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Distinguish partnership with (a) corporation, (b) co-ownership, (c) broker, and (d)


Partnership Corporation
Manner of Creation Under Article 1767 and 1787 of the Under Section 2 of the
Civil Code, a partnership is created by Revised Corporation Code, a
mere consent or by mere agreement of corporation is an artificial
the parties. being created by operation of
Number of Article 1767 provides that a contract of Under Section 10 of the
Organizers partnership exists when two or more Revised Corporation Code, a
persons bind themselves to engage in a corporation may have as
partnership. many incorporators as it
wants so long as it does not
exceed 15 incorporators..
Commencement of According to Article 1784 of the Civil With respect to corporations,
juridical Code, a partnership begins from the however, since they may only
personality moment of the execution of the be created by operation of
contract, unless it is otherwise law, their juridical personality
stipulated. Thus being a contract attached only upon the
perfected by mere consent, its juridical issuance of their certificate of
personality and capacity attaches incoportation by the Securities
instantly, the moment it is created. and Exchange Commision as
required under Section 18 of
the RCC.
Powers A partnership may exercise any powers A corporation, however, being
as the partners may agree upon. This is an artifical being created by
based on the principle under Article operation of law may only
1306 NCC that allows contracting exercise the powers, rights,
parties to establish such stipulations, and attributes as expressly
terms, and conditions as they deem authorized by the law of
convenient so long as it is not contrary incidental to its existence.
to laws, morals, good conduct, public (Sec. 2 RCC)
policy, and public good.
Managment A partnership, being a commutative A corporation, on the other
contract may be managed by each hand, acts through its board of
partner. Therefore, a partner is deemed directors who is vested with
as an agent of the partnership and any the power to manage the
act done by one is also the act of the affairs of the same. Therefore,
other/s However, in the event that the in case of mismanagment, the
acts or omissions of a partner amounts corporation having juridical
to mismanagment then a partner may capacity may sue the board
sue his co-partner who mismanages who errs in its management
under Articles 1794, 1806, and 1809 under Section 22 RCC.
Tranferrability of Under the doctrine of delectus Section 62 RCC provides that
interest personae, a partner in a partnership may a stockholder in a corporation
not tranfer his intrest in the same so as may sell or transfer his rights
to make a 3rd party a partner without to 3rd persons without prior
prior consent from all existing partners. consent of the other
This is because of the consensual stockholders.
nature of a contract of partnership, a
persson shall have the power to choose
to whom he shall associate with.


Partnership Co-ownership
Manner of Creation As previously discussed, a partnership A co-ownership is generally
is created by mere consent or mere created by operation of law
agreement between two or more even without the execution of
contracting parties a contract. A co-ownership
may be created by virtue of
succession as when the
property left is to be inherited
by two or more persons.
Juridical According to Article 1784 of the Civil Co-ownership does not have
Personality Code, a partnership begins from the a separate juridical
moment of the execution of the personality.
contract, unless it is otherwise
stipulated. Thus being a contract
perfected by mere consent, its juridical
personality and capacity attaches
instantly, the moment it is created.

Such personality is separate and distinct

from that of the partners establishing the
Purpose The purpose of a partnership as While in co-ownership, it is
established under Article 1767, is for merely the enjoyment of a
the engaging into a business venture for thing or right and does not
profit. necessarily involve, though
not prohibited from, making
profit. (Article 486 NCC)


Partnership Agency
Manner of Creation As previously discussed, a partnership An Agency is defined as a
is created by mere consent or mere business or organization that
agreement between two or more is established to provide a
contracting parties particular service, often
organizing the transactiosn
between two other parties. An
agencyis created by manner
of a contract between two
parties whereby one engages
in the services of another to
act for him. Under the law of
agency, it is a consensual
relationship created by virtue
of a contract or by law.

Juridical According to Article 1784 of the Civil An agency does not have a
Personality Code, a partnership begins from the separate juridical personality
moment of the execution of the as an agency merely refers to
contract, unless it is otherwise the engaging of the services
stipulated. Thus being a contract of an agent by a person to
perfected by mere consent, its juridical represent him.
personality and capacity attaches
instantly, the moment it is created.

Such personality is separate and distinct

from that of the partners establishing the
Control by the A partnership being a commultative One essrntial charactartistic
principal contract differs from agency as the of agency under the law of
power of partner to bind its co-partner is agency is that there must be
not subject to the right to control the control by the principal; an
latter unless there is agreement to that agent must submit to the
effect. (Article 1767, 1604 NCC) principal’s right to control the
agent’s conduct in regard to
the subject of agency.
Representation of In a contract of partnership, each In pure agency, however,
the principal partner acts as an agent of each other in only one person acts as an
(Article 1910, the engagement in the business. It is in agent in representation of the
1803, 1818) effect a contract of mutual agency. principal.
Sharing of Profits A partnership exists when the profits A pure agency exists when
earned belong to all the parties as the alleged owner takes his
common proprietors in agreed agreed share of profits, not as
proportions. (Article 1767) an owner but as an agreed
measure of compensation for
his services.(Sevilla vs CA)

Partnership Broker
Manner of Creation Under Article 1767 and 1787 of the Under the Securities
Civil Code, a partnership is created by Regulation Code, a broker is
mere consent or by mere agreement of defined as a person engaged
the parties. in the business of buying and
selling securities for the
account of others. The
relationship is created by
virtue of a contract between
parties thus engaged.
Purpose The purpose of a partnership as The purpose of a brokerage is
established under Article 1767, is for for the purchase or sale of a
the engaging into a business venture for broker of the securities ofor
profit. the account of another
Parties Article 1767 provides that a contract of The parties here are the
partnership exists when two or more principal and the broker, who
persons bind themselves to engage in a buys or sells in his behalf.

2. Different kinds of partners.

Kind of Partner Definition Provision

Capitalist Partner One who contributes money or property Article 1767 of the Civil
to the common fund of the partnership Code by a contract of
partnership, two or more
persons bind themselves to
contribute money, property,
or industry to a common
fund, with the intention of
dividing the profits among
themselves. Two or more
persons may also form a
partnership for the exercise of
a profession
Industrial Partner One who contributes only his industry Article 1789. An industrial
or personal service in the partnership. partner cannot engage in
business for himself, unless
the partnership expressly
permits him to do so; and if
he should do so, the capitalist
partners may either exclude
him from the firm or avail
themselves of the benefits
which he may have obtained
in violation of this provision,
with a right to damages in
either case.
General Partner One whose liability to 3rd persons Article 1816. All partners,
extends to his separate property, including industrial ones,
whether a capitalist or industrial. shall be liable pro rata with
all their property and after all
the partnership assets have
been exhausted, for the
contracts which may be
entered into in the name and
for the account of the
partnership, under its
signature and by a person
authorized to act for the
partnership. However, any
partner may enter into a
separate obligation to perform
a partnership contract.
Limited Partner One whose liability to 3rd persons is Article 1843. A limited
limited only to his capital contribution. partnership is one formed by
two or more persons under
the provisions of the
following article, having as
members one or more general
partners and one or more
limited partners. The limited
partners as such shall not be
bound by the obligations of
the partnership.
Managing Partner One who is appointed for the Article 1800. The partner
management of the affairs of the who has been appointed
partnership. He may be appointed in the manager in the articles of
articles of partnership or after the partnership may execute all
constituion of the same. acts of administration despite
the opposition of his partners,
unless he should act in bad
faith; and his power is
irrevocable without just or
lawful cause. The vote of the
partners representing the
controlling interest shall be
necessary for such revocation
of power.
A power granted after the
partnership has been
constituted may be revoked at
any time.
Liquidating Partner One who takes charge of the winding up Article 1836. Unless
of the partnership affairs upon its otherwise agreed, the partners
cession. who have not wrongfully
dissolved the partnership or
the legal representative of the
last surviving partner, not
insolvent, has the right to
wind up the partnership
affairs, provided, however,
that any partner, his legal
representative or his assignee,
upon cause shown, may
obtain winding up by the
Partner by estoppel One who is not a party to a partnership Article 1825. When a person,
but is nonetheless liable as a partner for by words spoken or written or
the protection of innocent 3rd persons. by conduct, represents
This happens when one falsely himself, or consents to
represents himself as a partner when in another representing him to
fact he was not. anyone, as a partner in an
existing partnership or with
one or more persons not
actual partners, he is liable to
any such persons to whom
such representation has been
made, who has, on the faith
of such representation, given
credit to the actual or
apparent partnership, and if
he has made such
representation or consented to
its being made in a public
manner he is liable to such
person, whether the
representation has or has not
been made or communicated
to such person so giving
credit by or with the
knowledge of the apparent
partner making the
representation or consenting
to its being made:
(1) When a partnership
liability results, he is liable as
though he were an actual
member of the partnership;
(2) When no partnership
liability results, he is liable
pro rata with the other
persons, if any, so consenting
to the contract or
representation as to incur
liability, otherwise separately.

When a person has been thus

represented to be a partner in
an existing partnership, or
with one or more persons not
actual partners, he is an agent
of the persons consenting to
such representation to bind
them to the same extent and
in the same manner as though
he were a partner in fact, with
respect to persons who rely
upon the representation.
When all the members of the
existing partnership consent
to the representation, a
partnership act or obligation
results; but in all other cases
it is the joint act or obligation
of the person acting and the
persons consenting to the
Continuing partner One who continues the business of Article 1840. In the following
partnership upon the dissolution of the cases creditors of the
same by reason of the admission of a dissolved partnership are also
new partner, or retirement, death, or creditors of the person or
expulsion of one or more partners. partnership continuing the
(1) When any new partner is
admitted into an existing
partnership, or when any
partner retires and assigns (or
the representative of the
deceased partner assigns) his
rights in partnership property
to two or more of the
partners, or to one or more of
the partners and

one or more third persons, if

the business is continued
without liquidation of the
partnership affairs;
(2) When all but one partner
retire and assign (or the
representative of a deceased
partner assigns) their rights in
partnership property to the
remaining partner, who
continues the business
without liquidation of
partnership affairs, either
alone or with others;
(3) When any partner retires
or dies and the business of the
dissolved partnership is
continued as set forth in Nos.
1 and 2 of this article, with
the consent of the retired
partners or the representative
of the deceased partner, but
without any assignment of his
right in partnership property;
(4) When all the partners or
their representatives assign
their rights in partnership
property to one or more third
persons who promise to pay
the debts and who continue
the business of the dissolved
(5) When any partner
wrongfully causes a
dissolution and the remaining
partners continue the business
under the provisions of article
1837, second paragraph, No.
2, either alone or with others,
and without liquidation of the
partnership affairs;
(6) When a partner is
expelled and the remaining
partners continue the business
either alone or with others
without liquidation of the
partnership affairs.
The liability of a third person
becoming a partner in the
partnership continuing the
business, under this article, to
the creditors of the dissolved
partnership shall be satisfied
out of the partnership
property only, unless there is
a stipulation to the contrary.
When the business of a
partnership after dissolution
is continued under any
conditions set forth in this
article the creditors of the
dissolved partnership, as
against the separate creditors
of the retiring or deceased
partner or the representative
of the deceased partner, have
a prior right to any claim of
the retired partner or the
representative of the deceased
partner against the person or
partnership continuing the
business, on account of the
retired or deceased partner’s
interest in the dissolved
partnership or on account of
any consideration promised
for such interest or for his
right in partnership property.
Nothing in this article shall be
held to modify any right of
creditors to set aside any
assignment on the ground of

The use by the person or

partnership continuing the
business of the partnership
name, or the name of a
deceased partner as part
thereof, shall not of itself
make the individual property
of the deceased partner liable
for any debts contracted by
such person or partnership
Surviving partner One who remains as a partner even after Artcile 1842. The right to an
the partnership has been dissolved by account of his interest shall
the death of any partner. accrue to any partner, or his
legal representative as against
the winding up partners or the
surviving partners or the
person or partnership
continuing the business, at the
date of dissolution, in the
absence of any agreement to
the contrary.
Subpartner One who, not being a member of the Article 1804. Every partner
partneship, contracts with a partner with may associate another person
reference to the latter’s share in the with him in his share, but the
partnership. associate shall not be
admitted into the partnership
without the consent of all the
other partners, even if the
partner having an associate
should be a manager.
Ostensible partner One who takes active part in the Article 1834. After
partnership and is known to the public dissolution, a partner can bind
as a partner even if he does not have the partnership, except as
actuak interest in the firm. The liability provided in the third
of such partner shall be satisfied out of paragraph of this article:
partnership assets alone when such (2) By any transaction which
partner had been prior to dissolution would bind the partnership if
Dormant Partner One who does not take active part in the dissolution had not taken
business or partnership and is not place, provided the other
known as a partner. This kind of partner party to the transaction:
may retire from the partnership without (a) Had extended credit to the
priod notice to the others and cannot be partnership prior to
held liable for obligations to the dissolution and had no
partnership after his withdrawal. knowledge or notice of the
dissolution; or
(b) Though he had not so
extended credit, had
nevertheless known of the
partnership prior to
dissolution, and, having no
knowledge or notice of
dissolution, the fact of
dissolution had not been
advertised in a newspaper of
general circulation in the
place (or in each place if
more than one) at which the
partnership business was
regularly carried on.

Incoming Partner One who is invomming or about to take Article 1826. A person
part in an existing partnership admitted as a partner into an
existing partnership is liable
for all the obligations of the
partnership arising before his
admission as though he had
been a partner when such
obligations were incurred,
except that this liability shall
be satisfied only out of
partnership property, unless
there is a stipulation to the
Retiring Partner One who is withrawing from the Article 1841. When any
partnershsip partner retires or dies, and the
business is continued under
any of the conditions set forth
in the preceding article, or in
article 1837, second
paragraph, No. 2, without any
settlement of accounts as
between him or his estate and
the person or partnership
continuing the business,
unless otherwise agreed, he or
his legal representative as
against such person or
partnership may have the
value of his interest at the
date of dissolution
ascertained, and shall receive
as an ordinary creditor an
amount equal to the value of
his interest in the dissolved
partnership with interest, or,
at his option or at the option
of his legal representative, in
lieu of interest, the profits
attributable to the use of his
right in the property of the
dissolved partnership;
provided that the creditors of
the dissolved partnership as
against the separate creditors,
or the representative of the
retired or deceased partner,
shall have priority on any
claim arising under this
article, as provided by article
1840, third paragraph.

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