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The fol'lowtng verbs follow lhe some pattern as fhe verb to hurt

This chart covers Spanish words and phrases gusio' l1he equNalent of the English to like.“ but literally
"fo be pleasing“). As wtlh gcu s', the person who would ”‘ to love, to adore
that English speakers often £nd tricky or be fhe s• l•+ •! fhe verb In English k the lndlre‹::I ob”ject In
difficult to remember, including idiomatic to make an
Spanish lexpressed with me. G, 1s, f¥es, ag, or is). to en rise
expressions, verb expressions, and false
cognates. It is meant for students who already to lack, to be
know basic Spanish. Nos 0UdBs bs pdltabs We like dassic movlas. missing to fascinate
For intro-level vocabulary and pronunciation, see lLilero8y, “Classic movies please us.°} to need
the Spanish Voccbuforp SparkChart. For more A I z 'o, Ie I¥IMe¥a b w0gice Que L0zoro Is Interested In
in-depth grammar, see the ispanish Grammar |ozz music. ILilerolly. “Jazz music interesls Lâzoro.0 to maner
and Spanish Verbs SparkCharts. _ to im ress
to like to interest
When speaking or writing in Spanish, try to use to make a good impression
, ‘ to bother
words and grammatical structures that • to make a bad
you're already familiar with. If you're talking to seem, to a pear
and get stuck and don't know a word, explain impression to suit, to be ° to wo
what you suitable
want to say using other words that you do know. , to be difficult " to have lefl
, ’ to disgust, to to have in excess
When using a Spanish-English dictionary, to upset tone
keep the following suggestions in mind.
i. To start with, use a dependable dictionary.
2. Know' what part of speech you're looking for. _ , in agreement
For instance, looking up the »'ord u ell could Mony klk›motlc axpresslons in Spanish Involve lhe
prepositions o or his. ' *“ \,"*‘ from now on
cause a lot of confusion if you don't know
whether you need an adjective, adverb, noun, willingly
verb, or interjection. in this way, in this manner
.eao der a
3 There may be several choices, even for the t @ o in e n f y I .* suddenly
same pa rt of speech. In such cases, it helps ’ from now on
to at the latest
do a reverse lookup and look up each of the
choices in the Spanish-to-English section. o . . “/ -• . while, at the aame time as ' ’ unm4tbnQy
4. Don't try to translate idiomatic expressions
word for word. In most cases this will ' ’ by ' eans,no y
result in misunderstanding. If you can't in my opinion,
find the
correct "translation" for an idiomatic expres- to me it seems that
sion, avoid using it. ” ‘‘ otherwise
5 h'ote any regional variations mentioned in ’ on one's feet, standing
the dictionary. Sometimes this is crucial, as ‘ in a hurry
with the verb coger, which is used commonly suddenly
in Spain and other countries to mean "to get" kneeling, on one's knees
or "to catch" but has an obscene meaning in certainly writing
Mexico and other parts of Latin America. b9 *yI
conaequenUyaty e tberefoce, tbat's wby
6. Make sure you know the correct spelling consequently please
of the English word you're looking up. For Y. .’ :'.io°•me
example, the results will be very different for
stationary as opposed to stationery, or prin- outside
ciple as opposed to principal. in the morning
at night
in the afternoon
Many idiomotic expressions in Spanish involve the
preposifions par and pea whether you like it or not
day by day o
in a fiash r
to be about to [do something] at least
word for word to br about to [do something] by that time
e as far as I'm concerned
in advance for another occasion so that, in order that
for now, at the a froiri what they 8ay
moment around m therefore, as a reault
there, that way for p
the love of God l
at that time e
around here, this way
by chance i
percent n
e ecti e
6 .. i. in spite of, despite

rywhere on
’ "‘ "‘ suddenly all sides

on one hand
on one hand


t in


Many common expressions in Spanish use verbs in a estor de vocociones to he on vacation poriey en opuros to put in a jam
manner different from lheir literal meanings. English has
numerous idiomalic expressions of the same kind: “to estor de viote to be traveling poner en dado to call into question
kill time," “to make do,“ “to hang out,“ and so on. The estor de vuelto to be back, to have returned poner en morcbo _ to start
tables below list many common idiomotic expressions in estor en buenos to be in good shape poner en movimierrlo to set in motion
Spanish, grouped by verb. The verb's literal meoning is condiciones poner In meso to set the table
lisled in red at the beginning of each entry. estor en molos to be in bad shape poner los cosos en to clear things up
condiciones 0l0rO
CO t£ l'4 ffJlll estor en los nubes to daydream
poner monos a la obro to get to \^'ork
coerle bien to make a good impression estor ftiero de si to be bi'side
quedor it°: °.tr \'. to •emr: n, 'n in= I :[1 i
‹›iu's‹'lf coerle mol to make a bad impression estor hecho polvo to be worn out
detnr eoer to droJa ester hecho una soi›o to be soaked quedor + od]eclive to be Iadjectivel
hocer coer to knock over estot listo to be ready quedorle bien to fit n'ell
ester por + infinitive to be about to, quedorse ciego to go blind
d.e .. ...
to be on the verge of quedorse co|o to go lame
dor o to face, to be facing
quedor con to make a date with [someone]
dor o conocet to makeknovn h hn"a Ihr# w; varhl
quedorse con to keep
dot o lUz to give birth hober de + iiifinili'ze to be supposed to, to have to
quedor de pie to remain standing
dor osco to disgust hoy que + infinitive it is necessary to, one must
quedor en to agree on, to arrange to
quedorle mol to fit badly
dor contra to hit, to knock against since [amount of time]
desde hoce + quedor sin hocer to remain undone
dorse cuento de t r‹•‹1I\/'Q amount of lime
SO I 1£ | ' f9 ifi ''I 'v'? IN ’ ''4 OL' tl
dor de beber to give a drink to huge t [amount of time] ago
dor de comer to feed amoUnl of time + que solir bien to succeed
dor en to hit. strike hocerse tn l›ecoine solir con to go out i›'ith, to date
dor Io bienvenido to welcome hocer buen tiampo to be good \\'eather solir con lo suyo to get one s
(out) dor la espoldo to turn one'.s hack hocer coer to knock over way solir mol to fail
dor la horo to strike the hour hocer color to be hot (ot tJ
dor los grocios a to fhank someone] hacer coso de tn pay attention t‹
dorse In mono t u smal‹' han‹ls hocer com to stand n line
dor lo mismo to make no difference hocer doño o to harm [someone/somethinsl
dor peno a to aggneve
hocer de nuevo to do over tener cuidodo _ to he careful
dor por to consider, to i'egard,
hocer el popel de to plaY the role tener dolor de + to leave a
tO flSSUmP
of hocer iolto to be in need of [head]ache, g[body porll | back]ache,
dorse por vencido to give up, to acknowledge
defeat hocer trio to be cold (out) etc. tener en cuento to have in mintl
dor un poseo to take a walk, to take a ride hBfi0r juego to match tener éxto _ to be
dor uo poso* to take a step hocer lo(s) moleto{s) to pack one’.s successful tener trio to be
suitcase(s) dor tirio mono to lend a hand hocer los poces (con} cold
to make peace (with) dor ono vuelto to take a walk, to take a ride hocer mol tener gonos de to feel like,
tiempo to be bad i›'eather (out) dor voces to shout hocer sol to to be in the mood for
be sunn (out) tener grocio to he funny
dot vueltos o to think [something] other hocer tin vioje to take a trip tener hombre to be hungry
tener los nervios de to be on edge
decir II : °:iy, I .: hocer ono pregunto to ask a question gg}q
¿Cfimo se dice...? How do you say...? hocer viento to be windy (out) tener lugor to take place
dicho de otm moner‹:i in other words ir HO ROI lener molo coro to look bad
jDi9o! or ioigome! Hello? (on the phone) ir o pie to walk, to go on foot tener miedo (de} to be akaid (of)
el qué diron public opinion :r de compros to go shopping lener por to consider to be,
es decir that is to say, I mean irde |uergo to go out part)ñng to take [someone] for
metor dicho rather, I mean ir de mol en peor to go from bad to tener presente to bear in mind
worse no hoy mñs que decir there's nothing more to say irse ** to go away lener priso to be in a hurry
i NO me digos! You don't sa› !
llevo’ruitske, to '\ur'\'i lener que • infinitive to have to [do somethingj
querer decir to mean tener que ver com to have to do with
llevor + omounl of time to take (amount of time)
lener rozfin to be right. to be correct
echor o + intinilive to start/begin to [do something3 llevor o _lener sueiio to be sleepy
to lead to
echor o perder tener suerte to be lucky_
to ruin, tO S OI llevorse bien con to get along wel with
fener vergtienzo (de) to be ashamed (of)
cchar obojo to demolish, to overthrow llevorse mol con to get along badly with tomor !l‹J IL ku !u If '”' , |‹J eu'I
echor de menos_ to miss llevor uno vide bueno to live a good life
echor lo culpo Inf to blame tomor o pecho to take to heart
tomor ol pie de lo kriro to t:iki' literally
estor + gerund to be [doing somethinzl oir decir que to hear (it said) that tomode el pelo to pull someone’s leg
estor o to be priced at, to cost oir hoblor de to hear about, to hear of tomor en serie to take seriously
estor ol corriente de to be up to date on iOye! Of iOigo! Hey!, Listen!
venicr c j'c;
poner |'‹ txt.'I, ‘i” § Ier'.-!, tr: nrirJ.i
ester como el pez en to be right at home estor de mol humor to be in a bad mood ponerse de pie
el oguo ponerse + ad|ecIive to become [adjective] stand up
efor conlorme con to be in agreement win ponerse to put on (article of clothingJ
estor de + profession to be working as o [professionj ponerse o + infinitive to begin to di i [s‹iiii‹'thing]
estor de ocuerdo to agree poner ol corriente to informs _ _
eslot de been humor to be in a good mood poner ol dio to bring [someonej up to date
el mes que viene next month In semono que viene next
jVengo! Come on!; Let s gr›.'; (Okay! vengo lo que vengo come
what may
venir + to have been [doing something]
present parliciple
venir a to come to
to osk to took
cuestionor to question (philosophically) buscor
to look for
to look at [something)
hocer uno pmgunto to ask a question mirof
to appear, to seem
to ask for, to request p0recer
proguritar to ask a question porecerse o to look like [someone]
ptoguntor per to ask about (person/thing) p t„
tO PAGE cononr to meet [someone] for the first
time convertirse en + noun indicates that one object changes into another: dor con,
encorilrorse con to meet [someone] by chance
lronsfoiwtorse en + noun Al oquo se convirtiñ en fiiefo lThe woler tuJned into ice.] ntror to meet [someonel either intentionally or by chance
kocerce + indicates a gradual change brought about by Ul'1irse to meet [someone] in an official capacity
noun or adjective someone's effort; also expresses what has happened
or will happen to someone: late ptegunlo qve se tiizo de
verse cv to meet [someone] by appointment
Juan 11 wonder whot becume of mon.1 memory
indicates a gradual change over time: Ano llegoiâ o ser qppqq a specific recollection
noun or adjective rice si sigue traba|ando tonlo. (Ana will become rich if she the capacity to remember
keeps working so much I
mafeme a + noun indicates a change in profession or activity, usually in K Min
a derogatory sense: Mr tia tue o Hollywood pada melerse echor de menos, exlrafior to miss (someone/something)
a octriz aunque no iiene /olenlo, (My ount went to Hollywood
to become an actress even lhough she has no talenl.) evilar to avoid
ponerse + ad|ecIIve indicates an involuntary change of state: Al oir to to fail to attend am event or appointment
nolicio, Mcrlo se puso emoclor1ada |Upon hearing the news, to miss (a chance/bus/plane/etc.)
Maria become excited I
quadorse + od|ecflve indicates that a person or object has been left in a
certain state, often by some sort of loss: Aunque se to plav a game or s_port
quedâ sordo. Bee/Aoven siguio componiendo m0sica t›aslo su local to play a musical instrument
muerfe. (/\lthough he become deof, Beethoven continued to
compose music until his death.I
volvarse + odjeCllve indicates a sudden, often irreversible change: José se *° i *d a measure of value
volvio loco y deg so t‹abaJo. l3osé went crozy ond quit his job.J confided a characteristic or trait
Many Spanish verbs can be used wilh lhe pronoun se to indicote a process of change. to
roise This is oHen expressed in English as “lo become " “lo get “or
with the suMx —en: to increase (amount of)
U r
to care for (person/animal)
m to get tired gjp
to raise, to cultivate (crops)
cosarse to get married cuilivar to rear, to bring up
emocionotse to get excited yUgpp
to raise (physically), to lifi
eniodorce to get angry p
to take something up, to make higher
enformorse to get sick ybip
eniriorse to get cold
en•i• • to get angry to save (money)
enro}eGerse to turn red, to blush ahorror

mo{orse to get wet to set something aside, to put something away

secorse to become dry, to dry out to rescue from danger
For several other common Spanish verbs, the meaning "to become "is inherent:
odol9ozor to become thin, to lose weight dejor de + infinitive to stop doing something
detener to detain [someone]
engordor to get fat, to gain weight
ensordecer to go deaf detefterse to pause, to come to a stop
enve}ecer to grow old, to age impodlt to stop [someone] from doing something
pAiarleeJ to stop (to come to a stop)

cutter to take care of someone or something

to back, to support emotionally
Importer to matter: No me importa 11 don’t core J
to support financially
to bear, to tolerate
cerca lodverbl refers to physical proximfJ ioslener to sustain, to hold up physically
coiv*»rio lod{ec1ivel refers to physical proximity or degree of separationgof ppq
blood relatives
Tntimo todjefllvel refers to relationships other than family; friendship, dot un poseo/poso to take a walk/step _
emotional ties, e)c. hoGef tm Vl‹go to take a trip
unido lodjeclivel refers to closeness of family members, but with no llevor to carry from one place to another
reference to blood ties qUitar to take something away_
yoj dote QUO to take off [article of clothing]
an appointment tnrdor en + infinitive to take time to do something
facho Inoun) the calendar date toner lupw to take place
to date someone socially tomor to take (most general meaning, for most other cases)
solir con |verbl
data a specific piece of information
horo a specific time (of day/night)
a known reality
rata a brief amount of time, a while
funny time in an abstract sense, a duration or period of time
cémico comical Y6Z an instance or occurrence
curioso, exlroflo odd, strange

dlvertido entertaining intantor + Intnilive to try to do [something]

The following words are ofien mistaken because they appear to be cognates bul are not.
For example, cc/ual in Spanish means “current’; lhe real Spanish word for lhe English
actual“ is efecfivo or verdodeio. All Spanish words in the lable are in bold. horiocto decent, honorable honest honrodo, recto
i&mrs language idiom modismo
igrieror to be unaware of to ignore no hucer eoso de
oclual current, present actual etectivo, verdodero
Intoxlcor to poison to intoxicate emborrochor
opJcar to apply, to attach to apply sollcbor
tfor a job) irittedocir to introduce (a topic) to introduce presenter
1 eulogy apolo dlsctilJ, excuso (8#€MOA)
long large gronde
osist to attend to assist oytidor
reading lecture conferencio
to take care of to attend oslstir
bookstore library biblioteco
bachBler secondary-school bachelor soitero
graduate ma'for greater, older maynr olcolde
trillion billion mil mlliones moderation measure medido
coal carbon corbono molestar to annoy, to bother to molest obusor sexuolrnente
country, field camp noun, name number ndmero
corgo duty, responsibility cargo relatives parents padres
folder, file carpet plnchor to puncture to pinch pellizcor
d›ocor to crash, to shock to choke condom preservative conservonte
necklace coMar cuello prdender to try to, to aspire to to pretend fingir
constitution, complexion tez to take away, to remove to quit de or
temperament royal real veidedero
obligation compromise to carry out to realize dorse cuento de
cold, illness constipation net red ro{o
tn an.swer, to re}ily to contest to remind, to remember to record
to agree, to fit, to suit to convene clothes rope cuerdo
disappointment deception engoño p g
n healthy sane cuerdo, sensoto
crime delight delelie gig sensitive sensible sensoto, prudente
misfortune disgrace vergiienzo n
yg court verdict sentence
deaoayo faint dismay consternoclén _ soup soap I•b6n
to upset, to displease to disgust dor asco, repugnor y to hold up, to tolerate to support montener, opoyar,
polite, well-mannered educated culto sostener
pregnant embarrassed overgonzodo auc•dar to happen, to follow to succeed tener éxho
to send to em'y envidlor event success gxho
success exit solido board table maco
factory fabric talo, te|ldo cheat tmmp vgobundo
soccer football fñ tbol omericono prickly pear cactus, tuna atfin
trivial futile vono, lnñ fil student musical group
grodaso funny gracious cortés glass florero, |orrén

This table highlights some of the many compUler

bl0Ck l3tt80t} la cuadra i*^“' el champiñ ñ n
regional voriotions in vocabulary ond
slang across Spanish-speaking countries. la manzana M la callampa W
The most common or universol word lif buddy amigo el hongo

Wrletn Tracy Von Bishop

there is one) is lisled first, and the regional

Williams Sed es Edito-t

variations thai follow are marked with (logs. che H la seta M
compinche Y•£

Designer Oon 0.
tA Lolin America (entirel §•§ Mexico peanut
CPA Central America Nicoraguo cuate H el cacahuate 8•fi
SA South America Paraguay
el cacahuete M
gallo N
Argentina $.§ Peru guey 8• el mam t*^l
gm Chile Pueno Rico el/la niñ o (—a), pineapple la piñ a
Colombia Spain jefe lt^ el/la chico (—a)
macho M el aInanâ
Cuba Uruguay eI/la chamaco (—a) P•i
¿ Dominican Republic Uniled Stoles maje H potato la papa
el/la chavalo (—a) Y•fi M
Ecuador Venezuelo mano la patata M
El Salvador tio M el guambito M
el/la nene (—a) U M bonito M

205 93 045
apartment viejo fi
el apartamento el/la pibe (—a) H 8•fi
e1 autobus
Repor l

lindo i%.i el departamento tA '

lunch el almuerzo shrimp eI cam @p tA]
el autocar M
el piso M la comida M la gamba M
el camifin IC* H
banana el plltano la camioIneta el lonche M
mon (slang) che el langostino W
la banana W fi-£ la acera
el colectivo
e1 banano CA' gallo M fi•I
la guagua H H tipo H & el andén 1*% M
e1 cambur M
el baiio eI Omnibus & tio M la banqueta H
cor el autom6vil money el dinero
el servicio M la veredIa W
el auto H el bolo M to stand up levantarse
el voter M el carro *^ pararse
baon la alubia M el chavo H
e1 coche M e1 chele On
swimming la piscina
la caraota M chévere pool
el frijol el cuarto ofl la alberca •I _
chulo M la lana fi•£
la habichuela M guay M la pela M la pileta
la judia W legal i°°' M 8 I M la plata SAP IO 'thI'0W 0Ut/ botar tA
el poroto H padre IN el quilo & H tirar M

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