Atividade Inglês - 3º Ano - 023411

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Escola Estadual Ali Halfeld

Nome: _______________________________________ Turma: ________

Professora: Jéssica Lima Disciplina: Língua Inglesa 2° Bim/2023

Read the text and answer the questios 1 and 2.

Leia o texto e responda as perguntas 1 e 2.

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in the
morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at an English school. She
loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her
brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to work at a small restaurant because
they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her that it is
necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know
it is possible because I am dedicated.” Jane’s family has problems, but they believe there are solutions, and
they never give up. Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.

1) De acordo com os verbos destacados, em qual tempo verbal o texto foi escrito?

a) Simple Present
b) Present Continuous
c) Simple Past
d) Past Continuous
e) Present Perfect

2) Verifique se as frases são verdadeiras ou falsas e marque a opção correta.

1. Jane doesn't help her parents in the afternoon.

2. Jane studies English at a university.
3. She eats barbecue on weekends.
4. Her brothers love to study.
5. Jane wants to be a doctor.

a) F – F – T – F – T
b) T – T – F – F – T
c) F – T – F – T – F
d) T – F – T – F – T
e) F – F – T – T – F

3) Leia o texto abaixo e escolha a opção, em que todos os verbos estão no Simple Present tense. O texto faz
parte de um resumo do filme “Marley e eu”, no qual Marley é um cão labrador retriever amarelo.

Although Marley constantly tests the Grogans’ patience with his bad behavior, he becomes an established
member of the family. He rides along in the car when John and Jenny make a late-night trip to the
pharmacy for their first home pregnancy test, and he’s there to celebrate with them when they discover
they’re expecting a baby. Marley is later the shoulder Jenny cries upon when her pregnancy ends in a
miscarriage, solidifying his role as comforter in the family.
Disponível em: Acesso em 22 de out. de 2020

a) tests - becomes - rides - cries - ends

b) tests - discover - established - ends
c) celebrate - discover - expecting - becomes
d) make - tests - ends - solidifying – established
e) expecting – discover – established – solidifying

“Minister Norman Baker wants end to UK animal tests.”

“The minister in charge of regulating animal experiments in the UK has said he wants to see an end to all


Disponível em:

4) Ao seguir a regra gramatical de conjugação de verbos, de acordo com o exemplo da manchete da

reportagem acima, a frase “She ________ her dignity at any price” será completada da seguinte forma
com o verbo “to pursue”.

a) pursued
b) pursues
c) pursuyed
d) pursuing
e) pursue

5) Escolha a opção que completa corretamente as frases a seguir, utilizando o Simple Present:

She ____________ go to school on Saturdays. She only ________________ on weekdays. And you?
___________ you study on weekends?

a) is/studying/Do
b) don’t/studies/Does
c) doesn’t/study/Do
d) doesn’t/studies/Do
e) not/ studied/Do

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