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By mujjuzi Yasin

• The evolution of computer networks can

be traced back to 1969 with the
introduction of the ARPANET ( Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network). This
was a collaboration between the US
military and various US colleges where a
collection of computers were linked
together to share information and
messages. ARPANET continued to expand
through the 1970s and provided the basic
structure for the development of the
internet as we know it today.
• Thinking about networks
• Look at this video that
provides a basic explanation
of a computer network:
1. Do you use a network at
home or at school?
2. Do you use your laptop or
smartphone to connect to a
A data packet
• A data packet is a small unit of data that travels
along a given network path as a single package.
• When you send data over the internet it will be
split up into many different data packets that are
sent individually.
• It is possible for each data packet to be sent by a
different route, and when the packets are all
received, they are reassembled into the original
• Each data packet consists of the ‘payload’ (the
data being sent) and a ‘packet header’ that
contains the routing information, such as the
source and destination addresses, sequence
numbers, packet size and total number of packets
IP addresses
• An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on
the internet or on a local network.

• Internet Protocol is simply a set of rules that specify and

standardise the format of data transmitted on the internet or
your local network.

• IP addresses are usually assigned to you by your Internet

Service Provider (ISP)

• There are two versions of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6.

• IPv4 is the most common and uses 32 bits written as 4

groups of 8 bits, e.g. An example of an IPv4
IP address is shown in
A router
• A router is a device that acts as the ‘ mail sorting office ’ between

• It receives data packets and then forwards them to another router

or to their destination.

• The routing process selects the best path in a network to forward

data packets.

• The router uses routing tables , which maintain a record of the

best routes to various network destinations.

• The router provides a gateway from the external internet to the

internal computer or network of computers.

• The router that you have at home receives data packets from the
internet and forwards them to devices in your home, usually
via wi-fi.

• The switch then sends the data packets to the correct device on
the network.

• Each device is uniquely identified by its own Media Access

Control (MAC) address
MAC addresses
• Each device on a network will be identified
by its own MAC address.
• A MAC address uses 48 bits written as 6
groups of 2 hexadecimal digits. An example
of a MAC address is shown in Figure.
• The MAC address is sometimes called the
‘physical address’ as it uniquely identifies
the device and does not change.
• The left-hand digits represent the
manufacturer, and the right-hand digits are
generated and assigned to the particular
device when it is manufactured.
1. Do you have a router at home?
2. Is it a wireless router (does it have an antenna)?
3. Does it also have LAN ports?

Take a look at this video, which shows you how routing works:
• Activity
• Routing in action
Activity 1. If you have a laptop or smartphone, try to find out its MAC
2. I f you have a Windows computer, open the command prompt
window (type cmd in the search bar).
If you have a Mac then go to Launchpad > Other and open the
1. Switches maintain MAC address tables that store the Terminal window.
MAC address of each device connected to each port.
What does ‘MAC’ stand for?.................................... 3. Now you can locate the site by typing in:

2. Which is the most common IP address format that ping

uses 32 bits written as 4 groups of 8 bits, e.g. 4. Now trace the route that your computer takes to reach
A. IPv4 by typing in:
B. EPv4 tracert (Windows)
C. IPv8 traceroute (Mac)
D. IPv6 The number of steps, or ‘hops’, is the number of different routers
3. A data ……………………. consists of visited on the journey to the destination.
the ……………………………… •
(the data being sent) and a packet ……………………. that You can try this same process for any website.
contains the …………………… information, including the • Why do you think ping and trace are useful functions for the user?
source and destination ………………………….. , sequence
number, packet size and number of packets sent.
Network interface cards
Common network devices • A network interface card (NIC)is needed to connect
a computer or laptop to a network hub, switch or

• NICs are normally integrated into

the motherboard of the computer and can be
connected using a network cable or wirelessly.

• Each NIC is assigned a unique MAC address when

manufactured, which is then used to uniquely
identify the device in which it is installed.
Hubs, bridge , Switches
• As the name suggests, hubs are network devices that can
have several other devices connected to them.

• Hubs are used to connect computers and devices together to • Bridge

create a Local Area Network (LAN).
• A bridge is simply a small hub with a couple of ports that
• A hub will receive data packets and then send these to every is used to link together two hubs in order to join two
device that is connected. smaller LANs and increase the overall size of the LAN.
• Hubs have two major disadvantages: • Switches
• They increase network traffic and use up bandwidth.
• Switches have now largely replaced hubs as a means of
• They are less secure as all data packets are sent connecting devices in a LAN.
to every device on the network.
• Switches maintain MAC address tables that store the
• Hubs are now nearly obsolete, as more efficient and secure MAC address of each device connected to each port.
switches can be used.
• Data packets received by the switch are processed and
sent only to the device connected to the port with a
matching MAC address.
1. True or false. A switch sends data packets to all
connected network devices on a network, whereas a
hub sends data packets to only one connected
2. Each …………………………is assigned a unique, hard
coded, ………………………………………….. address when
manufactured, which will uniquely identify
the ………………………………………. in which it is installed.
3. Which device is only used to connect two LANs
A. Bridge
B. Router
C. Hub
D. Switch
Both wi-fi and Bluetooth
Both wi-fi and Bluetooth are wireless
technologies offering the convenience of • Wi-fi is an abbreviation for ‘wireless fidelity’ and is also
often referred to as ‘wireless’.
wireless communication between devices.
• Wireless networks (WLANs) use radio frequency
(RF) signals to connect wireless-enabled devices, such as
Wi-fi and Bluetooth are widely used, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
particularly in mobile devices such as • A Wireless Access Point (WAP) receives digital signals,
laptops, tablets and smartphones. converts them to radio waves and then transmits these RF
signals to other devices on the network.

• Wireless-enabled devices receive these signals through a

This gives the freedom for these devices to wireless adapter, which converts them back into a digital
be connected to a network and the internet format.
without being tied to a desk or connected • WAPs are usually integrated into a router for home use, so
by cables. that the internet can be accessed via wi-fi throughout the
• Uses

• Many LANs also use WAPs for wireless access.

Wi-f • You can use wireless to share files, to tether your smartphone to your computer for internet access
anywhere, to stream films and music, and to transfer photos from your digital camera or smartphone.

Advantages and disadvantages of wi-fi.

Advantages Disadvantages
Installation is easy and eliminates cables. If not properly secured wi-fi networks can be accessed by
unauthorised users in range, stealing bandwidth or even
accessing data.
Access to the network can be from anywhere within range of Bandwidth is impacted by the number of users on the
an access point. network.
Public places like airports and schools can offer constant Wi-fi standard changes may require replacing wireless
internet connection using a WLAN components.
Some electronic and electrical equipment can interfere with
wi-fi signals.
• Uses

Bluetooth • Bluetooth technology is adopted in many products

such as headphones, in-car systems,
printers, webcams,
Bluetooth is a short-range device-to-device data Advantages and disadvantages of Bluetooth.
transmission technology developed for mobile devices. Advantages Disadvantages
Bluetooth devices are available at very Bluetooth can lose its connection in
low cost. certain conditions.
It is used to transmit data between smartphones,
laptops, speakers and headphones, and other networking Bluetooth is easily upgradeable. Bluetooth allows only short range
devices. communication between devices.

Bluetooth devices are paired together to allow fast and

secure communication with each other. Does not suffer from interference from Lower bandwidth when compared to wi-fi.
other wireless devices.

Bluetooth operates within a frequency range of 2.4 GHz Relatively low power consumption. Some electronic and electrical equipment
to 2.485 GHz. can interfere with Bluetooth.

It is relatively slow, with transfer speeds of less than 2 Better range than Security can be a problem as Bluetooth
can easily be hacked.
Mbps (megabits per second). Signals transmitted via infrared
Bluetooth can cover distances of up to 10 metres. communication.
Both wi-fi and Bluetooth
Similarities and differences between wi-fi and • Activity
• Using wi-fi and Bluetooth
Wi-fi Bluetooth
Transmission 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 6 2.4 GHz to 2.485 • If you have a smartphone or laptop, try to determine
whether they have wi-fi and/or Bluetooth capability.
Frequency GHz GHz
• Copy these table headings and list the tasks or activities
you would use wi-fi for and those you would use Bluetooth
Range 30 metres 10 metres for:

Speed: data 1.2 Gbps (1200 2 Mbps

transfer rate Mbps) for Wi-fi 6 Wi-fi Bluetooth
Maximum Many, dependent Maximum of 3 to 4
devices on router capacity devices

Security WPA, WPA2 or AES-128

WPA3 encryption
1. Name the short-range device-to-
device data transmission technology used
to ‘pair’ a smartphone and a headset so
you can listen to your music.……………………
2. Which of the following devices receives
digital signals, converts them to radio
waves and then transmits these RF signals?
A. Wireless Access Point (WAP)
B. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
C. Wi-fi Protected Access (WPA)
D. Media Access Control (MAC)
3. ………………….. networks (WLANs)
use …………….. (RF) signals to connect
wireless-enabled devices, such as laptops,
tablets, smart watches and ……………………..
Wi-fi uses the IEEE …………………of 802.11.
• Cloud computing is the online delivery
of computing services, including
servers, storage, databases,
networking, software, analytics and
• All of the big players in the computing
and software worlds now offer cloud
computing services, including Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure,
Google Cloud, IBM Cloud and Oracle
• Watch this video to learn more about
what cloud computing is and why it is
becoming so popular:
Cloud computing
• Cloud computing models • Cloud computing service models provide storage and
access to programs, apps and data via the internet, rather
• Cloud computing is a networked model that has transformed than directly on your computer.
the way people work. You are using the cloud if you use
services such as Google Drive, Dropbox etc. • There are three popular cloud computing service models:

• The term cloud computing spans a range of classifications, • IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)
types and architecture models, and deployment models can be A provider delivers virtual computing resources to
classified into three basic types: organisations via the internet.

• Public cloud • PAAS (Platform as a Service)

Cloud computing provided via the internet and shared across A provider delivers a platform for the user to develop,
organisations. run and manage applications without the need to
maintain their own infrastructure.
• Private cloud
Cloud computing services dedicated only to one • SAAS (Software as a Service)
organisation. A provider hosts software applications and makes them
available on-demand for users via the internet.
• Hybrid cloud
Cloud computing using both public and private clouds.
.Some cloud computing service providers.
Service Providers
IaaS Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Cisco Metacloud
• Cloud computing for data storage
A major use of cloud computing is for online data
DigitalOcean storage on hosted servers.
Data is stored in the cloud securely and is accessible to
Google Compute Engine (GCE)
the user online from anywhere at any time.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines

PaaS Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Google Cloud

IBM Cloud

Microsoft Azure

Oracle Cloud
SaaS Adobe Creative Cloud



Google Workspace

Microsoft 365
Advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage.

Cloud computing Advantages Disadvantages

Data and documents can be A reliable, secure internet
accessed from anywhere at connection is needed to
• Cloud computing data loss any time using any device. access and
• The deployment of cloud computing services carries documents and files.
a certain amount of risk, just the same as an Cloud data storage offers a Costs may increase if large
insecure LAN. scalable solution for the amounts of data need to
storage of large amounts of be stored in the cloud.
• However, there are ways to minimize this risk data.
through data loss prevention (DLP: It can be used to store a There may be some
backup copy of your security issues in trusting
• Regularly backup data, then if it gets corrupted or deleted
you can restore it. computers files and the storage of data to a
documents in the event of cloud computing provider.
• Set up DLP policies by classifying data and determining the failure of your computer or
level of protection needed.
hard drive.
• Use DLP software to enable DLP methods to automate You don’t need to carry
policies, monitor use and detect risks.
documents and files around
• Monitor data for improper data use and account hijacking on an external storage
device such as a pen drive.
• Regularly audit the data environment for potential
1. Which cloud computing service model hosts
software applications and makes them
available on-demand for users via the
• Activity internet?………………………..
• Using cloud storage 2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of
• Do you use cloud storage for your laptop or using cloud computing for data storage?
smartphone? A. There may be some security issues with
• If so then, which provider do you use (Google cloud computing data storage.
Drive, iCloud etc.)? B. Cloud data storage offers a scalable
• If you don’t currently use cloud storage, then solution.
compare the free options available. C. It can be used to store a backup copy of
• Would you sign up for one? your data.
• If so, go ahead and sign up! D. Data can be accessed from anywhere at
• If not, then why not? any time using any device.

1. ……………………. cloud is a type of cloud

computing provided via the …………………..
and shared across multiple ……………………….
Common network
• Intranets
• An intranet is a computer network that allows the
sharing of information and documents, collaboration
tools, operational systems, and other computing services
within a single organization.

• Organizations, such as company offices, schools etc.

would use an intranet.

• Intranets are normally closed to outsiders and require

authentication, such as a username and password for
users to gain access.

• The benefits of using an intranet are increased

collaboration leading to improved teamwork, cost
savings as important information is centralized for easy
access, and time savings, as information can be accessed
on demand.
The internet • This means every device is identified by a unique IP address (for
example, which also identifies its location.
• A Domain Name Server (DNS) is then used to assign a name to
the IP address. For example, is

The internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected LAN and

WAN networks.

It is often described as ‘a network of networks’, consisting of private,

public, business, academic and government networks with local to
global reach.

The internet uses a broad range of electronic, wireless and optical

networking technologies.

It is not owned by any individual or group, and its worldwide

coverage is generally unrestricted by rules.

The internet uses the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet

Protocol) to communicate.
Comparison of an intranet and the internet.

Intranet Internet
An intranet is a localised The internet is a worldwide
network network

Does not require internet Requires internet access


More expensive Less expensive

A safer environment A less safe environment

Has greater reliability Less reliable than an intranet

Extranets Comparison of an extranet and an intranet.
Extranet Intranet

An internal network An internal network that

• An extranet is used by an organization to provide that can also be cannot be accessed
secure access to people from outside the externally.
organization so that they can access the accessed externally.
organization's data.
An extension of an Limited only to users of
an organisation.
• It helps to connect businesses with their organisation’s intranet.
customers and suppliers and allows them all to
work collaboratively.
Used for controlled Used only for internal
• An extranet is usually implemented as a Virtual external communication within an
Private Network (VPN), as this connects to the organisation.
organization's intranet via the internet. communication
between customers,
• A VPN uses the IPsec protocol suite to ensure suppliers and business
secure transactions by adding an extra security
layer to the TCP/IP protocol.
1. Which type of network environment allows
Check your learning
Use this interactive to drag the descriptions to the correct network
the sharing of information and documents,
environments: collaboration tools, operational systems and
other computing services within a single
2. What type of network should be used by an
organization to provide secure access to
individuals from outside the organization so
that they can access the organization's data?
A. Extranet
B. Intranet
C. Internet
D. Hairnet
3. The ……………… is a worldwide collection
of …………… LAN and WAN .
Network types
• There are several distinct types of network,
including :
• Local Area Networks (LANs),
• Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)
• Wide Area Networks (WANs).

• LANs are normally confined to a single building

and a single organization (or home).
• If you have a router at home, then you have a
LAN (and probably a WLAN).
• WLANs have become commonplace.
• If you have a smartphone, then you will
probably connect to a WLAN at home and in
many public places.
• WANs are networks of networks spread over a
large physical area. The internet is a huge WAN.
• Watch this video that explains how the
different types of networks are related:
Local Area
Networks (LANs) Advantages Disadvantages

All devices on a LAN are connected so Initial setting up of a LAN can be expensive
resources, such as printers, software and as switches, cabling, routers, servers etc.
• A LAN is a network that is normally confined to a documents can be shared. need to be installed.
single building or site.

• A LAN is usually an intranet within an organization Shared data on the LAN can be centralised If the LAN server has a problem, then that
used only by people within that organization.
and easily accessed. may affect every device on the LAN.
• A LAN is usually made up of a number of desktop
computers and other devices, such as printers, LAN users can easily communicate with A LAN may be vulnerable to security threats,
connected via network cables to a switch. each other. particularly if connected to the internet.

• The switch is also usually connected to a

network server.
LAN users can share external access to the Malware may spread more quickly as all
• The LAN may also be connected to a router to allow internet using the same router. devices are interconnected on the LAN.
access to WANs, such as the internet, and to allow wi-
fi connections.
LANs can be kept secure by a LAN A LAN needs a dedicated LAN administrator
• LANs are commonly used in businesses, offices, administrator, implementing access to set up, monitor and maintain the network.
schools and other organizations that need to securely authentication and monitoring the LAN
connect their users and share resources. data traffic.
A comparison of LAN and WLAN.

Wireless Local Area LAN

Connecting using cables
provides a more stable network
WLANs are more likely to suffer
from external interference.
Networks (WLANs) that is less likely to suffer from

• WLANs are the same as LANs but use wireless RF signals instead of physical Installation of a LAN is more Installation of a WLAN is simpler
cables. complex and time consuming. to undertake.

• Traditional network switches and cables are replaced by wireless access

points (WAPs). Data transfer rates are Data transfer rates are generally
generally faster. slower than a LAN, but
• WAP range is limited, so several WAPs may be needed if the LAN is spread technology continues to get
over a large building or campus etc. faster.
Data transmitted through LAN Data is less secure as it is easier
• Devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones are equipped with built- cables is generally more secure. to intercept RF signals. Strong
in wireless antennae so they can connect to the nearest WAP within range.
data encryption is needed.
• WAPs normally use spread spectrum technology that gives a range of The need to use a cable Devices are fully mobile without
between 30 and 50 metres. restricts device mobility when the restriction of connected
physically connected to a LAN. cables, but you need to stay
• Many LANs use a combination of LAN and WLAN technology, with servers and
desktop devices connected by cables and portable devices, such as laptops, within the range of a WAP.
tablets and smartphones connecting wirelessly through WAPs.
Cables and associated Removing the need for cables
• WLANs offer greater convenience but are more difficult to secure. equipment may cause a safety improves safety and flexibility.
hazard through loose cables or
Wide Area Networks (WANs)
• WANs, as their name suggests, extend over a
long distance, for example across different cities or

• A WAN is often created by the need to join

together several LANs within a large or
multinational organization.

• As devices in WANs often cover large geographical

areas, the links between them can be over long

• WANs usually use the same public communications

infrastructure as the internet, using fiber optic
cables, satellite and microwave radio links,
although some WANs use dedicated leased lines
that provide greater security.

• The most common and largest WAN is the internet.

• Watch the video that provides a further

explanation of WANs:
The advantages and disadvantages of using a WAN.

Advantages Disadvantages
A WAN can cover a large geographical area so The costs of planning , implementing and maintaining a
organisations can connect over long distances. WAN can be high.
Allows connected devices to share resources, software, Ongoing monitoring and maintenance requires skilled
apps etc. network supervisors and technicians.
Messages can be sent and received very quickly WANs are more susceptible and vulnerable to hacking.
enhancing effective communication.
Data can be shared with one copy stored in one location, Additional investment is required to implement firewalls
which eliminates data redundancy and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
. .
1. What type of network is made up of a number of desktop
computers and other devices, such as printers, connected
via network cables to switches……………..
2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a WLAN?
• WLANs are more likely to suffer from external
• Devices are fully mobile without the restriction of
connected cables.
• Removing the need for cables improves safety and
• You can usually connect to a WLAN wherever you go.
3. user interface, distances, devices, geographical,
AS…………………….. in a WAN often cover
large ……………………………… areas, the connections between
them can often be over long …………………………… .

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