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Relacione utizando as palavras no quadro abaixo:

rectum large intestine pancreas small intestine spleen diaphragm esophagus

heart aorta urethra bladder apendix ureter kidney gallblader inferior vena cava

liver lung superior vena cava trachea thyroid

Text: Method of radiology

There are two general types of x-ray procedures radiographic examinations and fluoroscopic
examinations. Radiographic examinations,which will be used in this study, employ x-ray film
and usually an x-ray tube mounted from the ceiling on a track that allows the tube to be
moved in any direction. Such examinations provide the radiologist with fixed photographic
images. Fluoroscopic procedure are usually conducted with an x-ray tube under the examining
table. The radiologist is provided with moving or dynamic images portrayed on a fluoroscopic
screen or television monitor.

Encontre as seguintes informações de acordo com o texto:

a. Quantos e quais são os tipos de procedimentos de raio x?

b. O equivalente as seguintes palavras:

imagens fotográficas: mesa de exame:

procedimentos radiográficos: tela fluoroscópica:

What is Mammography?
Mammography is a specific type of imaging
that uses a low-dose x-ray system for
examination of the breasts. The images of the
breasts can be viewed on film at a view box or
as soft copy on a digital mammography work

Most medical experts agree that successful

treatment of breast cancer often is linked to early diagnosis.

Mammography plays a central part in early detection of breast cancers because it can
show changes in the breast up to 2 years before a patient or Physician can feel them.

Current guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the
American Cancer Society (ACS), the American Medical Association (AMA) and the
American College of Radiology (ACR) recommend screening mammography every
year for women, beginning at age 40.

I. Utilize a estratégia “scanning” e responda as seguintes perguntas abaixo:

1. Em quantos anos antes da sua manifestação, pode o câncer de mama ser

2. A partir de que idade é recomendada a mamografia?

03. O que é mamografia?


Procure no texto:

1. O significado da sigla HHS.


2. O significado da sigla ACS.


3. O significado da sigla AMA.


4. O significado da sigla ACR.


5. Uma palavra que signifique “Especialistas Médicos”.


6. Uma palavra que signifique “sucesso”.


7. Uma palavra que signifique “estação de trabalho”.


8. Faça uma lista de cognatos encontrados no texto.





Usamos os verbos no imperativo para expressar ordens, pedidos, avisos e instruções.

Os comandos encontrados nos manuais de equipamentos hospitalares ou nos próprios
aparelhos estão no Modo Imperativo porque existe a necessidade de transmitir a mensagem
de forma objetiva e clara.

O imperativo afirmativo é composto pelo infinitivo do verbo sem o to. Já o imperativo

negativo é composto pelo auxiliar Do+not (Don´t) e o infinitivo do verbo sem o to. Assim,

Verbo TO GO = ir

Imperativo Afirmativo: GO! (Vá!)

Imperativo Negativo: DON`T GO!. (Não vá!)


A)Coloque os verbos abaixo no Imperativo Afirmativo e Negativo:

Verbo no Infinitivo Imperativo Afirmativo Imperativo Negativo

01- to describe ___________________ _________________

02- to set ___________________ _________________

03- to print ___________________ _________________

04- to have ___________________ _________________

05- to connect ___________________ _________________

06- to disconnect ___________________ _________________

07- to follow ___________________ _________________

08- to make sure ___________________ _________________

09- to register ___________________ _________________

10- to insert ___________________ _________________

11- to hold ___________________ _________________

12- to press ___________________ _________________

13- to align ___________________ _________________

14- to wait ___________________ _________________

15- to open ___________________ _________________

16- to close ___________________ _________________

17- to pull ___________________ _________________

18- to push ___________________ _________________

19- to remove ___________________ _________________

20- to repeat ___________________ _________________

21- to release ___________________ _________________

22- to install ___________________ _________________

23- to reinstall ___________________ _________________

24- to check ___________________ _________________

25- to keep ___________________ _________________

26- to adjust ___________________ _________________

27- to take ___________________ _________________

28- to try ___________________ _________________

29- to introduce ___________________ _________________

30- to move ___________________ _________________

31- to withdraw ___________________ _________________

32- to pay attention ___________________ _________________

33- to switch ___________________ _________________

34- to turn on ___________________ _________________

35- to turn off ___________________ _________________

36- to turn right ___________________ _________________

37- to turn left ___________________ _________________

B) Traduza as frases a seguir:

01- Set the date and the time.


02- Register the patient information.


03- Make sure the card is inserted completely.


04- Press the key.


05- Hold the key down for at least 3 seconds.


06- Wait 2 seconds.


07- Remove the card from the machine.


08- Repeat the steps 1 to 3.

09- Release the key.


10- Check the display.


11- Push the card.


12- Take the identification card.


13- Please read chapters 4 to 6 in the Operator´s Manual to become familiar with the LORAD
Selenia FFDM System.


14- Click the Cancel button.


15- Put the system in its non-imaging mode.


16- Minimize the application.


17- Double-click on the icon.


18- Type Test.


19- Press enter.

20-Select the laser printer.


21-Take a deep breath.


22-Hold your breath.


23-Take off your clothes and put them on the chair.


24- Raise your right arm.


25- Don´t move.


26- Turn left.


27- Touch your head.


28- Touch your toes.


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