Atividade 08 - Marcadores Discursivos Inglês Instrumental Curso de Radiologia

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Inglês Instrumental Curso de Radiologia

Prof.: Raimundo Lima

Data: ___ /___ /____

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the body uses a powerful magnetic field, radio
waves and a computer to produce detailed pictures of the inside of your body. It may
be used to help diagnose or monitor treatment for a variety of conditions within the
chest, abdomen and pelvis. If you’re pregnant, body MRI may be used to safely
monitor your baby. Tell your doctor about any health problems, recent surgeries or
allergies and whether there’s a possibility you are pregnant. The magnetic field is not
harmful, but it may cause some medical devices to malfunction. Most orthopedic
implants pose no risk, but you should Always tell the technologist if you have any
devices or metal in your body. Guidelines about eating and drinking before your exam
vary between facilities. Unless you are told otherwise, take regular medications as
usual. Leave jewelry at home and wear loose, comfortable clothing. You may be asked
to wear a gown. If you have claustrophobia or anxiety, you may want to ask your doctor
for a mild sedative prior to the exam.
What is MRI of the Body?
Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) is noninvasive medical test that physicians use to
diagnose medical conditions.
MRI uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce
detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body
structures. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays).
What are some common uses of the procedure?
MR imaging of the body is performed to evaluate:
*organs of the chest and abdomen-including the heart, liver, biliary tract, kidneys,
spleen, bowel, pancreas, and adrenal glands.
*pelvic organs including the bladder and reproductive organs such as the uterus and
ovaries in females and the prostate gland in males.
*blood vessels (including MR Angiography).
*lymph nodes.
01. Responda de acordo com o texto acima

a. Que estaria interessado neste tipo de texto?


b. Qual o tema principal do texto?


c. Encontre exemplos de marcadores discursivos e o que expressam.


d. Destaque do texto 05 exemplos de palavras com prefixos ou sufixos e classe gramatical



e. Qual o procedimento a ser feito antes do exame de tomografia computadorizada?


f. Qual a definição de MRI?


g. Quais são os usos comuns do procedimento?


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