male-female evolutionary dynamics, and without conviction
and certainty in your inner mental frame and who you are...

You won't be very successful long-term.

Sub-systems within the system

Once you have the right mindset and frame, my system

involves three main categories of sub-systems:

I/ Cold-Approach & Conversational Systems

2/ Online Systems, Messaging & Date-Setting
3/ Social Circle & Elite Networking Systems

Listen, so many guys become one-trick ponies and only

master one of them only.

They only rely on one source like approaching women but

they never use online, or conversely, they ONLY use online
and nothing else (never approaching women situationally in
their daily life) or they never build a long-term social circle.

NEVER use Online Dating as an excuse not to go out or

because you are too shy to address women in real life.

I keep seeing that men think that online dating saves them
from addressing women in real life or in clubs and bars.

Those are the same men who will struggle with closing on
consistently on dates or will go for lower-quality women.

Don't limit yourself. You need to become Full-Stack.

Big Pitfall To Watch Out For

Most men are too shortsighted about dating, they just want
to get their needs met sexually and that's it.

They don't think about their long-term outcomes, and they

let the wrong women consume their time and attention.

You need to be cautious of how you manage your time

with women and this is in part what I teach as well.

I mainly work with entrepreneurs & professionals who are

busy hustling, building an empire or their careers at a high
level, so there's no time to waste with the wrong women.

Careful about dead-end women and time-wasters. Have

boundaries & learn to walk away from the wrong women.

Also, don't be too short-sighted about dating, think about

Social Circle and Networking as a key component of it.

Nobody succeeds alone. You need an entourage of winners.

Remember: It's one thing to OBTAIN women, but it's

another thing to RETAIN women. If you want to retain
quality women in your life, you NEED a quality social circle.

I/ Cold-Approach & Verbal Systems

The first sub-systems that I want you to master are the cold
approach and verbal systems. Real Seduction happens IN
REAL LIFE when you're having real-life interactions.

Because even if you text a beautiful woman online and you

plan a date with her, you need to have the conversational
skills and verbal systems to make her attracted and invested
sexually when she's around you.

I'm sure you're seeing some beautiful women in your daily

life but for some reason, you're not approaching them.

And even if you're approaching them, you have trouble

converting them and really turn it into a romantic and
sexual encounter.

Hence the importance of mastering cold-approach and the

art and science of high-status conversational skills.

Mastering Cold-approach is a modern rite of passage.

When I started putting systems in place for dating, I had

very little time with my business so I knew I had to make use
of every minute I had as I go about my day-to-day life.

It's a lifestyle

Approaching women should be incorporated into your

lifestyle, not something you do while compromising your
goals or mission. Chase excellence, not women.

After a period of practice or immersion, it should be

something that is part of your daily life. And If you want to
build this skillet at a high level, I recommend doing a
minimum of 20 approaches per week for the next 12 weeks.

Do it situationally in the course of your day: when you're on

your way to the gym, or at the gym, at the coffee shop, at the
grocery store, or if you do a daily 15-30 min walk, on your
way back home from work, on your lunch break, etc. or
simply going out on the weekends).

When I used to have a job, I would approach 2 girls during

lunch 5 days a week (1 or 2 girls per day) so that would add
to 5-10 girls combined.

And after work, I would walk home on a busy street aiming

to approach 2-3 pretty girls each day so ​5-10 girls combined
as well with that.

Then Friday/Saturday night, I would just go to a club or bar.


You need proper Verbal Systems

Approaching women is good but without a clear verbal

structure or strategy, you're just relying on luck or "the flow".

I like to say that "Only dead fish go with the flow".

If you want consistent and predictable success in this area,

you need to have clear systems and strategies including
verbal systems to convert any beautiful woman into a
romantic and sexually invested partner.

Once men get past their fear of approaching women, the

biggest issue is about truly generating attraction, interest,
and investment from beautiful women.

And that my friend is a skill and there's a system to do so.

WARNING: Obviously, even with the best systems, you won't

be compatible with everybody (which is good thing).

But if there's a fitment and the women you're approaching

are single, you can easily convert 80% of the women you're
talking to by internalizing the right verbal systems.

I spent more 8+ years, learning and refining these systems.


Verbal Systems = Predictability

Although each woman is unique and each human is very

different, most conversations can be pretty predictable.

In each interaction, there are usually very similar and

predictable threads in each stage of the conversation.

If you have the right conversation structure and you're able

to move the interaction in the right direction, you'll be able
to get a number or a date pretty easily, even an instant date.

The verbal systems that I teach include systems for

approaching women consistently but also systems to be
able to demonstrate high value properly, flirt and escalate
smoothly, frame control, sexualize and close the deal.

These verbal systems will allow you to have mental models

in place so you can know ahead of time what to say and
when to say. These are not pickup lines though. You won't
be reciting them like a parrot.

You will know the communication principles behind the

lines so you can generate your own lines from within 24/7.
You will be more like a chess player, you'll be calibrating
the right moves to make and you'll always be ahead.
This is real-life Social Hacking

This is basically Social hacking Skills. ⁣

What most people call “Game”: ⁣

Ability to approach, generate attraction, convey value, flirt,

create a connection, frame control, escalate, close, etc. ⁣

These skills can't really be taught anywhere else because

very few men know how to do it in a high-value way.

Even many PUA (pick-up artists) are mistaken in many ways.

These high-status communication skills will get you

tremendously good with women but also with other men.

It's really about having that MILLION-DOLLAR MOUTHPIECE.

When you know the HOW and the WHAT, it becomes so

easy to date attractive women consistently without
comprising your business or career.

When you have the skills to meet & attract beautiful

women wherever you go, you'll have them for the rest of
your life and NO ONE can take these skills away from you.⁣⁣
2/ Online Systems, Messaging &

Cold-approach is cool but only relying on that is a big

mistake. Most men are just relying on approaching chicks or
using dating apps. ⁣

I can tell you right now that cold-approach and dating apps
are overrated. ⁣

In 2021, if you don't have:

1) A Strong Online Presence: Especially Instagram ⁣

2) A Social Circle That Bring You New Women⁣⁣

You’re going to waste a lot of your time and end up with

lower-quality women. ⁣

Guys who rely ONLY on Cold-Approach or always use apps

like Tinder have a very short-sighted approach to dating. ⁣

They’re unable to leverage dating for networking with the

highest people in their respective cities and access to the
highest quality of women. ⁣
The best Online Dating &
Networking App

Instagram is truly the best dating & networking app to do so.

The right Instagram presence will help you be perceived as

attractive, high-status, in demand.⁣⁣This has to be
accompanied by great Texting Skills as well.

With my Instagram System, I get AT LEAST 10 hot girls lining

up every day to talk to me.⁣⁣I get 2-3 dates a week on repeat
using my Instagram System.

Do you really think you're going to get the highest quality

women on Tinder or on Bumble?

NO! The best women are on Instagram, the highest quality


Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Badoo... All of these are for peasants.

Women immediately categorize you as low value when

you're using Dating Apps. However, Instagram is High-Value.

That's where celebrities and high-status people are.

Every day when I wake up,

my DM's look like this.

I've been traveling the world for the past

4 years (even during Covid) and had
extraordinary results with Instagram.

I can put in 15 minutes of work and get

that every single day CONSISTENTLY.⁣⁣

PS: Follow me here @limo.oueslati

Instagram Systems are the key

Instagram Systems are pretty easy to set up.

Your profile needs to have the proper setup and pictures.

You don't need tons of followers, I have a system that I give

my clients to get hundreds of followers in a few minutes.

Then, once you have a couple of cool pictures, you can find
the best women in your city with the system and text them.

What's good with Instagram is you don't even match with

these girls to text them, you can text them right away.

And if you have the right profile setup and system that I
teach, paired with the right texting skills, you'll be able to
convert a lot of them into dates and romantic partners.

What's good with Instagram is that you can also use it for
networking purposes, even in business (contrary to Tinder,
Bumble, Hinge, etc.). It's your own personal brand.

By showcasing your lifestyle and conveying yourself in a

high-status way, you'll be able to make valuable
connections with other men in your city & across the globe.
3/ Social Circle & Elite Networking

Social circle is really the holy grail of dating.

Dating and having sex with multiple women is cool but…⁣⁣⁣

Are you also building a social circle filled with beautiful

women? ⁣

⁣Are you networking and infiltrating high-status social circles

in your city?⁣⁣

Are you building long-term fruitful alliances with other high-

quality men in your city?

You can either have a bottom-up approach or a top-down

approach to dating.

Running around the mall harassing poor innocent women is

a bottom-up approach to dating. ⁣

Having a cool VIP table in a prestigious nightclub with your

social circle filled with hot girls preselecting you is a top-
down approach to dating.
Social Circle is the end goal

A lot of people out there talk about “day game” or “night

game” or are just looking for a quick fling.

But you know what’s even more powerful than that?

Building a TRUE Social Circle and becoming its leader.

A social circle is very often misunderstood by the masses.

Having a social circle doesn’t mean “being best friend with
every person in your entourage”.

Having a social circle means having valuable connections

with numerous people (whether men or women), which
can, in turn, facilitate your access to an outcome that you

Imagine being known in your city, having access to some

of the best events, venues, and parties.

Being invited to parties with the sexiest women, even

organizing some yourself.

How much easier would it be to date women if you’re

always surrounded by beautiful women?
Build a Social Circle and become
its Leader.

You don't need tons of friends, just a few high-quality friends

are what you need.

You need to have the ability to make tons of friends though,

as well as the capacity to LEAD them! You also need to
leverage female friends properly to get access to higher-
quality women.

⁣The highest quality people have the highest quality


If you want to retain women, you need to have a vibrant

social life as well that women want to be apart of.

Building a social circle is one of the best things you can do

to multiply your opportunities in life and have more options
and fun in your social life.

She wants a man who is in demand, both sexually AND

socially. Become the man that all women want, and all
other men want to be like.
When I show up in a nightclub with 4 female
friends in the back of my Limo…⁣⁣

How easy do you think it is for me to pull hot girls?

⁣⁣I can tell you: It’s the easiest thing in the world. ⁣

Of course, you still need some seduction skills to

do that, but you get the point. ⁣

The difference in results between me and just a

regular pickup guy is just undeniable.

The quality of the women you get will be a lot

higher after you incorporate Social Circle simply
because of all the preselection you'll have.
This is the real next level

This is way more efficient than “daygaming” at the mall for 2

hours each day.

As I said, that’s what I call having a top-down approach

instead of a bottom-up approach.

Waiting in line at the club is a bottom-up approach.

Skipping the line because you know the staff or because

you have a table is a top-down approach.

You need to connect with other quality men in that city and
manufacture a situation where you can always have some
women around and organize parties or cool activities.

If you have a great social circle, you’ll be able to organize

parties filled with women every single week.

You’ll be able to roll up at prestigious nightclubs knowing

that you have 10 girls at your table with some other high-
quality friends.

If you have 10 hot girls at your table preselecting you, how

easy do you think it easy to pull 1 beautiful girl home?
Have an elite entourage

Women desire men whom other women desire and other

men admire.

Feminine energy is attracted to Masculine energy.

And nothing oozes more masculine energy than a man

who already has multiple women around him chasing his
attention and men who respect his opinions and look up to
him for leadership, advice, and fun.

With all the pre-selection and social proof you’ll get, you’ll
become “un-rejectable”.

There’s a way you can manufacture that, and that’s in part

what I teach inside my mentoring program.

If you're only a one-man show doing your pickup thing

isolated from other people and you don't have a cool social
circle, you won't retain high-quality women for long.

So you need to master the three SYSTEMS: Cold-Approach,

Online, and Social Circle. If you have that, you'll never run
out of options and you'll be able to build your dream
lifestyle across the globe.
Here's how to actually get there

Now obviously, if you got this PDF, it’s because I’m giving it
to you for free which is good because you’re getting value
out of it, but it won’t make a big difference unless you get
the other pieces of the puzzle which I teach inside my
mentoring program.

This is a skillset, and like all skillsets, it takes the right

guidance, practice, feedback, and most importantly the
right accountability and support group.

If you’re serious, I’d love to show you how you can set that
up in your city along with all the other systems you need to
date an abundance of women consistently.

My programs have the best success rates in the industry

because we focus on both the inner part and the outer part
at a very high level and we give our clients very pragmatic
systems and practices that work like clockwork if applied.

The right systems and practices paired with the right

accountability will create powerful consistent results.

There’s no other way to learn this skill than learning from

others that have accomplished extraordinary results.
What’s Next?

You now have the exact system I used to date at least 2-3
beautiful women every single week without wasting my
time and compromising my other goals.

I've been using the same successful dating systems while

growing my businesses to multiple 6 figures in a few

I’ve been teaching this to my clients for over the past 8 years
and I know it works if you stay consistent. In fact, here’s
what a couple of them said about their experience:
What some of my clients say
You now have two choices...

Option #1: You can decide to follow this system on your own.

You can try what you learned here and find a way to figure it
out on your own.

The truth is that most people who choose that route

probably end up dying before they actually figure it out.

They end up wasting months (if not years) watching videos,

reading books, discussing on social media, etc. without
actually getting any real consistent results.

If they do take action, they give up weeks into the journey

because they’re not seeing the results as fast as they would
like to.

Also, what happens is that they're isolated from people on

the same path so they lack the accountability and support
group needed to get consistent and lifelong results.

If you could have done it by yourself, you would probably

have done it already and wouldn't be reading this right now.
Which bring us to...

Option #2: You truly decide to master this once and for all

From my years of experience working with clients, the biggest

phrase I hear from them after a program is over is: “I wish I did
this sooner.”

I get it, if you’re a career-driven person like me, you want to

excel at what you do first before making time for women.

You want to “get your shit together” before you finally make
that life-changing decision to master your dating life,
because you think ​that you don’t have time, right now.

I want to ask you one thing: how many more years will you
spend until everything is sorted out and you can finally
master this vital aspect of your life?
How many more hours will you waste on dating apps
swiping away only to go to bed alone?

How many more years will you waste away hiding from your
fears and settling for subpar women you barely like?

Getting the right guidance will honestly save you YEARS of

your life.

You’ll uncover all the systems to consistently meet, attract,

and sustainably date the most beautiful women in your city,
efficiently and without wasting your time.

I am looking for serious & ambitious men who are willing to

invest time, money, and effort to master their dating life.

If you want more information on how we can help you or

whether this would be a good fit, then you can get a
strategy session by c
​ licking HERE ​and we'll give you a
proper game plan and show you how to get there in the
next few weeks.

Click here to book your breakthrough strategy session now

- Limo

PS: You can check out our website here for more details.

Want to take your

dating life to an elite
level and join the 1%
circle of elite men?

Apply For The Dating

Accelerator Today.


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