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Sword of Sacrifice

Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)

The Sword of Sacrifice is a legendary weapon that
has been passed down through generations of
powerful warriors. This sword is a double-edged
longsword, with an intricate design etched into its
hilt. It is said that this sword was imbued with
ancient magic, allowing its wielder to harness their
own life force to deal devastating damage to their

Attack roll: +3 to hit
Base Damage: 1d8 + Str. modifier (slashing)
Special Ability: Soul Sacrifice: At the beginning of
their turn, the wielder of this sword may sacrifice
any number of hit points (limited to the wielders
current HP). For every attack made in that turn,
every hit from the sword will deal slashing
damage equal to the amount of HP sacrificed
(must still hit). At the end of the wielders turn,
the swords damage reverts back to its default.

Created by Major Illusion

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