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Serie 58562

N-- 101

147 Avenue Robert Schuman

F--68055 Mulhouse Cédex
Tél. : +33 (0) 3 89 36 27 27
Fax : +33 (0) 3 89 36 27 00 FOR USE

2850 North Dug Gap Road S.W.-- Po Box 2603

Phone : 706/277-- 5400 Fax: 706/277-- 5410


The operational safety always comes first. The operators must become acquainted
with the instructions of this manual and must periodically read them again in order to
memorize them. Should these safety instructions not be respected, accidents or
material damage are likely to take place.
These directions for use also provide information on the optimum use of the equipment
and on its necessary steady maintenance. These instructions have to be scrupulously
carried out.

Only the machine use as described in this documentation for the users, including
all the maintenance and adjustment tasks enable to guarantee the operators’
Any other use, not in accordance with the regular use foreseen by SUPERBA SAS or
adjustment or maintenance task performed without respecting the safety measures or
procedures or intervention sequences described in the directions for use, expose the
staff at very serious lesion risks which could engage the penal responsibility of the user
and his staff.
Are strictly and in particular forbidden the ”fantasy” uses not in accordance with the
foreseen use such as :
S Use the machine without having previously set up on the frame protection guards
with the fastening means foreseen by SUPERBA SAS
S Allowing the access to non authorized staff the normally locked cabinets containing
electrical appliances (risks of electrical shocks)
S Use the machine in locations where can appear, even very rarely, explosive atmo-
spheres whatever their nature (haze, gas, clouds of dust...)
S Treat with the machine fibres, yarns... which can release vapours or hazes likely to
create explosive atmospheres or likely to expose persons at risks harming their
This equipment is not designed to be used under explosive atmospheres whatever
their nature (hazes, gas, clouds of dust).

The SUPERBA equipment can be used in conjunction with other machines or possibly
control material not supplied by SUPERBA. In this case, the buyer is the only one
liable for the choice of this material, its maintenance and its use. He must also
make sure the use of this material does not damage the SUPERBA material.
The inspection and the starting--up of the SUPERBA equipment in connection
with equipment or material not belonging to SUPERBA, does not involve
SUPERBA’s liability as far the foreign material is concerned. The customer is the
only one responsible for the material damage and physical injuries that could result
from it. The customer is also liable for making the foreign material comply with the
safety regulations in force in the concerned country.
When some steam is necessary to the running of the machine (s), the supply network
is at the customer’s charge ; the latter having to:
S See that all the elements of the work equipment designed to the heat energy
transmission, especially the steam or thermal fluid pipes are set up, protected or
insulated in such a way to prevent any risk of burn..
S Compulsorily foresee the technical means designed to allow the separation of
the network steam pipes as well as the precautions to prevent any risk of
condensate return (The separation of the work equipments from their energy supply sources has to be achieved
by putting into place means enabling the operators intervening in the dangerous areas to be assured of this separation).

S Make sure the installation is indeed carried out in accordance with the safety
standards and rules in force in the concerned country.
Only the skilled, instructed and appointed operators are allowed to use, handle
and ensure the maintenance of the SUPERBA machines and equipment.


Keep any persons that are not authorized, nor skilled away from the equip-
While in operation, the machine (s) must permanently be supervised by at
least one skilled operator.
The equipment has tobe connected by a qualified electrician. An electrical
sketch is attached to the instructions. All the control panels are equipped with
a lock. Only the authorized staff can be in possession of the keys and be able
to open and lock the control panels.
Have the equipment stopped before any intervention requiring the removing of
the fixed protecting devices or other interventions such as heavy maintenance or
repair during which an untimely re--supply in energy could bring about accidents
(refer to the stopping procedure). Should the maintenance staff have to intervene on
the machine parts being under pressure, it is essential to depressurize before any

Make sure not to get too close to the parts in motion and not to touch the electri-
cal connectings.

Never try to operate the machine before all the safety devices are set up.

Localize the locations and familiarize yourself with all the control and safety
switches. Especially locate the emergency stop buttons.

Before any use of the equipment, make sure all the safety devices run smoothly.
Only a skilled maintenance technician is allowed to repair or replace the safety
devices, the accessories and the defective parts.

Do not use this equipment beyond its capacities or beyond the foreseen wor-
king speed. It runs more efficiently and with more safety when used at reasona-
ble power and speed. Use the electrical cables, the pneumatic pipes and the
steam piping only for the applications foreseen to that end.

Keep the working place in a perfectly clean and tidy condition. A cluttered
work place can be the source of accidents.

Work in balance and properly position yourself.

Protect any electrical cables and pneumatic pipes against the heat, the oil, the
tool circulation, cutting edges...

Wear vocational garments. Do not wear too baggy clothes that might be caught
by the parts in motion. Keep ties, scarfs... away from the work place and
gather long hair under a cap.

During the machine positioning and setting-- up in the premises, it is essential

to strictly respect the rules specific to the plant as well as the regulations gover-
ning the territory.
The maintenance of this equipment must be ensured by the properly instructed and
authorized staff. The latter must have read all the DIRECTIONS FOR USE and recei-
ved the necessary training (by the SUPERBA staff at the time of the erection or by a
member of the staff internal to the company having himself the necessary qualifica-

The insufficient or unsuitable maintenance of this equipment can originate damage to

the latter or physical injuries. SUPERBA cannot be held responsible for these acci-
dents or damage if the maintenance is not achieved according to the rule book.
The buyer is the only one liable for the electrical connections of this equipment, for
its insulation by means of adequate electrical contactors and for the protection of this
equipment thanks to excess current protections and others depending on the local or
national regulations in force.

The user (buyer) bears all the responsibilities and all the risks subsequent to the use
of parts or material not supplied by SUPERBA or without Superba’s approval.
The use of non authorized parts can involve a malfunction of the equipment, material
damage and originate physical injuries.


S Part the machine from all its energy sources. The parting function is performed by
the switches or section insulators in the case of electric energy, by the taps or specialized distri-
bution boxes in the case of water power or pneumatic energy.
S Block in the open position all the separation devices (switches, section insulators,
distribution boxes ... ). This blocking can be carried out by setting up padlocks or letter--keyed
locks onto the separation devices.
S Check downstream from the separation points, the lack of energy, whatever
its form, and especially in the case when the latter might be accumulated.
-- electric energy by capacitors,
-- pneumatic or water energy by accumulator,
-- potential mechanical energy likely to release itself.
To do so, it is advisable to put at the disposal of the concerned staff, the means to enable the
latter to make sure there is no accumulated energy (example : voltmeter ...).

Meaning of the pictograms used in this document

Caution DANGER: Pay great attention to those instructions

FORBIDDEN: never do that under any circumstances

Caution DANGER: concerning electrical equipment

Information - Advice - Remarks and so on

VERY IMPORTANT for the good running of the machine.

During the installation of the machine at the working place or during its assembling
and its starting up, the customer is not allowed to ask the assembling technician
to proceed to any mechanical or electrical modification. Assembling technician(s)
are not qualified to judge the consequences of the modifications on the security regar-
ding the later use of the equipment delivered by SUPERBA. Any modification could
lead to incidents or accidents or the equipment could not fit anymore the standards set
by the norms and regulations in force.
Should a modification be nevertheless demanded, the request must be send to
SUPERBA, who might give a written agreement.
In the case of a negative answer, and if the customer decides to modify the equip-
ment of origin without having obtained SUPERBA’s written agreement before-
hand, he runs the risk of being held responsible of an incident or an accident.

For any additional information, please contact SUPERBA or its LOCAL


Unless otherwise stipulated, SUPERBA remains the owner of all information, all
concepts (ideas or strategies and methodologies, etc.) all specifications, all docu-
ments (studies, designs, drawings, diagrams, calculation sheets, test reports, etc.),
all objects (models, samples, specimens, etc.), including patents and know--how,
handed over or sent to the Client on a precontractual basis or implemented as part
of the provision of services, in particular design, engineering, research and develop-
ment, technical assistance, etc.
The Client undertakes to treat as confidential all the information and all the com-
mercial and technical documents, as well as all the objects which are entrusted to
them by SUPERBA and refrains from passing them on and/or conveying them in
any way whatsoever to third parties, unless they have previous written permission
to do so from SUPERBA.
The Client may only use the industrial and intellectual property rights belonging to
SUPERBA, (including those which ensue from results of engineering, research
contracts, etc.), after signing a license contract, even if the right of use is granted
free or charge.

In the event of SUPERBA’s supplies incorporating software in any form whatsoever
coming from industrial and intellectual property belonging to SUPERBA or to a
third party, the Client only enjoys a non--exclusive license to use it which is granted
on a personal basis for said software, without the benefit of sub--license and without
the right of transfer.
This license is reserved for one single user, and shall only be able to be used on one
computer, or, if it is a machine, on one single original machine manufactured and
delivered by SUPERBA, without any duplication of the software, in any form what-
The license holder is deemed as performing a non--authorised reproduction if they
convey, reproduce, adapt, decompile, correct, update, improve, transform into
machine language or copy the software in any other way, either entirely or partly.
In the event of an unauthorised copy of their copy, the license holder shall be consi-
dered as having infringed the software copyright. Furthermore, the holder underta-
kes to protect the software from any unauthorised access by a third party, and they
shall give their employees, agents and subcontractors all useful instructions for that
purpose, in order to enforce and preserve the intellectual property rights associated
with the software.


IMPORTANT REMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 1

I. OBJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 2

II. CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 2

III. RUNNING PRINCIPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 3

IV. USING and ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 4

A. Temperatur regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 4
B. Water level regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 5
C. Steam circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEP --- 6

Before first running of the HEP, control that the roofs (A) are in place and well fastened, for this
open the covers (B) see drawing 1.
At the first running and then further on, regularly and after a certain running time, control the
tighteness of the stuffing box by proceeding like following.
Unfasten the counter nut (C), refasten the stuffing box (D) and refasten the counter nut (C) with
a pin key, see drawing 2.

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

HEP - 1

This new turbo unit, with integrated circuit allows a forced instantaneous and homoge-
neous steam or warm air penetration through the yarn bundle.

S maxi homogeneity of the steaming treatment, or warm air,,
S maxi temperature reached as soon as the first yarn bundle reaches the steaming unit,
S improved efficiency.

Drawing 3

S Turbine’s recommended speed : 1500 to 3000 rpm
S Steam consumption : 25 to 30 Kg/h.
S Steam inlet pressure : 6 bars
S Electric consumption : 4,5 KW
S Weight : 580 Kg
S Necessary installed power : 6,5 KVA

HEP - 2

The steaming set is composed of 3 identic units, placed side to side

Each unit delivers the steam flow, in open circuit, through a turbine and gutter driving
the fluid so that it passes uniformely through the yarn bundle.

Drawing 4

HEP - 3

A. Temperatur regulation
The temperature regulation is a proportional one. It is composed of :
S a temperature sensor PT 100 (A) which controls the temperature at the level of
the yarn bundle,
The setpoint of temperature is adjusted on the TVP3 touch screen, , in the textile
progranm (B)
S a measure converter I/P (C) which delivers the necessary pressure to the valve,
S a proportional valve (D), on steam input.
For more details see electrical notice TVP3 .

Drawing 5

HEP - 4
B. Water level regulation
The water level is controlled by a ball tap unit (6) placed inside of the water tank

Drawing 6

A Water level
100 mm maxi

HEP - 5
C. Steam circuit

4 Input

Return pipe


1- proportional valve
2- water inlet tap
3- draining cock
4- draining controler
5- filter and pressure reducer unit
6- temperature sensor
7- measure converter 2

HEP - 6

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